Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 24, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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Ho Alum No Phosphate
Passes Resolutions Indorsing
Polk County's Action
Favoring Concrete
Informality was tho keynote of to
days social functions, which wore few
and small. One of tho mot delightful
affairs was the Kensington for which
Mian Veda Cross win hostess in honor
of Miss Kllen Thielson, who is lciving
the first of June for Boston, Mass.
Mrs. A. N. Bush bua as her house
guest her mother, Mts. John Hughes of
Mr. Pov T. Bishop on fcnturduy
Afternoon wax hostess at aa informal
tea at her home on Jackson atrect for
Mrs. Charles P. Hishnp of Balem, who
las been visiting here for several
; weeks. About tweuty five or tiiirty
Of Mra. Bishops frienda cnllod during
the afternoon. Mra. Bishop will loive
Wednesday for Hood Kivcr to visit
lier sister, Mra. C. T. Roberts and will
' then return home to join hor husband
, who ha been elected a delegate to the
, national republican convention, on u
trip to Chicago. Fast Oregonian Pan
dlcton. Mra. Amelia S. Riley of New York,
who i in .Salem on account of
the illness of her mother, Mra. I Sav
age, in a Knout at tho Hotel Marion.
Mra. Itiley formerly lived here and haa
many friends and relatives in this city.
Mrs. Arniin Htoiner returned Tueaday
from a several days visit in Portland.
Mra. .Stciner was among those attend
ing the J o-me Farmer wedding which
took place in that city lust Saturday
'' About eighteen young folka gathered
us tho guests of Maatora Kiehard Uond-
in and Kenneth Wilaon Saturday even
ing, to participate in a merry party,
given at the home of the former 'a par
ents, Mr. ami Mra. R. II. Oooilin.
(lames were enjoyed and later lu the
evening the purly closed with delight
ful refreiihmonts,
Mrs. (loodin wis Bssistcd by Miss
Iuella l'utton, Mias Helen Roso and
Misa Margaret Uoodin.
Those present were: Florence Willi
am, F.ula IFox, Famine Cartwright,
Murial (Simpson, Francis llodgo, Mar
gaiet Ijvcsioy, Delila Faulkner, Caro
line Fast, l'auline Dich, tTarry Griffith,
1'aul Ktnley, M ili ulm Ssmith, Joo ('lurk,
Ben Howard, Milton Steiner, Monford
Adams and Karl Scliiifrer.
Mra. Al II. Steiner entertained with
a delightful informal affair ut her
country home on the Wallace road last
Wednesday afternoon. About sixteen
members of the Sweet lirier club were
asked as gi.ests, and the rooms were
prettily adorned with fragrant rosea,
and sweet peas.
The hostess was assisted in the serv
ing by Mrs. Armin Hteinor.
A meeting of the Woman's Relief
Corps and (irnnd Army was held in the
Moose hall on Saturday afternoon.
About fifty members were in attend
ance and a business session wis fol
lowed by a peace and nrtdtrntion pro
gramme in charge of Mrs. Mary nat
ron, patriotic instructor. Tho pro
gramme included, reading, Mrs. Mary
Watson; address, Mrs. Jennie Watson;
patriotic nolo, Mrs. M ibel l.ockwood;
tableau and rending by Ir. M. K. Pom-
eroy, assisted by Mrs. Thompson, Av
ery Thompson, Margaret Asseln anil
Mvrtlo rihipp; song "Tenting on the
Old Camp I! round by too members,
Jn observance or memorial day a
number of the members of the Worn
an 'a Belief Corps will visit tho differ
ent Sulem schools Friday after noon,
when addresses sppropri ite of tho oc
casion will be given by the various
visitors. Among the mcinhcra who will
visit the schools are:
Willamette I niveraity Mra. C. M.
Loekwood, Mis. May Delo Smith, Mrs.
Hood's Sartaparilla, tha Reliable
Tonio Medicine, Build Up.
Tho reason why you feel so tired
all the time at this season Is that
your blood is Impure and Impover
ished. It lacks vitality. It la not
the rich red blood that gives Ufa to
tho wliole body, perfects digestion
mid enables all the organs to per
form their functions as they should.
tint Hood's Bursnparilla from any
imi!i(lut. It will make you feel
better, look better, eat and sleep
belter. It Is the old rrllnbla tried
ant true all-tlie-year-round blood
lurtfior and enrlcher, tonic and ap-M-llwr.
It revitalises the Mood, and
In especially useful in ImlUUnj up
the dclillllated and run-down.
Hood's Snrsn)arllla Is helping
ttinusands at this time of year. I.t
It help r'ou. Oct a bottle today and
begin taMiig It at once. He sure to
;l Hood's. Nothing elBeat'ts like Jt,
Clara Giible, Misa Ada Simpson.
Salem high school Mrs. A. K. Wat
son, Mrs. J. A. Remington, Mrs. W. J.
Aasulii, Mrs. Al L. Clearwater.
Wusiiington junior high Mrs. V. N.j
Hotson, Mrs. F. Houthwick. Mrs. Kpecer
Mra. It. F. .Salmon, Mra. Louisa Forst-j
ncr, Mrs. F. Tyler.
flrant school Mis. 3. B. Coon, Mrs.
Effie Wright, Mrs. Henry Schott, Mrs.
Ceo. Winchell, Mrs. T. W. Davies.
Highland school Mrs. Pope, Mrs, .7.
W. I'ritt, Mrs. W. II. Hyars, Mra. Kd
Hennctt, Mrs. Hobertr
Knglcwood school Mrs. H. FascoJ
Mrs. (leorge Martin, Mrs. Lipio Smith,
Mrs. Klizabeth round, Miss Ilattie
Vow Park school Mrs. John Shipp,
Mrs. V. 0. Kllis, Mrs. Ben Via, Mrs.
C. H. Cameron.
Hiclimoinl school Mra. James Mo
Clellnnd, Mrs. K. K. Cooper, Mrs. K.
L. Hfiggs, Mis. Davis, Mrs. Mary
(larl'ii'ld school Mrs. If. S. Bynon,
Mrs. C. I). Kauch, Mrs. I. I,. Me Adams,
Mra. Hen West, Mrs. W. 11. Steward,
Mrs. Hunt.
Lincoln junior high Mrs. Simmons,
Miss J. K, Hlodgett, Mrs. Alice Cald
well, Mra. Stanton, Mrs. J. Harbor, Mrs.
McKinley school Mra. Edna K. Mor
gan, Mrs. I'rink Thompson, Mrs. Hig
gins, Mrs. Snocer, Mrs. Hhnfer.
West. Snleni school Mrs. Ross, Mrs.
Cade, Mrs. White, Mrs. Iloufflenr.
Salem Heights Mrs. I-'rcd Thrimpson,
Mra. ltose Voris, Mrs. 1). A. Kingaloy,
Mra. Knllstim, Mrs. T. Hemington.
Sacred Heart acadeniv Mrs. A. K
Hennison, Mrs. Short, Mrs. Aekerman,
Mrs. 0. K. Terwilligcr, Mis. .1. .1. cw
Tuesdnv about forty ladies of tho
order of the Eastern Star held n u on
joynblo social nfkrnoon in the M isonic
Whereas, The county courts of Ma
rion county and 1'olk county, having
under advisement the construction of a
bridge over the Willamette river be
tween tho said counties, are at prea
ent undecided regarding the material
to be used in said structure, whether
they be steel or concrete, and
Whereas, The ctizens of Tolk coun
ty in mass meeting assembled recently
passed a resolution favoring the ercc
t'on of u high concreto bridge, and
Whereas, The common council of the
city of Salem has passed a like resolu
tion favoring the construction of a
similnr bridge, and
Whereas, The construction of a con
creto bridge would furnish much labor
for citizens of Salem and vicinity, and
tho materials used would be purchased
largely in the two counties erecting said
bridge, thereby retnining much of the
money expended within those two coun
ties, nnd
Whereas, We believe that a concrete
brfflgo of this character would be much
more permanent than a steel bridge,
and in the end more economical.
Now therefore be it Kesolvcd, That
the Salem Commercial club in meeting
assembled endorses tho action of the
cit'zens of l'olk county and of the com
mon council of the city of Salem, und
goon on record as favoring the construc
tion of a concrete bridge, and
Bo it further Resolved, That copies
of this resolution bo sent to the county
courts of l'olk and Marion counties, to
the press, and enrolled on tho minute
book of this organization.
F. B. Southwick,
H. W. Hatch,
Walter Skelton.
S(C 5fc 3C fc 3C 3fc ft 9fC 3C 3C SC 3C 3C
sfc )c )fc jl jf jc SC 3c vjc SfC
ST1TZ At his home near TIayeaville
May 24, 11)10, Joseph Stitz, in his
.r2iid year. Ho is survived by a wifo
and seven children.
Funeral services' will bo held from
St. Joseph 's church Friday morning at
t:.'10 o'clock, Rev. Father Moore offi
ciating. Burial will be in the Catholic
CHUKCHI LL At her home 805 D
street, at 11:10 o'clock last night,
May 2:t, 19HS, Mis. Julius A. Church
ill, in her 4Sth year. She was tho
wifo of Julius A. Churchill, state
superintendent of jiubluic instruc
tion. Mrs. Churchill was born in Racine,
Wisconsin, ami was married tr. Mr.
Churchill in 1SH7 at Crookston, Minn.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists.'
Later she lived in Baker, Oregon, where
Mr. Churchill was superintendent ot
schools until ho was appointed by Gov
ernor West to succeed L. H. Alderman,
is state superintendent of public in
struction. Besides Mr, Churchill, she is sur
ived by three daughters, Misses Horris
and Ma'rie Churciiill and Mrs. Florence
Elton of Astoria. The body is at the
undertaking parlors of liigdon and
Richardson. Funeral arrangements
have not been made.
Temple. Tho hostesses were Mra. W.
S. Mott, Mrs. R. H. Campbell, Mrs. W.
A. Rutherford and Misa Hazel Bishop.
DRAOER At his h.me 193 South
Church Btreet at 11:13 last night,
May 23, 1916, A. W. Drager, in his
71st year.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Sirah F. Draeer and six sons, W. F.
Drager, county treasurer D. G. Dtager,
U W. Drager, B. H. Drager, all of Sa
lem; Rue Drager of Portland, and G.
A. Drauer of Tacoma. and by two
daughters, Mrs. Edith South, of Salem,
and Mrs. Alex Gair, of Tacoma, Jind by
eighteen grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Thurs
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from (he
First Christian church, conducted by
the Rev. F. T. Porter. Burial will be in
the City View cemetery.
The servicos 'will be held titider the
auspices of the Grand Army of the Re
public, Sedgwick 1'ost o. iu or wnun
he was a member. At the beginning of
the war whcn he was Id years old, he
enlisted in the 78th Indiana iuf.intry,
serving throughout the war. He march
ed with Sherman to tho sea and par
ticipated in several of the battles.
DURB1N At ".i.s home 404 North
Chiir-h street, May - , 1916, Solomon
Durbin, in n'.j Sli'.h ye .it.
He is aurvitrff.l by a son, C B. Dur
bin of Vancouver, and wo dai jihters,
Mrs. May Col.s of Fiversidr, Calif.,
and Mrs. C. M. 'Vt.il.ci of this city.
Mr. Durbin was mo of the pioneer
citizens of Salem. laing made this
city his home for tl i past CO years.
He was born at B lb villc, Ohio, in
1830 and cross.'J ;Le plains with his
father in 1845. Tae family l;vm iot
i time at Oregon City, later moving
to what is known as the Old Mission
Bottom farm. Excepting a few years
sucnt in tho California mines, he has
lived in this city since J8,"ti.
No funeral arrangements have as
yet been made, awaiting the arrival of
Mrs. Colt from Riverside.
FREDERIC'KSON At the home of her
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Junes W
Frcderickaon, in West Salem, Wed
nesday, May 24, 1916, Elviua R. Fred
cricksou. in her eighth year.
The funeral services will be hold at
10:30 o'clock Friday morning from the
chapel of Webb and Clough, with bur
ial in tho Odd Fellows cemetery.
Marshall, charged ilh a statutory of
fense, has been act for Saturday in the
justice court of this distpct. Marshall
is now in the county jail awaiting the
hearing. He was arrested upon t life com
plaint of a man who charged that Mar
shall was too familiar with tho com
plainant 's wifo.
Pearl Mdler today filed suit for di
vorce against Frank H. Miller chanjing
desertion and non-support. Thn couple
were arrested in Si I vert on in 1912 and
have one child, Creeta Miller, a daugh
ter aged two and one-half years. The
plaintiff seeks a decree of divorce and
the care and custody of the child and
$100 attorney's fees.
The plaintiff in the divorce suit of
D. T. Chamberlain against Emma T.
Chamberlain today filed a motion in the
circuit court to dismiss the suit without
prejudice. The couple were married in
New York in 1871 and the plaintiff
charged that the wife deserted him in
1914, after 40 years of married life.
Onyx"lo$ Hosiery
you Get GOOD Vara at ANY Prior-Slrii Uric Coooa J5c tMt jlr
Emery-tfeers Vompany.incu
A Skin Like Velvet 00ofh;rcu5ae;
Use the exquisitely fragrant cream of T V Tl f TJ1
the beauty flower of India and be J MX JEj ill Hi
complimented on. your complexion.
Your dealer haa Elcaya or will get it.
Attorneys for Mrs. Alice Brvngelson
and Mrs. "Ellen M. Tucker, ha've filed
notice of appeal to the supreme court
from the rulings of Judge Galloway in
the circuit court of this county. The
two cases were among the widows pen
sion cases which were decided by Judge
Davis Rees was appointed today hy
Judge Bushey aa administrator of the
estate of Philip Rees, who died May 18
leaving personal property in this coun
ty to the value or $500. The heirs are
Mary F. Rees, widow of the deceased,
and Davis Rees, a son, both residing in
this city. The appraisers were George
Elgin, August Hilfiker and Harry Rob-bins.
An inventory and appraisement in
the matter of the estate of -Thomas
Johnson, deceased, was filed in the
prooaxe court or tnis county tortav.
Tue appraisement shows that the de
ceased was possessed of 100 shares of
stock in the Thomas Kay Woolen Mills
which were valued at $10,000 par value.
The appraisers wero E. C. Giltner, P.
W. Paterson and 0. B. Moores.
The estate of Louis Weber, who died
in thia county Muy 17, waa offered for
probate today. The estate consists of
real and personnl property to the value
of $1,000 and thc-heirs are Mra. Mag
daline Jeuck, a sister residing in Frecl
rnont, Ohio; Marie Herman, a sister re
siding in Gibsonburg, Ohio; nnd John
Weber, Wendel Weber, two brothers,
residing at Maumee, Ohio. The
appraisers are John Amort, Stephen
Trainor and Andrew Fiebor.
According to the bills for the judges
and chrks of election which were paid
by county warants today the cost of
the votes in the recent primiry election
was 40 cents each in 1912 and 1914
elections the cost was i cents for each
vote to the countv. The total paid out
for judge and clerk hire this year was
A suit for divorce was filed in the
circuit court today by May Johns
against Paul John's on the grounds of
cruel and inhuman treatment. The
plaintiff states that the defendant
struck, hit, boat nnd kicked the plain
tiff and hurt her body, spirit and feel
ings. They were marked in Salem in
1906 and have two children, Bethel
Johns, aged 9 years and Delphine Johns
aged seven years. The plaintiff seeks
the care and custody of the children
ind $30 temporary alimony and $23 per
month permanent alimony and $30 at
torney s fees. W. (,'. Winslow is at
torney for the plaintiff.
A petition for the adoption of LilHc
Enora Strand, aged three years and
six months was filed in probate court
tonay Dy .lonn wuiiam Suddler and
fe w C:; u il : It A".-M
liw.,,..., .... , V ..A..,-:........".-m.... i....m..aiit, '"""
! J
VwaMM. ftM a...v.i...i v-.s..' ... -...V:.. 4. j - - . -. - -
oi tne iioys and Girls Aid societv, of
I ortland. The foster parents desire
to change iier name to Peggy Strand
from Lillie Enora Strand.
The will . Emma Moore, deceased,
was offered for probate today. The
estate consists of real and personal
propertv to the value of $1300. The
Heirs are Frank A. Moore, husband of
the deceased, of Salem; Nellie Miles,
a daughter, of PortlhnU; Calista Moore,
a daughter, of Salem; Arthur H. Moore
a son, of Salem, and the iniuor heirs
of Frank J. Moore, a deceased son.
Arthur 11. Moore was named as execu
tor of the will.
Bargains in Used Furniture
One $12.50 complete Kitchen Cabinet, used
price . . ; $ 6.50
Kitchen Treasures $1.50 to $5.00
Kitchen Tables 50c up
Three fine $14 solid oak Dressers, good as new,
used price $7.50 Each
Other good Dressers, used price , $3.00 up
Extension Tables, used price $2.50 to $12.00
One $37.50 finest Birdseye Maple Princess Dresser,
used price $16.50
One Rocker to match above, used price $3.50
One Chair to match above, used price $1.50
One Stand to match above, used price $3.50
One $45 Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet, can't be told
from new, used price $25.00
One $85 Monarch Malleable Range, used price $45.00
One $9.50 2-burner Perfection Oil Stove, used
price $5.00
Iron Beds, used price $1.00 up
Springs, used price 50c up
One 9x12 Axminister Rug, was $30, used price $15.00
One $25 Velvet Brussels Rug, 9x12, used price $10.00
Other Art Squares and Rugs, used price . . . $1.00 up
Good $3.50 solid oak Diners, good as new, used
price $1-50 each
Good $1.50 Maple Diners, good as new, used
price 75c
Other good Chairs, used price . 50cjeach
Rockers (too numerous to mention) used price 75c up
We simply cannot enumerate everything but if
you will come in and let us figure your bill, we guar
antee to save you money.
Our new line of Furniture and House Furnishings
can't be beat for price and quality and we will take
your old furniture in exchange and allow you all it is
E. L. Stiff & Son
The Busy Store
the iihvsk'ul characters of the early! Miss Vera Dilley.
Helen Saddler. The child is now i ward! missionaries arc available. He was a This program is open to the puhhe,
. ""'"f. , , , i'u!i, .-, I'liur. is mniln ffr n mission.
tall man siow auu nwnnaru, is,"
hrrm-e.1 massive iaws and br unt twmk- All wno are interested in oramai e -
Feeling deeply the perils to which t asserted that now was the proper time patriotism is unknown. The ruthless
they are subjected from raids across for intervention in Mexico to restore spilling of American blood o American
the border, ninny of the residents of : order in that country "if it takes ten soil now gives us justification, and it is
Texas, New .Mexico and Arizona are , or fifty years." liis statement says now out duty to do whatever is neccss
clamoring for American intervention in j in part: "Since we have started we ary permanently to prevent a recurrence
Mexico. Especially is this sentiment may us well finish the joo. A tempo- of further outrages against our people."
finding expression since the federal rary protection of the border will ac- No. 1 iu the cut is Itovernor William
Ifiiveriimciit cnllod out the mintia of j complish nothing. If we catch and C. McDonald of Arliona; No. if, Oov
these three border states. Ainonj; the punish one bandit another takes his ernor Ferguson; No. 3, tiovernor O.eo
most prominent of the interventionists! place tomorrow. If n ruler is put iu rgo W. V. Hunt of New Mexico; No. 4,
is Governor .lames K. Furguson of Tex- power today lis is betrayed tomorrow. American soldiers on tho march in Mex
at. nho issued a statement in which he Loyalty to any leader is lucking aud ico.
The Bens of Veterans announce that
a flag will be given to each of the boy
scout orjjani itions. camp fire girls, and
to the junior high school that makes
the best appearance at the memorial
day para ie. For further information,
i.-n- none ine nev. r. t. rorter.
Word was received this morning by
Oicnds of Mr ind Mrs. William Hell
jof I'ftrtlaml, announcing the birth of
i daughter two wcks ago, to be nnmed
j Vlarjruret. Mrs. Hell was known in the
v Uiorc her marriage as Miss Kutie
The body of Louis Weber who died
litt Vi-.nfdiiv im shipped this morn
ng by Webb and ( lough to Fremont,
'(bio, for burial. !S-rvices were held
in the Catholic, i hur' h.
Tim msr-h ..f prolines is blazed bv
advertising-get into line with a New
T.ly add.
I'ro'f. James T. Matthews addressed
th". Undents at chapel ihis morning
His niihjort vns a consideration of
laoa l.r, the fmindpr of Willam
ette university. I'rof, Matthews suid
before giving his lecture that he de
sired the audience to have two men
tal pirtores in their mind before he be
gun; one was a picture of the physical
characteristics of Jason Lee. the other
was a picture of the (irent Northwest
as it existed in the days when tho first
settlers came here.
According to the statements of an old
Indian whom Professor Matthews talk
ed with about the subject was personal
ly acquainted with Jason I.ee, some of
ling blue eyes. He inspired confidence i teipretation and music ure cordially in
in all with 'whom he dealt, and his veso-1 vited.
lute and determined manner assured I
success to what he undertook. The t mversity of Washington tcimii
The northwest hi' the days when .Ta-.'teum will mvade Willamette campuo
son I.ee arrived here was dominated bv I courts tomorrow afternoon and en
tile Hudson Bay company interests, deavor to take the necessary iiunibei
there were a few trading posts and in ' of games to accord them the victory,
all about 35 white men, no white wo- j Of this decision, honevcr, Messrs.
men or children. r Jewctt, Flegel and Smith do not agreo.
Jason T.ee came here as a mission-, They are in fine shape to meet tho
arv but the Tcsults of his work showed Washingtonions in both singles and
that he was far more: ho was a diplo-1 doubles and they hope to win tho
matist, a statesman nnd a colonizer, his , match.
efforts were largely the cause of the The senior class is now busy pro
Oregon country becoming a possession paring to stage the paue.ant whic h lin-i
nf t,o Tmiiw M utes, rntner man n w-n i't ". i" .-i '"
Kritish colony.
I Miss Frances Gittins ami J. H. Bain.
Tn stating whether or not Jason Lee I The pageant is of u histon. nl natur.)
was a great man, Professor Matthews 1 ami will .leal wilh the early oays of
stated that a great man could only be, Oregon, when Willamette originated,
iud.-ed by his work if it was of a great I Legends nnd traditions oy the Indian
and permanent nature, then he must be , tribes will be enacted in the open
considered a great man. Using this as a i natural amphitheatre back ot the gym
basis for iudgment Jason Lee cannot ! nasiiira. Prof. MivMurrny lias charg.!
i...' .'...o:,i..'...i nu, tl.tin one of the : of the directin
th h Ktnrv of t in music inr several lyrics wnicn nr. n;uo
he lias also written
Cheep luhotltutea cost YOU ume prlcA
greatest men
The lecture was very much appreci
ated by the students for two rensons;
one that it dealt with the history of
Willamette as an institution of learn
ing, the other because it was given by
Prof. Matthews.
The department of public speaking
will give a public recital tomorrow.
Thursday, evening iu the chapel ut
Waller liall at S o'clock, assisted by the
music school.
The prnurnm will consist oil por-
traval of the senate scene nt'tcr the
murder of Julius Caesar troni Muikes-
penre's play of the fame name. J
Those who will take part are: Mar-'!
cus Brutus, Cnrl Heetz; I'ussius, Louis I
Stuart; Deems Brutus, Otto Paulns;
Metellus, Harry Bowers; Cinua. Lemuel
Ksfeb; t'nscn, Bryan ("onley; Trelionius,
AVilliani Moulden; Mark Antony,
Charles Randall.
The sceno will be enacted out as it
wns supposed to have taken place in
the days of Caesar. Mr. Russell Hall
will deliver the famous oration of An
tony over the dend body of Caesar.
Mrs. Helen. Miller enii, who has
charge of the public .speaking depart
ment, has been coaching the players for
some time and it will be well worth see
in. The musical department will contri
bute to the program several musical
numbers as follows:
"Blow, Blow Thou Winter Winds."
Sargeant. Archie H. Smith, bari
tone. Two piano solos.
"Salute d'Amow." F.lgan.
" llumorescpie. ' Droruh. Miss!
Genevieve Findley. I
And a soprano solo. I
"Hark, Hark, the Lark." Schubert j
has written. A piocticul list of tin;
east that has been selected is as fol
lows: "Voice of tho West." .Tl R. Bain. A
"Spirit of the Wild. "Helen Was
tell. ' ' Wallulah. ' 'Frances (lit tins.
"Chief snoqualmio.. " Arlic Walkei.
Kdwards Joe Cicrhnrt.
Jason Lee Thomas Yiirnes.
Father Blanchat Floyd Jasper,
Slocum Howard Jewctt.
Toyng John Clary.
A number of others will be included
in the east later. A striking fentum
of the play will be a dance by the fairy
band in fitting costumes.
THE man behind
the counter lets
you take your choice,
but he knows you
have chosen well
when you look
through the cigar
case and pick the
The Million
Dollar Cigar
an n'S? .
?m m mm )