Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 27, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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THE Ray month of May will soon
give way to the new month of
brides, "I fresco affairs ami prep
arations for the July carnival festivi
ties. All reaily prominent men anil
women all over town are taking xu
active interest in the annual Cherry
fair, particularly the floral jiarados.
It will be a week of gayeties not only
for the stranger witiiin our gates, but
for us all.
The pKt week Ins heen filleil almost
entirely with impromptu affairs anil
Small informal gatherings.
Dancing of course has occupied the
limelight anil the Hotel Marion dinner
dance last night was among the smart
functions of the week. Other charm
ing affairs were: the luncheon presided
over by Mrs. W. I'. tarri Tuesday, the
bridge given by Mrs. Frank Spencer,
yesterd.iy, the tea for which Mrs.
Charles Burks was hostess Friday,
and the numerous small inform
al attentions wit ji which society
was busy greeting visitors and bidding
adieux to members of their set wlu
will leave before tho end of nct month
A charming nffuir-of the week whs
1he smart bridge tea for which Mrs.
Frjnk Spencer was hostess Friday af
ternoon. The rooms where the card
tables were arnnged wore artistically
decked with t'r.igrant roses, and the
high score honors fell to Mrs. L. r.
OriMth and Mrs. K.S. Tillingmist.
After the game a few additional guests
came in for tea.
Mrs. Milton Meyers aid Mrs. W. P.
Bibcock presided over the samovars,
Mad Mis. J. (i. Ilichnrdson assisted.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Livesley left
SVedneid jy evening for a several weeks
ojourn in Seattle.
(.'lose to seventy matrons and maids
motored out to the beautiful country
residence of Mrs. Charles Park Friday
to participate in the pretty tea which
vise planned as a courtesy to the Y.
W. 0. A, bonrd of directors and their
assistant in the recent lool campaign
Quantities of fragrant rosea were
used about the rooms and also adorned
ihe tea tables, over which Mrs. Httlla
Ulnckerhy and Miss Florence Cleveland
presided. A group of young girls as
sisted in the serving.
Tho informality of the afMr com
Lined with the gra. iousnesa ot the host
m made it one of the most delightful
pf the week 's festivities.
As a token of appreciation and re
ttiembrance to Mrs. Itlackerby the
guests presented her with a charming
Mrs. Park's guests Included Mrs. H.
fi. Wallace, Mrs. (. . ltrown, Mrs.
A. N. Hush, Mrs. .1. (. (loltra, Mrs. dohu
II. 1-ewis, Mrs. Mildred Brooks, Mrs.
Chnuncey Bishop, MiBS Nina MeNury,
Hiss Klizabeth l.rrd, Miss Oda Chnp
nian, Miss Ved.i Cross, Miss Margaret
"Wishart Mrs. I). .1. Fry, Mrs. W. K.
Kirk, Mrs. (i. W. Pewthercr, Mrs. Ii.
0. F.pley, Miss Angeline McCulloch,
Mrs. F. A. Klliott, Miss Florence Cleve
land, Mrs. Stella lllaekerbj, Mrs. .Inhn
11. Albert, Miss Kdith lla'.7.ard, Miss
Gillian Applegate, Miss Lena ltiimsoy
r, M.rs. F. II. Spears, Miss Cora Tnlk
ington, Miss (iriue Bean, Miss Hazel
Downing, Mrs. Wagner of Portland,
1 MMmM if Wmi 1
:: Jl Xt,
Oar. Big Annual Money Saving Occasion in the snowy and light weight Wearables for
SiLxmer Wear
Begins Wednesday, May 31
Every article in white "except a few contract goods" will be included. .
This Means a Big Savings to You
fL G Sill
113 N. Liberty Street
This Store Will Be Closed All Day
Memorial Day
Mrs. Clifford Farmer (Edna Josse) a c
Mrs. Frank Kosempiest, Mrs. Floyd L. I
I'tter, Mrs. John II. F.irrnr, Mis. 1'. II.
Raymond, JLis. Charles Hates, Mrs.
Susie Jones, Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, Mrs.
Albin, Mrs. Willi.im Lytle, Mrs. (!eo.
F. Itoilgers, ..Irs. John J. Huberts, Mrs.
C. II. Kobcrtson, Mrs. J. I). Sutherland,
Ms. A. I. Koff, Mis. H. J. I!e:m, Miss
Mattie Hcntty, Mrs. (leo. Post, Mrs. 1..
II. Compton, Mis. Chas. S. Weller, Mrs.
Leonard, j.trs. K. T. Barnes, Mrs. F. V.
Hteusloff, Mrs. M. K. Jlrevmun, Mis.
C, 1. McNary, Mrs. K. S. 'Peek, Mr,s.
T. B. Kay, Mrs. W. A. Cnaick, Mrs. Kus
sell Catlin, Miss Cora Kovelslnd.
A wedding that will be of interest to
Hnlem society 1 is that of Mis Kva
Coshaw to (leo. W. Doyle, which took
placo on Wednesday the twenty-fourth
in Berkeley, California.
The bride formerly lived here and
has many friends in this city. She is
fue daughter of Mis. K. II. -Coshnw
of Hood Kiver and the sister of Mrs.
Charles B. Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle
will nuke their home in Clitco, Califor
nia. One of the prettiest of the week's
bridges was that given this afternoon
by Mrs. Jiinie Chimin. 'k, to honor her
olev C
harming young bride of last week.
house guest Mrs. Henry MeConnell
of Portland.
Tho rooms were aglow with yellow
genista and roses, effectively jr
langed, making a prettly background
for the matrons and maids to whom
the hostess extended her hospitality.
Mrs. Paul Hauser and Miss Eugenia
Belle assisted Mrs. Chiniiock.
The guests included Mrs. C. B. Webb
Mrs, Paul Johnson, Mrs. Charles K.
Spaulding, Mrs. Grant Bunnell, Mrs.
Charles Elgin, Mrs. Roy Mills, Mrs.
George M. Brown, Mrs. W. E. Ander
son, -vfrs. J. O. B.iiley, Mrs. A. L.
Brown, Mrs. T. H. Van Winkle, Mrs. E.
if. Bingo, Mrs. F. S. Gannett, Mrs.
Harry Wenderoth, Mrs. Rhea Luper,
Mrs. Roma Hunter, Mrs. Lloyd Stiff -ler,
Mrs. Fntil Hauser, Mrs. Walter
Spaulding, Mrs. George Kewis, Mrs.
Percy Cupper, Mrs. Roy Burton, Mrs.
Lawrenciy T. Harris, Mrs. John Lewis,
Mrs. Robert Simpson, Mrs. H. A. Cor
noyer, Mrs. Georgo Post, Mrs. L. M.
Hoggs, Mrs. H. H. Corey, Mrs. H. B.
Houston, Mis. Paul Schmidt, Mrs.
John Graber, Miss Mario Hofer and
the Misses Lucile and Eugeaia Belle.
M tt
Mrs. Joseph Richardson entertained
Salem, Oregon
Miss Aline Jndd, vocal soloist, wno was
presented In recital at Woodbura
Wednesday evening.
with x charming informal Kensington
Thursdny afternoon in honor of her
mother, Mrs. Elfia Wright of McMinn
ville. About a doen matrons were
asked to meet the visitor, who will be
the guest of her daughter for several
days longer.
At the conclusion of an enjoyable
afternoon, refreshment were served
at a table prettily adorned with frag
rant carnations and greens.
Honoring Miss Ellen Thielsen, who
is planning to leave soon for Boston,
Mass., Misaj Veda, Cross entertained
informally Wednesday afternoon. It
was a charming Kensington and the
guests who were a few of Miss Thiel
sen 's friends included Mrs. George W.
Gray, Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs. Elmer
Lndden, Mrs. Clyde Graham, Mrs.
Frank Spenrs, Mrs. Ralph Jackson
(Maude Durbin) Mrs. E. A. Thurbcr
of Colorado Springs, Miss Elizabeth
Lord, Miss Rita Steiner, Miss M irie
Hofer. Miss Cross was assisted by
Miss Hofer. a
Miss Elizabeth Lord will have as her
guest again this summer Miss Elsa
Dimel, the charming San Francisco girl
who visited here last year. Miss Dimel
is expected early in June and her re
turn visit wilt cause much rejoicing
in tho younger set, with whom she be
came very popular. She will be ac
companied as far as Eugene hy her
parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Dimel. and
small children, whtr are planning ta
speiid the summer at their attractive
new summer placo on the McKenzie
river. ' '
Mrs. C. F. Bishop who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bishop in
Pendleton for several weeks returned
this morning.
Mjs. Bishop has a wide circle of
friends un l'endleton. jnd her visit
was marked with numerous social com
pliments. www
Charming with vases in J bowls of
lovely Cecil Bmnner roses arranged ar
tistically about the rooms, about a doz
en matrons enjoyed an afternoon over
the bridge tables at tho residence of
Mrs. E. Cooke Patton, Monday. It was
very informal, only the members of
the Bridge club and a table of guests
being asked.
The high score honors fell to Mrs.
John Craig. The additional guests
were Mrs. E. Ci. Siecke, Airs. h. E.
Waters, Mrs. E. 8. Tillingmst, Mrs.
Frnnk Brown and Mrs. Fred Waters.
Miss Luella i'ntton assisted her
mother in the serving.
Perhaps tho smartest and gayest din
ner dance given this season by tile
management of the Hotel Marion was
the one given Friday night. A large
number of the married set and young
er belles and beaux attended the func
Pretty blossoms adorned the tables,
which were surrounded by several
smart parties and happy " congenial
Among the hosts were Mr, and Mrs.
Frederic Thielse i, whose guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. chauucey Bishop, Mr.
and Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs.
George Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. Asahel
Bush, JJr. and Mrs. allrry Cluv, Mr
and Mrs. W. T. Crier, tr. and Mrs.
Melvin Plimpton, Mr, and Mrs. Wil
liam Burghnrdt, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Seicke and Mr.
and Mrs. John Ciughell's guests in
cluded Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Locke, Mr.
and Mrs. George G. Brown, Dr. mid
Mrs. Carlton Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ho
mer Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Oling
er, Mrs. Fred Stewart and Mrs. Love
lace. www
Miss Florence Hofer has as her
week end guest Miss Myrtle Albright
of Miiriuam.
' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, w'no
have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Williamson in Portland for sev
eral days, returned Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Thielsen were
hosts for a charming and pretty din
ner pnrty Thursday evening. Fink
and yellow snap dragons, decked the
artistically appointed table which had
covers for Mr. and Mrs. John I). Suth
erland, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown,
Dr. and Mrs. J. X. Smith and the
Mr. and Mrs. George Putmer Putnam
were the guests of Brigadier General
and Mra. George A. White in Fnrtlvnd
Tuesday. In th evening the Whites
entertained .eir guest with a dinner
at the Hotel Benson and later at the
theatre to see litis Skinner, in "Tke
Cock o' the Walk."
A charming affair of the wck was
the luncheon for which Mrs. V P.
Lord was hostess, Tuesday. The table
decorations were unusually artistic; a
huge crystal bowl filled with yellow
lilies and white cciastium was sur
rounded by fragrant strands of yellow
lovers were placed for: Mrs. Eu
gene Breyman, Mrs. A. X. Gilbert, Mrs.
K. S. Wallace, Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, Mrs.
E. E. Waters, Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Mrs.
John Carson, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs.
Charles Parks and the hostess.
Mrs. William i.. Boot went to Port
land today t he the guest of friends
for a few days ami to enjov several
social affairs, for which her old friends
will be hostesses.
Dancing has become more of a fad
than ever with society and scarcely
a night passes that the dancing contin
gent does not indulge in its favorite
Thursday night will again find a
throng whirling merrily at the armory.
It is to be an informal affair and will
be tho last dance of tho season given
by the string orchestra.
A number of prominent matrons will
be patronesses for the event including
.Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mrs. John J. Rob
erts, Mrs. Zadoc Riggs, Mrs. Wm. II.
Lytle, Mrs. George llmer J'utnam,
Mrs. F. D. Thielsen, Mrs. A. Bush,
Mrs. Ben W. Olcotr, Mrs. W. M. Ham
ilton, Mrs. Fred Stewart, Mrs. Geo.
Kodgers, Mrs. w. II. Burghnrdt, .Jr.,
Mrs. W. M. Plimpton, Mrs. Ca.ilton
W. Smith, Mrs. Chauucey Bishop.
The matrons of the Happy Hour
bridge club and several guests enjoy
ed an informal afternoon over the card
tables at the residence of Mrs. H. J.
Bean Wednesday.
Flayers circled four tables of bridge
and the score honors full to Mrs. John
D. Sutherland and Mrs. Joseph Alberts.
Mrs. Bean was assisted by her
daughter Miss Grace Bean.
Miss Rita Steiner went to Portland
this morning to spend the day.
A group of young girls went to Eu
gene Friday to participate in the week
end festivities. The party included:
Miss Gretchen Brown, Miss Amelia
Babeock, ju.ss Elizabeth Bain and -iss
Edna Ackerman.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weller have
moved and are domiciled in their new I
residence on 163 North Seventeenth !
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roberts of Port
land were the week end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Spencer.
About thirty of the married set mo
tored to the Hjury B. Thielsen country
residence "Derry Orchards", Tues
day evening to attend the delightful
five hundred party for whi.:h Mr. and
Mrs. William II. Thielsen were hosts.
G-iests were asked for sevtn tiblos
of the game, curd honors Jailing t)
Mrs. Thomas C. Smitii, Jr, and T'lomas
B. Kay. The rooms were aglow with
a profusion of beautiful ami colorful
wild flowers.
Asiisting in the serving were Miss
Edna Simington and Miss Marie Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Thielsen 's quests were
the members of the 'Mer.'y-Cio Rouinl
club" including Mr. ami M.s. Henry
B. Thielsen. Mr. and Mrs. William
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Boise, Mr. j
uiiu .111 n. iiuiiiu it, 1 nti. .,,1. aim .nil. I
A. X. Mooi-es, Mr. and Mrs. John Me-
Vra rir nml Thi.mil. I' Slmltl,
Jr., Mr. and Mis. John I). Sutherland,
Mr and Mrs. Thomas B. Kav, Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. Fleming, Dr. and Mrs. J.
N. Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Spencer,
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Robertson.
One of the prettiest of the week 's
dinners was that presided over by Mr.
and Mrs. George Lewis Wednesday
evening. The table which was adorned
artistically with red and white carna
tions and greens had covers for Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Livesley, Mr. and
Mrs. John J. Roberts, Judge and Mrs.
Lawrence T. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Ho
mer Smith ami Mrs. A. L. Lovelace.
Dinner was followed by an evening of
Allen Bynon has as his week end
guest Homer Egan, who is attending
the Oregon Agricultural College this
One of the gayest and merriest of
the week's festivities will be the al
fresco party for which Miss Xannelle
Bloom will bo hostess tonight.
A launch will convey the happy party
up the river, where a delightful pic
nic supper will round out the evening.
About eighteen young folk will be
guests including Miss Barbara Steiner.
Miss Florence Hofer, Miss Helen Deck -
abacb, Miss Louise Benson, Miss Myr
tle Albright, Miss Lucille McCnlly,
Miss Evelyn Cathy, Allan Bynon, Clar
ence Bvrd, "Jack" Carson, Homer
Hood's Saraaparilla, th Gnat Blood
Purifier, la tha Best.
Spring slcknosa comes in some de
gree to every man, woman and child
in our climate.
It la that run-down condition of
the system that results from Impure,
lniiovrtshed. devitalized blood.
It ia marked by loss of appetite
and that tired feellngr. and In many
canes hy some form'tif eruption.
The best way to treat spring sick
ness Is to take Hood's Parsapartlla,
This old reliable family medicine
purities, enriches and revitalises the
blood. It Is an all-the-year-round
alterative and tonic, and is abso
lutely the best Spring medicine.
Get your blood In good rendition
at nc now. Ielay may be dan
gerous. Ask your druggist for
Mvl's Sarsnparillaw and insist on
hav.tiR . nothing else can take
its place. ,1
Egsn, Harrv Cjuinn Mills, Earl Flegel,
"Hap" Miller ard Russell Hall.
Miss Margaret Rodgers who is at
tending Miss Catlin 's school in Port
land came home tuday to spend the
week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
George Rodgers. She was accompan
ied by Miss Marion Howe of Carlton,
who will be her guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shroat and Mr.
and Mrs. "Tony" .M.-liham of Fort
lain! were among ;he out of town quests
attending the dinner dance at the Ho
M Marion last night.
Mr. ami Mrs. C. O. Rice were hosts
be convinced that it is the best in the city.
Prices ranging from 10 Cents to One Dollar per Box.
All Nice and Fresh.
Try our fountain all the .latest .drinks .properly
Mixed and dispensed.
Formerly Poole's Drug Store
410 State Street x Phone 276
Most Tuneful Grand Opera Ever Written
One Night Only
Wed., May 31
To Be Given at the High SchoolReserve yosir Tickets
at Will's Music Store, Monday, May 29, at 9 a. m.
Any seat in the house reserved for 50c.
Fifty bright young people Fine OrchestraMusic
by the High School Orchestra, assisted by Miss
Stege, violinist; .Mr. Studeraeyer, cornetist; Mr.
Skinner, clarinetist.
At the Opera House at 8 o'clock sharp
j BWHi 1 hiiihwiiw' ii,fuii.!iwiii:'i...mJV,''i.li. wwiMi,,i1riww Jmuw4.9fr,r-vmy
j fch-i.MM.m..-t...--,.Jt.fc,...M-.. ..I-.. -. .--.f . : r- YniihU i iit 1 iA" 1-1.I1 ti)
r i An1 lW, com"" pou) T :
i '
! . ' bPu Or Push,
Ht '" " ' -
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.1
for a line party at the circus Thurs
day evening, later entertaining their
guests with a delightful supper at
their residence.
The table was most artistic with an
airy arrangement of beautiful yellow
(Continned on Pige Three.