N am TIHjF IMIIY (Mm -IL II il il J 11-7 J. jiii jJLJL 11 V: lyLdfiJdk'f 0U..J. :): Magazine Section 1LJ O ) . :S THUtTY-NINTH YEAB. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1916 nntti Tiim rTe ON TRAlMi AND NiW I ftH-t 1 V VJ STANDS. riVI CENtf. Ml ill r-nTT,,,, f ' tu 1,1 VCj Ci. Wll I AMFTTF II B 7MIMT IMKK FKT III LU II II LI IL U. MIMU NON-CONFERENCE Methodists Romp Home With Long End of Score Against McMinnville As a fitting prelude to the non-eon-Incnee t'jck meet which is holding lorth on Willanntiu field liiia after noon, the Jleihodists annexed tint lion conference baseball championship yes- fcrday afternoon by romping home with i tuo long end of a 6 to S scoro against j McMinnville. Willi the baajPnll dinm jionship tueko.l in their belts the Wil lamette rooters will undoubtedly have another championship served to them when the final score is east up in the rack meet which is incidentally con siderable of a feather in Coach Mat thews eap since the excellent athletic record of the Methodists this year is directly due to his coaching. With the score 5 to 4 in favor of the MeMinnvilleites in the ninth iun ing Rexford spanked the pill into safe territory and is credited with starting the fracas that resulted in a victory for the Methodists. Shisler reached first in the final inning on an error by the McMinnville third baseman and I'roetor who batted for Ksteb flied out. Miller singled and Shisler perched safe Iv on third when Eexford swung his club into the face of one of Brown's inshoots and scored Shisler. Steele re tovered the ball but bungled in the throw and Miller crossed the (date with the run that gave Willamette the non lonferenee championship. The score: Willamette AB. 1?. II. TO. A. K U'-sto, ss 3 2 1 4 3 2 t.'rosvenor, 2b 2 1 0 2 4 1 Peterson, If 3 0 0 0 0 0 r Brown, e, 4 0 0 3 0 1 iates, 3b 4 0 0 1 2 0 Shisler, ef 3 2 2 0 0 0 Ksteb, rf 3 0 1 0 0 0 Miller, 1 b , 4 1 1 11 0 0 Fexford, p 4 0 0 1 11 0 Trootor 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 0 H 27 20 3 "Batted for Ksteb in ninth. VIcMinnville AB. It. H. FO. A. K. McKnight, 2b 4 I. Brown, c 4 Prove, If 4 ft. Brown, p 5 'omfort, lb jj Larson, f 5 Kimpsoi). rf 4 Steele, 3b 3 Richardson, ss 2 2 0 1 10 0 0 1 1 0 12 0 0 Totals 37 5 8 23 13 ,i Summary: liases on balls, off ford 4, o lirown 4. Two b.ise hit, Steele. Doiude play, R. l'.rown to Com fort. Hit bv pitched ball, Grove, Simp son. Passed balls, I. Brown 1, P. Urown 2. Wild nitch, K. Brown. Struck out, -iv Kexford S, 1"- R. l'.rown 7. I'mpire, J. Hichordson. Scorer, Walk er. Time of game, one hour fifty-iive minutes. Watching the Scoreboard Pacific Coast League Standings W. 1,. Pit, Yernon 31 , IS .5,!.i Ban Francisco 2 22 ,o0 lot Ana-des -' -- Halt Lake B - 24 .412 Portland 17 22 .411! Oakland 20 32 -3So Yesterday's Results At Los Angeles Portland 4, Vernon 2. At Salt. Lake Salt Lake fi, Sjh I'rncisio 1. At Son Francisco Los Angeles 6, Oakland 4. STANDING OF THE TE National League W. V'niladelpliia 19 Wrnoklvn 17 New York . 1'j Ikwton 1 3 Cincinnati - 1" Chicago 36 St. Louis Hi Pittsburg 14 American League Cleveland 23 Washington 22 New York 19 Boston 17 CJiicago 14 I'hiladelphia 13 1'etroit 13 ft. Louis 12 A MS Tot. .013 .007 14 .317 20 .439 20 .444 20 .444 20 .412 .637 .047 ,.l .500 .424 19 .400 20 .3114 Sothoron was a regular ShyJoek with kase hits and Vernon got only thr. e. Portland winning the came at last, lor to two, Patterson of the Tigers was so an oyed he scolded the umpire in the fifth and wis sent away to the club oue, naughty boy! Bites' triple and Kixon'j will heave gave Vernoa a two run lead, "out Port land pounded its way steadily forward and nosed abend, and in the seventh MeGaffigan o Vernon let one get iway from him and two Beavers tallied. Baum lasted seven innings against Salt Lako, when he was given the gato in favor of l'erritt but too late. The Bees hit consistently and slam med out a real old fashioned 0 "to 1 victory. Jerry Downs of the Seals v as exiled when ho cast x ball with considerable vigor upon Umpire Kit Brashear's foot Playful Jerry. Ryan of the Angeles wasn't very good but he was good enough to bent Oakland. The Oaks wobbled all af ternoon and finally sank as usual. Beer and Boyd being massacred, and Klawitter only being saved by some pretty fast work at the pliie. Wfiltpr wnq entitled to th after- noon's laurels, this Angel gelt-ng twooly one less than Harvard, which had hits, one walk and one sacrifice ctt of nve times up. Alexander of Philadelphia beat Smith of Brooklyn in a higo class pitching duel and the Phillies crowded into first place 1 to 0. Pirates beat St. Louis (5 to 5, when Betzel threw the ball away in the eleventh. The Yanks scalped the Rod Sox twice in the first double header of the season. v To Sell Durbar 2d, Derby Winner, and Other Racers at Auction Today Belmont Park, L. I., May 27. The sale of the Knglish and French breed ing and racing establishments of the lato Herman B. Duryea, which the Powers-Hunter company will conduct in the paddock at Belmont Park here, today, will give to the thoroughbred in- Liversedge of California, and Caughey dustry of the United States 'mother j of Stanford, also got places in the shot. British Derby winner, Durbar 2d, a Liversedge mado the best thrust at 40 son of Rabelais and Armenia. I foot, 2 12 inches. California's strong Durbar 2d, which was bred by Mr. I men wero very much in evidence in the Duryea in France, won the Derby of j hammer also, where G 'lversleeve and 1014 from Hapsburg and Peter the Her- j Richardson qualified with ease. Maker iiiit. Hrtpslnug defeated a first classinf California, and Sisson of Stanford, field in the Jockey club stakes a lit-lenrned tlioir right lo compete in the tic liter, after winning the derby j broad jump without much effort. Durbar 2d went over to France audi finished third in the Grand Prix de White Sox Weak. Paris and his caretaker had a brisk' Chicago, May 27. Considerable hir timo getting him away from the Ger-ling firing is going to occur in the Chi man invasion Inter in the year. catjo White Sox ranks pretty pronto un- EE mi EAGU iiinaay W The Wonderful Young Twirler, Murphy, will twirl $nd ex-Coast Leaguer Red Kreitz will catch for Woodburn I Street Railway Band Will Furnish the Music. Best Game of the Season. First Time Since the Old Tri-City League Days that Salem and Woodburn Have Met in Baseball. BATTLING In Barham and Hauser the Salem Team has the Best Averages put Bradfords in Front as the Classiest team Battery in the League. Come and see 'em go. in the League. Watch the Smoke and Fur Fly. Leadership of League at Stake. A Great Pitcher's Battle Anticipated. Salem Must Win to Be in Running El Stanford Athletes Make Fine Showing Big Event To day On Lake Washington Cambridge, Mass., May 20. Perfect weather greeted the athletes who will contest today in the finals of the I. C. A. A. A. track and field meet here. Cor nell, with 18 men qualified, was the favorite to win. Stnntord nnd (.alitor :lla each placed seven men in the tinals, a far larger representation in the run ning. Records tottered again and again yes terday t.'fternoon when tho preliminar ies wero fought out. In tho 120 yard hurdles, "Fog" Murray of Stanford, broke the tape in 15 seconds flat in his heat, making the easterners open their eyes. He established a new inter collegiate record for the east, al though 15 flut has ocen made so often on the const that it no longer excites wonder. J. K. Norton of Stanford, and Ted Preble of California, also qual ified in the high hurdles. A. W. Lynn of Stanford, upheld the honor of tho fnr west in the quarter mile dash, flashing across the line of t- l er a killing raco in qualifying time. In the 220 yard iow hurdles the 3'n eific coast again popped into the lime light when "Feg" Murray and J. K. Norton of Stanford, showed their heels to tho class of the eastern schools. Nor ton made the best time of the diy, 24 1-5 seconds. Maker and Nicholls of California. qualified in the high jump, tying for first idace with a brigade of others. LK-Uil : )j. V (V j" Y) I 1 H : ) n rv ) ! n I JJ r n nil Mav mK i aMjm--iiame Laiied at , j d. m. odlbwim.vgo Salem I Decoration DayAT SALEfMame Called at 3 less the team takes a decided brace. This was indicated today by President Claries A. Comiskey. He is bitterly disappointed at the pale hose showing and is sharpening his axe and jingling Us money bags for the fruy "Com my" said Clarence Rowland would continue as manager. Six Round Bout a Draw. Fortlnnd, Ore., May 27. A slninbanc six round bout between l.ee Johnson of Oakland, and Billy Mascott of Port land, last night was c-dled a draw. Johnson had the best of the scrip. Johnson scored the only clean knock dawn of tho fight when ho sent the Portlander to the canvas with a terrific right, in the fourth round. Al Sommcrs was given a decision over Romeo Hngen of Seattle, at the end of six rounds. Bank. on Pield Events. Corvnllis. I5re., May 27. rrimed for the dual track nnd field meet with tin University of Washington this after noon, the Oregon Aggies today gave out the usual gloomy predictions. On the field events, they claim, rest their chances of winning. Only one man will be entered in each of the 100 yard dash, the half mile, the milo nnd the two mile everffs. The victory of tho University of Ore gon over the northerners, however, has raised the hopes of the Aggies. U. of O Man Beat Muira. Eugene, Ore., May 27 M. Muire, star tennis player of the University of Washington, has lost his three yenr title of "the unbeatable." Tl.e little Japanese met his Waterloo yesterday in Lewis Bond of tho I'niversity of ! Oregon, and Oregon drew first blood in the singles tenuis championship bv a : score of 75, 64 and 1513. I Two more singles sets will be played jthis morning and the doubles champion ships will bo played off this after noon. TJp to Ty Cobb. Detroit. Mich., May 27. Answering the question, "What is the matter with tho Tigers?" Manager Hughey Jen nings declared today that Ty Cobb's failure to round into 'form has been largely responsible for Detroit's pres ent position. But, he added, the Georgia peach is sure to find his batting eye soon. Will Let Them Play. Chicago, May 27. Western golfers will follow the action of the Woodland, Mass., club in permitting Francis Oui met, Paul Tcwksbury and J. II. Sullivnn Jr., to eempcto in their club events in BRADFORD defiance of the ruling of the United States Golf association, it was intimat ed today by Crafts W. Huggins, assist ant secretary of tho Western Golf asso ciation. The V. S. W. A. ruling pre vents amateurs from competing with either of these three, on the ground that they are professional golfers. Oui met and Sullivan recently opened a sporting goods store in Boston. Smithson the Winner. McMinnville, Ore., Alay 27. Mc C. Smithson, of McMinnville college, will represent the I'acific coast at the na tional intercollegiate oratorical contest at Lexington, KV., next December. Smithson kst uight won over represen tatives of the University of Redlnnds, Stanford university nnd Whitman col lege. Gordon Palmer of Redlands was second. Eights Row at Seattle. Seattle, Wash., May 27. Pronounced an entirely different crew from the one that was recently defeated by Stanford, the California varsity eight is accorded an almost even break in this afternoon's encounter with the University of Washington oarsmen on Lake Washington. The California has been practicing steadily during its preparation for the race and those who saw the race at Ouklnnd declare the southerners should make a much better showing today. Both crews are in fine condition. The race is scheduled to start at 5 o clock this afternoon. Woodburn and Salem Inter city Team Scheduled for Hot Game Tomorrow - For the first timi since the old Tri-j City league days Woodburn and Salem I Inter-City league- teams will meet to- morrow as the first game of a regular I baseball carnival which will finish with ' the Decoration day game between the Brmlforils nnd Salem on Tuesday. Ray Baker has secured the services of the Kugene Street Railway band to fuinisk the music for Sunday's game and tn drown the noise made by the Wood burn rooters. Those Woodburn rooters are known about the circuit as the noisiest element since the boiler factory closed down and they boast of their ability to get angoras of their opponents. Salem has Ex-Big Leaguer Hauser famous KEENE AND REINHART STAR IN MISSOURI COLLEGIATE CIRCLES Roy Keene, former Salem High school star twirler, is making a name for him-' self in Missouri as heaver for the Mis souri Wesleynu team a irding to a clipping from the Maryville Pcmoernt Fonun which was sent to Harry Ralph in this city. The news disptitch also includes Reinhart, likewise a Salem high school star of last year, in flat terinor terms .uid even suvs that the Mis souri Weslevnn team is a two man ag gregation with Keene and Reiulmrt as the "whole show." Although the story of the game ap pears in a rival town newspaper Keen and Reinhart are given full credit for teir brilliant work as tho following history of the game shows and the story runs thus: " It took Roy Keene of Missouri Wes levnn eleven innings to bent the Itv'nr- ,tfu V al'Dn if tin in IMlt.1,1 II It till ....... j . " I bst pitcher on the college circuit. Be sides pitching a one-hit game, he got one nit nimseir, scored two or. tneir five runs and furnished all of the real i few loyal fans also nnd Sunday's game will not only be a battle on the diamond but on the bleachers. Tho keen rivalry between the two towns assures the patrons of the game that Sun lay's contest will be a feature struggle, from the time the limps announces "piny ball." The old reliable ex-leaguer Wayne Barbara will do the hurling antics for Salem with Hauser on the receoiving end. The remainder of the Salem line up will be tho usual aggregation of hard hitters and Manager Klett prem ises to put the strongest possible line-up a-jninst. the Woodburn team. Murphy, who has built up a niar elons reputation this season in the Inler-l'ity league will be the opposing shvbster and Red Ivreitz will wield the big mitt. Krietz is an ex-Const, leaguer and is one of the best receivers in the Inter-City lengue hnrness. The game will be called at 3 p. m. and arrangements have been nunln with the weather man for the best in the shop, tho day will bo fair with a few spots of sunshine but no rain. SUFFS SELL FLOWERS ON FIFTH AVENUE WEAR ' BRIGHT YELLOW HATS New York, May 27. Hundreds of yellow peach basket hats, with the cutest little blue roses peiked saucily upon them, bobbed merrily along Broad way and Fifth avenue today. The lints, Wayne Barham will twirl and Emil Carlisle ball star will catch for Salem Good Place to Park Autos Both Teams Strongest in Years. vs. rWlP'WN .,1 ij .nntuaimwnftttM ball playing for his team, with the as sistance of Reinhart, visiting team first baseman. The visiting team gave their pitcher good support at the bat getting eight hits. Their fielding support was pour, however, for Keene really should lin had a shut out game. In reality it ;it only a two man team. Reinhart got three hits and a base on bulls while at error got him on bases tho fifth time, he came up. He also scored two of thj five runs." The siiininary sliows that Keene al lowed but one hit, a liner over second and three runs were scored through misplays of his team mates. He gnv eight bases on balls and struck out 10 while the opposing luirler whiffed ll. Keene's team had 13 left on bases and I the homo team seven. Reinhart t credited with one stolen base. I Both Keene nnd Reinhart will piuh ' ably return to Salem after the si-huul year is over and in that event will un doubtedly appear in a Salem uniform. designed by Mrs. Frank A. Vaiuljrlij;, were worn by New York suffragists who heard that Englishwomen got .fl, 000,000 selling artificial flowers on tho streets of England one day last year, and decided to try it themselves. Mis. Thompson Seton and Mrs. John Flakier of Greenwich, Conn., were among thw flower girls. STATE OF OREGON. PROPOSALS FOR SPPPLIKS The Oregon State Board of Coutnl vill receive sealed bids on June 13, at 2 p. in., for furnishing supplier to the various State institutions; con sisting of dry goods, clothing, furnish ings, groceries, shoes, hardware-, brooms, drugs, paints, oils, stationery, crockery, plumbing, etc., for the semi annual period ending December 31, 1910. Specifications and schedules will be furnished upon application to th secretary, at Salem, Oregon, also from tho Industries and Manufactures Bureau, 'number of Commerce, Port land,, Oregon. Knch bid to be accom panied by a certified check in the sum of 10 per cent of, the whole amount of bid, payable to the Oregon State Hon id of Control, to be held as a guarantee of the faithful performance of the coii t met. Tho Board reserves the right to. reject any or all bids or to accept an part of a bid. 1!. B. GOOllT, Secretary, Oregon State Board of Control p. m. ft! li SAL. EM