-1 Tl i:sl)Y KYKXIXO M:iv 2::. ll'l.i. ourna CIIAEI.KS II FISHLK, Editor oud Manager. I liditonai rage ot 1 tie Capital J PUBLISHED EVEHV EVEXIXG EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALL'M, OliKGOX, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L 8. BABXKS. C'll AS. II. KISliKR, DoKA t. AXDRKSEN, President Vice -President Sec. '"'J Treas. Si'BSt'RIl'TION' IJATE.S Tl;w hr carrier, tier voar . -".0u IVr month 4."c Dsily by mail, per year o.W Per imiuth MjC FULL LKASKD WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN T.'EPRESEXTATIYES New York, Ward-Lcwis-Willinms Special Agency, Tribune Building The Capital Journal carrier boys nro instructed to put the paper on the jwrch. It the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects genilng the piper to vou on time, kindly phone the circulation mumper, us this is the only way we can ileteruiiue whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81. MUNICIPAL PAVING PLANT . WANTED, NAME FOR POLITICAL GIRL BABY It is to be hoped that the courts will not interfere in 'the attempt of the mayor and city council to emancipate the property owners ot saiem irom tne exioruonuie ue mands of the paving trust. A city-owned paving plant,' operated by home labor, and laying pavement lor prop erty owners at virtual cost is a business-like and sensible idea in all respects. The depression in many of the Northwest cities and towns may in a measure be traced to the vast expenditures for public improvements, loading fj-in miinipill.'ilifipsj with bonded debts and inrceasintr tax- ation to the point of confiscation in some instances. And the greatest beneficiary of this era of extravagance has been the several paving concerns operating in this terri tory, and apparently combined into one big paving trust so far as the stifling of actual competition is concerned.! This combine has left a trail of debauched and bribed city officials, newspapers and property owners that makes the map of the Northwest look like a checkerboard, and as a result property owners have been forced to pay in many instances double the price they should have paid for an inferior brand of hard surface streets. The rule of the paving trust in Oregon, Washington and Idaho during the past eight or nine years has been one of abso lute disregard for the rights and interests of the prop erty owner and taxpayer and that rule has been so despotic that the people are in no mood to submit longer to its oppressions. Salem is in need of considerable more street improve ment work and the property owners will consent to it when they are assured of a reasonable price for pave ment, and not before. The municipal plant idea was a sensible plan to eliminate the trust and its extortions and of course there comes the inevitable court injunction. That is the corporation and trust plan always for defeat ing the just efforts of the people to govern themselves. The Oregonian takes the president to task for appoint ing George Rublee as a member of the Federal Trade Commission, and insists that this was in violation of the spirit of the law, because its intent was that where a minority party was entitled to representation on a com mission'he principal minority party was meant. While it is probable the republican party is the principal minority party, it is not so shown by the national returns. The progressives polled a larger vote than the republicans at the last national election, and this is the last official test p tUr. ofmnoi c t ! n rrtli nf tlifi nnvt'os. Ir mm be nossible OL tUV lltlLU'lltll OHV-,W. V. .r.w " - J " I- I the next two weeks will again show the progressives the Stronger, n remains u or m-vu wmuuh-i miiuin w bull moose is the principal, even though minority animal. A defeated candidate was met by a Capital Journal man the morning after, and he was smiling and cheery as though he had not been through the mill and came out ground pretty fine. When questioned about his views on the matter, he replied in effect, that this was a demo cratic country, that every other man and woman too, in Orecon, had as much right to judge as to his being the right man for the place as he had and they having decided against him he had no fault to find. That was the cheer ful and correct way to look at it, and is of the brand of philosophy used by the Irishman who gave as a recipe for contentedness the' simple formula: "If you don't get what you like, like what you get." It may be possible of course that the Portland detec tives have the murderer of Mrs. Jennings in Bennett Thompson, but so far there is but little evidence to sup port their conclusions. It would seem they are trying to make the murder fit their theories rather than discover the criminal. Unless they have the right man now, and starting on the theory that he is the only one that could have committed the murder, they are not apt to find him. They had a theory about the trunk murder not long ago, but so far, that is all they have discovered. Food prices in Germany are reaching a new high level, and it is expected a food dictator will be appointed soon. It is claimed there is enough, but defective distribution is responsible for shortage and high prices. In two weeks the animals will gather at Chicago. The Elephants, the Bull Moose and the National Women's party which should also be given a place in the menagerie. So far no name has been suggested and the Capital Journal feeling the political baby is entitled to a cognomen entirely and distinctly its own, suggests "The Giraffes." There are several reasons for this. The Giraffe is neat but not gaudy in its garb, and showing a distinctly fem inine trait in selecting the polka dot style of garment. It is graceful and attractive, and carries its head high, looking down upon all the other animals just as does well, the lady politician. The zebra might do, being some what gay of attire but it looks too much like the demo cratic donkey in carnival garb. As another suggestion, the animals being already pret ty well represented, why not give the birds a chance? Most women are more bird-like anyway, than the balance of humanity, and besides they are many of them capable of high flights, and are sweet voiced songsters. The ostrich, being the largest of the bird tribe naturally sug gests itself, and as one qualification sports a handsome selection of feathers. True it is not much of a songster and certainly not a high flier, but it is some runner. This suggestion was made to an old friend who says the idea is all right, but we have selected the wrong animal. He insists the goat should be selected as the emblem of the women's party from its persistent habit of butting in. This was not nice of him, but it's like naming any other baby and the whole country has a right to suggest a name. If you have any it is your privilege to make it pub lic, for the party is to be born in two weeks, and as its tho sex is known, a name should be awaiting it. Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast Says we can't look or feel right with the system full of poisons. Millions of f.'ks bathe internally now instead of loading their system with drugs. "What's an inside hath?" you say. Well, it is guaranteed to per forin miracles if yon could believe these hot water enthusiasts. There are vast numbers of men and women who. immediately upon arising in the morning, drink a class of real hot water with a tenspoutiful of lime stone phosphate in it. This is a very excellent health measure. It is in tended to flush the stomach, liver, kid neys and the thirty feet of intestines of the previous day's waste, sour bile and indigestible material left over in the body which if not eliminated every day. becomes foor for the millions 01 bacteria which infest the bowels, the quick result is poisons and toxins which are then absorbed into the blood i causing headache, bilious attacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, im pure blood and all sorts of ailments. People who feel good one day and badly the tie.xt, but who simply can not yet feeling' right are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store. This will cost very little but is sufficient to make anyone a real crank on the subject of internal sanitation. Just as soap and hot water act on r. r.i......u;,.,r .......... I"" . M ....... nnri mini); Hi.'! i freshening, so limestone phosphate and I hot w ater act on the stomach, liver. kidnevs and bowels. It is vastlv more i The Tieiure Tells a . . .a The Oregon vote on presidential candidates has had a. I important to bathe on the inside than . . ,t i. i i j. j.1 i. i j.1 ! On tho outvule, because the skin pores Dig eneci, no uouoi on me eastern politicians, 11 ueing me do not absorb impurities into the blood, only expression of the feeling of the entire people of a state on the matter. It seems to have clinched the selec tion, to the extent of placing the nomination at Justice Hughes disposal. The consensus of opinion in the east being that he can have the nomination if he wants it. At the same time it does not want to be overlooked that Teddy is still in the race, and he has the elephant pretty well buf faloed. You know that animal is proverbially afraid of ajnouse, and the Colonel is liable to make the whole herd climb on their chairs and trumpet for help. The result as to most of the candidates is known, but that of the public service commisioner from the eastern district is still doubtful. Mr. Corey claims to have beaten Mr. Wright of Union county, but the vote is close, and severarcounties are not yet heard from. One little coun and sometimes it does. while the bowel pores do. AUMSVTLLE NEWS. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18G3 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 'Miss Alice Schriink is on the sick list this week. "Mrs. U. (.'. Lewis and little daughter I'uniee visited in Scin Sunday. Mrs. V. F. Rah n and little daughter Rita went to Salem Friday. .T. Tileaknev and family visited at the Louis Bleakney home the first of the week. O. K. Darby and wife went to .Tef fersou dedication of the Christian Church there. Mr. and Mrs. Kulien Lee of Lebanon visited Sunday at the V. R. Darby home. Ralph Speer and wife of .liuictinuj City visited at the M. H. and A. I Sneer homes Sundae Homer Speer and family of Tangent I .1... r U ..n.i A P r i ty can do whole lots of things to a fellow if it feels like it, home Sunday. " ' , t has. hansom ami tannic ami -Mrs.! Kdith Hansom and little daughter Caroline motored to Liberal Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. TI. W. Evans of St. Johns visited Sunday at the ouis Ulcak ney home Sunday. They returned to their home Monday morning. The Rebecca Lodge held a special meeting Saturday afternoon to elect a delegate for Cvand Lodge in place of Mi's. Ross Condit. Mrs. .1. E. Lewis and Miss liable Albee have been elected as delegates to attend Grand Lodge at Springfield. Record. UNION HILL NOTES An advertisement in the Oregonian says that "Wash inoton often played the lotteries." That statement may get through in Oregon, but over in the state named after him, if Attorney Joab heard of it, the writer would be sent to jail and the editor of the Oregonian would be sent to the rock pile or something equally drastic be done to him in the way of punishment. The Southern Pacific officials are puzzled. At Rose ville a force of 100 section men were given a raise of 25 cents a day a few days ago, and the next morning every last one of them quit the job. They gave no reason, just walked out and said nothing. . That is what is keeping the officials busy trying to find a solution. So far none has even been suggested. Mollet went to Mr. and Mrs. Win Stavton Thursday. t . W. (ieer spent Sunday at the Guy Geer home. V. A. Monroe and wife left Sunday for Crook conufv. Oregon, where they i expect to make their future home. I Ignite a number of the young folks lot this place went to the dame at the 509. George Thornns home given as a fare- British fishermen since the war started." Thev should T" ",, t lv S ru, motor'd to Corvallis Friday returned Sundav evening. Chns. Peters and daughters. Fjiuna There is a proverb that "It's a wise child knows itsi'V"1 M'i'i-ed went to stayton wednes- uere .hiss jiimiiM n.ni some nt il w oik done. Kdith and Clifford Hurt of Sublimity spent Saturday night at the W. D. Hurt home. Mr. and Mrs. Spaiiiol and daughter A London dispatch says "the enemy has killed itish fishermen since the war started." They si have enlisted, and showed they believed in "safety first,"!1""1 Ri,ll'h ? ' " " evening and 1 i Chns. proverb that "It's a wise child knows its inl,t Mi ivn, t...i il... iT.. ii.-.. -u :l : own imiif r, imi me luauei s uaoy east' snows n is aiso a wise child that knows its own mother. V -rwaltrtevcn JBJBWwbS'sj sb luLuuynuu-U lui'i by loc ficlui'u GEO. O. WILL Xew Edison Disk A'ictrolas. Grafanolas Each in every style and all records for each. i,)2 State Street iCOAL n H JSW, ft mum Hbefore after 41 UPMOISTEBINQ AUTO-WOEK and Driving ti loves F. E. SHAFER 170 S. Commercial Phone 411 WOOD - COAL SALEM FUEL YARDS Phone 529 Old Shoes Made . New The quality of our work is as high as the price is low Ye Boot Shop 35 State St. Qpp. I.add & Bush Glasses our Specialty. Lenses duplicated on short notice. Dr. Herman Barr, Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers Larmer Transfer 1'houe, Office 0.10 or Residence 1S9.S. Storage, Packing, Shipping, Movinjr, Coal and Wood. Quick. Reliable Service. Dr. Xelson re moves corns, bun ions, ingrowing nails, without pain: also warts and moles. Room 4, Rrey nian Bldg. THE ELK Restaurant for Refined Tastes also Flowers for All Occasions. Candv & Cigars Fhone 412 ":i3 State Street Furniture Repair ing and RefiuisU ing. A. F. Tiugstrora Upholsterer llotl S. loth t. Mattresses mado over, carpet clean ing and laying. Phone 2.f0 Advertisers. Eox 17, Oregon City, Ore. GEO. C. WILL Pianos I sell, the Best and Cheapest ones. Pianos rented. 432 State Street Phone l.jfl Capital Dntg Store Z. J. Riggs, Ph. Ci. Proprietor. New location State aud Liberty upon completion of the McGilchrist building. Auto and Car riage Painting Enamel. Tops and Cush ions repaired aud trimmed. F. W. BLISS, 304 8. Com'l. We make your linen wear longer and look better by our auto-dry room and press machine work. Salem Laundry Co. l.'l'i S. Liberty St. Up-to-the-Minute Jewelers and Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers State and Liberty Ask your Grocer for Royal Bakery Bread Made clean, sold clean. rhone 3S7 The Handy Man Around the House PORTLAND R.R. LIGHT & POWER CO. Pure Milk and Cream Oak Park Dairy Auto Delivery. Phone C(i9 W. F. I.ooncy Mgr. The Einporiniaiu Pool and Milliard Hall Weiuhard's Xector on draught, cigars, and soft drinks. E. M. Klinger, Prop. J n pll MM of Stayton and Mr. and Mrs. Jones or Victor Point were visiting at the Ai'oipli Hcat.'r home one day this week Mr. and Mrs. Geymer and children of near Kingston were visiting at the Win. Stevely home Sunday. As it was in ideal day they motored to Silver Creek Falls in the afternoon. Mrs. .1. Tetft aud daughter, Katie, wont to Salem Saturday where Katie tool; part in the spelling contest. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith ami daugh ter. Ollie, nf Silverton were guests at the G. D. Scott liome Sunday Auni ville Record. us"d in inspiring young men and in equipping the mas Conwell's Acres of Diamonds. Let the Capital Journal New Today Column put your dollars on the right track. ACT?T"- OF DIAMONDS INDOOR LIFE MAKES FAT "Acres of Diamonds'' the lecture that Russell II. Conwell of Philadel phia has delivered fillM times and thru the proceeds of which lii74 young men have Ixeu helped to a college educa tion was given that is the gist of it, by Rev. Curl II. Elliott Sunday evec i g in the r'irsl Presbyterian church. The lectuie begins with a story told the lecturer years .ig by a guide "in the valley of tlie Tigris river, as he led the camel along the wav. In brief it is t up stnl-v nt' fl imi n whn (lutnrniind.l ' to go in search of diamonds and there fore sold his farm and set out but af ter mouths of futile search and wand ering ne bo.v.me 1isoyiur iged and drowned himself while the man who bought his farm found the famous (ol- TRY OIL OF KOREIN TO KEEP WEIGHT DOWN, OR TO RE DUCE SUPERFLUOUS FAT. ) People w ho are confined within doors in,..l ..-!... .? ... TAlVCfn uT"w oi iirau, mvigor- lUWoiliK nting air and exercise must take pre- I i e i i , caution to guard ngainst over-stout- drove a horse for a long, long time; through the sum- ness. as fat acquired by indoor nf is mer dust and the winter rime I jogeed along in mv one-'l",,"'al,1,; "n,,.R to the vital u., ,i i i a - r., . " organs or uie nociy. 141CK ot .exerciser1"- ' " '' , " ciust Mia,y, ami never tueauiea mat U ueuer way OI 10COmO-; in the fresh air is said to weaken tb.ei'mull "lm'l, i"-'' ."I'i his own L-l fmA . 1 T . 4.i. J , nxvffen enrrvin.r nn,v, e ,h m,i . I premi ses and became urn: onse'.v v.. h. nuii cci iHiuiu iniu, tutu lUWbtl llULieui -r--: I own f.ells were "acres of dia- i :. j . ii'mmi.-. v'ui . ui i mi ii it's tor weiatu for success, for usefulness nil are not in some distant laud but right at our own doers. That is the point tli.it the lecturer makes and tllust rates with n any a story from real life. Probablv no lecture of the Amer ican platform has been so wonderfulty A I .. . . V f ' ' ' " ' ' ' A I Uxr -1 i ..... X xc nUrv lV,;,,.- A V, 1 J m ' ,hl" U U u"abl to produce strong l""6 in-iium. .rv UcHW UIJB 3 O'U iCiwsa jeles and vitality and the formation of then; he got acquainted with dogs and men,!un,'8ht1'- a"a ti"-8ith- fat is the ro and found fine bones on the right of way; sl'iiyou are 13 or 20 pounds above nor the while he followed my one-hoss shay. 1 ma' you are daily drawing on But Dubbin, the horse, grew out of date,! all ; and I bought a car that can hit a gait ofilhis xt burden. Any persons Vh0 fru-tr' miloQ in i fluotinrr In mi,, o fr, V,nf iar0 t i their own mind that .vj .....vk. ii v.vw..6 ueio, a 1.11111 v.nawthe are too stout are advised to go to throbs with resistless power. Old Towserio,ral l'narmaey or a good druggist followed the car one day, as I scorched the id tt&P&iZStl roaa on my townwara way; ne kept in signti just beforo retiring at night. lor three parasangs, and then he muttered some bow-wow dangs, and sneaked back home with a broken heart, and died the death 'neath a one-hoss "cart. Alas, old dog, 'twas a bitter end, for one that long was a faithful friend, but the world moves on, and that dog i "'T"; . musi laue inai is 100 siow ior me greai paraae; must lay him down 'neath the buttercups and it's true of men, j 1 lui' Orant Corby, cindidate for Distii't Attorney, resides in Salem, offices 20t--0i t. S. Hank Itldg. Lawyer by pro fession. Ediuate.l in the public schools completed four year course in College of Philomath. Crudiiated from Law Department of Willamette University and admitted to the bar in 11)00. Six teen years experience. Nominated at the Democratic primary M iv Iflt'.i, by the voluntary action of individual V'.ters. Even ft few days treatment has been reported to show a noticeable reduction in weight, improved digestion and a re turn of the old energy; footsteps be come lighter and the skin less flabby in appearance as superfluous fat lis- korein is inexpensive, cannot injure, and helps the digestion. Any person who wants to reduce 15 or 0 pounds is Advised to ive thU trent. Always Watch ThisAd Changes Often MM MM Strictly correct weight, qnare deal and highest prices for all kinda of junkmetol, rubber, bide and fnra. I pay 2e per pound for old ng. og o,uc ox an iie sec on a nana incubators, iron for both roofa and buildings, linoleum. All kinda corrnirated Eoofing paper and second kand H. Steinback"Junk Co. I The House of Half a Million Bargains. J S03 North Commercial it , just as well as pups t uicut a trial. ' MM