Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 23, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Economy Basement Specials
Night Gowns
29c Each
Good Muslin,
nicely trimmed,
plenty full
Sun Bonnets
All colors and
Small Lace Cur
tains, each
Good for bunga
low windows
One Lot of
Ages 10 to 14 yrs
Corset Covers 18c
3 for 49c
Trimmed with
lace and embroidery
Men's White
Canvas Jumpers
50c ea.
A Pattern Free
with every pur
chace in our
Collars for
Men 5c ea.
Braid Trhnmings
lc Yard
Furniture Grimp
lc Yard
59c Each
49c Pair
Women's Shoes
Values to $5.00,
now $1.95
Other assortment
95c and.39c
Men's Shoes
Values to $5 now
$2.65 and $1.95
rv ff
Values to $20.00, now
$4.15, $7.85 and $9.65
Man at Estacada
Is Net Fred Ristman
Portland, Ore, Jlay 23. Tho man in
jail at Estacada in not Fred Ristman,
missing jitniMir in the Jennings murder
mystery, it was learned today.
Detectives were no nearer a solution
if the murder today tlian when the
body at Mis. Helen C. , Jennings was
found in bed with her skull crushed by
a sledge hammer, a week ago.
but evidence connecting him with the
ciime is weak.
Ristman, who drove the supposed
murderer to Mrs. Jennings' home, 15
miles from Portland, Monday night,
May 17, is still missing. Farmers and
deputy sheriff's are con tinning their
search today for his body.
The Grand theatre management an
nounces that May Robson, the clever
international comedienne, who is really
Bennett I a Pacific coast product, plavs an en-
Thompson is held in jail at Hillsboro, gagement at that popular playhouse to-
Comic Opera
Staged by High School Chorus
Under direction Minnetta Magers
50 Splendid Voices
Acting as Outlaws Merry Tinkers Court
Ladies and Gentlemen Peasants Milk-Maids,
with the principals Robin Hood, Maid Marion,
Little John Scarlet, Fat and Jolly Friar Tuck,
Funny Old Dame Purden, Annabel, pretty peasant
girl in love with the charming young boy Allen
A. Dale, the arrogant sheriff and comic Sir Guy.
50c ANY SEAT 50c . .
Leave orders at the music stores now, and your
tickets will be delivered
Miss Robson, with her1 platitudes,
her sangfroid expressions, her optim
ism and her magnotic personality,
nns maue an impression
lasting than when seen
even more
Military Program, Outdoor
Sports, and General Jolli
fication On Tap
May Robson.
Special Engag3ment One Night Only
America's Most Benownd Csaedienne and the
runniest Woman on the Stage
lay Robson
(Herself) in the Laughing Comedy Success
By Jan.es Forbes, author of "The Chorus Ldy," etc. Just sun
shine and laughter, Elegantly costumed and dressed. No tears
to follow after. Most sumptuously staged
Prices 50 cents to $1.50
Autos and carnages 10:47 p. m.
previous engagement!), for in
".Making Over of Mrs. Mutt,"
I mis a comeuy that gives her oppor
tunities for presenting her d
ly inimitable art in a manner more
pleasingly human than in any of her
other impersonations.
Those who have seen "Mrs. Mutt,"
who have laughed at her foibles,
cried with her when she spoke of
that mother-love that passeth nil
understanding, chuckled at her
"asides," and roared at her flings
concerning the social butterflies, no
doubt wilj have informed their
friends and neighbors of this artiB
tic charming rendition of one of the
best comedy characters ever seen up
on the Grand stage, and that favor
ite playhouse should ( now that the
I.enten season is over. tiHmnt n
tathers, all mothers, all sons and all !
overs, who, each in their sphere
love a lover and love to see life's'
troubles and burdens lightened by a I
comedienne who has a grip upon all 1
human passions. I
Miss Robon's play is staged care-'
fully artistically d itf rendered!
doubly interesting though the act
doubly interesting through the acting I
of the brilliant array of talent that ah I
has in her supporting compiny.
Applying this Pride
Actually Removes Hairs
(Reality Xotes)
Merely applying jn inexpensive paste
to a nairv surface, sav beauty iiel
ists, will dissolve the hairn. The paste
is made bv mixing a little water with
some powdered delatone: after about 2
minutes it is rubbed off and the skin
washed. This simple method not only
removes every tra. e of hnir, but leaves
the fUn free from bleioih. To iniir
With a sunrise salute of 21 gunp and
all of the military maneuvers which-
attend a full-fledged army euntp, in
cluding reveille, guard mount mid set
ting up exercises, the first 'innunl All
Oregon Fourth of July celebration to
have been held in this state, under the
auspices of the Mate Fair bousd, will
be ushered in at the State Fair Grounds
on July 4 and will continue ov.j; until
midnight of July 5.
At a meeting of the special commit
tee on arrangements, composed of Sec
retory A. H. Lee of the State Fnir
board; Mrs. Kdytli Tozier Wcvherred,
a member of the bonrd; J. A. Knkland,
of Albany; E. C. Keyt, of Salem; A.
A. Stants, Independence; Sim Bush
and N. K. Shinn, Fair Grouudu; Dr. A.
G. Smith, of Salem, tentative arrange
ments were made for the hoiuirg of
this big celebration, to be held in con
junction with the Salem Cherry fair,
and plans were outlined for the most
elaborate program of entertainment
ever attempted in this city.
Tho program for each of the two
days' celebration will ineludo horse
racing, foot racing and all sorts of
indoor sports, for which attractive pre
miums will be offered; band and other
music will be provided for the race
course, grounds and pavillion, speak
ing, etc., and the evenings will be pass
ed iu danQtnK ll(i other i u ms of
wholesome amusemeivt. There will also
be danciug during the afternoon of
each day. Another meeting of the
committee will be held on Thursday ev
ening of this weok to decide upon the
music for the celetiratiou.
Ed Wcrlein, of Portland, will act as
chief marshal of the two days' event,
assisted by E. B. Duffy and AV. P.
S.trandborg,-of the Portland Muts; Su
perintendent E. E. Lee Hteine.-, of the
State hospital, will have charge of all
decorations, iutcrior and exterior; Theo.
Roth, of Salem, will furnish the fire
works subject to the approval of the
general committee, and a special com
mittee of "Four Score and Twenty,"
representative business men and citi
zens of the state, will have g'.ncral
chnrge of the entire celebration.
Camping privileges will be tu'ecaeu
here during 1t!e of charge to all who desire t- make
'their headquarters at the Fair (iiounds.
For the purpose of raising funds to de
fray whatever expeuse attaches to the
celebration a nominal entrance fee of
25 cents will be charged which entitles
ono to all of the free features of en
tertainment to be furnished, including
the grand stand nt the race course All
light refreshments to be served upon
the grounds will be under tho control
of the fair board.
The two big brass cannons, which
decorate the state house grounds, will
be borrowed for the occasion to fire the
national salute of 21 guns at sunrise
upon each of the two mornings of the
celebration. It is also proposed to make
a semi-military event of the celebration
and to this end an effort wid proh
ably be mndo to induce the militii com
panies of Salem, Woodburn, Dallnfi and
Portland, to camp at the grounds aud
perform various camp and field mane
uvers for the entertainment t.nd edu
cation of the visitors.
The big committee "of "Four Score
and Twenty" to have gener.il I'nrge
of the big eclebrntion, in the nature of
patrons and patronesses, has b-vn par
tially named as follows:
('. C. Colt. E. L. Thompson. Walter
Holmnn, W. J. Hoffman, Phil M.'tschnn,
Jr., John F. Carroll, Clark I.eiter, Mar
shall N. Dana, Paul ClmmberKin, A. A.
Pisnue, W. C. Hristoll, Cms C. Moser, II.
0. Bronner, Paul H. Kelty, (leo'go A.
White. C. C. Chapman, Ma'rk Woodruff,
W. W. Cotton. J. M. Scott, William
MncMurrnv, W. D. Skinner, A. D.
Charlton, W. B. Strnndhourg, Ed Wer
lein, all of Portland; E. B. Tongue,
Hillsboro; J. R. Hurley, Jacob Bux
ton, Forest Grove; W. W. I'ereivnl,
Roscoc Stntts, J. S. Conp.v, V. M.
Kirklnnd, Independence; J. C. Ham.
mell, Hugh dimming, Walter Kline,
Corvallis; D. L. Keyt, I'errydnle;
Oeorgo Taylor, A. L. Fisher, Bert
Westbrook, Fred Nutting, All any;
Ralph Williams, Dallas; Rev. A.
Louiek, Sublimity; S. O. Ri-e, Mt.
Angel; W. P. Furth. Crabtre-: John
T. Hoblitt. Silverton: W. V. Wilson
Junction City; Elbert Bede. Coltnire
Grove; W. R. Brown. Amity; A. C.
McKinnon, McMmnville; A. O. Prill,
Scio; Ed Briedwell. Mc.M iunville:
M. ('. Swunson, Sheridan; Dr. Harry
Hickman, Gervais; J. M. IWmnn,
Woodburn; E. E. P.rodie, Oregon City;
K. W. Haines, Forest Grove; Ed Cory,
Carlton; Kraut B. Irimiek, Oregon City:
m m
Marion Palmer, Silverton; Dr. William
Allen, Mill City; E. H. Looney, Jeffer
sou; B. o. Thomas, Turner; J. Kirk
Patrick, Lebanon; A. P. Taylor, Molal
la; U. E. Brookings, Canby; Editor
Humphreys, Jefferson; John Gratke,
Charles i'reeland, Henuau Wise, Frank
Carney, E. T. Judd, Astoria; R. Alex
ander, Pendleton; William Hanley,
Hums; M. L. Coovert, E. E. Heard,
Vancouver, Wash.; II. G. Huntington,
Seaside; W. H. Hamilton, Ivan Mc
Dnniel, Theodore Roth, C. L. Dick, Hal
D. Patton, Georgo K. Rodgers, Joseph
Albert, C. a Hamilton, E. T. Barnes, J.
M. McEvoy, Dr. R. E. L. Steiuer, Judge
William Galloway, Salem.
"I am utterly opposed to any admis
sion charge to the fair grounds for the
all-Oregon Fourth of July celebration"
said Mrs. Edyth Tozier Wethered this
morning in discussing the action tak
en last evening by tho committee in
arranging for the second day of the
Cherry Fair, which provided for a 25c
admission charge. " What we want is
to have a big state fair every year on
the Fourth at the fair grounds and we
can only do this by giving the people
good entertainment and certainly not
by charging them admission into the
"I hnd hopes that some arrangement
could be made between the Cherrinns
and the race track men by which, the
horse men would bo given the privilego
of charging a 25 cent admission to tiie
grand stand, and that the Cherrians be
given all other concessions. By this ar
rangement we could ndvertise a grand
free Fourth of July celebration and
bring people here from till parts of the
valley, and especialy from Portland."
Mrs. Wetherrcd, who is a member of
the state fair board, expressed the hope
that the horsemen and Cherrinns might
be able to make satisfactorily arrange
ments for the Fourth. The chances are
that if these organizations do not work
together, the day will be divided with
tho Cherrinns putting on their second
Cherringo down town and the horsemen
have their own affair at the fair
The general expression of opinion
among the business men, is that an ad
mission chnrge at the fnir grounds will
practically kill that part of the cele
bration, as the averago Americnn will
not pay 25 cents or auvthing in fact,
for the privilege of celebrating. .
It is possible that arrangements may
yet be made by which the horsemen
will give their races and the Cherrians
put on a big show at the grounds and
that the custom will be established of
holding an all-Oregon Fourth of July
celebration every year at the state fair
grounds. This is the plan of Mrs.
Daniel Frohman
Pauline Frederick
In Mary Johnson's Celebrat
ed Novel and Play
A "Paramount Picture"
Big Triple Show
( ) J
In a Special 3-Reel Comedy
The race at night between the
express train and speed launch.
The struggle on the edge of the
cliff. Helen's plunge Into the
ocean from dizzy height. All In
The Girl and
the Game
fx - f,$
Pearl White (Pathol
4 V X 11 11
7Tf V
Just Arrived
y E1(PRE
New ine-inch top black kid lace boot for ladies.
The very latest last. All sizes from Triple A
toE $6.00
New white sea island cloth Shoes, both
with white ivory soles and brown oak
soks. The new nine-inch top lace. The
sase as others sell for $4.50 and
$5.00 at $3.35
New black kid strap pumps,
in the new patent last, an
extremely fashionable pump
for dress wear. All sizes,
triple A to E Very closely
priced at
New black patent full dress shoe for ladies, with
the new two-inch Cuban Louis heel. Hanan's
latest creation. Sold everywhere at $12.00-
our price
Remember the Bargain Basement of underpriced
Shoes. The first floor given over exclusively to
High Grade Shoes
Ever-wear Hose, Selby Shoes, Fox Pumps
Hanan Shoes, Witch ElkBoots, Ground Griper Shoes
326 STATE STREET, Next to Ladd & Bush Bank
Thone 616
Wetherred who nuid that she was will
ing to devote nil her time tovnnls
mulling the Fourth of July celebration
a Mtate event and air annual tit' fnir.
Pierre, H. 1)., May 23. 8011th Dako
ta voters balloted today in the jiresi
dential preference primary. There wan
110 contest, however, WilHon in the dem
ocratic ranks and Cummins in the re
publican being the only candidates.
Uini.VKDKO.Y To Mr. and Mrs. R. P.
Richftrdson, .Sunday, ilay 21, n
daughter, to be limned I-a Von.
Mr. Hii liunlson is n member of tho
undertaking firm of Kiydon and Richardson.
Pure Distilled Water Ice.
Thone 415
' 1 R
fixuecess with this trejtment. bo
Z to get real delatnoe.