RNAL. SALEM. OREOi'nv, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1916. FIVE V- - -- 20 Experienced 9 - Sal esmen vv antea T 1 'tt? r,ATTV PAPTTAT ; JCm. wmi jux i on i ., About T 06 M axweJ C ar. THIS is the time of the year when more people are considering the question of "what car to buy" than at any other time of the year. This community has its full share of people who will soon be driving their first car or a new; car to replace the old one Now, we know that we are going to sell Max vell Cars to a great many of these people de pending upon how many we are able to acquaint with the merits of the Maxwell. The generous value offered in the car is so evident its past record is so full of good perform ance owners speak so well of it that when the buyer knows these things, he is eager to buy a Maxwell. In order to tell as many people as possible about the merits of the Maxwell Car we are going to spend a lot of money -in the next few weeks in this paper advertising Maxwell merits to those who do not know them. The reason we want to sell as many Max wells as possible this season. Our future allot ments will depend upon how many Maxwells we sell now. You may know that the Maxwell market is a buyer's market, not a seller's market broadly speaking. The demand for Maxwells the country jpver is greater than the supply. Touring Car $655 For this reason cars are allotted to dealers by the factory according to the size of the dealer's business. We want to make a showing and be in a posi tion to get a generous allotment of Maxwells hereafter. Because the more Maxwells are sold in any community, the greater is the future demand. We realize the opportunity to do an ever-increasing Maxwell business. This is only the first of the several messages we are going to print a few days apart concern ing the Maxwell Car. But we don't expect to be able to adequately present Maxwell merits in printed words alone. If you are one who is going to buy a new car you will find it decidedly to your advantage to find out all you can about the Maxwell before you place your order. Come in and talk it over with us and let us demonstrate the car to you. yThen, don't take our word alone, but ask those who now owa Maxwells. Get "posted" about the Maxwell and you will realize more satisfaction and get more "value re ceived" for your motor car money than ever before. And we are just as willing to have you invest gate other cars just as fully as you do ours. The Maxwell will not suffer by the comparison. Why not start your Maxwell investigatioi today? Roadster $635 F. O. B. DETROIT Halversen & Burns MAXWELL SERVICE STATION Cor. High and Ferry Phone 959 Time Payments if Desired National Federation of Women's Clubs Meets dross at its convention here today. Improvement ot rural life, the Amer icanQWng of the immigrant, the cul tivatiou of a rem Pan-Anieric in spirit and moving pictures were the main topics for federation consideration at New York, Mav 23. Espn'tuting Jiope that women of the United Stntcslthe fiist sesion, through, Oie Nat'imal Indention of Club women were warned not to sup Women's clubs will have a part in I port any legislation which did not bringing peace to the world, Mrs. Per i have the federation's recommendation. y V. Pennabneker, president of the I Fifteen thousand delegates were on rganb.ation, delivered tho opening nd-hand when the gavel wis pounded, call- run Last Times Today PAULINE FREDERICK in "AUDREY" The Celebrated Novel, by Famous Players Comp'y Friday and Saturday VICTOR MOORE and ANITA KING In a Thrilling, Exciting Automobile Photodrama- "THE RACE" Always Orchestra Music Salem's Only Exclusive Picture Play House .. YE LIBERTY THEATRE ing for order. Mis. Ocorgo Pass of Chicago entered the presidential race, making it a three cornered affair. Mrs. Josiah Kvauh Cowles of Los Angeles, candidate of the western delegates, appears to be gaining ground. Inheritance Tax Is Wanted by States Sacramento, f'nl., May 2.". Stato Controller J. 8. Chambers started a campaign by letter tod iv against billti which provide for a federal inheritance tax. lie is sending letters broadcast to state officials througnout the United States, U'ging them to prevail upon congressmen from their states to op pose the bills. Chambers sees danger in a federal inheritance tax in the way 01 cnriiinng siaie revenue. California for this fiscal year will collect about 3,."iOO,OoO under its in heritance tax law and this immense revenue. Chambers points out, would be cut down materially in the future should there be a federal tnx. THAW'S EX WIFE MARRIES New York. Mav 25. Kvelvn Nesbit Thaw BinifiiincfJ tndav that hereafter he is Mrs. Virgil .Tames Montnni, hav ing married Montnni, whose stage name is Jack Clifford, at Klliott Citv, Md., yesterday.. In obtaining a license the bride gave her name as Florence Nesbit Apply ih Person at Hammond-Bishop Co. Friday a. m. - Sir Roger Casesnept To Be Tried June 26 London. May "5. Sir Roper Case ment and Daniel llniley, a soldier, were indicted by the grand jury today on a charge of high treason. The accusation is based on their participation in tho Irish rebellion. Casement will bo put on trial for hi life dune lid. it was announced. ...4 J r , - ' i l I .Al jt -""' ,i , ' 111 . ' " ' t I i ?Vt . N i ' . ' - kv "Happy Jack" May Be Real English Lord Portland, Or., May 25. "Hiiipy Jack" Pennington, steward on trie Htcnmer Wapam i, today had ft confer ence with an Knglisn barrister who wants Jack to go baek to Kngland and assume the t.tJe of Baron Muncaster. The lawyer asserts, and has lots of SATTJED A Y SUNDAY VAUDEVILLE 3 ACTS-3 THE 3 RUHBIANS EEFTJGEE8 High Clans Musicnl Act DIXIE CimiSTY Old Time Melody Oir mayhews Trio Comedy, Hinging, Itaneing, Talking Nothing But T1IE BEST OREGON documentary evidence to prove, that Happy .lick is the legal heir to the peerage. J la ran Miincuster died re- ently, leaving no direct heirs, llis nearest relatives have been killed in Some of the accidents which occur !r. the Jesse U lusliy pioduUioii of i'i thrilling automobile story 3f "The Kace," which will bo seen at the Ye Liberty theatre on Friday and Satur day, were tukan in the exa-t locility in which they Luppeiu 1 to Anita Kiim, the Parani9'.'..tf luri on wHjse famous transcontinental automobile trip the story is founded. At one place during her trip she encountered a disastrous washout. On their return to the place to take the picture, it was found the road and bridge hid been replaced and it wan thought an other location would' have to be secured. During the night ' prior to tneir' departure, another cloud; burst came and washed the bridge away again. The next day they were nlc -to secure the scene exactly as it hap-1 pened originally. In this picturizntion Victor Moore is to star, supported by j Miss King, and an all-star cast. The; story was written especially for thci stars bj Hector Turnbull, author of' "Tht Cheat," and Clinton II. Stagg. j Motion Picture Actors Have Touch of Real Thing Los Angeles, Cul., May 25. More than a scorn of motion picture actors and actresses of the American Woman Film company were injured, one prob ably fatally, when the huge auto truck in which they were riding dashed over an embankment into a canyon near Chatsworth. Tho party was returning from Inking scenes in the foothills. With the heavy truck pinning most of the members of the party beneath it, tho imprisoned men and women were held until aid could be secured. The accident occurred last night. Mi's, Onnigurd Selineinnker, an actress, of Los Angeles, is in the (bind Samaritan hospital here today. She will probably die. T. I). Dickerson, driver of the car, is also in u serious condition, but doctors say he will live. j David Lloyd George Takes Charge in Ireland London, May 25. David Lloyd Oecuge has been given full chnrge of the Irish situation, Premier Asquith announced today in the house of com mons. Lloyd-flcorge was the unanimous se lection of the British cabinet, Asquith said. He appealed f0 nil sections not to di.ieuss the Irish question while Llovd Oeorge was negotiating. The se lection was a surprise to the commons. MARY PICKFORD IN "TESS Of THE STORM COUNTRY" In Addition- to 3 Big Acts HIPPODROM17 Vaudeville SUNDAY VS THEATRE XJ Westora Vaudeville Ass'n Vaudeville tho war. Jack Pennington doesn't doubt the story, but ho is reluctant I Xt is hrti-vl to mean that the muni to give up his comfortable berth and shoulder the resK)nsibiliUes of a reg1 ular peer. He is quite sure tho law yer Isn 't spoofing. r.vtr since Happy Jack g shipmates learned about his prospects, they have oeseigecl him with applications for po sitions as keeper of tho kennels or valet. Also, they want him to Invest his prospective fortune in steamboat stock and give them all good jobs. "Let 'em bring around some more evidence, and then well, maybe 1 11 go," said .lack. TILLS OF METHODS USED CAPTURINO SUCKERS Ftna Fruncisco, Hay 23. Testifying for th government in the Oregon land fraud eases today, (ieorgo M. Michels, a (Hirdcna orclmdist, swore that A. j, Weeks and Sydney L. fiperry ap prnmhed him in Los Angeles with an offer to locute him on land lu Oregon for ISO, in such a manner that he would not huve to establish a residence on his rlnim. Mii hcls said the defend ants told him congress had recently pnssed a law permitting land to be cluimcd in flint manner. World tions question hns been settled for the present, aa Lloyd (leorge hns been act ing as minister of munitions, speeding up tho ammunition supply. Try Capital Journal Want Ada. TODAY, TOMORROW and SATURDAY Albert & Rozella Famous Marionettes Ceo. Lewis & Co. Featuring America's Two Greatest Juvenile Entertainers Thanhouscr Feature Gladys Hulette In the TRAFFIC COP Five Big Acta ( SALEM ICE CO Pure Distilled Water Ice. jJN$ j Phone 415 . WfP lm We r In the lead The kicks a man when he's down. j j and her aged as 31. fnyirri nttuimmuru