THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1916. THREE Fairgrounds Being Put in First Class Shape and Beautiful With Flowers With hard surfaced carriage and au-j tomobilo driveways to all parts of the ! grounds, foot paths treated with a gen-! erous coat of decomposed granite. green and velvety lawns and miles up- J ob miles of luxurious and seasonable I lijnsxfjms in Jondlpss variety, nrtjsti-1 ally and decorativeliy grouped and j assorted to attract and please the most Oregon state fair grounds are rapidlv undergoing change and a complete ! metamorphosis will have taken place nhen the gates are thrown open upon ' the occasion of the 55th annual Oregon Btate fair, September 25-30, 1916. Al ready marked improvement has been made in the general appearance o'f the) grounds and long before the fair opens a vivid contrast will be shown over any and all previous expositions. Contrary to the usual custom of waiting until two or three weeks before the opening of the fair to begin prepa rations and improvements of the grounds, buildings, etc., the reorganiza tion of the state fair board had scarce ly been completed and .Secretary A. H. I.ea had assumed direct management of .affairs until plaus were laid and actual work begun looking to the complete working over and transformation of scenes and conditions generally through out the buildings and grounds. Al though a great amount, of labor will have been donated by theworking pa tients of the state hospital and the state prison, alterations and remodelling of barns and buildings are being carried on to such degree that a considerable amount of money will have been ex pended in general improvements ere the extousive plans Bre carried into execu tion. Approaches Beautified. Under the general direction of Super-1 intendent R. K. Lee Steiner, of the state hospital, and direct supervision pf Sec-; retary I.ea, of the fair board, the en-! tire lawn of the four acres of inner! court area has been spaded, worked j down and sown to grass and will pre sent a beautiful vista of velvety green ! lawn, instead of the brown splotches of! dead grass of previous fairs; a com-J plete working over and rearrangement j of flowor beds has been brought about and flowers planted with the view of , creating the most pleasing and harmon- j ious effect from an artistic standpoint; a bed of perrenials is being placed upon: each sido of the main entrance Vnlk from the S. P. depot to the main gate; I the spaiions court between the mnchin-j ery hall and The new pavillion is being worked down and converted into a' sightly lawn in the center of which has been constructed n huge flower bed, 50 feet in diameter, in which will be placed a wide variety of full blooming flowers and ornamental shrubs; nine beds, each 100 feet long and wide enough to accommodate three rows of dahlias, or 2,700 feet in all, have been provided upon the north side of the new pavillion and will be completely filled with growing dahlias, and 100 new half barrel tnbs have been made and treated with a rich coat of green paint, in which flowers and shrubs of all kinds and de scriptions will be planted, and these will be distributed about the grounds and buildings, greatly heightening the decorative effect. Some of the Improvements. A crew of 18 patients from the state hospital has been working every work ing day for several days getting the grounds, flower beds, etc., into shape, building nnd improving foot paths and driveways all about the grounds. Next week a crew of convicts will be put to work grubbing out the unsightly grow ths of trees and slashing the brush from the fence rows clear around the grounds and cleaning up the grounds nnd around the buildings generally. Hundreds of loads of gravel and de composed granite, tho latter donated by tho Southern Pacific company, have been placed upon the driveways and the work of Inying hard surface upon near ly a milo of the unfinished main drive ways within the grounds will be begun as soon as weather conditions permit and rushed to early completion. While much of tho time and labor tip on the state fair reservation is being devoted to tho remodelling and repair ing of buildings nnd improvement of the exposition grounds proper, Socretary Lea, of tho fair board, is not losing sight of the opportunity for profit from the agricultural area of the farm and has in 23 acres of fibre flax, pronounce ed the finest stand of early sown flax in the valley, from which the fair board will realize the standard price of $15 per ton for the straw, and 30 acres of oats' which, under present conditions, promise a big yield of grain. He will also realize a big crop of hay from the area directly in 'front of tho grandstand and within the race conrse enclosure which has been reserved for a military camp ground and for free open air ex hibitions during the races each day of the fair. Taken all in all the work of improve ment is upon a much larger, more com prehensive and methodical scale than ever before and tho visitors to the 191H Oregon state fair will he greeted with a succession of contrasting nnd highly agreeable surprises, as compared to the general appearances and conditions of previous years. 5 OCIET Y- ALINE THOMPSON (Continued from Page Two.) rosea and yellow tulle. Covers mark d places for twenty-one memuers of tho "Cherry City Club." , The usual memorial day parade of the O. A. K. and Spanish war veter ans the most heart moving national spectacle we have will be held on Tues day He is a poor specimen of citizen who eau look at the wavering lines of the Civil War veterans without a throb of affection, pride and gratitude, scarcely leas appealing are the Spanish war veterans, for in that war too, as in 18C1-0, we fought, not for national aggrandizement, but for an ideal to liberate a suffering and oppressed peo ple. - Throngs of men and women from all walks of life, will turn out to wit ness the parade and the streets will be full of fluttering flags and the sound of music, as these old veterans and the women of the G. A. R. and the Wom an's Relief Corps march to Willson's park, where the Memorial day exercis es will take place. Mr.' and Mrs. Clifford Farmer (Ed na JoNse) whose wedding took place last Haturday in Portland have re turned and are at home to their friends in their attractive new residence in South Salem. They motored to Salem with Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Haack of Portland who were also accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Fuch. - A throng of music lovers of Wood liLira gathered in the Methodist church of that city Wednesday even ing to attend a recital given by Pro fessor Walsh of this city, when he pre- Absolutely Puro' EdafrcraCrtancf Tartar seated his pupil Miss Alice Jiuld also -'of Salem. Miss Judd possesses a soprano voice of unusual dramatic timbre ami she sings melodies in a rich, free tone of exquisite beauty. Her interpretation of "Elizabeth's Prayer" from Tan hauser, was such as is seldom beard off the operatic stage. Professor Wilsh gave several numbers in his own inimitable manner. In the duet work his rich lyric bass tones evi- idenced the perfect control he has. over I the instrument of his voice. The peo ple of this city will look forward with liinerest to wie prescuuiuuu til iuins Judd to buleni musical circles some time this fall. Miss Ellen Thielscn has had as her house guest Mrs. T. A. Thurber (Lu cile Abrams) of Colorado Springs. Mrs. Thurber left Thursday for Eu gene where she will be the guest of her mother. i Mrs. E. Hurst and daughter Miss Caroline Hurst have returned from a several weeks sojourn in Southern California. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank T. Schmidt mo tored to Poriland today for toe week end. Mr. and -ira. Frank Davev enter tained Friday evening with a five hundred party, their euctB who were the members of the "nre Club ' circled fire tables of the game an. the high card honors were captured by Mrs. JJavey And J. U. .Nadon. The card rooms were attractive with roses. Mrs. John Nathain assisted the hostess in the sorving. Mrs. Louis Josse entertained infor molly Friday afternoon. A few young matrons and maids of the La Coudor club were guests. Mrs. Thomas Mcfiowen of Bismnrk, .North Dakota, is visiting at the borne of her brother, C. E. Barbour, at 244 South 14th Street. Mr.MoGowan and small son will Arrive later, and remain through the summer. Clarence Bishop of Pcndlcoa vi ill be the week end guest of the 0. 1 and Chauncev Bishops. At the P. E. O. Sisterhood state con vention held in Portland this week at the social service temple of the M. E. church, several members of the Sa lem chapter were present including Mrs. F. W. Selee vice president of the local chapter; Mrs. C. B. Smith 'and Miss Laura Grant, state treasurer, who was re-elected. Others attending several sessions of the convention were Mrs. II. E, Epp ley and Mrs. Gerald Volk. V. E. O. was the first absolutely fra ternal, unselfish, sisterly secret organ ization among women and has stood the test of nearly half a century, growing in number from 7 to nearly 22,000. They "ossess and work for an educational fund from which any worthy girl can securo funds, at a very Boston, Cradle of Pre paredness, Has Mon ster Parade Today Boston, May 27 Greater Boston, whose minute men so annoyed the pacifists of "177o, and which is the birth place of the American doctrine of get-ready, is holding its preparedness,! parade today. . More than 60,000 men and women will be in line, parading through the narrow streets that once echoed the footfalls of the men in homespun who fell in the Boston Massacre, who fired from the redoubts of Bunker Hill and who went to the aid of the farmers at Lexington and Concord. Lieutenant Colonel Beaumont B. rck, V. S. A., is the chief marshal. with Major Williams J. Keivlle of the fighting 8th, as thief 0f staff. Every member of the house of repre sentatives and the senate will inarch today, as will many high officials of the Bay State. Members of every pro fession in the Hub will be in line, in cluding hundreds of prominent lawyers, lead bv Samuel .f. Elder. The new Harvard regiment, 1100 strong, will be among the marchers be fore they break awjiy for the intercol legiate ine,et a tthe Stadium. The Ancient and Honorable ..rtillery w ill be a feature of the parade, in their Colonial uniforms, recalling the daysj of the Minute Men. Another feature of the inarch will be the first public, appearaneo of three newly organized lied Cross base hos pital units. Every unit of the State militia will march, and' besides these will be the society . women, who already have pledged their homes for emergency hos pitals; suffragists, anti-suffragists, business men, fishermen, clam-diggers, society men, at least one son of Colonel Roosevelt; actors, sailors, and particu larly farmers to recall the "ein battl'd" days. EveTy band for miles around has been requisitioned, and .100 marchers from Providence will bring one of their own. Boston today may not have the quan tity that New York in her parade Vf the 13th produced, but for quality the committee in charge of tho Citizen's u ,i ,i', t if ittit--uiicB3 -I uiifur, umima it tan v be beat. In the ranks are hnndreds of direct descendants of the first disciples of i preparedness, those uninvited guests ot T?.ctn Ton lnti- ntwt ttinen wlm t... ....... .... t.-: tkA m mm mm immim mm mm mm mi imtiim S IT? MOO n fl II El DUCATI ONAL WEEK fi How Linoleum Is Made jruu nave any uica i I what linoleum is made ri law rate of interest, for a college ed ucation. Miss Irene Howard who has been ing a course in nursing at the Murny hospital ,in Butte, Montana, arrived home Thursday for a few weeks visit with her mother, Mrs. Blanche Howard. On her return to Butte Miss Howard will be accompanied bv her mother, who will remain indefinitely. Wednesday the Naomi Circle enter tained the general ladies aid society with an attractive afternoon atfair in! the First Methodist church. The parlor of the church was deco rated with roses und graceful vines, similar blossoms also adorning the small tables which were arranged for four and six and placed around the room. During the afternoon the guests en joyed a programme which included the following numbers: Vocal selections Mrs. C. K, Bates; piano solo, Miss (Jen evive Findley; cartoon work, Andrew Vincent; piano solo, MisB Catherine Vincent; vocal solo, Miss Inez Belle; one act comedy "rsewmg lor tno of? Da you know how manv far-off pnnn trips II contribute to its manu- l facture? Did you ever u realize that cork from W sunny Spain, flax from j Siberia, jute from the 1 swamps of India and IJ kauri gum from New . Zealand, are all brought H together in this modern p floor covering? It It is a long story and columns devoted to its .j telling would not en- II lighten you half as much II as a few minutes spent tl in front of the windows If of the Moore Furniture Store. gj They have obtained a linoleum display from S2 the Linoleum Depart- II ment of the Armstrong J Cork company, Lancas- Ij ter, Pa., that is not only Ei remarkably complete, II but extremely interest- H ing and instructive. It 13 comprises specimens ot j every ingredient that ii enters into the manu- U facture of linoleum: II Sheets of cork bark and crrvmnri Pfrr flmir flay. 11 seed. and its derivative -linseed oil jars of rr--flBlfl -J',-f" :'i.'ARllOII6Sll0Lllll1ISO"3UllI0llISN . , "i ! f ' h fHiJLt Do you know what lineoleum is made of ? In our west window wq have an educational exhibit. Do not miss it. Cork from Spain, Flax from Siberia, Jute from the swamps of India, and Kauri Gum from New Zeland; are on display with explanatory photographs of the composition and manufac ture of this modern floor covering. A real treat for those who would like to know of what and how things are made. color pigments, samples of jute and burlap, kau ri gum and rosin. Then there are the various blocks used in printing linoleum and samples showing the successive N stages of the printing process. Some patterns require as many as thir teen different colors. The many large pho the exhibit, are especial tographs, included in ly intere sting. One shows block cutters at work; another, the mix ing of colors. Still a third shows the im mense calendaring ma chines that exert a pres sure of thousands of pounds to the square inch and yet can be ad- . justed to differences as fine as one-thousandth of an inch. Other pic tures give some idea of the immense "stoves" or curing rooms where miles of linoleum are hung up to season and dry. It is a real treat for those who like to know how and what things are made and anyone who makes it a point to visit this exhibit will be well repaid. Money i i E4 I r t r i i u E t I V: n t i t t: I I t I r I f t El I' t I I t I I K i i i t i tl zz i v r- i. nyi iivi r . v..i i uu vjci tuuure aimuuic a iui & uui El tl U You get evertyhing New in Furniture I ti s L! Piano, "Concertstruck in F mi.. or" op. 1!) Vnn Weber Mr. Harry tuinn Mills (Orchestral parts on the orgiin by Br. Chace) (No encores) Mrs. The Vogue for Stripes Even Girds the Children J. S. Cooper has as her guests Heathen." Mrs. J. W. Vincent. Mrs.'"" mother, Mrs. Vcruio Vnn 1'atton C. Bales, Mrs. Ogg, Mrs. B. F. Falmon,,of Sacramento, -alifornia, and j)so her Mrs. Fred Zimmerman, Mrs. Upiie-i Mrs. T. K. Holloway of Fort- graph, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. II. L. Briggs, 'nnu. and Mrs. Hughes. Chicago, May 2.r. Harry Itice of Rainier, Or., following his graduation from the Chicago university June 0, will rush to Halem to wed Miss Ruth Boyer. a ft An informal dinner was enjoyed at the residence of Mrs. L. A. Tillson, 35C North Liberty street Thursday even ing. The guests were Mesdames. J. W. Schaller, Henry Haucr, M. A. Bens more of Ashland, Oregon, and Miss Minnie Schaller and Joseph Schaller. ft Mrs. Orover Bellinger and small son have gone to Washington, for a several weeks visit with friends. Monday evening the department of music of Willamette University will give a recital in the First Methodist church at eight o'clock, The; participants will include the students of Dr. Frank Wilbur Chace and the violin pupils pf Miss Joy Tur ner. The ushers for the evening will be Rene R. Jackson, F. I. Handifer, W. B. Slabaugh, A. J. Castile, Ivan Mann and Otto Burchan. Here is the programme: Fart I Piano, (a) Polonaise in C sharp min or Chopin (b) l)ancc of tho Gnomes, No. i - Liszt Miss Lucille E. Emmons Vocal, (a) "I Hear You Calling Me" .. Marshall (b) The Sword of Ferrara....Bullard "Ferrara, Ferrara made and fashion ed me in Cordova, Bpain." Mr. Archie H. Smith, b-iritone Violin, "Then You'll Remember Me" with variations Balfe Miss Pearl Oeorge Piano, "Forest lumbers" Xiszt Miss Fnye Janctte Bolin Violin, Barcarolle ...Atierton Miss Edna Denison VocaI, (a) "Were My Hong" Hahn (b) "Hongs My Mother Taught Me" Dvorak Misa Louise Ruth Benson, soprano Piano, (a) Polonaise in A Chopin (b) Erotik .... Orieg Miss Esther Cox Vocal, (i) Hognai Schira (b) The ear's at the Spring - Orieg Misa Eugenia Belle Mclnturff, soprano Piano, (a) Bigoletto (laraphrai) Liszt (b) Sextette from "Lucia Di Lammermoor" Lcschetizky (for left hand alone) Amelia Mclnturff Cossalman Vocal, "Ernani Fly With Me" Verdi (from the opera "Ernani") Miss Lela Belle McCaddam, soprano maids, tinkers. Mrs. E. R. Wheeler of Aspen, Colo rado, and Mrs. Fiank llciscr of Port land are the guests of Mrs. Ii. J. Whitney, . Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Choate and small sous went to Jefferson Friday for a week-end visit with Mr. und Mrs. Marion Ioouey. i An unusually fine chorus of 30 voices lrom the high school will pre sent the comic opera Rubin Hood at the high school Wednesday May :)1 at S ol'clock. The pupils are showing splendid ability in both singing antl acting, and the opera will bo splendidly costumed. It will be X whole evening of fun and frivolity, but with most beautilul ruu'-'ic well sung. lhe orchestral music ucctm;.ikinifuts and overature are especially fine nnd all should be seated at H o'clock to hear the overture. This is the program: Overture . ..Peerless and K. s. orchestra Opening chorus Auctioneers Hong Milkmaids song Chorus of ten Entrance of Robin Hood ' Robin Hood and chorus I came as a Cavilier Maid Marion Duct Maid Marion, Robin Hood Hong I Sheriff Ouy nnd chorus Trio ....Maid. Marion, Sheriff sec. Guy Act II Opening song and chorus Sherwood Forest Will Scarlet and AArthur Brown October Ale Little John "O Promise Mc" Allan A Dale Tinkers Hong, comic, act Hheriff, Hir Ouy and chorus Chorus Friar Tuck, Outlaws Forest .... Will H-rlet -ind AMiur Serenade, Robin Hood, Maid Marian, Will Scarlet, Allan A Dale Finale. Act m Aimorers S'tJ Will Sca-!t When a Maiden Weds Annabel Tie Legend of the Chimes Allan A Dale Finale Characters In order of their appear ance: Little John Victor Reed Allan A Dale Letha Driscoll Will Scarlet Wm. Harris Annabel Althea Esch Friar Tuck j Cecil Harf Dame Durdcn Marybello Reinhart Robin Hood - Max Alford Maid Marian Lura Minton Sheriff' of Nottingham.... Archie .Smith Guy of Oisborne Frank Zinn King. Herald Helen Mclnturf Chorus of peasants, outlaws, milk '' Jf f' ' 'ft - 1 v K';" 'h ' M'SU : t-J .1 iJ ill' hi Margaret Mason Writes of Gotham Fads and Fashions gjQ MODISH ZEBGy Lightweight sweaters for spring come in two harmonizing or contrasting tones. The one pictured is navy alter nating with pastel blue and snugly closed with pearl buttons, patch pock ets ftnrl . suitor collar M-t off this popular play garment. NO PEACE MISSION TOR HOUSE Washington, May 27. Colonel Houe does not intend to visit Europe in the near future on a peace mission, (ft ficialn today expressed iuterest in Ber lin reports that he was going, but stat ed they were false. A Journal New Today will conrert waste Into wealth. 41 By MAEOARET MASON (Written tor the I'nited Press.) In the olden days 'twas a wily snake Got the best of Mother Eve; Bait the times have changed for that wrxnt bold You may well indeed believe; For down at her feet, on her dainty boots And up in the air on her hat, The modern Eve has the best of him now And what do you think ti that? New York, May 27. Don't be wor ried nnd sign the pledge hastily if you see snakes theso days. They are be ing worn in tho best of families and every fair chnrnier looks liNe a snake one since the latest fad of serpents has come to light. Just to turn the tables on the old nake for wearing Eve 's nerves, her grand-daughters ure wearing him on their fi ct and heads. It surely is going bak sonic to go back to th Oarden (if Bden for our fashion". We began by decking our selves out in apples and now we are up to the snake. Let's hoj we stop at that and don't revive the fig leaf fur the summer months. At first glunce) these new high boots of grey kid appear to have tops of mot tled silk, but a second glance confirms your snaky, shaky suspicious. They are very stunning of course and when worn with"" wide brimmed sail or hat with a crown of the same mot tled skin the effect is not garish or diz-arre, as you may at first suppose, but conservatively rich and original. Belts and pocketbooks also are shown in the snake skin. The summer girl is very keen for beauty patches. 'Indeed, she seldom ap pars in a barefaced condition without a tiny black heart, diamond or dot en hancing the dimple in her cheek or the corner of one eye. However, beauty patches aren't the only patches on tho l!lrl beauty. Al together, they may well be said to have gone to her hoad, for the very newest sKrt hat is a eraiy affair made ex actly like your gruudmother's silk patchwork quilt. It is a soft, erush hat and tno gayest scraps of silk and hort stitches, or learner sutcmng iu a uvmriuv iiixu-ii manner. Nuts on golf or tennis will feel very much at home in one of these new crazy patch headpieces and to designate a fair lady as cruzy in the, head will im ply rather a degree of smartness than a iligma of addle-ptttcidiiess henceforth. Do you know how to crochet an edg ing on wash cloths and bath towels! If so, cease such superfluous embel lishment and turn your knowledge to more wearing and wearable adornment. If you 1I1111 't care fur the crazy patch sport hals and still desire to be a smart ly halted sport, purchase n broad brim med lint and a. hank of yarn und then get busy with your crochet hook. .lust imagine your lint is a v. ash cloth and edge it in a vivid shade of green, cerise, yellow or purple and you will have a simply stunning chapeau. If yon are a versatile crocheter you can make a hectic yarn flower with a, leaf or two to put on the front of tln crown and you will find that you hmo hooked the most attractive sport hat ot Hie season with your little crochet hook. This is a true little yarn. Waconda News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Wacondu, Ore., May 27. The si li... 1 board of directors met at Waconda 011 Tuesday and elected Mr. i. W. Murki to fill the vacancy left by Mr. (I. (iani ucr as director. Another meeting wi:t, be held Friday to elect a teaciip 1 for the coming year. Miss Xellie Patterson spent Satur day and Sunday with Miss Gladys Van Clove, of Haysville. Miss Jessie Armstrong hns returned to Portland after spcudin a few dn 1 with Miss Gladys Humphrey. Mr. II. B. Ferrin, of Washoua', Wash., was the guest of Mr. Al'cliiy Mnrkeo on Wednesday of lust week. Mrs. E. Cramer and daughter, C'luu olctto, are visiting relatives in l'oi land this week. The death of Mrs. P. II. Martin oc curred Wednesday evening, after a lou illness. The funeral services will lm held at her home Saturday. She wiik be buried in Salem. Mrs. E. P. Hubert went to PortlnnV Thursday to spend a fev days witit friends. Those visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Savage, Sunday, were: Mr. J. W. Whelan, Miss Susie Knom!, Esther Bush, Frances und Cnroliiio Rhuberts and Ray and Ous Wheliin, of Salem. A bull game was played at Oervnl t Sunday between Waconda and Oorvaiv. The game was lost by Waconda. Next Sunday the home team have challenged Brooks to a game, whit.h will ho playod at Brooks It promises to b a very exciting game. A party left for the momitnii'i Thursday for a few days' fishing. Those composing the party nre: M. Emil Cramer, Charles Hanncgan, lilty Patterson and Walter Nusom. Mrs. May and two children of East ern Oregon, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Jones, Thursday and Friday. Don't forget to read the New Today culumn. i