THREE is s e I To Be Staged By the 400 Silk a w cIISlS School, Under Direction Miss Magers THE DAILY CAPITAL T0T RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916. 350 Middy El no Voil Fancy Lawn Waists The Latest Summer Style NOW PLACED ON SALE FOR A FEW DAYS AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE THE KEENEST BUYERS. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. THE ABOVE LOT WILL BE SOLD REGARD LESS OF COST. THE FOLLOWING ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS OFFERED: now only 49c 25c Colored Veiling, very special, yard 4c 15c Embroidery Inser tion, yard 2c 8 l-3c Val Laces, special price, yard 2'2C 75c Silk Poplins, now, yard, Limit 3 1-2 yards to customer 35c Silk Remnants up to $1 Children's $1.00 Wool Men's and Boys' loc a yard, now Sweaters Straw Hats 35c 35c 9c 12 l-2c Fancy Flowered Children's 25c Percale Men's 50c Work Shirts, Cretonnes vard Aprons (1 to each . cretonnes, yam customer) special 72C 10c 39c 55,. TWe1!' SiZe Ladies' $2.50 and $3.50 Men's 75c . and $i.00 14 by 27, 4 to customer, Trimmed Hats, latest Dress Shirts each , styles 4c 98c 49c $1.25 yard Wool Voile, Ladies' 50c Tan Silk $7.00 42-Piece Dinner 36 and 40 in. wide, yard Hose, special, pair Set, closing out 19C 25c $3.98 25c Silk Mull, very $1.00 yard Table Linen, 50c lb. Japan Tea, clos- special, yard special price ing out, pound 19c 35c ' ' 29c 3ES. I 4 A If red Towers, in Roseburg Review.) No more school teaching for Mints Arda, Edwards, of Drain, Douglas ounty, Oregon. 6he does not deny that there is a certain amount of in spiration in teaching the young idea Vow to shoot, but she admits that the inspiration is increased ten-fold, fifty fold, one hundred-fold, in watching jonng turkeys put on 22-cent flesh. A little more than two years ego Miss Edwards, as a school teacher, received- something like $60 a month for nine months; today, as the cham jion turkey raiser of the state of Ore gon, she receives a clear income of More than $1,100 a year. .Like Icha fcod Crane, she is, inclined to kick any pedagogic who dares to call her l How. In three big essentials of full liv isg in health, in fun, in money Miss plug ciievi:;g i' A WHOLESOME HABIT f In Ka Other Vay Can Tou Get All the Richness and Flavor of the Leaf "SFEA3 HEAD" EEST CHEW ! Many prominent physicians declare chewing to be the most wholesome way cf enjoying tobacco. " "I began chewing some years aso," said one, "and I soon found that it is the only w:.y to ret the benefit of all the rich juices stored up by nature in the tobacco leaf. I refer, of course, to the plug form of tobacco, which is the most natural and the cleanest form. "Chewing pood to'acco like Spear Head makes the salivary glands more active, which in turn has a beneficial eiTect on the whole system. Add to this the sweet, mellow, delicious flavor of a chew of Spear Head, and you have (he highest possible degree of tobacco satisfaction. "I mention Spear Head because I have found that this brand is excep tionally pure, being made in a fac tory that's run strictly according to pure-food rufes." Spear Head is rode of sun-ripened Parley, which is acknowledged to be the richest, mildest, finest flavored to bacco leaf in the world. And it is produced by the hlest processes, which t!rvclop the qiuli'y aid luscious flavor of the choice Burlcy to the supreme dc free. A chew of Spear Head has a whole some relish that ii not found in any other chewing tohaccj. In 10c cuts, wrapped in wi i-ujer. , Edwards says that turkey -raining has school teaching crowded clear off the map. - There is not a woman teacher in Douglas county who begins to make as much money as she does, and only eight men teachers make more.. By the simple expedient of chnnging occupations- she secured a promotion far in excess of the pedagogical maxi mum. It all came from adapting herself to the industrial possibilities of her environment. Douglas county, as everybody knows, is the turkey, habi tat of the Pacific northwest. Kc, when the doctor forbade Miss Edwards to teach school any longer, she a once thought of turkeys. And turkey it became, and turkey it has been with her ever since. In straw hat, middy and bloomers she herds her. poripotetic wards in summer; in gum coots and sou-wester she wades the grass in their behalf in the Bpring. "I live in the farmhouse on Tainy days," she says. "Only ia Xlay even this blessed shelter is denied me. You havo no idea how wet Oregon gross and trees and skies can be till you have hunted turkeys in April and May." The hill tops are her real home. She and the turkeys only come homo to "roost." The wide horieon has taken the place of blnckboarded walls. Bhe speaks of the time before she donned bloomers as the time "before she graduated from Bkirts. " Dressed so, and wandering cheerfully over the hills, she might be taken for one of the little maids she used to teach. Last year she raised the largest herd in the state. "And if you wonted a prophecy for this year," she says, "I am sure I could give you a glowing ac count." Miss Kdwards tells her own story in a chatty, personal way that indi cotes something of the fun and vari ety, as well us the profit of turkey raising. "To begin at the beginning," says Miss Edwards, "my reason is the time honored one doctor's orders. He said no more school for several years. Ac cordingly, I rented 700 acres of pas ture land five miles from Drain and started into the turkey business. 'The fall of 1913 I invested in 20 hens and two toms at a cost of $53. The fall of 1914 I sold 250 turkeys, rcalir ing $593, after all commisisons and ship ping charges were paid, besides doubling my original flock. In the fall of 19 IS I sold 400 turkeys, realizing $1,101.11. nftor nil expenses were paid. This year I am keeping 25 hens. "The first year was a favorable season and I had the usual beginner's hick. I received much good advice, which I followed when I could. I got the government bulletins on turkeys and poultry diseases. I studied them ns carefully as I ever did the nrt of teaching and still consult them. "My formula is-simple. Keep the finest birds for breeding. Bo sure thoy are healthy. Have plenty of good range. Feed them all they need. Then let the mother turkeys do the rest. Their judgment is always sound, but they ar not apt to lose their wis completely if meddled with. Leaving them alone was one of the hardest lessons I had to learn. "One duy last spring I moved an old hen over a rail fence because she was in such deep grasj. Next morn ing at feeding time I found the hen and two little, ones in the nost, while the other 17 were still On tho outside of the fence, sleeping under a rail. Two wore dead and the rest of them so chilled that half of them died. - Another old hen used to cross the creek two or three times a day. Her plan certainly eliminated the weak and timid. She chose the highest bank ov er a nice deep pool. Uhc two or three cleverest and strongest followed her as soon as she flew. The others simply wailed. If I were within hearing, I picked them up and enrried them to the near crossing. If I were a little slow I was apt to find them in the wat er. If I pulled off my shoes and stock ings and rescued them immediately no harm was done, ob they do not get wet easily. But to hesitate meant that most of them would get chilled and die. "Turkeys are as individual as peo ple. One doesn't have time to worry ov er one calamity before tho next one is on the way. They do pleasant tilings once in a while, though. I set a hen with 18 eggs and she hatched nineteen turkeys and raised thorn, too. "Once when I was away the family was awakened in the middle of the night by two hens flying into n tree over the house. It was raining, too, The next morning my sister drove them back to their nests and left them till I got back home, two days later. I decided it no use wasting any more time on those eggs as they were ready to hatch, so I went down to catch them and break them up. When I lifted the first hen her nest was lull of little tur keys just out of the shell. "I count last year as one of the moat successful years of my life. In addition to giving me a substantial financial reword it bos yielded big re turns in health, happiness and amuse ment. It is quite as good as comic op era. "As for obstacles, they ore a good deal like school problems little things every day. There arc sknnks, weasels, hogs, dogs and rain. In May when the little turkeys were hatching it rained 19 days without Btopping. I wnrs gum boots and lived out of doors. It is no small task to find 500 turkeys scattered over a Beetion of land and feed them twice a day. I lost a good many, but some of my neighbors who had raised turkeys for years lost nearly all of theirs. "I try not to be unduly pu'ffed up, but it is generally conceded that this hiHt year was tho rorst season in years in Oregon for turkey raising. And there was no grasshoppers. I'm sure my turkeys didn't get more than a doz en aTiioee. That was almost a enlnmitv. 1 1 fed them Dutch cheese w hen thev w ere little, with a small onsntitv of erneked wheat. By June 20 they were able to hunt all their own food. I saw them ev ery few duys and counted them, and a little later spent the days herding them ont cf a neighbor's grain. My goodness, they werj; worse than a bad kid to start a row. "However, I usuully fuss with the men folks in tho turkey business. Deliver me from a wrathful motherl "In the fall 1 hauled all the apples I could ftnd, beg or borrow. I allowed them to- run in tho cornfield in the fall, so I can't say exactly when I be gan feeding them. Lost year I begnn bringing them home September 28. That is busy time, but uneventful. I help wth tho killing, which I don't core mnch for. Then I get the checks, which I do like. January and Feb ruary are vacation mouths. I raise most of- ray chickens then. It is a nuisance to try to raiBe them both at once. J "In March the turkeys began to lay, and the excitement begins nil over ngn'in. They are very clever in hiding their nests. Last year I had 400 eggs' to turn every day. But the first laying hens soon begin to sit, and then- they turn them. Last year tho first turkeys were hatched before tho last hens were set. But we had no second batch. Home of the hens arc gentle, and some of them fight. An angry turkey hen is no joke. They bite and scratch and beat one with their wings. "As I nm not good for anything else, it has been easy for me to live out in the fields with them by tho day. And the day often begins at 4 o'clock. But there are compensations in having breakfast at sunrise on a hilltop a mile from home, especially if one gets there in time to herd a mnrandinL' band of turkeys out of a neijrhbor''s grain field. They travel fur and fast. Most of them leave home when a few days old and do not come back until feeding time in the full, although they usually return to the some roost ing place for weeks." GO TO THERESCUE Don't Walt 'till It's Too Late Fol low the Example of a Salem Citizen Rescue the aching back. If it keeps aching, trouble may come. Often it. indicates kidney weakness. If you neglect the kidney's worn ing, look out for urinary disorders. This Hnlem citizen will show you l.r.u. in tm fn tia .niMfl Mrs. . H. Deacon, It'll Mission St., Salem, Says: "It has been a long tune since 1 nave taken s money Fills, but speaking from past experi ence, I say that they are a medi cine of merit. I hail a dull pain across my kidneys and at times it wos very severe. After 1 had tnken Iran's Kid- Hit, Hills n lnvu thnf .1 inn if rff- able ache disappeared. My hack and kidneys nave caused me out very m tle trouble since." I'riee 50c at all dealers. Don't simplv n-.k fur kidney remedy get !...... u-;.i.,..u r;n. n,n n,,,i ti.dt ! Mrs Denenn had. Foster Milluirn "Co., Prop-., Buffalo, N. Y. Under the direction of Minuetta Ma gers a delightful opera is the one chosen for presentation by the high school chorus. It is full of fun and gaiety. The choruses constantly chang ing. The music by DeKoveu is unus ually bright and attractive with a touch of pathos here and there, but all cares are quickly banished by the appearance of the merry outlaws. The Morris dance under the direction of Miss Jlerrium, n part of the quaint old dance ot the merry hnglish tnlk at the famous Nottingham fair when Rob in Hood appeared, and is a feature of act two. as ulso are the charming little milkmaids' chorus. Tho comic churning trio where the sheriff shows his ward fSir t!uy of tlisbourue, how to make love to 'Lady Marion by practicing with a milkmaid. The beautiful duet be tween Lady Marion and Rolnu Hood, the auction of stolen goods by the fnt nnd funny Friar Tuck, the song by the arrogant sheriff and his ridiculous ward. Sir tluv, with the famous finale, "We rap on the sheriff's knockers." The second net opens in the home ot the outlaws in the depths of .Sherwood forest nnd includes the famous solo L"Brown October Ale," and the comic1 Tinkers' sons: by five grotesque 'tink ers, tattered and torn. The beautiful solo by Marion, the madrigal, and the big finale of placing the sheriff in the stocks. The third act opens with the armorer's song, the beautiful legeud of tho chimes with the bell chorus and the triumphal wedding finale ending in happiness for all except the funny old sheriff and Sir luiy, the false heir ot Huntington. Slaughter Begins Serving His Sentence San Quentin, Cal., May 22. Rev. Madison Slaughter is convict Number 29.643 todav. His head has been shaved, he has donned the loose prison suit and he is at. work in the jute mill. While his nttornevs arc fighting to win him a third trial on tho charge of attacking Gertrude Lnmsou, aged 15. the minister will be serving bis fif teen, years. With good behavior he can get out in nine years and five months, and he will be eligible for pa role after four years and eight months have elapxed. . When Mlaughter entered the peniten tiary he was treated like tinv other convict' bathed, mearmre'd and given n convict coot and trousers. I'pon be ing questioned he said he was a me chanic. Then he was given a number and assigned to a cell. He constantly maintained an nttude of iheertiil ness, but' as he passed through the prison gates his shoulders sagged a trifle.' Coos Bay Will Get New Limited S. P. Train Service In place of the Onldcn flute Special, which is train No. 53, arriving in Eu gene from the north at 12:30 p. ni., the Southern I'ncifie company will, be ginning some time next week, put on a Vortland-Eugenc limited train, leav ing Portland at 8 a. m. and arriving in Eugene four hours later. Bound north, the train will leave ubout 1 p. m. The announcement of the installa tion of this service was made in Port land yesterday by John M. Scott, gen eral passenger agent of the company. Announcement of the withdrawal of No. 53, also No. 54, which is the north bound overland that arrives in Eugene at nn early hour in the morning, was made the first of this week. It is also announced that, when the Willnmetto Pacific line is completed to Coos Bay in July the new limited train will be extended to Murshficld and run direct between Portland and that city, stopping ut Eugene. Eugene Register. STOEY HOUR PARTY The story hour season ends with the month of May. There is, then but one more morning. The last hour, which will be next Saturday morning, 9:30 to 1(1, will be given over to the annual "Story hour party." Each child plans to take some pint, representing some character, or acting out oinc favorite storv. These can lest he planned at home, for the mothers know what can be worked out with the materials that are at hand. Those who would like to have advice in choosing may ask Miss Case at the library; she has some parts planned that have not been, chosen. Everyone is asked to leave word with her as soon ns he decides, so that the program may lie arranged without any repetitious. It is hoped that few will conic without planning a part to tuke, for the more there are, the merrier it is. u This is the exact This is the exact This Is the exact size and shape size and shape of size and shape of the finest another Havana of the OWL, the cigar that comes cigar, almost as Million Dollar ' from Cuba. It fine, that sells for Cigar, that sells ells at 50c each. 30c each. for 5c. The makers of the highest-priced cigars men who receive as much as 50 cents for a single cigar favor the square-end shape. Why? Because the square -end shape yields the highest percentage of smooth -burning, satisfying smokes to the smoker that is why we make the OWL in the squaro end shape. r I- The Million Dollar Cigaf M. A. GUNST ft CO. INCORPORATED TI LIBIT STER CONTINUES Washington, May 22. Senate filibus ters, as fresh as when they started their' is inexcusable cxtravuKiinee. Puity battln, today resumed attacks on the limes cut no figure in tho lilihiMtvr. rivers bill. They cluim that at leut half of the -l2,000,000 appropriations .. 3srfi5iS Trial of Doctor Waite Began This Morning New York, May 22. Facing tiiiil for the murder by poison nnd germs of his father-in-law and mother-in law, Mr. nnd Mrs. John E. Peck, of Crand Rapids, Mich., Dr. Arthur Warren Waite appeared in court today white nnd wan. His jaunty manner was gone, but he was cool and apparently uncon cerned, The selection of a jury is expected to require three days. Justice Aliearn set aside. 10 days for the entire proceed ings. Ho expects to set a new re ord for speeding up a case in which insan ity is the sole defense. Seven jurors hnd been tentatively e lected at noon. Waite is being defend ed by Attorney Wulter R. Deuel. The Waite jury was completed early this afternoon, after the trial had been in prores two hours and Ti minutes. This is considered record breaking speed. It's the uniform unva rying heat of a good oil stove, and the perfect control, that keeps the juices in that pre serves the savory goodness of the meat and gives that even brownness all over. -tastier toasts a cleaner, cooler kitchen, and less fuel expense A HEW PERFECTION OIL COMiSJOYE nvenienctof Jta;r -SL-Wlft a cvrivwiiiiK rT'i- -;'.''" orcoa) range It , but Aeepa I , ;. .' 'pk;' All theconvenienctof gas. Cooks any wood will cook Vour kitchen cool. The long blue chim neys do away with all smoke and smell. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-bumei sizes, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Fireluas Cooking Ov ens. Ask your denier today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Cililoioi.) Siilcin 7-; narriBir.Mfffr H litst J Risuht A Use ,! w For Sale by Salem Hdwe. Co. Uuren & Hamilton, Ray L. Farmer Hdwe. Co. VV. W. Moore, Spencer Hdwe. Co. Imperial Furniture Co. E. L. Stiff & Son,