Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 25, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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mil j
2 Distinctive Packages
I f in the flexible "1 P
XU Vest Pocket Package JL DC
in the convenient
Patent "lift" Box
Unvarying excellence and
supreme, maintained Turkish
Quality assure La Marquise
permanent preference among
Unexcelled in mildness, incom
parable in flavor, unique in appetizing
relish, comparison only emphasizes
the unusual enjoyment afforded by
La Marcjuise.
Manufactured by BCTLER-BUTLER BRANCH i
Makers of high-grade Turkish cigarettes only
xae AMKBirAm xooacco company
Willamette Conceded Strong
Chance of Winning Silver
Trophy Cup
Hie In i(tst nml host lioily of iiun-ron-
foiellce HtlllctCH I'VtT assembled in the
slate will meet tills week end.
Cnntniu SihmII will li'inl n tciiiu uu
the field that is rt'iidy to fight to Uu'!
lust ditch for every point, lie is work
ing hard himself mill his men nre striv
ing lo keep up with liim.
This is the first, Inst, and only time
this year tlint track funs will linvo a
elianee to watch (lie loi'iil men sent
ter the cinders. The hard t ruini nyf of
the team for the last three months
merits a record crowd. The work of
such men as Captain Small, Ford, Cros
venor, ltnglov, llrown, Chnplcr, Jackson.
Sleeves, .Shisler and others promises
thrills ns stimulating ns any aroused
at the big meets of tlie Northwest this
To initiate the non-conference track
meet in proper style last year n silver I
trophy cup was offered by Willamette j
as a trophy for the winner, with the
common restriction that it must lie won'
twice in succession before becoming tliej
peruimient property of any institution
entering the meet. Pacific P. was first
winner ot the cup nnd holds it at pies
The track tennis of the nun-confer-on
i. colleges, Willamette I'niversity,
McM innville, Pacific, Albany, Phil
omath, t'heuiawiv and Newberg, nre
training hard for the coming noiicou
iVrcncc meet to lie held on Willamette
t'idd Saturday. Coach Matthews' long!
winded sprinters and fiehl men liavol
been digging uu the cinders and mas-1
tinging tho sawdust in the jumping pits1
for the past two weeks with one eve!
Old. for the non-conference champion-1
(dt p. Willamette's win in the three
cornered meet held at McMiiniville last j
Saturday indicates that the Methodists!
hive, an excellent chance to land the:
honor this time lint the hoys nre tuk-j
big no chances.
Ml of the men with one or two ex
ceptions are in excellent condition fori
tho meet but the unexpected strength!
oliown by Willamette Inst Saturday has!
iiKlcd an impetus to tho training in i
tlio other non-conference eiiMee.es and I
Washington, May "5. According to
tin) new stale public employment bu
reau reports, there is plenty of work
for everybody in California. Commis
sioner McLaughlin announced today
that since the bureaus opened February
1 in l.os Angeles, San Francisco, Oak
land and Sacramento, 8,225 positions
had been offered sod t,00 filled perm
Cleaner spark plugs
our spark plugs will keep cleaner if you use
a straight-distilled", refinery gasoline,
A mixed or Imperfect!? rtlined guollnt breaks
op sod deposits cwboB imttsd of xolodin com
rim jOL
(Ae Gasoline of Quality
i tha all-refinery choline not a mixture.
iimi.i.v,,.ll,,r ,,,
IRVICB I V t I'l i) K 1 11
Crack Low Hurdler Shut Out
Metropolitan Draws
Big Crowd
Huston, Mass., May 2.". Meredith
House, crack Stanford low hurdler, is
absolutely ineligible to compete in the
big iiitercolle(iiate track and field meet
at Cambridge tomorrow and Saturday,
and no attempt will be made to have
him reinstated. This was the announce
ment today of "Peg" Murray, captain
of the Pacific sipiad. House, who hails
from Kiverside, Cal., is ineligible bo
cause he is a freshman.
When the Cornell aggregation of ISO
athletes arrived today the far western
ers were taking their final workout.
The Cardinal of Stanford, nml the blue
and gold of 'California, attracted more
attention on the cinders than the more
familiar colors of the eastern universi
ties. Preble of California made an excel
lent impression when he romped over a
full flight of high hurdles today, ami
it was believed that he might give the
other Pacific coast star, Murray, n
close battle in that event.
Although the Califoniians have point
winners entered in many events, their
strongest races will be the high nnd
low hurdles. They confidently expect
to win both those spectacular dashes.
Montreal, May 2.1. Most of the news
papers today called .Johnny Kilbane's
ten round bout with F.ddie Wallace a
draw. Wallace showed more class than
was expected, lu the fifth round ftil
bane knocked his opponent through the
ropes and upon tho floor.
Great Crowd to See Races.
Belmont Park, N. Y., -May Itf.-Tke
largest crowd in recent years is ex
pected to witness the running of the
Metropolitan handicap here this after
noon when the greatest , thoroughbreds
in tho country will meet.
Oeorgo Smith, winner of the Ken
tucky derby, and Star Hank, the Hii-
tish horse, who finished second in the
Louisville classic, came in for' good
support because of their fine perform
ances lu the recent race but all the
likelv starters were well backed.
Watching the Scoreboard
sell Martin to the hjghest bidder, the
deal carrying tho stipulation that the
twirler must be permitted to finish the
season with Oakland. '
Pacific Coast , League Standing
.W. J-. Pet.
Vernon o"0
San Princisco 27
FiOs Angeles 23
Salt Lake IS
Portland (
Oakland 20
Yesterday 'a Results
At f.os Angeles i ernon 2,
At Salt Lake N'o game with
Francisco, rain.
At San Francisco Los Angeles fi
Oakland I.
Angeles pounded Klawitter And wax
ed fat at Oalilaud's expense (i to I.
Klawitter yielded up no less than
five walks and promenading to first
was ipiite popular with the seraphim.
Players Will Be Rated Accord
ing to Their Deeds On
the Field
According to the proposed system of
compensation which will be put into
effect for the Salem Inter-City base
ball league hits will be worth about a
dollar each and errors may cost the
player a piece of change. The proposed
system is that outsido of the battery
and captain who have fixed percent
ages the other members of the team
will be paid according to their value
to the team. If n player goes bad in
one game, however, he is not ruined
forever as he may prove to be a valu
able man in the noxt one, neither is a
player able to play one star game and
then sluff for the remainder of the
season nnd draw his percentage on his
Pitcher Barnaul, Catcher Ilauser and
Captain Humphreys will have their per
centages fixed for the season. The three
next best in each game will receive a
greater percentage than the three re
maining ones who do not play such a
steady game . Tho positions in the per
centage column will be judged upon
hitting, fielding, base running and gen
eral ability.
The board to decide the relative posi
tions of the players is composed of
Manager Otto Klett, Secretary Ray
Baker, Captain Johnny Humphreys,
Kvans Huston, sporting editor of the
Capital Journal, and Lelnnd Hendricks,
sporting editor o" the Statesman.
Salem Has Entry In
Portland to Roseburg
Endurance Contest
Archie C. Fleener. one of the best of
the rough riders of the Salem Motor
cycle club, left for Portland this after
noon to enter in the, Portland to Rose
burg and return endurance run which
begins at Portland tomorrow morning
ut (! o'clock. The riders will check in
at Wilson's garage when they hit this
city where an official referee will be
stationed by the A. P. M.
n lie riders will spend a few minutes
n Salem ns the guests of the Salem
Motorcvyclc club and they will be tak
en to the club rooms where refresh
ments will be served. The return run
will be started in Roseburg at fi a. m.
Saturday. It is expected tlrat the first
of the riders will be in Snlem tomorrow
morning to elisck in at about S o'clock. i
Owners of Roanoke
Sued for Damages
San Francisco, May 2.1. Manuel O.
Lopez, oiler, and ,T. F. Lib, quartermas
ter of the ill-fated Roanoke, wrecked
recently, suod the California South Sea
Navigation company, charterer, and the
North Pacific. Steamship company, trail
er in the Vnited States district court
They charge that the vessel . was
"grossly overloaded and improperly
Lopez asks ir3.0SS.75 damages nnd
Elb asks $2,(il2.S;l damages.
Tho men tisk 12,500 of this amount
each for the suffering while they weer
exposed for 20 hours in an open boat.
The remainder of the money applies to
the loss in their personal effects.
while the hot stove league called
special meefing.
Pnubert contributed a triple, Stengle
a double and Wheat a single for Brook
lyn in the tenth and Pittsburg bit the
The Cubs lost when Nieiioff of Phil
adelphia doubled with the bases con
gested in the ninth.
Cleveland won when Bush of the
Athletics came across with a wild pitch
$2,500 for Speed Martin.
San Francisco, Mnv 23. Kddie nerr.
scout for the St. Louis Cardinals, is
reported today to have offered Onklsud
2, ."00 for ''Speed Martin, whose
pitching has been the sensation of the
Pacific. Coast league, this year. It is
unlikely that Mnnuaer "Rowdy" F.l
liett will even consider this price, s
he considers Martin His greatest asset.
It is uid, however, that Oakland may
Rube Fdlis robbed Rowdy Klliott of
a triple when he went aloft and har
pooned a torrid drive just st ilting
for the suburbs. It was one of the;
flossiest affairs ever witnessed in left
field here.
Vernon beat Portland 2 to 1 when'
Itisberg stole home with the winning'
tally. j
i It happened when Walter MeCrediej
culled Catcher Fisher away from the1
home plate for a heart to heart talk.j
Hisberg saw his dunce and grabbed it.
We would like to print what Mc !
Credie said, but we have no asbestos
paper on hind right now. !
Jack Frost and dupe Pluve combined j
to crab the national pastime at Salt
Ijike jniit the ,rmteit wns liOHloonedi
Tennis Supplies
Wright and Ditson Balls,
Goodrich Balls
1 Spalding Balls
Spalding Guides,
Spalding Rackets,
Rackets Re-strung
Hauser Bros.
(Continued From Page One.)
Germans Take Trenches.
Berlin, May 25. French trenches
south and southwest of Dounumont
were enprured by Hermans last night
and three enemy counter attacks
against C'amieres repulsed, it was of
ficially announced today.
German flyers attacked British tor
pedo patrol boats off tho Flanders
const. Destruction of two enemy bi
planes was claimed. A quarry south of
Haudroniont, temporarily taken by
French, was reconquered, the war of
fice asserted. Fight hundred prisoners
and 19 machine gnus were seized in
Cuilette forest.
British Steamer Sunk.
London, May 25. Attacked by a
submarine, the British steamer Wash
ington has been destroyed, it was an
nounced today. The Washington is the
largest P-boat victim for several weeks.
It was of 5,000 tons, built in 1M7. "
Aeroplanes Wrecked.
Rome, May 25. Two Austrian aero
planes attempting to raid Venice have
been shot down, it was learned today.
, Thev tumbled into a swamp.
I ' 1
Ariators Battle.
Taris, May 25 Battling in the clouds
I two miles above the teuton trenches
Bert Hall, of Texas, an American in
j the French foreign legions flying squad,
I today destroyed a German war aero
plane and sent it crashing to earth.
This was announced by the war office.
Rate per word New Today:
Eaeb. insertion, per word lc
One week (0 insertions'), per word....5c
One month (26 insertion) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will sot be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Read your advertisement the first .day
it appears and notify us immediately
if it contains an error.
Minimum charge, 15c.
WANTED Second hand refrigerator.
Phone 540. ' may27
LOT TO TRADE For team. Inquire
404 Court street. nny30
WANTED One strong second hand
wagon. Geo. Swegle. may27
THREE! Or four furnished housekeep
ing room9 for rent. 325 S. 14th St.
FOR SALE Draft team, 6 years old,
ilso small work team. Phone 91F12.
$20 per month. Phone Carey F. Mar
tin. may2G
HARRY Window eleuner, Phono 768.
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
GIRL WANTED For housework. 1JMK1
N. 4th. may26
WHITE FIB WOOD1 chopper! wanted.
Phone 80F1I. tf
491 N. Cottage. tf
FOR BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Jonrnal office. tf
GOOD Furnished house to Tent, close,
in. Phone Main 4 or 47. tf
WANTED Middle aged woman for
house work. Phone b'F3. may2?
FOR SALE CHEAP 7 n. P. gasoline
engine, with feed grinder. J'bone
1058. V may25
WANTED $500 for three years on
$2000 citv property. L. M. care Jour
nal. " ' niay27
Close in for rent. Phone Carey F.
Martin. . may26
ern but close in) for rent. Phone
Carey F. Martin. may2(i
FOR SALE 1. C. S. scholarship at a
bargain. See I. S. C. represent.Uive at
Masonic Temple. niaySC
FOR GOOD Meals and comfortable
rooms, reasonable, in modern home
dose in phone 1013. mny27
WANT TO RENT .Modern ten or
twelve room house, close in, on north
side. Address 10-R care Journal. m27
FOR SALE 100 sheep, not sheared,
and about 75 limbs. Inquire at the
Capital Journal office, Salem Ore
ong. mays I
Presbyterians Will
Investigate Seminaries
Atlantic City, N. V., May 25. Pres
byterians in convention here today
adopted a resolution providing for nil
investigation or an niinisieriais semi
naries uniler co'itrol of the Presbytery.
Four elders and three preachers will
form the probing committee. . They are
to report in a jear.
This postpones for one year termina
tion of the bitter dispute of conserva
tives tad radicals over the graduates
of t':e Pnion Seminary being ordained.
Weeks and Burton Have
Opened Headquarters
Chicago, Mav 2ri. Presidential boom
headquarters for I'nited States Sena
tor Weeks ami roriner enaror juioo-
lore Burton were opi ned today in "the
Congress hotel. George Moses, (Mrect-
ing the Weeks campaign, claimed that
Weeks would get 200 votes on the first
ballot in the republican convention.
Charles Peper, Advance agent lor
Elihu Root( asserted Root to be the
genuine candidate. Governor ill is ot
Ohio has been chosen to place Burton's
name in nomination.
Wtien von want the best society
printing call on The Capital Journal
Job Department.
No more puffed-up, burning, sweaty,
calloused feet or
Just take vour shoes off nnd then Tint
those weary, shou-crinkled, aching,
burning, corn-pestered, bunion-tortured
icei oi yours in a " uz liatn. xour
toes will wriggle with joy; they'll look
up at you and almost talk and then
they'll take another dive in that "Tiz"
When your feet feel like lnmn nf
lead all tired out just try "Tiz."
It s grand it s glorious. Your feet will
dance with joy; also you will find all
pain gone from corns, callouses and
There ' nothing like " Tiz. " It 's the
only remedy that ilmn-a mil oil
poisonous exudations which puff up
your feet and cause foot torture.
Get H 25 pent bm r,f 'TU f ...
drug or department store don't wait.
t. i t i .
iu. now yiiia your leer get; now com
fortable your shoes feel. You can wear
shoes a size smaller if you desire.
FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping
appartments, rates reasonable, close
in, 160 Court. tf
cheap, in excellent condition, 287 S.
Winter street. may2U
$1200 CAR To trade for property, al
most new. Property must be clear.
S. A. care Journal. jnay23
SEED POTATOES Choice Biirbank
and Gold Coin seed for sole. Mangis?
Bros., 540 State St." may23
FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnish
ed rooms in Hubbard building. W.
H. Norris. Boom 304. tf
FOR RENT Flat close in, furnished
or unfurnished. Phone 823-J. or call
at 252 North Cottage St. tf
Thone SI for lack of service.
216 N. Commercial St
block garden land for rent verychcap
Phone Circy F. Martin. may2l
WANTED 30 loganberry pickers to
sign up. Inquire Smith & McLean,
326 N. Com '1 St. Phone 443. tf
trnction pnfrinn fni siwtnfr liimhop
Inquire S. II. care Journal. may27
for rent very cheap to desirable par
ties. Phone Carey F. Martin. niay2(5
FOR SALE 200 acres at Lyle, Wash.,
will consider somo trade on clear
property. August Ranch, Salem, Or.
jnne 17
FOB BENT Nice furnished room in
tiew house in private family, 3 block
from P. O. Inquire G-10 care Journ
al, tf
FOR SALE 18cres, good terms, 18
in crops and fruit, fair buildings,
best. soil. W. W. Lander, Salem R.
9. junelS
SMALL LOAN $250 to $300 wanted
bj responsible man, personal proper
ty security. Phone Carey i Mar
tin. may2G
FOR SALE Good Jersey milk cow
giving a i-z gallons of milk, a bar
gain. Phone 98F2. Walter Pearmine,
R. 8. tf
about fifty thousind brick for sale
.. at a bargain. United States National
Bank. tf
washing, ironing, housekeeping, cook
ins or serving by day or hour. Phone
2504-J-2. may29
FOB SALE 3 hxlf truck Studcbaker
wagon, wiu trade tor Heavier wagon,
cordwood or stumpage. 2786 Lee.
Phone 1322-J. tf
FOB BENT Business block room, Biz
18x80 feet. 467 State street. In
quire at 463 State. Phone, 100!K
Maurice Klinger. tf
LOST Bead purse, on Court or Liber
ty St.; contains blank check of Capi
tal Sonp Works, liberal reward for
return to this office. may23
MY HOME For rent or will lease.
partly furnished if desired. Inquire
of Mrs. Hallie Hinges, 295 N. Sum
mer, cor. Chcnieket.i. tf
TWO Good houses to trade for a farm
one modern, the other one has a gooI
barn on the lot. G. C, Bolter, 2016
Trade St. Phone 2200-W. may27
WANTED From private party, $1000
ur y?nrs at t. per cent, cn new,
modern Salem residence, valne .$!.-'
100. Address W. 8. eo. Journal. n23
STRAY Yearling heifei came to my
piace on ttiversidc Drive, owner can
have same by paying for damages
and advertising. I). L. Cummins, R, 3,
001 274. June20
TWELVE AORES-Oarden land, suit-
auie ror potatoes or late garden, for
rent. Must be cultivated immediate
ly. Land adjoins citv limits. Phone
Carey F. Martin. may 26
ligent, handy, trustworthy and pre
sentable in appearance, wishes any
light employment, moderate wages.
Alsborn, phono 300. may2S
I AM Taking orders for snmmcr ana
fall delivery of wood. I will gire a.
lower price now than T will late in
the season. John H. Scott, phone 1353
After office hours, C22. june20
FOR SALE At bargain prices, one
Troy laundry mangle 90 inches, store
shelving, two teams and Shetland
pony, 2 double buggies, one single
buggy. H. Steinbock, 302 N. ComI
Phon 808. tf
WANTED : All the young folks i
town to "near the program given by
the Fish School of Expression for
the benefit of the Sundav school at
the "ourt St. Christian church. Fri
day, May 26, at S:15 p. m. Admis
sion 20 eta. and 10 cts. mnv26