:R ' CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY .. full leased wire dispatches pptrp Twn rKNTq ON trains and new SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916 TIIIRTY-NINTH YEAR (1 ff? f GREAT BATTLE R Ml ITALIAN F 1 BBJAND'S PEACE TtKMS : King Victor Ej- iuel Orders Austrians Driven Off Italian Soil At A J Cost Austrians Take 16,000 Prisoners In first Week of BattleItalians Hammer Vainly at Aus trian Defenses Fighting Is Desperate Around Verdun, with French Making Slight Gains Vienna, May 22. Massing heavy forces on the south ern Tyrol front, Italians today are making desperate but unsuccessful efforts to stem the Austrian invasion. Commanders ordered repeated assaults of Italian Al pine forces on the Teuton lines. Every onslaught was re , pulsed. According to official announcements, the Aus- trians claim capture of several more Italian positions and 3,000 prisoners. Reviewing the first week of the battle, the war office declared that a total of 16,000 Italians had been made prisoner. Considerable terraine has been seized. Fighting desperately under direct orders from King Victor Emmanuel, the Italians are bringing every avail able man and gun into action in the bloody Astico valley in efforts to oust the Austrians, who there gained their first foothold on the enemy's soil. It is believed that the king, now at the front, ordered that Austrian invaders be expelled at any cost. "The fiditine in southern Tyrol is increasing in vio lence," said the communique. "We (Austrians) hold the summit of Armentara ridee. Troops of the crown prince fflntnred Cima Del Laehi and Cima Di Nezole. The enemy was driven south from Borgola Pass." Tarn, May 22. French counter nt- French air raids Saturday night, and tucks have driven Germans from strong early Sunday a French flying fleet ..... . ., ,f shelled railway stations at Metz. Avo- positions on both mites or the Meuse emrt al)d Boyp nni, mnnjtiollg aepot9 in a heavy renewal of tho battle at and cnmps at Biaches, Chapellot and Verdun, according to official announce- Jimietz. Two Fftnuli dirigibles t- ments today. The Germans charged tackedVnilrond stations and tracks at again and again in desperate effort Brioulles-Dunn. to regain the lost territory, hut every . Britisi Lose TrenChe3. assault was defeated. Berlin, May 22. Several lines of Bii- The heaviest of fighting continued tisit portions on a front of one and a thro"ghout Sunday, marking the be- third miles southwest of Givenehy and pinning of the fourth month of Verdun extending to Engohellc h vc been cap- t i w . ij tared by tho Germans, it was officially the world's greatest battle. W est of ' Dead -Man's hill, ul ready littered with Faris, 'May 22, "Peace will not come except through a de cisive victory,-" Premier Bri and today toid the Kussiau du ma. delegation. "The allies car regard tho future with confidence," de clared Briand.-' ' Peace must not result from diplomatic intrigue, but it can come oi.'.y through a decisive allied victory which can and will restore recogni tion of international law as a right." ORPET TO TAKE STAND Close Friend of Dead Girl Says She Never Contemplated Suicide BURNS DETECTIVE TELLS OF ALLEGED 1AI1 W PLOTS Donald Meserve Connects Caplan with Times Ex-. plosion at Los Angeles KING MAY INITIATE MOVEMENT FOB PEACE London, Miy 22. King Al fonso of Spain is likely to initi ate peace negotiation, Madrid newspapers said today, accord ing to the Exchange Telegraph. Ho will first sound out the peace sentiment in each bellig erent country and if results are satisfactory the king will send two Spanish statesmen to eAeh of tho warring capitals to work out plans for a truce, SAYS CAPLAN PLANNED MURDER OF McKINLEY Also That His Gang Planned Murder of Rockefeller Other Crimes Told Waukcenn. 111.. May 22. Marian Lambert had no thought of suicide when she went to the woods to meet William Orpet, charged with her mur der, according to the assertion today of Alias Joshcphine Davis, closest friend of the dead girl. Miss Davis will be a witness for tho prosecution in its at tempt to prove that Orpet, a college boy, forced Marian to Bwallow deadly poison so he could be free to marry another. "Marian knew that worries over her physical condition were ended," said Miss Davis. "She realized that her love for Orpet had grown cold. She was not even jealous when his engage ment to Celesto Youkcr was an nounced." Young Orpet 's counsel, it was report ed today, have definitely determined tlmt l,n ulnill tnlte tlie stand in his own defense. He was the sole witness t5V Marian Lambert's death. Ho far, he has made one statement concerning it, declaring the girl lay dying when he re turned to ner atier tnoir last try-si u Helms woods. Tho defense will produce witnesses, teachers, tit the Lake Forest high school, to show that Marian took an unusual interest, in a chemistry lec ture on cyanide poison a few days be fore her death. She was then plotting suicide, they will contend. Seattle, Wash., May 22. In a state ment issued boro b) Donald Voe Meserve, employed by the Burns Detec tive Agency and in important witness in the David Caplan and Matthew Schmidt trials at Los Angeles in con nection with the Times explosion,' new and startling disclosures of alleged an archist plots wero made today. These included a plot to kill John D. Rockefeller by dropping a bomb from an aeroplane on ' his house at Tarry- town and another to blow up tho Tombs prison at New York. He also gave new light on the Czolgoz assassination of President McKinley, and asserted that it was the same anarchist group which placed the bomb Ithnt caused $200,000 damago to the St. Patricks cathedral in Now xork in 1!H4, and anotner oomn which wrecked the Bronx court house. Meserve iB the Bon of Gertrude Vose, for many years a close friend of Em ma Goldman, the noted anarchist lead er. He is 2(j years old, and tor lu IN ARREST OF RAIDERS United States Grand Jury In dicts 13 Who Dispossessed Mrs. Ross BE Man Answering Ristman s Description Held hy Offi cers at Estacada corpses, tho Germans time niter time tried to widen their gains made in Sat urday's fighting. Each assault was met by a curtain of firo which threw back the grey ranks and the French, seizing the quarry. announced. "On tho right bank of the Mouse French unsuccessfully attacked lines in the district of the quarry south of Hnudromont and the summit of Vaux," snid tho statement. "In their third attack tho enemy gained a footing in the opportunity for counter attacks, plunged into tho confused Teutou Masses and regained part of the ground lost Saturday. On the Meuse east bank tho French captured a trench adjoin ing the shattered ruins o'f Vaux village. During the night the Germans made a "During the night, artillery was very active on both sides along the entire sector. Our airmen repeatedly attack ed with evident success upon Dunkirk. An enemy biplane fell into the sea. "Lieutenant Boelke shot down his seventeenth and eighteenth enemy ulnnes and was made a captain. On moonlight attack on Houdermont qunr- gMl ,fn)llt aa& in thc Balkans there ries out met Willi disaster, meir cui- i i n ., ci,nnLT(, vmns being blown to bits by a con centrated French fire. Tho quarries were taken by the French Sunday. Germans rolled dense londs of pois ' on gas toward French lines in the ('linnipngne, then charged with ony onets, snid the communique. As the lielmeted lines came on a sudden shift in the wind sent tho denillv vapors Austrians Loss 43,000 Home, Mav 22. Anstriuns lost 20, 000 men killed, wounded and missing during the first three days of their of fensive in the Tyrol, Heme dispatches declared todav. Thev also said that Austrian casualties during the past four Girl Believes In Him. Maywood, III., May 22. Celeste Yonker. who was engaged to William Orpet, believes him innocent of the murder of Marian Lambert, his former sweetheart, and will so testify at the trial, she declared today. 'In her first interview she denied be inc cncmired to Orpet, but asserted she had faith in him. "Whatever else he has done I know he didn't kill Ma rian. I would stake my lifo on that." "Ho was the kindest boy I over knew, He could not bnr to see or in flict pain. Ho was a nice, clean, gen tlemanly fellow, a trifle bashful. I had never heard of Marian until I rend of her death." Tacoma, Wash., May 22. Warrants have been issued for four Pacific coun ty men; in addition to the nine already tanen into custody for alleged connec tion with the famous "night rider" case, according to -the sheriff's offieo here today. They aro: Joe Axford, E. K. Burke, W. H. Hurke and Virgil Do Inn. They aro reported to have left tho district. Tho nine ranchers already under ar rest aro Homer F. Blaine, Trenton W. Twidwell, John N. Howard, Ralph N. Howard, Claudo Vanderpool, Mike Han rahnn. Enoch H. Dillard, James C. Sim mons, Deputy Sheriff of Pacific county and Earl Timmons. All 13 men had previously been freed in Pacific county of "night rider" charges Drought by Mrs. Mnrgarot Boss. They aro now charged, on fed eral grand jury indictments with inter ferine with settlers on federal lands. Tho affair practically reached tho feud stage nearly a year ago. Mrs. Ross and her two sons hnd settled on what thrrvl I'liievcd to be nn abandoned claim. There was nn nttcmpt to eject years lived at the Homo Colony, the i tbem and neighborhood quarrels ensued whirling back upon the Teutons. They un.v wcre eveu equiiny neay. xio were overyhelmed and the assault de- P'als1 Tront, ?, "owd'd with feated. wounded. Barracks in the smaller towns Aviators on both sides were reported nv open couverteojnro .nuriim. u-s. increasingly active. Three German aero- , , ... . t.lnues which engaged in sky duels with Russians Join British. I'reuch flyers were wrecked. In tho Loudon, ,ay 22. For the first time VVrdun region well directed French since tho war began British and Kus- fire punctured six German captive bnl- sinn land forces' aro today fighting loons containing observers, and they shoulder to .shoulder in j.Iesopotnmia. fall. Military critics warned thf public German aviators swooped down upon against undue optimism regarding this fiunkirk this morning, showering bombs speedily executed joining of British into tho streets. There were several and Russian troops. They Raid it was ' highly improbable that the Russian TODAY'S BALL SCORES: American. R. II. K. Detroit 1 i 0 Buxton 2 H 0 Diuiss and Stnnage; Gregg and Car digan. Foster replaced Gregg. R. E, ir. Cleveland . ...i H 12 1 Philadelphia 10 14 0 Ooumbo, Bagley and O'Neill; Meyers and Schang. R. K ABE MARTIN At Inst it's warm enough fer th' girls t' de; r ther furs. Th ' time t' ecuiiom i. is wlieu you've got th' coin. main bodv would be able to effect a juncture with the British for weeks in sufficient strength to hurl an attack on Bagdad. The Slavs will probably move upon Bagdad from the north. Battle on the Baltic. Copenhagen, May 22. Violent can nonading litis been heard in the Baltic sea off thc JSwcdish coast, according to Stockholm reports. The belief is ex pressed that Russian nnd German fleets are engaged. Italians Defeat Serious. Vienna, May 22. "Thc Italian de feat on the south Tyrol front is steadily growing more serious," it was an nounced today. "The attack of our corps on Tavaronc platenu was highlv successful. The enemy was driven off from th whole position." Trench Make Gains. Berlin, May 22. French troops gain ed a foothold in a qnarrv south of Hnudremdnt, euft of the river Meuse. following three attneks in force, it was officially admitted today. Itallin Liner Sunk. Riuiie, May 22. The Italian liuer Standrea has Wen sunk bv an Austrian submarine, it was stated today. H. St. Louis Ml! 1 New York 5 11 4 Plank and Hartley; Keating, Fisher and Walters. Markle replaced Fisher. Groom replaced Plank. E. National. R. R Philadelphia 5 7 3 Chicago i ' z Alexander ami Killifer; Hendrix and Fisher. Beaton replaced Hendrix. New rain. York-Cincinnati, postponed, Brooklyn-Fittsburg, postponed; grounds. wet PAULINE BREAKS RECORD Cleveland, Ohio, May 22. Jolie Topsy Pauline De Kol, a four-year-old Holstein cow, has1 just set a new world's milk pro duction record for one year. Topsy produced 2S,4i(i pounds of milk the last year, or .1,301 gallons. She beat the previous world's record by 1,'il" pounds The cow is owned by the city, and her milk, produced at the WarrensviUe corre-.tion furms, goes to workhouse prisoners. anarchist scttlonteiii near Tacoma. It was this association that naturally won him the confidence of the anarchist loaders throughout the country and made it possible for him to learn some of their important secrets. In 1913, he declares, ho offered his services to thc Burns detectives to find Caplan and Schmidt and succeeded. Bomb Exploded Too Soon. The Rockefeller bomb exploded, he said, while the plotters were testing it in their room in New Lork. The nnmes of the bomb makers, according to Mes erve were nnmcd Carmon and Hanson and Berg. All three were killed when the bomb went off and wrecked the house. The bomb which was to have wreck ed tho Tombs was discovered before it went off. Meserve hnd met both Caplan and Schmidt becoming an operative. He met Cnplnn in San Francisco, he do clared, the day before the Times was blown up, nnd Caplan told him he wns going to L.OS Angeies. ine ncxi "ay, October 1, 1910, the Los Angeles Times wns blown up. "From thnt day until September. 1913," said Meserve, "I tried to find Caplan on my own account. I finally decided I could do nothing without backing, and so offered my services to Burns." He soon located Caplan at Rolling Bay, Wash., and it was there thnt Cap lan, he says, revealed to him the al leged anarchist plot to kill President McKinley. Together with Czolgoz, who fired the fatal shot, a woman nnd an other man planned tho assnssination, Meserve declared, Czolgoz Changed Plan. "Caplan told mo Czolgoz did not do tho job as thoy hail planned," said Meserve. "They had arranged it so Czolgoz could escape. Caplan said he had a closed carriage and was waiting for Czolgoz to take him out of Buffalo. He was still waiting, he Buid, when he heard peoplo shouting the president was shot and the assailant captured. Cap lan thought that at the last minnte Czolgoz changed tho plan so it would look as if he alono were responsible." t David Caplan as well as Emma Gold man, nnd another man, were arrested on suspicion immediately after tho shoot ing of McKinley, but were released for lack of evidence. Meserve says the p'an to drop a bomb from an aeroplane at the Racke feller home was decided upon because there was a high wall around thc Rockefeller estate. In his guise as an anarchist, Meserve himself was sent on a reconnoitcrlng expedition to the Rockefeller estate a week before the bomb was to have beea fired. American Got 10 Years For Part In Rebellion London, May 22. Jeremiah Lynch, tW" American rebel sentenced to 10 years for participating in the Irish re volt, was seen in Liberty hall, rebellion headquarters, during the fighting, until finally one dark night- n mob of horsemen appeared at the Ross cabin' and forcibly carried them awny. Dur ing this wild ride through the forest. Mrs. Ross ,nll(!gcd she was iroughliy handled nnd sustained injuries. The Ross boys returned to the section and many fights followed, which ended with tho two being sent to jail. Mrs. Ross then appenled to Governor Lister, who ordered nn Investigation. This investigation, Mrs. Ross declured, was a farco nnd sho then lnid her case before the federal grand jury here, which returned indictments against 13 of the alleged night riders. Pendleton Girl Portland Rose Queen Portland. Ore., May 22. Miss Muriel Saling, o'f Pendleton, is to be queen of the Iise Fcstivul, having received nenrlv seven and a half million votes, which wero more than douhlo thoso of her nearest competitor. The vote is: Muriel Saling, 7,483,0211; Lillian Hen- drickson, Portlnnd, 7,4N,l,io; cicanor Jackson, McMinnville, 2,325,5!5;i Rose Uptegrove, Oregon City, 2,115,135; Mrs. Maud Oilman, G. A. K., Portland, 1,- 971,107; Edel Fraasch, Lugcno, l.W-V 292; Mildred Pegg, Vancouver, i,cju, 410; Waive Jacobs, Klamath Falls, 1, 41fi,923; Louise Taylor, Portland, 1, 055,307; Jewell Carroll, Portlnnd, 1, 010,501. All the other candidates will be maids to tho queen and each of the outside towns will receivo floats. Portland, Ore., May 22. A man closely answering the description of Fred Ristman, the missing jitneur in the Jennings murder mystery, is in jail at Estacada awaiting the arrival of of ficers from Portland to establish his identity. He acts as though he is stunned, talks in monosyllables and ap parently docs not even know his own name. Estacada is 30 miles from the scene of the murder, which was com mitted Monday night, May 15. Rist man wns thought to have been murdor cd by the man who crushed Mrs. Hel en Jennings' skull. His automobile was blood stained, his hat was found by the rondsido, and there was every indication that he had been killed. A telephone report from Estacada said tho man held in jail was ovidently Frnch. Ristman was commonly called "Frenchy." Ho wore a bluo shirt sim ilar to tho ono Mrs. RiBtmnn said her h.isbnnd wore the nieht ho disappeared. He apparently assented when asked if ho did not drive an automobile in Portland. Asked if his name was Rist man. ho nuzzled a long time, but said he couldn't remember. He had a week's growth of beard on his. face, and a hat two sizes too large tor mm. Tho man was found by two young men at G o'clock this morning. Ho had two freshly killed chickens in a bag and was helping himself to tho contents of their flour bin. THE ROOSEVELT VIEW Chicago, May 22. "Republicans have ono week in which to nominate Thoodoro Roosevelt and four years in which to regret not having done so, said O. K. Davis, secretary of the pro cressivo organization, in a stnteniont issued today. Chairman Hilles of tho republican na tional committee is en routo to Chi caoo. Secretary Reynolds of the re publicans assorted today that thore would be a double roprosentntion from Texas districts, except in two cases which are to be contested. Frank Hitchcock, a Hughes support- or, is due tonight. It is expected thnt his arrival will boom the justieo's stock Inhabitants Fleeing North la Wake of Pershing's Army Fearing Villa is Corey Claims Election As Pub lie Service Commissioner Returns Not All In Portland, Or., Mav 22. Charles E. Hughes carried Oregon in the prcsidon tial preference primary by 30,000 votes, according to results availaPio today. With about 70 per cent of the bill lots counted, Hughes had 50,257 and Cummins 23,704. Burton wns trailing fur in tho rear. Colonel Roosevelt was out of tho race altogether. Although his name wns not printed on the bal lot it. was expected that his supporters would writo in his name. Thoy didn't. Roosevelt probably received less than 200 votes in the entire state. Tho latest count in tho rnco for re publican district delegates indicate IEU BANDITS LOOT CQUMTRY AS AMER1GAI1S LEAVE COLEIN IS SENT BACK TO DISPERSE ROBBERS Texas Militiamen Refuse !a Take Oath Necessary for Federal Service By Carl D. Groat (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, May 22. One hundred and aixteeu Texas militiamen refused to take the oath necessary for federal acrvico, Secretary of War Baker was advised today. Under the Dick law, they can be court-martialed and finsd. but thoy cannot be forced to Berve. it.iKor commented today on an al leged interview with General Obregon in Mexico City in which the Mexican war minister was quotou as saying that the American-Mexican situation was acuta. The secretary doclnrcd he did not know the Big Bend ense had peen discussed at the recent border conference. He snid be though that in any easa the Big Bend situation would be clear ed by withdrawal of Colonel Sibley's mon, which is now under wny. lha attitude of Provisional President 0r ranza is reported still triendly. Private ndviceB say another noto from Carranza is on route to Washington, bearing on the prcsenco of United Mates troops in Mexico. It is believed to be friendly. Skirmish With Outlaws. Columbus, N. M., May 22. Four hand of Mexican bandits are following the withdrawing American troops to day,- looting. It is believed ono of these organizations attacked a section of the Seventh cavalry which fought a skirmish action in which ono soldier was wounded. General Pershing is rushing n column 1 back to engngo tho outlaws. His ob ject is to dispcrso them. Scouts report that each band is 70 horsemen strong. Inhabitants of Mexican villages are fleoing north in tho wnko of the Amer icans, circulating stories thnt Francisco Villa has recovered nnd is organizing a new army, nnd that the United States army is retreating because it fears him. Snipers Getting Bold. Han Antonio, Texas, Mny 22. Of ficial news that Mexican snipers had uttucked General Dandling's cavalry was wired to army headquarters today. Private Strong was -reported missing after a brush with bandits. Horsemen wore ordered out to search for him. Uonerul Funston directed a cavalry Bquadron to hasten to Cerro Blanco, whoro Chico ( auo, a bandit, is reported to have established himself. (Continued on Fage Eight.) Agricultural Committee of Pomona Grange Calls For State Rally July 3rd The Pomona Grange Agricultural! Motion mado nnd carried tu t voto committee met at tho Hnlem Commcr- 0( thanks be extended to the Hnlem cinl club rooms Wednesday, May ii, c)mmercji dub for their kindness in nr 1 o'clock, with W. H. utevens in the chair. President, W. II. Slovens, Gervais; Mrs. Zolla Fletcher, Hulem; Mrs. W. C. Kenyon, Aurora; J. R. Miller, Htnyton; d. W. Fnriss, Turner; W. A. JoneB, Mucleay; J. J. McDonald, Sulem; H. F. Crawford, Turner; T. B. Simpson, Jef ferson; O. F. Larsen, Woodburn; E. Fin lev, Jefferson; O. C. Weller, Woodburn; JK. Whitehead, Turner. On motion W. II. Stevens wns elected permanent chairman, nnd J. E. White head, permanent secretary. Address by Prof. Hurd, of O. A. C. Snlem Commercial club was invited to co operutc; with committee in grange rally to be held in Salem, Oregon, July 3, during Cherry fair. Invitation wsb accented by W. M. Hamilton, president of t lie ."Mucin Mimmerciui ciuu, uu u tinlf nt his orL'iinizntion. Motion ninde and enrried that W. II. Stevens and J. K. Whitehead be np . ;,ITinf' Kliitnrm innPrfll . IJlllllilMl 11 H C ( J III 1 1 1 L I W " Sir .T,,l,n Maxwell renorted 'todav to I On motion W. A. Jones, Mrs. Zella Premier Asquith. Lyn:-h has not" de-1 Fletcher and H. II. Cruv.ford wero ap nied taking part in the uprising, the pointed committee on parade. r : tt;... .,! It., wns On motion B. H. HimpFOn, J. Vonrheei first sentenced to death. Later this and C. K. Spenco wero appointed corn- was commuted. . 'mittce on reception May Break With Calles. Douglas, Ariz., May 22. A break be tween President Carranza and Military Governor P. Klias Calles of Sonora, as a result of tho appointment of Adulfa Do La Huerta civil governor, was hinted nt hero today hy thoso woll in formed in Mexican affairs. A Oarrnnzn decree granting O. W'uv well, head of the Cniiunen Cattle com pany permission to export 10,000 head of cattle to tho United States, and the attempt to abolish prohibition also caused tho Btrained relations, it was stated. Calles was reported to have opposed tho movement of cnttlo through Sonora, threatening tho use of troops. Callel also Btatcd ho would stop further sals of liquor in bis domain. extending the use of their club rooms, nnd co-oneratiou in the work of tho Cherry fair. Motion made and earned mat next meeting be held in Sulem on Wednes day, Juno 14. The following permanent committees of tho Pomona grange are at your serv ice for any information you may desire on their respective subjects: Taxation J. K Whitehead, Turner; F. H. Simpson, Jefferson; W. F. Gulvin, Marion; J. K. Miller, Stnyton. Co-operation A. P. Kirsch, Htayton; W. C. Kenyon, Aurora; J. A. Colgan, Marion. Itoads W. J. Jefferson, Gervnis; Kugene Finley, Jefferson; W. K. Schou rer, Aurora. Legislature Mrs. Zclla S. Fletcher, Salem: W. A. Jones, Mncleay; O. C. Weller, Woodburn; J. C. Coomler, Ger- vais. Markets J. J. MncDonnld, Salem; II. It. Crawford. Turner; O. F. Larsen, Woodburn; Mrs. J. C. Teckenburg, Mac- lcay. Notico: Don't forget the grango pic nle dinner and prance parade In con- incctiou with tho Chorry fair, July 3. HUGHES DENIE3 HTJMOB Washington, May 22. "Jus tice Hughes does not recognize irresponsible rumors," it wns announced through his Becre tary today when ho wns ques tioned as to a printed story whero he was quoted as having said: "Tho republicans will nomi nate Roosevelt. There is no use eonsidcring anyone else.' TIH7 WkAThkR ? 11114 lliiniuui ie Oregon: To night fair -with, fi'ost; Tuesday fair, warmer ex cept near tha coast; westofly winds.