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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JQT RNAL. SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1916, A.COIJAII DOYLE Copyright, 1912, CHAPTER V. "Question." "AROI.T3 was at his post, as ii.-) i id 1 , when I got to the Ga zelle oltlce. "Well," he cried expectant- J', "what may It run to? I'm think ing, young man, you have boon In the wars. Don't toll me Hint he assaulted JOU." I "We had a III tie difference at first" 1 "What a mau It Is! What (lid y.ui do?" "Well, he becnnio more reasonable, jiiiul we hud a chut. Rut I got nothing out of him nothing for publication." "I'm not sure about that. You got r black eye out of hlni, and that's for publication. We can't have this reign ;fif terror, Mr. Mulono. We must bring i f io man to his bearings. I'll have a leaderette on hlni tomorrow that will x.'tlse a blister. Just give nie the ma terial and I will engage to brand the (fellow forever, l'rofessor Munchau Honhow's that for an Inset headline? Blr John Mundovlllu redivivus-Cagll- "Wo can't have this rei(,n of torror, Mr. Malone." oitro-nll the Impostors and bullies In history. I'll show him up for the fiawl he Is." "I wouldn't do that, sir." ,' "Why not?" i 'Jieoause he Is not a fraud at nil." "What!" roared MeArdle. "You don't mean to say you really believe this mult of his about. inniuninths anil in n lotions and great sea Halrpents?" "Well, I ilou'l Know about tint 1 . 1 1 Mi't. think he makes any claims of that kind, lint I do believe ho has got Miiethlng new." "Then, for heaven's sake, man, write If up!" "I'm longing to, but all I Know he give me In conlhleiue anil on condi tion that 1 didn't." I condensed Into a few sentences the professor's narra tive. "That's how it standi." MeArdle looked deeply Incredulous. "Well, Mr. Malone," lie said al last, "about this scieuiitlc meeting lonluht. There ran be no privacy about thai, anyhow. I don't suppose any paper w ill want to report 11, for Waldron has li"cn reported nlreudy a dozen limes, noil no one Is aware that t'hallenger ill sicak. We may get a scoop f we Jie lucky. You'll be there lu any case, ho you'll Just give us a pretty full re fit. I'll keep space up to midnight." hen 1 met Tarp Henry at the Sav n,e eluh he win skeptical In the ex dome, hut he promised to come to thi meeting When we arrived at the hall we found a much givnler concourse, than 1 had expected. A line of electric broughams discharged their little ear goes of while bearded professors, .c lille the dark si renin of humbler H, ileslrlaus who crowded llirough the tiiched doorway showed that the mull euro would be popular as well as scl eolllle. Indeed, It became evident o os as ooii as wo bad taken our seals dint a youthful and even boyish spirit v. as abroad In the gallery and the back portions of llm hall. Looking behind me, 1 could see rows of faces of the f'imlllar medical student type, Ap ptivntly the great hospitals had each h 'lit down thr-lr contingent. There v. as a great di'iimnst ration on the en trance .of l'rofessor t.'hallenger when b passed down to lake his place at the extreme end of the front row of the pint form. Such u yell of welcome broke forth when his black Ward first protruded round the comer that I ho gin to suspect Turp Henry was right o his miriulsy mid that this assem blage was there not merely for the s.ike of the lecture, but because It had g d rumored abroad that the famous professor would take part III the pro- I 'H'dlllgS. There was Koine Hympathetlo laugli i t on his entrance among (he front l "in lies of well dressed spectators as di.imh the demonstration of the stu dents In this Instance, was not unwel 'Hue to them. That greeting was, In deed, a frightful outburst of sound, (ho mnoiir of the carulvora cage when tin) i""P of the bucket bearing keeper Is li Hid lu the distance. There wss Hit by A. Conan Doylo. offensive tone lu It, perhaps, and yet In the main It struck-me ns mere riotous outcry, the noisy reception of one who amused and interested them, rather than of one they disliked or despistd. Challenger smiled with weary and tol erant contempt, as a kindly man would meet the yapping of n litter of pup pies. He wit slowly down, blew out his chest, passed his hand caressingly down his beard and looked with droop ing eyelids and supercilious eyes at the crowded hall before him. The uproar of Ills advent had not yet died away when Professor Ilonald Murray, the chairman, and Mr. Wnldron, the lec turer, threaded their way to the front and the proceedings began. l'rofessor Murray will, I am sure, ex cuse me If I say that he has the com mon fault of most Englishmen of be ing Inaudible. Why on earth people who have something to say which Is worth hearing should not take the slight trouble to learn how to make It heard Is one of the strange mysteries of modern life. Their methods are as reasonable as to try to pour some pre cious stuff from the spring to the reser voir through a nonconducting pipe, which could by the least effort be open ed. Professor Murray made several profound remarks to his while tie and to the water carafe upon the table, with humorous, twinkling aside to t lie sil ver candlestick upon his right. Then lie sat down, and Mr. Waldron, the famous popular lecturer, rose amid a general murmur of applause, lie was a stern, gaunt man, with n harsh voice and an aggressive manner, hut he had I he merit of knowing how to assimi late the Ideas of other men and to pass llicin on In a way which was lulelllgl ble and even Interesting to the lay pub lie, with a happy knack of being funny about, the most unlikely objects, so Hint the precession of the equinox or the foundnlloii of a vertelirnte became a highly humorous process as treated by him. It was a blrdseye view of creation, as Interpreted by srlenre, which, In language always clear and sometimes ploturesiUc, he unfolded before, us. He told us of the globe, a huge mass of flaming gas llarlng llirough the heavens. Then lie pictured the solidill callnn, the cooling, Hie wrinkling which formed the mountains, the steam which turned to water, the slow preparation of the stage upon which was lo be played (he Inexplicable drama of life. On the origin of life llself he was discreetly vague. That the germs of It could hardly have sur vived the original roasting was, lie de clared, fairly certain. Therefore It had come Inter. Had It. built llself out of I lie cooling, Inorganic elements of the globe? Very likely. Had the germs of It arrived from outside upon a me teor? II was hardly conceivable. On the whole, the wisest man was the least dogmatic upon the point. We could not, or at least wo hud not suc ceded up to dale in making organic life In our laboratories out of Inorganic materials. The gulf between the dead and the living was something which our chemistry could not as yet bridge, lint there was a higher and subtler chemistry of nature, which, working wllh great forces over long epochs, might well produce results which were Impossible for ns. There the matter must be left. "Question!" boomed a voice from the ila I form. Mr. Waldron was a strict disclpllimri an Willi a gift of acid humor, as had been exemplified on many and varied occasions, which made It perilous to Interrupt. Iilni. put tills Interjection appeared to hlni so absurd that he was at a loss how lo deal with It. So looks the Shakespearean who Is confronted by a rancid ISnconlan or the astrono mer who Is assailed by a lint earth fanatic. He paused for a moment and then, raising his voice, repealed slow ly the last, words of his speech. "Question!" boomed the voice once more, Waldron looked with amazement (long the line of professors upon the platform until his eyes fell upon the figure, of Challenger, who leaned back lu his chair with closed eyes and an amused expression, as If he were smil ing lu his sleep. "I see," snld Waldron, w ith a shrug. "It Is my friend Professor Challenger,'' and mold laughter he renewed his lec ture as If tills was a final explanation and no more need be said. Put the Incident was far from lielng closed. Whatever path the lecturer took amid the wilds of the past seem ed Invariably to lend blui to some ns serllon as to extinct or prehistoric life which Instantly brought the same bulls' Ih'IIow from the professor. The audience began to anticipate It and to roar with delight when It came. The packed benches of students Joined in, lud every time Challenger's beard opened, before any sound could come forth, there was a yell of "Questlou!" from a hundred voices and an answer ing counter cry of "Order!" find "Shame!" from as many more. Wal dron, though a hardened lecturer and a strong man, became rattled. He hesitated, stammered, repeated him self, got snarled In a long sentence and finally ttirncil furiously upon the cause of his troubles. "This Is really Intolerable!" he cried, (flaring across the platform. "I must ask you, Professor Challenger, to cease these Ignorant and unmannerly Inter ruptions." There was a hush over the hall, tbe students rigid with delight at seeing the high gods on Olympus quarreling among themselves. Challenger levered his bulky figure slowly out of his chair. "X must lu turn ask you, Mr. Wal dron," he said, "to cease to make as sertions which are not lu strict ac cordance with scientific fact." The words unloosed a tempest. "Shame! Shume!" "Give hlra a hear ing!" "Put him out!" "Shove him oft the platform!" "l'alr play!" emerged Tha Words Unloosed a Tempest. from a general roar of amusement of execration. The chairman was on his feet flapping both his bauds and bleat ing excitedly. "Professor Challenger personal views later," were the solid peaks above his clouds of inaudible mutter. The Interrupter bowed, smiled, stroked bis beard and relapsed into his chair, Waldron, very Hushed and war like, continued his observations. Now and then as he made an assertion he shot a venomous glance at his oppo nent, who seemed to be slumbering deeply, with the same broad, happy smile upon his face. At last the lecture came to n end 1 am Inclined to think that it was a premature one, us thn peroration was hurried and disconnected. The thread of the argument had been rudely broken, and the audience was restless and expectant. Wnldron sat -down, and after a chirrup from the chairman Professor Challenger rose and advanc ed to the edge of the platform. In the Interests of my paper I took down his speech verbatim. "Ladles and gentlemen," he began amid a sustained lulerrupliou from the back, "I beg pardon ladies, gentle men and children. I must apologize. 1 had Inadvertently omitted a consid erable section of tills audience." (Tu mult, during which the professor stood with one baud raised and his etior mous head nodding sympathetically as If he Were bestowing it bless ing upon the crowd.) "I have been selected to move a vote of thanks to Mr. Waldron for the very picturesque and Imaginative address to which we have Just listened. There nre points In It with which I disagree, and It has been my duly to Indicate them as they arose, but. none the less Mr. Waldron has accomplished his object well, that object being to give a simple and In teresting account of what lie conceives lo have been the history of our plane;. Popular lectures are the easiest to lis ten to, but Mr. Waldron" (here he bemned and blinked at the Icetirer) "will excuse me when l say that they are necessarily both superficial and misleading since they have to be grad ed to the comprehension of an Ignorant audience." (Ironical cheering.) "Pop ular lecturers are lu their nature para sltlc." (Angry gesture of protest from Mr. Waldron.) "They exploit for fume or cash the work which lias been done by their Indigent and unknown breth ren. One smallest, new fact obtained in the laboratory, one brick built Into the temple of science, far outweighs any secondhand exposition which passes an Idle hour, but can leave no useful result behind it. I put forward this obvious rotlectlon, not out of any desire to disparage Mr. Wnldron In particular, but that you may not lose your sense of proportion and mistake the acolyte for the high priest." (At this point Mr. Waldron whispered to I lie chairman, who hall' rose and said something severely to his water ra rate.) "Hut enough of this!" (I.oud and prolonged cheers.) "Let. me pass to some subject of wider Interest. What Is the particular point upon which I. as an original in vestigator, have challenged our lectur er's accuracy? It Is upon the perma nence of certain types of animal life upon the earth. I do not speak upon this subject as an amateur nor, I may add, as a popular lecturer, but 1 siH-ak as one whose scientific conscience compels him to adhere closely to facts when I say that Mr. Waldron Is very v rong lu supposing that because he ha never himself seen a so called pre historic animal therefore these crea tures no longer exist, luey uie in deed, as he has said, our ancestors, hut they are, If I may use the expres sion, our contemporary ancestors, who can still be. found, with all their hid eous and formidable characteristics, If one ba but the energy and hardi hood to seek their haunts. Creatures which wore supposed to be Jurassic, monsters who would hunt down and devour our largest and fiercest mam mals, still exist." (Cries ofi'Bosh!" "Prove It!" "How do you know?" 'Question!") "How do I know, you ask me? I know because have vis ited their secret hauuts. I know be cause I have seen some of them." (Applause, uproar and a voice, "Liar!") "Am I a llur?" (General hearty and noisy assent.) "Did I hear some one say that I was a liar? Will the per son who called me a liar kindly stand up that I may know hiinV" (A voice, 'Here he Is, sir!" And an Inoffensive little person In spectacles, struggling violently, was held up among a group of students.) "Did you venture to call me a liar?" ("No, sir, no!" shouted the accused, and disappeared like a laek-ln-the-box.) "If any person In this hull dares to doubt my veracity I shall be glad to have a few words with him after the lecture." ("Liar!") "Who said that?" (Again the inoffen sive one, plunging desperately, was elevated high in the air.) "If I come down among you" (General chorus of "Come, love, come!" which Interrupt ed the proceedings for some moments, while the chairman, standing up and waving both his arms, seemed to be conducting the music. The professor, with his face flushed, his nostrils di lated and his beard bristling, was now In a proper Berserk mood.) "Every great discoverer has been met with the same Incredulity the sure brand of a generation of fools. When great facts aro laid beforcyou you have not the intuition, the imagination which would hold you to understand them. You can only throw mud at the men who have risked their lives to open new fields to science. You persecute the prophets! Galileo, Liarwin and I" (Prolonged cheering and complete In terruption.) CHAPTER VI. A Call For Volunteers. I.L this Is from my hurried notes taken at the lime, which give little notion of the abso lute chaos to which the as sembly had by this time been reduced. So terrific was the uproar that several Indies had already beaten a hurried re treat. Grave and reverend seniors seemed to have caught the prevailing spirit as badly as the students, and I saw white bearded men rising and shaking their fists at the obdurate pro fessor. The whole great audience seethed and simmered like a boiling pot. The professor look a step for ward and raised both his hands. There was something so big and arresting and virile In the man that the clatler and shouting died gradually away be fore his commanding gesture and his masterful eyes. He seemed to have n definite message. They hushed to hear It. "I will not ilelnln you," he said. "It Is not worth It. Truth is truth, and the noise of a number of foolish young men and, I- fear I must add, of their equally foolish seniors cannot affect the malter. 1 claim that 1 have open ed n new Held of science. Yon dispute It." (Cheers.) "Then I put you to the test. Will you accredit one or more of your own number to go nut ns your representatives and test my statement In your name?" Mr. Suiuincrlcc, tbe veteran professor of comparative anatomy, rose mining the audience, a tall, thin, bitter man. with the withered aspect of a theolo gian. He wished, be said, to ask Pro fessor Challenger whether the results to w hich he had alluded in his remarks had been obtained during a journey to the headwaters of the Amazon made by him two years before. Professor Challenger answered that they had. Mr. Suuimerlee desired to know how It was that Professor Challenger claim ed to have made discoveries In those regions which had been overlooked by Wallace, Hates and other previous ex plorers of established scientific repute. Professor Challenger answered that Mr. Sumineiice appeared lo be confus ing the Amazon with the Thames, thai It was In reality n somewhat larger river, Hint Mr. Suinnicrlee might be In terested to know that, with the Ori noco, which communicated with It, some 50,000 miles of country were opened tip, and that In so vast n space i was not Impossible for one person to (bid w hat another had missed. Mr. Siiuimoiiee declared, with an add smile, that he fully appreciated the dif ference between the Thames and vthc Amazon, which lay In the fact that any assertion about the former could be tested, while about the hitler It could not. He would be obliged If Professor Challenger would give the latitude ami the longitude of the country lu which prehistoric animals were to be found. Professor Challenger replied that he eserved such Information for good rea ons of Ids own, but would be prepared to give It with proper precautions to n .oiniiiiltee chosen from the audience. Would Mr. Sunimeiiee serve on such a committee and test his story in per son? Mr. Siiniineiice -Yes, I will. (Great chceiing.) Professor Chaleitger -Then I guaran tee that I n III place lu your hands such material as will enable you to find your way. it Is only right, however, since Mr. Summeiiee goes to check my state ment that I should have one or more with htm who may check hlni. I will not disguise from you that there are dltticultles and dangers. Mr. Smmner lee w ill need a younger colleague. May I ask for volunteers it It Is thus that tho great crisis of a man's life springs out ut him. Could 1 have Imagined when 1 entered" that hall that I was about to pledge myself to a wilder adventure than had ever come to me in my dreams? But Gladys was It not the very opportu nity of which she spoke? Gladys would have told me to go. I hud sprung to my feet. I was speaking, and yet I had prepared no words. Tarp Henry, my companion, was plucking at my skirts, and I heard him whis pering: "Sit down, Malone! Don't muke a public ass of yourself." At the same time I was aware that a tall, thin man with dark, gingery hair a few seats In front of me was also upon his feet. He glared hack at me with hard, angry eyes, but I refused to give way. , "I will go, Mr. Chairman," I kept re peating over and over again. "Name! Name!" cried the audience. "My name is Edward Dunn Malone. I am the reporter of the Dally Gazette. I claim to be an absolutely unpreju diced witness." "What is your name, sir?" the chair man asked of my tall rival. "I nm Lord John Roxton. I have already been up the Amazon. I know all the ground and have special quali fications for this investigation." "Lord John Itoxton's reputation as a sportsman and a traveler Is, of course, world famous," said the chair man. "At the samo time it would certainly be ns well to have a member of the press upon such an expedition." "Then I move," snld l'rofessor Chal lenger, "that both these gentlemen be elected as representatives of this meet ing to accompany l'rofessor Summer lee upon his journey to investigate and to report upon he truth of my state ments." And so, amid shouting and cheering, our fate was decided, and I found my self borne away In the human current which swirled toward the door, with my mind half stunned by the vast new project which had risen so suddenly before it. As I emerged from the hull I was conscious for a moment of a rush of laughing students down the pavement and of an arm wielding a heavy umbrella, which rose and fell In tho midst of them. Then, amid a mix ture of groans and cheers, Professor Challenger's electric brougham slid from the curb, and I found myself walking under the silvery lights of Itegeut street, full pf thoughts of Gladys and of wonder ns to my fu ture. Suddenly there was a touch at my elbow. I turned and found myself looking into the humorous, masterful eyes of the tall, thin man who had volunteered to be my 'companion on this strange quest. "Mr. Malone, I understand," said he. "We nre to be companions what? My rooms are just over tho road in the Albany. Perhaps you would have the kindness to spare me half an hour, for there are one or two things thut I bad ly want to say to you." Lord John Roxton and I turned down Vigo street together and through the dingy portals of the famous aristocrat ic rookery. At tho end of a long drab passage my new acquaintance pushed open a door mid turned on an electric switch. A number of lamps shining through tinted shades bathed the whole great room before us In n ruddy radi ance. Standing In the doorway mid glancing round me, I had a general im pression of extraordinary comfort and elegance combined with an atmos phere of masculine virility. Every where there were mingled the luxury of the wealthy man of taste and the careless untidiness of the bachelor. One by one he took out a succession of beautiful rifles, opening and shut ting them witli a snap and n clang and then patting them as ho put them back into the rack ns tenderly ns a mother would fondle her children. "This is a Bland s .577 axile express," said he. "I got that big fellow Willi It." lie glanced up nt a stuffed white rhinoceros. "Ten more yards and he would have added me to his collection. "On that conical bullet his one chance liaiiKs. Tla the wenk one's nuvantngo fair. "Hope you know your Gordon, for he's the poet of the horse and the gun and the man that handles both. Now, here's a useful tool .470, telescopic sight, double ejector, point blank up to tbree-lifty. That's the title I used against Peruvian slave drivers three years ago. I was the Hail of the Lord up In those parts, I may tell you, though you won't find it lu any blue book. There are times, young fellah, when every one of us must make a stand for human right and justice or you never feel clean again. That's why I made n little war on my own. De clared it myself, waged it myself, end ed it myself. Each of those nicks Is for a slave murderer a good row of them what? That big one is for Pe dro Lopez, the king of them all, that I killed hi a backwater of the rtitomayo river. Now, here's something that would do for yon.'" He took out a beautiful brown and silver rltle. "Well rubbered at the stock, sharply sighted, five cartridges to the clip. Y'ou ran trust your life to that." He handed It to mo and closed the door of his oak cabinet. "Lly the way,'' ho continued, coming nack to his chair, "what do you know of this Professor f'hallenger?" "I never saw him till today." "Well, neither did I. It's funny we should bth sail under sealed orders from a man we don't know. He seem ed an uppish old bird. Ills brothers of science dou't seem too fond of hlni. either. How came you to take an In terest In the affair?" I told hlni shortly my experiences of the morning, and he listened Intently. Then he drew out a map of South America and laid it on the table. "I believe every single word ho said to you was the truth," said he earnest ly, "and, mind you, I have something to go on when I speak like that South America Is a place I love, and I think. If you take It right through from Da ricn to Fuego, it's the grandest, richest, most wonderful bit of earth upon this planet.'" That night, wearied as I was after the wonderful happenings of the day, I sat late with MeArdle, the news edi tor, explaining to him the whole situa tion, which he thought important enough to bring next morning before the notice of Blr George Beaumont, the chief. It was agreed thut I should write home full accounts of my ad ventures in the shape of successive letters to MeArdle and that these should either be edited for the Gazette as they arrived or held back to be pub lished luter, according to the wishes of Professor Challenger, since we could not yet know what conditions he might attach to those directions which should guide us to the unknown land. In response to'a telephone inquiry wo received nothing more definite than a fulmiuation nguinst the press, ending up with the remark that if we would notify our boat he would hand us any directions which he might think It proper to give us at tho moment of starting. A second question from us failed to elicit any answer at all save a plaintive bleat from his wife to the effect that her husband Was in a very violent temper already and that she hoped we would do nothing to make it worse. A third attempt later In tho day provoked a terrific crash and a subsequent message from the Central Exchange that Professor Challenger's receiver had been shuttered. After that we abandoned all attempt at com munication. And now, my pntient readers, I can address you directly no longer. From now onward (if, indeed, any continua tion of this narrative should ever reach you) it can only be through the paper which I represent. In the hands of the editor I leave this account of tho events which have led up to one of the most remarkable expeditions of all time, so that If I never return to Eng land there shall be some record as to how the nffuir came about. I am writ ing these Inst lines in the saloon of the Booth liner Franclsca, and they will go back by the pilot to the keeping of Mr. MeArdle. Let me draw one Inst picture before I close the notebook a picture which is the last memory of the old country which I hear away with me. It is a wet, foggy morning In the late spring. A thin cold rain is falling. Three shining mncklntoshed figures nre walking down the quay; making for the gangplank of the great liner from which the blue peter is fly ing. In front of them a porter pushes a trolley piled, high with trunks, wraps and gun cases. Professor Suuimerlee, a long, melancholy figure, walks with dragging steps and drooping head, us one who is already profoundly sorry for himself. Lord John Roxton steps briskly, and bis thin eager face beams SOT VJmf '1 ml Ill 'iSC "That big one is for Pedro Lopez, the king of them all." forth between bis hunting cap and his mntller. As for myself, I nm glad to have got the bustling days of prepara tion and the pangs of leave taking be hind me, and I have no doubt that I show it in my hearing. Suddenly, just as we reach the Vessel, there Ls ni shout behind us. It is Professor Challenger, w ho had proinied to see us off. He runs afler us, a pulling, red faced, Irascible figure. "No, thank you," says he. "1 should much prefer not to go aboard. 1 have only a few words to say to you, and they can very well be said where we nre. I bog you not to imagine that 1 am In any way Indebted to you for making tills Journey. 1 wouid have you to understand that it Is n matter of perfect indifference to me, and I re fuse to entertain the most remote sense of personal obligation. Truth is truth, and nothing which you can report can affect It lu any way, though it may cx elle the emotions aiyl allay the curiosi ty of n number of very Ineffectual peo ple. My directions for your Instruc tion nnd guidance nre in this sealed envelope. You will oxmi it when yon reach a town upon the Amazon which Is called Mamies, but not until the date and hour which nre marked upon the outside. Have I made myself clear? I leave the strict observance of my con ditions entirely to your honor. No, Mr. Malone, I will place no restriction upon your correspondence, since the ventila tion of the facts Is the object of your Journey, but I demand that yon shall give no particulars as to your exact destination and that nothing be ac tually published until your return. Go.Mby," . So he turned UHu his heel, and a minute later from the deck I could sea his short, squat figure bobbing about In the distance as he made his way back to his train. Well, we are well down channel now. There's the last bell for letters, and It's good by to the pilot Weil be "down, hull down, on the old trail" from now on. God blesa all we leave behind us and scud us safely back. (Continued next Saturday) KINGSTON ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Follis spent Sun day in Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harold and lit tle son Ray, went over to Corvallis Sunday with Clias. Cladek in his nw car. Mr. and Mrs. A. Flood and little son attended church in Btayton Hnmlay and spent the remainder of the day at tHa Arthur Leffler home. Liston Darby and wife and Miss Harie Hinkle were callers at the Q. F. Harold home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. George Reaume of Malem it visiting .it the Arthur Kelly bnme tha week. Titus Archer is building a new wood houso this week. S, G. Colo of Jordan stayed over night at the Curtis Cole home Satur day. Oliver Baker motored over to Albany Saturday. V. J. Phillips drove "nome a nice bunch of beef steers last week. Ed Roberts motored over to Kings ton Sunday morning in the Overland he recently purchased. Adam Schliel was a Stayton Viaitot Mond.iy. Stayton Mail. AN AUTISTIC SUICIDE Sag Harbor. N. Y., May 2(5 Seizing two highly charged clectiiu wires, Lieu tenant Clarence Alvin Bicliards, coi- ander of the United states destroy er Fanning, was instantly killed to day in the power station here. Night watchman Christian declared Richards deliberately committed suicide. Richards was supposed to be aboard his vessel maneuvering with the At lantic flee off Gardiners bay. IIo ap peared at the station early in the) morning, attired in civilian clothes, rushed in and grabbed the wires. If you enjoy reading the Journal oc casionally you will be pleased to get it regularly only 45 cents per month at your door. DEFEND YOUR HEALTH You should build a hulwark around. your health by keeping the stomach strong, and liver active. Help Nature by trying. OSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters STENOGRAPHERS S it Why Not Use t Columbia QUALITY Carbons? ; Hade In Oregon ' if 100 Copies Guaranteed from Each Sheet. Columbia Carbon Faer Mfg. Co, 33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore. 4c It LIST word Mr.TrrJ- 1 - Mr, Horn Lc? UST enter Hotel Noc tonia'i Hospitablt doors UST (elect a large, cheer ful room for youl Hay JUST stop-. a long, long i timt . . or ihort, ihort tim MCT.J .1 . ' uj i try a service inai an ticipate tvrylliing--n ttmo phr tint dIijht UST make a start toward btttti hnlth--njoy K morn Ing noonvtninf ml UST meet and Hobnob Willi fritndi in tht iry lobby" USTresty our weary bon on a truly luxurioui bd irai furrtndtr to pluint drttm UST the thing that appeal modrit nricM. Room tilth Drivilx of bath St or mor tht day. Roomf with privtu btth $1. 5 0 or mort th 4J liftoff Wukington 12ft md Wukington Portland MlIHIIi llll IMIIIIIIIIMMffW BIN SIN , Best Chinese Dishes Noodles ioc Chop 8uey 25c Eice and Pork luc 10 FERRY STRXET THn tiny CAPSULES 'j ra lupenor to aiium of Copaiba, Cubebs or Inl'Mionj.indv RELIEFS In (MIDY) 24 HO'JnS tht W (aim diwasu with out Inconvenience. SoM ftf all truof:t.t. '.Vicrt,vt m Prktf m0m mm)