Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 27, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications W. B. Corsets
i. f
Wi. U I
Flags tor Decoration Day
An excellent vari
ety of Flags
mounted and un
moifnted kinds,
wool or cotton,
priced from 4c each
for cotton flags on
staff to $6 for the
big wool flags with
eyelets and canvas
(Second floor)
(Second Floor.)
A Sale of Fibre Lunch and Shopping Cases at 49c Ea.
These are of a tough tan fiber, riveted, metal
corners, snap fasteners. Look Just like a small
suit case. Just the thing for carrying picnic
lunch. Splendid for motor trips, etc.
Cart of any kind for any place
nt any time.
Office, Bliga Hotel
Sixth anil Kvorett street, Port
land, Ore, 4 blocks from I'nion
Station, Under new manage
ment. AH rooms newly deco
Rates: 50c, 7 So, I , $l.."it) per d.iy
iis milled
to please
S4 ,,J
Use Oregon Graham, Oregon Wheatola and Tip-Top
v-...:..jj Pancake Hour
No person is ever advised by me to use glasses unless they are
necessary. If they are needed, I will furnish the right kind at the
lowest price consistent with the best grade of work.
SUSS A. MJU0CH, Optometrist,
20S-9 Hubbard Bldg Phone 109.
Special Clearance
On Entire Stock of Women's and Misses'
Suits-, Coats, Skirts,
Waists, D
Do yourself the justice of seeing
can be saved by purchasing here.
in all of the most popular models.
Washington, May 27. Charles Glov
er, president, and Henry Flnthor aid
William riather, officials of the
liiggs National hank, worn found not
guilty of perjury today. The jury de
liberated nine minutes.
Daily Between
; Sulom, Rtayton, Mill City and all way
I Points. Leaves Mill City 6:15 a. m.;
! Stayton 7:15, Btilem. 9:15.
j Koturn, leaves Hnlem 4:30 pi m.j
atayton o-Ai; Mill City 7:-U.
Phone 13
for vonr Rrpiikfnst. nl-
ways fresh.
Why Not Know for Certain
Whether or Not You Need
Glasses ?
these assortments and the amount that
Complete showing of Middy Blouses
Our 797th
Wednesday Surprise Sale
s MAY 31st
A Great Special Offering of Good Grade
Talcum Powder
Extra large 25c size, Surprise Price . 15c a Can
A good quality imported Talcum possessing reli
able antiseptic properties, compounded in an en
tirely new combination. This powder is most
soothing and refreshing and is unequalled as a
heeling powder for babies. It will be found very
beneficial to use after shaving as a preventative
of that burning sensation. Packed in extra large
cans almost twice as much powder as contained
in the ordinary size. A big value if sold at 25c.
For Wednesday Surprise, several odors to choose
from, only - - - 15c
Sale starts at 8 :C0 See the window display
All Around T
- ff-H
Jt 3fC 3C )( 3QC jt SS sfc iC 3! 3jt
May 28. High school baccalau
reate services, iirst Motho
dist chul'ch, 8 p. in.
May 2S. G. A. R. Memorial
services, 3 p. m., nt First
Methodist church.
May "!. Iktusic department
University recital, M. K.
church. -
M ly 30. Memorial Day.
May 31. "Robin Uood," comic
opera, at high school audi
torium. Juno 2. High school commence
ment exercises at Armory.
Juo 2. Kimball collogo com
mencement. 2:30 p. m.
Juno 3. Public, speaking de
partment Willamette; univer
sity, First M. K. church, 8
p. m.
Juno 7. Annual election offi
cers Commercial club.
June 7. Willamotto University
June School board eb'ition,
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glass
es correctly. U. S. Bank, Pddg.
We on save you money on garden
hose, Nolsou Bros. & Patton, plumbers,
355 Chemoketa tit. Phone 1900. tf
Eighteen candidates were initiated
into Olive Homestead No. 35, Brother
hood of American Yeoman nt the meet
ing held last night.
Dr. Stone's drug nor.
necessary. Gardner & Keene, jewelers!
. r . ' i
Our prices are right, no reduction
and opticians.
Company M has been ordered to im
port at the armory nt 1 o'clock Sunday
afternoon. The company will inarch in
a body to tho First Methodist church to
participate in the Memorial day exer
cises. o
Dr. Stone's Drug Store, for trusses.
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescrip
tion, tf
We buy nd pay highest prices for
all kinds of used furniture. K. L. Stiff
4 Son.
Moneybak Silks
I. C. S. display, Masonic Temple.
, o
While others are reducing we are
Increasing our stock. There's a rea
son! ask us. Gardner & Keene, jewel
ers and 0p.fjc.inn9.
Cemetery Cleanup Dagr Cemetery
cleanup day Monday, May 29, all in
terested come out. ' The Howell Frni-
rio cemetery association. Ralph I.
Stovens. tf
...The ( herrians have definitjjlv docid
ed not to co-operate with the horsemen
.niil state fair board in the Fourth of
July celebration to be held at the fair
grounds. At present the organi anon
has no special plans, except to take
part in all the events of the first day
of the fair and the dance during the
evening at the armory, Monday July 3.
I. C. S. display, Masonic Temple.
Base ballSunday, May 28, 3 p. m.
Woodburn vs. Salem. Biggest game of
tho season. Woodburn thinks they have
the pennant cinched but watch Salem's
llig League battery show then up. ni-7
While the spring weather may be a
trifle backward in tho Willamette
valley, conditions seem to be normal
in the- Imperial valley of southern
California. Ciuteloupes from that sec
tion are now on the market this morn
ing, retailing at 15 cents each, or two
for a quarter.
I. C. S. display. Masonic Temple
Hose, lawn mowers and all kinds of
garden tools nt K. L. Stiff & Son.
The public library will be closed all
dav Tuesday, Mav 30, on account of
Decoration d:iv. It is also understood
int ?" tbr l.-a.ling stores will observe
tho -il.iv nnr nven nminintr for ft few
the -dav, not even opening for a few
hours in tho morning. The grocers and
butchers will probably remain open un
til noon.
Harry Seward O'Hara and Miss Lil
lian Pago were married this, after
noon by the Rev. James F.lvin, at the
(ni.-omige of the First Congregational
church. The ceremony was witnessed
by Mrs. James Klvio jjnd the mother of
the bride, Mrs. Tnge.
We wish to th.mk our friends for the
many kindnesses shown us during our
recent bereavement and for the beauti
ful floral offerings.
W. 11. Harris and family.
L C. S. display, Masonic Temple.
Dr. L. O. Altaian, Homeopathic phy
sician. 290 N. Liberty. Phone 117.
The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Paterson and daughter, Helen Louise,
were forwarded to Portland this aft
ernoon on the 4 o'clock Oregon Elec
tric by Webb & C'lough. Funeral serv
ices will be held Monday at Portland,
from the chapel of Finley & Son.
Buy La Corona cigars for over Sun
day Salem made 10 cents.
I. C. S. display, Masonic Temple.
The Salem Street Railway band will
play at the le.igue grounds for the base
ball game to be played Sunday after
noon. It will also take part in the
parade memorial day. May 30. The
band now numbers -'S pieces and is
under the direction of Curl Poppe.
. Dr. R. T. Mclntire, physician and
surgeon, 214 Masonic bhlg. Phone 410.
Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures
ho-ives. Price $1; for sale at all druggists.
Prune men are up in the air as to
prospects for a crop. The cold weather
of the last 10 days has retarded general .
development, and just at present, grow
ers do not knew whether the late bloom
will develop or whether the crop this
year will have to depend on the early
first bloom.
Carnations, lillies and gladioli at the
Yew Park greenhouse, 1105 S. 12th.
rhone 253-W.
Your old range taken in exchange
on an Alcazar or any otiier new inline.
1! u re n & Hamilton.
Members of the Commercial club are
beginning to talk of possible candidates
for the officers of the club to be elect
ed at the meeting to be held Wednes
day, June 7. The fiscal year of the
club ends May 31 and at the annual
meeting, a general financial report will
be made. Also- the ratifying by the
members, of the election of the direc
tors of the seven departments.
Trade in your old stove as part pay
ment on a new Orbon !e Luxe range
at E. L. Stiff & Son.
Alcazar ranges burn both gas and
wood. One oven for either fuel. Dem
onstrations next week. Buren & Hamil
ton .
o "
The Cherrians have accepted the In
vitation of the Booth String Orchestra
to attend in uniform the dance to be
given, at the armory next Thursday
evening, June 1. Friends of the Cher
rians who have not received invita
tions, may secure them at the Capital
drug store. This is the final dance of
the string orchestra. It is entirely in
formal and the dancing will begin at
8:30 o'clock. -
Demonstration all next week on Al
cazar gas and wood combination ranges
Buren k Hamilton.
You can have all kinds of music in
your home if you have a Sonora Talk
ing Machine. Mvrtle Knowlnu 1, 421
Court St.
Mrs. John Holm, formerly a resident
of this eity, died May IS at the home
of her brother, A. K.' Baker, at Grays
ville, Tenu., nccording to word received
in the city yesterday. Mr. anil Mrs.
Holm were desideuts of Salem about
25 years ago, going from here to Mon
tana and later to Fruirland, Idaho,
where Mr. Hoim died about a year ago.
Mrs. Hidin was a member of the Wo
men of Woodcraft, and both were affil
iated with the Cottage street United
Kvnngclical church.
Let us figure on your next bill of
lumber, builders hardware, paints, etc.
Falls Citv-Snlem Lumber Co., 349 S.
12th St. rhone SI3.
Mrs. W. H. Dancy, chairman of the
committee for the baby parade, one of
the leading . Ventures of the Cherrian
fair, will appoint her (vommitteos early
next week. Last year fhe bnby parade
was one of the most attractive features
and it is expected that arrangements
will be made, through the offering of
cash prizes and hiving cups, to bring j
out a display o'f Salem infants that i
will bo a credit to the eity when'
shown in the Pnthe vmoving pictures
throughout tho country.
Come in this evening and see the
Japanese prints on exhibit at the'
Frame Shop and GU'tery, 415 Court St.
Mr. Kondo will give a tall; on Japa
nese art nt 8 o'clock.
The sophomore class of the high
school is now winner in the inter-class
debutes, having defeated the juniors
in the final debate of the semester
yesterday afternoon. The winning
sophomore orators were Dewey Probst,
Ralph Barnes and John Scofield. The
junior team, which had formerly de
feated the seniors was composed of
Paul Pierce, Clen Ackermnn and Har
old Aspinwall. The judges of the con
tent were Prof. .1. O. Hall, the liev.
V. T. Porter and the Rev. R. X. Avi-
W. W. Steiwer has purchased the
Maple (irove dairy also the Kaiser
View dairy . and w ill run both under the
name of Maple Grove dairy with their
office at 1215 S. Com '1. ' tf
In order that Portland autosists may
know more about the Willamette vulley
the McMinnville Auto club and Dallas
Commercial club will co-operate with
the Salem Commercial club in promot
ing general information in regard to a
Sunday loop trip. It is the purpose of
these organizations to advertise a trip
that Portland autoists may take in one
day's drive, cming to Snlem by way
of Xcwberg, McMinnville and Pallas,
returning to Portland by the Pacific
highway. Within a few days, a com
mittee from each of these cities will
meet and arrange for an advertising
Attention Modern Woodmen of
America. You are reipicsted to be pres
ent at the lodge hall, MeCoinnck Blk.
Tuesday, May 30, l'Jli'i, to take part in
the memorial day parade and exercises
Geo. Keinochle, V. C.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Powers of Port
laud are in the city.
Dana 11. Allen is in Portland today
attending to legal matters.
H. Clifford Spaulding of Xewberg
is in the city for an over Sunday visit.
Ifollin K. Page was a passenger this
morning on the Oregon Electric for
Miss Beryl Cam)) of Portland is in
'he c-if v. the gust of M'. Walter L.
T. It. Albeit and Miss Clara Albert
will visit with relatives in Portland
uver Snudav.
Benjamin Brick returned this morn
ing from a business trip of several
days in Portland.
Hurry Baker returned to his homo
,at Taconta yesterday after a shurt
visit in the city with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Boegtlin left yester
day for a two months visit with rela
tives at Laramie, Wyoming, and Boone
Miss Florence Elliott of McMinnville,
is spending the week end in the city
with friends. She was formerly a resi
dent of this eity.
for his homo last evening after at
tending the grand lodge of Odd Fel
lows. He was accompanied by Mrs.
Schlebrede. Roseburg Review.
Milo Atterbury, formerly a resident
of Roseburg, but for some time past
of Salem, arrived here this morning to
attend the carnival. Roseburg Review.
Willard Hall returned this morning
after an absence of four weeks travel
ing in northern California and south
ern Oregon in tiie interest of the Chi
cago Picture house.
W. F. Drager and family returned
here from Salem last night, after at
tending the funeral there of Mr.
Drnger's i'at'ner. The elder Mr.
Dinger was once a resident of this
city when be first tame to Jhis state.
Roseburg Review.
Base ball Decoration day, big double
header, one admission. Xcwberg high
vs. Salem high. 1 p. m., Loju vs, Battl
ing Bradford, 3 p. in. League grounds.
Don't miss this opportunity to see Sa
lem's big league battery. mny29
If Salem folks happen to have any
friends who are prisoners of war among
the civilians interned in Germany, they
may write letters, but should not send
registered packages. Such packages
are not admissable and while they may
travel as far as the frontiers of Ger
many, they will be .returned by the
German frontier receiving forces. In
an order recently issued by the post of
fice department at Washington, post
masters are instructed not to receive
any registered articles for prisoners or
interned civilians in Germany.
Pecoration day is your chance to see
Salem's classy ball team play the lend
ing team in the league. Battling
Kradfords vs. Loju, 3 p. m., Salem high
will play the Xewberg high at 1 p. m.
Hand music. League grounds. mny2!)
vFor the tirst time in 25 years there
is no local hay on the market, accord
ing to D. A. White who has had a
quarter of a century of experience in
selling hay and mill feed stuffs in the
city. The shortage at present is due
to the fact that stock men in the east
ern part of the state required the home
crop raised for their own stock on ac
count of the severe winter. Also to the
fact that Portland and the Sound coun
try iias been buying heavily from tne
Willamette valley all winter and
spring. The alfalfa hay from Califor
nia is now retailing at $20 a ton.
Moose day, Saturday, June 21, prom
ises to be a big event for the Moose
brethren in the city. Benjamin BrVk,
who has been in Portland several days,
returns with the news tliut the Port
land lodge has promised to attend with
twu carloads, and that the Oregon City
lodge will be on hand with its band.
All other Moose lodges in the valley
will be urged to make Moose day in
Salem a great event. The evening's
entertainment will include the initia
tion of about 200 members, addresses
by Judge Morrow and Judge Gntens.
and a grand banquet. The Moose slogan
is 1.H0O members by 1917, i.nd the cele-
Seasonable Merchandise at
Removal Sale Prices
Everything included in this sale. Refrigerators
of known quality all go at cut prices. Compare, the
following list of values:
It will pay you to pay
our store a visit, look
around and ask all the
questions you wish.
r,.,.,,,,., .,,.......,,. .... m H..IWI..IC
; 4 :
:- ' V
, - 4 . t
i ? . v :
fi.MaiMBxt,,fr-tiWiMili lit il WW -" -
I examine eyes, design, make,
fit, adjust and repair glasses at
reasonable charges. The experience
I have had, the care taken in
every step from the initial exami
nation to the glasses fittoM to
your eyes and the privilege of adjust
ment at any time you wish to call
make my service highly satisfactory. (
would greatly appreciate an opportn- '
nity to serve you in any way that wiil
mean better and more comfortable
vision and glasses for you.
My 34 years of practical experience
will always be at your service.
guarantee satisfaction in every respect.
Doctor of Optics.
Offices: 210-211 TJ. S. Bank Building,
Phone 110.
Licensed Lady
Moderate Pricei
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Or.
brntion of Moose day is part of tlx
The postal authorities at Washington
have come to the conclusion that if tin
public in general was better informed
on posto'ffice affairs, there would
be less trouldesi,'tne conditions aris
ing. With a view of educating the pub
lic, the official Postal Guide, heretofore
selling nt i'.i a copy, will be issued alt
er July 1 at 40 cents a copy. Tbit
guide tells about everything worth
knowing about the postal department,
besides giving a list, of all recognized
postoffices in the country. After July
1, a money order for AO yaits, addressed
to the Distributing Clerk. Postoftice
Department, nshington, D. C. wiil
' bring the boo'v, known us the Official
I Postal Guide.
The whole 'family will enjoy rending
the Capital Journal.
$G0 seamless
Porcelain $47
$05 All Metal $29
$30 Side Ice.. $23
$22 Refrigerator. . $J8
$25Side Ice V..J19J5
$15 Refrigerator $11 20
$12.50 RefrigVt'r $3 75