it 1 ! EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916. 4 Clearance Prices on AH Suits; Coats, Dresses, Skirts, etc. NO. 796 Wednesday Surprise Sale May 24th An Unusual Offering of " Abbey t Hand Embroidered Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at 22c Each Women who like dainty Handkerchiefs and wish to replenish their supply at a distinct saving should, by all means, attend this sale next Wednesday. Many dain ty embroidered corner patterns. These were made in Ireland and now, on account of the war are very scarce. Better put in a supply at this surprise price. They're easily worth 35c each. Next Wednesday only 22c Each Sale, starts. at 8:30.. See Window Display (Second Floor) A Sale of Fibre Lunch andShoppingCasesat 49c each These are of a tough, tan fiber, riveted, metal corners, snap fast eners. Looks just like a small suit case. Just the thing for car rying picnic lunch. Splendid for motor trips, etc. SPECIALLY PRICED 49c Each Complete assortment of FLAGS for Decoration Day. Wool Flags, Cotton Flags, Silk Flags. A va riety of prices. (Second Floor.) Japanese Lunch Cloth Sets, Bureau Scarfs, Toweling, at Little Prices These Lunch Cloth Sets are just the thing for the breakfast table, picnic, etc. One lunch cloth and six napkins to match. Priced according to size, .$1.19, $1.69, $1.98 a Set Bureau Scarfs priced 15c, 25c ea. Japanese Toweling 10 Yards for 69c Various Patterns in Shades of Blue. (Linen Section) Xtra Good QUALITY AND SERVICE 11 Clothes for Boys 1 n -rtt 7' J Pi 4 Butterick Patterns-r Delineator All Around Tovn .'"M ! & COMING EVENTS TONIGHT May 22. Recital, department of music, chapel of Willamette university, 8 p. n, May 22. Firo Marshal Stevens, of Portland, address at city ball, 8 p. m. May 23. May Robson at Open lloime. May f.-r-Salem chapter Sons Amef4J,n Revolution organ ized, fllfimmereinl club. May 28, High school baccalau reate services, First Metho dist church. May 20. Public speaking in chapel Willamette university, 8 p. m. May 29. Music departmeat University recital, M. E. church. May 30. Memorial Day. May 31. " Robin Hood," comic opera, at high school audi torium. June 1. Elks' home-coming celebration at armory. June 2. High school commence ment exercises at Armory. June 2. Kimball college com mencement, 2:30 p. m. June 7. Annual election offi cers Commercial club. June 7. Willamette University commencement. J. 3 Do Your Eyes Tire Easily Do Your Eyes Smart and Burn Is Your Vision Blurred RKMRMIlKIt nil of those troubles and many more can bo done away ilh by wearing Correctly Fitte d Glasses. lict us examine your eves and lit you with proper lenses then you will see with ease. MISS A. McCULLOCII, Optometrist, 208-9 Hubbard BIdff., Phone 109. (Coutinued From Page One.) that the following have been elected: First district O. 1'. Bishop of Salem, n.l Albert Abraham of Rosoburg. W. W. ralkins of F.ugeno is closo behind Abraham, however. Second District W. U. Prooko of Ontario, J. N. liurgoss of Pendleton. Third District Italph W. Iloyt and Clarence K. Hotehlwss of Portland. Republican delegates at. largo are: Pmiiol Boyd, George .T. Cameron, Char Jen II. Carey and (!. W. Fulton. The democrats elected the following: First District ('. C. Jackson, llalsey; E. R. Turner, Roscburg, and K. T. Uu- dant of Siletz. Second District W. M. Peterson, Pen dleton, and V. 15. King, of Ontario. F. T. Holmes of I,ntiinudo is close behind King in the race. Third DiMrict floorge A. I.ovojoy nnd Shirley 'D. Parker. Delegates at largo A. S. Dennett, T. H. Crawford, F. L. Arniitnge nnd J. V. Morrow. W. U Morgan" may bo elected over Morrow in the later re turns. Only six voles sepnrate them. No new figures from outlying coun ties wore available today on state of fices. IF. H. Coieyclaimed the east ern Oregon public service coiiniission ership over Kd Wright. Returns were lacking from I.nke, (jillinm, Morrow nnd Sherman counties and from por tions of other counties. Try Capital Journal Want aa MOORE3 CONGRATULATES OLCOTT Charles U. Moores today sent his congratulations to Sec retary of Stato lion W. Oleott upon the returns of the primar ies which siiow that Oleott re ceived the nomination by a large majority. "Accept my heartiest con gratulations and assurances of ernest ' support next Novem ber, " said Mr. Moores in his letter to Oleott. Co. M Marksmen Shoot for Record Practice Of the 10 shooters from Company M who went to the range at Finzer yesterday !) qualified for as marks men or better, aftil four shot the re quired 1.10 on instruction practice. The high score of the day was made by Sargennt Hnntn who registered 232. Private Soundbnrgh was second with 220 in the expert class. Tho sharp shooters were Miller ilayden 102, Snr gennt N'orton 11)0, nnd Private Guv Young 1)H. The marksmen were Charles Nngel 1"!), Grove Hoinsley 178, Harry Plant 1N2, Corporal Carson 174. Privates Henjamin and Crowshaw shot 157 and 131 respectively. On instruction prac tice Anton O'Neill scored 153, Private Rowland 154, Private Miller 150, Pri vate Moores 155, nnd Private George Lewis 115. ' Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse cs correctly. U. S. Bank. Bldg. o Heard at the Oregon Electric, north bound train: Brakeman" Passengers for Portland take the hind car." Dr. Stone'g drug store. Tho mascot of the West Salem base bill team failed to show up yester day and the result was that tho team was beaten in the game with Perrydalc with a score of 5 to 8. Wo can save yon money on garden hose, Nelson Bros. & Pntton, plumbers, 355 Chemokcta fit. Fhone 1900. tf A marriage license was issued in Portland last Saturday-for Kdw.nd Wil liam Geiger age 2! of Leavenworth, Kansas, and Mary Kdna Jones, age 22, of Madison Park Apartments 22. Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. The Men's Liberal club of the Uni tarian church will meet Wednesday evening. As this is the closing meet ing of the season, all members .ire urg- ed to ntteud. o Dr. Stone makes no charge for con sultation, examination or prescrip tion, tf Dr. Walter von Gulick of the Wash ington state hospital for the insane, located nt Fort Stclicoom, is in the city investigating the methods of handling the insane at the Oregon state institu tion. ', Cemetery Cleanup TX)g Cemetery cleanup day Monday, May 29, all in terested come out. The Howell Prai rie cemetery association. Ralph I. Stevens. tf -0 The rainfall for Saturday and Sun day amounted to .'15 of an inch, ac cording to the records of the weather man at the Oregon City Transportation company dock. Tho river is now 4.5 above low water level. o Come to us when you want figures on building material, paints, etc. Falls Citv-Salem Lumber Co., 31!) S. 12. Phone 813. The Juniors of the high school are planning to give the 108 seniors a pic nic next Saturday. The exact location of said picnic is at present unknown, hut according to the latest bulletin it will be "some where in Marion coun ty." o ' Dr. C. B. O'NoiU, Optometrist, Op tici m, now located in rooms 5 and 6, Bush Bank Bldg. Phono ti25. I wish, to thank the voters of Salem and Marion county for their support in the recent election and hope tiiey will not have cause to regret same. W. Al Jones. o Dorris Sawyer, of Salem, was elected vice president of the sophomore class of the O. A. C. at the election held list Saturday. Douglas Pine of Berkeley, Calif., was elected president. Mpeeial meeting ot Ue .uoi.iy oinmanuery .o. No. 5, K. T., this even ing. Work in the Tem ple degree. Visiting Sir Knights wel come. The following from Salem are gradu ates this year of the Oregon Agricul tural College: '.'oi.staiice (artwright, Marie Churchill, Lamar Too.e, Leslie Orlaml Tooze "and Cleveland Sylvester Simpkins. "Wanted! A Man!" Popular lec ture by Rev. T. W. Lane, D. D., of Portland, Leslie M. E. church, Tuesday evening. Admission 25 cents. Children under ten years of age, accompanied by parents, free. The Sheridan-Willamina Telephone company was incorporated today with the head office in Sheridan and a cap italization of $5000. The company pro poses to construct lines In Yamhill, Til lamook Lincoln nad Polk counties. The Howard Cattle Co., of Lakeview was incorporated with a capitalization of $32,000. Notice is hereby given that the old school nouse in Keizer Dist. (Xo. 88) will be sold to the highest bidder. Pro posals to buy may be made to W. R Savime. Dist. Clerk. Bv order of Tist. board. Seymour Jones, C, K. CuinmingH, F. F. Kvans, Directors. Dr. Carl Gregg Doney of Willamette University chosen representative on the educational board of the Oregon Teachers Monthly at a recent meeting of the independent colleges of the state. The paper was recently taken over by the Sftite Teachers' Associa tion and will henceforth be published by them. G. A. R. Funeral: Members of Sedg wick Post No. 10, ff. A. K., will turn out and attend the funeral of Samuel C. Stewart, a stranger comrade who died within our gates Jnd will be bur ied from the Cottage Undertaking par lors at 2 o'clock p. m. Tnterment in the (!. A. If. Circle. W. C. Faulkner, Post. Commander, 1). Webster, Adjutant. A dividend of four per cent has been declared by the state bank superintend ent S. (!. Sargent for the creditors of the First State Bank of Philomath. The approved claims of the bank total $55,01 1.25 and today's dividend amounts to $2200.57. This is Jbe third dividend that has been declared, the first one w:is 00 per cent, and second 20 per cent making a total of 84 per cent of the claims that has been paid. W. J. Lilejequist of the Spaulding Logging company returned from Port land Sat ui day bringing a contract f r the mill and lumber work of n hotel to be erected by the Oregon Nut and nut. company, near Amity. Also the mill work for a $2000 bungalow '.it Port 'nnd nnd mill work for the South ern Pacific to be shipped to NevadT and Ftah. In the contest between the Christian Sunday schools of Salem and Portland the Portland church came nut winner yesterday, scoring two of the three points as follows: Attendance. Salem 375, Portland 302; new members, Salem 0. Portland 10: collections. Salem $15. SS, Portland $27.30. While the contest has but one more Sunday to ra, the Salem church serins to hive the best of it ns the score now stands Salem 22, Portland 14. CARD OF THANKS I desire to express my appreciation and gratitude to the people of Marion and Linn counties for their support nt the late primary election. The same kind favor extended to me in the fall will elect me judge of one of the de partments of the circuit court over which I ' promise to preside with that efficiency and economy learned from experience. Geo. G. Bingham, Paul Amort of Corvallis and H. E. Assist House Cleaning With a Brilliant Electric Cleaner It gets the dirt and dust You cannot afford to use a hand power sweeper when you can get an Electric that is guaranteed to get more dirt than any sweeper made and the price only $19.50 The little sweeper with the big pull. Call us for a free trial. See our new line of Rugs and Draperies Fletcher. Others attending are Mrs. A. M. ('lough, Mrs. Fay Wright. Wil liam Galloway, P. G. M. and Mrs William Gnllowav, past president of the Kebekah Assembly. The delegates ind lay members will return Friday evening. The public will have an opportunity to become familiar with the work of the domestic science department of the high school and Also the gymnastic jj;ork, as a public exti'tiil'.on will be given nest, Friday evening at the high school. This exhibition is given es pecially for tiie public and naturally, the girls who are now neoomplifhed cooks and those who have been taking up gymnastic work will feel compli mented if the public will show enough interest to pay them a visit next Fri day evening. Fire marshal Stevens will deliver an address this evening at the city hall on " l-'ire Prevention." He has attracted much attention throughout the north west by his efforts to run down these in Portland who insured to realize on tiieir insurance. The meeting tins evening at the city hall is c.illcd by the Insurance Federation of Oregon to interest the entire insurance fra ternity in the city such problems as (iverinsurance and other matters that interest people in general. This meet ing is open to everybody. Mayor liar lev O. White will act as chairman. Homer H. Smith is fir vice president of the Federation. Mis-directed letters continue to come in at. the postoffice and are posted in the elass covered bulletin board in the lobbv. A letter addroed to Mr. nnd j M is. K. H. Bates, lil West Emerson street, Salem, Oregon, is held up tor the correct iddress. A letter addressed . ... ,T r. T -.. to w in. u. nceninn, neminuioii vrc, cannot be forwarded, nor can the let ter letter to K. K. Johnson, addressed to Scoft'ield, Ore. As neither of these letters have a return address on the upper left, hand corner, they will event ually find their way to the dead letter office at Washington, to be opened in the hope of finding the address of the writer. One postal cani, witn no hu dress whatever leds off with the in formation, "Hello there, we have a 10 1-2 pound givl." Another postal with no address is for "Dear Bertha." CONSIDER YOUR CHILDREN'S EYES f a child's sight is imperfect, cor rect glasses should be obtained imme diately. If 1 Lis is don" the child usu ally grows out- of the trouble but oth erwise the defect increases until glasses arc inevitable, while a cure becomes impossible. Many children's school hours are a torture because of defets ot vision. The child often does not real ize its deficiencies, while its parents are all unsuspecting. So tho trouble is neglected, the child's education is im peded, nnd its health seriously impair ed. Children who frown when reading, who complain of headaches or whoso eyelids seem red ami inflamed, should nave their eyes tested and the proper corrections made. . 1 make a specialty of fitting children's eves and correit ing all defets of vision. Satisfaction guaranteed. DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Offices: 210-211 U. S. Bank Building, Phone 110. t SALEM I OREGON Try Capital Journal Want Ads. slllMiflRUM1ttilWlMw" COURT HOUSE NEWS I'M m mwrnm-nwrnm, H)m.m 'www ii tew Do you appreciate the fact that the Capital Drag Store Has reduced the price of Drug Supplies? If you appreciate it, co-operate with me by giving your trade to the Capital Drug Store. Phone your orders if you can not come-Phone 119naine and number on the bottom of every other page ia the phone directory. We deliver without extra cost. Capital Drug Store New HcGMirisl Bcildaj Store on the Comer Mrs. Mildred Brooks, has a reasonab ly fair chance of bring re-elected. She: Turner of I'nion will be recommended his the republican, democratic nnd progressive nomination for the office. She also 1ms the distinguished honor of having the unanimous vote of the .Progressive party. There wns but one vote east for the office by that parly and she got it all. I I wish to thank the roters of Salem and Marion county who gave me their snport in the recent election. .1. T. jllunt. W. II. Orabenhorst & Co. report the for teachers in the manual training de partment of the city schools at the meeting to lie held this evening of school board of education. They are senior graduates in the department of industrial education of the O. A. C. Mr. Amort been a member of the varsity wrestling team for four years and was captain of the squad' last year. Mr. Turner has been one of the active members of the senior class. Rev. Robert 8. Gill, rector of St. Pillll '- Klli4l-0',lll l-llllfi'll n-ill ottn.l following sales: l.otiis Rallnr bought j the twenty-eighth annual convention of ia six acre tract from II. W. Waters, t'.ie Episcopal churches of the diocese jThe bind is four and one half miles of Oregon, to b. held in the Pro-Cathe-I south of the city and is unimproved. drill of St. Stephen the Martyr, 1,'tth j For ft consideration of MOO, Mrs. Oar-1 and Cl.iy Sts., Portland, and covering !ri liiggs bought n hotiso nnd lot nt two days, Tuesday and Wednesday. S7t) Xorth Fourteenth street. B. S. Mr. J. A. Sellwood will also attend is Durkee bought from N. O. Freeman a, a delegate from this parish. A Inv- i house and lot nt Twenty third and Che Imeketa for i'XiO. man 's dinner will be given on Tuesibn night in the hotel Oregon, and the wom en of the diocese will have their eon- uygrado fgars are &ruem s mosi vention ot auxiliaries, or missionaiy famous brand. Get behind them, only societies, on Tuesday in St. Mark's 15 cents each. church 21st and Marshall. Pihnp Sum- o. ner will deliver his address on Wednes- Miss Florence Cleveland of Portland i day morning at St. Stephens, beguiling who wns recently elected to succeed j nt 10 o'clock, and it will no doubt at- Mrs. Stella K. Hlnckerhv as secretary tract a large audience. j Mary Gantenbein has filed a suit ! for divorce in the circuit court of this ! county .igaiust John G. Gantenbein, her j husband. They wore married in Sa lem in PHI and have no children. The plaintiff n.-ks for a decree ot divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and the right to resume her maiden name of Mary Wendroth. Smith & .Shields represent the plaintiff. V, K. Koss has filed a suit in the circuit court of this county ng.iinst Charles Lindley to recover money. The complaint estates that on May 2.), jlOlii.'the plaintiff purchased the cquip jnieut nn. I furnituic for a restaurant from the defendant tor $750 and $2fi more for some coal that was on hand. The plaintiff st.ites that the defendant represented that the restaurant was earning from $13 to 20 a day and that the expenses were about Mr. Ross alleges that these statements were mis representations nnd that the earning power and p.itronage of the restaur ant was over estimated. He nks to be allowed to recall the deal and to re ceive the $773 in cash paid out and 200 spe-ial daiuiges in addition. Car son &- Brown aie attorneys for the plaintiff. A marriage license was issued today to Charles Hugo Kraemer, a farmer, and Catherine Schaecher, both of Mt. Angel. The date of tho mariiage was is given as May 24. NEW HOUSTON HOTEL Sixth and Kverett streets, Port land, Ore., 4 blocks from I'liion Station, Fniler new manage ment. All rooms newly deco rated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Rates: 30c, 73c, l, U0 per d ly SALEM TAXI Cars of any kind for any place at any time. Office, Bllgh Hotel PHONE 709 of the Y. W. C. A., assumed her duties this morning. Mrs. Plaekerby will also remain on duty until next Moiulap, The annual meeting of the grand lodge of (Md Fellows and Rebekah when she will return to her home in Assembly convened in Roseburs vester- Silverton, Miss Clevelnnd Is HMSldav nnd the session will continue until graduate of the Fniversity of Oregon and assisted in the Y. V. C. A. work at the San Francisco exposition. The Souora Talking Machines have all the newest inmrnvcmeiits for the (proper reproduction tone. Mvrtle iKuowland, 421 Court St. Friday morning. As delegates to the lodce F. K. Churchill, .1. A. Patterson. William Frost and A. M. Clench, left this mniniug on the Southern Pacific. The delegates to the Rebekah Assemb ly who Hcccimpanied tliem were Mrs. Lizzie Walters. Mrs. Myrtle Tvrell, Mrs. Ruth Anderson and Mrs. fcihel Ophn Clare has filed a mit in the circuit court against Carl Clare asking I for a divorce on the grounds of cruel jand inhuman treatment. They were ! married in Arkansas in 1!13. There are no p'operty rights or children in i volveJ. i """ I I Journal New ToOay Ads do- I liver the goods. RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant Moderate Price Perfect Service Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Sakm.Ore. MILL CITC AUTO STAGE Daily Between Salem, Stayton, Mill City nnd all way Points. Leaves Mill City 0:15 a. m.j Stnyton 7:43, Suleni, 9:15. Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. m.; Jtayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20. Phone 13 u