r Election Returns Not Yet Com pleted, But Winners Known (Continued rrom Page One.) Secretary of state ,ioores 22. Olcott 2s. ' Justice Burnett 4,", Moore 40, Com mission Miekle ;it. Public service commission Buvhtol lit, Campbell 28. Circuit judge Hinghnm 2l, Kelly 4o. Morcotn 1(1, Pogue 15. .Representative Helknnp 23, Sain lirowu SO. Thos. Brown 2. Klgin 21. fbeymmir Jones 34, W. Al Jones 30, Keech Hi, ..Martin 11, Mcliitunf 10, l'uge 10, Iiubertsoli 1!', Scheurer 4. District attorney Carson 1, Gehlhar 25, Keyes 13, McCord 4, Smith 4, Wins low tl. Clerk Boyer 44. Sheriff! Cooper 21, Xeedham 30. Assessor Anderson Id. West 31. School superintendent Cornelius Giuint 2, Phillips 10, Smith 14. Recorder Brooks 43. Treasurer Draper 40. Surveyor Horriek 42. "ti, County commissioner Hunt II) Lib by 12, Nye 20. Coroner Clough 21. MeTntire 22 Ctoisan. District delegate Abraham Bishop 23. Calkins IS, Steves lit. President Burton 7, Cummins Hughes 17, Roosevelt 5. 12, Hepresentntive Hnnlev "P. Secretary of state Moores 23, Olcott 23. Justice supremo court Burnett 44. Moore 34. Commissioner Mickle 30. Public, service commission Buclitel 22, Campbell 10. Circuit judge Bingham IS, Kelly 31, Morcom 8, Pogue 23. Representative Belknap 11, Sam Brown 2'i, Thos. Brown 19, F.lgin 11. Seymour Jones 31, W. At JOnes 22, George Keeeh 20. Ivan Martin 23. Mc lnturfif 0, Mrs. Alice Page 21, Robert aim 21, Scheurer 7. District tittornev Carson li. Gelilhar lit, Keves 22. McCord I. Smith 1, Wins low 4. " Clerk Pmvor . . - ' Sheriff Cooper 28. NVedhnui 2". Assessor Anderson 11, West 3S. School superintendent Cornelius- 2(5, Olauntt 0, Phillips li. Smith 22. Recorder Brooks 44. Treasurer Draper 41. Surveyor Herrick 43. , Countv commissioner Hunt 27, T.ib by 13, Nye; 11. ' Coroner Oloirgh 32, MeTntire 14. Constable Acheson 4. Brotherton 4, llolman 4;- Miles 11, Pratt 7, Roberts 13, VarneV "4. Woolery 2. Justice of pence- Wygant 45. liepublicnn votes 57. , Democratic votes fl. SScatteriiig" , '' ' Butte ville. President Burton 4. Cumiitins.lP. Hughes 24.- ' ' '' ' : " '' Secretary of state Moores 'JO, Olcott 27. ' '' '. " ''" Public service commission guchtid 28, Campbell IP'.' " "" " ' ,. ' , Circuit court judge fiijihriiu. " 35.' Kelly Rg.Xtjrcoht, J4. Pope, OA.'1' v Kejiresentativo ' Bell.tiau 15,' Sam n. Brown 35, Thrts. Brown 20, Elgin' 13, Svniojir. Jiine8,.2!"..Vi Al Jones, 3.3. Keech IS, Martin,' 27, . Mclnfurff , .1.4, Page 12, PohertsQu 2.VSeheivr 24,' ... District attorney Carson 2, Gelilhar 3ft. Keves fi, McCord 4, Smith-Wins-low 6, -...'. Sheriff Cooper. 20, Needham 20.. , .... Assessor Anderson 14. West 30... School superintendent Cornelius S. Oauntt 4, Phillips 3d. Smith 8. . Countv c,o-mmisionor-rlluttt 21, Lib hy 25, Nye 4., . Coroner CTough 2i Mclntire 27. . -- North Howell. President Burton 0, Cummins 27, Hughes 17-. Secretarv of state Moores 1$. 'Olcott 40. Public service commission Buclitel 20, Campbell 24. Circuit judge Bingham 40, Kelly 3S. Morcom 12, Pogue 10, Hepresentntive Belknap 15, Sam Brown 50, Thos. Brown 21. FJgin 10. Seymour Jones 23. W. Al Jones 14. Keech 10. Martin 15, ..lelntnrff 17, Pace 27, Robertson 31. Scheurer 10. District attorney Carson I. Gelilhar ,13, Keves 0. McCord 3. Smith S, Wins low 12. - Sheriff Cooper 33. Xeedhnm 28. Assossnr Anderson IS, West 40. School superintendent Cornelius 21, Gauntt 12, Phillips 15, Siith IS. Countv commissioner Hunt 4. T.ib by 20, Nye 2. Coroner dough "S. MeTntire 17, Salem No. 14. President Burton K, Cummins 27, Hughes 11. Secretilrv of state Moores 47. Olcott 51. Public Service commission Buclitel 05. Campbell 4S. Circuit judge Bingham 70, Kelly 44. "Morcom 23, rogue 47. Representative ' Belknap 51. Sain Brown (is, Thos. W. Brown 32, Klgin 71. Seymour Junes 02. W. Al Junes SI. Keech 23. Martin 58. Mcluturff 21, Pn:e 15. Robertson 53. Sclieurer 31. District nttnniev Cnrson', 1. Gelilhar 25. Keves 43. McCord 2. Smith 10. Winu low 43. Sheriff Cooper 5S, Needliam 78. Assessor Anderson 44. West 01. School superintendent Cornelius (iauntt 5. Phillips 17, Smith 70. Commissioner Hunt 0, l.ibbv Nye 8. . ' .t7. Coroner Clongh 101 Constable Aeliesou 13, llolman . Miles 12. Melutirp 20. 13. Bmilicrton Pratt Roberts 14, Vaiuey 3:1, Woolery 7. Central Howell. President Burton S. Cummins 12. Hughes 19. Secretarv of state Moore- 2. Olcott Public, service coiuinis.-ieii Buclitel 21. Campbell 1. Circuit judu'e Biruliam 2 Kelly 30. Mnrcoiu 5. Poffne 13. Representative Belknap 10. Sam Broun 32. Thos. Brown 14. Klin ll. Seyuooir .Tunes 20. W. Al Jones 20. Keeck 7. Martin K Mdutur f 13, Paye H. Kobeit-ou r. Sclieurer P. Distri t Attorney Gelilhar 30. Kev os . McC.ird 1. Smith 2. Win-low 4. Sheriff Cooper Id. Nee.ihani 20. Assessor Anderson 1, West .10. School Superintendent - tVrnelius 9, Oauntt 4. Phillips 1.,. Smith ". Commissioner llu.it 21, I.iKbv 11. Nye 3. Coroner dough 21. Mclutire 10. .Constable -r Brotherton 2, ,Hnlmna 7, Miles 3, Pratt 11, Roberts a, Vurney 1. Woolery 3. "Chemawa, Complete Delegates Abraham 33. Bishop 73. Calkins 31', Steevej 33. President Burton 14, jCummings I 10. Unities 02. I Sec. State Moores 44. Olcott 04.. j Justice Burnett .SS, Moore 7t. ! Commission Buclitel 40, Campbell I 43. j Circuit Judge Bingham 02, Kelley 73, Morcom 10, Pogue 52. ' Representative Belknap 23, Sam Brown 53. Thos. Brown 34, Elgin. 2S. Seymour Jones 9S, W. Al Jones 51. I Keech 10, Martin 41. Mcluturff If., Page 43, Robertson 37. Sclieurer IS. I Dist. Atty. Carson. 7, Gehlhar 2S, ! Keys 33,. McCord 3, Smith 20, Wins-' low 22. Sheriff Cooper 33, Needham 74. I Assesnor Anderson 30, West 75. , School Supt. Cornelius 35, Gauntt j 5. Phillips IS. Smith 53. j Co. Commissioner Hunt 53, l.ibbv SS. Nye 5. J Coroner dough 00, Mclntire 33. i Constable Acheson 4. Brotherto l ;(, irolmaa 13, Miles 20. Pratt 1", Rob ' erts 11, Vurney 9, Woolerj- 13. victor foint. Delegates Abraham 29, Bishop 43, Calkins 24, Steeves 9. President Burton 7, Curamings 15, Itughes 35. See. State Moores 23. Olcott 40. Supreme .Indue Burnett 50 j Moore 44. I Commissioner Buclitel 27, Camp bell 20. i Circuit Judge Bingham 37, Kelley .iu, .Morcom J4, Pogue 24, Representative Belknnp P. Sam Brown 42, Thos. Brown 27. Elgin 23. Seymour Jones 23, W. Al Jones 23. Keecli 21, Martin 27. Mcluturff 21. Page 21, Robertson 24, Scheurer 17. Dist. Atty. Carson 3, Gelilhar 32. Keyes 12, McCord 0, Smith 10, Wins low 3. Sheriff Cooper 24, Needham 32. Assessor Anderson P. West 49. School Supt. Cornelius 15, Oauntt 10, Phillips 10, Smith 20. Co. Commissioner Hunt 44, Libbv 13. Nye 2, Coroner Clough 34. Mclutire 17. Scotts Mills. Delegates Abraham 42, Bishop 50, Cnlkius 35. Steeves IS. President Burton 3, .Cummins IS, Hughes 5$. , Sec. State Moores 02. Olcott 25. Judge Burnett 09, Moore 01. .Commissioner Buclitel 07, Camp bell 20. Circuit Judge. Bingham oi), Kelley 5S. Morcom 13. l'ogue 74. Representative Belknap 24, Sum Brown 53, Thos. Brown 20, Elgin 25, Seymour Jones 49,. W Al Jones 53, Keech 22, Martin 33, Mcluturff 19, Page 3.VKo.be-Msnu.29, Scheurer 15 ll.istriqt. nttorney-rrCarsou ?,, Gelilhar tti; Keves 9, McCord' 7, Smith 5.'Vins low:l ' I.- . VS Slieriff-Cooper:S. Neiedltanv 74 AvJHpssof Anderson l9,:WTest 0.'l lfhool superintendent Cornelius 10, C.amift 19, Phillips 29, Smith 23. Countv commissioner Hunt 03 .l.ib- by 21, Nye . Horeb. ' Secretary of state oores 2. Olcott 17. '-- - Supreme judge Burnett- 15, Moore 15." Commissioner Buclitel 9, Cjvrapbell P. - Circuit judge Bingham 0, Kelly 14, Morcom .'!, Pogue 15. Representiitivp illgin 4, Seymour Jones 11, Al Jones 15, Martin 7, Sclieur er 5. District attorney Gehlhnr 10. Koycs 4, Winslow 4. Sheriff- Cooper S. Needham 11. School superintendent Cornelius 14, Smith 0. Countv commissioner Hunt 7. Lib bv 10. West Hubbard. President Burton 2, Cummins 20, Hughes 33. secretarv of -state Moores 42, O'cott 43. Public service commissioner Buclitel 50. Campbell 29. Judge circuit court Bingham 53, Kelly 53. Moivoni 24, Pogue 31. Representative Belknap 42, Sam Brown 02. Thomas Brown 34, tdgin 33, Sevmour Jones 49, W. Al Jones 50, Keech 22, -Martin 31, Mdnturff 5. Page 12. Robertson 40, Sclieurer 33. District attorney Cnrson 2. Gelilhar 20, Keves 13, McCord S, Smith 0, Wins low 32. Sheriff Cooper 22, Needham 01. Assessor Anderson 19, West t'4. Superintend of schools Cornelius fi. Gauntt 3t, Phillips 21, Smith. 20. Cominis.ionel' Hunt 4S. l.ibbv 31. Nye 0. Coroner Clough 45. Mclutire 30. Englewood. President Burton 30, Cummins 20. Hughes 49. Secretarv of state Moores 00, Olcott 59. Public service commission Buchtel 50, Campbell 45. Circuit, judge Bingham 00. Kelly 77. Morcom 19, Pogue 52. Representuiive Belknap 27. Sam Broun 71. Thus. Brown 42. Klein 51. ! Sevninur Jones 50. W. Al Jones 70. I Keecli 29. Martin 57, Mcluturff 11. Page 25. Robertson 50, Sclieurer 25. District Jittorney Carson 13, GelilhnT IS. Keyes IS, Smith S, Winslow 42. Sheriff Cooper 50, Needham 00. Assessor Anderson 47, West 70. Superintendent of schools Cornelius .".3. jGauntt S, Phillips 8. Smith 01. Commissioner Hunt 41, l.ibbv 55, Nye 9. Coroner Clough 91, Mclntire 17. Constable A.heson 5. Brotherton' S. , Holmun 10, Miles 20, Pratt 13. Roberts 21. Varney 23. Woolery 4. i ' Fairgrounds. 1 President Burton IS, Cummins 30. ', Hughes 42. i Secretarv of state Moores 4S, Olcott 5S. j Public service rommission Buclitel ! 55. Campbell 3S. j Circuit judge Bingham Oo. Kelly 01. Morcom 10. Pogue 4S. Representative Belkoap 33. Sam i Brown 03. Thus. Bmwn 37, El-in 50. 1 Sevmour Jones 73. W. Al .T,o,ea r," i Keech 20. Martin 32. Page 47. Robert n 11, Sclieurer 19. District atturncv - ("'arson 13 Gelilhar THE DAILY CAPITAL JQi 42, Keves IS, McCord 5. Smitu 17, Wins low 13. Sheriff Cooper. 41, Needham 03. Assessor Anderson 35. West 08. Superintendent of schools Cornelius 44, -Oauntt 5.' Phillips 20, Smith 34. Commissioner r Hunt 51, I.ibby 34, Nye 9. Coroner Clough 05. Mclutire 32. Constable Atdieson 3, llolman 23. Miles 2S, 11-att S, Roberts 13, Varnev 11, Woolery 11.. " Salem No. 7. President Burton lo, Cummins 24, Hughes 31. Secretary of state Moores 19, Olcott 57. Public service commission Buclitel 31, Campbell 41. . - - Judge circuit court Bingham 37; Kelly 42, Morcom 20, Pogue 37. Representative Belknap 33, Sam Brown 44, Thos. Brown 24, Elgin 34. Seymour Jones 40, W. Al Jones 50, Keech 14, Martin 33, .Mdnturff 17, Page 38, Robertson 31, Scheurer 9. District attorney Carson 0, Gelilhar 20, Keves 12. McCord 2, Smith i, Wins low 20. Sheriff Cooper 28, Needham 50. Assessor Anderson 23. West 52. School s perintendent Cornelius 23, Gauntt 7, Phillips 9, Smdh 3S. Commissioner Hunt 25. l.ibbv 38, Nye 11. . ' Coroner Clough 41. MeTntire 32. Constable Acheson 13, Brotherton 1, Ilolmaa 8, Miles 5, Piatt S, Roberts II, Varney 20, Woolery 4. South Silverton. President Burton 5, Cummins 17, Hughca 48. Secretarv of state Moores 30, Olcott 50. Public service commission Buclitel 30, Campbell 35. ' Circuit judge Bingham 03, Kelly 42, Morcom 19, l'ogue 20. Representative Belknap 20, Sam Brown 48, Thos. Brown 28, Elgin 21, Seymour Jones 38, W. Al Jones 38, Keech 23, Martin 20, Mcluturff 13, Pago 29, Robertson 45, Scheurer 20. District tittornev Carson 1, Gelilhar 44, Keves 11, McCord 2, Smith 9. Wins low 17. SUeriff Cooper 28, Needham 53. Assessor Anderson 28, West 53, Superintendent of schools Cornelius 18, Gauntt 5, Phillips 19, Smith 39. Commissioner Hunt 50, I.ibby 15, Nye 5. Coroner Clough 44, Mclntire 32. . Mehama. President Burton o, Cummins 38, Hughes 20. . ' Secretary of state Moores 40, Olcott oo ; Public i service coinmision Buchtel 28. Campbell 29. Circuit judge Bingham 38, Kelly 53, Morcom 7, Pogue 11. Representative Belknnp 17; .Sam Browu 49, Thos. Brown 38, Elgin-14. Sevmour Jones 30, W. Al Jones 42, Ke"ech 35. Martin 20, Mcluturff 2, Page 11, Robertson 19, Scheurer 12. ' - District ntfdrnoy Carson 1, Gelilhar 47. Keyes 4, McCord 2. Winslow 11. Sheriff Cooper 13. Needliam 57. Assessor Anderson al, West 48. Superintendent of schools Cornelius 31, Gauntt 13. Phillips 4. Smith lit." Commissioner Hunt 31, . I.ibby 23, Nye 1, Coroner Clough 43, MeTntire 13, ' Eiverview. ' ' Dielegates Abraham 8, - Bishop -9, .Calkins 4, Steeves 5. ' . President Cummins ', Hughes 11. ' Secretary of state Moores 0, Olcott o. Supreme judge Burnett 10, Moore R. Commissioner Buchtel .4, Campbell 7. Circuit, judge Bingham , Kelly 11, Morcom 3, Pogue 0. Representative Belknap 4. Sam Brown 4, Thos.. Brown 0, Elgin 4, Sevmour Jones 7. W. Al Jones 2, Keech 2, Martin 0, McTnturff 3, Page 4, Robertson 7, Sclieurer 3. District attorney Cnrson 0. Gehlhar 5, Keyes 2, McCord 1, Smith 1, Wins low 7. Sheriff Cooper 3, Needliam S. Assessor Anderson 0, West 11. School superintendent Cornelius ,2, Oauntt 0, Phillips 0, Smith 10. Countv commissioner Hunt. 4, T.ibby 1, Nye 0. Coroner Clough 0, MeTntire 5. Constable Acheson 0. Brotherton 2, Holman 0. Miles 0, Pratt 7, Roberts 1, Varney 0, W'oolerv 0. West Woodburn. President Burton 7, Cummins 42, Hughes 80. Secretary o'f state Moores 88. Obott 02. Public service ' commission Buchtel 118, Campbell 23. Circuit judge Bingham 81, Kelly 77, Morcom 93, l'ogue 49. Representative Belknap 57, Sam Brown 118, Thos. Brown 43, Elgin 34, Seymour Jones 92, W. A I Jones 85, Keech 40. Martin 50. Mcluturff t, Page 59, Robertson 47. Sidieuref 51 District attorney Carson 2, Gehlhnr 27. Keves 10, Mc Cord -SS, Smith 2, Wins low 22. Sheriff Cooper 40, Needham 107. Assessor Anderson 39, West 107. School superintendent Cornelius 43, Gauntt 20, Phillips 25, Smith 59. Commissioner Hunt S3, I.ibby 37, Nye 17. Curoner Clough 00, Mclntire "0. East Woodburn. President Burton II, Cummins 23., Hughes 93. Secretary of state Moores 01, Olcott 71. Public service commission Buchtel 113. Campbell 15. Circuit judge Bingham 81, Kelly 72, Morcom OS, PoguB 51. Representative Belknnp 02, Sum Brown 100, Thos. Brown 29, Elgin 40, Sevmour Jones 7S, W Al Jones .8 Keech 30. Martin til. Mdnturff Is, Page 02. Robertson 48, Scheurer 54. District nttorncv Carson H, Gehlhnr 24, Keyes I1, McCiird 43. Smith 4, Wins low 40. Sheriff Cooper 29. Needham 103. Assessor Anderson 39, West 94. School -superintendent Cornelius 42, Gauntt 9. Ph'tlli) 32, Smith 59. Commissioner Hunt SI, l.ibbv 41. N'ye 12. Coroner Clough 73. MeTntire 52. Aumsvllle. President Burton 7, Cummins 10. Hughes 47. Secretary of stnte Moores II. Olcott 27. Public service commission Buchtel 3'. Campbell 28. Circuit judge-Bingham 38. Kelly 01. Morcom O, Pogue 28. Representative Brown 49. Thos. B Nevmour Jones -2(1, Keech 15. Martin Page 2'i, Robert-",! Belknap 42. Sum inn 2'!. Klgin 2'i. W. A I Junes .12. 2s. Mclufur.'f II. f, Scheurer 9. RNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1916. District attornevr-Carson 1, Gehlhar 21, Keyes 14, McCord 2, Smith 4, Wins low 37. Sheriff C5oper 20, Needham 40.. Assessor Anderso 14, Wet 54.' School superintendent Cornelius 33, Gauntt 6, Phillips 10, Smith 21. Commissioner Hunt 53, Libbv 17, Nye 0. ' v Coroner Clough 48, Mclntire 13. St. Paul. President Burton 7, Cummins 17, Hughes 41. Secretnry of state Moores 10, Olcott 50. Public service commission Bui-htel 24, Campbell 3S. ..- Circuit judge Bingham 42, Kelly 51, Morcom 10, Pogue 25. Representative Belknap 0, Sam Brown 3i, Thos. Brown 50, Elgin 13, Seymour Jones 24, V. Al Jwies 34. Keecli 6, Martin ' 13, Mdnturff 5. Page 17, Robertson 11, Scheurer 38. District attorney Carson 3, Cetilhar 37, Keyes 21, McCord 3, Smith 5, Wins low 2. Sheriff Cooper 8, Needham 02. Assessor Andorson 10, West 52. School superintendent Cornelius Gauntt 1, Phillips 0, Smith 51. Commissioner Hunt 47, I.ibby 10. IS. Nye 4. , Coroner Clough 47. Mclutire 11.. ScoUard. President Burton 7. Cummins 13, Hughes 31. Secretary of. state Moores 29. Olcott 30. Public service commission Buchtel 32, Campbell 21. Circuit judge Bingham 31, Kelly 31, Morcom 21, Pogue 30. Representative Belknap S, Sam Brown 35, Thos. Brown 4, Elgin . 10, Seymour Jones 18, W. Al Jones 20, Keeeh 10, Martin 22, Mclntjrrff 13, Page 21, Robertson 20, Scheurer 20. District attorney Cnrson 5, Gehlhnr 25, Keyes U, McCord 13, Smith 1, Winslow 5. Sheriff Cooper 28, Needham 30. Assessor Anderson 28, West 31. Superintendent of schools Cornelius 0, Gauntt 8, Phillips 28, Smith 21 . Commissioner Hunt 35, l.iuby , 2."., Nye 2. - ,' ' - Coroner Clough 22, aoclutirc 28. Waconda, President Burton 0, Cummins 7; Hughes 30. . . ... Secretary of state Moores 28, Olcott 27. Public service commission Buclitel 24, Campbell 19. - . Circuit, judge Bingham ill, Kelly 34, Morcom 12, Pugno 21, Representative. Belknap 20, Sum Brown 35, Thos. Brown 20, Elgia 18, Seymour Jones 2.8, W. Al Jones ''33, KiMH'h 22, Martin- 9,' Mdnturff 10, rage u, KoDerrorr ,st, 'Scheurer 10. - District attorney Carson 2, 'GehUiar 24, Keyes 20, McCoidiO, Shiith 5, Wins low 4. ; ' . , ,. , Sheriff Cooper '32, fceedtiam 20. , Assessor Andersorr-6, West 40. Superintendent ' of schools Cornel) ns; 18, Oauntt 14, rhillips 15, Smith 17. ; Commissioner . Hunt 3-8, Libbv.- 9. Nye J. . i Coroner Clough 3-S, Mclntire 11. Salem Nd. 7. President Burton 10, Cnmniins 24, Hughes 31. h'. . . Secretary of state-rMoorej IP, Olcott 57i vrl ,- - -Niprenie judge Btiatjt- 2, Moose 511 - - , ..., - - ;. ' Commissioner bell 41. -Buchtel, gi,- Camp- Circuit judge Bingham 37, Kelly 42 Morcom 20, Pogue 37. Representative ;Blknap.- 33, "Sam Brown-44, Thos. Browji 24, Elgin 34, Seymour Jones .40, W, ..Al Jones 50, Keech. 14, Marrin 33, .Mcluturff. 17, Page. 28, Robertson 31, .Scheurer 9. District attorney Cjusou. 0, Gehlhar 20, Keyes 12, McCord jBmitb 7, Wins low' 20. . .,, . . Sheriff Cooper 28, JN'eedham 5Cv"" Assessor-Audersoii 23, West 52. , . School tsiiperintendent Cornelius 23, Gauntt 7, Phillips. 9, Smith 38. Countv commissioner -dluut 24, IJb by 38, Nye 11. Coroner Clough it, MeTntire 32. Constable Acheson . 13, Brotherton 1. Holman 8, Miles 5, Pratt 5, Roberts 11, Varney 20, Woolery 4., Salem No. 14. Delegates Abraham. ,10, Bishop 49,, Culkins 9 1, ..Steeves 4,3. President Burton f)8, Cummins 18 Hughes 27. Secretary of slate Moores 47, Olcott 51. . ' Supreme judge Burnett 107, Moore 8!). Commissioner Buchtel (13,- Campbell 4S. Circuit judge Bingham 70 Morcom 2.'!, Pogue 47. Kelly !!. Kopreseutalive Belknap ."I, Sam Brown MS, Thos.' Brown 82, Elgin 71, Sevmour Jones ti2, W. Al Jones 81, Keech 2:!, Martin !)1, Mdnturff 21, Page 45, Iioliettson fit, Scheurer District attorney Carson :i, (le'hlhar 25, Keyes 43, McCord Smith ID Wilis- low 4J. Sheriff Cooper 5.8, Needham 78. Assessor Anderson 44, West !'4. Superintendent of schools Cornelius 7, Gauntt 5, Phillips 17, Smith 70. Countv commissioner Hunt 80, I.ib by 48, Xye tf. Coroner Clough 10, M.-Intiie 2!l. Constable Acheson 1H, Brotherton 13, Holman 0. Miles 12. Pratt 8, Kobcrts II, Vurney 3:i, Woolery 7. .When reports of drownings cause bathers to follow the safety first rule, the summer sea -on will be much more enjoyable to all concerned. 7: r Western Vaudeville Ass'n Vaudeville Last Times Today Morton Sisters Those Classy Girls Hibbs and Martin Comedy, Banjo, Art Li BLIGH THEATRE II II n u n ii ii ri ti M ii ii ri ti ti ii u si H n M n 11 II !! II II ti ii 11 n n ii M N 11 II II ti 11 n M M U For the or Dene Has a distinctive touch and beauty. See our line of Imported stools, Couches, etc. Get our prices and judge for yourself if you can afford to live without these extra comforts. When you plan your vacation think of our baggage department full line of Trunks Suit Cases and Hand Bags at prices within the reach of all. Uili fcil tfrt 4Uw Ji tMl jfjj MiWi the followiilg vdte. Bepuhlicon winners are1': ' , ' Cireiitt judgees,' Bucliana, Coke and Potter; representatircs, I.oiiia E, Bean, Allen Eaton, AValter B. Jones; district attdruey, J. M. Devers; ussessor, D. P. BuHpn; clerk, Stacey Russell; sheriff, Chas. P. Barnard; treasurer, Sam W. Taylor; commissioner, K. It. spencer. Returns From Benton, (Uirvnllis, Ore., May 20. Although the: vote iii this county was light and thcto appeared to be no excitement in the primaries the unexpected closeness among some of the contesting candidates j ton county oificcs ninKes the peojile reaftzc that something happened yester day. Olc.ott is leading for secretnry of state and Buchtel is ahead of Campliel), according to returns TVliich, are about half complete. A pretty race ii that of I.nfferty aad JIack for state repre sentjitive, the contest being so close it cannot be stated which will lie the vic'tor. ... - - ' . -.In Polk County.. Dallas, .Ore., Jfay 20. Incomplete re turns from the primary election held yesterday gives Chas. B. Moores, the republican candidate for secretary -of state a lend of about two to one over Ben Olcott, the present incumbent. Hughes, the candidate, for president, is ,fr nhead of. the other candidates, On the county ticket, Cournci stntriu, re publican candidate for- representative, has n large lead over his opponents, Mrs. Ella J. Metzger of this, city and W. .T. Clark of Independence. Fred J. Holman, for county clerk, is away ahead of the other candidates for the office as is also Homer Robb the can didate for surveyor., For the office of school superintendent, Miss Almeda Fuller has a small lend over W. I. Hey uolds ,lhe present holder of the office. This is the most contested office in this election. A. V. R. Snyder, the can didate for countv treasurer, also lias a very small lend over his closest oppon- out. Mi. Winnie Braden. Several other precincts rnnr are ro oe nearii rrom may give Mrs.. Braden the lend as she is sup - posed to be strongly supported in them. Walter L. Tnoze, Jr., of this city, and B. F. Swnpe, of Independence, are about tied in the nice for district altornev. I Mose Manston, of Dallas, the candi- HUGHES .CARRIES STATE (Continued From Page One.) date for countv commissioner from thisiily lilocked bv Judge Oregorv, whol section of the emintv. lias a Targe lead over Oeorge Wells, of Buena Vistn. the present commissioner. On the demo eratie ticket the only cnatested office was for assessor and Frnuk Meyer, the present inciimlienti is 25 belli ml Carl Fenton, his opponent.' Wedding Announcements, In- vitations, and Calling Cards printed to your order at the Capital Journal job office. Phone 81. : ir4 Last Times Today BLANCHE SWEET in THE SOWERS A story of sM-i;i,l and the battle for political free- iloni iu lliissiii YE LIBERTY -v-;'...!y 1 ?w 1 Porch of elegance combining strength Sea Grass Furniture, Chairs, Mttt htid kitl M'M tfttt fftfl fct- ifcii MM 4jm Mtk uk lyirt Vaudeville Star Loses Husband at Yerdun Mile, M. DcBourr Compelled to Smile Though- Grief Stricken To-see "MHe. Mi DeBourg, who ap pears with her sister, La Belle, lu the illusion act now running at the Oregon theatre one would not supposo from her carefree efferescent stago perform ance that she holds in her soul the grief of a widow. Only last week Mile. Marii roceived a message stnting that fner husband had been killed in the at tack upon Ft. Vaux before Verdun. Her husband was Lieut. Henri Bonn ville of the Fourteenth French Hussars The messiM stated that her gallant spouse fell while leading his command into the face of a terrific German on slaught.. - ...... Her sister declared this morning that Marie had resolved to endow n bod in one of the French military hospitals. A larger part of Iter salary -will go to provide for somj? son of, France vf'no h.is been injured, in tlie fight across the sen. i - Ship Purchase Bill , Passed by the House Washington, May 20. Voting 211. to 1CI the house todav passed the Alex ander ship purchase-bill. It establishes. '1 shipping board and a fifty niillio dollar government" corporation to build and operate, sjiipa under the American flag. ...... The democrats, voting against the .measure were Olney o'f Massaehusetts and Slayden of Texas. Eleven repub licans ensr their ballots in favor of the bill, including Nolan and Kent of Cali fornia. SLAUOHTEB GOES TO PRISON Oroville. Cal.,"May 20. Rev. Madi son Slaughter in custody of Sheriff Kiddle left Oroville lit 12:1)5 today on a Southern Pacific train en route to. San Fr.incisco. when he will no to San j yuentin prison to serve lo years for an assoult (in..Urtruue l,anison, Jo. 1 Since being placed in juil Slaughter i lias changed' greatly becoming pale and thinner An effort on the part of Fred Lam son, father oi' Oertrucle l.amson, to re gain custody of the girl wis teinpornr- pointed out that the riuoi was iiccusco in charge of the of ijeliiKjiienCy and probation office. DEATH OF SAMUEL LAKE. Samuel Luke was' Imm in Columbia county, Pciiii., in I SOT and died at his hiuue two and one hau miles oust of Stayton, May Hi, ljiKI, after several years of patient uf feriiig. : A.r. Luke fain? to Oregon by an ox team in 1S52, and has been a resilient of Oregon ever since. He was murried to Miss Matilda Oilfield in Salem, Octo ber 15, ..1805, ami the collide celebrated their golden eildiug at the home place last. October. Ho is survived by his wife and five children. They are: Grant of Julon, Calif., William of Stayton, Sirs. Susan Caplinger of Salem, .l rs. :Hthel Maloue of Stayton and Joseph of San Francis co. One brother, John K. l.nke of Stay toll,.' and numerous grandchildren also survive him. . Samuel Lake had been an active member of the .Methodist church for 4!) years, 40 years a Mason and an Indi an wur veteran. The funeral services were hehl yesterday at the home. Key. K. B. l.ockliai't officiating, and inter ment was iu tin' Ine Oak cemetery by the bi-iiiititul rites of the Masonic or der. Stayton Mail. T I i i i p 1 i n p p .ft t Wliy are we popular? Be cause we tell you every day, the news of the world. ' inTNE . S !T5 ff? m mm .1 mtU ifcH At lm us. ji J 1 J -S MAW" 1 Rockers, Stands, Foot n II M II ta ii n ii ti ii n N M 1.1 11 tl Ii ii it You, get. more a! Moore's for your money. n I! 1; I! U ttM ihin op4 Htmi fr tint wtiii itwl 1 DIES Itf rORTLAND. Not altogether unexpected came the . news of. the death' of Henry I- 8chnak enberg at a sanitarium of tuberculoid on Mouday May 15, IP 10. The body was brought .home at For Valley, .Wednesday aud interment wua in the Fox Valley cemetery, Rev. Me Cloud officiating, Mr, Schnakenberj 'was a prominent farmer anil dairyman aud was well liked by all. The funeral was attendod, by an immenso crowd, many of whom were from Stayton. The Oddfellow and Artisans luul charge of the. cere monies. - , The deceased letivcs a wife and five children, two boys and two, girls at home: and one married daughter, Mrs. Stone. Stayton Mail. -- " ' -, I ttiiiti mat mm itrt mm rttj md ni mmuMtJi mi limi I II OREGON M n II Vaudeville 1 ri ti Tonight and Tomorrow j 11 11 M 11 El II With entire change of pro gram Sunday DEBOURD SISTERS Magic, Mystery, Illusion in Freneli An Act of Orphetun quality 11 M tl I! tl 11 n ii U II u n n ti ii 13 M 11 M 11 tl t1 El !! li U 11 n H M 11 n n ii n II tl tl II 11 li i li El M tl II El n u ri tl tl tl a II 11 tl tl tl tl II ri ji ti M n ti ti n ti u u n II II tl tl (1 tl SI II tl tl tl 11 ri ti a ii ii n m TT The TT jmpena seven Classy Singers, Dancers, Musi cians and Entertainers. TEIANGLE Tonight -Last PICTUEE3 Showing of Wm. S. Hart lu HELL'S HINGES Greatest Western Play Filmed. ever Tomorrow Hamilton Revelle In si "The Price of Malice" M U RI And a Sidney Drew Comedy OREGON n M ti u it til jU mA Mt mi mm mm m