THE DATLY CAPITAL J0T RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1916. SEVEN r OTERE TO GO V fnr nn Onfincr . Reduced Round Trip Week-end fares between Commercial Centers of Willamette Valley Salem, Albany, Corvallis, Eugene and other " cities are in close touch with -each other ' through frequent train service. Fishing Is Fine Our agents report that fish are biting fine on the following rivers: McKenzie, Siuslaw, Marys, Santiam, Upper Willamette. Use week-end fares on your -next fishing trip. Newport Tillamook Daily round trip fares are on sale to New port and Tillamook beaches. Fishing is fine. So is bathing. Ask your local agent or write John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC Portland Rose Festival June 6, 7, 8, 9, 1916 eisuRATED MAGNESIA A New York medical practitioner ears: "I presenile lsisuratcu -Magnesia j Antone Larson are in Koseburg mis in preference to anything else for all; week attending the convention of the forms of stomach trouble that are due; Odd Fellows lodges of the state, to hyper-acidity.'' For sour, acid, Tracy 8a very of Portland his been stomach, belching, indigestion, etc., i in the city for the pasi iew days visit take n tenspoonful in a quarter glass I lux nt the home of his mother, Mrs. of water after eating; INSTANT RE-jHuldn Savery on Jefferson street. LdF.F. Sold bv all druggists in either J. C. Hayter and manriee Ihilton powder or tablet form at 30 cents a i were fishing Sunday on the headwaters bottle. ' ; of the Lal'reole river. They reported m . i poor luck. I A. 1.. ..inrtin was n business visitor I P""' A I MiTIiTQ Independence Tuesday morning. lI-VJrYl ilvf 1 lVA-J Professor W. S. lirow'n, a specialist ' j in ' horticiiltn re at the Oregon Agricul- Adininistrator's Notice tnral college is in Dallas toy loon- Notice is hereby piven that the nn-jing into the condition of the orchards dersigned has been appointed by t'ne that were reported damaged by the county court of Marion county, state frosts the first of the month." Ws of Oregon, administrator ot the eslato of John Marnich, deceased, late ot Marion couuty, state of Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereliy required to present the same, duly vr ified, as by law rquired. to the under signed administrator at number 140 Worth Commercial street, in the city of Salem. Mtrion county, state of Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice.' PAT'L MARXACIT. Administrator of the estate of John Rlarnach. deceased. Dated Mav loth. 10tG. June 8 Sheriff's Sale of Heal Property on Foreclosure Notice is hereby given, that by vir tue of an execution duly issued out of the circuit court of the state of Ore gon, for the county of Marion and to me directed on the 22nd day of April, 1 1 10, upon a judgment and decree duly rendered, entered of record and docket ed in and by said court on the 12th day of April, IHltl, iu a certain suit then in said court pending, wherein (Irnce Louisa llottinger, by her iuir (i'un Minnie llottinger was plaintiff and Minnie P. Smith, W. F. Ti. Smith, A. L. l'raser, and K. O. Pratt, doing business under the firm name and style of Fraser & Pratt were defendants in favor of plaintiff and against -said de fendants by which execution I am com manded to sell the property in Slid exe cution and hereinafter described to pay the sum due the plaintiff of eleven hundred tlurtv four & 7-100 ( 11:1 I .")71 ! Dollars, with' interest thereon at thei rate of 7 ner cent per annum trom the 1st day of I'ebrun.i'y. l!l(i, until paid j arrested there charccd with the niur nnd the further sum of forty seven & I der of the Xelm? sisters, but after trial 20-100 Dollars, with interest at thei at San Antonio, Texas, both were ae rate of (i per cent from February 1st quilted. Jit lb, and the further sum ot one auiiil- red fifty (1.10.00) Attorneys fees, to gether with costs and disbursebents of said suit taxed at seventeen & .10-100 ($17.50) Dollars and costs and expens es of said execution. I will on Satur day the 27ta day of May, 1910, at, the! hour ot 10 o HoTii-a. m. of said day at the west door of the county court houso in Marion co'unty, Oregon, sell nt public auction to the highest bid der for enh in hnud on the duv of sale, all the right, titlo. interest" and am eommanded to sell the property in estate which said defendants and all'! t-niO execution md hereinafter deserih persons under them subsequent to thejed to pay the sum due the plaintiff of date of the mortgage herein foreclosed : hundred ami 00-100 OIOO.OO) Did in, of and to said premises hereinbe-1 lars, with interest thereon at the rate fore mentioned and described in saidior 'r cent per annum from t'ne 2-tth execution as follows. IiOts four (4) And five ("il, block three (3) Hugh Owens addition to the City of Salem, Marion county, Oregon. Said sale being made subject to re demption in the manner provided bv law. Dated this 2tth dav of April, 1916. wm. Fnr, Sheriff of Marion county, Oregon. By Y. r. Needhani, 1'eputy. Mav 2.") Sheriffs Sale of Real Property Ou Foreclosure Notice is herebv given. That by vir-,ing under them subsequent to the date toe of an execution duly issued out of; of the mortgage herein foreclosed iu, the circuit court of the state of Ore- of and to said premises hereinbefore gun, for toe county f Marion, and to ' mentioned are described in said cxecit me directed on the 2Hth day of April tion as follows, towit: Lot No. eight I'.OO. upon a. judgment and decree dulv'tS) in block So. seventy-four (71 iu rendered, entered of record mid doeli- North Snleai, Marion onnty, state of ted in and by said court on the l-th , Oregon, as shown by the recorded plat day of April lillti in ,i certain suit then thereof. Said sale being made subject in said court ponding, wherein rhi-a P.; to redemption in the manner provided I'ouch was plaintiff and Alfred V. Itigelow, Hettie A. Reynolds and W. '. Reynolds, her husband, were defend ants iu favor of plaintiff and against Klid defendants by which coeutinu I DALLAS LOCAL NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service) all'.is. Or., -ay 2"). A. J, linrham lias returned irom a business my to points in Washington. A. V. R. Snyder. (i. C. P.ureh and at'ti iuion lie will address a meeting of fruit growers at the court iiouse J. K. Voakum, a prominent resident of the Perrydale neighborhood was a Dallas business visitor Tuesday. Mr. ind.. Mrs. Phil ilegin will go to Salem tomorrow to attend the ..min lioiMuson circus. Mr. and .Mrs. A. T..-Martin, Mr. ami Mrs. !'. J. Craven, Mr. and Mrs. C. 15. Sundberg. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. (.'rider, and Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Pinsecki mo tored to Albany and Corvallis Suuuay. Mrs. Harriott MacArthur of Port land and .nrs. John AuUeny of Walli Walla were guests of friends in Dallas Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. li. TT. Cosper are attend ing the grand lodge meeting of the l.'ebekahs and Odd Fellows nt Kose htirjr. Miss Arlene r.ennett is visiting at the home of her parents, liev. .ind Mrs. (Icorge II. liennett on Mill street. W. T. W'aljace of J thick Rock was a Dallas visitor the first of the week. Victor Innes and Wife On Trial In Georgia . Tacoma, Wash., Mav 2.". As one of the state's witnesses hi the trial of Victor F.. Innes and his wife, to be tried at Atlanta. Ca on a charge of "lar ceny after trust," Mrs. M. Hidden left here today for the southern City. Just what the state expects to show bv her evidence, Mrs. Hidden could not state. Tnnes purchased the Holden farm near r.ngrnc. vire., mm wiiu his wire, was SCHOOL GIRL lUottDEEED Aurori, 111., May D-". Gwendolyn Hidden, 10 years old, a school girl, win found dead today, having been killed with ether. The police arrested Paul erlioye, a youth, and claim to have extracted a confession irom him. .narks on the girl's neck indicated lav of August 19 13 until paid and for the further sum of fifty and U0-1ihi (."i0.(I0) Dollars, attorney's fees togeth er with the costs and disbursements of naid suit taxed at twenty and 5U-10U ($'JO.."0) Dollars .ind costs and expenses of said execution. J will on Saturday the 3rd day ot .lune liUO at the hour, of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at the west door of the county court house in Marion county, Oregon, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand ou the day of sale, nil the right, title, interest and estate which said defend Hits and all persons claim- bv law. Dated this Sdth dav of April mid. wm. ix'ii. Sheriff of M.trion Comity. OreSun. My W. I. Xeedlmm.'jh-pnty. June 1. Oregon Boys and Girls Take A Scientific Training Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis, May 25. Twentyfour Oregon bovH and girls will attend the two weeks short course at (). A. C. as prize win ners of State Industrial Club work with all expenses to be paid by donors of the prizes. A number of other girls and boys have won county and local prizes which entitle them to the same privileges. ' ''.'" The fourth annual session of sliort courses for boys and girls in agriculture and home economics will begin at1 the college on June 10 and exteud to June 30th. , Pupils of seventh and eighth grade rank and of high school grades are eligible for admission, The number of prize winners attending will prob ably not exceed forty while there are accommodations on the campus for about 100. The remaining sixty will be accepted in the order of their applica tions provided they are eligible. All these except the forty must come at their own expense unless they are se lected as representatives of some school or organization thnt pays the expenses. The boys will live in Cauthom hall and have instruction and recitation separate from that of the girls. Their work will be in open field, orchards, gardens, green houses, barns, shops and laboratories rather more than in class rooms. They will enjoy indoor and out door sports including swimming and baseball and hikes to nearby points of interest. The girls will live in Waldo hall un der the management and supervision of regular college officers. These officers and instructors will supervise ganie9, recreation and campus life to see that each girl gets the individual benefits and enjoyment to which she is entitled. The girls will study cookery, sewing and drawing iu the home economics building. The work in cookery will con sist of preparation of different kinds of food, planning and serving meals, preparation of picnic lunches and care of the kitchen. The sewing will be de voted to the making of a simple gar ment, and some form of hand work-, em broidering, tatting, crocheting, basket ry and weaving. Sewing and physical education iu the gymnasium will com plete the school work. There Ib mor Catarrh In this section " the country kan all other diseases put together, and until the last, few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local reme dies, and by constantly tailing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incur able. Science lias proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo Ohio, is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It Is talfen Internally. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. AddreM: iF. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O Sold by DruggUu, VBc. Take Hall's Family Fills tor constipation Brooks Notes Capital Journal Special Service) lirooks, Or., -May 2."). Mrs, lialph Sturgis was seriously ill last week. II. W. ilayaard of, Aiimsville spent Sunday at the home of his d (tighter Mrs. Ralph Stuvgis. Hugh Aspinwall and wife mil little daughter of Dillard are in lirooks for the summer. A l'amilv reunion was held at t'ne home of V. X. Moisau of this place Thursday, May IS. This was the first time in ten years thnt the entire fam ily wis together. Some of the grand children were unable to be there. Those present were as follows: (1. T. Moisau of Salem, his wife and four children were not present on account of sickness; (-. .1. .Moisan, wite and son of (lervais; L. A. Moisan of I'atton, Cal.: F. A. Moisan, wife an three chil dren of lirooks; Mrs. Furmnn Nash and two children of Salem; Mrs. John De .lonliu and husband of lirooks; Chin. Moisau, Francis Moisau of lirooks; Mrs. Albert Ayro, husband .and two children of lirooks; Fred Moisan of lirooks; Mrs. ('. J. (.'offemlof'fer and husband of lirooks. and Herbert Mois an who Hives with his parents on the home place. MV. and Mrs. F. X. Mois au are pioneer people of lirooks, they are living on his father's doiiUiun land claim. she had been choked. There were signs of a struggle. Her mother was absent wher the tr.igedy occurred. Siie re turned to find her daughter dead. Police claim Verihoye confessed he strangled the girl and planned to com mit suicide by inhaling ether himself, but his nerve failed him. dcalousy was his motive, police allege. I'hone SI if the carrier misses you. QUICK RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Thnt Is the Joyful cry of thousands Blnre : Dr. Kdwnnls produced Olive Tablets, thei Mulisdiuie tor calomel. Dr. Edwards, n practicing physician for 17 var and calomel's old-time enemy, discovered the tormiila for Olive Tablets wliile treatliiK patients lor clironlc consti pation and torpid livers. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not con tain cal'-niel, but a healing, eootliintf vege table laxative. No prlplnfr Is the "keynote" of these 1H- tl ..,! oltt-A-cnlitrefl tnlitft Thpfl I rouse Hie bonels and liver to net normally. I Tin y never lorce them to unuutural action. If you nave a "iiarK nrown mourn now and then a had brenth a dull, tired feel lnK slrlt heda'lif torpid liver and are roriHtipated, you'll tind Ciiick, sure nn I only pleiiwint results from one or two little Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime. Thousands take one or two every nlulit just to keep rlt-ld. Try them. lut and 20c par box. All Unionists. , The Olive Tablet Comnany. Columbus, O CATARRH of tha BLADDER 24 HOURS Each Cnn- ""A ulelpiihe(M10V name 4 vy fiftmril r-rmntrrfrlU mm FINE FOR RHEUMATISM! Musterole Loosens Op Those Stiff Joints Drives Out Pain You'll know why thousands use MUS TEROLE once you experience the glad relief it gives. Get a jar at once from the nearest drus store. It is -a clean, white oint ment made with the oil of mustard. Bet ter than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is beinfr rubbed on I MUSTEROLE is Tecommended by doctors and nurses. Millions of jars are used annually for Bronchitis, . Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Conges tion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chil blains, Frosted Feet, Colds of the Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c jars, and a special large hospital size for $2.50. Be sure you get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse imitations get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. t THE MARKETS $ The following price for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices' are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. Veal is weak today with quotations at 8 and !l cents. New potatoes are a half cent lower a pound. Navel or anges are 25 cents a box higher and strawberries are HOwquuted at from $1.50 to $1.75 a crate. Cmmis. Oats, vetch $17.00(7M7.5O Cheat $17.00 Wheat 85c Oats 40c Rolled barley Corn . . . Cracked corn $35.00 $35.50 $37.00 $27.00 $29.50 $20.00 Bran Shorts, per ton , . Altalta, ton ......... Sutter. Buttorfat , 27c Creamery butter, per pound .....29c country butter ...i.. - Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash .... Steps, trade ,. v. ........... . ISfflS pound '.'.;. . Roosters, old, per pound . . . Broilers, under 2 pounds :2c ... 20e .... 21e 13(5 14c !)Cc5l0c 2023c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed 8rtJ9c. Pork, dressed Pork, on foot Spring lambs, 1916 Steers t Cows Bulla Ewes 1010 l-2c 88'4 8o .... 67c . 4(5)5 l-2 . 3 l-2"4c 5s Wethers 6c Vegetables. Cabbage - Cucumbers Tomatoes, Florida String garlic Potatoes, cwt '.. , Potatoes, new Beets .' Asparagus Radishes Green onions Green peppcrB Green peas Egg plant Carrots, sack Carrots, dozen Onions, Bermuda Onions, Oregon Rhubarb Florida celery Fruits. Oranges, navels Tangerines Lemons, per box Bananas, pound Apples, llood River California, grape fruit .... Florida grape fruit ..... Pineapples Honey ..... $3.50 90c, $4.50 15e ...$1.2501.50 4l-2c ...r.:.. $1.00 ....... 40c ........ 40e , 40e 25c 7c V. 18c $1.00 45c. $1.75fri 2.00 $2.50 40c $1W $2.50fi.1.."0 $3.00 . $4.004.50 , 5e $1.75 $3.00 $5.00$6.00 j l-2e , $3.50 $1.50(?i 1.75 Strawberries Cherries, box $1.50 Retail Prices. EfiR9! Pr dozen, fresh ranch 25c Sugar, cuno $8.75 Sugar, beet $8.55 Creamery butter 35c Flour, hard wheat l.00(?; 1.70 Flour, valley $1.30,-1.25 PORTLAND MARKET Portland. Or., Mav 25. Wheat club !l(VW!He liluestem !l!li' I'ortvfold !i2e"' lied Hnssinn W(n (13c. Oats No. 1 wnite feed tfiMi Barley, feed $''7(n 20 Hogs, best live $s.i).-fji'0 Fancy cows $8 Calves $H Spring lambs $11. 50 Butter city creamery 2!c L';.."0 Country butter 2n- Iluiter selected loeil ex 2ir.: Ileus I lift Hi I '.V. , Broilers flccse itllfi lie TOOK DYNAMITE ROUTE Riverside, f'nl., May 25. C. T. Baker, aged (id years. Committed wiiehlo in lloag canyon, near Corona, by placing a stick nf dynamite on his breast and nttnehinij a fuse, blowing his body to fragments yesterday. Ill health is be lieved to have been responsible. WANTED WANTED J'la-e io trim gophers and moles for 10c each ind board. Claude Harris, 314 X. Kf mayUo WANTED A good stink farm. We have to offer in payment first mort gage of tlo.-iO on well improved farm and a aood city property worth (I, HHO. Hipiare Deal Heultv Co., 202 11. 8. Bank Bide;. Phone 470. tf MM tt Classified Advertising Page CHICHtsrtns riLU "rr-v THE DIAMOND MIAMI, A lH-;i(Trt. AskfnrC'IIM ifKM.TPHS 1MAM4IND HR VMt hll.l.S. fo, 3 ytusknawn M Best, Safest, Always RelliM SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERWKFRE Notice of Improvement of Fairgrounds Road Notice is hereby given that the com mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose md intention to improve Fairgrounds Road between the west lino of Sum mer street aud the west line of the Oregon & California Railway com pany's right-of-way at the expenso of the abutting and adjacent property, oy grauing, curDing, ana paving eaia portion of said street with i five-inch two-course Bituminous Concrete pave ment, consisting of a 6ne and one-half inch Bituminous Concrete wearing gur-j face laid on a three and one-half inch ' Bituminous Concrete base in accord-j ance with the plans, specifications and I estimates for the improvement of Fair grounds Eoad between the west line of I Summer street and the west line of the Oregon & California Railway com pany's right-of-way, adopted by the common council on the 1st day of Way, 1916, and now on file In the office or the city recorder, which for greater certainty and convenience are hereby referred to and mide a part of this no tice; being that character or kind of improvement known and designated in said plans, specifications and estimates as. "Bituminous Concrete Pavement No. 4." The common council herebv declares its purpose and intention to mak the said above described improvement by ind through tho. street improvement department of 'the city. Hv order ot the common council. CHAS. F. ELfil.V, Citv Recorder. Dated this 17th day of Mav, 1916. Mav 29. gOPRACTIC-SPrNOLOGIS'f DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Held, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Offico 406-7-8 U. S. National -Bank Building. Phono Main 87.- Eesidence Main 828-B. APPAREL SERVICE COMPANY 138 South High street. We clean press, repair, remodel and re-line clothing and furs. Careful attention given ill work. Wo call and deliver. : Phone 728. DENTISTS. DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters nitrons o2id aud oxygen gas. Room 211. JIasonic Templo. Phone 440. Salem, Oregon, MISCELLANEOUS REDUCED FREIGHT KATES To and from all points east, on all household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, Sgents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 161 South Com mercial street. I'hone Main 9.1.'). WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streots. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. FOE RENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms rensomible. Soj- North Commercial street. tf LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W. Protection Loilije. No. 2, Mt-iHs every Monday evening at. 8 iu the Mct'ornnek hall, corner Court and I.lhcrty streets. It. O. Doniildson, M. W. ; H. A, Mcl-'adilen, recorder ; A. I,, ltrown, unaaclcr. SAI.EM LODliK No. 4, A: I'. & A. M. Stated eotnuiunlcntlons first I'YUIuy In cncli month nt 7 :'!') p. in. In the Masonic Temple. I'Iihs. McC'urtcr, V. M. ; S. Z, Culver, secretary, BAt.EM Itf.MANt: SOC'lETV O. D. Kcclor, president ; Mrs. I, on Tillson, serretnry. All tunes of cruelty or neglect of duinli nnl tnuls should he reported to the secretary fur Investigation. CENTKAT, I-OIKiE, No. 18, K. of P. Mc- Coi'iiiiek ImllilliiK. Tuesday evening of each week at :'' 1. ' ll-'bzi-l, c. C. ; w. u. uiison, iv. oi it. ana n. It. N. Ol-1 A. "Oregon firupe Cninp," No. i:il!0, meets every Thursday evening In Mct'ornnck building. Court and Lihcri.y streets: elPviitor. Mrs. Kylvln SchnujTp, 17l Market, oracle ; Mrs. M-llbsu Per suns, recorder, llll) North Commercial, l'hmie l i:iil-.M. MODERN WOODMEN OE AMKRtCA Ore gon Cedar 4 'amp. No. ii24l, meets every T)iurKdii.v evening at H o'clock In Me Curniick hull, corner Court and I.llWty streets. Klevntor service. (Jeo. Itcinoul, V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk. CIIADWICK CIIAI'TElt, No, .'17, O. E. K. Regular nieeilng every flrit and third Tuesdiiv nt 8 p. m. In the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Mueller, W. M. j Ida M. Uillnwek, secretury. WOODMEN 01' THE WORI.DMoet every Erlday night at 8 o'clock In McConinck Mock. H. W. Mncey, c. -. ; l S (Jeer, clerk, r07 Court street. Plume 50.'!. DE MOT, AY COMMANDEKY, No. 5, K, T ' Regular concluve fourth' Friday hi each month nt 8 o'clock. i in., In MuhoiiIc 'Jem .pie. Hojuurnlng Hlr Knights nru eourte ousljr Invited to meet with us Lot I,. ' Peiiree, E. C., Erunk Turner, recorder. I'NITEO AllTISASH Capital Aetnl)ly, ' No. HI. meets evei-v Wednesday at H p. m. In Mixise loill. C. ). Muiloek. M. A.; : (.'. ltundall, w-eretiiry, Kulem Iiauk of Commerce. IIOHSON CorNCIL, No, 1, M, 4 S. M Stated uxsemlily tlrst Monday Iu eh month. MinnnU Temple, N. P. Husiniis Reti, 'I hrlee lllusli'lou MiiKter ; Gleuu C. Nllen, reeorder. SALEM COI NCIL NO. 2022 Knight and , Ladles ni Security Mepts every 2nd and 1 41 ll WedneMluv eu'i 11 month nt lllimt II ill. ' VisHlnff nieinii-rs are luvltetl to attend. E. F. Wulion. financier, 4H0 H. 14th St. PACIFIC I.OOGE No. B0, A. I', t A. M Stated roiiiiiiitnleiitloiis third Frl-lny " In each month at 7 30 p. 111. Iu the ', .MMule Temple. Ifnl V. Itolam, W. M. ; Ernest II. Chuite. eci'i-iaijr. I.n Anlf vnni lpniFfrll f-o . Tills in lUit n.l ;d m-Ull.AV . -V- waled wflh Rim ntm, V 1 i aiaer. hut or t tt AiiAiiiiiiiiAi tttt t t THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Eleetrie Co., Masonie Temple, 127 North High Uala ISO PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING 7. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street U&la 191 TRANSFER AND DBA7A0B Salem Truck k. Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Itnln TI Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store j TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC. NORTH BOUND No. 10 Oregon Express S :00 a. No. M Sound Special fl.llia. No. -JS Willamette Limited... 0 ;M a. No, U' Shunta Mmlted 11:55 a. No.' IH Portlund Passenger... t:L-8p. No. 'M Portland- Paseengev... 5 :00 p. No. 14 Portlund Expretw 8 :00 p. No. 2'JL' PorMimd fast Freight 10 :30 p. No. 2M Local way Freight. .. .10 :S3 a. SOl'TH BOUND No. 15 California Express,,.. 3:32a. o. it Kosehurg i'nssenger ..11: JO a. No. 511 Exposition Speeliil ...10:22a. No. 19 Cottage Grove 1' ..4:17 p. Makes connection with No. 74 (ieer s nrunch. . No. 11 Shasta Mmlted B :4.1 p. No. 27-Wlllsmette Limited... 6:10 p. Nix I.'! Sua Francisco (kprcss 10 :30 p. No. 22t Sau Francisco Fust Freight 12 :0t a. No. .2-5 local way Freight.... 8:10a. NALHM-(1XK Linb. No. T.l Arrives at Hslem. . . ( . .0 :t! 1. lo. Tt) leaves Halem 9:50 a. No. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2 :00 p. No. 74 Leave Halem 4 :20 p. No connection south of Geer, Sau.'M, Falls City and Wcstkhn. tl Ly Hulem, motor 1113 Lv Salem, motor ... 105 Lv. Salem, motor . . 107 Lv. Hnlem, motor .. 100 Lv. Kalem. motor : . . 2,'tn Way Frt Iv. Salem.. 2i Ar. Kalem Kit Ar. Sulem WW Ar. Kalem KiHA'. Hnlem 170 Ar. Salem 240 Way Fr't ar. Hulem. . .7 :00 a. m. , . 9 :45 a. in. , l-:4(lp. m. . 4 :00 p. m. . . 6 :15 p. m. , . B :0O a. m. , . 8 :40 a. m. .11 :25 a. m. ,. 8:15 p.m. , . 0 :00 p. m. , 7 :45 p. m. , , 1 :30 p. m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. KOIITII BOUND Lv. Salem Train No. . Ar. Portland 4 :;i5 a. m 2 Owl 6:55 a. m. 7 ;l r, a. m 6 9 :25 a. m. I ;45 a. m 10 Limited . . . . U :3B n. m. 11 :20 a. 111 12 ... 11 :.V p. ni. 1 :45 p. m 14 4 :OOp. m. 4 :00 p. m 10 Limited . . . 5 :50 p. in. 5 :a7 p. m 20 7 :5U p. m. 7:55 p. m 22 10:O0p.m. HOliTH BOUND Portland to Kalem Lv. Portland. Ar. Salem (1:45 a. m 8:55 (Salem only) 8:25 a. m. ... 5 Limited 10:11 a. m. SCOTTS BESTAUBANT MEALS l.'c and up. Hotcakes or mush and milk free with all break fast orders. Houp, bread and butter 2 vegetables and pie, tea, coffee or milk ind 1 kind of meat for 15c; 2 kinds of meat for 25e. Short orders any time of day. Scotta 179 S. Com mercial St. SCAVANOER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Sooj, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yurd and cess pool cleaned. Offico phone. Mam 2217. Kesidence M.iin 2272. UNDERTAKERS WEBn & CLOl'GII CO C. R Webb, A. M., f lough mortici.ins and funeral directors. Latest modern metaods known to tlie profession employed j 409 Court St. Main 120, Main US88. RIGDON-RICIIAUDsON CO.-Funeral directors and undertakers, 2o'J North High street. Dav and night phone 1 s:i. FOR BALE KlK .SALE CHEAP One 5 room bun galow, 1 bloek from car line: 1 cot tage, 3 blocks from Hotel Marion, 1-2 bloek fKrni carliiic: fail or write 135.") Ferr-- St. tf FOR SALE .10 or 100 acres' river bot tom land, high building ground, on Oregon Electric, '.) miles north of Al bany, near school- and store. Terms will take some property in trade. K. Anderson, Talbot, O.". mayUS FOUR VALLEY FARMS For sale by; owner on county roail and railroad. r.O to 200 acres 4'ach, good buildings, goon !l rfn-ler cultivation, close to scrool, jm tees' reasoni'ole, naif, cash, balance time at. ti per cent or, modern income bearing city property. P. O. Ho 24(1, Salem. tf General Feed anl Small Livery Stable "'ft ; i C. W. TRAIN S51 Ferry. Phono m 1 i A lili A iAiAlAAIiiiiiAi A a. v f T'TTT TTTT TT TTTTTTTtI TTT 4 10:40 a. m T 12:55 p.m. 2 -.03 p. m 8 4 :2d p. m. 4 :40 p. m. ... 13 Limited .... 8 :40 p. m. 0 :05 p. m 17 Local .... 8 :10 p. m. 9:20 p. m Ill 11:25 p. in. 11:45 p. m 21 Owl 1 :S5 p. m, KOBTH BOUND LV. Corvallis Ar. galea 4 :10 p. m. ....... 20 6 :37 p. m. Lv. Eunene. Ar. Salea 7 :35 a. m. . . . . 10 Limited .... 9 :45 . m. 1 :50 p. m 16 Limited .... 8:55 p.m. 5 :25 p. m 22 T :55 p. m. 12:05 p. m 2 Owl 3:10 a.m. bol'TU BOUND Lv. Salem Ar. Bugena 2 .00 a. in 21 Owl 6 :50 a. m. 7:10 a. m 65 9 10:15 a. m 5 Limited . .. .12 :25 p. m. Lv. Salem Ar. Aliauf 12:55 p. m 7 1:50 p.m. Stops at Corvallis Lv. Snlem. Ar. Albanf 4 :25 p. m 9 5 :20 p. m. Ar. AltuiDf 6 :4ft p. m. Lv. Salem Ar. Rugen 6:40 p. m 13 8:50 p. ou WtnonuRN Local Dailt Excapr BnNDiva No. 1)4 Ixuves Salem 8 :40 p. m. No. 63 Arrives In Salem ...... 8:23 p. m. CORVALLIS CONNECTION . NORTH BOUND , Lv. Corvallis Ar. H1e 5 :25 a. m 10 9 :45 a. m. 12:12 p. m 14 1 :45 p. m. 2:H2 p. m 16 4 :O0 p. n 4:10 p. m 0 5 :37 p. m. 6 :18 p. m 22 7 :&3 p. m. SOL'TH BOUND Lv. Salem Ar. Cbrvallla 10 :15 a. m S 11 :3a. m. 4 :25 p. m 9 B :47 p. m. 12:55 p. m 7 2:20 p.m. 6 :40 p. tn 13 8 :00 p. m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROTJTB OreRon Cltv Transportation Company Leave Portland for Oregon City, Buttevllla, NbwImth, Miwdon (St. Paul), Wbeatianil. Sulci (dully except Sunday) . ,6:45 a. m. Leave Portland for Independence-. Albauv-CorvillllB, ('rues., Thure., Sat.) 6:45 -a. a. , Returning Leave 1 Corvallin 6 a. m. Moa., Wed., Frt. Alhany 7 a. m. Men., Wed., Frl. Independence.... 9 a., ni Men., Wed., Frl. Snlem 10 a. m. Mon.. Wed., Frt Hnlem 0 a. m. Tues., Thurs., Sat MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate. Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN V ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH McCORNACK BUILDINO SALEM FENCE and STOVE WORKS R, B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fence Gates, Plain and Barbed 'Wire. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Roofing, Posts, Hop Hooks 40 Years Making Stoves Stoves rebuilt and repaired. Stoves bought and gold, 250 Court Street. Phone 121 Back of Chicago Stor L. M. HUM Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283