Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 27, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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A A A A A A A 4 4 A iiiAiiiiAiiiiAAiAi
You will be surprised at the stock
in our new store. .
Twenty-four hour service, and every
Racket guaranteed
Dr. Steiner Will Be
Able to Return 40,000
to State Asylum Fund
Reductions made by Dr. l!. E. Lee
Steiner, superintendent of the insane
asylum, in the per capita cost, and nl
ho in the population n.rough deporta
tions, will enable hi 111 nt the end of me
liiciiiiiim to return to the state treas
ury Approximately $-10,001) of the
maintenance Appropriation for iiie in
nt i tut ion.
Heretofore the per capita eost has
linen $1M0 n year .or each inmate,
while for this hicniium it will lie ap
proximately $103. Increases in the
pmdiictivencss of the asylum farm,
ami savings effected through the rais
ing of livestock nnit poultry for the
institution are responsible for the de
creased eost. Under the law the state
board of control is authorized to de
port patients who nre not citizen of
Oregon, and Dr. Moinor lias mule de
portations whenever possible.
This institution will be the only one
nblo to return a part of its appropria
tion. At least three, the peaitentiury,
the reform school, and the tuberculosis
sanitarium, will find themselves con
fronted with deficiencies before me
eud of the bienuiiin. Increased popu
lations nre responsible for u failure rf
their appropriations to carry them
through the .wo year period
The denth of lcv. ,T. ,T. O'lieardon,!
faculty member of Mount Angel Col
lege, occurred nt St. Vincent's llospit
l on' Thursday night, following an
operation. Father O'Mourdoii was born
in Ireland, but for more than HO years
hud been a resident of America.
As n missionary in Australia he spent
a number of his younger years, Inter
serving ns editor of the Catholic Sen
tinel, lie is survived by n brothel,
who is a canon of the Catholic church
in Ireland.
On Hiuulav or Miindav funeral serv-lwere Mrs. .1. 1.. llipke, Mrs. rrcd or
ices will be held from the Mount Angel ! K"n. Mrs. S. A. Miller, Mrs. A. D. Yer-
Monastery. Oregoninti.
Salem Heights
iCnpital Journal Special Service.)
Salem Heights, May 27. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Pratt, of Tnconia, Wash., were
over-Sunday visitors at the V. L, Pray
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur 'Thompson "of
Stockton, California, were visitors at
the home of Den Morris' one day last
Den Sawyer, Ralph Cordon nnd Don
Willson lire nt l.ntourelle Fulls.
Mrs. McColbim entertained at din
iter Sunday. Covers were laid for Mr.
iiii.I Mrs. Kightlinger and daughter,
Mary Elizabeth, Mrs. Billings, Miss Me
Attains, Mr. W. F. MeAdtuns, Mr. John
Vlirich and daughter, Mnxino.
Mrs. Scott chaperoned n slumber
party nt Mrs. I. Halls, last Friday
night. It as Mrs. Scotls Sunday
Ni hool class.
We are proud to say that there will
lie five of the Salem Heights young
itcoiiln whs. will urnduate from the
llieh school this venr. Thev nre the !
Mioses Minnie Sprngue, Olgn Wickberg,
Eddie Compton, Gail Smith and Mr.
Fred Sprnngcr.
Mrs. I. A. McClain 1ms as l.er guest
her aister, Mrs. Mason of California.
n- t.... .. :ii i...i
Jaud Sunday morning, where .he will;
spend week or two with some friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. r. A. Thompson enter
fained Mr. and Mm. F. Remington at
dinner Friday,
' The Ladies Aid Society met at. the
home of Mrs. I. A. Thompson Inst Snilthsoi i, representi ng Oregon, won
,W ednesday. A very pleasant after-firilt )hll,e in ,,, Vwi(ia CoRS, Tntf,.
noon wttii enjoyed by about fourteen of f,i1sinte orntori.-Al contest hero last
Ithe memVcrs. Tuo next meeting will he oy rrl)re9,llta,ive, of ,u, Vnl.
with Mrs. Willsou and Mrs. Miller nt ,-ersity of Redlan.ls, Stanford nnd
the formeri home. Whitmnn. Cordon Palmer of liedlands
Those visiting school Friday wereKnl ncoond
Mr. and Mrs. T. Remington, Mrs. Ellen: Mr. Smit'hson's victory makes him
Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. F. A.j, representative of tlie colleges of
Thompson. Ill,,, Pncific Const nt the national orn-
' The entertainment given Inst niht nt ; torienl mutest a Lexington, Kv., in
iho hull, by the school children, wns en-i December.
joyed by a very lnrge nudience, I The subjects were: Mr. Siuithsnn,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ui Fountain had ns!" Alcohol nnd National Efficiency";
their guests one day last week Mrs. j (iunloii Pnlnier, Vniversity of Red-
Aliep Sutton an tlMrs. Julia ll:uilins : lauds, " Nutionnl Self-Kenlization "; A.
and daughter. II!. Drokenshire, Stanford, "The State
1 1 . nnd the l.iipior Traffic", nnd Vernon
Beat out of town dance at Turner jltacher, Whitman, "A National Ques-
tonight. Salem orchestra. Find floor, tion.''
Cone1 Garrett, Otis Nelson, Kmery
If owe, Otto Dlossor and Felix Isaac
son drove up Silver creek about 15
miles nbove Silverton Sunday on a
fishing trip. They brought back a
dozen apiece of the finest mountain
Franz Iirnxbergor was here re
cently from Macksburg. He is en
thusiastic over the continued siccess
of the Ciinb.v Co-operative Cheese fac
tory and believes ninny others will
prove equally successful throughout
this valley.
Mrs. Zella Ilntton, n niece of W.
W. Irvin, returned to her home in Se
nttle, Kiitunlay, niter visiting her
uncle. She was also nt Hulibnrd,
where her sister, Mrs. Shaner, has
been very ill at the Hubbard hos
pital. Mr. ami Mr. O. A. F.hlen, Mrs.
P. U. Tucker, and Ed Craves left
Monday by auto for Riiieburg to at
tend the grand lodge, I. Oi O. F.,
which convened there Tnesdnv. Otto
Krueger and W. C. Kinyon went by
train as delegntes from their respec
tive lodges at Canbv nnd at Butte
ville. Hussell Catlin was here Tuesday from
Salem on business, having sold a block
of hops to Henry L. Dents. He is not
over optimistic concerning the imme
diate future of the hop business. The
big block of hops shipped to England
bv Horst & I.ncliuuinil has practically
killed nil London demand, nnd is now
regarded ns a huge speculation that has
not turned out- well. This, with Vice
President Clark's failure to move the
7,000 or 8,000 remaining bales of the
association hops is causing considerable
anxiety among growers ns to 101(1
prices. Clnrke is still in the east en
deavoring to dispose of the balance of
the nssocint ion hops.
The Women 's club gnve a "500
party at their club room Wednesday
afternoon, last week, with eight tables
filled. Mrs. George Yergen winuiug
the head prize and Mrs. ,T. T.. Hipke,
the second. Dainty refreshments were
served. Those en hiving the affair
K'". " .Miner, .urs a. u. ler-
gon, ons. i cier mini, .Mrs. iron, vv .
Yergen, Mrs. Otto Blossor, 'Mrs. TIenry
I., Dents, Mrs. Fred Norton, Mrs. VV.
W. Irvin, Mrs. F. I,. Miller, Mrs.
('has. H. Arnold, Mrs. Ernest Piper,
Mrs. Jim. Ogle, Mrs. J. W. Sadler, Mrs.
fleo. Elilen, Mrs. Arthur Artus. Mrs.
Aurelia Powers, Mrs. H. H. Hurst, Mrs.
Guy N. llickok, Mrs. Felix Isaacson,
Mrs. O. P. Higginbotham, Mrs. O. O.
Morris, Mrs. N. C. Westcott, Mrs. M.
E. Phillips, and Misses I.eitn Dents,
Noma Yergen, 10 in inn Snyder and l'earl
One of the most delightful affairs
of the week was n pnrty given Sat
day evening by Mr. nnd Mrs. Mil
bud N. Crissel, nt their beautiful
home on the Willamette. The even
ing wns speiit at cards, the honors fall
ing to Mrs. W. H. Monroe of Portland,
anil Dell Yergen of Dutteville. At 11:30
a dainty lunch was served by the hos
tess. Those present were: ' M. nnd
Mrs. A. A. Crissell and family, Mr. ami
Mrs. W. H. Monroe and family, Mrs. C.
C. Bobbins of Portland, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Joseph Chalupsky, Mr. nnd Mrs. Andy
Hastlebnng, .Mr. nuil Mrs. Joseph
Thornton. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. D
I Mr- nml Jl" Peters, nnd Miss
I 'V,t" Vo'l"t of W'lsonville Mr. and
F'ed ergen Mr. ami Mrs. Oeo.
on 'r' "' Ir"u (.'1,M!n ,orK"'
"r- Mr. and
Mrs. M. V Crissell, Noma Yergen,
... McMinnville, Or., May
-M. C.
Sacred Heart Academy Pre
pares Special Program to
Honor G. A. R.
Sacred Heart Academy received the
visiting members of tho Q, A, K. nnd
ladies of tho Relief Corns nnd Ladies
of the O. A, R. most royally yesterday.
Those visiting the academy were:
C. A. Houston, John P. Robertson,
Mrs. W. O. Ackerniann, Mrs. E. Denui-
son, Mrs. Tuwilliger, Mrs. J. J. Nevy
ineyer, Mrs. W. M. Short.
Flag Drill Physical Culture Class
Rending Home Sweet Home
Susie Sparrow
Piano Solo Valse (.'hroiiiatique
Eleanor Huckestein
Vocal Solo April Morn Putten
Mane Campbell
I'antoniine America
Susie Sparrow
The Song My Mother Sings S. 0. M.
V ocnl Class
Flower Drill Minims
Address Hazel I'.lake
Revered Members of the O. A. B. '
Fifty odd years is a long space of
time over which to look back, nnd when
those fifty odd years are tinged with
the memories of n long, hard truggle
of right against wrong, nnd blighted
with the tears uud grids of tour weary
years of pain and hardships, they lose
their soundness and become as it were
a binding of intricate workmanship for
the volume of thoso other years.
. Those other years filled thtough they
are with dismul records of weary
night watches nnd deadly fear-filled
dnys, they still form a glorious volume.
Chapters there are written in blood
that spenk only of ilefeaf and hapless
ruin; defeat nobly suffered, ruin brave
ly fnced. Others, inscribed in the
dark ink of doubt and despair speak of
smoke-clouded battlefields, loud with
shouts of the living nnd groans of the
dying; spenk of the glare of the South
ern noonday sun nnd the insufferable
pangs of thirst; speak of the field of
carnage, from which the smoke has not
wholly lifted, stretching away and
iivvuy in the white light of a frightened
moon, while the ghastly forms of the
dead cry up (in awful answer to the
eternal question, "Am 1 my Iirother's
One beautiful chapter there is, writ-1
it-u in tiiiit-ii i,-iti-in nun nun 4iii mi
gelic quill recording a victory magnani
mously won, nnd an offer of friendship
graciously accepted; and this chapter
it is, upholding the right of the dread
ful struggle nnd shedding its redeeming
light over the other pnges that makes
the volume n glorious one.
Truly the five decades that have
passed over the heads of the surviving
participants of the Civil War are any
thing but sordid! How can they be.
with a record like that behTTid them
And now when Europe is shaken to its
very foiiuilat ions by a war fiercer than
tho world has ever witnessed, not ex
cepting the dread days when the bar
barian tribes of Vninlnls and Coths
meeting their would be innstiys over-
forever the power of Imperial
Koine, who are more anxious, than those
for the dawn of peace, who hnvo gone
through n struggle so similar in aspect,
yet so unlike in causef
We ourselves unable to hasten that
dawn can only pray that the Right will
conquer in this war as it did in the
one of fifty years ago; and that an
era of goodwill jinil brotherly love will
be ushered in ns at that time, and that
when the wounds of the many nations
nre healed and the wrongs forgiven if
not forgotten, the veterans of the strug
gle will be held in as high esteem ns
are you, Revered Members of the G. A.
R., by their grateful countrymen. Is
there, I wonder, a heart iu nil tho land
that does not echo our prayerf
This address, read by Hazel Blake,
was written by Gertrude Robison, a
former student of Sacred Heart Acad
emy. Col. Houston made an eloquent re
sponse and wns followed by Mr. Robert
son who besides speuking read two
short poems.
Mrs. I.ouana Brown of Salem vis
ited with her brother Jny, Sunday.
Mr. and Mis. Herbert Armstrong
will move to Portland this week where
he expects to be employed.
Those visiting Salem Saturday were
Ralph DuRette and wife; John lnilah
and Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Parker.
Mrs. Lathy was the guest of her
daughter Mrs. DonDuRetle, the past
Charley Moore had the misfortune
last week to fall on the tongue of n
rolling harrow and fractured two ribs.
Mrs. May Glafke nnd daughter of
Portlnnd tried out their new Franklin
ear Sunday nnd spent the day nt F. 11.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. DuRette and dau
ghters accompanied l y Mr. and Mr .
Harrison Jones and Mr. and Mrs. John
I in hili, John Miirthaln und daughter
Rita and Melvin Jones, attended in
spection day at Corvallis Inst week.
Tha new ball ground was dedicated
Sunday when Cider Vilyle and Fair-
tielit crossed bats, tho score being lb
to 4 in favor of the home team.
Mr. and Mrs. John lnilah and family
motored to Huwells Prairie Sunday.
Gervais Star.
During the past week. May 19 to 25,
there were reported to the stateiudus
trinl accident commission 317 accidents.
of which six were fatal. Following are
the names of those fatally Injured:
I.. C. Staifr, Portland. K, It. operation
.Osiiir Monson, Bay City, Logging.
Edw. Dixon, Westport, R. K. opera
tion. Win. Welch, Portland, window clean
ing Wni. Plunrd, Cottage Grove, logging
II. E. Moodit), I'ortlaud, housemoviug
One first class husband is valued at
$23,000 even if he is a bit tempcrmental
at times, by Uertrude L. Scott who to
day filed a suit for damages against her
parents in law, Charles Scott and Lulu
Scott for alineatine her husband's af
fections. She states in her complaint
tnat sue was married to A. Merle Scott
in Corvallis in 191,1 and that they
basked in wedded bliss until June 14,
1914, when they went for a visit to the
home of her husband's parents, the de
fendants in the above action, at Scott 'a
Mills. There she alleges that they
locked her husband in another bedroom.
and refused to let him bunk with her
all of which caused her physical and
mental nnguish which she estimates at
$25,000. Charles L. McN'ary and J.
Hennessy Murphy are appearing ou be
half of the plaintiff.
Judge alloway today granted a de
cree of divorce to Eli O. Mills from
Emily O. Mills. They were married in
Marshfield September ?2, 1914, and
after a month of matrimonv the bettei
hnlf deserted the plaintiff according to
the evidence and refused to live with
the plaintiff anv longer.
Lena Leota Drock'todav filed a suit
in the circuit court against the Uir.uan-
teo Life Association to collect if'OOO on
a life insurance policy. The plaintiff
alleges that her husband, Clyde Drock,
took out a life insurance policy in the
above company July 15, 1915 and paid
$54 which was ail that was due on the
policy. October 3 of the same year lie
died and she alleges that the company
refuses to pay the insurance.
Charles L. JJcrgevin was appointed by
Judge Bushey today ns administiator
of the estate of Rosalia Matthieu Ber
gevin. who died iu this county March 10,
1910, leaving property valued at less
than $500. The heirs are Charles L.
Bergevin, the husband of the deceased,
and two sons residing in San Francisco,
Reuben C. Bergevin and Chester L.
Thomas T. Parr was appointed by
Jmlge Bushey today as the guardian of
the persons and estate of his two
daughters, Loda Parr, aged 17 years,
and Jewell Parr aged 15 years.
Mary L. Boeschen was today appoint
ed administratrix of the estate of
Arthur C. Boeschen, who died Mirch
12 leaving property in this state valued
at $4000. The appraisers are O. K.
Fargo, Victoria Boeschen and L. A.
An inventory and appraisement filed
touay in probate court in tlie lnauer or
,1... a.i.lu P V..nn.i'i TV Vfiimlip fin. '
ceased, estimates the value of the real
property as $1000 and the personal
property of the deceased at $''2,5mii.
The appraisers were George Griffith, J.
(1. Fontaine and W. L. Jones.
Memorial Sermon All Civil and
Spanish-American War Veterans, Sous
of Veterans, members of the Woman's
Relief Corps, the ladies of the Grand
Army nnd all other organizations who
contemplate attending the memorial
services at the Methodist Episcopal
church, Sunday .ifteruoon, will please
assemble nt the ariuorv nt 2 o'clock to
pu.pnre for proceeding to the church
m a
lioiiv motor tne escort oi i o, m,
O. N. (!. Seats will be reserved for all
who thus enter the church. A full at
tendance of all organi ations is desired
the recent disngreeincnt having been
duly .uid satisfactorily settled. W. C.
Faulkner, Post Commander. 1). Web
ster, Adjutant.
The Salem Life Underwriters' asso
ciation heeld its fourth monthly meet
ing this afternoon with a noon luncheon
nt the Commercial club. Besides the
regular routine business, there was a
general discussion as to the officers to
be elected nt the next meeting and the
appointment of a delegate to attend the
national convention to be held a St.
Louis nex Aug.ist. ,
Seattle Exports Are
Nearly Million a Day
Seattle, Wash., May 27. All records
in the export and import district of
Washington, were broken during the
month of April, according to the report
issued today by Roscoe Drumheller, col
lector of customs.
The total imports for the month were i
$14.105,S74 nnd the exKirts $2.i,49.i,3i4.
Both these figures nre more than
double those of April. 1915. The near
est approach to this tremendous busi
ness is the record of February, this
year, when the imports amounted to
$12.575,S70 and the exports $19,353,422.
Not only has the foreign trade in
creased tremendously, but the exports
to Alaska in April were the heaviest in
Seattle's history.
Memorial services will be held at
the Woodburu nrmoiv, Sunday, May
2S, nt 2 p. m.
Song, "America," led by high school
Prayer, Rev. L. C. Poor.
Song by H. S. Octette.
Sermon bv Rev. F. E. Prunelle.
Song, "Blest be the Tie That
Binds," by audience, led by 11. S.
Beivfietion, Rev. O. C. Weller.
Delegations from the G. A. R., vi R.
C, Spanish-American War veterans and
other organizations will decorate the
graves of dead comrades on the morn
ing of May 30. Leaving the armory
nt 9 a. in., they -will go to Belle Pnssi
cemetery! 'where the fi Rowing pro
gram will be carried out: Prayer aim
short address on the unknown dead, by
Rev. L. C. Poor; ritualistic services by
I. I. Stevens Post and Corps at the
monument; decorating of graves. In
I wish to thank tho voters of Salem
and vicinity for the help given me in
the primaries. If F am still one of your
choice In November I will earnestly
try to make good. Ivan G. Martiu.
Statement Issued
by Dr. Carl Doney
Explains Chapel Incident
Because strained relations between
the Salem post of the G. A. R. and Dr.
Carl O. Doney, president of Willam
ette university, were threatened as a
result of Dr. Doney 's interrupting
Judge Daniel Webster inhis remarks
before tho students at assembly yes
terday morning by asking him to make
his announcement of Memorial day ex
ercises as brief as possible, Dr. Doney
has propared for the Capital Journal a
statement with reference to the inci
dent. Dr. Donev's statement was sub
mitted by him to the officials of
Sedgwick post, Ct. A. R., and to other
officers of patriotic organizations
and was accepted by them as satis
factory explanation or. the incident.
Dr. Doney is to give the annual Me
morial address to the O. A. R. mem
bers at the Methodist church Sunday
His statement follows:
"To the Capital Journal:
Referring to the incident in the
university chapel yesterday, I desire
to make the following statement:
lirst The custom for the It. a.
R. veterans to appear yenrlv before
the students was not known to me.
Second The senior class had ar
ranged, as in former years, to fur
nish the program for the last chapel
service of the year.
"lhird 1 had no knowledge tuat
Tiidse Webster was to be present un
til I met him in the chapel. There
I asked him if he desired to announce
the Memorial day exercises, nnd he
replied that he did.
"Fourth At the proper time he
was invited to the platform to give
the announcement. After he had
spoken four or five niinuts I asked
him to mako the announcement as
brief as possible in view of the long
program of the senior class.
"Fifth There was no thought of
discourtesy to Captain Webster or to
the O. A.'E., and I exceedingly regret
that my ignorance of the custom has
led me to do anything to suggest that
I do not hold in my heart true loyalty
to our country nnd to the great men
who have made and preserved it
to us.
"Sixth This explanation was
made to a committee of the G. A. R.,
the Sons ' of eVterans, the Spanish
war veterans and Company M, O.
X. G., and is satisfactory to them.
"Very respectfully,
Judge Webster and Post Com
mander W. C. Faulkner made the
following statements ' accepting Dr.
Donev's explanation:
"I have rend Dr. Doney's statement
above nnd fully endorse and approve
the nctiou of the committee and ac
cept said statement as perfectly satis
iNt.'tnrir 1 1 mo
on vvtft wfrtfr "
,,Aj a memher of ti,e genenii com.
niittee, and by authority and in the
name of said committee, I approve and
accept the statement of Dr. Doney as
"Post Commander."
Attention All Spanish War Veter
ans whether a member of n camp or
knot are requested to meet at the ar
mory Sunday at 2 p. m. to jtlend mem
orial services. On decoration day at
10 a. m. for our services at the ceme
tery and again at 1 p. m. to form for
the parade. Order of Robt. Kunirow,
Willamette Leads In
Track Meet Today
Willamette Vniversity was walking
away with the track meet on Willam
ette field this afternoon ami at press
time wns leading with 20 points while
Pacific had 10 1-2 and McMinnville had
won 12 1-2 points. Points were award
ed for fourth place in today's meet.
The following are tho results:
Mile run Ireland Pacific 1st, Chap
ler W. U. 2nd, Williams McMinvilJe
3rd, Castile W. I'. 4th. Time 4:.r0.
100 yard dash Ford W. U. 1st, Clrov
esnor W. V. 2nd, Lucas Pacific Srd,
Smnll W. I.'. 4th. Time 10 seconds.
Shot put Pacific 1st, McMinnville
2nd, W. I, third, McMinnville fourth.
Distance 34 foot. 1-2 inch.
Pole vault Bagley W. V. and Cul
ver McMinnville, tied for first place,
and Curl McMinnville, and Jones Pa
cific, tied for second. Distance 10 feet
4 inches.
Discus Bagley, W. V. 1st, Lucas Pa
cific 2nd, Brown W. V. 3rd; Bueer.nan
McMinnville 4th. Distance 102 feet
7 inches.
Beautiful Mount Crest Abbey Moso
leum will be open to visitors, Sunday,
Mondiy and Tuesday, May 2S, 29. 30
from 9 n. m. tQ 5 p. m. All are invited
to visit it during this memorial season.
(Cottinned from page one.)
enger'y on these assertions, anil declar
ed the state's experts really believed
Waite deranged.
Juror Trent significnlly hsked one
alienist if he could positively declare
Waite sane in view of his nonchalant
demeanor on the witness stand.
Ridiculing the insanity plea, Broth
ers said: "Is this the kind of a man
you want sent to Matteswan where
some bright morning when the milk
man comes around bewill walk out to
freedom V
The defense objected to this refer
ence to the Thaw ease, and the re
marks were ordered stricken out.
Brothers charged that Waite ruined
Mrs. Margaret Horton's life and lured
her away from her husband.
"Except for that mysterious 'K. Ad
ams' who threw suspicion upon him by
sending a telegram calling attention
to the strange deaths of Mr. and Mrs.
Peck," said Brothers, "Waite would
now be walking the streets without a
suspicion being cast on his sanitv. He
killed Peck atter two months premcdi-
tatiou because he wanted money.
Eate per word Now Today:
Each insertion, per word le
One week (6 insertions), per word....5e
One month (20 insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Read your advertisement tha first day
it appears and notify as immediately
if it contains an error.
Minimum charge, 15c.
lem taken-.
Wanted al Su
mayJi' LOST Dark green sweater, return to
Journal office, Reward. may29
YOUNG MAN IS years, wants work
for the summer. IS care Journal. m29
S acres. Jack Bailey, R. 9, box 55.
FOR RENT Furnished house keeping
rooms. 09 4 N.-Com'l St. Phoue 2454
W. mavHO
fSOO TO LOAN On good real estate,
security. Ivan G. Martin, Masonic
Temple. may;!0
FOR RENT Two modern houses, close
in. Call at 505 North Cottage. Phone
1901. niayzti
FOR RENT 4 room modern house
furnished or unfurnished, 230 S. 14th
LOST Pair men's shoes on Independ-
enee-oaleiu road. Leave at Journal of
fice. may27
FOR KENT Stnctlv modern 0 room
house, also a cheap house. Phone
2054-J. may29
LOST Ladies tatted purse, containing
$20 gold piece and some silver.
Phone 1194. mav29
WANTED Girl for general house
work. 275 N. 20th St. Harbison,
phone 2313-R. may27
FOR SALE OR TRADE Team, wagon,
2 horse disk and walking plow.
Phone 75F11. may27
WANTED TO RENT 5 room fully
modern bungalow or cottage with
gurage. Phone 511. tf
FOR SALE Heavy 3 in. tire wagon or
trade tor lighter w.igon. v. R. Wil
son, R. 2, box io. may2i
30 ACRES Prune orchard to trade
for city property. What have you?
Address H, care Journal. niay2i
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral house work. Call at 270 N. 13th
Mrs. Harrv Clav. tf
I WILL NOT Be responsible for any
debts contracted by anv other than
mvself. Herman Fresia, mav
WANTED Cord wood delivered al
prime drier in exchange for lust
class dental work. Gibson T. White
1). M. U., U. S. Bank Bldg. miy27
MODERN Furnishi-i hous-i for lent,
0 blocks south of Bush bank, $15 per
mouth. Phone 1737-W or call 399
Mission. may27
FOR SALE Good gentle family cow,
all ye.u- round milker, now giving 4
gal. per day. J. F. Weber, cor. Com
mercial and Pine. mav.10
FIVE BRIGHT c.ipable ladies to tra'
el, demonstrate and sell dealers. $2.!
to $50 per week. Railroad fare paid.
Goodrich Ding Company Dept. 512
Omaha. Nebr.
ALL PERSONS Interested in the an
nual meeting and picnic of the Wis
consin people please meet in Judge
Webster '8 office at 8 o'clock p. in.,
Thursday, June 1st. Committee.
FOR SALE Watt Shipp Savage bicy
cle $12.50. $25 baby cariage peram
bulator, cost $25, for $10; $150.00
"New Way" gasoline engine, 3 1-2
h. p. new Cor $75. Piione 15F2. ma27
f'OR SALE 2 c,ash registers, 1 single
and 1 double drawers, 1 set of bil
liard balls; 2 sets of pool balls; 1 six
foot cigar case; one roll top desk;
one fire proof safe; one 5 louin bun
galow. Call or write 1355 Ferrv St.
GENERAL AGENTS Who can secure
services of at least ten to thirty sub
agents to take orders for men's
in.vde to measiire suits and overcoats
at $12.50 and $15.00. Liberal propo
sition to the right man. Write giving
full particulars and references. Phoe
nix Tailoring Company, 199 Mercer
street. New Vork Citv-.
$5,000, well improved 10 ncre tract
close in, with stock nnd crop, for Al
berta land; also a fine five acre tract,
$3,000, for Alberta land.
$2,500 well improved 5 acre tract for
Wisconsin or Mjjinesota land.
$d,500 stock farm. Kings Vallev, for
small tract near Salem.
Exchanges every where if you have
any property to exchange ice
347 State St. Salem, Oregon
"Diil he know he was doing wrong?
He knew the district attorney's office
was closed Sunday so he killed Peck
on Saturday. He smothered Peck with
a pillow so his wife, would not hear
the dying man's groans as he suffered
the terrible pangs of arsenic poisoning.
Then he sought to build up a defense
by bribing an undertaker to put arsenic
in the corpse. And finally he tried sui
cide, but he was afraid to shoot himself."
.TEAM WAKTED Phone 152.
HABBT Window cleaner, Phone 768.
PHONE 937 For wood aw.
WANTED Second hand refrigerator.
Phone 540. may27
, 491 N. Cottage. tf
LOT TO TRADE For team. Inquire
464 Court street. miy30
FOR BENT SIGNS For rule at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
WANTE1 One strong second hand
wagon. Geo. Swegle. may27
GOOD Furnished house to rent, close
in. Phone Main 4 or 47. tf
WANTED Middle iged woman for
house work. Phone 0F3. may27
WANTED $500 for three years on
$2000 city property. L. M. care Jour
nal. may27
FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping
appartments, rates reasonable, close
in, 160 Court. tf
cheap, in excellent condition, 287 S.
Winter street. may'29 f-TJ
FOB BENT Furnished and unfurnish
ed rooms In Hubbard building. W.
H. Norris. Boom 304. tf
FOR GOOD Meals and comfortable
rooms, reasonable, in modern home
close in phone 1013. niay27
FOB BENT Flat close in, furnished
or unfurnished. Phone 823-J, or call
at 252 North Cottage St. tf
traction engine for sawing lumber.
Inquire 8. H. care Journal. may27
WANT TO BENT Modern ten or
twelve room house, close in, on north
side. Address 10-R care Journal. ni27
FOB SALE 200 acres at Lyle, Wash,
will consider Borne trade on clear
property. August Rauch, Salem, Or.
June 17
FOB BENT Nice furnished room, ia
new house in private family, 3 block
from P. O. Inquire G-10 care Journ
al. . tf
FOR SALE 18 acres, good terms, 16
in crops and fruit, fair buddings,
best soil. W. W. Lander, Salem B.
9. jnnela
FOR SALE 106 sheep, not sheared,
and about 75 Ivmbs. Inquire at th.
Capital Journal office, Salem Ore
ong. may3l
FOB SALE Good Jersey milk coir
giving d l-a gallons of milk, a bir
gain. Phone 98 F2. Walter Pearmine,
B. 8. tf
about fifty thous.ind brick for sale
at a bargain. United States National
Bank. tf
FOB SALE 3 half truck Studebaker
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
cordwood or atumpage. 2780 Lee.
Phone 1322-J. tf
FOB BENT Business block room, size
ioxou reel. 407 State street. In
quire at 463 State. Phone, 100!.
Maurice Klinger. tf
MY HOME For rent or will lease,
partly furnished if desired. Inquire,
of Mrs. Hallie Hinges, 295 N. Sum
mer, cor. Chemekcti. tf
TWO Good houses to trade for a farm
one modern, the other one has a good
barn on the lot. G. C. Bolter, 2018
Trade St. Phone 2206-W. may2Z
I AM Taking orders for summer and
fall delivery of wood. I will give a
lower price now than I will late in
the season. John H. Scott, phone 1552
After office hours, 622. june20
FOB SALE At bargain prices, on
irwy luuuury mangle yu incnes, store
shelving, two teams and Shetland
pony, 2 double buggies, one single
buggy. H. Steinboek, 302 N. Coml
yhore 808. tf
register to pick 45 acres of ripe ber
ries. No green fruit this season. Free
wood and potato patch, fine camp
ground, half mile to street car of
Salem Heights. Phone 21F2. tf
WANTED A capable man with wife
who is good housekeeper to work.
Will have work for man most op the
season nnd a good well iurnishel
house woman to care for. Enquire
of Square Deal Realty Co. Telephone
0 may27
tions at salaries ranging from $j
to $125 Expanding business of Sa
lem fnm creates above openings.
Give age, business experience, refer
ences and address. Communication
confidential. Small investment re
quired. Address P. O. Box 275. ma30
WE HAVE Money to loan. We also
also have for sale or tr.ide 40 acres
in southern Oregon. 20 acres in crop,
good buildings, fruit, well watered,
on good road, near school, good
teams, harness, farming implements,
cows, calves, hogs, hens, H. H. goods
etc., very cheap. Part cash, will ac
cept small amount Salem property.
Balance long time. Squ ire Deal Real
ty Co., Phone 470. 202 V. S. Bank
HOMESTEAD Colville Indian reser
vation, Washington, open for settle
ment. Drawing July 27tb. About
500,000 acres. Fruit, "farm and dairy
lands. Complete sectional map ana
description. Postpaid 50c. Soldiers,
sailors (or their widows) of the (Hvil
or Spanish wars mav register by
agent. Write us for' blank forms,
which we will fuhnish free. Smith .
& McOrea, Room 95 Eagle Bldg., Spo
kane, Wash. .