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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAL, SALEM, PRECOX. SATURDAY, IIAY 27, 1916. w1 w0 n-r-ji Pi, L ?- International Cartoon Co., N, Y One morning Aarys am went out; whn wrvai sauuw nwefifs eyea? Another lW was there that she had left fora &uTpn&eX Then rUry'3 Invent up quife close arv3 saa ttktyour chKI (r pressed the T?u y accident, which mafafhe toy (ainhpeafc''1 3 CI farm Wit ff' Hxr moment Aaryb YrttJe lamh whose fUece was white as saw Went for that other little Umh av4 ift! teng! Icvid itjow pi"- i (ISIS YOU FOM L Ana when the havoc had teen done it smiled gentle 5mUe, ,,4,f And iaia to that pocr, hroken Urn, "How do you liKe my otyle? "'. ' 61 41. .. 1T'SALIVE . The auddetv sound was stalling to the )im that AavyJ, It jammed away tar to it could a.Ydchowe3 tKatjma'-- tMz? sr -, TuT never I LJX-L- V- ": I6ETYW ANOTHER When nary came ifonthe scene, the wicKe3rflam cxc)wme3, "Vout foy la.m started ail the row sowhy should J he hjamed ? JJ SOME LITTLE BUG WILL GET YOU Willi epochal iutcM'mitiomil iUi'nI inim I t-onf rontinjj tlit'iu, mid willi in'nin); iu U'rmd ((IH'sl UitiK of prp;ivMlni'ss, nml (if I Tural crciiitii li'xislntion nuiliiiK their j nt tout ion some memliorx of tl'e lnMiie, 01 representative find time to con vert portions of their ilnilv nessiiins in to vniiilex ille pi'i't'orninnri', as wit iioks the readiii); into the loewr honse's in i 11 11 1 s 011 April 'J-. nt the reuet id' J. lliiinpton Moore, NT. ('., from I'enn ovIvHiiin, of 11 niiie stnnn hnrlesipie on After ptlini; permission from the rhuir to hnve the clerk reml the jinule, Mr. Moore wns not sulisf ied, Imt nsheil that more I'O rciiil. However, some of his eollennnes ohjeeleil, and (lie rending ended. Here is the jingle, which hns Vieen evpensivelv enilnilmed in the L'onj'ies sionnl lli'coid: Some little luitf is poing to find yon some dny, Some lilllo lmu will creep behiiul yon some dny ; Knt some siini-e. they cnll it chill, On your lirensl they'll plnce n lily; Some little liuu is Ki'H'n ''"'I .Vinl some dny. In these tlnys of indigestion t is oftentimes iiiestion As to what to eat mid what to leave nlone. For each microlie and liaeillus Has n different way to kill us. And in time they always claim ns for their own. There tire germs of every kind In any food that you can find In the market or upon the hill of fare. Drinking water's just as risky As the so-i-nlled deadly whiskey. And it's often n mistake to lireathe the air . Some little lmjj is i;oi:ig to find you some dny, Some little Img will creep behind you some dny; Then he'll send for his bug friends And nil your earthly trouble ends; Sumo little bug is going to find you some day. . Vfc .H v l s X X ; 1 h w f i !A iir a vr' 1 ! .1. t-.l is Yi V' V, "'M V -.'.- 'li M. is A) ... v v. t . .. t 1 in Low Fare Summer Tourist Tickets to PJew Yoiii and Boston and all Atlantic Coast and New England Points on sale daily throughout the Summer ffilOIIIGAN fiMTRAL "The Niagara Falls Route" Stopover p lvl!t gs at all point enrouttf Five Splendid Trains Every Day From Chicago An unsurpassed view from the train enrout ol Wonderful Niagara Falls clmpicu- iuioriniiwi uuj iuwiuii a to a." able ti 'l. tall on 01 aUlnj PORTLAND OFFICE. 109 ThirJ Street W.C. Srx.'kcnl, Crnrl Auent Pl'n'r Deprlmen !' I; O The inviting green cueumber (Sets most everybody's number -While the green corn has a system of its own; Though a radish seems nutritious, Its behavior is quite vicious, And n doctor will be coming to your home. Kating lobster rooked or plain Is only flirting with ptomaine. While nn oyster sometimes hits n lot to say; But the clams we oat in chowder Make the angels chant, the louder, For they know that we'll be with them right away Take a slice of nice fried onion And you'ro fit for Dr. Munyon; Apple dumplings kill you quicker than a train, ("hew a cheesy midnight "rabbit" And a grave you'll soon inhabit Ah, to eat at all is such a foolish game, Kating huckleberry pie Is a pleasing way to die. While sauerkraut brings on softening of the brain. When you eat banana fritters Kvery undertaker titters, And the casket makes nearly go insane. Some little bug is going to find you some day, Some little bug will creep beihnd you some day; With a nervous little quiver He'll give cirrhosis of the liver: Some little bug is going to find you some day. When cold-sloiage vaults T visit 1 can only say what is it Makes poor mortals fill their systems with such stuff .' Vow, for breakfast, prunes are dandy If 11 stomach pump is handy And your doctor can be found quite soon enough. Knt a plate of fine pigs' knugles And the headstone ontter chuckles, While the grnvodigsjer makes a note upon his ruff. Kat that lovely red bologna And you'll wear a wooden kimono. As your 'relatives start scrapping 'bout your stuff. Some little bug is going to fiud you some day, Some little bug will creep beliind yon pome day; Fatuitf juicy sliced pineapple Makes the sexton dust, the rbapei: Some little bug is going to fiud you some dav. 1 Bewhiskered Shell Game Worked at Circus Says Report to Police If was reported to the police circus night that for a short time, during the afternoon that day the antiquated shell game that flourished in connec tion with circuses 50 years ago was re surrected for the amusement and eu lightiienmeut of some of the Marion eouutv citizens. ' One man is said to There Is trior Catarrh in this section the country van all other diseases pul together, and until the last few years waa supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local reme dies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incur able. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore re tpiires constitutional treatment. ' Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the onl Constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken internally. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred, dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. A(Jdrei:'F. J. CHEN'EV A CO., Toledo, O Sold by T)rufrtltl, 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation have spent li.o by way of an educa-! tioual venture and two more spent $10 I each in learning that "the hand isj quicker than the eye." Now you see it. Now you don't. Step right tip, gen-1 tlemeu, and try your luck.'' ! The losers w ere reticent about re-1 porting the matter of their losses to the police and by the time the plain clothes j men arrived at the circus grounds thej game had closed and not one of the! operators was to be found. It is thought j that the game operated for but a short j time tiinl then closed before any o'f the: gamesters who were stung liail nn op portunity to report the transaction. Need a Laxative? Don't take a violent purgative. Right, the sluggish condition with the safe, vegetable remedy which has held pub lic confidence for over sixty years. DEE FILLS Lariul Sala of Any Medicin in th. WorU. Sold Tsnrwhsr. In bozas, 10c, 25a. PORTRAIT OF GEO. M. COHAN ' AT FRIARS" FROLIC . .1 City, I'hiladelphia, Baltimore, Pitts- New York, M;vv 2". Porlnps tho burg, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, most amazing thing about the Friars'j Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Buffalo, club frolic, which begins here tomor-1 Rochester, Boston and Providence. A. row to mark the completion of the new i bund of sixty musicians will be carried clubhouse, is the fact that in the per-1 in addition to the half hundred eele-formam-e at the Vow Amsterdam thea- brated st irs who will appear, tre is a portrait of Abbot (leorge M.I Cohan, painted by Friar Harrison Fish-i H er. The amazement comes when youj $ consider the tut that Fisher could get j Journal New Today Ads de- Cohan to sit still long enough to be sjt liver the goods. jc painted. After its performance hercj tomorrow the frolic will go to Atlantic! WESTER MOTOR OIL O. K. D BY WHITE DEALER "Fntirely satisfactory," is the way F. W. II ill. Seattle manager for the White company, expressed himself in regard to motor oil made froai est oru asphalt base crude, We tell out inquirers that we use this oil a great deal in our demonstra ting eus," contuiuo.l Mr. Hill, "also we refer them to owner of Wh.te v,.,t.,v enrs nn.l tru, ks who are usin" oil made from western aspaalt b.isel crude with entire satisfaction." X' The Three Russian Red: u3cc34a a reiiaej Mu,kal act at ue On-oa Tkeatre Today aa dTomorrow-A big Eveat.