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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1916)
"HEEZA ( MTft BFofE- I START ' aily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page JRATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion' CHIBOPBACTIC-SPINOLOGIST 1)11. 0. L. SCOTT Graduato of Chiro practic's Fountain Hold, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything nd got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Wain K28-R. CLEANERS AND DYERS APPAREL SERVICE COMPANY 138 South High street. We clean press, repair, remodel and re-line clothing and furs. Careful attention given all work. Wa call and deliver. Phone 728. DENTISTS. DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters nitrous osdd and oxygen gas. Room 214. Masonic Templo. Thone 440. Saiem, O.sgon , LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge, No. 2, Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the McCornack hall, coiner Court and Liberty afreets. It. O. Donaldson, M. W. ; 8. A, McFaddea, recorder; A. L. Brown, financier. SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M Stated communications first fcrlday In each month at 7 :30 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Chas. McCarter, W. M. ; S. Z, Culver, secretary, BALEM HUMANE SOCIETY-D. D. Keeler president ; Mrs. Lou Tlllson, secretary. Ail cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani mals should be reported to the secretury fur Investigation. CENTRAL LOnflE, No. 18, K. of F. Mc Cornack building, Tuesday evening of each week at 7 :30. J. O. Ucltzel, C. O. ; W. B. Uilson, K. of R. and 8. K. N. OP A. "Oregon Grape Camp,' No. 1S00, meets every Thursday evening In McCornack building. Court and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp, Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Fer sons, recorder, 1200 North Commercial, l'bone 1436-M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore gon Cedar Camp. No. 524(1, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Mc Cornack hall, coiner Court and IJwrty streets. Elevator service. Geo. lteinohl, V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk. CHADWICK CHAPTER, No. 3i, O. E. S. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Moeller, W. M. ; Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOODMEN OP THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock In McCornack block, B. W. Maccy, C. O.-; L. S. Oter, clerk, 507 Court street. Phone DIM. DK MOLAT COMMANDERY, No 5, K. T. Regular , conclave fourth Friday in each month at 8 o'clock, p m., In Masonic lem nle. Sojourning Sir Knights nre courte ously invited to meet with us Lot L. Pearce. 10. C, Frank Turner, recorder. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No. H4. meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m. In Moose hall. C. O. Matlock, M. A., C. 7i. Randall, secretary, balera Bank ol Commerce. HUDSON COUNCIL. No. 1, R. A 8. M. Htatcd assembly llrst Monday n each month. Masonic Temple N. V. nsmus cn. Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn L. Niles, recorder. BALEM COUNCIL NO. 2.1'2-Ki.lghts and Ladies of Security-Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month at Hurst a 1. Visiting members are luvited to a it. nd. E. V. Walton, financier, 480 8. 14th St. J'ACIFIC LODflE No. 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Friday in each month at 7 :30 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W. M. ; Kmest H cheate, secretary. MISCELLANEOUS REDUCER FREIGHT RATES To and from all points east, on all household Roods, tiianos, etc. Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Coast Forwarding company, 101 South t,om nrcial street. Phone Main 93.1. SCOTTS RESTAURANT MEALS 15c-and up. "otcaK" ?r I muh and milk tree wnu uu fast orders. Soup, bread and butter , 2 vegetables and pie, tea, cof fee or j milk Mild 1 kind of meat for l.'ie; -kinds of meat for 25c .Short orders any time of day. Scotts 179 S. Com- j mereial St. SCAV ANGER BALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main i97. Kesi.letice Miir 2272. WANTED WANTED A good stock farm, have to offer in payment first mort gage of J4530 on well improved farm and a good city property worth i 00. Wnuare l'eai tteauv ,u., -v. it t B. Bank Bide- l'hono 470. tfH BOOB." as a Paperhanger TOR RENT FOB RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. 8j5 North Commercial street. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE CHEAP One 5 room bun galow, 1 block from car line; 1 cot tage, 3 blocks from Hotel Marion, 1-2 block from carline. Call or write 1355 Ferr" St. tf FOR SALE 50 or 100 acres river bot tom land, high building ground, on Oregon Electric, 9 miles north of Al bany, near school and Btoro. Terms will take some property in trade. E. Anderson, Talbot, O. may28 FOUR VALLEY FARMS For sale by owner on county road and railroad. SO to 200 acres each, good buildings, gooa salt, ;!1 under cultivation, close to scrool, pritrs Teasonible, ialf cash, balance time at 6 per cent or modern income bearing city property. P. O. Box 246, Salem. tf UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH CO C. B. Webb, A. M., Clough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888. BIGDON-RICHARDbON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Dav and night phone 183. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. General Feed an Small Livery Stable ji m ' C. W, TRAIN S54 Farry. Phono 28? MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd k Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN 7 ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH McCORNACX BUILDING SALEM FENCE and STOVE WORKS R. B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fence Gates, Plain and Barbed Wire, Paints. Oils and Varnishes. Roofing, Posts, Hop Hooks 40 Years Making Stoves Stoves rebuilt and repaired. Stoves bought and sold. 250 Court Street. Phone 121 Back of Chicago Store LiwaiiitMiiFifcnuw L M. HUM Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese 'Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 3G9ba Wedding Announcements, In vitations, and Calling Cards printed to your order at the Capital Journal Jco office. Phone 81. TJTK PATT Y CAPITAL JOT RNAL. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 27. 1916. Compiles List of Books for Convenience of Children Although tho vacations days will soon be with us, this does not necessarily mean that the pupils will not be inter ested in good reading . Miss Flora M. Case, school librarian of the public library, in order to make it easier for those who want reading best adapted to the summer, has complied a list of books to be found in the library. Here tofore, whilo tho children were anxious to road, there has been no list of books published that would help them in mak ing their selection. With this in viow, Miss Case has compiled the following list: SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Books That Girls Will Like to Read Junior High School Alcott, L. M.- Rose in. bloom. X A love story following "Eight cous ins." Baldwin, James. The sampoj hero ad ventures from tho Finnish Kalevala. X398.2 B19S The sampo is made by the wonder smith to secure the Mnid of Beauty. Brown, Katharine. I'hillipa at Hal cyon, x Philippa works her way through col lego. Chapin, A. A. Wonder tales from Wagner. 782 C36 The stories of some of Wagner's operas. Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth. "Boots and saddles," or Life in Dakota with Gon. Custer. 921 C96cb Clarke, M. C. The girlhood of Shakes pea re's heroines. 812 Shlyc Dawson, Mrs. Sarah. A Confederate girl's story. 937.7 D32 DuBois, M. C. Tho lass of the Silver Sword. x While in boarding school some girls form the "Order of the Silver Sword." DnChaillu, P. B. World of the great forest; how animals, birds, insects talk, thiuk, work and live. x590 D85w Fox, John. Trail of the lonesome pine Gates, Eleanor. Biography of a prairie girl. Gordon, Charles. Sky pilot; a tale of the foothills. Habberton, John. Helen's babies. x They were two mischievous children who gave their young uncle much fun as well as trouble. Jordan, D. S. Story of Matka; n tale of the Mist islands. x591 J76 Matka is a seal full of life and in forest. Mabie, H. W. Heroines every child should know. X920 Mllh Macaulay, Mrs. F. C. Lady of the deco ration. A girl writes these fnscinating let tors as she goes to Japau as a mis sionary. Martin, G. M. Abbie Ann, x A boarding school story. Moses, Belle. Charles Dickens and his girl heroines. X921 D55m Portor, L. S. Genevieve; a story of French school days. X914.4 P83 : Price, O. W. Tho land wo live in. j X338 P93 I Our country, its life, its forests, its ! rivers, etc. i Richmond, Mrs. G. L. Round the corner j in (,nv street. The Bolls in Gay street are attractive voulli? peoti'p. Saintine, Boniface., ricciola. x The little Slower brings happiness and, in time, lovo into the life of the prisoner. Webster, Jean. When Patty went to rollor'e Wilmot-Buxton, E. M. Jeanne d Are;. x921 J57w A good story of tho life of a heroine beloved bv nil. Waller, M. E. Daughter of the rich, x She finds health and other riches on Mt. Hunger. Books That Boys Will Like to Read Junior High School Allen, C. F. David Crocked t, scout. X921 C87 The life of the famous scout of the Soith-wpt. Altsherler, J. A. The horsemen of the plains x Hunting adventures in the Rockies. Barbour, R. H. Kingsford, quarter, x One of Barbour's best stories of boys' "ports. Barnes, James. Fur king or country; a story of the American revolution. .X Twin brothers fiylit on opposite sides. Beard, D. C. Shelters, shacks and shanties. x7'JS B38 A bonk for the out -door boy. Carey, A. A. Scout law in practice-. X170 C18 Talks to the Sea Scouts ou board the ship, Pioneer. Catlin, George. Boys Catlin; my life among the Indians. 970,1 C28 Cave, Edward. Boy scout's hike book. X796 C31b Gilbert, Ariadne. More than conquer ors. XD20 C37 They arc real heroes though their conquests were not bv sword. Green. E. M. The Laird of Glentvre. X914.1 G82 A picture of life in Scotland. GrenfelL W. T. Adrift on an ice-pan. X917.1 G86 Adventures of the hero of Labrador. Hull, Eleanor. Boy's Cuehulnin; hero legends of Ireland. a398.2 H87 King, Charles. ' Cadet days. x A story of life in military school. Martineau, Harriet Crot'ton boys, x A school story. Marryat, Frederick. Mr. Midshipman Easy. Masefleld, John. Martin Hyde, the duke's messenger. x Merwin, Webster. Calumet "K." The story of an engineer- who made good. Moffett, Cleveland. Careers of danger and during. x604 M72 Murfree, M. N. Down the ravine. x A mystery story. Parish, J. C. Man with the iron hand. X973 P21 Henry Tonty came to the Mississippi Valley with LaSalle. Roberts, C. G. D. Kindred of the wild; a book of animal life. x591 R54ki Rolt-Wheeler, Francis. The boy with the U. S. Burvey. x320 R65 Stedman, Douglas. Story of Hereward, the champion of England. x Vachell, Horace. The hill, a romance of friendship. x A boys' school story. Young, E. R. Hector, my dog; his auto biography. x591 Y08 Hector was an Alaskan dog. Books That Children Will Like to Read Fourth Grade Babbitt, E. C. Jutaka tales retold. x398 Bll Animal tnles from India. Bailey, R. R. Sure Pop and the safetv scouts. X614.8 B19 Bayliss, C. K. Old man Coyote. X398 B34 The Indians thought the coyote was once human. Brown, Alice. One-footed fairy and other stories. x398 B812 This book of new fairy tales contains "The gradual fairy." Brown, H. D. Little Miss Phoebe Gay. X Phoebe is a little New England jirl. Burgess, Thornton. Jerry Muskrat. x This is a single story with Jerry fur its hero. Campbell, H, L. Story of little Jan, the Dutch tiov. Curtis, A. T. Story of cotton. x677 C93 Tho story begins with the seed. Field, Eugene. Lullaby land. X8U F45 "The sugar-plum tree" is here, ulsn "Little Kov Blue." Finley & Finley. Little Bird Blue. X598 F49 Phoebe Katherine and William adopted Bird Blue when he was just a. naked body with a big yellow-rimmed mouth. Gould, E. L. Felicia. x The story of a happy school girl. Harris, Joel C. Story of Aaron, son of Ben Ali. x A book by the author of "I'ncle Remus"; the old slave was a good friend of the children, and he could tell what the animals say, Howells, W. D. Christmas' every day in the yeur. x "The pony engine and the Pacific express" is one of these stories. Husted, M. H. Stories of Indian eliic'ftnins. x970 IIU6 They tell of the times when Indians and white men met in peace and in vwtr. Kaler, J. C. Toby Tyler, or Ten we eks with a circus. x Lang, Andrew. Story of Joan of Arc. X921 J571 The life of the girl heroine whose dreams led lier to brave deeds. Lear, Edward. Juniblics ami other non sense verses. X817 L47J The pictures arc quite its nonsensical as tin1 verges. McDonald, Dalrymple. Kathleen in Ire laud. X914.1 Mil Two little firls visit different parts of Ireland and herir its "torier. Maeterlinck, Mme. M. The children's P.luebird. X Mytyl and Tyltjl go to fairyland to find the bluebird of happiness. Molesworth, Mis. M. L. S. The cuckoo clock. x A little girl makes friends with the euckoo in the clock and he takes her oa strange midnight journeys. Scandlln, Christiana. Huns, the Eski- rua; a story of arctic adventure. x919 Sc6 Steel F. A. Adventures of Akbnr. x The little Hindu boy hnd funny and exciting adventures, tho' not yet six years old, Stein, Evaleen. Gabriel and the lUfur book. x The hour Yiook was to be written and decorated for the princess by a monk; little Gabriel helped. Wiggins and Smith. Talcs oC laughter. X398 W63t Fun from all countries. Wilde, Oscar. The happy price and other stories. 3393 W64 Former U. S. Envoy Arrested In 1 l -V ,.' JAMES M. SULUVAN Tames Mark Sullivan, arrested in Dublin on a charge of complicity in the rebellion, was formerly Ameiicun min ister to Santo Domingo. He bcciinie most widely known in this country dur ing the investigation of his career from 1013 to 1915 as minister, tin investiga tion which resulted in his resignation after an unfavorable report on his con duct hnd been made by Senator l'helan, who conducted the investigation. The most serious charges were allegations that he sacrificed the interests of the island to work in the interests of the Bunco Nacional financiers, seeking con trol of contracts, concessions and depo sits, with exportation and development schemes amounting to more than .fltlO, 000,000. No direct proof was brought to support these charges, but the testi mony at the hearing resulted in a ver dict that Sullivan was "unfit." Cardinal Gibbons to Tell Peace League What Church Stand Is Washington, Mn.y 27. Delegates to the nitiounl convention of the militant league to enforce peace, which they hope will result in a league of nations to keep the international peace just as a police department keens munici pal peace by force, will this evening I hear James Cardinal Oibbous discuss "Whit the ('implies Have at rMnkc in the Success of the lAuigue. " Philip 11. (indsdeu of Charleston, ('. C; J. Alott llallowell of Itoston and Theodore .Matliiirg of Baltimore, form er niluister of Itelginm, spoke today on organization; Jl-rbert H. Houston of New York, president of the associated advertising clubs of the world, on pub licity, while finance was spoken -of by Charles H. Ward of New Vork, secre tary of the inteination il committee ol the V. .VI. C. A. lienjamin Lie Wheeler of lierkelev, California, opened this afternoon a dis ciision of general league topics. 'e heuiiah llovuton of Brooklyn cloM-d the ilisi'iission. Oilier speakers an1: I'rcideiit Lowell of Harvard, Harry A. Wheeler of Chicago, I'rnnklin II. iiddings of New Vork, and Shniler Mitthews ol mrngo, presidi-nt of the :',!,' , a I council of ilnii r.'ics, We are in the lead The kicks a man when ho's down. World By Mort. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people . Telephone EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Eleetrie Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Usin 1J00 PLUMB INO, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial Btreet Main JS3 TRANSFER AND DRAY AGE Salem Truck k Dray Co, eorner State and Front itreota Main 74L Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTIIEItN PACIFIC. NOBTll BOUND 1' flrffron Kxpress .... o-t Sound Special HWliluineite Limited.. 12 Nhnsta Limited 18 Portland i'assenKer. . 0 Cortland I'lUtsciiKcr. . 5 00 0. m . 11.1 a. in. , 0 n. at. .11 :f,5 a. in. . 1 p. m. , ft :00 p. in. M rortisnu KxnrcHs. H :iio p. ID. iZ'l I'orMund fast Krcltclit 10 :.')) p. in. lcal wny FreiKht . .10 :.lo a. m. SOUTH IIOIINO No. 15 Ciillfornlu Kxprens.. No. 17 ltoscoiirx liHSCiiKer No. n:t Kxponltlon Siiechll . No. Ill (.'oiiuko (Jrove Prss, . a :.12 a. m. .11 :'Mta. m. .10 :22 a. in. .4:17 p. m. Milken connection wltu No. 7-t tleer oriuicn. No. II Shasta l imited ti M p. m No. ".7 Willamette l.liulted... Nf. l.'I Sim i'nuicisco hkprs 10 ::i0 p. m. No. liL1! Sun Francisco Fast r'reiirht No. I'-j Local way Krelnht. . . . J.imj. No. "Z ArrlveH nt Sulcuj !o. 7tl L'-aveH Salem No. "Ti -Ar. Sulem (mixed) . , , . No. 74 Leave Salem No connection south of (Jeer. 12:01 a. m. 8:10u. in. .0 :1.1 n. m. .(I:ri0a. ni. .2 :o p. ni. fAT.FM, Fai.i.s cirr anii Wkhtkhv. No. l:i Lv. Salem, motor .. No. I'l.'l Lv Salem, molor ... No. 1 tr, I.v. Salem, motor .. No. 107 Lv. Snlem, motor .. No. 10U Lv. Salem, motor ... No. 2:1:1 Way I'r't lv. Halcm.. . .7 :O0 n. m. . 9 :45 n. m. , 1 :40 p. 111. . 4 :l0 p. id , 1:15 i. in. . r, I m. . 8 :40 a. di. .11 :2ft 11. m. . .'1:1 5 p. 11). . II :O0 p. in 7 :45 p. m. , 1 :35 p. iu. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1U2 Ar. Snlem 104 Ar. Salem Ar. Killeli HIS Ar. Salem 17o Ar. Snlem 2-10 Way Fr t ar. Halnu. OltrOOX KLECTItK! RAILWAY CO. NollTH HOUND Train No. ....2 Owl ... . .10 Limited .. 12 14 ;. . . . 10 Limited , 2t Lv. SiiWm 4 :.'lft n. m. . 7 :1 5 s. in. . : :-15 a. m. 1 1 :2 a. 111. . 1 :4ft p. 111. 4 :oO p. in. ft :.'!7 p. in. 7 :55 p. m. Ar. Portland . . tl ft.", a. 111. . . :2ft a. ni. ,.11 :::.', a. m. . 1 1 ::ift p. 111. . . 4 :00 p. m. . , ft :ftn p. ni. . . 7 :fto p. 111. . .10 .00 p. 01. sovrii iiciuno PullTUNO to Halkji Lv. Portland. Ar. Salein 0:45 11. 111 ft :55 (Halem oni.yl S :0 1 111. ... 5 Limited ....10:11 a. di. lt the Capital Journal Now Today Column put your dollars oa the right track. The march of progress is blazed by ndvertisii H get into line with a New Ti.dav add. Notice of Improvement of Fairgrounds Eoad Notice is hereby K'ven that the com mon council deems it expedient fo to do, and hereby declares it m puiose ind intention to improve fairgrounds Koad between the west lino of Hum mer street and tho west lino of the Oregon k aliforuia Ifuilway com pui.y's right-of-way at tho expense of the ah'.itting and adjacent, -property, by grading, curbing, und paving Haul portion of mid street with X f v c -i 1. b two-cniirso IlitMiiiinoiis Concrete pave ment, 'iit.vihtiug of a one und one-naif inch Bituminous Concrete wearing sur face laid on a three and one halt iiu li M. Burger. -r-f-f-fTST-fs-f4-f-f-f4-e- 4 1l:40 a. m. - 05 p. m. , 4 :40 p. m. , 05 p. m. , !l :20 p. m. . 11 .43 p. m. I.v. rorvallls 4 :I0 p. m. . Lv. Eugene. 7 :t'ir u. m. , 1 :.r,0 p. m. , ft -a p. in. . 12 :O0 p. ui. 7 0 . . i;i Limited , 17 Local . It) ....21 Owl ... NOUTU BOUND 20 .'. 10 Limited . ..10 Limited . .12:155 p. ift. . 4 :20 p. in. . 6 :40 p. ni. . 8:10 p. u .11 :20 p. m , 1 :03 p. in. Ar. Salem . o :.'17 p. ir. Ar. Salem . 0 :45 a. uk 4 3 :05 p. in. . 7 :B0 p. n. . 3 :10 u. ni. . . . 2 Uwl . . . Botrii 1101IKD Lv. Salem 2 on n. m. 7 10 a. m. 10:15 a. m. I.v. Salem 12 .55 p. ui. Ar. Kucena , 6 :fto a. ui. . 0 :.'t0 a. in. ,12 :2ft p. ui. 21 Owl . . . ... 5 ft Limited Ar. A 1 1 .0 a x 7 , . . 1 :ft() p. in. Slops t Corvsllif Ar. Albany 9 0 :20 p. iii. Ar. Albf.ny 6 :4ft p. ui. Ar. Kitneno 13 8 :.W p. li1. Sal em. 2 ft p. UI Lv. Salem C .40 p. m. Woiuuit'RS Local Daily Excui'T Susdaii No. 04 l.,.,.v. Sl..,r, 3 :40 p. in, 3 :25 p. us No, Arrives In Snlem COUVALLIH CONNKCTION NOIITII HOUND Lv. Corvallls H :2ft ft. m. . , 12 12 p. IU. . 2 . '12 p. III. . , 4 10 p. in. . 'i :1s p. ui. . Ar. fliilrin . . . 0 :4ft a. ui, . . . 1 :45 p. in. . . . 4 no p. 1,1. . . . ft :.'I7 p. ru. . . . 7 :B5 p. 10. Ar. rorvaMM ...11 :.'!.' . 10. . . . ft :47 p. in. ... 2 :20 p. u ... 8 :UU p. 11'. 10 14 10 20 22 HOUI'H BOUND 5 0 7 13 Lv. Snlem HI 15 a. 11 4 25 p. n 12 ft 5 p. m. 0 .40 p. m. WILLAMIHTli ItlVHIt ROUTB Or.fon ( II y Transportation t'onipsny Leave i'oitliillil for Oicjfoll City, lliltlevllt1', Newneru, Mission (SI. I'auli, Wlieatlau'l, Snlem 4 tin My except Sunday) . . 0 :4ft a. h Leave Portland Jor Imli prndence. All.aiiy-Coivullls, (flics., Tliura., Sat.) 0 : 15 a. iv Kcluuiljig . .. (la. ro.-Mon., Wed., FrL 7 a. in Men., Wed., FiU . . . 0 . in Mon , Wed., Fit, . lo n. m -- Won., Wed., Fil. . 0 a. ni. Tim., Thurs., Bat, Leave 1 ii vnills Aihan.v IioleiM-nilciice. Salem Ml.m Bituminous Concrete base in accord ance with the plans, specifications and cstiu.utes for the improvement of Fiif grouiids Koad between tho west line cl! Summer street and (ho west line Ct the Oregon & California Itaihvay com pany's rixht-of-way, adopted by thu common council 011 the 1st day of May. 11' Id, and now on file in the office cl" tiic city recorder, which for greater certainty and convenience are hereby referred to and mide a part of this no tice; being that chaiucler or kind t ini) rovement known and designated in, said plans, specifii -aliens und estimates ns " Bitiiiiiinutis Coiicrtto I'avouiei.lf No. 4." The common enunei hereby dechir, 1 its p:;r'ose and intention to make tho -aid ulmvo described improvement by' ind through the street improvenicn t department of the city. I'v order of the (oinnion council. ("HAS. F. KT.tilV, City Recorder, rated this 17th l.iy tf Mav, 101 H, Mav 20.