Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 26, 1916, Image 1

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    ijt jjc jt Jt -js Sjl S(( jc Sji jjt Jt if jjc 3 S((
V'V ... a
rjnm? Turn n-wrc on trains and news
.m.m.jaj VUllig STANDS FIVE fTCNTa
Pitiful Details of Tragedy Told by h Neighbor Mr. F. New
berry, Who Suspecting Nothing, p led to Him After His
Terrible Act-Saw Him Fondle 1 f Dead Daughter and
Carefully Draw the Covers Ovei 5 s Wife Undressed
and Laid by Side of Wife, Then Ei S 1 All
Because He Loved,
Latest developments indicate that William L.
Patterson, who killed his wife and child and then
committed suicide this morning, was prompted to
commit the deed because his wife was suffering
from tuberculosis and his daughter had lately
developed symptoms of the disease. Patterson
never discussed his wife's health with any of his
friends as he felt too deeply to talk about her con-
dition. It is said however, that he talked to another
man who was similarly situated, and said that he
could not stand to see his wife and daughter suffer,
and as far back as six months ago he said he was
often tempted to "end it all for all three of them."
Patterson died in the hospital at 10:30 o'clock
this morning.
William L. Patterson, manager of the Patterson Cigar
Company at 100 North Commercial street, killed his wife,
Louise L. Patterson, and his seven year old daughter,
Helen, early this morning artd half an hour . later sent a
':2 calibre' bullet through his own brain at his-home' at
1251 Center street. The woman and child were killed as
they slept in their beds on the sleeping porch at the rear
of the house and -after killing his family Patterson,
partially clothed himself and fed his chickens before re
turning to the sleeping porch. He then undressed, lay
down beside the body of his wife and shot himself.
. According to F. Newberry who resides next door to
the Pattersons, the first shot was heard about 6:30 this
morning when Mr. Newberry was in his basement. An
instant later two more shots were heard, and Patterson
was seen on the sleeping porch in his night clothes. He
appeared to be caressing the little girl, and Mr. New
berry thought that nothing strange had happened and
that Patterson was shooting at a rat which bothered his
chickens. Patterson sat on the edge of-the little girl's bed
and appeared to be talking to and fondling her and later
he spread the bed clothes over her as if she were asleep.
He then raised one" of the top covers from his wife's bed
and spread it entirely over her which served further to
convince those who resided near that nothing had
It is thought that the first shot
fired was at the little girl as there
was a short interval before the second
two shots were fired in rapid succes
sion, and these later shots probably
found their nuirk in Mrs. Faterson's
On a chair in the bedroom nearest
to the sleeping porch were the over
coat and trousers that Patterson don
ned when he went out to feed his
chickens. At this time Mr. Newberry
was in the yard across the fence and
Mr. Pat ergon spoke to him and passed
the time of day in a casual way and
tiiere was nothing in Patterson's voice
Many a f oiler makes a ?ooe of him-
k "( 1 "fr !y 50 )fc
pelf ati.iut n cfci.-ken. Hi' stinn tnge order toward the Ba'aro country. Oush
' dye stuffs don't sevm f affect man' command nveitook thn klllim-
highly colored news.
He Killed Them.
or manner to indicate that he had just
killed his wife and child.
Paterson finished feeding "nis chick
ens and returned to the sleeping porch
where he undressed, and again took
the covers off the bed where his child
slept and for nearly half an hour
played with the dead bodv of his lit
tle daughter as if she were alive and
was having tier morning romp with
her father. A few minutes before he
shot himsulf he turned back the covers
(Continued on Page Niai 1
Outlaw Leader Cervantes
Killed by American Troops
Carranzistas in Ugly Mood
Namiquipa, Mexico, May 25. (By
radio to Columbus, N. M AInv 2(1.)-
Candclnrio Cervantes, outlawchieftain,
was killed by United States troops
south of I.as Cruces today.
Cervantes was leader of the bandits
who had been terrorizing thnt section
for months. He was killed upon at
tempting to rush a party of engineers
repairing a road six miles south of I.as
It was estimated thnt 20 bandits at
tacked. Three Americans were wound
ed, one dying shortly afterward.
News of the assault being flashed
to the United States garrison at I.as
Crucc, a cavalry troop commanded by
Lieutenant B. T. Mnrehnnt, attached to
the Thirteenth regiment, and a column
from the Eleventh cavalry under Cap
tain Cushman, galloped in pursuit.
The engineers had returned the Mex
icans' fire and the latter fled in dis-
. n
two and wounding mnny. "
Joseph Roth Kills James
' Ralph at Hermiston Then
Shoots Himself
Hermiston,. Or., May 2(1. A coro
ner's jury was selected today to in
vestigate the deaths of, James Ralph,
general manager and vice president of
the Hermiston Light and Power com
pany, nnd Joseph Roth, president of
tne company.
Officers are convinced that Roth
shot and killed Ralph and then com
mitted suicide. The motive is not
known. Residents of Hermiston be
lieve Roth has been mentally unbal
anced ever since tho death of his Bon
ten years ago.
The shooting oeoilrred at 10 o'clock
last night. Tlie bodies were not dis
covered until an hour later. Nobody
heard the shots. Ralph had been in
his automobile and was returning: it to
a garage. Apparently ho got out of
nn car to open the garage door waen
two sliots wbre 'fired ifrokn wtftliiai.
Death was instantaneous, physicians
said. Roth's body was found in the
rear of the garage, 100 feet from that
of his partner.
A brother of Roth is in the motion
picture business in San Francisco. A
wife and two married daughters sur
vive him.
Ralph and Roth are believed to 'aave
disagreed in their business relations.
Roosevelt's Name Written In
by 4,000-Olcott Beats
Moores 16,000
Portland, Or., May 20. With about
two per cent of the voto in last Fri
day ' primary election missing, Charles
E. Hughes has a majority of more than
ten thousand over his opponents in the
race for presidential preference in Ore
... - ,
ine vote thus lur tauumted gives
Hughes !4,S-'l; t.'ummins 27,017. and
lturton 11,840. Roosevelt's name was
written in by more than four thous
and voters and Henry Ford received
about one thousand votes.
The same count in t'.ie race for the
republican nomination for secretary of
state gives Olcott 00,205: Moores 41,
Monmouth, Ore., May 25. The con
tract for paving thrco blocks on Main
street has been awarded by the city
council to Hobsou V. Iioskius. of Me-
Minnville, for $7,917.67. This bid does
not include installing a sewer system,
which will soon be before the council.
This will be Monmouth's first pave
Ran Francisco, May 20. Society
lenders and working girls will march
side by side when tiie National Ser
vice training school for women opens
its annual encampment in the Presidio,
June 1. The women are to be instruct
ed in first aid to the injured and in
other arts which would make them val
uable in time of wnr.
St. Puul. Minn.. Mav 20. I.ouis Hill
started on a special train for Rochester,
Minn., this afternoon to get one of the
Muyo Brothers, surgeons, to come to St.
Paul to consult in-the illness of James
J. Hill, railroad magnate.
Cervnntes' body was identified Jiy
tho mayor of Las Cruces. Ily General
Pershing's orders, both bodies were
brought to Columbus for further iden
tification. George Ifullitt, of the Seventeenth
infantry, a machine gunner, killed
both Mexicans, being himself wound
ed. It was believed Cervantc did not
intend to attack the engineers, but be
ing closely pursued urn into them unex
pectedly. Carranza Soldiers Ugly.
Columbus, N. M., May 20. Growing
hostility of Carranza soldiers toward
Americans is reported today by ar
rivals from the front. At C-sa Grande,
they said, barbed wire obstacles were
placed in tho roadway and motor truck
trains stoned when hev attempted to
remove, the barricades. Several soldiers
were struck. Carrana soldiurs were
noticed in the mob. Tho commander of
the Americans prevented the troops
from using their guns.
jGave John Peck Germs of
Typhoid, Diphtheria and
Other Diseases
Killed Mrs. Peck by Bacteria
and Veronal Fed Aunt
Ground Glass
New York, May 2fi. Having con
fessed two murders and a vain attempt
at a third without a tremor, Dr. Arthur
Warren Waito, on trial charged with
killing his wife's parents, faced cross-
examination todnv. The state was pre
pared, to put questions valculated to
tear down his insanity defense.
The story calmly recited by Waite
on the witness stand amazed criminol
ogists. He told in detail how ho gave
John Peck, his father-in-law, germs of
spinal meningitis, pneumonia, diph
theria, typhoid and influenza when he
came to Now York for a visit, how he
also gave the aged man a throat spray
containing pneumonia germs, and how
he finally made him helpless with chlo
roform and suffocated him with a pil
low for money.
IIo also narrated how he killed Mrs.
John H. Peck by giving her bacteria
and veronal. He confessed to an at
tempt to kill Miss Kathcrine Peck, his
wtfn'fl mint Kv r!vin- liar tinnorl f'iu
pcontnining numerous deadly germs, and
by putting ground glaBS into her mar
malade. AU this was done,' he admitted
the purpose of -eliminating his wife's
relatives and getting all the money in
the family. In this connection the
witness frankly confessed that he mar
ried for gold and not for love.
After having made these startling
statements, Waite shrunk and blushed
when it became necessary to utter a
vile word. His manner throuijhout was
boyish and indifferent.
"I wanted them to die IjecauBe I
wanted their money," was the burden
of his story. The confessed slayer smiled
with pleasure when he suddenly remem
bered aonie forgotten episode of his
poisoning campaign and hastened to get
it Into the official records. At times his
face was serious, agarn he smiled with
frank pleasure at some feat which he
evidently considered worth boasting
When the examination of Waite was
resumed at the forenoon session of
court, he admitted that he had planned
to murder his wife as well as her pa
rents. Says He Is Not Crazy.
New York, May 20. Still calm and
placid, Dr. Arthur Warren Waite left
the witness stand at 11:40 a. m. today
in his trial for murdering his wife's
parents, after having given some of the
most remarkablo testimony ever heard
a criminal court here
Waite denied he had attempted to
kill his wife, but admitted having con
sidered it. Asked the flnt question:
"Are- you crnzyt" ho replied: "I
think not."
He admitted that while in Bellevuc
hospital ho said ho was ready to pay
the penalty for his crime with his life.
"Do you not care what becomes of
you?" quizzed the district attorney.
"I want to do what is right."
"Why did you take sulphonol and
trionol on the day of your arrest?"
"I wanted to kill myself."
Waite declared he did not remember
telling detectives he did not want his
wife to find out about Mrs. Margaret
Horton, with whom he occupied a
"studio room" at the Plaza hotel.
The witness denied conspiring with
others while confined in the Tombs to
get up an insanity defense. Asked re
garding the "man from Egypt," the
sinister, supernatural influence which
he has declared, made him do wrong,
Waite said ho had not mentioned this
mysterious power in Bellovue, but that
he talked of it elsewhere.
"Yesterday you confessed to being a
liur nnd a thief. What assurance have
we that you are telling tho truth
now?" demanded tho district attor
ney. A storm of defense objections immed
iately arose.
They were sustained.
Waite, asked if he expected to get
G,000,000 from the Peck- estate, replied
that he did not hope for so much, lie
denied having Intended to go away
with Mrs. Horton.
"Do you deny guilt?" demanded
the prosecutor.
"I have never denied it," snapped
"What is your defense-"
"I am making no defense."
"Did you "ive John H. Peck arsenic
with the intention of killing him?"
"I did," replied Waite loudly.
t knew It was wrong to do
(Continued ei Pag Tar.)
,0rpet Trial Promises To Be
As Great a Judicial Farce
i as Thaw Case
Waukegan, 111., May 26 Miss Celeste
Youkers, former fiancee of William H.
Orpct, will personally appeal to Judge
Donnelly to return her love letters to
tho collcgo youth, charged with the
murder of Marian Lambert. Thia"e
came known today.
The state prizes tho lettors highly, ex
pecting to prove by them that Orpct
loved Miss Youkor, and that he there
fore had a strong motive for killing
Marian, his former sweetheart.
Judge Donnelly is understood to be
favorably inclined toward granting
Mies Youkor 's request,, but ho has not
passed on it yet.
The seventh venire of 100 men re
ported in court todny. Only four jur
ors have been permanently accepted.
Each Bide has 10 peremptory challengos
still remaining.
Tho second panel of veniremen for
the Orpet jury was sworn in today.
There are now eight permanent jurors
io the box.
Break Seems Inevitable As
Each Side Insists On Other
Seattle, Wash,, May .. 26. Shipping
men are worried today over tho turn
of affairs between water front employ-
f oners nnd organized longshoremen whose
threatened strike became more acute
during the last 24 hours.
Employers informally declared that
they would never grant tho demands
made in the ultimatum of the Interna
tional Longshoremen's association.
Unless they do, declare the union men
every dock worker in evory Pacific
coast port from Skagwiy to San Diego
will walk out June 1 and absolutely
tie up tho vast shipping that now is
going at top speed.
Tho union longshoremen's represen
tatives met in Seattlo from all along
tho coast two weeks ago and laid the
plans for new demands whereby they
would get an increased share in ship
ping profits.
Dallas Will Get Next
Presbyterian Assembly
Atlantic City, N. J,. May 20. The
Presbyterian assembly will meet in
1917 at Dallas, Texas, it was decided
todny. DalliiB delegates made a hard
fight to win thereonclave for their city.
Seattle delegates worts most activo in
bidding for the convention. During
tho debate ono delegate shouted: "If
tho Presbyterian church is out to ac
complish results for tho temperance
cause, the assembly ought to go to
towns where there are no saloons."
A resolution was adopted urging
church officers to abstain from tobacco.
Oswiilde llelsing, opposing this meas
ure, declared the assembly might just as
well pnsB resolutions aginst eating
candy, drinking
coffee or riding on
Arrange For The Greatest
Naval Militia
History of
Washington, May 20. Arrangements
are bcSjig completed for what will
probably bo the grcitest naval mili
tia cruise in the history of the Pacific
coast. Aboard throe warships, the Ore
gon, New Orleans and the Marblchead,
the citizen snilors of California, Ore
gon and Washington will put to mix
July 15 for two weeks of practice and
squadron maneuvers.
Naval militiamen of California will
embark aboard the historic old Oregon
at San Francisco and will proceed to
Port Angeles, Wash., the rendezvous of
the siudron. The Washington militia
embarks on the New Orleans at Tacoma
and the Orcgonians on tho Marblchead
at Portland. During July !, 10, 17
and 18 the squadron of three vessels
will meet at Port Angeles for drills.
On its way down the coast the New
Orleans is to stop at Seattle for an
other detai'hment of sailors, and the
Marblchead will halt for a short time
at Astoria, Or.
July 18 tho three warships will steam
to sea from Port Angeles and head for
Sitka, Alaska, where they aro eched-
Thousands of Dead and Wounded Utter Slopes of Dead
Man's Hill-Shells Bursting Amongst Them Tear
Wounded and Dead to Fragments and Bury Alike Um
and Dead Beneath the Torn Earth Even Should Germans
Capture Cijadel It Would Not Alarm Paris
Paris, May 26. French troops repulsed violent Ger
man attacks on the Meuse west bank and northwest of
Verdun in last night's fighting, it was officially announced
today. The French also made gains on the east bank. A
smashing counter attack by the French recaptured a
trench lost earlier in the battle near Thiaumont farm, east;
of the Meuse. Near this farm French soldiers advanced,
hurling hand grenades. ,
West of the Meuse, Germans continued to rake the
whole French front, especially
Avocourt with a most violent fire. However, in spite of
this preparation, all German infantry attacks were halted
by a curtain of French projectiles.
A heavy bombardment of Hill 304 and of strong posi
tions in front of Avocourt was believed preliminary to an
attempt to storm the French holdings. This will bring
German troops closer to the St. Menhould railroad, which
leads eastward to Verdun.
Further German gains on both Meuse banks aroused
the Frencn to a sense of the Verdun situation's serious
ness. However, no anxiety is felt here. Even should
Germans capture the citadel it would not alarm Paris.
At the same time it is realized the Germans are con;
centrating their heaviest attacks against the fort. The
losses are so tremendous it is impossible to even estimate
them at present. Uncounted numbers of dead and
wounded litter the slopes of Dead Man's hill and the ter
ritory around Douaumont. Shells are constantly bursting
among then, killing the wounded and tearing bodies to
bits, so there will be no opportunity of attempting to
tabulate the casualties until the artillery ceases.
Grand Smash to be Made
y John H. Hearley '
f United Press stiff correspondent)
Kome, Wiy 20. A terrific mash,
aimed to eliminate the Turks and Bui
garians from the war is the plan of
the allies to bring peace, according to
general reports current here.
Heavy blows by tho allies from Sa
lonika to Mesopotamia will bo followed
by x tremendous simultaneous offensive
against both the Austrian nini uernian
lines in an effort to win a victory over
tlfo central powers before winter sets
Knormous forces of French, Italian,
British and Serbian troops have been
concentrated at Salonika ind are
awaiting word to strike what tho al
lies hope will prove the death blow of
the cause of the central powers. In the
near east tho Russians are pressing for
ward toward H.igdad.
Despite reports of initial Austrian
successes in the Tyrol drive, tho Ital
ian public iH confident that the out
conic of the struggle will spell vic
tory for the Italian forces. It was
stated today thnt when tho Ausrian
offensive began, King Victor Emman
uel's troops lacked guns heivy enough
successfully to cope with tho Austrian
cannon, but this deficiency has now
been remedied.
Austrians Beat Italians
Vienna, Mujy 20.' Austrian troops
Cruise In The
Pacific Coast
ulcd to drop anchor July 22. Then
will follow a day of landing practice
ami some drills. Men of each ship will
also bo grunted several hous liberty
Leaving Sitka July 3, tho vescls will
proceed southward until tho latitude
of Cape Mattery is reached, There
the New Orleans and tiie Marblchead
will signal good bye to tho Oregon
which ploughs on alone while the
cruisers turn toward Port Angeles
Arriving at Port Angeles, the crews
of the New Orleans and Marblehead
are to bo drilled from July 2(1 to July
2S, after which the Marblehead departs
for Portland whoro its men are to re
turn to their civilian duties.
The Oregon is scheduled to reach
Sun Francisco July 2H, and disembark
its men. This ends tiie regular man
euvers, but tho New Orleans will con
tinue independent operations, cruising
at the discretion of its commanding of
ficer until August fl, when its citi
zen sailors will go ashore at Seattle
and Tacoma.
around Dead Man's hill and
stormed and captured Italian position
at Chicst, 21 miles north west of Vr
cenza, after a bnttlo lasting throe dnys,
it was announced officially today. Thin
'j victory drives a wedgo into tho Italian
front and win compel mo iianun ir.it
wing in Adigo valley, to retreat fivw
Ton guns were Bei.ed in the suddea
plunge forward. Tho Austrian left
wing is substantially progressing, but
fighting every inch of the way. It
is centering its heaviest assaults east
of liorgo.
Corno I)i Campo Verde, a place south
east of Porgo, has been taken.
Italian General Retired
Londrfn, May 2(1. (leneral Krai Bru
asti, commanding tho Italian forces re
treating before Austrian 'attacks, has
been relieved on half pay. according to
a Komo dispatch to the Evening Star
Berlin, May 20. German troops
have made furtiier slight advance
northeast of Verdun, having crossed
ravine near Douaumont, the German
official statement announced today.
Tho Kronen have also been throw
back south of Douaumont.
Six hundred Frenchmen with 12 ma
chine guns wero captured in the fight
ing at Douaumont, it was stated.
Italian Ship Sunk
Home, May 2(1. The smull Italian
steamer Edcolo has been sunk in t'ua
Mediterranean, presumably by a sub
marine, dispatches declared toduy.
Spaniard a Victim
London, May 2H. Shippers were in
formed todny that the Spanish steam
er Aurrcra iiad been sunk. It wss a
vessel of nearly 3,000 tons.
Tinndnn, Or., May 20. I-iUlo Susie
Netherly, 7 years old, wus inHtnntly
killed when her 11 year old brother
playfully pulled tho trigger of a 38 cal
ibre revolver which he alined at her.
After tho shooting the frantic, lad ran
12 miles to llandon to get his father.
night and Satur
day partly cloudy;
frost south anil
east portions to
ll ight; warmer
Saturday; south.
westerly wind, f
W(4r t CouiP
eg J3