Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 24, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Clearance Prices on All Suits; Coats, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, etc.
Middy Blouses for Women, Misses and
The Practical, Serviceable, Comfortable Garment for
Summer Wear An Immense Assortment.
Surely you will find in this big variety just the Middy
Blouse you want. Plain white, blue trimmed styles,
stripe effects, belted models in fact, you'll find every
popular and wanted style here, and at a good range of
pleasing prices. Sizes from four years in Children's
sizes to 44 in Women's sizes.
Women's and Misses' Middies, of cotton, wool or
silk fiQr f
vvv ftv yi v
69c to $1.50
Children's Middies
Season's Latest Bathing Suits at Meyers
Have your Bathing Suit ready. Buy from this assortment before the
prettiest styles are taken. The models this season are unusually tak
ing. We know that particular women will appreciate choosing from
this stock. A large variety of colors in plain and color combinations.
Sizes to fit all women and misses. Wool and Mohair Suits $2.95 to $5
1 7
Big Dept.
I !
r Ij
All Around T
May 24. Nalem c.linptor Sons
American Kcvolutiou organ
ized, Commercial club,
May 20. Public speaking in
chapel Willoraot'te university,
8 p. m.
May 2(. Domestic science ami
physical culture exhibition ut
Hi(!h School, 8 p. in.
May 128. JiiK'a school baccalau
reate services, First Metho
dist church.
Muy Bit. Music department
Unitrcrsity recital, M. K
Miy 30. Memorial Day.
Muy 31. "ltobin Hood," comic
opera, at high school audi
torium. June 2. High school commence
mcnt exercises at Armory.
Juno E. Kimball college com
mencement, 2:30 p. ni.
June 7. Annual election offi
cers Commercial club.
June 7. Willamette University
Dr. Memlolaolm, specialist, fits glasse
es correctly, U. S. Batik. Bid;;.
The Men's Liberal club will meet at
fl o'clock thin evening at the l.'mtnrinn
church. This will be the Inst meeting
of the season.
Dr. Stone's drag nor.
The U. S. National bank will soon
lave a garage of its own for the nault
employes, an the ground between the
beak building mid A WhitJ
building is receiving a cement flouring
today aud will soon be roofed.
Dr. BUms 'i Drug Store for truHses.
The university of Washington tennis
player will arrive in the city tomor
row sod play Willamette I'nivcrsitv at
3:30 o'clock in the -afternoon. This
will be the first l imp these fains have
tested each other's skill.
TT cu aT8 yon money on garden
hese, Nelson Bros. & l'atton, plumbers,
355 Chemelteta Ut. Thoue 1906. tf
Instead of Friday evening, the class
in oratory nud public speaking of Wil
lamette I'nivcrsity will give its enter
tainment Thursday evening t 8 o'clock
in the rhnpcl. This department is iu
charge of Helen Miller Scan and an
entertaining program, including (sever
al solos, has ueen urrauged.
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescrip
tion, tf I
E. M. Scott of Montrose, Colorado, j
who came here to have an operation;
pcriormod for the removal ot a cata
ract from the eye, is reported today to
be recovering. The cataract was re
moved lust Thursday by lr. M. t
Kindley. j!r. Scott is x brother of J.
K. Scott of this city. .
Cemetery Cleanup Dw Cemetery
cleanup day Moudny, May 2fl, all in
terested come out. Tho ilowell Frtii
tlo cemetery association. Ralph T.
Stevens. tf
Members of Company M will rest
from rifle practice nest Sunday as tho
nitg will bo closed on account of the
company taking, part In the afternoon
'memorial nervines. Hut on Sunday,
June I, the range will be open tor in
struction nnd pinctrce. Next week the!
company will drill in formal gunrd,
mounting, tho practice taking pi tec in!
Willsoa park nud the post olt'ice lawn.
Opal and South Bend Malleable
ranges. Huron & Hamilton.
Mere is a clmiM to help a widow
with two ehililreu, a boy nino years
old aud a girl .) years old, who wishes
a position as hoiiHO keeper, either in
tho city or country. The application
and urgent need of this position comes
through the Social Service Center and
tho t'oininorci.il club. Should any one
be in need of. n house keeper, notify
Ivan (.i, McDaniel, manager of the
Commercial club.
Oool linoleum, special 52 l-2c per
yd. Huron &. Hamilton.
When the summer season is on, the
dcnlists of the city feel the need of
a life in the open, as they have agreed
to close their offices at 12 o'clock on
Saturdays during the months of Juno,
July, August nud September. Tho
agreement Is signed by Kpley nnd
Olluger, W. O. Asseln, F. L. Titer,
Ihtrbv nnd Hurton, ). A. Olson, Smith
ami held, ,1. V. Griffith, i Lllia and
Mark Skiff.
No raise in carpet or nigs prices
Huren & Hamilton.
The Cherrians will line up again
this evening nt the nrmory getting in
practice for the 3 pripes to be awarded
at the Portland liosu festival. Those
who do not ntteud tonight, will have
but little chance of tiking part in the
eometitive drill in I'ortlnud, when tho
Cherrians figure on making a show
ing thai will brninjf home some of the
nionj'y. All the new members have re
ported with their new uniforms except
ing that will bring home some of the
will make the proper showing tonight.
Do Your Eyes Tire Easily
Do Your Eyes Smart and Burn
Is Your Vision Blurred
riKMRMBIOIt nil of these troubles and manv more can bo done away
ith by wearing Correctly Fltte d Glasses.
It us examine your eyes and fit you with proper lenses then you
will see with ease.
KISS A. EIcCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-9 Hubbard Bid?., Phone 109.
Iceless Refrigerators cool the food
without Ihe use of ice. Call and see
lor yourself. Huren & Hamilton.
Salem will have the opportunity to
hear some of the best music of the
season at rho (Oregon, theatTe next
Saturday and Sunday. The. big fea
ture of the program will be concert
work by three Hussinn refugees who
have been in America but a few weeks.
They have lnd much experience in
Russia in musical concerts aud have
come to America after escaping from
Siberia into China and Japan. Already
they have appeared in Seattle's best
theatres ami h we flattering offers
from vaudeville concerts.
We repair aud repack furniture, re
tire iMicarts, hung awnings and buy
iiml sell furniture. K. L. Stiff & iiSon.
The Ah-Miu-Low camp fire girls will
give a concert tonight nt the Haptist
church, assisted by Miss Marguerite
l'lower in lyric rending. Mrs. A. O.
Davidson is guardian of the crimp,
which is composed of the following
members: Dorothy Davidson, Esther
Dnyios, Hessie Sun, Arnotti Bnrtlett,
I'nnsy Willanl, Marietta Thompson,
'.nth l'ettit, (leorgia l'ettit, l.nla (leg
len, Dora lleglen, draco Welbom, Mild
red Case, 1am n.. Kstes, Blanche .Gibson,
Sniily Phillips and Nona Imus. The
entertainment is free, but the girls hope
to realize a small sum from a silver of
fering. Hygrade stand for the highest qual
ity nnd best workmanship ever put in
to a 5 cent cigar. S.ilem made.
We wish to thank our friends for the
kindness shown us in our recent be
reavement. Mrs. rhillip Hees,
Davis Kces,
Mrs. Cora Koerster,
Mis. Myrtle Savage.
Lloyd Hauser of Salem, is in the
city today looking alter business mat
ters in connection with the Hauser
Druthers store here which, is soon to
move from its present quarters to tho
store, room next to the riilluinn.' Al
bany Herald.
A $15.00 Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet,
cui't be told from new, only if-j.UO ut
K. L. Stiff & Son.
To the friends who gave beautiful
flowers, and assistance nnd consolation
during the illness nnd death of my be
loved wife. Mrs. Liunie .T. Howell, es
pecially to the members of the church,
to Salem Orange No. 17, and to Knst
ern Star chapter, 1 offer my grateful
acknowledgement of thwr tinny kind
nesses. Albert V. ilowell.
A regular 37.G0 Bird-eye Maple
Princess dresser only lil.SO nt K. U
Stiff & Sou.
The high school building is offering
several attractions Kriduy evening as
three departments of the school will
put on exhibitions showing to t lie puo
lie nnd interested parents the results
of their work during the past year. Re
sides the physical culture and domestic
scieme ilepirtments, the manual train
ing under 11. R. Honell will be thrown
open for inspection. In order that the
public may see the boys reully at work,
the exhibit will be in the manual train
ing rooms on thi first floor. Also,
whit the boy have made during the
Inst semester, such as tea tables, rock
ing chairs, library desks and other use
ful articles. Mr. Honell states th.it the
purpose of this department is not to
lay stress on tho finished article but
to' acquaint tho boys with materials
and n.ethods anil means of wood con
st ruction nnd font the boys become fa
miliar vitii arpenter tools and learn
to use their be ids nnd hands. Those
who nie interested in manual training
will find the b;)ys in their department
Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed,
bleeding gums .mil pyorrhea. 414 V. S.
Huuk llldg., l'houe ISO.
Grand Jury Looking
for Missing Wood Pile
Portland, Or., May 24. The grand
.fury today took a hand m the sea.ch
for 1100 cords of wood wkich the city
ot l oriiaun nns tost.
Last year the city v.ent iuto the
conlwood busines to give work to the
unemployed. When the time came to
sell the wood it was discovered there
were 1100 more cords on the books of
the city than were actually piled ni,
Public Service Commissioner Higclow
says one oi two conclusions is inevit
able: either somebody got paid for cut
ting and naming the wood and did
not cut or haul it, or else somebody
stole the wood after it was cut and
hauled. City sleuths have been busy
on the ease for several months but
have not located the wood nor found
anybody who knows anything about it
Salem chimney sweep. Phone 19. m25
Roy F. Mills, local manager of the
Spaulding Logging company, bought an
nntomobile license yesterday and at-
itaclied it to a new lord which he
his driving around today.
I sincerely appreciate the support
and vote of the people of Salem and
Marion- county, given me nt tho pri
maries last Friday. W. I. eedhum.
Bert E. Lewis, a former member of
Company M, has been appointed Regi
mental Color Snrgeant of the Third
regiment according to the information
received from headquarters today.
With the Sonora Talking Machine
in your home you can enjoy every min
uate. Myrtle Knowlnnd, 421 Court St.
Company M in full uniform will act
as escort for the members of the Grand
Army of the Republic at the memorial
services which will be held at the
Methodist church next Sunday.
If you are in doubt about your new
building come to us, we will make sug
gestions and figure on your building
materials. Kails City-Salein Lumber
Co., 349 S. 12. Phone' 813.
Frank Davey, August Huckestein,
Sr., and State Commander Sherwood of
Portland were the principal speakers
at the meeting of the .Maccabees last
night, following the initiation of aj
I irge class.
An attractive program will be offer
ed nt the court St. Christian church
Friday night, May 2(!th, by the clever
est young readers in town. There will
also be some beautiful musical num
bers. Admission SUcts. llenefit for,
Sunday school. j
The funeral of Miss Ella May Har
ris, who was drowned in the Columbia,
will be held at 2:30 o'clock Thursday
afternoon from the chnpcl of Higdon
ind liichnrdson. Services will be. con
ducted by the Rev. .Nichols, assisted
by the Rev. James Klvin.
On account of the meeting in Albany
of the Grand CnnpteV Royal Arch Ma
sons on June 3 and the Oregon Grand
Lodge June 7, the Oregon Electric
train arriving in the city at 8:0:')
o'clock in the mornings will Tun
through to Albany for the accommo
dation of delegates. This train will
arrive in Albnny at 9:.")0 iu time for the
first morning sessions.
Prof. W. H. Lee of Albany college
preached the funeral sermon at the ser
vices held this morning in the First
I'resbvterian church for Frank W. Pow
er. Assisting in the services were tho
Kev. (nrl II. Klliott and tlfo Rev.
Hoozer of Orenco. The pall bearers,
nil business nssociates aud intimate
friends of Mr. Power, were Rex Par
sons, John JlcGee, Chris. Rich, F. J.
Rupert, U. A. Mitchell and Herbert Mc
Donough. Interment was iu the City
View cemetery.
Real estate seems to bo moving in
Salem and vicinity ns several real es
tate men have filed transfers this week
aiiilothers are about to be closed. Scott
ai.d Hynura report the sale of a house
and lot. 2222 .North Fourth street with
Ka L. Scott as the grantor and G. I.
Newton the grantee, and the considera
tion .$1000. Also n tract of land at
j Liberty in w hich Mary Newton sells
to S. .1. Oglo ot Hosetnug. J lie tract
contains 11 1-2 acres, is improved and
Mr. Ogle with his family will take pas
session within nsfew days. The con-sidei-ition
w.is 'VJSiMi,
I lTiin ttitM 17.m1i
on Unusual
- f j J vr
I ;- f ij
I ',. -It': 1
Crepe de chine is the material used
for thiB quaint frock. Any becoming
shade may be finely plaited over the
hips, panel fronted, uirled with silk
embroidery. Bell sieves take the lines
of pannier pockets. The upstanding
collar may be either georgette or organdie.
A Most Delightful Play
pleudidly Presented
May Robson with her company play
ing "The Making Over of .Mrs. Matt,'"
which appeared at the opera house last
night was a veritable delight. She is
the same May Kobsnn who delighted
audiences a generation ngn with her
quaint humor. It is a pleasure to spend
an evening nnd enjoy wholesome fun
with such an actress and well balanced
support. In fact, x'ays of this class
aro really what th.i world in general
prefers, instead of the Mrs. Frank Les
lie style which Ins In in shoved off
mi the public by managers ivIio really
did not know what the public wanted.
But sad to relate, there was hardly
half a house to see the best piny tint
has appeared at the opera house this
winter, and this fact caused Maniger
P.hgh to remark that unless the public
would attend and .-how their apprecia
tion of first class plays, the opera-house
would bo closed next winter.
It is the intention of Mr. Bligii to
bill only first class plays, and if the
public, does not want them, after n
trial, he will cancel all bookings. "The
season will start with good shows nnd
continue if the people want thcie "
said Mr. Bligli.
Anyhow, those who saw Miss Pobson
were thankful for tho opportunity of
seeing one of tho best plays that ever
came to Salem.
ft fuimmk j
1 75awNk Ly"
Pa vou appreciate the working itn-
j portanec of good eyesight? The work
er who suiters trom detective sight
uunided has his wage earning capacity
seriously handicapped. To such an one,
correct glasses would mean capability
of more work with greater ease; and
his work would be better done. From
a puraly business-point view, the pur
chase of glasses will repay those who
need them.
Don't harbor doubts about your sight
delay often does serious damage. For
safety's sake come to me anl havo your
sight scientifically tested. I offer vou
jaeenrnto service and my 3 years' ex
! perienco is always nt your service, 1
j guarantee satisfaction iu every respect.
If glasses are not needed I will frank
ly tell you to.
Doctor of Optics.
Offices: 210 211 V. B. Bank Building,
Phone 110.
Fruit Juice Company
Formed at Albany to
Handle Loganberries
Albnny is following in the footsteps
o'f Salem in the organization of a fruit
juice company to prepare loganberry
juice, beverages and syrups nnd soft
drinks nnd kindred products.- Articles
of incorporation for n $20,('CI0 company
were filed today at the office of the
corporation commissioner with the head
office of the company to be located at
Albany. The incorporators were George
C. Brown, George Taylor and L. M.
The Drain-Coos Bay Stage eompniv
disrolved nnd the Oregon-Alaska Steam
ship company increased its capital from
2o,000 to $,r)0,000 and adopted the
abf.ve nanio in place of the Columbia
River-Alaska Barge Service, Inc. The
Twentieth CVhtury Bakery was incor
porated at $20,0(10, The Vogel Product
wt.a incorporated ut $10,000 with the
lifud office in Portland. The Klwert
Investment eompnny, of Oakland, Cnl.,
was incorporated at $10,000 nnd the
Mnntlc Lamp company, of America,
with the head office in Chicago was au
thorized to do business in this state.
The company is incorporated nt $100,
T. .1. Boone was in the city Tuesday
from Tualatin.
.1. V. Dovtel of Rickreatl was a Sa
lem visitor yesteidiiy.
C. 1). Pults is nt Monmouth looki
up real estate matters.
Fred S. Rynoii is attending to rfal
estate matters in Kenton county.
It. E. Wadsworlh is in Portland at
tending to business matters of tue Iu
diun training school.
A. C. t'ouley, an attorney of Oregon
( it y, was m Me city yesterday attend
ing to legal affairs.
Mrs. 1). H. Puller returned to her
home in , Portland turn morning alter
a short visit with her son, C. S. Piper.
Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Hunt left today
for Portland where thev expect to
make their permanent home. Mr. Hunt
wa formerly organist at the Oregon
theatre. v
It Is a Wise Housekeeper That Feeds Her Family Well.
It means good health and good temper, and the
prices we offer on Groceries of the best quality
permit no excuse for a poorly furnished table.
A change for the better
Baker's fresh grated coconut; this coconut re
tains all the milk and oil that the coconut carries,
try it, at, per can 15c
Taylor's Tamales, better than most Tamales, can 10c
Taylor's Chili Beans, a regular Spanish dish, can 10c
Armour's Veribest Pork and Beans, can . . . 8c
Weinhard's Golden Nectar, pints 10c, quarts 20c
Salem's Best Market Place
426 State Street Two Phones, 830-840
Assist House
With a
Brilliant Electric
It gets the dirt and dust.
You cannot afford tto use a
hand power sweeper when you
can get an Electric that is
guaranteed to get more dirt
than any sweeper made and
the price only
The little sweeper with the big pull.
Call us for a free trial.
See our new line of Rugs
and Draperies
Strawberry Boxes
From California Must
Conform to Law
The increased shipments o'f strawber
ries from California to this state has
brought out Ihe fact that some of the
California shippers are using odd sizes
for their berries and Deputy State
and i the ed more ecooinical,
Sealer of Weights and Measures Fred
O. Biichtel, states that all have been
tvnmed to comply with the Oregon law
w'lich prescribes two standard sizes for
strawberry boxes. One size contains
,3'l.d cubic inches and the other t!7.2
ubic inches or tho standard mensuie
for tho dry pint and the dry quart.
Tn any case where the strawberries are
found to be in boxes which do not con
form to the Oregon laws they must be.
on.ptied and packed in standard boxes.
We tan save you money on iob lirint-
inir get our prices.
Belated Returns Show
Corey To Have Lead
In Commissioner Race
Belated election returns from the dis
tant parts of the state received at. the
j office of the public service commission
j today show that II. H. Corey has a lead
, of (!57 over his nearest opponent. M
I Wright, for the republican nomination
for public service commissioner 'from
! eastern Oregon. The latest totals show
i that Corey has a total of -1,8:17 and thai
Vd Wright has 4,1S0. Lake county wu.
i the last to bo heard from and tin
voters of this county gave Cerev 2lM,
'Wright ,19, McCulloeh 121, Euk 27,
Service aii and lvyle 27.
Words of Encouragement to
Childless Women.
jc s(c ijc sjc sc 5g jc sfc sjc jjc ? jJc ft
Our circulation Is coming up
and still growing read the....
! paper aud you guess the reason.
l'houe SI for lack of service.
Motherhood is woman's natural desti
ny, but many women re denied the
happiness of children simply because of
Borne curable derangement.
Among the many triumphs of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
its marvelous power to overcome such
derangements, as evidenced by the fol
lowing letter:
Worcester, Mass. "I suffered from
female ills, and was advised to have an
operation, but a
friend who had
taken Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound and who
has six children, told
me to try it. It has
helped me so much
that I am now well
and have a baby boy
who is the picture
of health, and I
thank theVeeetuble
Compound for my restoration tohealth."
Mrs. Bert Garvey, 20 Hacker St,
Worcester, Mass.
In many other homes, once childless,
there are now children because of the
fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound makes women normal,
healthy and strong.
Write to the Lydia r..Pinkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mas., fur
ad.Ticc-it will lc cviiiiUcnUal,
Cars of any kind for any place
at any time.
Office, Bligh Hotel
Licensed Lady
Moderate Prices
.Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Or.
Daily Between
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all nay
Points. Leaves Mill City 6:15 a, m.;
Stayton 7:45, Salem, 9:15.
Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. m.;
Stayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20.
Phcne 13