Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 25, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Clearance Prices on All Suits; Coats, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, etc
Middy Blouses for Women,
-A. A
' .. ' ..-...jjJ Vyr ftr -"- " ' '- - -r.t ..l., ,
Misses and Children
The Practical, Serviceable, Comfortable Garment for
Summer Wear An Immense Assortment
Surely you will find in this big variety just the Middy
Blouse you want. Plain white, blue trimmed styles,
stripe effects, belted models in fact, you'll find every
Joseph Adolph Appointed As
signee for Benefit of
Big Dept.
t t f
May 25. l'uldie. 'speaking in
chapel Willamette, university,
8 p. m.
May Eft". Domestic. Hcienco and
physical culture exhibition at
High Hehool, 8 p. in.
May 2d. Manual training ex
hibit at high school, M p. m.
May 28. High school baccalau
reate services, First Metho
dist church.
May 2S. 0. A. It. Memorial
services, 'A p. m., at First
Methodist church.
May 2D. Music department
University recital, M. F
Miy SO. Memorial Day.
May 31," Rubin Hood," comic
opera, at high school audi
torium. June 2. High Bchool commence
ment exercises at Armory.
Juao 2. Kimball college com
nencement, 2:. '10 p. in.
June 7. Annual election offi
cers Commercial club.
Juno 7. Willametto University
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse
cs correctly. U. 8. Hauk. Bid,;.
Dr. B tone' i drag store.
A non-couferonce track meet will be
be held Sotiirdiv on Willamette field,
in which l'acifie, McMinnvillo and
Willamette will contest. The 100 yard
dash between Lucas of l'ncific and
Ford of Willamette I'uiversity is at
tracting considerable attention.
While others are reducing we are
Increasing our stock. There's a rea
son! SHk us. tiardner t Keene, jewel
ers and opticians.
Dr. Stone's Drug Btora for trusses.
All Around I
Comic Opera
Staged by High School Chorus
Under direction Minnetta Magcrs
50 Splendid Voices
Acting as Outlaws Merry Tinkers Court
Ladies and Gentlemen Peasants Milk-Maids,
with the principals Robin Hood, Maid Marion,
Little John Scarlet, Fat and Jolly Friar Tuck,
Funny Old Dame Purden, Annabel, pretty peasant
girl in love with the charming young boy Allen
A. Dale, the arrogant sheriff and comic Sir Guy.
50c ANY SEAT 50c
Leave orders at the music stores now, and your
tickets will be delivered
Reserved Seals On Sale at 9 o'clock Monday Horning
at Will's Music Store."
popular and wanted style here, and at a good range of
pleasing prices. Sizes from four years in Children's
sizes to 41 in Women's sizes.
Women's and Misses' Middies, of cotton, wool or
silk , 69c to $7.45
Children's Middies 69c to $1.50
t MM
We can aire you money on garden
hose, Nelrtpn Bros. & I'atton, plumbers,
355 Chemeketa St. rhone 1U00. tf
The first annual rally of Salem Ke
l'ckuh ludgo No. I will be held m )tt
I Monday evening, M ly 20, ill, the Odd
K'llows iitill. Dinner will be served
at (::10 o'clock. It is hoped by the
officers of the lodge that this first an
utial rally will be well intended.
Dr. Btone makos no charge for con
sultation, examination or prcscrip
tion. vi
A special Memorial day service is
being arranged by Kev. Tisi hcr of the
Unitarian church for Sunday morning.
"The Spirit of Patriotism" will be
tho subject for tho sermon. Special
music will contribute to the attract
iveness of the services. All patriotic
societies are especially invited.
Cemetery Cleanup Day Cemetery
cleanup day Monday, May 29, all in
terested como out. Tho Howell 1'rai
rin cemetery association. Ralph I.
Stcvons. tf
Professor Matthews of Willamette
university, will preach the baccalaure
ate sermon for the Canby high school
next. Sunday morning and for tho Jef
ferson high school in the evening. Be
fore the district Kpworth League con
vention at Hoscburg. .rune 3, he will de
liver a lecture on "Westminster Ab
bey." Our prices are right, no reduction
necessary. Gardner & Keene, jewelers
and opticians.
The commencement address for Kim
ball college will be delivered by the
licv. Klincr Smith, pastor of the Sunny
side church at l'ortland. The Kimball
college commencement will begin Sun
day, May 2M, with the baccalaureate
sermon and will be followed by the
president's reception, graduation exer
cises and alumni banquet.
You can have a circus In your home
everv div, if you have a Sonora Talk
ing Machine. Mvrtlc k'n uv liml, 421
Court St.
Why pay more?
cents, l'lione 43. f
Suits pressed, 00
Special price on three demonstration
Premier cleaners, good as new, Huron
k Hamilton. -
The funeral services for Mrs. J. A
Churchill will be held tomorrow after
noon at 2 p. m. it the episcopal
church. The interment will be at the
City View cemetery.
Why pay more? Suits pressed, 50
cents. J'honu 43.
Phone your address for a free car
pet cleaning. Huron & Hamilton,
agents for the Franc, Premier. The bes'
of ull Klectrit' Cleaners.
Under the direction of Mrs. Helen
Miller Senn, a recital will be given this
evening by the class in oratory and
public speaking at the chapel of Wil
lamette University. The cl.tss will be
assisted by the department of music
under the direction of Dr. Prank Wil
bur Chace. The date was originally
set for Friday evening.
Dance at Brooks Saturday night,
May 27. Music Salem orchestra. niay27
Keep your money in Salem. Keep
your temper and tiinoke La Corona
Mr. Thomas Meldmra and Charlss
Cheney, both of Onia'ni, Nebraska,
are visiting the families of Mr. and
Mrs, William, and Mr. and Mrs. R. R
Fleming. They ire both brothers-in-law
to Mr. William Fleming and both
are now on the pension list ot the I u
iou Pacific railroad company, one hav-
png Doen i:: its service -ti, ami ine oui-
cr years.
Carnations and plants at the Yew
Park oreen house. 110,1 S. 12th. l'hone
2.13 W.
A icgular $37.l0 Birdseye Maple
Princess dresser only $l'i..10 at K. L.
Stiff A Sun
Governor Withycombe has received
nil inquiiv from W . L. Tuttle, ot 10
catclla, Idaho, who seeks io mime nis
father, Cornelius D. Tattle. The let
ter states that Cornelius D. Tuttle and
his wife separated in 1 iini when the son
was a small child and that he has lost
trick of his parent. He stated that his
nis tattnr was pronnoiv learning or
i following some agricultur.il pursuits at
this time
0 clurge of the business as soon as his
Be sure to hear Oracle Bahcoek in : interests in Salem will permit. The
dialect readings Kriday night, May 2d, j firm of llrffiuu and Pendleton, cloth-S-.lo
at Court St. Christian, church. iers, hatters and men's furnisluiiL's is
We repair and repack furniture. Te- finns in its li ie in l'ortlnnd and has a
tire gocarls, hang awning and buy rMitat ion IVr reliability built -ip by
and sell furniture. K. I.. Stiff Jt Son. its ;tn yiars in business. .Mr. Ifanl-
o ! mond becomes inteie.itod 1'inanciull,v
Next Sunday will he a rather bus7;in the firm and will assume active man
day at the First -Methodist church. For Jagement. Hcsides st.inding for whnt
the morning services at 11 o'clock, the was best and most exclusive in men's
licv. H. .1. Talbott v, ill vrcach the bac-1 ,.!, tl, t'inri is Portland hendiiuar
civlaureate sermon. At il o 'clock, Presi- ters for the Heinntn'u clith'hg. Due
dent Carl Dregg Donev will ueach thejveuv ago Mr. Muffuei ret:rcd -from the
niemorial sermon for the (Irand Army! firm and now on account of impaired
ot the Kcpuhlie nnd in tlie evening, re-
ginning at ":.'50 o'clock, the conimence
incut sermon for the Snlein high school
will tie preached by the pastor, the Rev.
U. X. Avison.
A $15.00 Hoosler Kitchen Cabinet,
elm 't be tol I from new, only .f l'.VOO at
K. 1a Stiff i Son. "
Ladies owning Fram Premier Clean
ern should have us look them over oc-
casionully to keep them in perfect eon-.certain internal organs must be inelud
dition. If you tiave trouble call nsled as follows:
up and we
can mend it. Duron &
Mr. Brown of the John Robinson Cir
cus could easily beat Teddy and all
the balance of the presidential candi
dates for the nomination, if the Capi
tal Journal carrier boys had the vot
ng to do. This morning he invited
theui all to the big circuit as its guests,
and doing so showed excellent taste
and fine discernment, for if ever there
was a faithful, energetic, hardworking
class of boys, It Is those who do th."
carrier work for the newspapers. Klin
or shine, cold or hot, holidays and M
the bovn are onto tneir job. In their
behalf the '"npitnl Journal ays
"Thank you .Mr. Hrowu,''
Tlie Chicago store was closed this
morning and a notice posted on the
doorsof the. establishment notifying
the public that the store would be
store would be closed during the tak
ing of an invoice of the stock and
signed by Joseph Adolph, assignee.
There is no statement of the assets or
liabilities of tho firm available as the
assignment was made privately by Mc
Kvoy iros. for the bcuefit of their
The Chicago store was one of tho
bent known mercantile est iblishments
in this city doing a large volume of
trade and tho McEvoy Hros. have al
ways conducted their business on a
I strictly cash basis and the closing of
their doors this morning was a surprise
to the people ot tne town. All of their
regular clerks reported for duty this
morning only to find that the store was
Dull business conditions for the past
yon,' or more and inability to turn
their goods into money promptly
enough to meet their bills caused Me
Kvoy Hros. to take this step for the
benefit and protection of their credit
ors. Cherry Queen Contest
Standing of Candidates
To facilitate the voting for queen of
the Cherry fair, voting boxes will be
placed at' tho Royal Cafterin, Patter
son's clear store and the Barnes' Cash
store. Besides these three new loca
tions, ballot boxes are at the Commer
cial club, the Spa, Gray-Belle, States
man office and Capital Journal.
The committee in charge may have
several new candidates to offer within
a few days. At present the standing
of the candidates is as follows:
Gertrude Cory 21,10
Vida B. Vaughn 12.10
Vorna Cooder 1110
Nnnello Bloom 1010
Minnie Harr 1000
Ruth Filtrate 410
Eva White 200
T. M. Barr was awarded the contract
for the roofing and sheet metal work on
the school house at Roseburg.
Buy your building materials now as
vou will pnv moro another year. Falls
i'itv-Salem "Lumber Co., 34!) S. 12th.
Phone SKI.
As the Elks were unable to secure the
armory on the evening of June 1 for
the annual home-coming, the committee
in charge have indefinitely postponed
the affair. The following week brings
the l'ortland Roso Festival and it is
probable that the committee will post
pono the event until later in the sum
mer. Within a week or so, wrist watchos
will not be necessary while strolling
among the trees of the university
campus, or at least while sauntering
from Katun hail to State street. In or
der that succeeding elusses and genera
tions may remember the senior class of
'10, said class will erect a sundial in the
center of the walk lending from ftuton
hall to State street. It will be'eut in
a large block of California granite with
a brass style. On the stono will be in
scribed a motto suggested by Professor
Matthews, "Audacity, Sagacity, Holi
ness and Character." Work will be
gin next week in order that the seniors
may have the privilege, before leaving
of taking note of how time 'flies by the
regulation mediaeval method.
One hundred ladies of Salem should
send in their request for a free car
pet or rug cleaning. liuren Hamil
ton. Winthrop Hammond, pioprietor of
"The Toggery", has become interested
in the re-organizing nnd ro-financin
nf the Hiiffum and Pendleton store at
l'ortlnnd and will shortly take personal
one of the oldest ami most exclusive?
lieallli, .Mr. Pendleton will retiv Ireio
the nianageineni. Mr. lhtnmio" '. be
'vne the (wncr of "The T.f'geiy'' in
November of l!il-l, ai d the firm l
r,;i sto: for ;ho 'x l'lsi 'e best
in men's loiMng and fn n i 1 : iik- -
Here is little information for those J
who intend to ship dressed beef to'
the Portland market, l'ortlnnd s meat
inspection ordinance ordinance No.
:iHfl now effective, provides that
Calves must have their liver, nival
and kidneys attached by their natural
Sheep and goats shall have at least
the liver and kidneys attached by their
natural tttai hments.
Hogs ni".y be shipped without the in
ternal organs, but the body lymphatic
glands must not be removed. The Port
land ordinance further provides that
ein h carcass shall hano "attached' a
card setting forth the name .nd ad
dress of the shipper and toe place
where the anima4 was slaughtered. The
employes of the express compmies in
the city are also interested in these
now regulations as they are obliged to
not before accepting hipmeuts, wheth
er they comply with tho ordinance.
1 1
fiess all Its ovmu
Look (ov this signature
k At your J
I grocers
Annex Will Cost $15,000 and
Work Will Be Begun On It
at Once
An annex of 42 rooms to the Marion
Hotel will be constructed within the
next, three months', at a cost of $1.",000.
This was definitely decided on at a
meeting of the board of directors of the
Capital Investment company, nnd
Oeorge M. Post, architect, was in
structed to draw plans and specifea
Hons, in order that bids may be sub
mitted to contractors and the work
started at once.
The annex will be built in the court
on the south side of the hotel, with a
large court between the main structure
and the annex in order that all may be
out. siderooms.
In connecting im with the main build
ing, it was necessary to go through'
several rooms of the building, thus real
ly adding 37 rooms. With the 7! avail-1
able at present, when the annex is com-1
pleted, the hotel will have lit) rooms. !
This addition to the hotel has Wen I
made possible through the management
ti Charles W. Miller who has been in
charge only a few months. Since Mr.
Miller was placed in control the busi-j
ness has assumed such proportion that i
it was found necessary and advisable toj
begin the erection of the annex.
Tho history of the Marion hotel dates j
back to 1 St! 7, w hen if was opened un-1
dcr the name of Chemeketa. At that'
time the board of directors were John '
W. Wright. John K. Miller, Meyer!
llirseh, S. Henchel, Joseph Ilolman and'
others. The original cost of the t he-1
meketa hotel and grounds was $110,000.1
A mortgage of S:10.000 was given to the :
l.a.ld & liuh bank. After the hotel
had been in operation little over one
year, it was found to be a losing in-j
vestment, and was taken over by the;
Ladd and Hu.h bank for the . 10,000
The bank changed the name of the
hotel to the Commercial nnd later to
the Willamette. Putil the summer of
Mlcately tmste
flavor and sse'
lfdit the hotel was owned by the bank.
During that summer the present cor
poration was formed, ttnowu as the!
Capital Investment, company. Tliis;
company purchased from l.ndd & Bush!
the hotel and the ono half block ad- j
.joining for ;i7,.r)00. Later all the
ground, excepting that on which thej
hotel stands was sold for $2.",."00, niak-j
ing the hotel as it stood in li0'.l cost'
the company exactly $12,000. j
At a cost of 70,000, the hotel was;
entirely re-modeled in 1010, bringing j
the present investment of the Capital i
Investment company to s,000. At. j
the time of the re modeling, 1010, M2.-1
000 was borrowed from I.add & Hush.
This indebtedness was paid by the
stockholders within three years, leaving i
the property at present free of all en-;
At the meeting of the stockholders
this week, it was unanimously voted to
build the annex at a cost of $1.-1,000.!
as soon as arrangements could In1' made
for funds. Here again the l.add &!
Hush bank come to the front and loaned
the company the necessary amount.
The present board of directors of the
Marion hotel is. Pred W. Steusloff,
president; Thomas II. Kay, vice presi-j
dent; Russell Cntlin, treasurer; J. A.,
Wilson, secretary. Other stockholders!
are Or. W. 11. Hvrd, C. 11. Mc.Xary; W. j
H. Steusloff, J. R. l.iun, Mr. and Mrs. I
P. 11. Spears, and Theodore Roth,
Base hall Sunday, May 28, 3 p. m.
Woodbuni vs. Salem, biggest game of
the season, Woodburu thinks they htivo
the pennant cinched but watch Salem's
Hig League battery show then up. in27
Charles It. Meuller, of Salem, arrived,
here last evening to spend a few days
with friends. Roseburg Keiiew.
There will be a meeting of the wool
growers of the valley at Silverton on
Saturday, May '27, for the purpose of
forming a pool to lie Mild in the near'
future. All thoe interested please at-;
Mrs. Paul Trnglio, of Salem, cnme
to Koseluirg today to visit with herj
father and attend the convention of
Kebekahs. liosebiirg News.
Thero will be a meeting of the woolj
growers of the valley at Silverton on;
Saturday, May 27, for the purpose ofl
forming a pod to be sold in the near;
future. All thoe interested please at-J
Veterr.ns Take Notice The memorial i
exercises at the public schools will lie
gin nt 1 o'clock Priday afrernooiij n n I
all veterans assigned to the sever. 'I
schools will take notice ind be in at
tendance promptly. W. C. Faulkner,
Post Commander.
Tho body of Solomon Durbin, who
died Tuesday night, will lie in stat."
nt the Webb & Plough imdertakintc
parlors until 1 o'clock Friday after
noon. Funeral services will lie held
tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o'clock at ti c
Congregational church, the Rev. .Taioet
Klvin conducting. Hnrial will be in
the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Cars of any kind for any place
at any time.
Office, Bligu Hotel
f xMmmrmm.. mu. iuu,; e myUr.
Licensed Lady
Moderate Pricei
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
Daily Between
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way
Points. Leaves Mill City 0:15 a. m.;
Slnyton 7:45, Salem, 9:15.
Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. m.;
dtnyton 5:45; Mill City 7:20.
Phone 13