Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 27, 1916, Image 4

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    e Capita! J
M:iy 27, I UK..
Kditur and Manager.
I Fage ot I h
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President Vice President See. and Treas.
Ciilr bv carrier, per year $-'.0o For month 4"e
Daily by mail, jer year
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New York, Ward Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building
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According to the Oregonian some democratic paper in
this state has asked "who is William Grant Webster?"
The Oregonian does not answer, and the Capital Journal
admits it does not know. At the same time it calls atten
tion to the fact stated in political history, that when James
K. Polk was nominated for the presidency, some one dis
gustedly asked: "Who in h 1 is James K.. Polk?" Yet
that gentleman was elected president in spite of the fact
that he was not known by the inquirer. It is not at all
probable the same fate will befall Mr. Webster, but we
are taught to believe in this great and glorious country of
which George Washington is the father, England the
mother and Roosevelt the incorrigible boy, that anyone
may be president or vice-president either if he can get
the consent of the people, and the nomination on the right
ticket. Maybe Mr. Webster thought the time was ripe
for his try at it.
According to the dispatches yesterday a pool has
been formed among the favorite sons at Chicago that will
hold the balance of power, and see that some one of this
group, composed of Root, Weeks, Burton, Sherman and
Fairbanks will be the nominee. They will join forces as
against Hughes and Roosevelt, according to the informa
tion handed out, and will fight anyone else outside of the
pool. This leaves Cummins, who is really one of the
strongest candidates, outside of Hughes and Roosevelt,
so far mentioned out of it. The combination looks to an
outsider like a strong one, but its members do not want to
overlook the fact that in the Colonel they have one of the
most resourceful politicians that ever tackled a con
vention. Another fact the pool does not want to overlook is,
that if things do not suit Teddy, and he thinks an unfair
advantage is taken of him, which he will certainly do if
he is not nominated, he will jump the fence again, and in
that case the nomination may not be worth as much as
it cost. It is only ten days until the convention meets, buf
that does not alter the fact that "it's a long way to Tip
perary." Besides there are many impediments in the
road. What matters it if a man gain the republican nom
ination and lose the Roosevelt support?
Another feature of the coming match is the entrance
of the "German-American" element into it, with the
slogan, "Anyone to beat Roosevelt or Wilson."
Which of the "Fighting Five" has the lead is an open
guess. The lead in each case being different as the
source from which the estimates issue are different. Each
is in the lead according to the reports from the head
quarters of the especial one.
Before such an appalling, yet so pitiful a tragedy as
that which shocked this city yesterday morning, inends,
acquaintances and the whole community can only stand
silent and sorrowful, mute from the utter pathos of it.
There is nothing to be said, nothing to be done. It is not
for us to iudce. for that is the hands of a higher court. It
is not ours to iudce for we have only, before us the bare
facts of the pitiful tragedy, and the causes that led up to
it. the battle that was iought in the mind ot the nusiruut
and father before he blotted out the lives of those nearest
and dearest to him and ended his own, we know nothing
of nor will we ever know. So with tender and sympa
thetic hands we can only lay them away as he would have
them, together in death; cover them with flowers and
keep green the memory ot them be tore the dawning ot
The land grant bill as passed by the house Thursday,
among other things after providing for selling the timber
from the lands, provided logged off lands shall bo open to
homestead, without charge. No doubt those down east
erners thought they were being generous with the public
domain. If one of them could be staked out in a bunch
of young firs, and among the stumps on a piece of this
land and told to get busy and make a home for himself,
lie would realize that life was far from being one glad1
sweet song, if that life had to maintain itself from the
land. The only thing that can exist on these lands is a
goat and he has to have a few days start of the under
growth. Giving that land to the homesteader is about as
generous as the old butcher, who, when he killed a polled
angus ox, gave most of the horns to the poor.
The "How to Keep Well" column in the Oregonian is
real good reading and is full of amusing things as a want
ail column. Yesterday, replying to someone who asked
about a young lady who is thin and also troubled witV
anemia, the doctor advises that "she eat more cream,
milk, bread, rice and candy as a means of increasing her
flesh, and for her anemia "to eat more spinach, lettuce,
salads, greens, meat and eggs." The young lady is to be
congratulated that she has no other troubles, or she might
have to eat what the country boy said he lived on at home,
which was: "A pretty much, of a good deal of most
The Waite trial is ended so far as actual evidence is
concerned, the defendant admitting the crimes he is
charged with committing, and this brings it up to the
stage where the expert alienist takes a hand. Dr. Morris
Kasper, the first of these to be called, says Waite is men
tally unsound, or was at the time of the Peck murder. He
called the disease "moral idiocy" or "moral imbecility,"
saying that a sufferer from such afflictions did not know
the nature of his acts. It may be moral imbecility, but it
certainly is no more so than the acts of the courts in ad
mitting and harkening to the silly twaddle of hired alien
ists whose best source of income is the "moral idiocy" of
the courts.
The postal department has changed its rules to meet
alleged demands. Heretofore no one could have a deposit
in the postal savings banks larger than $500, and not
more than $100 could be deposited in any month. This
has been changed so that the total deposit can now be
$1,000, and as much of this as desired can be deposited at
one time. This helps things from the department side of
the matter, but the. hustling of the deposit is just as dif
ficult as ever.
A French paper takes President Wilson to task, and
says he is not qualified as a mediator in any settlement
that may be proposed between the warring nations be
cause "he tolerated the violation of the neutrality of
Belgium." In spite of the terrible conditions by which
they are surrounded, those Parisian papers cannot help a
bit of humor occasionally. It is in the blood.
When that Montana woman chopped off her husband's
head because he took a drink she "certainly cured him of
'he habit. As she used an axe for the job, why not abolish
axes? They were in .this case at least more dangerous
and deadly than booze, bad as that is.
With Kilauea the big Hawaiian volcanoe in active erup
tion, Mt. Lassen becoming active again and Roosevelt due
in a few clays at Chicago the old world should begin to
feel relieved of its stomach troubles.
Mrs. Pankhurst says English women are fighting for
the ballot. Maybe this war at home is what makes it so
hard to recruit troops for the front.
Those who have sampled some of the drink peddled by
I bootleggers say that bad as the booze habit is, it is nothing
compared to the booze itself.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18G8
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Depesit Boxes
Mr. Charles W. Pepper will manage the Root cam
paign at Chicago. There should be plenty of "Pep" in
that fight.
Wu Rippling RfiijmQ
My friends come back from the babbling brooks, and
talk of the things they've done, with their poles and reels,
and their lines and hooks, till the setting of the sun. And
eacn at tne end remarks, "1 wish I had had
good luck today; but the biggest fish, and
the finest fish, was the fish that got away."
I have heard that yarn for a hundred years,
and I'll hear it till I die, and when a fisher
man bold appears, I heave me a sob and
sigh; for I know full well he will stand and
dish the story that' sold and gray, of the
biggest fish, and the finest fish, and the fish
that got away. It's the freckled boy with
the old time bait, and the fish-line coarse
and stout, who sits him down hv the brook
to wait for a bite from the monster trout; he gets the bite,
and his pole goes, "Swish !" Eureka and boom-de-ay ! He
has caught the fish, the world-famous fish that so often
got away !
COUPON IN M I fc"1',
Democracy's Official
Publicity Promoter
I .
V yy
yfh l
(Capital Journal Speelnl Service.)
Turner. Ore.. Max- 27. Mrs. ,T, F.
l.yle spout Friday afternoon in Sn
loin, Mrs. 11. I.. Karl spout Tuesday oalliujj
on her ninny fiends. j
Miss Alma Pakor has finished a very
suevessf ul school your at Battle
Richard Waggoner of Portland, spoilt i
Sunday at tlic homo of Mr. Itarr.
Mm. Bert Wagner was cnlli'd to Ore-1
Ron City Thursday ;o the bedside of
her mother, Mrs. Woodaul, who. is se
riously ill.
Mrs. K. (). Tlioni: a entortinc.l Wed
nesday afternoon in oonor of Mrs. Hel
en Hull.
Mr mid Mi-. Hail wir. go to Tort
iM'.d to 'ive.
Mrs. T. K. 1'errou pax-, th li.dies
of Surprise grunge a thicken dinner
Arthur Kdwnrd. IT. R. Crawford. F.
A. Wood, Art Koine and A. I.. Rones
made a Imsinrss irip into Portland
rffEomicK w. s techm'an)
Frederick V. Steekman, lor the past
twelve years a Washington newspaper
correspondent, iwis been selected as
rector of publicity for ue Democr uic
national committee. He is n native of
Princeton, Mo., uniuurried and thirty
six years old. He was in ciinrye of the
Chicago hoadcpiarters nt the committee
in the 1!H- campaign and originated
the idea o nolii-iting small contribu
tions for the campaign. This plin net
ted the committer more than lti0,0O0.
Mr. Steekman 's newspaper affiliations
date from the time he was less than
ten years old, r.nd he has been "in
t.ie iimnes" ever since. .e repre
sented the St. Louis Kepublic when he
first caine to the capital in HUM. He
is now a political writer for the Wash
ington Post ind corerspondent for the
New Orleans Uiilv States.
Election Returns of
Polk Canvassed
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Pallas, Or., May L'7. K. U I hap
man, the undertaker, Inst week re
ceived from l'etroit a new six cylin
der Cadillac hearse for use in his bus-!
ines in this vicinity. The c.ir was!
made especially to Mr. Chapman's or-
der and represents an expenditure of:
about .'!0(lll, it being eleetricallv lisht-l
ed and hand enrved with a lining of
Official Count Is Made
The official count of the ballots
cast at the primary nominating elec
tion held last Fridav wns made Wed
nesday and shows that several candi
dates "had a close race for the office
they coveted. For representative, Con
rad Stafrin's plurality was rlii. W. L.
Tooze, Jr., for district attorney had
a majority of .":!. For county clerk,
Fred J. llolnmn's plurality was 319.
A. V. R. Snyder received a plurality
of 12 votes for the office of county
treasurer. For school superintendent.
Miss Amelia Fuller had i plurality of
OS. Homer A. Robb for the office of
county surveyor has a plurality of 4!
and for the office of countv commis
sioner, the most contested office on
the republican ticket, ilose Mansion'
receixeu a plurality or mi votes, un
the Hemociatic ticket Carl Kenton re
ceived a plurality of II votes over
Frank Meyer his opponent for the of
fice of county assessor.
County to Oil Roads Again
Tinou;h the efforts of the Dallas
Comiiieieial club the county court has
consented to have the main road ofj
the county treated to a coaling of oil
this year as in former years. It is the;
opinion of the court and also the club;
that the amount of oil used this yean
will be less than in former years jS
the mads are in fair condition owing!
to the oil placed on them the past few
years. The court is sonu-xvimt cramped'
for money this year but roali.ad tlint1
by passing up one year the good roads ;
that we now have-would be ruined. 1
'Favor Sunday Loop
A meeting xvas held in the county
court room Wednesday evening in
which the MeMinnville Automobile:
(dub and the Dallas Commercial club'
discussed the proposition of perfecting1
a road from Dallas to 'MeMinnville i
through Perrydale nnd Amity for the;
purpose of advertising an automobile'
route from Portland throng the valley
and back to Portland. The idea of,
the meeting was to enll the proposed!
route the Sunday loop. The said loopj
to run from Portland to Dallas, across
to Salem and thence on to Portland.
The route is about 1G." miles long and
will make nn ideal trip for motorist?!
of Portland and will also be a means
of advertising the Willamette valley!
towns. !
V. V. Fuller, fire warden fur Polk
county wns a Capital city business
visitor Wednesday.
A large number of people of this
city attended the Robinson circus in!
Salem Thursday afternoon.
H. ,T. F.lliott, manager of the Fer-
rydale flouring mills was a business!
visitor in the county seat Wednesday.!
Mrs. Nancy Brown and daughter,!
Mrs. H. H. Ounkelbemer and children!
are visiting xvith relatives in Drowns-1
ville this week.
Rev. C. P. Gates of Dayton is a I
guest this week at the home of his ,
mother, Mrs. Klla J. Metzger. I
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Chapin and fam-i
il of Salem were in Dallas the first-'
of the week the guests of relatives.
A. D. Braun left the first of the
week for Tacnloma, California, where
he has purchased a bakerv. Mrs. Eraun
and little sou will leave for that place!
in a lew wcoks.
The Star transfer company of this
city has secured the contract to build
five miles of new state road in Tilla
mook county and A. P. Starr and L.I
C. Muscott will leave next week with
a force of men to get things in shape
for the beginning of the work.
Mrs. s. Taylor Jones and little son
of Portland were Dallas visitors the
nfirst of the week.
Mrs. Oeorge Fiddema has returned I
to her home .it Albnu? after a visit
at the home of her p.irents, Mr. and
Mrs. !ol Blessing.
Mrs. Ora Cosper of this city wa
elected secretary of the Oregon Re-
Jbekah Assembly for the twentieth
successive time at a meeting of ths
grand lodge held at Roseburg thif
Fred S. Crawley, principal of tha
Rickrenll schools was a Dallas visitot
Monday, Mr. Crowley is the Demo
cratic nominee for school superintend
ent of Polk county.
Portland, Or., May 27. Rev. J. J.
O'Keardon, a;'e li". a member of thai
faculty 0f Mount Angel College,' died at
St. Vincent's hospital Thursday night
after an operation. He was an native
of Ireland and a graduate of the semin
ary at Maynooth l-diind. He fMighb
geology, philosophy and higher English,
at Mount Angel College.
If you enjoy reading the Journal oc
casionally you will be pleased to get
it regularly only 4a cents psr month
at your door.
Don't Stay Gray! Here's a
Simple Recipe That Any
body Can Apply with a
Hair Brush
The use of Sage and Sulphur for re
storing faded, gray hair to its natural
color dates back to grandmother's time.
She used it to keep her hair beautifully
dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever
her hair took on that dull, faded or
streaked apiearance. this simplo mix
ture was applied with wonderful effex't.
Put brewing at home is mu-ssy and
out of date. .Xowadavs: bv askiu? at
any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of
"Wyeta's Sage and Surphur Com
pound,'' you will get this famous old
preparation, improved by the addition,
of other ingredients, which can be de
pended upon to restore natural color
and beauty to the hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says it darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that nobody can tell it ha
been applied. You simplv dampen a
sponge or soft brush wittTit and draw
mis tnrougn your hair, taking on
strand at a time. By morning the gray
hair disappears, and after another ap
plication or two, it becomes beautifully
dark and glossy.
Wyeth's, Sage and Sulphur Compounl
is a delightful toilet requisite for those
who desire a more youthful appearance.
It is not iutoudorl for the cure, mitiga
tion of prevention of disease.
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
444 4tt Mtttttttt 7
Dtnouy coriocs weignt, iquara deal and nigheet price for all kind of
junk, metal, rubber, hide and furs. I pay 2o per pound for old nst,
Big rtock of all sizes second aand Incubators. All kind eorrngatad
Iron for both roofs and building. Hoofing paper and second aand
H. SteinbackMunk Co. X
j 08 North. Commercial St noB, ,
t ;