"HEEZA r sir ' Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Pace RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One CHIROPB ACTIC-SPINOIiOBIST DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic 'a Fountain Heul, Davenport, Iowa. If yen have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 V. 8. National Bank Building. Phone Stain 87. Residence Main 82S-R. CLEANERS AND DYERS APPAREL SERVICE COMPANY J38 South High street. We clean press, repnir, remodel and re-line clothing and furs. Careful attention given all work. Wo call and deliver. Phone 72K. DENTISTS. DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Room 214. Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Qaieni, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS TO TRADE One fi yr, old bay mare; one 3 vp. old colt for cows. J. A. Krebs, "Phone SF25. mny22 -REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points east, on all household Roods, pianos,, etc. Consolidated car lo id service.- Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Const Forwarding company, 101 South Com mercial street. Phone Main 933. WATER COMPANY 6ALEM WATER COMPANY Office eorner Commercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at office. Hills payable monthly in advance. SCOTTS RESTAURANT MEALS 15c and up. HoteaUos or mush and milk free with all break fast orders. Soup, bread and butter 2 vegetables and pie, tea, coffee or milk and 1 kind of meat for l.lc;' 2 kind of meat for 25e. Short orders any time of day. Scotts-179 S. Com mercial St. SCAVANGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOFGH CO C. F. Webb, A. M., dough morticians nnd funeral directors. Latest modern met'.iods known to the profession employed 499 Court St. Main 120, Main US8S. BIGDOX-RICHARDhOX CO. Funernl directors and undertakers, 2"2 North High street. Dav and night phone 183. FOR RENT FOB RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. 8-m North Commercial street. f FOR SALE FOR SALE 3 yr. old sorrel mare, she's a dnndv, come and look at her. Phone 2C.I':!.-,. may2.'l FOR SALE CHEAP One ,1 room bnn- galow. 1 block from car line; 1 cot-; tage. 3 blocks from Hotel Marion,: 1-2 block from carline. Call or write! l.'ir." Ferr- Sr. tf : FOR SALE 0 acres in Siletz valley, j miles east of agency survey of Silct?;. Newport R. R. through land, j Near cheese factory and two cream; agencies. W. S. Sawyer, R. 3. Salem.! mny2" J FOR SALE 50 or IPO acres river bot- torn land, high building ground, on! Oregon Electric. 9 miles north of Al- bnny, near school and store. Terms will take some property in trade. E. j Anderson, Talbot, O. ' mayCS; "FOR SALE Five acres with buildings Tor the price of the land, without buildings. We also have a 20 aero tract with buildings to sell. Will take p.frt pnv In Salem city proper ty Smiaro Deal Realtv Co.. 202 V. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 470. tf FOUR VALLEY FARMS For sale bV owner on county road an I railroad.' !i0 to 200 acres each, good buildings,, 200,1 Hoi". under cultivation, close to scroo, j)ir.-s reason iii! half, cash, balance time at per cent or; modern income bearing citv propcrtv, P. O. Boy ?4;, Salem, tf ; New Todar Ads wort while yon leep will have results for yoa In the morning. BOOB," as a Barber OH -EAve THAJ To rLc LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge. No. 2, Meets every Monday evening ut 8 In the McComack null, corner Court and Liberty streets. K. 0. tJoniUdson, M. V. ; S. A, McFaddeu, recorder ; A. L. Brown, Unnucler. SALF.M LOIXIE No. 4, A. F. & A. St. Hinted communications first Friday In each month nt 7 :0 p. m. in ttie Masonic Temple, ( has. McCarter, V. M. i S. 55, Culver, secretary, SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY). D. Keeler. president ; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani mals should be reported to tbe secretury for investigation. CEXTnAL LODfiE, No. 18. K. of P. Me Cornack building. Tuesday evening of each week lit 7 :S0. . U. HelUel, C. C. ; V. 11. (Jllson. K. of It. and S. It. N. OK A. "Oregon Crape Camp," No. I.'IOO, meets every Thursday evening In McCornuck building. Court and Liberty streets : elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Hchnupp, 1701 Market, oracle; Mrs. MclUsa Per sons, recorder, 12!)U North Commercial. Phoue 143U-M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore gon Cedar . Camp. No. 3240, meets every Thursday evening . nt 8 o'clock In Mc Corunck hall, corner Court and Liberty 8treels. Elevator service. Geo. 'Heinohl, V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk,- CUADWICK CHAPTER, No. 37, O. E. S Regular meeting every first and third Tuesdav at 8 p. m. In the Masunic Tem ple. Minnie Mueller, W. M. ; Ida M. Babcuck. secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock In Mct'ornack block. B. W. Macey,. U, O. ; L. S. (Jeer, .clerk. 007 Court street. Phone 3l'3. DE MOLAY COMMANDERY, No. Ti, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday In each iimnlh nt 8 o'clock, p m:, in Masonic Tem ple. Sojourning Sir Knights lire courte ously Invited to meet with us Lot L, l'eurce, K. C, Frank Turner, recorder. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No. St, meets every Wednesday at S p. m. In Moose hall. O. O. Matlock, M. A. ; C. 'A. Randall, secretary, Salem Bank of Commerce. HUDSON COUNCIL, No. 1, R. 4 8. M. Stated assembly first Monday In each month, Musouic Temple. N. V. Rnsmiis neo. Thrice Illustrious Master; Oleiiu C. Mies, recorder. SALEM COUNCIL NO. 2C.L"- Knights and Ladies of Security Meets every 2nd and 4tli Wednesday each month at Hurst Hall. Visiting members are invited to attend. K. F. Walton, financier. 480 S. 14th St. PACIFIC LODCE No. SO, A. F. & A. M. Stilted communications third Friday In each month at 7 :30 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Hnl V. Bolam, V. M. ; Ernest H. Choate. secretary. MONEY TO LOAN ' ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN V ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH McCORNACK BUILDING SALEM FENCE and STOVE WORKS E. B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fence dates, Plain and Barbed Wire. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Roofing, Posts, Hop Hooks 40 Years Making Stoves Stoves rebuilt and repaired. Stoves bought and sold. 250 Court Street. Phone 124. Back of Chicago Store EDI LM.HUM Care of YICKSOTOXG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 133 South Hiffh Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916. WhMT DID lOiOrtt ?ot& Cent per word for the When In SALEM, OREGON, itof BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths BATES: 75c, 11.00, 11.50 PES DAY The oaly hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Ltopots, Theatre and n-:., t, ',.ir IriipUOl UUUUlgS, A Home Away From Home. T. G. BLIGH, Prop. Botn Phones. Free Auto Boa. .-'- STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Use Columbia QUALITY Carbons? Made In Oregon . 100 Copies Guaranteed from Each Sheet. Columbia Carbon Pa?er Mfg. Co. 33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore, j(( 30C lf( 3C 3C 3(t 3fc Five Accidents Reported From Marion County . Five out of 293 accidents were re ported to the State Industrial Accident commission for the post week. The Marion county list was as follows:- R. M. Peck, Salem, injured ankle, saw mill; F. F. Shepherd, spraiued. wrist, sawmill; iicorgo Carlson, fatal, log ging; JS... M. Corbet, Mill City, cut knee, sawmill; Ralph Me Milieu, Mill Citl. bruised leg, sawmill. Of the total number reported, 237 were subject to the workmen's compen sation act; 27 were from firms or cor porations who have rejected the pro visions of the act; 27 were from public utility corporations; and 3 were from firms or corporations who do not em ploy labor in hazardous occupations. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. CHICHESTER 8 PILLS Vy--v TUB DIAMOND ISKANU. A LfttMral AU ynnr VrnesNt fr t 4 liLcheH-lr llamnU Hraad 1111 hi lied li.-t UwltJ niirUlliAV t)oj, itiit vrL.i Tina KiSbofi. Vy TbLo mo othor. lt of Tour v llrncirlot. A-.kfor'IIM'in.H.TPlI IMA ONf lilt Mi 1'IM.A, for 3d SOID RV DRl'OfilSTS FVFKYWMFRF Notice of Improvement of Fairgrounds Road Notice is hereby given that tho com mon council deems it expedient bo to do, and hereby declares its purpose mil intention to improve Fairgrounds Road between the west line of Sum mer street and tho west liue of the Oregon & California Railway com pany's right-of-way at the expense of the nbtttting anil adjacent property, by grading, curbing, and paving said portion of said street with i five-inch twocourso Bituminous Concrete pave ment, consisting ot a one and one-half inch Bituminous Concrete wearing sur face laid on a three and one-half inch Ilituminous Concrete base in accord ance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of Flir grounds Road between the west line of Summer street and the west line of the Oregon & California Railway com pany's right-of-way, adopted by the common council on the 1st day of May, 1916, and now on file in the offico of the city recorder, which for greater certainty and convenience are hereby referred to nnd mule a part of this no tice; being that character or kind of improvement known and designated in said plans, specifications nnd estimates as "Ilitumiaous Concrete Pavement No. 4." The common council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the said above described improvement by ind through the street improvement department of the city. Bv order of the pommnn council. CHA3. F. FLO IN, Citv Recorder. Dated this 17th dav of Mav. 1910. ' Mav 29. WANTED WANTED A good stock farm. We have to offer in payment first mort gage of IL'.'iO on well improved farm and a good cltv propcrtv worth $1, R00. Sipiare Deal Realtv Co., 202 It. S. Bank Hide. Phone 470. tf General Feed as Small Livery Stable C. W. TRAIN 'H i 854 Ferry. Phone 288 5Ay!,M s-eTMO V I'd first insertion. One-Half jjc SC 3C 506 5jC 30C 5C 3jC 3C 30C S0C SC I THE MARKETS t The following prices for . fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not, what U paid to the producer. All other prices' are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. Eggs are still ' holding at the', 20 cent price of the' pasf four weeks, but poultry is weak and today the best price is 13 and I t cents. Portland also reports a weak poultry market, which of course,, is responsible for -'the, de cline in the home market. Tho strawberry market, as far as the Oregon berry is concerned, is unsettled. The price, paid for home grown berries depends entirely on the supply and de maud proposition and general weather conditions, $2.50 a f-rntc being tho aver age today. . ( Crrams. Oats, vetch ............... $17.0017.50 Cheat $17.00 Wheat 8Sc Oats 40c Rolled barley $35.00 Corn $S5.50 Cracked corn Bran Shorts, per ton . Alfalfa, toa ... $37.00 $27.00 $29.50 $26.00 Butter, Butterfat 27c Creamery, butter, per pound ......,.......E9c Coutry butter ......... , 20c2 Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash , . . . . Eggs, trado Heus, pound . Roosters, old, per pound .... Broilers, under 2 pounds ..... 20o ..... 2lc , 13(7 Ho .. OfihOe ...20(f2oc Pork, Veal and Mutton. " Veal, dressed !c Pork, dressed . 10(10 l-2e Pork, on foot mm Spring lambs, 19 1 C Steers Cows Bulls Ewes Wethers ........... 8c ... 67c 45 l-2c 3 l-2'4c 5a 6c Vegetables. Cabbage Cucumbers Tomatoes, Florida $3.50 ,. 90c $l..-0 ... 15e String garlic Potatoes, cwt $1.25'1.50 Potatoes, new 5c Beete .. i...'.. $1.00 Asparagus 40c Radishes 40c Green onions 40e Creen peppers - 25c (Ireen peas ic Egg plant . . . .' 18c Carrots, sack $1.00 Carrots, dozen , 45c Onions, Bermuda $1.75(0' 2.00 Onions, Oregon $2.5(1 Rhubarb 40c Florida celery : . . Fruits. Oranges, Navels Tangerines Lorn ons, per box , Bananas, pound Apples, Hood Kiver California grape fruit Florida grape fruit . Pineapples Honey ..... Straw berries Cherries, box $4 ',0 . $2.25(a3.5( j.'t.no . $4.00(34.50 5 $1.75 $3.00 $5.00(S $8.0 7 l-2e $3.50 $2.5(1 $1.50 Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 25e Sugar, cano ..$8.75 Sugar, beet $855 Creamery butter 35c Flour, hard-wheat $1.00ft 1.70 Flour, valley $1.30(51. 2o PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore., .May 22. Wheat: Club, 90(ft4c. Bliiestem, '$1.00 1-2(7 1.02. Fortvfnld, ir97e. Red Russia. OOfTiOle. Oats: No. -1 white feed, 20.2."fo 27.00. Barley: Feed. $27.00fii 29.50. Hogs: Best live, $S.!iOr 1". Prime steers. $0.00, Faey cows. $9.00. Cah'en, $S.oO. Sprig lambs. $9.50. Butter: City crenmery, 2!'c. outry butter, Jic. Eggs: r-clcctid local ex., 2.1 1-2c. Hoi, "lC 1-2(7(1 7e. Broilers, .'ind .;.". Oeese, lOfallc. l-2(Ti vEajkL rH0T DtSTuRb Hid 0 . Cent per word for SVXllI'SIS OK THK AXNIAL STATE MENT (IF THK CMTKl) STATES BRANCH Ob' THK ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Ltd. ot Liverpool, In the Kingdom, ot Orcnt llillalu, on the Kl day i( December. I'.MS. made to the Insurance CommlsHlnner o( the State of Oregon, pursuant to law :' I CAPITAL Amount of deposit '...$' 3tiu.0W.00 i INCOME Net premiums re 1 , cetved duriug the ' year ?s,no0.4oS.4(J Inter e s t, dtvl- - . . . - d e n d s, and , ' " ,x ' , rents received 'during the year 073,033 84 Income from other sources received d u r Inir the year 108,1 12.3!! Total Income ' 'ti.OSri.370 S" H.ISIiL'ItSL.MKNTji Net losses paid durlnK the yeiir 4.143.1SS. 14. .Dividends paid on capital 4 stock during , ' .: , .the year. ..... . Ml Commissions aDd .,' i salaries paid- - during the . year i 2,473.773.3'.' . Taxes, Ureases, ., - ,- and tees paid during t he year . . .. . . ! ,'!I9.8S.30 .iiiotiiit of- 'all . ' other expeudi- - - " Hires , iVJUMoS.no Total cxpen- . dlfures . . D.lh0.2S7.Wi ASSETS luie". from Co.'H: ... . Reins on losses paid n3.t::i.oi I ,-nliie nt renl estate ow ned (market value i 4,o7".!!4.'i.(i Value of -stocks a n t lio n d s .' owned (market value! ....':..' O,:il3,304.00 Loans on uiort- . , gages and col-. ' lateral, etc, . . 20O.t0O.00 Cash In hanks ; and' on hand l,l3S.3;io.:io I' ve in hrm s In course of col-- . lection -written , since Septemlmr SO, '.111)5 1. 3111. 207. SO In .1 e r es t and rents due iind , accrued ..... tio.070.30 ' Total assets adnllllM'd In Oregon i:i,Ti!0.23O.2 I.IAIHLITILS fi'rosH claims' for ' 1oknis unpaid. Atiioitnt ot nit, .earned prem iums on all oiiisiandlng risks line for com mission a n d lil'okl'l'Hge . . . AIL otlM- lialill itlen i'JO.S'.i S.t'.'O.llll.'J .IJ.S3I.I7 4:i'J.2"0.!i7 Total Ihihilltles exclusive of depiwit capital of l."iilo,ooo,oo) !i.MT.ilI'o..ii Total premiums In force , liecemliei- 113 II!. iO.,,l .'S...6 UI'HIXKSS IN oltKHON KOIt THK YKA It Tot nl InsuniiKc written dur , Hie vein- 7!.S:il,..!.i.O0 i.t-..m!nmx received dur- Inir the vear 1 - .'LSI Premiums returned during the year Losses paid during the year.. Losses Incurred during ' tiie veil I- III ,8111.00 Nls.-JMo.'JO !W.:i27.20 Total amount of Insurance outstanding In Oregon ,.. Deceinher 111. 1013 , 7 ...S I. II '..lift ItOYAL INSI-UANI'I-: CO.. Ltd. Mv ltolln V. Watt. Manager Parlllc liepsit ' nient. Sun I'riinci.sco. I'sl. Statutory resident gciiciMl agent and at torney for service : H. It. Iluike, Portland. lll-egon. itMitilent A sen I : Homer II Smith. Mo- Coin.uk Hllllding. Salem. Oregon Macleay News Notes (Capital .loiirnal Special Service) Macleay, May 2. There will be a meeting of the neighborhood t the M.ielcay cemetery for the purpose of cleaning up and improving the grounds. Kvervone is invited to come, work and bring a basket dinner. This meeting is on Wednesday, Hay 21, Don't for get the date. The Ladies Aid met nt the Morris home last Thiirsdav. Mrs. Kobinsou, Mrs. McKea.ie and Mrs. Morris served a dainty repast at noon. School closed I-'ridnv Willi a picnic in Tavlors pasture. Most of the day was spent in games with goodies at noon. Miss livers spent the week end nt the Imn Miller home. Sac visited the Salem high school Monday and Tuesday expects to be home. The Millers have been picking ripe .strawberries out of tiicir garden lately. Mrs. Mercer's new store is almost finished and is being stocked with goods. Mrs. flarrett with her mother nnd father, visited lhe Sundbnrg home ill lii-thel Sundav. M.ir.iiirie Miller has completely re covered from the incnsle and expects to return to school some time this week. F. E. (looilell was n business visitor la Salem I'rii'.ay. By Mort. " . . . . i y yi. v r I V V i 1 II' I "t each successive subsequent insertion THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people TeltfliQM EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electrie Co., Maaonie Tomple, 127 North High Uain It0 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 184 South Commercial street Vain IBS .' TRANSFER AND DRAY AGE Salem Truck Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Uain 74 '. Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter; dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For. that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store TRAVELERS' GUIDE . SOUTHTJRN PACIFIC. - NOIITH BOUND 10 Oregon K.ipi-ess ... 34 Sound Special M Willamette Limited. I -Shasta Limited ... . !H INirtUind Passenger. 20 Portland Passenger. 14 Prtland Kioress... 5 :00 a. m. . M2a. m. . 0:22 a.m. .11 :33 a. m. . 1 :1'8 p. m. . 5 :() p. lu. H :ou p. n. No. liL'L' Porrtaad fust Freight 10:iHI n, tin. Xzti Local way Freight. .. .10 :ilu a. m. SOUTH BOUND No. 13 California Express.. No. 17- lloHcmirif Passenger No. r:t KxpoNitlon Special . No. 10 Cottage drove Pass. 3:32 a. m. 1 1 :20 a. m. 10:'.'2a. m. .4 :17 p. m. Makes conuectlon with No. 74 Ceer liriinch. No. No. No. No. 11 Shasta Limited li :43 p. m. i!7 Willamette Limited... 0:10p.m. lit San Francisco lOxpress 10 :3Q p. in. 221 San Francisco Fust - relght 12:01 a. m. . 8:10 a. m. . .0 :15 a. m. . .11 :30 a. ui. . .2 :00 p. m. No. -2.1 Iocal way Freight . . , HAi.RM-dKHn Line. 73 Arrives at Salem.... 7K Leavea Siilenj 73 Ar. Salem (mixed)... 74 I,env Salem No. lo. No. No. . .4 :L'0 p. m. No connection south of (leer, Sai.bm, F.W.I.S City and w lfll Lv. Salem, motor ... toil Lv S:ilei, motor 103 Lv. Salem, motor ... KSTKn.V. . . .7 :0O a. m. . . 9 :43 a. m. , . t :40 p. m. . . 4 :00 p. ra . . 0 :15 p. m. . . 5 :00 a. m. . . 8 :4u a. m. . . 1 1 3 a. m. . . .'I I 3 p. m. . . 0 :l)0 p. in. . 7 :43 p. m. . . 1 :.'I3 p. m. 107 Lv. Salem, motor .. 100 I. v. Salem, motor ... j:w Way Kr't lr. Salem.. Hi'.' Ar. Salem HH Ar. Salem 100- Ar. Salem : . . HW At. Salem 1T0 Av. Halem -. . . 210 Way Fr't ur. Salem. OIlLfiOX LLKCTHIf.' RAILWAY CO. NW1TII BO! h'D Train No. ' . .. . owl , .. 0 . . .10 Limited . 12 It . . . 10 Limited Ml Snlem .'13 a. m. J.'j a. m. . Ar. Portland . . II ."." a. ni. . , 0 '.'." n. m. .,11 :.'I3 i. in. .11 :33 p. m. . . 4 :00 p. m. . . 3 :30 p. m. , . 7 :30 p. m. ..10:00 p. m. :43 a. m. 20 a. ui. , 43 p. m. oo p. ui. .'17 p. m. 35 p. in. HOC'I-II HOIINO I'OIITLANO TO SAI.K5I Lv. Portland. Ar. Snlem 0:43 a. m 8:33 (Snlem only) 8:23 a. in. ... 0 Limited ....lu:lt a. m. Gates News (Capital jottrjiul Special Service.) dates, Ore.,' May 22 Otto Hansen, of the Gold Creclc inine, went. out to his property over tli new road via Me liainu. Mr. Abbott, nf the Black Fagle mine, entertained ft flock of experts this week. He reports their names as Death Valley Slim, Wild. Water Bill and Hold Creek Frank. Your correspondent met Uncle Bill Anderson on the street at Suleiu one day last week vtlien he asked If we had found his puck saddle, pick and shovel. On explaining, ho said it was back in '51 when Bill England and he were building wagons tit Snlem. We grub staked a prospector by tho name of Smith, to go to the Snntiam coun try. We heard Inter the horse fell over a bluff and broke his neck. But I would- like to know if the pack saddle SEVEN M. Burger, f ITS THE: MTEit nO 3HVb THAT 2AT CouriTY 10:40 n. m. . 2 ;03 p. in. . 4 :40 p. m. . 8:08 p m. . 9 :20 p. m. , . 11:4 p. m. . Lv. Corrallls 4:10 p. m. .. Lv. Kugene. 7 :,13 a. m. . . 1 :30 p. m. . 6 :a,1 p. in. 12 :03 p. in, . Lv. Salem 2 :00 a. m. . . 7 :10 a. ni. . , 10:13 a. ni. . Lv. Salem 12:33 p. m. . Lv. Salem. 4 :23 p. m. . 7 12:33 p. m. 4 :i.J p. m. . 13 Limited . . . 17 Local 10 ... . 21 Owl .. NOIrl'M BOl'S'B . 6:40 p. m. . H-lfl n m. .11 :M p. m. 1 :53 p. m. Ar. Saleta,, . 0 :37 p. m. Ar. t$aleia . 9 :43 a. m. . 8:53 p. Ok . 7 :33 p. ra. . 8:10 ft. m. , 10 Limited . .10 Limited , ... 2 Owl ... HOUTU BOUND Ar. Eugene . 6 :30 a. m. . 9 :30 a. ra. .12 :'J3 p. ra. 21 Owl . . ... 03 0 Limited Ar. Albany 1 :B0 p. m. Stops at Corvalli . Ar. Albaiifi 5 :20 p. m. Ar. A I tie of d p. nu Ar. Kugene 8 :00 p. ru. Lv. Hnlem U : 40 p. ni 13 . . WOODIU'BN I.OCAt, UAII.T LXCBPTt ntNDATB No. 04 Leaves Salem 8:40 p. m. No. 03 Arrives in Salem 3:23 p. im, ' COnVALLIS CONNECTION NolITU BOUND 10 14 .... 10 an l HOUT1I BOUND 5 7 1.1 Corvallls 2.1 a. m. 12 p. m. . :u p. m. . , in p. id. . IS p. ru. . Snlem :13 a. m. . Ar. Salere . . . 0 :43 a. nk . . 1 :4f p. n .. . 4 :0O p. m. ...ft :.'I7 p. ra. . . . 7 :33 p. o. Ar. Corvallli ...ll:33i. m. . . . 5 :47 p. m. .. . 2:20 p. m. ... 8 :00 p. ra. :2o p. m. :33 p. m. . . :40 p. ni. . , WILLAMETTE ItlVEIt ItOL'TH firegnn City Transportation Company I.envn Portland for Oregon City, Huttevllle, Newhei'g. Mission (St. Paul I, Wheatland, Snlem (dully except Siuiday) , .0:43 a. m. Leave Portland for Independence Alhany-Corvallls, (Tuw., Thura., Sat. I 6 :43 a. m. Returning Lenve- t'orviillls 0 a. m. Mon., Wed., Krl, Alhunv 7 a. m. Mon., Wed., Frl. Independence. . , . 0 a., m Mon., Wed., Frt Salem 10 a. in Mon.. Wed., Frl. Saleiu 0 a. m. Tues., Tburs., SL and tools were ever 'found. Mr. L. . Barnes, mining expert, an! party, went out to the Cold Creek dis trict and examined the properties ia that section. It is reported that un known ore bodies were discovered it ono of ho older mines which has caused no little excitement. A spur from tho main line of the C. & E. ruilrond is being built to tap thi Dr. Mott timber near Gates which ill be logged nt once. I Mr. Barnes reports this country as j highly mineralized, and with consistent ! mining, there is no reason why large ! paying mines should not be opened up j soon. The high price of base metals tendi. to stimulate all the mine owners to get busy nnd as n matter of fact most of them are doing so. Let tho Capital Journal New Tod? Column put your dollars on the right track. ,