Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 23, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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J--- mmm SHS MM SSaDBiiataaaBBB aHalBBBBIanaMaMIM
This aggregation of Japanese eqnililrists are coming to Salem on May 2.)
ith the John Robinson Ten ISib Shows ami by special permission of the
Poslam and
Work Wonders
On Any Affected Skin
Quicklv Healed.
Cleared Overnight.
; Blemishes Banished.
By taking a small part of the skin
affected with Pimples, Rah, Blotches,
Etc., or which is Unduly Inflamed, Itch
ing or Chafing, and applying thereto
only a small quantity of Poslam, an im
mediate demonstration may be had of
its remarkable healing power and
enough Poslam for the purpose may
be obtained free by the use of the
coupon here
Poslam puts a stop to itching at
once, and its readiness in healingsmall
surfaces is evidence of its rapid action
in the eradication of All Eczemas, Aene,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Barbers' Itch, Scalp
Scales; in short, every surface skin af
fection. So exhaustively has the merit
of Poslam been proven and so uniform
is its work of healing under all condi
tions, that no one suffering any Skin
Pcm Coin roe'l'cated with Poslam, is an aid to health of Skin and
1 UMalll Ouap H:iir. Superioror daily use; Toilet, Bath, Shampooing.
Poslam Soap
medicated with Poslam. is an aid to health of Skin and
Hair. Superior for daily use; Toilet, Bath, Shampooing.
Monmouth High
School Commencement
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Monmouth. Ore., .Mar 1!.". The senior ;
class of Monmouth high school are verv
busy in making preparations for the''111"-' uocoiiH.an.Miig net imre.
tin n mil commencement week. Com
mittees which were appointed hnvr
been occupied with the duties of no
minting for the several hi" events
wJtich begin with the baccalaureate
sermon on the Snudnv of June 4. The
Fisher in. the Evangelical "church a't 'ill',;"' l'"at,!"ll.,nh:.r,;"''"11L?1' M!99
o'clock a. m. Thursday. June 8, has
q i
been set nsi.le as senior class day. A
program is being prepared for the
. , i , .i 'its mv ihjsscmhs ur new lioiliie care.
morning, during winch time the seniors,,.,,,, -r , ' ., , , .
.,.. i .i .: lias. JIsElhauey a Woo. and J. Peter-
vui Mi 'M'li lilt' r ll11! l'L or 'mill c in i, n i-i n-i l i 'i.
.. i rri i i i , -ii "on a rnrd. The habit is growing,
the school The l,,gh school pienio v.,11 . v T accompanied bv Mrs.
no doubt be ,n the afternoon of the Sav d, , , favg at
same day. The regular eon.nieneement Nt,w .t T, , - attending the
exercises with Prof. K. D. Resslor, who V(,b,iiien eonventio,, t that place,
is at the head of the department of, T,. yicto. Point Dramatic club hnv
,ndttstr,al pedagogvot the 0 A. C as!;- , , Qi l f ,
the speaker, will be given June 0 in nn ,,,;, )0 two v(1,.v Sll(.p(,satlll
the high school auditorium at S o'clock. I j10UsliIi will sta0 Hl((t lv . ,u
The Monmouth eighth grade grad-Uhe .S'avttu opera house ' YVelnesdav
nates will receive their diplomas as us- j y.xv ii4in,
ual at the annual Tlielcroall picnic to ". '.
be held on June 10. This picnic is a . wick, part W. II. Wilsuii elaiiu 44-7-gntliering
of all the schools and Artis- ri-W.
ans or Folk county to celebrate and
lionor the graduation of eighth grade
The seventh and eighth trrade stu-
.lents iiaw neen preparing ttie grnumi ;
ii" men sciiuui giinu'iis iiuriny 1I1C JKIST
week. The seventh and eighth urn do
boys are making a specialty of growing
corn with the view of exhibiting it at
the local fair in the fall. The eighth
grade girls, with the same view in
i,.iiul, are setting out tomato plants.
Kthcl and D. W. llaurahaw to A. W.
k.1,,1 j.niie wii..roau, an ot lot Jefferson. Sam'l S. Miller claim titi-10-Hursts
Garden tracts. ;;.-,
Alice and A. X. S0iss to p. v. Hau-'j Virgil a. Wcd.lle ot ux to F. T. .iiij
gle. ni of lots ('. and it. Rutherford ! Rubv Codv, J. (Vmser claim (i.'M0-3 V
J-V.IU tract. I F.'T. Cody ot ux to Virgil A. Wed-
Ln.ld & Hush to II. . Waters, lot ; die et ux, all of lots 3, 4, ."i and 0. block
. Hanshaws fruit farms. I ?t winter's addition to Jefferson.
Hugh I). Mars et ux to Mary T. Man- s. I,. Van Huron ot ux to os. and
gold, hits 2. 3. C, 7 aud !, block 2S, , Anna Okrasinshi, lots 10 and 11. block
Gervais. ! 13. Itliilrund llllditinn til .T,.f rnrann
Blanche I., ami R. ('. Edwards to
Trfmisn Kester. lots ." and (i. block 102.
Chaa. Hubbard's addition to .Hubbard. j
Jane A. t hadwick to Marv I'. ( had-1
Phone 1G3 Quality and Service
The completion of extensive improvements in our
plant. We are now better than ever, prepared to
give first class laundry service.
Downtown Agency: The Central Cigar Store
oG7 State Street
Poslam Soap
' -f-,r-rrtiiiiiiijini nifii
Por FREE SAMPLE ot Poslam. sltrn
THIS COUPON and sand to Emereency
Laboratories 32 W. 25th St., Naw York.
Send Fte SamHe ot Poslam to
Name .
Address .
Trouble can afford to ignore its benefits.
Victor Point Items
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Victor 1'oitit, Mnv J3.--Mrs. Join
Carlson ami daughter returned to
Portland after a two weeks visit with
"(: parents, -Mr. and .Mrs-. P. Olson. The
lioy ion"s wore shopping in Salem
Mrs. Frank Doerl'lor was hostess for
the lillo Hour dub Wednesday after-
The M. and W. Doerflers, Miss
Edytlie Vox .inj Elvn fisher attended
iHTumiriutT in latent inursunv
W. X. Sa- age, Jake and W. Doug-
Rose Tleywiiod to J. T). Harbor, nil of
block .1, Willamette Heights addition
to Salem.
(race and J. K. Scott to Chas. T.
Vugi ,()t s hM
o, llui'lingtou addition
! Kegin.'i Becker to Frank J. Roisterer,
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, .', C, 7 and 8, block lo;
also S 1-2 of lots 2, 3, 4 and fi, block
10; also lots 3, 4, H, (I, 7, S, !), 10, II
I and smith 1-2 of lots 12, 13 and 14,
block 14. all in towii of Sublimity.
Paul II. and Rosa .lessen to Peter N
Andresen, lot 4, block 12, Rivcrview
I'.'II'K ilililitinii tn Sint.tn,
Dfini..! t.,rv n..',i t ..t
We are iu the load The World
kicks a man when he's 'down.
Try 0pltal Journal Wint Ad.
One Thousand Delegates
To 1. 0. 0. F. Lodge
Gather, at Rosehrg
- I '
Koseburg, Ore., Hay" 23. With the
business .streets of the city gaily deco
rated in the colors of the orders, Rose
biug last night cntertainul uior than
1.Q00 delegates to the grand lodge o'f
Odd Fellows and Rebekah assembly.
The Patriarchs Milituut opened the
annual session of their department
council ' yesterday, With Brigadier
General H. M. Bockwith, of Oswego,
presiding. Their business session oc
copied most of the day. Officers in
this department were -elected as fol
lows: General H. M. Beokwith, Oswego,
president; Colonel A. J. T. Smith, Gold
Hill, vice-president; Lieutenant Colonel
V. E. Wndsworth, Plaiufield, treasu
rer; C. V. Ohinan, Roseburg, officer;
ot the guard; Herbert h. Walker,
Springfield, officer of the itay; Peter
Wiedman, Portland, picket; F." G.
Snedicor, Mexlford, chaplain; VT. B.
Vaughn, Albany, sentinel.
Attired in their brilliant uniforms
the members of the grand council,
Patriarchs Militant marched to tho
depot last night whero? at 8 o'clock they
met the specinl train carrying 850 deel
gntes from Portland and Eastern Ore
gon points. Headed by the Roseburg
Juvenile band aud unde- escort of the
Patriarchs Militant the visitors were
taken to the headquarters of the Odd
fellows and from there were assigned
to their rooms.
Later in the evening a public re
ception for the visitors was held in
tne armory. The. program included
an address of welcome bv Mayor
Rice; Temarks by Rr. A. ('. Secly, presi
dent of the Roseburg Commercial club:
address by W. H. Katon, on behalf of
the Odd Fellows' lodges of the city.
Responses were made by John F. Hoil,
grand master; Mrs. Rose E. Pnlmer,
president of tho Rebekah assembly;
Robert Andrews, grand patriarch of tho
grand encampment of Oregon, and H.
M. Beckwith, brigadier-general of the
Pattiarchs Militant of Oregon. The
program also included several musical
numbers, a chalk talk and an address
on Odd Fellowship, by Henry West
brook, deputy grand master of the Odd
This morning the Rcbekahs assembly
opened its sessions in the armory, while
the Grand Encampment will hold its
sessions in the Elks' Temple.
The sessions will continue until Fri
day. Degree work will be conferred
in almost every department of the
bulges during the week.
(Continued From Page One.)
trians' drive southward was intended
to divert the Italians from an offensive
on the Isonzo line, and that the Aus
trian losses have been heavy enough to
force an abandonment of their offen
sive. ,
, Greek Steamer Sunk.
London, May 23. The 2,400 ton
Greek steamer Adamnntics has been
sunk by a submarine in the .Mediterran
ean, it was learned today.
British Steamer Sunk.
London, May 23. Tho steamer
Khenass of 285 tons, registered from
West Hartlepool, has been sunk today.
Italian Troops Retreat.
Vienna, May 23, Italian troops have
evacuated their positions at Borg, be
fore the Austrian advance, it was of
ficially announced today.
Norwegian Ship Sunk.
London, May 23. Torpedoed, the 1,
3UU ton Norwegian .steamer Tjomo has
been destroyed, it was announced to
day. Whiskey Hill School Report
Those neither absent nor tardy for
our last month of school lulling May
12. ivere as follows:
Paul Voder, liessie Voder, . Echo
Stanton, Myrtle Remington. Geo. Hos
teller, Lloyd Callister, Mabel W'aclit
man, Freddie Lcffler, Xaomi Strtibar,
Pius Hostetler, Lydia Zook, Gladys
Herkey, Edna-Erb) Katie Herkey.
Bessie Voder has neither been ab
sent nor tardy during the whole school
year. May A. Dimick,
To the voters of Marion county who
supported me in the recent tirimarv
t election I wish to express my most
sincere thanks and T promise, if T am
I elected to the office of county asses
sor, to continue to fulfill the duties
of the office to the licst o mv ability.
lien I-'. West.'
Birmingham, Ala., May 22. Throe
persons were killed and a dozen seri
ously injured today when a cyclone
destroyed a dozen houses iu a mining
ennip eight miles from here.
i Longshoremen Demand
, Sixty Cents An Hour
Seattle. Wash., May 23. Vnion long
shniemen served notice on employers
today that everv member of their or-
ganization from Alaska to San IJir"o I Hitumirioiia Concrete base in accord
would strike June'l, unless a new ache- am'e witn he ''la?"' "I'ec'ficatious and
, . . . , estimates for the improvement of Fur-
.fule of wages is pa.d. Tho demands eroll(ta Road between the west line of
include a raise from 50 cents an hour, I Summer street and the west line of
the present scale, to 00 cents an hour
There Is mor Catarrh In this section c
the country tnan all other diseases duI
together, and until the last few years j
was supposed to be Incurable. For
great niany years doctors pronounced It I
local disease and prescribed local reme
dy's, nrnl by constantly falling to cur
j with lorM treatment, pronounced It Incur-
i able. Science has proven Cuturrh to be s
constitutional disease, and therefore re
quires constitutional treatment. Hall'l
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by f. J.
j Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. Is the onl
Cnpmitmlonal cure on the market. It Is
taken Internally. It acts directly on th
blood and mucous surfaces of the svntem.
They offer one hundred dollars for nny
i case It falls to cure. ScmJ for circular!
and testimonials. t
AddrM:F, J. CHJ5VEY CO.. Toledo. O
Sol by riruKKltta, l$c.
Take Hull's iainllr 1'IIH for conitlpatlon
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the' wholesaler ef the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices 'are those paid the
Sroducer. Corrections are; made
The Vgg market in Portland Is look
ing up a little today, with quotations at
23 cents. Mill feed stuffs are firm
with the prospects of hither prices.
Quotations iu all lines are the same as
Cr ams. '
Oats, vetch $17.0017.50
Cheat $17.00
Wheat joe
Oats 40c
Rolled barley $35.00
Corn $35.50
Cracked corn ...... . $37.00
Bran $27.00
Shorts, per ton . . . . $29.50
Alfalfa, ton $20.00
Butterfat 27c
Creamery butter, per pound . 29c
Country butter 20c22c
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, case count, cash 20c
Eggs, trade 21c
Hens, pound 1314c
Roosters, old, per pound U(a)10e
Broilers, under 2 pounds 2025c
Pork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed 9c
Pork, dressed 1010 l-2c
Pork, on foot 88
Spring lambs, 1916' 8c
Steerg 67c
Cows 45 l-2r
Bulla 3 l-2'4c
Ewes .............. 5
Wethers 6c
Cabbage $3.50
Cucumbers 90c
Tomatoes, Florida $4.50
String garlic . 15c
Potatoes, cwt S1.25(a1.50
Potatoes, new 5c
Beets .?.. $1.00
Asparagus 40c
Radishes 40c
Green onions , 40c
Green peppers 25c
Green peas 7c
l.gg plant .. 18c
Carrots, sack $1.00
Carrots, dozen '. 45c
Onions, Bormuda $1.75(a2.00
Onions, Oregon $2.50
Khubarb 40c
Florida celery $ 1 00
Oranges, Navels $2.233.5r
Tangerines $3.00
Lemons, per box $4.004.50
Bananas, pound 5c
Apples, Hood River $1.75
California grape fruit $3.00
Florida grape fruit .r...... $5.00$6.0t
Pinoapples 7 l-2e
Honey $3.50
Strawberries $2.50
Cherries, box $1.50
Retail Prices,
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 25c
Sugar, cane $8.75
Sugar, beet $8.55
Creamery butter : 35c
Flour, hara wheat $1.601.70
Flour, valley $1.301.25
Tortland, Ore., May 23. Wheat:
Club, 90(I 94c.
BluestemV 09c1.02.
Forty-fold, 92(a'97c.
Red Russian, 90(ri!4c.
Oats: No. 1 white feed, $2(i.75(T(
Barley: Feed, $27.00(S 29.50.
nogs: Best live. $8.959.00.
Prime steers, $9.00.
Fancy cows, $8.00. v
Calves, $8.00.
Spring lambs, $9.50.
Butter: City creamery, 29c.
Country butler, 2"c.
Eggs: Selected local ex., 23(Ti2lc.
Hens, lfic.
Broilers, .'!0(S35c,
(loose, 10(77 lie
for lumber handling and a raise 'from
75 cents to $1 an hour for overtime.
A 10 cent hourly increase is demanded
for handling cieosoled lumber. It was
decided to ask for increases in wages
at the Pacific Coast division convention
of the International Longshoremen's
association, held here two weeks ago.
Notice of Improvement of Fairgrounds
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council deems it expedient so to
do, and hereby declares its purpose
md intention to improve Fairgrounds
Road between the west line of Hum
mer street and the west line of the
Oregon & California Railway com
pany's right-of-way at tho expense of
the abutting and adjacent property,
by grading, curbing, and paving said
portion of said street with'i five-inch
two-course. Bituminous Concrete pave
ment, consisting of a one and one-half
inch- Bituminous Concrete wearing sur
face laid on a three and one-half inch
tho Oregon & California Railway com
pany's right-of-way, adopted by the
common council on tho 1st day of May,
1910, and now on file in the office of
tne city recorder, which for greater
certainty and convenience are hereby
rotorreil to and mute a part of this no
tice; being that character or kind of
improvement known and designated in
said plans, specifications and estimate!
as "Bituminous Concrete Pavement
No. 4."
The common council hereby declares
its purpose and intention to make the
said above described improvement by
ind through tho street improvement
department of the city.
Bv order of the common council.
CHAR. F. FLO IV, Citv Keeorder.
Dated this 17th ilav of Mnv, 1!1(!
Mav 29.
Classified Advertising Page
New Today Ads work whil vnn
deep will have results lor yon In the
norainaT. ! ..
of the
- reliev?d in
Each Cap-
nama W
Harare rit con n trrfeito
DE. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro -
practic's Fountain Hoid, Davenport ms,ail0e several growers who had
Iowa. If you have tried everything M)oron, alarmed over the condition of
and got no relief, try Chiroprac- th f.rilit t'w,i-
tie spinal adjustments and get well "Q injury. noted aimearel upoa prnc
Offico 406-7-8. U. 8. National Bajik tically all different i-- of fruit
Building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main 828-R.
138 South High street. We clean
press, repair, remodol and re-line
clotaing and furs. Careful attention
given ill work. We eall and deliver.
Phone 728.
DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis
ters nitrous ozid and oxygon gas.
Room 214, Masonic Temple. Phone
440. Saiem, Oregon.
from ull points east, on all household
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated -car
load service. Capital Oity Transfer
Company, agents tor Pacific Coast
Forwarding company, 101 South Com
mercial street. Phone Main 933.
corner Commercial and Trade streets.
For water service apply at office.
Bills payable monthly in ndvance.
FOR SALE 3 yr. old sorrel marc, she's
a daudv, come and look at her.
Phono 20F33. may23
FOR SALE CHEAP One 5 room bun
galow, 1 block from car line; 1 cot
tage, 3 blocks from Hotel Marion,
1-2 block from carlinc. Call or write
133,1 Fern- St. tf
FOB SALE 80 acres in Siletz vallev,
3 miles oast of agency survey of
Siletz. Newport R. R. through land.
Near cheese factory and two cream
agencies. W. S. Sawyer, R. 3, Salem.
FOR SALE 50 or 100 acres river bot
tom land, high building ground, on
Oregon Electric, 9 miles north of Al
bany, near school and store. Terms
will take some property in trade. E,
Anderson, Talbot, O. may28
FOR SALE Five acres with buildings
rur mo price or tne land, without
buildings. Vie also have a 20 acre
tract with buildings to sell. Will
take part pay In Salem city proper
ty. Square Deal Realtv Co., 202 U.
S. Bank Bldg. Phono 470. tf
owner on county roaa and railroad.
fiO to 200 acres each, good buildings,
gooa soil, .".11 under cultivation, close
to scrool, piTccs reasonable, half
cash, balance time at 0 per cent or
modern income beariug city property.
P. O. Box 24fl, Salem. tf
A. Q. U. W. Protection Lodge, No. 2,
I'lcem every m'Mlimy evening at 8 ill the
McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty
streets, It. o. Donaldson, M. W. ; S. A,
Mcr'adden, recorder ; A. L. Drown,
8AI.EM LOIHIE No. 4, A. K A. M.
mated CDiiiinunlcatliiDs first Friday In
each month at 7 :!W p. m. In tho Masonic
Temple, (,'hns. McCarter, VY. M. ; S. Z,
Culver, sccretury,
president; Mrs. I.ou Tlllson. secretary. All
cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani
mals should be reported to the secretary
for investigation.
CKXTItAI, I.OIKJK, No. 18, K. of P. Mc
Cornack building, Tuesday evening of
each week at 7 :;i0. J. (i. Ileltzel, c. C. ;
V. B. Ollson, K. of It. and 8.
It. S. OF A. "Oregon Crape Camp." No.
1TMJ0, meets every Tliui'sdny evening In
McCornack building. Court and Liberty
streets ; elevator. , Mrs. sjylvla Kcbuupp,
I7!)l Market, ornrle; Mrs. Melissa Per
sons, recorder, I'MU Norlli Commercial.
1'tione 141 M.
gon cdur ( snip, No. .J4ti. meets every
Thursday evening at. 8 o'clock In Mc
Cornack half, corner Court and Liberty
streets. Elevator service. Geo. Ueiuohl,
V. C. ; 3. A. Wright, clerk.
CHAOWK'K ni.UTEH, No. !!7, O. E. H.
Heguisr meeting every first and third
Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the Masonic Tem
ple. Minnie Moeller, W. M. ; Idu M.
llabcock, secretary.
Friday night at (j o'clock In McCornack
block. It.. W. .Miicey, C. C. ; L. S. licer,
clerk,-507 Court street I'hone M'.l.
Itegular conclave fourth Friday In each
month at 8 o'clock, p in., In MaNoni Tetn
pie,. Hojumnlng Sir Knights are courte
oiwly Invited to meet with us Lot L.
I'earce, E. ;., Frank Turner, recorder.
UNITED A IITISANS Capital Assembly,
No. 84. meets everv Weduewdav at H p. m.
In 'Moose hull, - C. O. Uatlock, 51. A.:
C. 7. Itiindnll, secretary, !u!i'Ui itauk of
IIODKON COCNCIL. No. 1, Ii. & 8. M
Htaieil nsMemiity llrst Monday 1n oneb
montli. Masonic Temple. N. 1'. Kdsiuiis
sen. Thrice llustrlou Mantel' ; Ciena C
NIU'S, recorder.
SALEM COI NCIL NO. Mr.' Knights and
l.ndii'S of security .Meeis svery 'Jnd and
1th WedncHiliiy em it month at llurst Hall.
Visiting members are Invited f attend.
E. F. Walton, fiuancler, 4SO 8. lllh Ht.
Hlati'd couiniMnlcatlollH third Fiiilny
In each month at 7 :.'I0 p. ui. In the
SlMkonic Temple. ' Hal . lioliuu. W. M. ;
Finest II. Cu. ate. irti'Hir)'.
"Mil MM
Winter Injury" Causes Damage
In Most Orchards About Salem
By W. S. Brown . .
Field Hcjticulturist of O. A, ('. Exten
sion ISorviee. .
On Thursdav, Mnv "IS, it was
good fortune, of the 'writer, to spend
nios'. of the day in the- prune, peach.
Ipe.sr and apple orchards in the vicinity
i?f ilem- The lip was made t the
'v?3' tnc rea('11 t'rooaolv being least
attectea. loung trees from one to
eight, years of age suffered more than
older trees on the . average, though
some trees in full bearing are affected
and will lose most ot their fruit.
The trouble is what is known as win
ter injury or sour tap. T was caused
in all probability by a warm day iu
February, wheu the thermometer regis
tered about 60 degrees, followed by an
evening temperature several degrees be
low freezing. The warm sun beating
unon the tree caused the top and trunk
to warm up and the sap to circulate
tinder the bark. Whon the freeze
came at night this sap was congea''
and the tender plant colls of the eara
oiom laver just under the bark was
either killed or badly weakened.
The severity of the injury can be
told to quite an extent bv the appear
ance of the cambium layer under the
b.uk. If this layer is dark brown and
the bark' is loose from the tree or if
the bark is brown and sticks so tight
parents Liable For
Downfall of Children!
Portland; Ore., May 23. Parents are
HilTcchM-dr'i1''!.0' the tr;'"," f
their children, it the cause of the down-
fall- can be traced to lack of parental
This legal precedent was established
by a jury late yesterday. After 30 mill
utes' deliberation the jurors indicted
Mrs. Will Hodge for contributing to tho
delinquency of her llj ycar-old dniigh-
rer, r ranees.
Mrs. Hodge, the indictment alleged,
uau permitted trances to frequent pub
lic dances aud all night restaurants aud
to associate with men of doubtful char
acter. , , .
Would Haye Law Permit
Making Four Per Cent Beer
Portland. Or., Mav L'3. Heor con
taining four percent of alcohol may be
manufactured and sold in Oregon if a
bill drafted today by a committee of
I'ortlandcrs is approved by the voters
at, the election in November.
A committee of business men bnck
ing the measure declare it is not an
tagonistic to prohibition, and is not
tho work of the brewery interests. It
permits breweries to manufacture beer
and sell it dirctly. to the consumer.
Petitions will be circulated at once
to get the required number of signa
tures to iiliice the measure on tho bal
Tho committee declares tho present
prohibition lw is unfair because it
permits the consumption of liquor pur
chased outside tho state, but does not
allow Oregon manufacturers to make
even a light beer from tho shift's own
barley and hops.
MEALS loc and up. ITotcakos' or
mush and milk free with all break
fast orders. Soup, bread and butter
2 vegetables and pie, tea, coffee or
milk and 1 kind of moat for loc; 2
kinds of meat for 23c, Short orders
any time of day. Scotts 179 S. Com
mercial St.
proprietor. Garbago and refuse of all
kinds removod on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Vard and cms
pools cleaned. Offico phono Main
247. Residence M lin 2272.
WEBB & CLOl'GH CO C. II. Webb,
A, M., ( lough morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed
490 Court -St; Main 120, Main
RIGDON'-RlCirARDhON CO. Funeral 1
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Uav and night phono
FOR KENT Furnished housekeeping'
. rooms, Cfll N. Com 'I. Phone 215-t-W.j
may2 1 1
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house
keeping rooms reasonable. 853 North
Commercial street. tf
WANTED To trade town property for
farm. 393 X. Hth. iuny2l
WANTED Second hand one horse
wagon. C, W. Parker, Route 3. ma2l j
WANTED A good stock farm. Wo
have to of fc in payment first mort-1
gage of tl.'.'iO on well improved farm
and a good citv property worth $1,
S00. Square Deal Realty Co., 202 V.
8. Flank Hlilc Phono 470. tf
General Feed an !
Email Livery Stable ;
8M Ferry. Phon I8r
to tne tree, that t shows there is no
circulation of sap, then the injury U
apt to show up severely in the tops.
The limbs in that case" either do not
leaf our or, if leaves do start, they re
main small or ulimaely drop off. The
bark on the trunk and lower limb
often cracks open.
Injuries were found running front
very severe, with the trees practically
dead, to those where the leaves on the
tips of branches are small and back
ward and the cambium only slightly,
Some of the trees severely injured
will die, undoubtedly, but most of the
othen will pull through with the loss
of a branch or two in some cases. If
you will examine your trees you will
find, on many of the tr.tes apparently
dead, that there are little pink budl
coming out near where the others have
died or where a branch has been cut
of:'. These buds will finally form,
litnbs and may need to be used. i&
forming new top,
A word of caution should be give
to those who contemplate pulling up
or cutting down trees affected. Do
not do this until you are sure your
trees will come back. Wait until
the middle of June at least and then,
if the bark is turning black or shrivel
ing and no foliage has appeared you
will be safe in removing the trees from
the orchard.
It is notiiing unusual for trees af
fected in this way to recover during
summer, if good care is given them,
and set a good crop the next year.
t Corey Elected
Service Commissioner
' Portland. Or.. Mnv "T With mnn
ouU.viHgVecincts in eastern Oregoa
.. .. . , .. .
couutlea .vet to report the result of
Friday's primary election, the contest
for public service commissioner from
ke Eastern Oregon district, was still ia
doubt today. Both H. II. Corey and
Ed Wright'claim the election.
The latest figures were: Corey 38415,
; Wright 373H, Kyle i.'0!3, Husk 2000, Mo-
Culloch 2273, Service 17SG.
A private dispatch received here to
day says with all counties heard from
Chinese Regulars and
Rebels May Fight
San' Francisco, May 23. Chinese gov
ernment and rebel troops were massing
for battle in the vicinity of Sua Toug,
according to a Shanghai cable to th
China World today. Tho rebels are re
ported to be from Huuuu province.
The peace conference between dele
gates from loyal and rebel oonferoncc
at Nanking has broken up because the
loyal provinces would not agree to th
resignation of Yuan Shi Kai, the cablft
T am very grateful to the voters of
Marion county toi so kindly nomin
ating me to tho office of representa
tive. Should I be elected at tne gen
oral election next November, I will
earnestly strive to merit the confi
dence you have scon fit to repose in
me. ' Chas. F. Elgin.
ON Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregoa
R. B. FLEMING, Prop.
Depot American Fence
dates, Plain and Barbed Wire.
Paints. Oils and Vnruiskes.
Roofing, Posts, Hop Hooks
40 Years Making Stoves
Stoves rebuilt and repaired.
Stoves bought and sold.
230 Court Street Phons 121
Back of Chicago Stor
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which will
cure any known disease.
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283