Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 22, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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! 5
1 5
TOBACCO like fren'
ship is better for bein'
Salem High Drops
Baseball tame to
Eugene by 5-3 Score
Snli'in high school suffered a severe
crump in tlii'ir baseball chuinpionship
aspirations Satunlny nt Eugene when
t lie Eugene lads romped home on the
long of a 5 to 3 score. The Eugene
team claims nn unbroken string of vic
tories thin year and Salem bus lost but
one gnuie previous to the Eugene con
tet. Salem lout Friday's game to th
Allnny high school. Eugene's first
baseman, Parker, hammered out n
double in the ninth, and put the game
on ico, after nine hotly coatested in
nings. S.ilern jumped ahend in the initial
frame wheu (iill singled to Foster's
'field and sped to the third sack. Salein
registered two ruii3 im the first inning
and one in the second.
With the beginning of the third in
ning the game turned to the Eugene
quad's favor when Jacobson, left
fielder for Eugene, who was first up,
smashed the sphere for a three station
In the sixth inning Eugene took the
lead by annexing another point to the
Hcore milking a total of 4 3. From tils,
time on llnbb, the K. H. S. twirler,
g iiied continually in pitching prowess
while the Kugono stick wielders banged
the Salem pitcher with greater ease,
The Kugcucs came back again iu the
wventh registering unother tally. This1
was the final score at the end of the
ninth frame.
The score. I? H F.
"Eugene 5 7 0
Salem ,. .17 2
Batteries: Bnbb and llempy; Pago
and dill,
- Eugene Stolen bases, 2. Sacrifice
hits,. 2. Sacrifice flys 1. Three bag
Rers, Jacobson. Two baggers, Jncob
con, . Parker, Hubbard. Double unas
sinted, Parker. Hits off Bubb 7. Struck
out by Bnbb 0. Hit bv Bubb 2.
Salem Two base hits, Proctor. Three
Iiuhb hits (till. Double unassisted, Proc
tor. Hits off Page, 7. Struck out by
PaceS. Wilked by Pnge 4.
Time of game 1 hour, .10 minutes.
Umpire, P.cn Bingham.
Honolulu, May 22. (By wireless to
JSan Francisco.) Following four slight
earthquakes, the volcuuo of Kilauea
appeared more active today. There
were no further indications of an erup
tion of the Mokaweoweo erater, all be
ing quiet in thnt region.
Eczema Is Conquered
" Greasy salves anil ointments should not
bn applied it good clear skin Is wanted,
from any driiirxist for i!.1e or $1.00 for
eurn large sine, get a bottle of lenio.
iH'hen applied as directed, it effectively
removes ecseinn, quickly stops itchinif,
mid heals skiu troubles, also sores, burns,
wounds nml dinting. It penetrates,
cleanses nnd soot lies. Zemo Is dependable
mill inexpensive. Try it, as we believe
uiiihiiig you have ever used is a ellitclive
and satisfying.
Zemo, Cleveland,
Thonc 1G3 Quality and Service
1 The completion of ' extensive improvements in our
plant. We are now better than ever prepared to
give first class laundry service.
Downtown Agency: The Central Cigar Store
:IG7 State Street
Pure uisiuieu
'TTHE flavor, the
mildness, the cool
ness natural to Ken
tucky's choicest Burley
Tobacco is improved
by being aged for two
years into VELVET.
Monmouth Won Track
Meet Oyer Dayton
(Capital Journal Sprfijinl Service)
May 22. Tie track meat was pull
ed off Saturday very successfully.
Practically all of tiio students and a
great number of the citizens were out
to enjoy the sports. There was also
quite a large number of lUyton high
school students among ttie crowd. The
track being iu fine shape, the different
events were pulled off in good time.
Mr. Pensely of the O. A. C. rcfereeing
the meet. The first event was the one
hundred yard dash won by W. J. Mul
ls ey, first, nnd Ted MeKenzie secoud,
nf Monmouth and Dotmering third of
Dayton, tune hki. Next in order was
Mil1 jnid dash which was also won by
Moninouth; W. J, Mulkev of Mon-
mouth first, Detmering of Dayton sec
ond and Merrill Mulkev of Monmouth
tluiu pi ice the time being 25:1. The
discus throw wn9 won entirely by Day
ton with the distance throw as n.
feet. The high jump was nlso won by
Dayton with Dotninring first, Dodson
second and Merrill Mulkev of Mon
mouth third. The pole vault was taken
by Detmering of Dayton; Fisher of
Moi'ioulh t.i r ri f I aid Lewis of
D.'Vton took third iihee. elearing th
b.ui boo at ten feet. Diiyton won tlw
shot put, Detmering Using first wit'i
the distance of thirty nine feet.
V. J. Mulkev, northwest champion
In the : jnvelin throwing, heaved the
.in veli n one hundred unit tony nine
feet, this being two feet farther than
he threw it nt tho state meet. Daytoti
followed, taking second and third. The
broad jump was won by Mulkev of
Monmouth, distance twenty feet onu
four inches, followed by Detmering
and McrYll! 1 Mulkev r respectively sec-
ind anil third. The 4-10 yard dash was
a very pretty race won by Monmouth:
W. ,1. Alulkey tirst, IHinam rortwoou
second, and Ted McKenaie third, time
(iO seconds flat. The half mil was,
won by Delbert Skein, followed closely
bv Donald Portwood second, both of,,
Monmouth. Williams of Daytuu toth
third place. The time was two U-untes
and fifty seconds, !
One of the best events of the meet
was the relay race won by Monmouth
to the tune of 1-2 a hp lead, and time
one minute, forty and three filth sec
onds. The last event of the meet was the
mile run takeu by Dayton, Williams
first Uiichiml Van Loon of Monmouth
second. Monmouth also took third!
The time was six minutes and twenty
lletween the different events there
was a race for the hiiuH boys, Earl
Williams tailing first and winning a
small cash prize. .
There was also a race for the girls.
In this Miss Irene Hngeiibush won the
cash prize.
The trick meet was a very fine vic
tory for Monmouth high school and
everyone feels satisfied. Tito final
score of points were: Monmnulh G3
ami Dayton 41. Hie high point winner
was Detmering of Dayton, winning 21
points. W. J. Mulkev followed verv
closely winning 20 points. The day's
events will end witn a senior party
this evening nt the home of Mrs.
(iicild in south Monmouth.
..... nr. 1 1 -r, n x Mtm
CITY ip 6 10 2
Baker Bumped for Timely Hits
and Salem Wins Game In
Third Inning
Inter-City League Standings
W. h. Pet.
Tiradfords ti 1 .S57
WooHburu .r) 2 .714
Salem 4 3 .571
St. Helens 4 3 .571
je Kirkpafricks 4 3 .!i71
MoatavHU , 2 4 .333
Heavers 2 5 .2Sli
Woodland 1 7 .125
Yesterday's Results
At Vaughn street Itrad-
fords fi, Habv Reavers 1.
At St. Helens St. Helens 4,
s AToodland 3.
At Salem Siilem C, Kirkpat-
ricks 2.
At Wooilbiirn Woodburn C,
Montavilln C.
By landing on linker for timely hits
and aided by a few errors Salem an
nexed another contest yesterday be
tween showers from the Kirltpatricks
by a score of 0 to 2. Huker was
chnsed to the bench by the Rnlem
stickers in the third inning after four
runs bad been made. Balcut added a
brnce of tallies in the fourth nd this
ended the scoring for the homo guard.
The Kirkpatrickg nicked liaiham for
6 hits which netted them one run each
in the fourth and fifth innings. Bar
ham twirled a steady game and his
support help up during the critical
Driscol who replnced Baker for the
Kirkpntricks steadied down after the
gjme was lost and held the Senators
scoreless. Since all of tho three lead
ing teams won yestorday Salem movea
up but one placo in the porcentngo col
umn. iSalem was tied witn tne rviritp.it
rieks nt .500 each and yesterday's win
gives Salem a tie with' St. Helens for
third plneo with a percentage of .571.
Tne Bcoio. .
Kirkpntricks B H 0 A E
Sm.irt, 2 3 113 1
Mulkev, s .-i 4 14 2 1
C. Baker, c 4 I 10 1 0
Perritt, 3 4 0 0 a l
J. Dickson, m 4 0 0 0 0
Xelsou, 1 4 10 0 0
Batcman,' r 3 10 0 0
Bixson, 1 2 0 5 10
T. Baker, p-1 3.1 4 2 Q
Dristol, p ... 1 0 0 1 0
Totals 32 6 24 12 3
Salem . B H O A E
Humphreys, 2 4 12 5 0
Jones, 1 2 0 10 0 1
Wilson, 3 3 2 0 1 0
Adams, m 4 110 0
Houscr, e 2 1 1! 1
Mickel, 1 4 10 0 0
Bell, r 4 0 0 0 0
Miller, s 4 0 2 10
Bnrhnm, p 2. -1
Totals 30 7 27 11 1
Kirklmtrieks 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 02
Sulci)! 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 C
Runs, Smart, Nelson, Jones", Wilson,
Adams, Bnrhnm 2. Struck out by Bar
hnmll, by V. Biker 4, by Dristol 5.
n,,..,- m. Imllj off Bnrliain 1. off T.
Ha'kcr3. off Bristol 2. Hit by pitcher
.Tones. Stolen bases, Houser 2, Mickel
Hntemnn. Sacrifice hit, Humphreys.
Double pin pa, Jones, unassisted; Mul
kev to Baker. Timii of game, 1:50.
t'liipire, Deennin.
Taclfic Coast Loague Standings.
W. 1.. Pit.
Vernon . . . 2 17 .022
Sua Francisco 2(i 21 .053
I.os Aiiueles 22 21 .512
Portland It' I!' ''r7
Salt Lake 1 22 .450
Oukland -!l
Yesterday's Results.
At Salt Luke Portland, I); Salt
Lake, 2.
At l.os Angeles Vernon, S -1 ; Oak
laud, 2 5.
At Snu Frnncisco l.os Angeles, 5 8;
San Francisco, 2 7, .
Baseball teams from the sunny south
land didn't do a thing to the San Fran
cisco and Oakland clubs from early
morn until deney eve on tho Sabbath.
The baysiile aggregations were hang
ed, drawn and quartered and sewed up
to rooters south of the Tehncliipi us a
near dish of hamburger, crowned with
garlic and with a large piece of cheese
on the side.
It made Frank Chance feel wi good,
nt'ter those numerous days of defeat
for his Angels, that he has taken the
reefs out of his shirt and is expanding
his torso onco more.
Among those present at the afternoon
session in San Frnncisco was one liube
Fllis of l.os Angeles, who bingled four
times out of six times nt but and tallied
The Seals fought hard and Ping Bo
die's home run in the ninth sent the
giiuie into extra innings. With two in
terred in the tenth Magsert of the
Seraphs got home fioin first on Fllis'
single and the fight was won.
San Francisco couldn't hit Kvan con
sistently iu the morning and the Angels
Methodists Take 65 Points
at McMinnville and Land
First Place
By winning 65 1-2 points in the non
conference track meet held at McMinn
ville Saturday Willametto University
landed first place while McMinnville
was second with 44 and Pacific Uni
versify collected. 38 1-2. Tho other
non conference colleges failed to send
teams to McMinnville thouRh it is ex
pected that most of them will have rep
resentatives at Salein Saturday for the
non coni'erence meet to be held in this
The results:
Mile Williams, McMinnville. first;
Trelnnd, P. U., second; Chapler and
Castile, third and fourth. Time 4:52:2.
40 yard run Grosvenor, Willamette
first; Jackson, second, W, V, Waugh,
W. L'., third, Turner, P. U.. fourth.
Time 53:1.
120 yard hurdles Ford, Willamette,
first; V. Bukhara, second; Coe, third.
McMinnville; Wilcox fourth. Time
H'O yard dash Ford, Willametto,
first; Small, Willametto, second; Lucas
and Potts, P. U.. third and fourth.
Time 10:2.
8S0 trcud run Doud, McMinnville,
first; W. Buefman, second, Morg.in, P.
U., third: Jackson, Willamette, fourth;
Time 2:07:1.
220 yard hurdle Dible, P. U., first,
Wilcox, P. U., second, W BuCTman,
third; Steeves. Willamette, fourth.
Time 28.
220 yard dash Lucas. Grosvenor.
Small, Totts. Time 22:4.
Shot put Livesley, P. U., Bucrman,
Homan, third; Lucas, 33:04 2-10 feet.
Pole vault Baelev. Curl Culver.
Jones, 10 feet, 3 inches.
nigii jump culver, Dibble, Buer-
mnn, Steeves, 5 feet, 4 1-2 inches.
Discus Barley, Lucas, W. Buerman,
Homan, 113 feet, 8 7-10 inches.
Javelin Brown, Baslev, Simpson,
Culver, 138 feet, 8 inches.
Broad jump Ford, Grosvenor, Coe,
Lucas, 21 feet.
won. Both factions were somewhat but
tery fingered and errors figures largely
iu the proceedings.
After grabbing an easy contest in the
morning, Vernon had to claw the Oaks
considerably in the afternoon to get by
When Jack Quinn began wiltine the
Tigers' trotted out Arellnnes for a res
cue stunt. The battlo went into extra
innings with Rowdv Elliott's best heav
ing bet, .Speed Martin, working for Oak-
i a no.
Martin succumbed in the tenth when
Risberg clouted one to deep center for
threo bases and Mnttick sent him homo
with another whistler to tho fence.
Portland defeated Salt Lake in work
manlike style and hopped the train for
Vernon with four scalps on their string
out of five games played.
The Beavers hit hard consistently and
won in clean cut fushion, 9 to 2.
Jimmy Shinn, of Salt Lake, fanned in
a pinch for tho first time this year.
Lavender of the Cubs was chnsed off
the mound by Philadelphia and Chicago
lost, 4 to 2.
Tyler o'f the Braves was the big noise
at St. Louis, holding the home team to
two hits and practically winning his
own gnme with a doubio in the fifth
which sent two Bostonese over the
Wedding Announcements, In
vitations, and Calling Cards
printed to your order at the
Capital Journal Job office.
Phone 81.
Just Wright Shoes
In the
Neolin or Rubber
Climbed Into Fourth Place
Yesterday Gotch-Stecher
Match Possible
New York, May 22. New York has
started a spurt in the National league
race which bids fair to l.ind McGraw's
men at the top, if they can stand the
terrific, pace. By slaughtering Cin
cinnati yesterday the Giants climbed
into fourth place.
During the past week New York av
eraged ten hits and five runs per game
Robertson, Fletcher, McKechnie and
Doyle are hitting the ball consistently
and Anderson, Perritt ind Mathewson
are rapidly gettfng (vnto first tflass
pitching form. r
Gotch May Meet Stecher
Chicago, May 22. Joe Steelier, the
Nebraska wrestling marvel, is holding
out for a larger purse before he will
agree to meet Frank Gotch for the
world championship.
This became known today when Tom
Jones, acting for Gotch, announced that
the Nebriskan had rejected an offer
made by him yesterday. Jones offered
to guarantee Stecher 40 per cent of
the profits for the match but Joe
thought he ought to have more.
Black Some Golfer
Oakland, Cat., May 22. Golfers of
the east bay section today looked to
John Black professional at the Clare
mont country club to finish high in
the cording profeshio'nil matches of
the western golf issociation at Del
Monte, following his performance yes
terday when he covered the Claremont
course in 58 strokes. This is 11 strokes
better than par is wonderful golf.
Black turned in a card of 31 for the
first nine holes and '27 for the last
Chance Wants Ryan
San Francisco, May 22. That Frank
Chance has -Asked for waivers on Pitch
er Jack Ryan was the declaration to
day of men who are close to the Peer
less leader. No official announcement
has yet been made. Ryan is declared
not to have kept himself in shape,
thus incurring . the displeasuro of
Chance. Whether Ryin's performance
yesterday when he hcvn the Seals to
seven hits and won his game, will
cause the Los Angeles manager to
change his mind about porting with
Ryan is problematical.
Johnson to Box Mascott.
Portland, Ore., May 22. Lea John
son of Oakland will box Billy Mascott
six rounds here Friday night. On the
same night Joe Gorman, also of Oak
land, will mix with Jockey Bennett and
Romeo Ilagen of Seattle will step six
rounds with Al Sommers.
Sullivan to Join Seattle.
Tortlaad, Ore.,' May 22 Ted Sullivan
will join the Seattle team of the North
western league today. Jimmy Richard
son, scout for Dugdale, signed Sullivan
after seeing him play oue game in the
out'ftield with a local amateur club.
Lincoln High School
Wins From Salem In
Track Meet 65 to 55
The Lincoln high school of Portland
won Saturday's dual trak meet from
Salem high school by a score of 05 to
55. The track' was muddy and slow
and no record time was made.
The results of the meet follow!
Mile run Felke, Lincoln, 1; Alford,
Salem, 2; Jones, Salem, 3.
Hnlf mile Jones, Salem, 1; Al
ford, Salem, 2; Feike, Lincoln, 3.
410 yard dash Fruitt, Salem, 1;
Bales, Salem, 2.
220 yards Lincoln, 1; Bales, 2.
100 yards Lincoln 1 and 2: Fruitt.
Snlem, 3.
Hurdles Noud, Lincoln, 1; R. Rail-
chtte-and Williams, Salem, tie for sec'
Pole vault Sparrow, Lincoln.
High jupip Sparrow, Lincoln.
Shotput Williams, Salem.
Javelin Spears, Lincoln, 1; Wil
hams, Sulcm, 2; Bartholomew, Sa
lem, 3.
Discus Williams. Salem.
Relay was forfeited to Salem.
We Have Many Friends to Whom
We Have Recomended
"Just Wright Shoes
And they are glad we did. We sell "Just Wright" Shoes because
we know them to be thoroughly good and because they have more
real value than any shoes we know of.
We have many new lastsboth black and tan.
PRICES $4.50 AND $5.00
Woolen Mills
Rate rcr word New Today:
Fch insertion, per word - lc
One week (6 insertions), per word-.5c
One month (2(5 insertions) per word 17c
Tho Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Read your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
if. it contains an error. ,
Minimum charge, 15c.
TEAM WANTED Phone 152.
WANTED To trade town property. for
farm. 395 N. Itth. may 24
WANTED Middle jged woman for
house work. Phone 6F3. may27
SNAP 12 acres close in for $100 por
acre. See L. Bcchtcl & Co. m.iy23
TWO Good houses to trade for a farm
oue modern, the other one has a good
barn on the lot. G. C. Bolter, 2010
Trade St. Phone 2200-W. may27
WANTED Second hand one horse
wagon. C. W. Parker, Route 3. nia2-l
WANTED A house maid for state
school for the deaf. Phone 610. m24
WANTED A competent
woman for
Phone 21 F2.
house work in country
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, 694 N. Com'l. Thone 2454-W.
WANTED Second hand 250 gallon
galvanized iron tank. Bt Cunning
ham. may24
KALE PLANTS For sale, 15c, per
100. Milton Brawn, Salem, Route
3, box 148. may24
FIRE Place your next insurance pol
icy with L. Bechtcl s Co. if you want
protection, . - inay23
TWIN INDIAN Motorcycle, equipped
new tires, good OTder, $05, terms. L.
Mann, West Salem. may22
FOR SALE Nearly new 3 1-2 H. P.
"New Way" gasoline engine. Very
reasonable. Phone 15F2. may22
FOR SALE Good Jersey milk row
giving 3 1-2 gallons of milk, a b.xrr
gain. Phone 08F2. Walter I'earmine,
R. 8. tf
FOR RENT Modern 5 room bungalow
furnace and fire place. Inquire utter
5 p. m. 1230s Center street or tele
phone 46. .may24
EXCILVNOE Welt improved 5 acre
tract for eastern land, 60 acres on
Howell Prairie for city property. L.
Sechtcl & Co. , may23
Job Robinson's Ten
Big Shows Are Coming
However true the tale may be, the
following instance of the display of ele
phant intelligence Is vouched for by a
woll-known trainer in the employ of
John Robinson's Ten Big Shows which
are scheduled to give afternoon and
evening performances in Salem on May
"I was with a big circus a good many
years ago working an elephant net. Had
two elephants. One of them, ealled
'Solomon,' was a very big tcllow and 1
had a very hard time breaking him.
'.tut eventually I succeeded admirably.
After two seasonn with the 'trick,' I
went over to another show to work.
Wi.cn I left, the elephant act had t"
be cut out, as I was the only man thct
had been able to master 'Solomon.!
"It was 12 years before I saw 'So'v
mon' again. In the meantime he had
never been worked in the ring and Imd
grown Jg'y. I w-ent up to the old fel
o.v. At first, he did not recogr.i;e
me. But when I commanded: ' Hey
Solomon, lie down,' the animal's eyes
sparkled, he pricked tip his ears, nnd
immediately obeyed me. I then put
hire through the same old tricks he li'id
beeu wont to perform in former days.
Ho executed his stunts with great aluc
riry. In fnch he was so tickled to se?
mi that he could hardly do his tri"l's
ia:t enougn."
You get a paper lull of read
lng, no contest dope,
( 3( 3t (
HARRY Window cleaner, Phone 768.
PHONE 837 For wood saw.
WHITE FIR WOOD choppers wanted.
Phone 80F11. tf
491 N. Cottage. tf
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at
ital Journal office.
tf GOOD Furnished house to rent close
in. Phone Main 4 or 47. tf
ing, 50c. 2645 Portland road.
WANTED To trade fresh eows fur
team of horses. Phone 1576-W. nia22
FOR SALE CHEAP 7 H. P. gasoline
engine, with feed grinder. Phone
1058. may2o
SUMMER RATE Fine room, eno
meals, $4.50 per week. Phone 1150M
1510 State St. may2t
FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping
appartments, rates reasonable, close
in, 160 Court. tf
FOR RENT 5 room modern house,
1441 Trade St., Enquire W. A. Lis
ten, 484 Court St. tf
SEED POTATOES Choice Burbank
and Gold Coin seed for sale. Mangis
Bros., 540 State St. may2rj
FOR BENT Furnished and unfurnish
ed rooms in Hubbard; building. W.
H. Norris. Boom 304. tf
FOR RENT Flat close in, furnished
or unfurnished. Phone 823-J, or call
at 252 Nortll Cottage St. tf
WANTED 30 loganberry pickers to
sign up. Inquire Smith & McLean,
326 N. Com'l St. Phone 443. tf
desirable residence district, $20 per
month. Phone Carey F. Martin. n23
FOR RENT Small four room dwell
ing (not modern) in business dis
trict. Phone Carey F. Martin. may23
DON'T OVERLOOK That bargain in
that threshing and baling outtif.
John II. 8cott, over the Chicago m23
FOR SALE 200 acres at Lyre, Wasft.,
will consider some trade on clear
property. August Rauch, Salem, Or.
june 17
FOB BENT Nice furnished room in
aw bouse in private family, 3 MocJta
from P. O. Inquire Q-10 care Journ
al, tf
FOR SALEr-18 acres, good terms, 15
in crops and fruit, fair buildings,
best soil. W. W. Lander, Salem R.
9. junelS
about fifty thousind brick for sale'
at a bargain. United States National
Bank. tf
washing, ironing, housekeeping, ceok
lng or serving by day or hour. Phon
2501-J-2. mj2S
FOR SALE 3 half truck Stndebaler
Wagon. Will trade far heavier wagon,
cordwood or itumpnge. 2786, Lee.
Phone 1322-J. tf
FOR SALE' CHEAP Grocery confec
tionary and dry goods store, good!
location on 25th St. Phone 934-R. H.
C. O'Neil. may24
FOR SALE Oak rocker, oak foot
, stool, oak library table, maple dress
er, at bireain prices. 906 Center or
phone 1013. may23
FOR RENT Business block room, size
18x80 feet. 467 State street. In
quire at 463 State. Phone,. 1009.
Maurice Klingor. tf
RESTAURANT FOR SALE-Seating-capacity
100. Owner must sell on ac
count of health. Box 224, Independ
ence, Oregon. may23
city property to exchange for mer
chandise of any kind, any where.
Address box 28, Crabtree, Or. tf
FOR SALE White Leghorn baby
chicks, about 30 ctilrlis left it 8
cents. Will hatch more to order for
$7.50 a 100. Call W. K. Baker. Phone
GSRJ, may23
STRAY Yearling heifer came to my
place on Riverside Drive, owner can
nave same by paying for damages
and advertising. D. L. Cummins, R. 3,
box 274. June20
I AM Taking orders for Bummer and
full delivery of wood. I will give a
lower price now than I will late in
the season. John II. Scott, phone 1553
After office hours, 022. june20
WANTED Fresh cows, must give over
4 gal, a day and young, also small
pigs, state prices and full particular
and where located. Wm. E. Sorensen,
Grcsh.im, Or., R. 1, box 112. may2
acres girden land on Minto's Island
Buitahle for potatoes. Will rent to re
sponsible party. Must be worked
within thirty days. Phone Ca.-i F.
Martin. may23
FOR SALE At bargain prices, one
Troy laundry mangle 90 inches, store
shelving, two teams and Shetland
pony, 2 double buggies, one single
buggy. H. Steinbock, 302 N. Com'l
Phou 808. If
AUCTION SALE Having decided to
leave ranch, will sell to highest bid
der. May 2tith. one o'clock p. m., 1-2
mile n. e. of l'tii St. carline. between
Garden road and Siherton road;
household goods, rug1, range, heat
ers, telephone, plows, drags, cultiva
tors, buggv, pl.uform sinles, tool
chest, good Jersey row, swarms of
bees. 4 loads wood, and n thousand
articles too numerous To mention.
Terms cash. J. W. Lnllare, owner.
IT. E. Voorhics, auctioneer. ma22-24