Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 27, 1916, Page NINE, Image 9

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.Rig ?iinffMiirl ... Rig
Rugs Rugs Rugs Rugs
Here is an opportunity that you cannot afford to let pass by. Like almost evevy
thing else Rugs have increased in cost; in most cases from 25 to 0:1 1-0 per cent.
We have placed on sale in our east show window our entire stock of small sized
Rugs, a great many of them at less than manufacturer's present cost, and we are
positive if you will take the trouble to inspect them you will surely buy, as the
prices and patterns are more than tempting. See show window.
$1.25 18x36 Axminister Rugs 79c
S3.50 27x54 Axminister Rugs . . . .$2.48
$5.00 36x72 Axminister Rugs . . . .$3.44
Other sizes and qualities at
$12.50 9x12 Royal Brussel Rugs . $9.85
These are all good patterns in Oriental and conventional designs, color brown,
green and tans and if you are looking for a good serviceable rug at a moderate
price these will surely please you; 9x12 special $9.85
52V2C yd Good Grade Lineoleum 52J2 yd
Alcazar Range demonstration all next week, by Alicazar woman demonstrator.
See this wonderful range burn coal or gas. Come, you are cordially invited.
Every lady attending will receive a useful souvenir, free.
1 "vjT" "' "'
mil 1 mm iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiimiii
Billy Mascott Meets
Hardest Man of His
Career in Johnson
According to Salem fans who graced
the ringside at the smoker held in
rortlnnd last night Hilly Mascott. who
boxed Leo Johnson, the colored feath-
erweight, met the hardest hitter of his
career and for the first time in his
prize ring experoience Bi lv hit the
canvas with a resmindimr thud In to
round Bill v was'
1 his cleverness
tne middle- of the fifth
winning on points an
.. . . - . ...
with his hands enabled him to pile up a
substantial lead. On the colored boy.
Then Bing. and a smoky right arin
shot out and in less time "than it hikes
lightning to travel the legnth of n
spade handle, 11s O. Henry once remark
ed, a right h.iok landed on Mascott 's
jaw. Mascott hit the floor and stretch
ed out as straight as if he were on a
slab nt the morgue but he was up in an
instant and came boring 141 for more.
Hilly was knocked out on his feet n ml
only his rare fighting instinct kept him
from losing the decision right there.
He was groggy and all but out and kept
falling toward Johnson. The colored
lad swung rights 11 ml lefts but Hill v
covered and as each blow lauded it nnl'v
straightened him up nud if the colored
boy had only let him fall't'orward Billy
would probably have stayed down for
the count.
Hobby Evans jumped to the side of
the ring and threw water like a sport
ive elephant as soon us Billv regained
lis feet after the knockdown and the
water livened his charge up until the
gong nr the .mm ot the round enabl
Mascott to wobble to his corner. Mas-
ott came back strong in the sixth ami
last round and evened matters up by
outboxing Johnson and the referee call
ed it n draw.
1 Summer was given a decision
over Romeo Hagcu in n six round bat
tle. Hngen and Sommers mef once in
Salem where Sommers also gained Hie
decision. The referee refused to break
the clinches in the early part of this
contest and Sommers' superior clever
ness in boxing did not show up to a
good advantage. Soninier.s clearly
earned the decision.
Of his many
one expressed
friends in Portland, not '
aught save a shm ki it '
now at the tragedy that had ended j
the lues of friendly ''Pat'" Pntersnn j
and his family. All were convinced,
th: t his mind n:,d been unit il.iiH-e 1 bj j
injury or worry and that he was 1:1 no
way M.poii-ih!e. !
Vi'iliinr.; L. Paier.Tn ns ,1 v ung man
came to 1 ortlaud ,-ui.l lived hereof ir
many years, lie was employed b- M.1
A. Gunst Jt Co., anil was in hur.'o -of
their retail store nt Third and Alder i
Mrects. Following that he was for a
time manager of the company lie!
at Sixth and Washington streets. Two 1
. vears n; he removed to Salem where
he engaged in business.
His .'let is attributed bv friends to an !
injury that he r ived sevetal vears -
ago. when he sustained n severe Mow
on the head. No previous tendency
to.vard iti-anity had been shown, how-
the same liberal discount.
Epworth League Union
To Be Formed In Salem
A Salem Epworth League 1'nion will
be formed in the city, according to ac
tion taken last evening at the Hiuiunl
meeting o'f six leagues in the city, held
at the First Methodist church, the fol
lowing leagues being represonte
M(,t,1(ldist , ,. ;f L
ented: First i
' ' '
Methodist, Lmerty and Kaiser. I
Addresses were made by the Rev. K. ;
N- Avisn, Kov. J. C. Spencer, Burgess i
. .1 - 1.. 1... .1...
Ford, B. Conlcy and Mr. Mickelsen,
with Howard Jewett acting as toast
master. The principal address of the
evening was delivered by Dr. George II.
Parkinson, pastor of the First Metho
dist church -it Eugene, who spoke on
"Realizing John Wesley's Ideals for
This Generation. "
The entertainment for the evening
was in charge of a committee with Miss
Ruth Spoor as chairman. Music was
furnished by the Sunday school orches
tra of seven pieces, and the Willamette
Valley quartette.
.V meeting will soon lie called of all
the Kpworth Leagues in the city audi
immediate vicinity when the Salem Ep
worth League l.'niou will be officially
ever, but it is presumed that this ac-i-dent,
coupled with the prolonged ill
ness of his wife and the loss id' his iit
tle son. some yeais ago. resulted in do
1 ; 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 .
He was bom in San Jose. Cal. While
in this city he was keenly interested 111
all athletic sports, and achieved a rep
utation as a bowler ami handball ex
pert, lie was a member of the Mult-
nomah cl'il).
Mrs. Arnold Rothwell, of the Mallorr
Hotel, is a sister of Mis. Patei.1011 and
Mr. Paterson's. mother also lives here. 1
Mrs. Paleison was
a daughter of the
late Geo. W. Andrews, for years liendj Siipj.orlers of Governor Brumbaugh
of the lumber department of the O. ,lnv. s arranged to open headquur
C. I!, li. He was well known by ' t"rM Mliortlv.
"legouians. Mrs. Andrews w.is visit-!
iug her daughter here at the time of
51 ,
ine tragedy.
Me. Susan Lais and Mrs. Andy
Steinbach visited with Mrs. Lais'
bui"h!i'r nt Snlem last Wednesday.
C. Yoder is taking treatment at i
Portland for asthma ami is improving,
Mr. and Mis. Roy h'ropf and little j
.-o-i took dui"ir with ( haei c -y Kropf ;
a. id family Suiidnv
Mr. and Mrs. S. ( . Yder visited at
the home of L. I). Yoder Sunday.
A pleasant nirp:ie party was held
nt the home of A. I. Yoder lat Thurs-
lav evening in hon-ii of Bos.-'e. The
evening wt'S spent in playing g:mcs.
K' i r
V. (M l
of Ic'iuitiaoc and e:rid(
S. L. Milier ;:nd .-.-fe. Amos Kauff-
j man nud family, and .Mrs. ( larencc
Krupf and baby vi-ited with relatives
nt anilnll several days lust week, n-
; turning Sunday evening. !
1 Mrs. Rachel Kaiiffnian visited with1
Sam J. Kniu'i'inau ' Son-'r'V.
I l.izzia Smtu-ker visitel her brother!
$6.00 36x36 Wilton Rugs $3.48
$6.00 27x54 Wilton Rugs $4.48
$12.50 36x63 Wilton Rugs ...... .$7.95
Epworth Leagues Will
Have Joint
The Kpworth Leagues of the city held
a joint banquet at the First M. E.
j church last evening between the hours
I of 0:15 unci S o'clock. The Tmnquet
was a success from everv standpoint
:',"u ' . K'1",. lrl '., " lu
A .1 i 11L !- 1-
1 1 1 1 e .Hisses cvn pcou aim nuin rqtour,
" 1,1111 cnurge or rue arrangements.
Mr. Howard Jewett was toastmaster
nntt called on the following to respond
to toasts:
Rev. Brown, of Jason
Lee church.
District League Rev. James Spencer
of Leslie M. K. church.
The Kpworth League and the Church
Mr. Bryan Conlcy.
The Infant Kpworth League Mr.
Murray Kecfer,
The Institute Mr. Burgess Ford.
How the League Can Help the Insti
tution Mr. Fred Michelscn.
The Epworth Herald, the League
Mr. Arnold Ornlap.
City Federation Rex. Dr. Avison.
The Realization of John Wesley's
This Century Dr. Geo. II.
Parkinson, of First Church, Eugene,
Teddy's Headquarters
Opened at Chicago
Chicago, May 27. Lawrence Graham
and Herbert Satteilce; brother-in-law
of J. P. Morgan, opened Roosevelt re
publican headquarters today.
Iheodore Roosevelt, Jr., will be J.
Ogden Armour's guest at thu coave.il
tion. it was learned.
Chairman Hillcsof Hie republican na
tional committee has been secluded
since Wednesday, it was rumored
I cause of a split among "higher 11 ps '
'with regard to the distribution of tick-
, ,.t.
Elmer and family at Aurora last Sun-
'da v.
-Mrs. Dan Erb is slowly improving af
ter a long siege of sickness.
Jake Kgli has n't up his new saw
mill and . is ready for operation
.Mrs. Jess Tniyer, of Blodgett, spent
1:1. t Ti,ek with ri'l.ittves here
t:-a u,. rl.m-., l-v-l. -;it.-,l rr T.it.o
r.t-rshberger at Hubbard last week.
Work has been resumed oil the new
,-t, ,-,.1. f Ho.,Pell.
Miss lini-liel AhllT is working tor
Jolt 11 Kramer. Entet prise.
' We wUk to thank our many friends
.(ml neighbors who so willingly aided
us, with net nt sympathy and beauti-
j fill flowers in the recent illness and
leaih of our beloved dauglcr and
grand child. Al-o we wih to extend
our thanks to Rev. T. D. Yarnes and
the siltiiers.
, Mr. and M
'. W, rrederichson,
W. W. I lilies.
Mr. nud Mn
Fruit Prospects Brighter
In Oregon This Year
Oregon 'Agricultural Tollege, Co'rval
lis, May 7. Although there is a lot
of eomflaint about 110 money in .ip
ples there is a good profit in supplyiug
the local marKet at $1.00 a box' says
Professor C. I. I,cwis in discussing the
apple situation in Ores0"! and the
pi ices were even better than that last'
season, 89 pointed out by Professor
Lewis as follows:
"Last season one largo concern sold
its entire output of about -tn.tMK) boxe-
iat an average of nearly ..0n a box f.
0. b. Hood Kiver t.iud grade brought
$1.03." -
The greatest trouble was p6or grade
stuff. Through lack of striving and
proper cultural methods a great deal of
low quality material was Town, This
necessarily urought low prices, while
better grades were shipped in from
other sections in large quantities and
retailed at $1.50 to $2.0U a box. Con-
Isuuiptiou would have been much great
er. Professor .Lewis points out, ir tnero
had been .1 good supply of local apples
obtainable at $1.01) a box, "fruit grow
ers should spray more. Scab can be
controlled by intelligent spraying and
"The market this season for logan
berries." savs Professor Lewis. is
bound to be good. The price will prob
ablv be three cents for berries for
commercial purposes. Loganberry juice
has "ained great f-ivor and two or
three million dollars worth will be
made this season if the berries are ob
tainable. Manufacturers fear that
they will be unable to buy enough ber
ries and some are planning to grow
large acreages themselves. In one city
of Oregon $-150,000 is being spent for
manufacturing equipment. ' '
Miss Merl Diiuick of Hubbard was
the week-end guest of Miss Francis
Miss Catherine Malo has been ap
pointed as teacher of the Johnson
school for the coming year.
Walter Dusenbery left Saturday ev
ening for Grants Pass, where he has se
cured employment.
The Ford cars recently purchased
by Gcrvnis parties were sold by S. E.
Bruce & Son of Woodburn.
Mrs. J. R. Wills of Juneau, Alasku,
arrived last week for a visit with her
parents .Mr. and Mrs. II . T. Latham.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dobbins of Fort
land were ruests of Mrs. Dobbins' par
ents.'Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Latham on
Jnrvis Cutsforth is taking a two
weeks vacation and Itucbcn Cutsforth
is acting in the capacity ot mail car
rier on route 3. '
Mrs. Dr. Carton of Portland was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Naylor
the first of the week.
Mrs. Elsie Williams and baby of Cor
vallis visited her sister Mis. Sumner
Stevens this week.
Mrs. Nick Goetjen left Thursday for
eastern Oregon w here she, will visit
with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mr. C. M. Saunders, of Port
land were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
M. D. Henning, Sunday.
Road Supervisor Cutcforth is doing
some good work in the -way of graveling
the rond east of the OTmetcries.
Hnrry Hugill and Mrs. E. E. Shields
left Monday for Rosebnrg as delegates
to the grand lodges of I. O. O. F. and
Rebekahs which convened in that city
this week.
The Fourth of July will bo celebrat
ed at Woodbnrn this year in n manner
fitting the occasion. Special attrac
tions arc being secured to provide fun
for nil. Mnko your arrangements now
to be one of the large crowd.
Mrs. II. T. Latham and her daughter,
Mrs. J. R. Willis, left Gervais Thurs
day for Albany, where they will visit
Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Latham,
G. J. Moisan is just in receipt of a
letter from James L. -Taylor. Ho is
nrrw located in Piano, III., and doing
well. He asked to be remembered to
his many friends.
At a meeting of the school board Sat
urday night, ('has. L. Holway, now prin
cipal at Halsey, was elected principal
of the Gervais schools for the coming
Miss Emma Brack, of Woodbnrn, was
1111 Gervais Thursday and signed the
contract as teacher 111 the intermediate
room of the Gervais public school.
Miss Ruth Wilkins, who wintered
with her grandparents, Mr. and .Mrs.
Pendergriis, and attended the Gervais
school, left for her hone at Joseph,
Ore., Tuesdiry ; '
Dr. II. (). iiickiiian took Mrs. Martha
Sherwood to the Willamette sanitar
ium Sunday wheie he performed a
minor operation, which gave her great
relief. She was brought back the same
, Mrs. Rachel A. Martin died lit 10:15
o'clock Wednesday night at her resi
dence at Waeondn, after beiig ill about
a yenr. She was lit years old. She is
survived by her husband and 10 chil
dren. Gervais Slar.
E. B. Martin, of Portland, spent Sun
day the guest of his parents, Mr. and
Mi's. J. Z. Martin.
Mrs. Jess Trover returned , Mondnv
to her home at Bhnlgptt after 11 visit nf
a few days with her parents, Mr; and ; but the sight of tie country with, the
Mrs. Lsch. 1 snow off was too much for him and so
Mr. anil Mrs. Harry Stiitesinmi and ' he will stay at' Macleay for a while,
son Pnul started Tuesday evening for j The new store is now finished and
Flagler, Colo., their old home to remain I ready for business,
permanently. Mrs. If. M. Trestrail, of South Dn-
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Overton left for , kota, former owner of the store is visit
San Francisco Wednesday. At this time ing in Macleay. She is staving lit the
they were undecided as to their lorn-ill. O. Taylor home.
tion. I Wilma' Miller is" Tick with the meas-
Lee Miller left for n trip to Colorado les. :
nnd other eastern states, Tuesday. Hcj Mrs. W. 1). W'lu-eler. of Newport,
may return in the fall and may not. mother of Mrs. I). J. Miller, is visiting
Miss Elizabeth Si hopheitiz, of Oregon at the Miller home.
City, arrived Inst Thursday to spent a! The crowd certainly did justice to the
week with her sister, Mrs. Elmer ' cemetery Wednesday and now it is in
StlTiffor. jf'ne shnpe.
(eo. Riley, of Portland, w as in Hub-j There has been a new tombstone
bard Inst Saturday on business and whs erected at the grave of Mrs. Perry Tny-
a guest nt the home of Mr. and Mrs
Geo. Beck.
Mrs. Clarence Phillips nnd son. Clar
ence, Jr., of Scotts Mills, spent Inst
Friday in Hubbard the guests of Miss
Ida Christen.
Mrs. Ella Coyle (his week attended
grnnd lodge meeting of the Odd Fellows
Vit Rosebnrg. representing the doc ill
Rebeknh lodge.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V". W. Loudon return
ed to Portland Wednesday afternoon,
after a visit of several days with the
former's grandmother, Mrs. E. J. (ilea-
Stone Again Republican
William F. Stone of Baltimore will
be again the sergeant-at-arms of the
Republican national convention, bo
ginnine its sessions in the Chicago
Coliseum on Wednesday, June 7. The
t.isk of keeping a Republican national
convention in order and managing a
large force of assistants' is not new
to Mr. Cione, and perfect arrangements
are expected, for Air. Stone held the
same Oi.ice in the Republican national
convention of 1904. 1!)0S and 1912.
son. .
Mrs. E. J. Oleason entertained at
her home on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. DeMoss and son, Elbert, and Mr.
Henrv DeMoss and Home.
Mr" and Mrs. W. II. .Crnvatt, of Port
land, were in town a short time Fri
day the guests of Mr. and Mrs, L, C.
MeShane. Mr. Cravutt represents the
Cuduhny Packing company.
Mrs. C. B. Hamilton and children.
George, Knthlcen and Elizabeth, arriv
ed from Denver, last Saturday and will
spend the summer with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Cassidy.
W. Collison, operated on for ulcer of
the stomach at the Good Samaritan hos
pittil, some weeks ago, hfls so far im
proved that he has returned to his home
near1 Hubbard.
Jim Mishler expects to have a build
ing 20x-t0 feet under construction be
fore the end of the week. One that
can be moved when a biggor building
wilb replace it.
Mrs. Anna Grubor and daughters,
Mildred and Dorothy, left Thursday
inorniii? for their future home in Butte,
Montana. They had spent the past sev
eral days visiting tho Jordan families
and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Stau'ffer.
D. I). Hostetler is about ready to
operate his gravel pit out. on Pudding
river, liis machinery was 111 position
Tuesday afternoon and only a few of
the minor details were to be complet
ed. Lester Andrews and Frank Yoder
are working there.
Sunday evening nt 8 o'clock union
Memorial services v ill be held at the
city hall. Rev, Acheson will deliver the
sermon and there will be special music
by the men's quartet and by the chorus.
On Tuesday at 2 p. m., the bund, the
G. A. R., the W. Ii. C, and various oth
er lodges will march from the I. O. O.
F. building to the city hall, where the
following memorial exercises will be ob
served: Selection by tho band.
Invocation Rev. F. C. Butler,
Ladies' quartet We Scatter Flow
ers. Reading Ida Slauffer.
Song Mustered Out.
Recitation The Old firand Army
Boys. Gladys Moomnw.
Selection by the band.
Address W. C. Winslow.
Song Cover Them Over.
Selection by the band.
After this wo will march to the ceme
tery for the usual services. Enter
prise. MACLEAY
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Mnclcny, Ore., May 2(1. The circus
Thursday was a big drawing card to
the people) around Macleay as is evi
denced by the number who were in Sa
lem nt that time. Among tho sightseers
are: Harry Martin and family, Jesse
Murlin and family, O. L. Martin and
family, Ben Keiser, T. B. Pntton, A. J.
Patton, Julius Jusmer, J. F. C. Teker
berg, E. A. Lewis, Mrs, McGcc and
daughter Milton Magec, and Mr. Priem
and family.
Miss 'Cornelius, in a letter recently, j
expressed her gratitude to the voters
for their support recently.
II. E. Mhrtiii was a Salem visitor
Jesse Martin has constructed n gar
age. It will lie occupied Saturday by
his new Stitdebaker.
W. II. Morris, Onie Martin, W. W.
Taylor and D. L. Mackenzie were busi
ness visitors to Brownsville lately,
i where Mr. Morris had planned to move,
lor's mother.'
Theodore Olson is planning a new
silo, He also took off Home fat hogs
Mrs. Phillips, of Indiana, is visiling
nt the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.
M. Martin.
Mrs. Clara II. Waldo, owner f the
Wnldo furni. is rxrtectcd In visit there
i soon.
The gravel for the roads has been
delivered at Maeleny and will soon be
Mrs. A. P, Russell and Hrs. Theron
! '- 1
Livesley News
(Capital Journal Kpecial Service.)
Livesley, Ore., May 2ti Mr. and Mrs.
J. Fidlcr are spending1 several dya vis
iting relatives in Jefferosn and Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kdwnrds, of. Fruit
land, were Sunday visitors at the A.
D. Pettyjohn home,
Mr. and Mrs. Orar Martin, of Salem,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mis. H. Edwards.
Mr and Mrs. J. Watson were week
end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutch-!
eon, of Salem.
The G. L. club was royally entertain
ed by Mrs. G. W. Coolidge at her home
on Thursday. The afternoon was giv
en over to enjoyment, all those present
having to do a stunt. This brought out
the talent of the members and proved
to be very entertaining. Another en
joyable diversion of the afternoon was
a wood sawing competition. Mrs. X.
Kugel handled the saw in a business
like manner and was awarded the prize.
The hostess was assisted in the serv
ing by her sir, Mrs. Ilolley. Those
present were: Mrs. C. I). Query, Mrs. U.
Higgins, Mrs. S. Davenport, Mrs. B. D.
Fidlcr, Mrs. N. Kugel, Mrs. W. Meier,
Mrs. F. Edwards, Mrs. D. Fidlcr. Mrs.
H. Carpenter, Mrs. L. Johnston, Mrs. J.
Watson, Mrs. J. Bressler, Mrs. J. Booth,
Mrs. Holley, Mrs. G. W. Coolidge. Tha
session will finish with the ladies enter
taining their husbands and friend? to a
chicken dinner nt the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Query on June 10.
The district Sunday school convention
will be held in the church hero on June
Russell are visiting at the home of Mrs.
Theron Russell's parents, Ecv. and Mrs.
McLai'i, nt Shelburn.
T. B. Fat ton, deputy assessor, who
has been ill for some time, is expect
ing to be at work Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones returned
recently from the state grange, held at
Modford. They report the best state
grence in years.
Charles Erickson, of F.lkhorn, was a
Sunday visitor at the Harve Taylor
Chester Armstrong plans leaving the
Waldo lulls orchards soon.
Ontmer Germond, who has attended
school at Macleay during the winter,
returned to his home 111 Salem Wednes
A trip through the Independence sec
tiou makes it clear that the growing
season for hops . has scarcely begun.
Many yards show very little Rreen as
yet though the yards have all been
strung. Some, however, have the vines
well up toward the wires, though these
yards arc not numerous. The high
Irellised yards do not, of course, show
vine growth as quickly as the low- trel
lessed of the Aurora section do. The
rich lowland yards of Independence dis
play a more rapid growth than ours
when growth once begins. There is
considerable complaint in the Indepen
dence country concerning missing hills.
There is also repo-tcd to be consider-
..l.ln rllutiifiefnitinit nitiimfT Mm nniallet
1 . Tn.l,.,,n,1i,.u who V.e-
, f , ' , C RKS0.-.kiwn ov the fail-
ore of the association to dispose of
their hops, much of the 7,000 bales yet
nn hand belonging to the small growers
there. Rome are speculating what the
result will lie if these hops sell below
tho contract price. In that case they
are wondering if those growers who
have already been paid will have to
refund any part of the money received
TTon ciowers q lite cent rally .n-
port the vines held back by the un
favorable weather of the month past.
While the outlook is fair for he pro
duction of an average crop, there
no doubt that ' some local yards are
in a verr backward condition, and
unless the May and June growth
unusual, some yards will produce a
very light crop.
The Waterville New York) Hop
Reporter savs: "The constant de
mand at present is slowly cleaning
nn the few remaining lots, although
there is vet some difference of opin
ion between irrowej and buyer in re
gnrd to price. The roots seems to
have a very good start and despite
th. losses of the past season the
growers are anticipating a good crop
this fall. ' There is no demand for
hop roots and in several cases yards
are being plowed up nn that account.
Tnstend of placing nn embargo on
hops, the English government have
entered into nn agreement, with
British brewers' society by which it
; IH
agreed to - reduce the output Of
beer, about 30 per cent. This will re
duce the importations of hops almost
one-third. If this report from Lon
don is true, the export demand for
hops will not cut so great a figure
this season as in the past, and a sharp
reduction in production seems to be.
the only remedy available to the grow
er to prevent ruinous prices for his
crop. Aurora Observer.
Portland, Ore., May 27. The murlfet
for strawberries was firmer and gen
erally higher along the street for the
day for best quality stock. Sales of
first class berries were generally re
ported nt $3 a crate. Some off grade
stock sold (low nto $2.50.
On the east side farmers market sales
of strawberries were made to dealers at
$2..l50ft7'2.75 a crate.
Supplies are now coming in slowly
from the section immediately surround
ing Portland. From the Mt. Taboi sec
tion quite fair stocks were reported
during the Inst 21 hours.
The carload of Kennowick stock,
which arrived the first of the week is
still too green to consider 11s a gen
eral market factor. In fact the berries
are so green that wonder is expressed
by the Irado that local inspection of
fieinls allowed their snle.
Quite fair stocks of California straw-
Now Today Ads, one cent per
sfc sc )fc sc )f sfc 4c )fc sfc jc )fc 3 4
Tell your neighbor or the sat
isfaction of reading the Cap
ital Journal.
The following prices for fmita
and vegotables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
net what is paid to the producer.
All other prices' are those paid the
Producer. Corrections are made
aily. --
The local hay market quotations hava
been withdrawn due to the fach that
there is practically no local hay to be
found in the valley. The only hay now
on the market is alfalfa-shipped in
from California, quoted at $0 a too.
Tangerines are niw out of the mar
ket and also Hood River apples. Straw
berries are and will be from now on,
at market prices, all depending on th
law of supply and demand. Today the
price runs from $1.50 to $2.00 a crate.
Aaoording to a law passed by the last
legislature, a pint box of any fruit
sold by dry measure must contain &5.6
cubic "inches, and this law is complied
.vith by Oregon shippers, according to
a local commisison man. The Calif orni
shippers, according to fhe same author
ity, arc fully complying with the law,
trie uniform" California box coming to
itlem containing really about one inch
more cubic space than the law requires.
Rolled b&rlej
Corn .
Cracked corn
Bran 27 00
Shorts, per ton '. $29.50
Alfalfa, California, ton $20.00
Buttorfat 27o
Creamery butter, per pound 29e
Country "butter ..... 20c32c.
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, case count, cash 20
Eggs, trade 21a
IJLbus, pound lit Me
Roosters, old, per pound U(a0
Broilers, under 2 pounds 25c
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed 8(Tii
Pork, dressed 1010 l-2c
Pork, on foot 88ft
Spring lambs, 1910 80
Steer.8 67,
Cow 45.1-2
Bulls 3 l-24
Wethers o
Cabbage - " -. $J.5
Cucumbers 9
Tomatoes, Florida $-50
String garlic - . 100
Potatoes, cwt i.aini'i-
Potatoes, new i l-2a
Boots H.00
Oreon onions ".
Green poppers
Green peas -
Egg plant
Carcpta, sack
Carrots, dozen ...
. 4(
Onions, Bermuda
Onions, Oregon . .
Florida celery $1 'i0
Oranges, navels
Lemons, per box
Bananas, pound
California grape fruit
Florida grape ffit ......
7 1 So
$1.75(5 2 00
Strawberries ,
Cherries, box
Betall Prises.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch
Sugar, cane
Sugar, beet
Creamery butter
Flour, hard wheat
Hour, valley
Portland, Ore., May 27. Wheat:
Club, iiOo.
Bluestem, $1.01(0 1.01.
Fortyfold, 01c.
Red Russian, 90c.
Oats: No. 1 white feed, 2Ci.2.-
Barley: Feed, $27.50.
flogs: Best live, S.95(T(!),00.
Prime steers, $9.00.
Fancy cows, $S.00,
Calves, $8.00.
Spring lambs, $9.00.
Butter: City creamery, 20c.
Country butter, 27c,
Eggs: ' Selected local ex., 23 l-2f?
. Hens, 15(ri 10c.
Broilers, 25c.
Geese, W(iic.
berries came forward during- the daf
and were quoted ut $2.00 a crute for th
Egg Market is Firmer.
Market for eggs is firmer and the 'f.
0. b. buying price has generally beea
advanced to 23c a dozen with a report
of one bid a fraction above this. Tb
selling price of case count is 24o anl
candled 25c a doen.
Cleaning Hp Its Apples.
A message from Yakima during th
day reported an advance of 10c a but
asked for fancy Wincsaps. The reporfc
says that Btocks of apples there are
cleaning up very fast.
Brief Notes of the Trade.
Veals are weaker with a larger sup
ply. Butter market fractionally easier.
Cheese situation extremely quiet,
(ireen peas scarce nnd firm.
Salmon catch continues extremely
Green benns firm at 12c for good and
10c for wax.
Chicken Market is Weaker.
Market for chickens is weaker and
generally lower. Sales of ordinary
chickens nre reported very slow at 15a
the top with a small demand for heavy
hens as high ns tile. Broilers nre dowa
to 25c for small birds with the trado