Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 22, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Salem Grange Held
Session Saturday
naiem grange met in regular session
'",u"?' ,f ' , l"" """" i
Maator m the chair. After the regular
routine of business, two new members 1 J' W- ii0'd' 1 "sbytermn minister, to
wcre given the third and fourth iIckI l,ay- Hu referred to the injection of
grecs. A recess was then declared and religion into Ia-st Friday's primary elee-
ino grangers procueucu to tno dining
room, wnere n sumptuous repast was
served by the Indies. The afternoon
session was taken up in discussion o'f
different subjects among which was tho
injustice the city council would do the
farmer if they enforced the old ordin
ance of not leaving a team or auto in
front of a store for not more than 10
minutes without consent of the owners
of tho property. Tliey thought it. would
encourage the farmer to patronize mnil
order houses a good deal more than
they do now.
Mother's day was fittingly commcm-
nrcfdJ At- 1. nA.l I .. , 41. 1 .. 1
mm griiurun-ii u inu cum iii ii tee ror re
freshments will servo a chicken dinner.
The ladies are tired of preparing the
dinner alone so will expect every man
to do- his part in preparing and serv-
innr dinner ha hn uhnnl "
er or farmer; and if they don't do their
part it is just possible they may be
fined anywhere from 25 cents to 1 so
the gentlemen will have to got busy.
A feeling of sadness surrounded the
meeting on account of the death, since
our our last meeting of Sister Howell.
She was a faithful and helpful member
of the grange, never missing a meet
ing when it was possible for her to at
tend and always cheerfully performing
duties which a good member should.
She leaves a vacant place which will be
hard indeed to fill.
Brother Voorhies, Woodbnrn grange,
met with us. The noxt meeting will
bo held on the third Saturday in June.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove it
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi
tute for calomel, art goiuly on the bowels
nji'l positively do the work.
People aliiicted v.'itli b;id breath find
quirk relief through Dr. lOilwards' Olive
Tablets. The pleauant, auiTar-coate;! tab
lets are taken for bad breath by all who
Imtuw them.
lr. Howards' Olive Tablets act gently
liut tirruly on the bowels und liver, stimu
lating them to natur.il action, clearing the
Jiiood and gently purifying the entire sys
tem. Tlicr do thnt which, dangerous calo
mel does without any of the bad after
All the benefits of nasty, sickening,
trriping cathartics are derived from Dr.
JCilwurds' Olive Tablets without griping;
2ain or disagreeable effects of any kind.
lr. F. M. Edwards discovered the for
inula, after seventeen yearn of practice
among patients afflicted with bowet and
Jiver complaint with the attendant bad
lr. Edwards' Olive Tablets' are purely
-& vegetable compound mixed with oilve oil ;
you vIIl know ttiem by their olive color.
Take one or two every night for a
-week and note the effect. 10c and 25c per
box. All druggists.
Tho Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O.
Last Times Today
The Biggest Picture
Yet Produced
May Robson
The Funniest Woman on the
Stage In the Laughable
Prices 50c to $1.50
Seat Sale Today
Lure of ALASKA
Dr. Leonard S. Sugden's Wonderful Production
The Lure of Alaska."
This is not a drama. It shows the wealth of Scen
ery, Fisheries, Towns and possibilities of agricul
ture. Intensely interesting, educational and thrill
ing. Scenes never shown before. The truth about
Full Orchestra Accompaniment Famous "Olson"
Orchestra of Seven Pieces
Z3 f
Minister Objects to
Religion In Politics
Portland, Ore., May 22. " Religion
and politics don't mix.'' asserted Rev,
Dr. Boyd yesterday preached a ser
mon principally on the results of the
election, in which 17 out of 20 A. 1. A.
or anti-Catholic candidates in Multno
mah county wero elected.
"Now our hands aro dripping with
the Hastiness that has been uncovered
and our whole civil and political life is
ouicKeueu Dy tins creed of suspicion
and distrust," he said.
IfMaska Pictures
at Bligh Theatre
The land of tho midnight sun where
s found tho moat beautiful scenery in
tho world to be shown here Monday.
Iay 22' at the BllBh theatre m 7,000
t?ct fllm Thls fllm was taVen bv
Dr' Leolmrd 8- ugden, a big-gnme hun-
ter, miner and explorer,
Dr. Sugden spent seventeen years in
Alaska, and probably knows more
about our northern empire than any
other living man. This wonderful pic
ture is full of thrills from start to fin
ish, shooting the White Horse rapids,
scenes from the inside passage, a school
of sperm whales, a band of caribou
swimming tho Yukon, and the midnight
sun, are a few of the wonderful scenes.
This picture is accompanied by the
"Olson Concert Orchestra" of seven
pieces, five brothers and two sisters,
all of one family, the best family or
chestra on tho Pacific coast. This
combined show is one that pleases the
most critical audience and is looked on
by Manager Bligh as the uig tre f of
the year.
Governor Sets Aside
May 26As "Bird Day"
Governor Withycombe has issued a
proclamation setting aside May 2d as
"Hird day" for the boys and girls ot
this state to promote greater interest in
the feathored citizens of this state.
The proclamation in full follows:
Wherea-a, I have been petitioned by
a large number of school children of
Oregon to set asido a day which shall
be known as "Bird day," wherein the
study of bird life and the appreciation
of our bird neighbors shall be given
special attention, and
Whereas, The designation of such a
day in other states has given a real im
petus to healthy educational work in
this field,
Now, Therefore, I do hereby set
aside and proclaim Friday, May 2(5, as
"Oregon Bird day," and I urge that
each boy and girl in Oregon on that
day tries to become better acquainted
with the bird life of the state and if
possible to do something townrds pro-moting-interest
in the activities of our
feathered friends; and I suggest that
parents and teachers endeavor to in
clude in the daily program, whether it
be at home or in the. school, some fit
ting instruction regarding the value
of birds to any community, and of tho
pleasures and profits which study of
bird life will bring.
In Testimony Whereof, I have here
unto set iny hand and caused the great
seal of the state of Oregon to ue here
unto affixed this twentieth day of May,
Governor of Oregon.
I Much Comedy Lightens
The Flying Torpedo
There is clever character acting in
the Triangle-Fine Arts play, "The Fly
ing Torpedo." It will make its appear
ance at the Oregon taentro next
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
John Emerson, who stars in the play,
lightens tho serious parts of the pro
duction by little eccentricities f man
ner. His role is thnt of an author o'f
detective stories, who foils a band of
international croo'ts in their attempts
to steal 'an invention of the utmost
value to this nation in an hour of peril
from foreign invasion. Emerson breaks
into the most serious business before
the experts of the nation with his cal
isthenics, because the hour strikes
when he is1 accustomed to exercise.
Their astonishment is changed to
laughter, when he exp'ains his violent
gestures as simply being employed to
clear the cobwebs from his brain.
Pendleton, Ore., May 22. A six-inch
blanket of snow lay on the ground ol
lucneliam, in the Blue niountuinH to
day and snow was still falling at noon.
Little damage will result, it is believed,
for the storm struck only the moun
tainous country.
Tt Capital Journal Want Ada.
) rzzz:
May Robson In a Play
of Laughs and Love
That popular actress, May Robson.
in a new vehicle of laughs and tears,
"The Making Over of Mrs. Matt," is
to be the attraction at the Grand to
morrow evening. The play is said to
be clever, and to cause wet eyes as
well as aching sides, to possess whole
some stage artistry and to give to this
beloved stage favorite opportunities
that will help more thoroughly to en
dear her as the conceptor of the pure,
the clean and the wholesome, as well
as the winsome and happy philosophic
stage creation. Much might be said
of Miss Iiobson and her art; suffice
that she, in this new play, will appeal
to theatregoers of all ages and various
Cheese Dishes
Cheese Balls To two packages of
Xoufchatel choese add half teaspoon
onion juice and two tablespoons lemon
juice. Add dash of ground tabasco if
desired. Mold into small balls with but
ter paddles and serve with lettuce as
Cheese Fondu Take two tablespoons
melted butter, add four tablespoons
flour, mix until smooth, add one cun
milk or cream, cook until thick. Take
from fire, add yolks of thre eggs, six
rauiespoons grated cheese, salt and pep
per. Beat whites of eggs stiff and add
to other ingredients, then turn into
greased dish. Bake twenty minutes in
hot oven. Serve at once.
Toasted Cheese Take slices of brend
cut three-fourths inch thick and fresh
cheese cut in thin slices and laid on
the bread. Place on inverted dripping
pan, put in moderately hot oven and
watch closely for a few minutes, or
until the cheese melts, then spread
evenly. Eat hot with a little salt, but
ter or mustard, as preferred.
The Table.
Fried Oysters Seloct large oysters.
Roll in fine cracker crumbs, pat into
shape, dip in beaten egg, roll aanin in
cracker crumbs and fry on both sides
in deep fat (smoking hot), as you would
doughnuts. Do not use butter for fry
ing, as it burns too quickly and makes
oysters soggy.
Beef with Brown Gravy Take piece
of boiling beef, cook until broth is rich
enough for soup, then take beef out of
broth. Rpringle with three tablesspoons
flour and fry in two tablesspoons hot
butter (must be fried very brown), then
pour half pint of hot waler over it
with heaping teaspoon of salt, and let
simmer one hour. This makes a very
rich gravy and the beef very tender.
Add a pinch of sage or a small onion for
flavoring, and use the broth for vege
table soup.
Baked Pork Chops Six good-sized
pork chops, one and one-half cups sliced
onions, one cup water, two teaspoons
salt, one-eighth teaspoon pepper, one
pint canned tomatoes. Flour chops and
fry them till slightly browned. Cover
with the sliced onion, pour over the
water, put on lid and simmer half an
! hour. Add tomatoes and bake thirty
minutes more in moderate oven.
Creamed Cabbage Shred a small
head of eabbnge very fine, cook twen
ty minutes in salt water, adding a
pinch of soda, then drnin nnd add half
cup sweet milk and two small slices of
bacon. Let simmer about fifteen
Date Pudding Soak one-half cup
pearl tapioca in one pint cold water
over night. In the morning add one
half cup sugar and one-half pound
dates cut in small pieces, and a pinc h
of salt. Cook two hours in double
I boiler. Flavor with vanila. Serve cold
with whipped cream.
Lemon Crackers-
One pint sweet i
I .:it. A..n
, limn, vino i:ui linn,
: 1-2 cups granu
lated sugar, whites of two eggs, pinch
of salt, lemon extract to flavor, half of
five cents' worth of baking ammonia.
ITe flour enough to mix stiff dough.
Cut in squares.
Eas Wavs for the Housewife.
i fi. i ; - ...1 I
are dry. rub them w ith a cloth slightlv '
moistened with glycerine and they will
not sweat. T(l! rc f fc . f , . .
Mica windows in stoves can he j '
cleaned by soaking in a strong solu-; "raped over white satin, bunchy pan
Hon of vinegar and water, then rub-jniers giving a symmetrical skirt. The
bine with a soft flannel. I surplice waist has puffed, if scanty,
Grease spots can be taken from wall j hands at the armscyes and a surplice
paper by mixing pipe clay or powdered , front. A dash of color is given by the
chalk with water, to a paste, spreading ! crimson belt and trailing oprny or ram-
it on tne simi. ware tin ine nexi oa,
then brush off and grease goes with it.
Cover a sugar barrel with rretonne or
denim, cover the top also, and attaH-a
! I
' v . ... I
tastes. That she, in the stellar role,
win possess opportunities to create
laughter and pathos, thoroughly blend
ing these two opposites possessing as
sne does the nappy faculty of always
throwing laughter into the foreground
Miss Robson, as all the playgoers know,
is a comedienne of rare ability who
makes all ner roles lovable, outspoken,
generous and kind-hearted, and whoso
personality exudes optimism, common
sense, clever satire and A rare wit
which she knows so well to interject
into all ner stage creations, with the
result that she now ranks head and
shoulders above all compeers. A com
plete production is promised.
small semi-circle of wood covered with
the same matorial for a hand'e to the
top. This makes a good receptacle for
soiled clothes.
Just before putting in eggs stir a
generous pinch of flour into the hot
grease. This flour absorbs the moisture
and prevents spattering.
When baking rico pudding, esealloped
potatoes, macaroni or anything which
requires a long time, start it to boil on
the top of the stove before putting it
into the oven. It will bake in half the
time tnd save fuel.
The Sunday Dinner.
Cream Tomato Soup.
Crackers. Celery.
Baked Stuffed Pork Tenderloin
Creamed Potatoes. Baked Apples
Pineapple Gelatin Salad.
Fruit. Cake. Coffee
Books by some of the modern poets
have been, added this week.
Barrus, Clara Our Friend, John
Braley, Burtoa Songs of the Work
aday World.
Carmen, Bliss Echoes From Vaga
bonotia. Carmen, Bliss Rough Rider and Oth
er Poerqs.
Clifford, Mrs. F. S. (D.) Crack o'
Guiterman, Arthur The Laughing
Kilmer, Joyce Trees and Other
King, Basil The Side of the An-
Masefield, John-
The Faithful:
Masefield, John Philip the Ling,
and Other Poems.
Monroe, Harriet You and I.
Porter, E. II. Just David.
Porter, E. H. Miss Billy.
Smith, F. II. Colonel Carter'
Swinburne, A. C. Poems.
Tensdalo, Sara Rivers of the Sea,
Thomas, E. M. Children of Christ
mus and Other Poems
Thomas, E. M. In Sunshine Land.
Viereck, G. S. Candle and the
Widdemer, Margaret The Factories
aud Other Poems.
How London Dresses
Her Spring
fcsu f : iV' 1
3 "y
;$n o, POSjiBU
uier roses.
We tre in the lead The World
kicks a man when he's down.
-4 ft
I n ' ft
h J ;
It does look pleasant, doesn't it?
And it is pleasant
But you'll be even more pleased
with the loaf that's coming to you.
Very soon, now, you'll know
about it.
C. A. Hoover shipped out another
o'f those fine Duroe Jersey hogs Satur
day. Mr. John Krause returned from
Portland Monday, where he had been
visiting with his sons, Jack and Ed.
Mrs. Uannegan and son, Chester, were
called to Aurora last week owing to
the illness of John Kerr, a nephew.
Mm. Clarence Phillips visited a few
days the past week at the home of C. A.
Mrs. M. Chalitou lett for Portland
Monday to visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Mark Long.
Miss Catherino Malo spent from Sat
urday until Monday at tho home of her
Dr. Hume and family, of Scotts Mills,
motored to Gervais and visited with
friends Sunday.
Urban Rondeau and Lloyd Johnson,
of Portland, visited w'th Mrs. J. Ron
dean Sunday,
Mis Genevieve Trudell aud Charles
MeCIellan, of Portland, spent Hundny
at the Bow ley home.
Casper and Joe Neiso, of Portland,
were in Gervais a short while Sunday,
having come via motorcycle.
Mrs. Johu Cutsforth returned Stinrlny
from a few days' visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Zeno Hchwnb, of Aurora.
A. R. and L. K. Siegmund went to
their old home near Staytou Tuesday to
attend funerals of two former neigh
bors. C. A. Iloover is putting up a large
up-to-date farm burn on his place south
east of Gervais. C. A. Sawyer is doing
the work.
Supervisor Cutsforth received nnother
carload of gravel Mondny which he is
nsing to good advantage- on the roads in
his district.
L. A. Moisan, who is an employe of
the state of California, and who re
sides at Pntton, spent the past week
with relatives at Brooks.
Ruebeu Cutsforth sold a ewe uud her
February lumb Wednesday which
brought !P.17. F. II. Cutsforth sold
one sheep that balanced the scales at
2-10 pounds. Sonic sheep!
At a meeting of tne school board
Mondny night Miss Kmma Urack, of
Woodburn, v.as elected s teacher in the
intermediate room of tho public school
for the coining year.
Mrs. Phil Payment visited at the
Rowley home Friday, leaving for 'n
mas, Wash., the following day to join
her husband. They expect to make
their home at that, place.
Another real estato deal was made
this week when Mr. nnd Mrs. II. I)
Mors sold the lots purchased a year
or so ago from B. Dc Jardin, to Miss
Mary T. Mangold.
Mr. and Mrs. G. ,T. Moisan and son,
Benjamin, went to Brooks Thursday to
attend a family reunion nt the Moisnn
home place in honor of L. A. Moisun, of
California, who is at home for a short
The closing exercises of the Sacred
Heart school will take place at the Ger
vais eity hall Monday evening, May 2!),
1!1C. An excellent progrnm has been
arranged by the Sisters. Everybody in
vited. Reserved seats will be on sale
at Joe Keppingers.
0. B. Marshall, promoter of the pep
permint industry has for tho pant week
been vry busy with his crew planting
peppermint roots. A small acreago nt
Brooks and enough nt Parkersvillo to
make 25 acres will be the entire acreage
for this year.
Mrs. O. ,T. Moisan, Mrs. Sumner
Steves and Mrs. Marion nenning joint
ly entertained at 500 in the Masonic
hall Wednesday night. There were
eight tables of jolly player who did
their best to win honors. Misi Anna
Choquettc won ladies' first prize, and
Mrs. Jos. Nathan the consolation. Miss
Minnie Nibler (taking the place of a
gentleman) won first prize for t gen
tleman and Mr. Marion Kenning won
the consolation.
The Gervais ball team tforcd another
victory Sunday when th"y defeated Sil
verton by a score of 1.1 to 4. The weath
er was ideal and quite n crowd wit
nessed the game. Both team plnved
a slow game but warmed un some before
the game was finished. The batteries
for Gervais was Rico and Fcrschweilcr,
who did some good work. Rice pitched
a good game and held up well, consider
ing that he pitched a game Saturday.
Next Sunday Gervais will play Wason
da at Gervais. Star.
Because of the fact that a number
of Dallas lund owners have undertak
en to experiment with peppermint it
may be interesting to know that from
a small beginning several years ago
this industry is assuming handsome
proportions in the Willamette valley.
Three years ago B. 0. Marshall of Al
bany planted a few roots, nnd last
year 40 acres produced peppermint for
him, shipping one hundred pounds of
the oil to New York and selling it for
$2 per pound. The net return per acre
to Oregon growci'8 is said to be $100
per acre.
Production of peppermint oil in Ore
gon is likely to be a profitable and im
portant industry, according to investi
gations made by Ansel R. Clnk, local
representative of tho federal bureau of
foreign and domestic commerce. High
est quality of peppermint oil, analyz
ing 5j per cent in menthol content,
comes from England, while tho Mich
igan product, which is NO per cent of
the output in the United States, gives
only 37 per cent menthol. Oregon pep
permint oil runs from 35 to 00 per cent
in menthol.
Peppermint is hnrvested much as
hay is gathered and cured. The pro
cess of steaming and trumping the mint
and collecting tho oil by precipitation
is simple ami involves but Blight ex
pense, growers declare. Dallas Ob-
' V
(n. .
Just how ilcep Jim Lurkin, the turbu
lent Irish labor lender, and his followers
aro involved in the I risk revolt is not
known, but it is not (o be doubted thnt
the man who preui'hed fiery opposition
to the government iu 11)13 w ill take ml -
vantage of the disturbances in Ireland,
It is uid that members of "Larkin's"
citizen soldiery" seized the Dublin
!"' cv
;.?-tvno J
The machinery to. be used in tb
preparation of flax in this county, wiil
arrivo in thiB city about May 27, ac
cording to Eugcuo Bosse, flax expert,
who left yesterday to attend to the
shipment of the maehinory from Suleiu.
to Eugene.
The machinery to be used here bt
longs to Mr. Bosse and is now stored in
a building formerly operated as a flu
mill at Salem. Late on Thursday aft
ernoon, when the first reports wero re
ceived in this city of the fire at Salem,
in a flax mill, Air. Bosse believed it U
bo his establishment,
An attempt was made to got an au
thentic verification as to which fla ;
mill was burning, but it wa not until
lute in the evening that Mr. Bosse was
assured it wus not his factory which
was ablaze.
So great was his anxiety while wait
ing that he decided today to movo the
machinery to this city and take
further chances. He says 10 years ago
he lost approximately $00,000 in a fire
nt his mill iu Salem, and he is now
taking every precaution not to have
this experience repeated.
Mr. Boifso plans on storing the ma
chinery after its arrival in the freight
depot pending tho completion of tlK
Duildings at the site o? the Kugcnp
Lumber company. As soon as tties,
buildings aro erected the machinery
will be installed. Eugene Guard.
Our circulation Is coining up
and still growing read the....
paper aud you guess the reason.
: riiXiz-i ;
postoffice and other points and Liberty
hall, in Dublin, also occupied by the in
surgents, has been tho headquarters of
Lnrkin's 'followers. In lull it was ns
sorted t hut l.urkin had stored nrnis anil
; unimuuitiiin In Liberty hall. Tho photo
i gruph shows Lni kiu carried on the
shoulders of some of his enthusiastic
I men.