1 THE- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1916. EIGHT Clearance prices on All Suits; Coats, Dresses, Skirts, etc 1 0$ Tomorrow's Big Sale Wednesday Surprise Sale Ah Unusual Offering of " Abbey t Hand Embroidered Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at 22c Each Women who like dainty Handkerchiefs and wish to replenish their supply at a distinct saving should, bv all means, attend this sale Tomorrow. Many dain ty embroidered corner patterns. These were made in Ireland and now, on account 1 1.1 z T.j.i a : i i. iv,: : v rruvn vi uie war are very scarce, oeuer put in a buypiy at uus uipwe piu-c. xucj ic easily worth. 35c each. Tomorrow only 22c Each Sale, starts at 8:80.. See Window Display Xtra Good Clothes for Boys QUALITY AND SERVICE Butterick a 11 . a i m M Around I own Why pay More?' l'lioue 13. Suit pressed SOc. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse es correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bldg. T. W. Lane win lecture In the Leslie M. K. church thin evening, t n k i (i tor his subject, "Wanted, A Man." Dr. B tone' i drug store. The Knights of Pythias will Initiate members and IigM a smoker this even-in)?. "He who has health has hope, And he who has hope has everything." (Arabian Proverb) Sound health is largely a matter of proper food which must include cer tain mineral elements best derived from the. field grains, but lacking in many foods. Grape-Nuts made of whole wheat and malted barley, supplies all the rich nourishment of the grains, including their vital mineral salts phos phate of potash, etc., most necessary for building and energizing the mental and physical forces. "There's a Reason" Sold by Grocers everywhere. Dr. Stone's Drug Stora for trusses, o Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Pate, who have been living at Jefferson, have recently bought a homo on North Liberty street .vnti will make Sulein their permanent residence. We can save yon money on garden hone, Nelson Bros. & Pulton, plumbers, 35S Chemeketa HI Phone 1906. tf o The campfire girls of the First Bap tist I'huri'h will give a program in the churi'h Wednesday evening, beginning nt 8 o'clock. The progr.im will include i music and readings. Dr. atone m'.s no charge for con ! sulfation, examination or prescrip ! tion. if 3. 0. Jones, district manager 0! the i Woodmen of tho World, is in tho city I nnl propones to stay a while with the bovs to assist in livening things up to some extent. Cemetery Cleanup Daffi Cemetery i i . i , nr. . - n i 1 1 . i cleanup uay munuuy, uia.y an in terested come out. The Howell Prni rie cemetery association. Ralph I. Stevens. tf Ore""'! librarians will meet in Salem Tune 19 to discuss matters of interest to I i lira rian.i in nonorul and especially to those whose duties are in Oregon. One of the main topics to be discussed will bo th.it of the school work in con nection with public libraries. Our prices axe right, no reduction necessary. Gardner & Keeno, jewelers and opticians. Governor Withyeomlo yesterday ap poinleil Clyde (4. Huntley of Oregon City on the Oregf.n Phamacy board to succeed Leon It. Haskins of Modford whose term expired May 20th. Mem bership on this board is for a term of five years. While otliors ore reducing we are increasing our stock. There's a rea son ask ns. Gardner Si Keene, jewel ers and opticians. E. N. Branson has received authori ty from the post office department at Washington to begin his dutfes rural mail carrier .lime 1. He h is been assigned to rural route 1, which has temporarily been served by Mrs. J. A. Remington, Ice unnecessary this summer with the new w.iter cooled ieeless refrigerators. r.men & Hamilton. E. A. Wyld and Hamilton T. Cortett of the First National bank of i'ortlaau weie in tho city this morning, motoring to southern Oregon. Mr. Corbett was recently nominated by the Republicans as representative in the next legisla ture. Ieeless Eef rigerators cooled by water, no ice used lluren & Hamilton. The Rev. Robert S. Gill and J. A. Sellwood left this afternoon for Port land to attend the convention of the diocese of Oregon, which will continue in pesion until Fridn" evening. Dele gates will be chosen to the tri-enni-il convention which will meet this year in St. Louis. Have you seen the New Orbon Do Luxe range at K. L. Stiff & Hont Capital Typographical Union No. 210 will hold its nnnunl memorial service Sunday Mav 2H, at 3 p. m. in Odd Fel lows cemetery. Members .ind friends will assi mblo nt Union hall at 2:.')0 and go bv special car. In case of rain the services will bo held in the hall. We sell the New Orl'on De Luxe range. K. L. Stiff & Son. The annual banquot of the Epworth league will he held in. the pnrlors of Die Vin Aintlimlist church from 6 un til 8 o'clock next Friday evening. Six leagues of Salem and suburbs will be repiesented. An interesting program of tons and addresses have been ar ranged. Have your next suit pressed for COc and see if yon don't get first class work. Phone -III. A new fast limited train will be put on bv the Southern Pacific, to be num bered n,1 nnil ol beginning Sunday. This trnin will leavo Portland at 8 o'clock in the morning, arriving in Eugene nt noon. The returning train will leave Kugene nt 1 o'clock and ar rive in Portland at 5 p. m. Connec tions will bo made At Albany. o Hear Lane tonight, Leslie M. E. church. !" Wanted! A Mn! 25 cents. The Daughters of the American Rev olution are desirous of ascertaining the nanies of soldiers of the Revolutionary War who are VtV.i ;, slem or near by cemeteries, and the location of such graves ns nearly ns can be given. Kindlv send nnv information nt once to Miss Kdith K Iteacdict, ."'J.'t N. Cottage 'St. The members of Central lodge K. of P. are meed to be present at tonights seisi'in. There will be work in Itr.l and other important business before the lodge. St'-ps should also be taken townrds attending the funeral of our late Hro. Frank W. Power, llv order ol Indue. W. K. GiNnn, K. K. S. COMINGIVENTS TONIGHT May 23. May Robson at Oper House. May r.-T-Salem chapter Sons Amejlpan Revolution organ ized, Commercial club-. May 28. Hig'a school baccalau reate Wvices, First Metho dist church. May 20. Public speaking in chapel' Willamette university, 8 p. m. May 20. Domestic science and physical 'culture exhibition at High School, .8 p. m. May 29. Music departmeit University recital, M. E. church. Mjy 30. Memorial Day. May 31. "Robin Hood," comic opera, at . high school audi torium. June 1. Elks' home-coming celebration at armory. June 2. High school commence ment exercises at Armory. Juse 2. Kimball college com mencement, 2:30 p. m. June 7. Annual election offi cers Commercial club. June 7. Willamette University commencement. Actual Conditions Not Clear From Exhibits in Supreme Court Give fatlier a box, of La Corona ci gars for his birthday, they ire sure to please. Mr. and Mrs. Gill of Portland, are in the citv to attend the funeral to morrow of Frank W. Power. Mr. Gill js associated with the Oregon Nursery company. Trade in your old stove ns part pay ment for a new Orbon De Luxe at K. L. Stiff & Son. T)o not sav iitnev driver, as the ex pression is not quite right. According to the latest, when referring to the man who handles the jitney, the prop er term is "Jitneur." Trv Tlnson board for interior finish: we sell all kinds of building mnterals. Falls City-Salera Lumber Co., 319 S. 12th. mone std. p V Manass. motorman for the Sa lem street railway company, mid Mr. and Mrs. li. At. lav.uiangn leu una morning for a month's vacation nt Los Angeles. Have yon a Sonora in your home? Why not ? It's the best Talkiwr Ma chine on the market. Myrtle Know land, 421 Court St. The body of Miss Ella Mav Harris ..111 o.vivi. in tlin citv on the (1:40 Orc- Igon Electric tomorrow afternoon and will remain in charge nt the unilertnlt- iing firm of liuclon nnil Uicnnruson un ; til arrangements for burial are made. I Keep your foods cool and wholesome : without ice expense this summer bv lis ting the water cooled- ieeless refrigera i tor. Hu-"-' & Hamilton. : Miss Dtrrthy Holland of 712 State I street received a message this morn ' ing announcing the death of her grand-jfitt-hr, A. W. TMiand nt L'is Angeles, 'lie wa ! vet era -.1 of the Civil war. i Funeral services will be held at Spo kane, Ins former home. Notice is hereby given that J. Bogen ; and O. Johnson havo completed their i contract on the road in road district I No. 40, known ns the Charles Work road, and that the county road master has filed Ins certificate ot completion for tho same. Any person, firm or corporation having objections to file to tho completion of s.vid work, may do so on or before 26th d.iy of May, 19K, at twelve o'clock noon, in the office of the county clerk. Max Gehlhar, county i clerk. mny23 The standardization of the products of loganberries will be discussed nt :i meeting enlh'd in Portland May 31. The matter has been taken up by rep resentatives of the manufacturers and industries bureau of the Portland clumber of commerce, and experts from the Oregon Agricultural college. The call to meet ai d disci ss standard ization was sent out by J. D. Mickel, dairy and fiitl commissioner, who st'ited in his invitation that the meet ing was called primarily to learn the views of the manufacturers of logan berry juice and st.iting in his letter that if nil products of the berry were standardized, it would ultimately mean iinii h to the grower in tho .state. A controversy over a drainage dis trict which was argued in the supreme court over five months ago wus finally referred back to its own locality for settlement according to an opinion handed down by Justice Benson in the case of the state of Oregon on relation of W. II. Brooks, district attorney, appellant, against Nyssa-Areadia drain age district, a proceeding to test the validity of the drainage law which was apepaled from the rulings of Judge ; Biggs of Malheur county. Justice Ben jnoa affirmed the judgment of the low j er court but held that from the trans cript of the evidence it waj evident ; that the controversy 9h0uld bo settled in the locality where all of the points could bo cleared up by a comparison of the evidence with the actual condi tions as they then existed. The other opinions today follow: Ira L. Waterman vs. Boca M. Water man, appellant, appealed from Wasco J county, suit for divorce, opinion per i:uimui, vucuit .luugc xru13JlU -3 JtlUg- ment for plaintiff reversed. A. K. "Higgs vs. Oeorge McDuffis, seriff of Morrow county, appellant ap pealed from Morrow county, involving the forclosure of a mortgage, opinion by Justice Burnett, Circuit . Judge Phelps' judgment for plaintiff affirm ed. Georgia Mitchell, appellant, vs. M. S. Hughes et al, appealed from Baker, involving the administration of an es tate, opinion by by Justice -UcBride, Circuit Judge Anderson's judgment for defendant affirmed. William J. Carlon vs. First National Bank of Roseburg, appellant, appealed from Douglas county, action to recover balance of a deposit, opinion by Jus tice MeBriilo, Circuit Judge Hamil ton's judgment for plaintiff affirm ed. Bernard Flynn, appellant, vs. Watson P. Davidson et al, appealed from Baker county, certificate to foreclose a cer tificate of delinquency of tase.-, suit dismissed, opinion by justice Benson. Thomas Bossier, appellant, vs. R. AV. Derby, apepaled from Baker eoenty, suit to quiet fitle, opinion by Justice Harris, Circuit Judge Anderson's judg ment for defendant affirmed. O. P. Dahlstrom vs. W. A. lludelsnn, appellant, appealed from Union county, action for money had and received, opinion by Justice Beau, Circuit Judge Knowles' judgment for plaiajiff af firmed. Interior Warehouse company, nppek Orbon de Luxe Range GUARANTEED RUST-RESISTING, NOJt-CORRQSlVE The Orbon De Luxe is made of pure Ingot Iron, the best material in the world for stove bodies. We ab solutely guarantee these bodies' not to pit or rust out. ' With the worst possible treatment they will only show a little surface rust. The Range is built first class throughout and is "The best Range in America." . pf.. .frr mis i.. . t .r nun in 1 nriryi nwiiin nwA'j Bill Prices ' ' L $39.60 ,yj sp? to JEte-H $53.00 y t We will allow you the best of prices for your old one in exchange. Try us. If you want a wonderful attractive stove of good quality and style see our ORBON IDEAL. PRICES $23.50 TO $37.50 Visit our Exchange Department the place of a thousand bargains and you can furnish your home at ONE-HALF PRICE. E. L. STIFF & SON N "The Stove House of the Willamette Valley." VEAL TO BOIL Per Pound VEAL STEAK like i UAn Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Traded Men's Wearables at Prices That Compell Attention Our Closing Out Sale will continue until every article in Men's Goods are sold B. V. D. UNION SUITS 85c Athletic Union Suits, same styles as B. V. D., regular 75c value 59c Balbriggan Union Suits, regular 75c value 45c Mesh Union Suits, 75c values 45c $1.25 Union Suits $5C STAR BRAND SHOES FOR MEN They are sure to please you. 5-00 Shoes: : jjjq $-i.00.Shoes. , , $3.35 $3.50 Shoes $2.90 W Shoes . ..'$2.45 $2.50 Shoes $1.90 Men's regular 50c Suspenders KAFOURY BROS. 25c Silk Fibre Sox 12i2c .416 STATE. STREET The Store for the People. Washable Ties 12i2c Mail orders given prompt attention. We pay postage. Per Pound LEGS OF VEAL, WHOLE I2hc Per Pound SAUSAGE lie Per Pound SPARE RIBS . Two Pounds 15c Mid-week Specials sim ilar to the above will be a feature every Wednes day; watch Tuesday even ing papers. MIDGET MARKET Originator of Low Prices 271 State Street In nt, vs. Edward Dunn, nppeiiW 'from tliUium county, ni'tion for iVuiiMgos, opinion by .TuMiou Boan, Cin uit Judge Parker 'h judgment for defendant re versed. I. aura M. Verrell vs. First Ni.timial Hank of Roseburg, appellant, appealed from Roseburg, suit to recover a. de posit, opinion by Justice fl'-nris, Cir cuit Judge Hamilton 'a judgment for plaintiff affirmed. Oregon Lumber company, appellant, vs. Kast Fork Irrigation company, ap pealed from Hood Kiver, involving the appropriation of water from a siM-ain, opinion per curiam. Circuit Judge Bradslmw ' judgment for defendant re versed. Petitions for rehearing was denied in Smythe vs. Srnythe. The body of Louis Weber, who died died last Wednesday at his home near Shaw will be expressed tomorrow to I'leniont. Ohio, for burial. A nephew j arrived in the city yesterday, and will j remain here temporarily, taking charge i of the fi tiie tract owned by Jr. Weber. I The Ma'cabees axe making arrange-ment-- l'or a big initiation tomorrow ; evening in which tho largest class of the year will lie admitted into th? i lodge. State Comm.iuder Sherwood will be resent for a short talk. Member'? !of the lodge, from Independence, Pra jtum and Dallas will attend. I Quite a number of applications for I membership in the Sons of the Amer ican Revolution has been received wit.i in the last few days by Winthrop ilam imond, who has cilled a meeting tor (the organization of a Salem chapter ! tomorrow evening at the Commercial ; flub. There seems to be a desire on jtl.e part of thoe eligible, to join th Ichapter ns charter members. After the chapter is formally organized, and iolfieers elected, tiie advisability - of j celebrating in some m umer the battle l of Hunker Hill, June 17, will be t ikon jP- Siewert and Armstrong were awarded i the contract for the construction of the Kaiser school house, about three ' mijes south of the city on the river i rood. The specifications, drawn by i P. A. T.e"", call for four class rooms, i'.'lonk rooms, librirv room, play rooms ! for both boys and girls and manual I traininT"ro ms. As an extra fire pro ! tii tion, th" furnace in tint 'nsenient j will be enclosed iu concrete walls. The ;distri't voted .fti.rtOO for the building, (and this amount will be used in the con jstriution and furnishing of the si-hool. jSiymniir Jones is chairmin of the school board of directors. Jt was not regarded as serious until about three weeks ago when lie came to the Salem hospital foi-treatment. . The annual graduating exercises of the Indian training school at Chemawa will be held Thursday, June I at 3 o'clock in th afternoon. Nine giiN liid fooileen bd(ys will finifll t'.icii 'studies, several of them coming from 1 Alaska. Jl'ni baccal'iureate sernui'i will be preached next Sunday night ;),.. n..-' o. Hall of Willamette I n--' versify. " Hu il-.i" before eotumeuco - ment,' Wednesday Mav 111, there will be a competitive military drill, to lr." .judged b" two commissioned officer of the Oiegon National (iuard, a-4 Major MeAloxauder of the I'. S. arms, now director of military affairs .il I the O. A. C General gymnastic event .by the students will take place in the gvmnasium Wednesday evening -Ma) , m Silverton Votes 815,200 Bond Issuo Silverton, Or., May -It. In a special election here today, 4!M voters a-' against 5l' voters announced them selves in favor of issuing bonds t" ! the extent of !5.-0n to construct ami j ci.uip an auxiliary water system. SALEM TAXI Cars of any kind for any place at anv time. Office, Bligh Hotel PHONE 700 The funeral of Franw W. Power of lOrenco. who died yesterday it the Sa lem hospital, will be held Wednesday laierri'iig at lrt:.i'J o'clock firm the I First Presbyterian church. Sen ices will be conducted by the Rev. C.irl F. I Klliott and the Rev. lioozer of Oren i co. Burial will be in the City View cemetery. The stirvivintr brothers, I.eon ; Power of Pendleton, F.dward Power of Portland and Alex Power of Lebanon iare in the citv. The immediate cause jof M. Power's death was from blood 'poisoniii!'. brnugiit on from a cut un i the wrist and hand about mx weeks ao fl ff PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant Moderate Pricei Perfect Service Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone J21 Salem, Ore. HULL CITY AUTO STAGE Daily Between Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way Points. Leaves Mill City 6:15 a. m"; Stayton 7:45, Salem, 0:15. Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. Stayton o:45; Mill City 7:20. Phone 13