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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM', OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1916. FIVE SENIORS WHO WILL RECEIVE DIPLOMAS Graduating Class of 108 Who Will Complete Public School Course o (P. u 1 1 n sensible Fatimas are cool and comfortable to tiroal and tongue. And they nevar !ea i e i'T . . T. . n fP mat over-smoked feet lug" that follows taam" cigarette which are not so skilUully bleuded as Fatimas. ASensible n .I , i,iii.i. I, i .iiiit. ,i ... ,,, I .Sv IS NOW ON 5 Cigarette) 20 Club Women of Nation Today Plan Army for Peace and War New York, May 27. Thirty thous and lending American clubwomen rep resenting two jnillion 'other women in the United States, got together at to day's session of the Xationnl Federa tion convention to consider plans for 'the forin.ition of a gigantic standing army tiiat will do industrial work in time of peace and he instantly avail able ia time of war. This is. conserca tion day at the convention. The speakers have expert knowledge of their subjects. The department of the interior is represented. Two hund red tickets have been issued for thj luncheon, price $1.50. Smaller conferences will be held, on other days, these to be announced lit er. An exhibit of each of the eight divisions of the work of the conserva tion department has been provided by the federal government and by organi zations of rational repute. These are in fAlree of Miss Mira L. Dock, Mrs John "Dickinson Sherman is chairman of this department. They All Take Turns at Editing the Clarion Tie Clarion, the official paper of the Salem high school is published the -4'iTst ond third Thursdays of each month duriua the school year. Occa sionally, to rive the editor-iu-chief, as sistant editor, society editor, exchange man, athletic reporter, local collector and jokemau a respite from the stren uous dunes of newspaper lite, the up per classes are permitted to edit the naper from time to time, iind after upper classmen have hid their turn at the editorial helm, tho lac'ulty of the jrigi school is permitted or rather iiffited to show the prospective editors of the school what may be termed as really first class reading material. The issue of the clarion, Mnv 25, was edited by the faculty, with Prin cinal J. C. nelson as editor, Charles J. WilIi.imson, citv editor, Miss Ethel I. Rigdon, managing editor. CHICAGO CHURCHES MOBILIZED FOR ATTACK ON BUM The following is a complete list of the seniors of the Salem high, school who will listen to words of advice at the commencement sermon to be preach ed by the Rev. B. N. Avisoa at the (First Methodist church next Sunday evening. And these are .the same 108 who will if j n t! II IS I! El fi M ii 11 II I! II S1 II n Chicago, May 27. Chicago's saloons will be pictured in all the churches to morrow as first aids to the devil. Near ly every chureh will devote its morn ing services to an attack on the sa loons, and laudation of ihe Illinois anti saloon league's candidates for legisla tive places. SALTS IF BACKACHY . AND NDifS HURT Drink Lots of Water and Stop Eating Meat for a While If Your Bladder Troubles You. sit on the rostrum at -the armory Fri day evening, June 2, to. bear the com mencement address of Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, receive words of admonition, and also their diplomas from B. J. Miles, chairman of the school board of education. The following will be graduated: Mas Alford, Delia Anisler, Gertrude Ashby. Alice Buker, Winnie Baker, Mary Bnrrick, Lyle Bartholomew, Vivian Beck, Kufus Boatwright, Don-Bradford, Ruth Brewer, Mario Brig-gs, Edythe Burnett, Pearl Burton, Marcella Bynon. Mabel Cameron, Allan Carson, Joe Carver, Lloyd Case, Eoscoe Clarke, Irene Curtis, Eddy Compton. Evelyn De Long, Carolyn Dick, Blanche Drake, Beatrice Dunnctte. Gertrude East, Winnie Edwards, Del la Englebnrt, Felix English, Austin Fields, Mary Findley, Edna Fitts, Bita Fletcher, Myrtle Fruit. Whitney Gill, Jessie Gilmer, Vova Golden, Lloyd Gregg. Harry Hampton, Vivian Hargrove, Dorothea Hill, Edna Holder, Ruth Hol listcr, Retha Hughes. Aubrey Johnson, Grace Johnson, Con rad Jones. Louie Klingele, Margaret Knapp. Alice Larson, Margaret Legg, Oral Lemnyn, Eulalia Linday, Helen Long. Maion McCauley. Ethel McGilclurst. Nellio Marthaler, Zenas Martin, Georcre Matten, Sara Mcador, Lois Miles, Frank Miller, Miles Miller, Cur tis Mohney. Helen Nctigebaucr, Mable Nye. Lyle Page.i Sim Phillips, Jeannette Pound, Daryl Proctor. Robey Rn'teliffe, Edward Baucli, Gail Reed, Victor Beid, Bernice Eise, Hugh Rogers, Frank Eosebraugh. Cecil Snriff, Carlton Savage. Odell Savage, Gladys Scott, Bonina. Snhver, Gail Smith. Fred Sprnngor, James Swaggerty, Minnio Spranger. Horbert Taylor, Victor Taylor, Lewis Thompson, Bay Todhnnter, Verett Tol man, Nola Trent, Grace Tyler. Florence Valentine, Elizabeth Van Bibber, Herman Vicsko. Annie Wallace, Beatrice Walton, John Watson, Herbert Welch, Hester Welch, Corinne Wheeler, Olga Wikbcrg, Boy Williams, Gertie Witzel, Greta Witzel, Lnnaperl Wright. ft THE CHURCHES Tree Methodist, tfo. 1228 North Winter street. Sun- ay services: Sabbath school 9:45. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m. W. J. Johnston, pastor. Salvation Army. Sunday services as follows: Knee drill, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school and Bible class, 10:30 a .m. Christian praise meeting, 3 p. my Y. P. L,, 6:15 p. m. Salvation meeting, 7:45 p. m. Week night services every night except Monday and Thursday. Capt. and Mrs. Kelso. Jason Lee Memorial. At the corner of Jefferson and North Winter streets, J. Montcalm Brown, pastor. Sunday school at 9:4; a..m., R. A. Harris, superintendent. Mrs. W. C. Enimel, superintendent primary depart ment. Preaching service at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Junior League at 3 p. m. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Stran gers specially welcome to all services. 0 OTL. N PULL Onzn This fvesnimss I I This is a REAL Sale. Mr. Hammond is to rc- , ' . t - t, f. organize and actively manage one of Portland's oldest and largest clothang firms and must dispose of the entire Toggery stock at retail. This sale is the result. Get here early get here often. Our clean new stock goes on sale at SLAUGHTER PRICES DON'T 1 r USTITATO LOME fi f I If I I 1 I 11 I I i I r M El n n The ore Halts, Qothin Is Full of Bargains for lsn SAVE MONEY HERE ALL AT MONEY SAVING REDUCTIONS H AMMO ND-BI S H OF C n M n n n u n t i u n p,i n 1! r r t ; N ti M 1 i N n M U n n O "The Toggery" SAVE MONEY HERE superintendents. Lutheran. East Btate and Eighteenth streets, G., Koculcr, pastor. : German and English Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Divine service at 10:30 a. m. Luther League at 7 p. m. Evening service in English, 7:45 o'ejock. - Rural Chapel. H. C. Stover, minister. Morning wor ship at 11 o'clock. Sermon by the pas tor. Sunday school at. 10 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 7:30 p. m. Central Congregational Corner Nineteenth and Ferry streets. Sunday school at 10 a. m. No morning service. Junior Endeavor at 0:30 p. m. Senior Emleavor at 7:15 p. m. Evening service at 8 o'clock. Prayer and Bible study hour Thursday evening- at 8 r. 'clock. First United Brethren. Children's day program will be giv en by the fciunday school at tho First L'nited Brethren church, Twelfth and Mission streets, May 28, at 8 p. m. We extend to all a cordial invitation. Jen nie L. Tatuiun, superintendent. Reformed. Services at the Reformed church, cor ner of Capital and Mission streets: yunday- school, 10 a. m. German serv ice, 11 a. m. English preaching, 7:30 p. m. M. Denny, pastor. United Evangelical. Cottage and Center streets, G. L. Lov- ell, minister. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Divine worship and preaching at 11 a. m. "Altruism, the spirit or Christian ity. Junior Endeavor at 5 p. m. K. L. of C. E. service at 7 p. m., Ray Schmalle, leader. Evening worship and sermon at 8 o'clock, "The Desire of All Nations." Rev. S. y. Mumey will preach at Auburu at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. WJien you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally meins you have been eating too much meat, says a well-known auth ority. Meat forms uric acid which ov erworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they be come sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like vou relieve your. bowels; removing all the body 's urinous' waste, else you nave oacxacne, bkk heidache, dizzy spells; your stomach Bours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is 'bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek re lief two or three times during tho night. Either consult a good, reliuble physi cian at once or got from your phar macist about four ounces of Jnd Salts; 'Jre a tablespoonful in a glass of water j.'ore breakfast for a few days and Tour kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from be acid of Rrjpes nd lemon juice, combined witii lithia, and has been used for genera tinnn tn clean and stimulntn slucrinHii kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the! music, preaching by Rev. Ella Mr.KI- urine so it no loncrer irritates, tnus end ing bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a lite siver for reguiari Memorial Sermon. ' All Civil war and Spanish-American war veterans, the Sons of Veterans, members of the Women's Relief Corps, of the Ladies of the Grand Army and all other organizations who contem plate attending the Memorial services at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon will please meet at the armory at 2 o'clock and prepare for proceeding to the church in a body under escort of Company M, O. N. O. Seats will be re served for all who thus enter the church. W. C. Faulkner, post commander. D. Webster, adjutant. Commons Misrlon. No. 241 State street. Rcmilar service Sunday nfnemoon ati 2:30. Spwuii rov, of the I nited Hrethren rnurcn. followed by a good old fashioned testi mony meeting. A good time assured meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot : all who eome. Regular gospel servicrs iniure and makes a deliahtful. efier- Tuesday nnd FridnT iveniuirs at 8 veecent lithia-water drink. 1 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Carpenter, Unitarian. Corner of Chemeketa and Cottage streets, Richard F. Tischer, minister, Sunday school meets at 0:45 a. m.; adult class meets at 9:45 a. m.; Miss Ethel Fletcher, superintendent. Morn ing service at 11 o'clock, subject "The Spirit of Patioitism." Special music for the occasion. Mrs. J. S. Pinnell will sing. Mr. Hnrry Mills, organist. No evening service. A special invitation is extended to all patriotic societies to this special service, also to all friendi of liberal religion and progressiva thought. First Methodist Episcopal. Corner State nnd Church streets, Richard N. Avison, ministor. 0:00 a. m., Class meeting. 9:45 a. in., Sabbath school, Messrs. Schramm and Gikey, superintendents. 11:00 a. m., Morning worship. .The baccalnureato sermon for Kimball College of Theology bv Presi dent H. J. Talbott. 3:00 p. m., The an nual Memorial service bv tho Grand Army of the Republic. Music by the Glee club and Ladies' club of the uni versity nnd chorus choir. Address by President Carl G. Doney. 6:00 p. m., High School Program Balance of Semester The program for the high school dur ing the remainding days of the semes ter is as follows: School as usual next Monday. ' Tuesday, holiday, on account of Me morial day. Wednesday, .morning session only, dismissing at noon. Thursday is a holiday. Friday, report at noon for card re ports. School year closes. Sunday, May 28, commencement sor mon by the Rev. R. N. Avison at the First Methodist church, 7:30 o'clock. Friday, Juno 2, commencement exer cises at the armory, address by Dr. Curl Gregg Dcncy. Intermediate League, Mrs. M. C. Find ley, superintendent. 0:30 p. m., Epworth League, Miss Eva Scott, president. 7:30 p. m., Evening worship. The commence ment sermon beforo the graduating class of the Snlem high school by the pastor. Sermon subject, "More Stately Mansions." Music by the chorus choir both morning anj evening under the di rection of Dr. Frank W. Chare able sermons and music by one of the finest choirs in tho city. First Presbyterian. Tho triple tragedy of Friday morning especially the lessons that we neighbors may leara from it, will be the subject of the sermon by the pastor, Carl H. El liott, Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A prophet of promise to a captive peo ple is the morning subject. Music by the chorus choir. Leslie Methodist Episcopal, Bible school, 9:45 a. m., Joseph Bar ber, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Epworth Lenguo, 0:30 p. m. Topic, "How Can We Capture Our Col lego Students 1" Leader, Miss Gladys Carson. Evening servico, 7:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. J. C. Spencer, pastor. Swedish Tabernacle, M. E. Corner South Fifteenth and Mill streets, Rev. John Ovall, minister. Sun day school at 2:30 p. m. Preaching at 3:30 nnd 8 p. m. All Scandinavians are most cordially invited to attend. Service In Pratum, Ore. Servico will be held in the Metho dist church in Pratum, Ore., at 11 a. m. Rev. John Ovall will preach. All welcome. IMPERIAL HOTEL 7-i i We Are Blowing Our Hons and we hope that it. will be loud enough to reach your ears with the fact that from the time we take charge of our guests at the depot up to the time they leave in, satisfactory service is our watihword. And we wnnt to (all your attention to lhoe great big Sunday dinners, that we are serving for 2")C. They are some dinners. TryThca. Dallas, Oregon Highland Friends. Corner Highland and Elm streets. Our Sabbath school begins promptly at 10 a. m., Mis. Myrtle Kenworthy, su perintendent. Meetings for worship at 11 a. in. and 7:15 p. m. Junior in church annex 11 a. m. Christian En deavor at 6:30 p. ni., J. A. Carpenter, leader. Prayer meeting Thursday at 8 p. m. Tou are cordially invited to at tend these services. Josephine Hoik ett, pastor. Phone 1105. First Congregational. James Elvin, pastor. Sunday school meets promptly at 10 o'clock, W. I. Stuley, superintendent. Morning serv ice at 11 o'clock. Music morning nnd evening by chorus choir, direction Wm. McGilchrist. Sermon subject, "Our Honored Dead." .Members of patriotic, societies eordiully invited to attend. Christian Endeavor at 7 o'clock. Sub ject, "Some Remembrances of Julia Ward Howe.'' A Grinnell college film showing commencement., presidents re ception and May day festivities, of in terest to all Iowa people, will be thrown on the screen. Also the famous pa triotic film, "Battle Hymn of the Re public," describing Julia Ward Howe writing the hymn and presenting a won derful picture of Abraham Lincoln. All loyal patriotic citizen ought to se this picture. Everybody invited and every body welcome. Thursday evening serv ice at 8 o'clock. United Brethren. Castlo Chapel, cornor Seventeenth street and Nebraska avenue, H. B. Dorks, minister. G. G. Tnoker, Sunday school superintendent. Biblo school, 10 a. m. Memorial address by the pustor at 11 o'clock. Special service nt 3 p.. m. If mortgage on the parsonage property arrive from Dayton, Ohio, in time, the burning of same will be a part of the afternoon program. At 8 o'clock the pastor will preach his last sermon of the conference year, All are invited to these services. Fhone 1C5 Quality and Service . YE ARE PLEASED TO MWMl . The completion of extensive improvements in our plant. We are now better than ever prepared to give first class laundry service. Downtown Agency: The Central Cigar Store 067 State Street CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY home. Henry ami Will Cniisunt spent week end nt the John lluber home. Miss Ainitt Miles returned to her home in Salem after teaching x very satisfactory school. W. It. 1,'ay and daughter Miss Kl'l'ie nnd Jlis. A. It. Kay nnd baby left Tuesday for Winluek, Wash. Mrs. A. J). Ray nnd daughter mid Linn Lambert and wifo called ut G. II. I Rays Wednesday. . Towues and daughter made a bus ini'ss trip to Albany Tuesday. ir. the 1 were If. Shank ami wifo and Elmer liny Sunday visitors lit the Mis. H. Shaiili home. W. it. Hay a id family und Mrs; A.. II. Kay and daughter were Scio vis- I iters Sunday. Klileii tiritiith j uu eight giado graduate and those passing tho.aoveuth grade artt Mjiudo Smith, Francis Hot linger, Irvine Ray mid Johnuio Aegcr tcr. , , .- Air. Xjik o of Aumsvillt) culled at II. ,1umbcrts Saturday. Stayton Mail. South Salem Friends. Comer of South Commercial and Washington streets. Bible school at 10 a. m., B. C. Miles, superintendent. Preaching by the pastor at II a. in. and 8 p. ni. Morning subject, "Peace and Preparedness." "Ho that taketh sword shall perish by the sauie. " Jesus. Ev ening, "Our Duty." C. K. at 7 p. in. Prayer meeting at 7:15 p. m. Thurs day. Song practice following. WANTED 50,000 FARMHANDS I of experience at once on the farms cf WESTERN CANADA W. C. J TJ. The regular 4 o'clock meeting will be held in Ramp Memorial hull Sunday. Come and help make it a good meeting. First Church of Christ Scientists. Sunday services are held at 410 Chemeketa street, at 11 a m. and '8 p. m. Subject of Bible lesiton, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Mes merism and Hypnotism, Denounced." Sunday school at 9:45 a. in. Wednesday evening testimonial 'meeting o'clock. Reading rooms in the bard building, suite .50 5, ami is open every day except Sunday and holidays, from 11:45 a. m. to 4 p. m. All are cordially welcome to our services and invited to visit our reading room. fir---, , MI To replace the young farmers who have enlisted for the war. Good wages and full seasou'a work assured. There is no danger or possibility of Conscription la Canada. References required from nil applicant i'ut special railway rates and other information ap ply to J7 1 J. N. GRIEVE, Authorized Canadian Govoraia'fc Agt, Hub8 No Passports Are Necessary to Enter Canada St. Paul's Episcopal. Robert H. (Jill, rcrtor. Hly Com munion, 7:.'n a. m. Matins and address, 11 a. m. Kvensnng and address, 7.',il p. m. Sundoy school, H:t5 . m. The public cordially invited to these serv ices, especially attractive by strong, First Christian. Corner High and ''enter streets, V. T. Porter, minister. Bible sdiool, 0:45 n. m., Dr. H. C. Kpley, director. This is the lust Sunday of the contest. Salem leads by nine points. (Ireat music. Come. 11:0(1 a. m., Worship and ser mon, "Memorial Thoughts." Mrs. Hoi liday Hnight will sing at the morning service. tl:45 p. m., Sermon on "Pa triotism." (looil music. Stereoptiiiiii with wonderful dissolving effects. MT. PLEASANT NEWS (barley Adams of Portland and Brant Pyrtle of Albany made a busi ness trip to (i. II. Hays Wednesday. Mrs. Macintvre and daughter of Salem spent the week end with her Bister, Mrs. i.l. Y. Ryan. Mrs. Harold Townes and son of Port land, are visiting xt the 1. Townes SALEM ICE CO TV.stfflcd Water ice. I; SALEM ICE tu J Pure Distilled Water Ice. tJXS& ' Phone 415 ffff 7ft "" iis- It: i'. T