Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 24, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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Yorld-famoa$ Tnor, Sajrtt
satisfies my
taste. Most
important of
all, from a
Tuxedo does
not irritate
my throat"
f. J
1Tuxedo Docs No!
Irritate My Throat"
That's what the world'a
greatest tenor says about
Tuxedo. That's vvhat sou
will say about Tuxedo after
you've given this mildest
and pleasantest of all tobac
cos a week's trial.
jTUPtf T&KCtforPHcnlClstmi
The triginal "Tuxedo Process"
of refining mild Kentucky Burley,
mellowed by 3 to 5 years' ageinz,
p-sitivly removes every particle of
fcarshness and "bite".
!. PutTuxedo to the That
will show you why, to millions
of men, Tuxedo is the only "just
fight" smoke.
I Read the guarantee in the top of
every tin.
Sport News
Expect Him to "Come Back"
in Contest for Championship-Other
Sport News
mind after all.
Manager Hurry VVoivcrton, of San
Francisco, today received a telegram
from Owner N&vin, of the Detroit Tig
ers, stating that the bard hitting out
fielder was prepared to leave for the
ronHt to join the .Seals on an hour's no
tice. Wolyerton' said he does not take
.seriously press reports from Detroit
that Dnlton was balking.
Watching the Scoreboard
! Pouch
green tin
. 77. .
mitltrt, life
t Gltii
Three Hurt When Trains
Collide Ne,ar Hillsboro
1 1 illnlmro. Or., May -.'!. Three men
were seriously injured this morning
wliou n Southern Pacific local freight
train crushed into lht rear of :i gravel
train on a long trestle west of llills
Ixiro. Two cms and Ihe tender were
thrown to the ground "(I feet below.
Engineer llobcrg was caught in the
eal and badly crushed, fireman Hick
noose unit lii'aUemaii ICnuimcll jumped
1o Ihe ground. All three were rushed to
a Portland hospital on u special train.
The wreck blocked the trad anil pas
tenners on the Southern Pacific electric
trains were taken to Forest Grove rind I
IIHIslmro hi- filltninohilcs. I
San Francisco, Mnv 24. Interest in
tennis on this edge of the continent'
will be revived next Saturday when t tie i
Sua Francisco championship play be-1
Kins. This will be to' owed by several j
minor tourneys, the competition for the
slate title and then the Pacific coast;
championships nt Del Monte, July li
to 21.
Maurice E. McLmiehliu, former
champion, will be the mr.r. most watch
ed in the Del Monte p'ny. Many be
lieve he can "come bid;" to his old
world famous rushing form again. lc
l.oughlin is pluying mm nil times t
week in I.os Angeles villi his historic
partner, Tom Dundy. He attributed his
decline last year to t. o much work on
the courts, so is now Inking it easy.
William M. Johnston, champion of
Ai den, Mrs. May Sutton liuiidy, Flor
ence Sutton and a number of other well
known players are to compete at Dd
Miller-O'Connoll Draw.
Portland, Ore., t-tny SI. Four two
hours and thirty minutes Walter .Miller,
middleweight wrestling champion, and
Eddie ( 'Council, tugged and hauled nt
one another last night, but neither could
pin the other's shoulders to the mat.
Miiler apparently v.' as weakened by
making the required weight IIS
pounds nt II p. m. Two months ago he
defeated O 'Council at latch, weighs.
0 'Council cluims to.! welterweight
wrestling championship.
Willie Hoppo Champion.
I.os Angeies, Cnl., May 24. -Willie
Hoppe, of San Franc. sen. was today
acclaimed four round lightweight cham
pion of the Pacific const as a result of
his victory over Edd.o Brewster of
Seattle here last night.
The fight was the hardest contested
mill witnessed here in M'vernl seasons.
Krom the opening gong until, the end
of the fight it was impossible to ascer
tain who would win. The two men
were evenly inn tidied, 'ihe first two
rounds were a draw. During the latter
two Hoppo appeared lo a;u a slight ad
vantage but it was r.ot until the de
cision was announced that .lloppe was
re"irded as winner.
You get a paper lull of road-
lug, no contest dope.
New Motorcyo'.e Record.
.San Diego, Pal., i.Iay 24. The Los
Angeles-San Diego nioloreycle record
was shattered today by Hoy Artie, on a
Henderson, when he undo the trip in
two horns and twenry-tw and n half
minutes, clipping II 1-2 minutes off the
former record, held by Art Holmes.
Artie averaged S2 miles in spots. His
mileage was P'.O.
Stanford Gets Hard Jolt.
Boston, Mass., May 2-' Stanford uni
versity's, hopes of making formidable
showing in the big intercollegiate meet
at Cambridge next Friday and Satur
day received a shock today when it was
announced tint Meredith Mouse of Riv
erside, Pal., the westerner's crack low
hurdler, was ineligible to rompete.
House is a freshman who nin in open
competition before entering college, lie
is barred under the rules which barred
Duffy a few years ago. At the meeting
of the governing board ('f the meet to
la'. now, an attempt will be made to
hnvo house reinstated
Dalton to Join Seals.
Salt Lake City, Pteh, May 2f. Jack
Dalton has apparently changed his
Rostein & Greenbaum
Dry Goods Millinery
Pacific Coast Leaiis Standings.
W. 1.. 1'ct.
Vernon 211 17 .0.10
San Francisco 27 21 .50:1
I.os Angeles 22 22 .500
Portland 10 20 .411
Salt I.nltc IS 23 .4:19
Oakland 20 20 .40S
Yesterday's FeMilts.
At Vernon Vernon, 5; Portland, 4.
At Salt Lake San Francisco, 9;
Salt Lake, 0.
At San Francisco '.lakland, 4; Los
Angeles, 2.
Speed Martin, "singie handed and
alone," was almost enough to beat the
Angels yesterday.
He had the southeinoisgnshing the
zephyrs pretty chill jeohyrs at that
with regularity, and oi bged with many
f.iiicy fielding exploits worthy of loud
Tim Onks stnnil bv him without n 'fal
ter and played errorless ball so the
score was 4 to 2 wit'i I os Angeles on
ttie lean end ot it.
A single by Romberg in the ninth nt
I.os Angeles was enough to give Vernon
a victory over Portl in 1.
Higginbotbnni was I rocked out of
the box by the Tigers in the third am'
'Kelly had a hard road to travel until
the ninth when nt the heavy cudgels
of Mr. Tiiseberg et al he received his
coup de grace, whatever that means.
Jerry Downs wns the i-.tnr stickist at
Salt Lake, where his trusty ash drove
in five of San Frar.cisc i s nine runs.
Silt Lake got only four.
Cubs beat Philadelphia when Schulte
honied in the fourth.
Oh, look! The St. Louis Nationals
won a game. They beat the Hraves.
Horusby contributed t.i this miracle
with it four seeker.
pfeffer of Brooklyn let down the
Pirates with two hits'. Six to nothing.
plants mnde it 12 strnight by defeat
ing Cincinnati, 4 to H. -
Mnlhewson saved Iho New Yorkers'
sialos in the ninth when Benton aviat
Ring Tabloids I
Buffalo. Although he outweighed
his opponent 17 pounds, fob Devere, of
New York, was no match for Jack Dil
lon in their Ill-round lout here. The
Indianapolis boxer easily out boxed and
outgeneraled Devere.
Boston. Johnny Or.'ffiths had no
trouble in disposing of Willie Heecher
hero lust night and was awarded the
decision nt the end of 12 rounds of fast
New York. Ttulinu .T ie Cans and Al
bert Hmloud will box II) rounds here to
morrow night, liadoud claims the p.uro
pi an welterweight till:;
Philudelphiu. The scheduled six
rounds were nil that w;is necessary to
prove Johnny Dundee 'i superiority over
J,.ck Fleming Inst uight.
Quinaby Ball Players
Defeated Hayesville
(Capital Journal Special Bervice)
Quinaby, Or., May 24. A baseball
game Sunday on the Buena Crest school
grounds between Hayesville and Quin
aby, resulted iu a victory for Quinaby.
A large number attended the game. .
The closing of the Quinaby school
wag marked by an excellent entertain
ment under the direction of Miss Evelyn
Nash and Ray Girod the teachers. The
event took place Saturday evening at
the school house, refreshments being
The meat market of George Beckner
recently opened is attracting trade
from a considerable distance, the
equipment being modern and stock
much superior to that peddled around
the dusty country in wngons. The shop
itself is much like a bungalow in ap
pearance and occupies a malic setting
under the fir trees.
Tho death of Mrs. Jane Bean in
Salem on Thursday was much" regretted
by her friends here. She, was the
mother of Mrs. Nellie Burns and had
been visiting her here the latter part
of March, when she was stricken with
paralysis on the train on her way home
to Salem, the same having caused her
death the other day.
('. H. Pratt and Frank Willuinn mo
tored out from Salem last week in the
interests of Mr. Pratt's candidacy for
constable, and while Mr. Pratt was de
feated at the polls ho made a number
of friends during his campaign.
George Sturgis drove over from
Wrens, Benton County, Thursday, on
business. He was for many years a
resident of this section and plans to re
turn to the vicinity of Salem to reside.
The rains are proving beneficial to
everything but tte strawberries, and
they are in need of sunshine very
Principal Object Seems
To Be To Grab Some Office
New York, May 24. With the ar
rival of Mrs. Josirtli Fvans Cowles of
Los Angeles to begin her campaign for
the presidency of the National Feder
ation of Women's clubs, the fight -for
that office was on in earnest today.
Mrs. Sneath of Ohio, is also a candi
date. Mrs. Cowles declares she lias
nine solid Western delegations behind
her as a starter. New York is solid for
Mrs. Sneath.
Chairman of the convention commit
tees met today. A reception is sched
uled for tonight.
Cherry Queen Contest
Tho voting contest for queen of the
Cherrv Pair continues to grow in inter
est, with the addition of several new
names today. The standing this morn
ing was' as follows:
Gertrude Corv 2000
Vidti D. Vaughn T-'oO
Minnie H. llarr 1000
Knnolle Bloom .'.,.'. SllO .
Verna Cooder ':. 800
Kva White 200
The following have withdrawn: Bar
bara Steiner, Mary Sehu.lt., Margery
Marvin, Ruth Tower, Edna Towusend
and Mabel DeLong.
The committee iu charge of the
voling contest are optimistic and feel
that within a day or so, the public will
begin to take a general interest in the
selection of Cherrv fair queen.
A Journal New Today will if
convert waste Into wealth.
Take a Glass of Salts to Flush
Kidneys If Bladder Bothers
You Drink Lots of Water
Fating meat regularly eventually pro
duces kidney trouble in nome form or
other, says a well known authority, be
cause the uric acid in meat excites the
kidneys, they become overworked get
sluggish; clog up And cause all sorts of
distress, particularly backache and mis
ery in thkidney region; rheumatic
twinges, severe headaches, acid stom
ach, constipation, torpid liver, sleepless
ness, bladder and urinary irritatioa.
The moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
Jad Suits from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days .ind
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is mado from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithiu, and has been used for generations
to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to nornul activity: also to neu
tralize the acids in the urine so it no
longer irritates, thus ending bladder dis
orders. Jad Salts cannot injure anvone;
makes a delightful effervescent Tithia
water drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep the
kidnevs and urinary org.uis clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney disease.
Committee Recommends
Brandeis' Confirmation
Washington. Mnv 94. Tho ennnfn
judiciary conunittye today recommended
confirmation of Louis D. Brandeis as
associate justice of the United States'
supremo court. The vote was 10 to S
on straight party lines. Senator Chields
of Tennessee voted with the other
democrats in tavor of confirmation.
Friends of Brandeis nre iohilnnt
Thev forecasted that the floor rlivisinn
of the senate would be similar to the
committee vote and make Brandeis a
winner by an easy margin. Cummins
was absent from committee when the
vote was polled, but his ballot was
counted for Brandeis.
A protracted fieht in the senate is
expected on Brandeis. The matter of
ins appointment is tiitely to bo reached
within a week, with a long drawn out
debate and a possible filibuster.
Backers of the appointment of Trade
Commissioner Rublee, held up bv the
senate, are exnected to seize tins nn.
portunity to urge that his name again
ie sunmiuea lor confirmation.
Prohibition Bill Is
Up For Action Today
Victoria, B. C, May 2.1 The prohi
bition referendum bill, which passed
caucus last Tuesday will come before
the house this afternoon. With it will
be introduced the bill for the referen
dum extending the franchise to women
as well as several measures which must
go througlfthe house before the refer
endum can legally be taken.
-Included iu tomorrow's amendments
to the election act and other present
legislation will be one giving all sol
diers the vote. This means the men in
Flanders as well as those in the oU
country and in Canada.
Rats per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word lc
One week (6 insertions), per word....5c
One month (26 insertions) per word 17e
The Capital Journal will sot bo re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Read your advertisement tho first day
it appears and notify us iniinediately
If it contains an error.
Minimum charge, 15c.
TEAM WANTED Phone 152. tf
LOT TO TRADE For team. Inquire
464 Court street. nuy30
THREE Or four furnished housekeep
ing rooms for rent. 323 S. 14th St.
FOR SALE Draft team, R years old,
Also small work team. Phone SUF12.
$20 per month. Phone Carey F. Mar
tin. may26
Close in for rent. Phone Carey F.
Martin. may26
HAEBY Window cleaner, Phone 76S.
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
GIRL WANTED For housework. 1063
N. 4th. may28
WHITE FIB WOOD choppers wanted.
Phone 80F11. tf
491 N. Cottage. tf
FOR BENT SIGNS For tale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
GOOD Furnished house to rent, close,
in. Phone Main 4 or 47. tf
WANTED Middle aged woman for
house work. Phone 6F3. may27
WANTED A competent woman for
house work in country. Phono" 21F2.
WANTED Second hand 2500 gallon
galvanized iron tank. B. Cunning
ham. may!4
FOR SALE CHEAP 7 II. P. gasoline
engine, with feed grinder. Phone
1058. may25
ern but close in) for rent. Phone
Carey F. Martin. may20
$1200 CAR To trade for property, al
most new. rroperiy must oe cu-ur.
S. A. care Journal. mny25
SUMMER RATE Fine room, pood
meals, $4.u per week, i'bone jisoai.
1510 State St. may24
block garden land for rent very cheap
Phone Cirey F. Martin. may2li
for rent very cheap to desirable par
ties. Phone Carey F. Martin. may26
SMALL LOAN $250 to $.100 wanted
bj responsible man, personal proper
ty security. Phone Carey F. Mar
tin. " mny26
SEED POTATOES Choice Borbank
and uold Coin Beed for sale. Mangis
Bros., 540 State St. may26
LOST Head purse, on Court or Liber
ty St.; contains blank check of Capi
tal Soap Works, liberal reward for
return to this office. may25
GOOD JERSEY COW For sale, 5 yrs.
old, gives 2 gal. at present, fresh Oct.
1st, First road west on Silverton
road north of fair grounds. may24
FOR RENT Flat close in, furnished
or unfurnished. Phone 823-J, or calt
at 252 North Cottage St. tf
TWELVE ACRES Gji rden land, suit
able for potatoes or late garden, for
rent. Must be cultivated immediate
. ly. Land adjoins city limits. Phone
Cnrev F. Martin. may 2C
ligent, handy, trustworthy and pre-
aentab!f in appearance, wishes any
light employment, moderate wages.
Alsborn, phone 300. muy2li
FOR RENT 5 acres of good land for
potatoes or beans with .1 good stand
of rye to plow under, dose in. Phone
3S4-M, or call after li o'clock at 300
aler St. S. (', Kightlinger. may24
WANTED-rAll the young folks in
town to near the program given by
the Fish School of Expression for
the benefit of the Sunday school at
the Court St. Christian church, Fri
day, May 20, nt 8:13 p. m. Admis
sion 20 cts. and 10 cts. mny2(i
Don't make Junk of it, if nse-
fill try a Journal New Today.
ttMMttttttttt 1
You are invited to visit this store, and inspect our
stock of staple merchandise, and learn of our
popular prices.
Striped Galatea Nice lot of Ginghams, only 10c yd.
R&G Corsets, 50c, 90c, $1.25
: popular numbers
Hosiery Department
No advance in prices II good specials
10c, 15c and 25c
Fast Black
Millinery Department
Season is getting late. Better get that Hat now.
We have a nice assortment, also Shapes, Flowers
and Trimmings. Lots of Little Girls' Hats.
Very Low Prices.
240-246 Commercial Street
Eugene. Ore.. l iv 24. The
bleached bones of n nun., probably W.
HiickiUiiu. of llarris'iuig, lost in Ihe
mountains 10 years ago, were foi.ud
three miles above M.del, a sawmill
town in the Mohawk 'alley, vester-
. ... , fl. .!IJ
lny illuming, nun mioiiu i iorvi uni
has the skeleton in his office. Iden
tify will soon be fix-d. The skeleton
was found by John Colioll, working
for the Const Rang? Lumber com
pany. From its position i' is judged the
man died while lying n his back and
with his nuns out .s'l'etched. No
wild animals hnd apparently dis-
.....K.,.1 lw, 1....K' iltiiMii.r lli venrs tlint
it lay among the loiwcs and debris of
the wooits.
Company M engaged in batallion drill
last evening, under command of Major
Abiams. The boys were divided into
ihf.m conioKiiies ii'.der command )f
Captain Gehlhiir, lienteinnt Compton
ami lieutenant Neer witn lieutenant
Spiuilding as bat:illion adjutant. The
work was put on between the court
hoiie mid the post office.
Style, in two heights
Ciuptt peabov fvrei inokkoi
We Offer Good Clothes to
vV J
Our Customers for Two
Very Excellent Reasons
Because you have .a right to receive full
value for your money and because we want to
give you full value for every dollar you spend
in our store.
These are the1 reasons for selling
$15 $20 $25
$20 $25 $30'
In addition to high" quality they have style
and appearance above the average.
The models we are . showing prove all we
have to say.
Just Wright
- Shoes
KALE PLANTS For sale, 13c per
100. Milton Brown, Salem, Route
3, box 148. may24
FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping.
appartmenta, rates reasonable, close
in, 160 Court. tf
cheap, in excellent condition, 287 S.
WinterNtreet. may 2 J
FOR RENT Furnished and nnfarniah-
ed rooms in Hubbard building. W.
H. Norris. Room 304. tf
WANTED Girl for general house
work, must furnish references. Ad
dress S care Journal. may24
WANTED 30 loganberry pickers to
sign up. inquire smita & McLean,
326 N. Com'l St. Phone 443. tf
traction engine tor sawing lumber.
Inquire 8. H. care Journal. may27
FOR SALE 200 acres at Lyle, Wash.,
will consider some trade on clear
proporty. August Rauch, Salem, Or.
June 37
FOR RENT Nice furnished room, in
sew house in private family, 3 blocks
from P. O. Inquire G-10 care Journ
al, tf
FOR SALE 18 acres, good terms, 18
in crops and fruit, fair buildings. t
best soil. W. W. Lander, Salem R.
9. junelS
FOR SALE Good Jersey milk cow
giving 3 1-3 gallons of milk, a bar
gain. Phone 98F2. Walter rearmine,
R. 8. tf
about fifty thousand brick for sale
at a bargain. United States National
Bank. tf
washing, ironing, housekeeping, cook
ing or serving by day or hour. Phone
2504-J-2. may29
FOR RENT Modem 5 room bungalow
furnace and fire place. Inquire after
5 p. m. 1230 Center street or tele
phone 246. may24
rOR SALE 3V4yhalf truck Studebaker
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
cordwood or sturspage. 2786 Lee.
Phone 1322-J. tf
FOR SALE CHEAP Grocery confec
tionary and dry goods store, good
location on 25th St. Phone 934-R. H.
C. O'Noil. may24
FOR RENT Business block room, Bize
18x80 feet. 407 State street. In
quire at 463 State. Thone, 1009.
Maurice Klinger. tf
MY IlOMt; For rent or will lease,
partly furnished if desired. Inquire
of Mrs. Hallie Hinges, 293 N. Sum
mer, cor. Chemekcta. . tf
TWO Good houses to trade for a farm
one modern, the other one! has a good
barn on the lot. G. C Bolter, 20tfl
Trade St. Phone 220C-W. may27
WANTED From private rarty, $1000
four yours nt ti per cent, tn new,
modern Salem residence, value $4.
100. Address W.KS. eo. Journal. m23
STRAY Yearling, heifei came to my
place on Riverside Drive, owner can
have same by paying for damages)
and advertising.-.D. L. Cummins, R. 3,
box 274. , June20
I AM Taking orders for summer and
fall delivery of wood. I will give a
lower price now than I will late in
the season. John II. Scott, phone 1553
After office hours, 622. jnne20
FOR SALE At bargain prices, one
Troy laundry mangle 90 inches, store
shelving, two teams and Shetland
pony, 2 donble buggies, one single
buggy. H. Steinbock, 302 N. Coml
PW 808. tf
AUCTION SALE Having decided to
leave ranch, will sell to highest bid
der. May 2fith. one o'clock p. m., 1-3
mile n. e. of lTt'u St. cnrline, between
Garden road and Silverton road;
household goods, rugs, range, heat
ers, telephone, plows, drags, cultiva
tors, bugsrv, platform scales, tool
chest, good Jersey cow. swarms of
bees, 4 loads wood, and a thousand
articles too numerous tn ' mention.
Term cash. J." W. LaBare. owner.
IT. E. A'oorhies, auctioneer. ma22-2t