THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 19. 1916. SEVEN V 1 Backache? Run Down? ; Tired? Clean the Kidneys . With Hot Water and "Anuric" When run-down after a hard winter when life indoors 1ms brought about a vtntrnant condition in the circulation' most everyone is filled with uric acid especially is this so of eojile past middle age. This uric acid iu the. lilood often causes rheumatism, lumba go, swelling of 'minis and feet, or a ban-like condition under the eyes. Ittiekaejie, frequent urination or the nins ami stiffness of the joints are also often noticed. V)r. Pierce says that everyone should huve a good sweat every day should drink plenty of pure water and exercise in th opn air as much as possibl. This helps to throw out the poisonous uric acid thru the skin And the "water". lint, for such persons as are past middle age it's often impossible to do this and lime, units are deposited iu the arteries, veins and joints, causing all kinds of dis-1 Chemawa Commencement (Capital Journal Special Service) ('heiuawn. Dr., Mav Kvervthin; at Chemawa is iu readiness for the big efvent of. the yenr .commencement i which tikes place during tiie fiV days' between Sunday, May 2S and Satur-I day, June J!, or more correctly Friday eening, June 1st, when the week's fes-i livities vj ill be brought to a close by I nn alumni banquet. School, however,1 will continue in session until June 2.1. j The grounds are especially beautiful lit this season and the exercises prom-1 ise to drnw a large number of visitors. The gr.uiunting class is composed of, nine boys and 14 girls. j Tho following is an outline of the: program for the week: Sunday evening, May 2Sth, bnrca- laureate sermon by Prof. J. O. Ttnll of i Willamette University, Salem. ..londay, field day. Hand concert. Tuesday, Memorial day exercises in! the morning; bnseVuIl game iu the nf-! ternoon and class night observance in I the evening. I Wednesday, parade and military drill- in the afternoon; dnmliells, Indian clubs, and wand drills in the evening at the gymnasium. Thursday., graduating exercises in the afternoon And reception to gradu ates in the evening. Friday, alumni day with a b.inqitft in the evening. A SALEMJNTERVIEW Ml Brown Tells His Experience. The following brief account of nn in terview with a Salem mail over ten years ago, ami its sequel, will be read with keen interest by every citizen. P. W, lirown, retired farmer, 1-IHtl State street, Siiletn, says: "Hard work weakened my kidneys and I often felt the effect in lameness and soreness across the small cj; my back. Finally, my attention, Was called to iWn's Kidney Pills ami I got some from Or. Stone's" drug store.' The backache flM soreness entirely loft me." (Statement given .Tniuiarv SI, IHOG.) ', On. April. -11,' IPlfi, .Mr. Brown' said: "I am ready to confirm any time what T said in my former statement regard ing my experience with Dnan ' Kidney Pills.. I still consider them a- medicine of merit and they always do good work whenever 1 take them.'' Price tide, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get I Joan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Brown has twice publicly -recommended. Foster Milburn Co., Props., Jiuffalo, X. V. - 4c sit:)!:): Wedding Announcements, In- vltations, and Calling Cards printed to your order t the Capital Journal job office. Phone 81. SAYS BODY IS A Urges Everyone - to Drink Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast Just as coal, when it bums loaves behind a- certain amount of incom bustible material in the form of ashes, so the food and drink taken day after day leaves in the alimentary caual a certain amount of indigestible ma terial, which if not completely elimina ted from the system each day, be comes food for the millions of bacteria which infest the bowels. From this mass of left over waste, toxins and ptoinain-like poisons are formed and sucked into the Mood. Men and women who can't get feel ing right must begin to take inside baths. Before eating breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot water with a teapoonful of lime stone phosphate in it to wash out of tho thirty feet of bowels the previous day's accumulation of poisons nnj toxins and to keep the entire alimen tary canal clean, pure and fresh. Those who are subject to sick head ache, colds, biliousness, constipation, others who wake up with bad taste, foul breath, backache, rheumatic stiff ness, or have a sour, gassy stomach after meals, nre urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store, and begin practicing internal sanitation. This will cost very little, but is sufficient to make anyone nn enthusiast on the subject. Kemeiubcr inside bathing is more important than outside bathing, be cause tiie skin pores do not absorb impurities into the blood, causing poor health, while the bowel powers do. Just as snap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot water and limestone phosphate act o nthe stomach, liver, kbinevs ami Ika els. tressing conditions. An antidote for this uric acid poisou is to take hot water before meals and "Anuric. " Ask your druggist for Doctor Pierce's Anuric, or end Doctor Pierce's Inva lids ' Hotel and Surgical Institute i'u Huff ilo, X. Y.. a dollar bill for a full treatment, or ten ceu,ts for a trial package. "Anuric" is n recent scientific dis covery by lr. Pierce. "Anuric" drives the uric ncid out of your body. It is a uric acid solvent so effective that it eliminates these posions, cleans es the system, allows your over-worked kidneys to resume their normal func tions, and just a few days' treatment with "Anuric" will convince you be cause it brings lasting Telief to your painful, aching rheumatic joints no more backache or dizzy spells. Try it now and be convinced! Young People's Rally at Hazel Green Church The Hayesville district of the Chris tian F.ndeavor League of the United Brethren in Christ church will hold a young people's rally nt the Hazel Green church, Sunday, May 28. The forenoon exercises will begin at 10 o'clock with an hour and a half recess at noon for a basket dinner. The program for the day is as fol lows: Forenoon. Session. 10:00 Devotions Walt T Weinert 10:15 Address of Welcome . . Rev. E. O. Shepherd 10:110 Response. .Miss Alta Patterson 10:45 Kchoes from Grants Pass Con- edition Rev. H. B. Dorks Special music. 11:15 Christian 4F.ndenvor Kfi'fci- eney fcstnte Pres. Llovd t'arrick 12:00 Basket dinner. Afternoon Session. I:.t0 Devotions .... Miss Jlogue 1:45 Business session. Special music. 2:l.r Significance and Value of the Kndeavor Work .. Rev. F. M. Jasper 2:.'t5 Christian Kndeavor and Mis sions Rev. Bertha M. Peoples -':; ymet Hour.. Miss Gertrude Kakin SCRAMBLE FOR POTATOES AIDS TO BOOST PRICES Portland, Ore., Mav 19 The scramble for old potutoes is aiding the price all through the Pacific northwest. Both 'country and city prices have recently shown on advance, owing to the general scarcity of offerings bv producers In a few instances as high us $1.,'15 a cental has been offered and paid in the Wil lamette valley for extra quality, An advice from Yakima states that there were 75 curs of potatoes there unsold in tanners' hands .May 1 and an equal amount in -warehouses.. The lat ter were ow ned by dealers and hud beeu sold, therefore were merely being, be ing lielj1 foT shipping "orders. ' Growers in the Yakima section were asking5 $.10 a ton for their biddings and getting it. While there nre quite fair stocks of new potatoes in the local market at this time, still the old not.itn senson wiircoiitiiiue for a number of weeks ni.d during that time it is anticipated that j demand will be shown for everv sack available here. Eggs Are Softer in North. While prices are generally unchanged in the Pacific northwest, the market for eggs U showing a slightly softer tone in tho" north. Locally the situation is steady witltj'. o. b. buyers offering 22 cents generally, although one is said to be out with an offer of 22 1-4 cents. Chicken Market is Quiet. Market for chickens is quiet nlong the I'llll SI, ,,,,1 ., .mn.H..l.i., l,,n...... ..rt.l during the lust 24 hours. Sales are gen erally reported for hens nt 1G 1-2(i717 cents a pound. Small springs continue wanted Veal Market Again Down.' Country killed calf market remains very weak with sales along the street no nigiicr man jo cents n pouml ,mi some .cry goon snur selling troin:;,, rBn,.)iers reported todav. This S to 0 cents. Country hogs are iirm at (.rution was the Inmost since' Xovera- ii l--' cents lor tops. . Peas Are Quoted Higher. Price of green pens is Tinner nnd higher, with express stock selling up to I 7 1-2 cents and steamer stuff nt (i 1-2 cents a pound. Market in the south firmer. Local stock coming in verv! slow. North Howell Notes (Capital Journal Special Service.) Xorth Howell. Ore., iiny IS. Airs. P. Beer will make her sou Melvin a visit at The Dalles next weely Miss Gi-ce Shields, of Parkersville. who will graduate from the Normal nt Alomiiouth inJunc, has been elected to teach the primary grade in our school the coming year. A number of the friends of Berniie and Freda Dunn called to celebrate Aliss Freda's twelfth birthday Tuesday of this week. Alathias Dunn has begun the building! ot n new duelling house. Thorns Bros, of Alt. Angel, nre the carpenters. Robert Beer has his new barn nbniit finished. We expect the next move will be a bungalow and them ? The hanging of May baskets by mys terious persons nnd then u chase for the culprits, has furnished consider able amusement for our young folk tliis month. - W. H. Stevens attended the comity grange committee meeting -at Saleiii Wednesday. ' ' " . Notice i f the annual school meeting are pasted calling for a spci.ial tax levy of one mill to enable the board to hold school eight mouths next year and pay for some improvements. Geo. Yintoii. chairman of the school board, and V. H. Ibiiuhiiuir, clerk, were in Snlrin Monday getting posted on mat ters pertaining to tin1 school. W. J. Jefferson, road si:er isor. i making cxtensie improvements on what is knonn us the old camp ground road. ROOSEVELT GIVES (Continued from Page One. strong as are its convictions in refer ence to right and wrong. It little mat ters what our ideals may be and what achievements we may hope for, if these ideals and achievements cannot be re duced to action." Roosevelt declared that "the extreme naval party in Germany recently advo cated war with the United Sftes on the ground that, in the end, as the result of such a war. we would have to pay all the war expenses of the Gern auic powers and their allies. "These enormous sums would be raised by taxations on all our citizens. Those of German descent would pay as heavily as those of any other descent, and all who share equally the shame ami dishonor. A Foreign Foe, Foe to All. "A foreign foe is the foe of all of us alike. If in this laud the citizens of one national origin successfully set the fashion of influencing this nation to its own detriment in the interest of the country from which they originally came, sooner or. later it is absolutely certain that the citizens of some other national origin will repeat the experi ment and this country will be left de graded and helpless among the nations. If such nn event befall us, tho bitter bread of humiliation will be eaten by all those who dwell in this land, no matter what their creed, no matter what their national origin. It will be eaten by your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren just as much as by mine." With regard to international affairs, Roosevelt said: "There is not a na tion iu the world which believes that our course of conduct has been dictated by anything save timidity, unworthy shrinking from effort and responsibil ity, and cold and selfish love of money making and soft ease." With reference to uii'vcrsul military service, his words were: "I believe that the dog tent would prove a most effective agent for demo cratizing and nationalizing our life, quite as much as tuc public school or the farm." Blames the Germans. Roosevelt rend a letter v.hnh, he said, was written by Professor Paul Rohrback of Berlin, to Professor Apple man of the University of Vermont, a German. This letter declared that the writer could not see how German politi cal aims would be forwarded by German-Americans voting in favor of more American preparedness, because in the event of a war between Japan and tho United States, Germany, said Knhrhack, would probably adopt an attitude of be nevolent neutrality toward Japan. "This is a deliberate suggestion and invitation to i '-German-Americans not merely to. vote in the interests of Ger many, but to vote so that another pow er, Japan, -may; be enabled to beat the United States iin,. as tho letters state it, 'the quiet conceivable ;event' that' Ger many's Interest Is to stfe a war between Japan and the. Tnited States iu which Japan shall 'be victorious," cried, Roosevelt, y "I believe that the great' mass of German-American's are how undivided in their loyal devotion to this country. I know that our entire national gov eminent, from president down, could be mnnned with men of German birth or.i descent who would be- Americans and nothing else I very earnestly wish that some way could be found fin- repudiat ing the men whose actions have made it possible for foreigners like Professor Rohrback to write with the insolent belief that they can use our ellow citizens of German birth and Descent ho that their political influence may be ex erted in such 'fashion as to make this country helpless to defend itself against foreign aggression whether from Japan of from German or from nnv other : wer '1 ' MOUNT LASSEN IS ERUPTING AGAIN Redding, Cnl May ID. Mount Las sen, the California volcano, is becom ing more active. After being quiet for several months, it came back on the firing line with mother eruption Hastiiu; several hours yesterday morn , ... ., , , . mountain, owing to n thick haze. The smoke came from the If it creek side. She Made Up a Mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to Bring Back Color, Gloss and Youthfulness Common garden suge brewed into a heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streikeil and faded hair beautiful ly dark and luxuriant, .lunt a few ap plications will prove a revelation if vour hair Is fading, streaked or gray, .Mixing the Sage lea and Sulphur recipe. at home, though, is troublesome. Anj easier wiv is to get a oO-i ent bottle of.i Wyeth s Sane and Hurphnr Compound at any drug store all ready for use. This is the old time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients. While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attr tetiveness.' Ily darkening your hair with Wyeth 's Sage ami Sulphur I'ompouiul, no one 'an tell, because it does it so naturally, so evenlv. You lust damncn a snoime or soft brush with it and draw thisi through your hair, t iking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs hnve disappeared, anil, after an other application or two. your hair be comes beautifully dark, glossy, soft md luxuriant. This preparation is a delightful toib-t requisite and is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of dis case. Eat Less Meat If Kidneys Feel Like Lead or Bladder Bothers YouMeat Forms Uric Acid Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish rind clog ged and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders.- You simply must keep your kidnoys active and ctaan, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, tukesa. tablcspoouful iu a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes, and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flesh clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kid neys clean, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble.- Picnic Closes School (Capital Journal Special Service) Quinaby, Or., Aiay J9. Tho Perkins school closed Wednesday, the event being observed bv a picnic in the Wil liam Mumper woodland. Games, un der the direction of the teacher, Miss Velva Vtterback and her sister Aliss Kllamav Uttcrback entertained the children while lunch, under tho spread ing' mobiles Was au enjoyable part of the attain The followinsf pupils and a few visitors enioved the event: . F.thel Jones, Ella' llihii, Mabeh Cady Ruth l ady, Helen -.lonesi Sophie (lirod Delia Girod, .Thelma Harriett, -Esther Hnhn, Retha Cannoy, Borniee Allen, Alamie rukndn. . Leonard Biinick, Hen ry Girod, Lawton Girod, Wendel Bar uett, . Harland Perkins, .Marvin Per kins, Harold Jones, Kenneth Birnett. 15-Year-01d Youngster Grabs "Dad's" Auto and Takes French Leave Myron Lee, the,,,-J,r year-old son of ,JI. E. Lee, Portland, took his latHCi s auto yesterday and left for pirts un known with, great, speed and sudden ness according to the information re ceived by the Suleni police who are on tho lookout tor the youngster. With young Lee is William Aiinu, an other I'i yeur old, of Portland, and the whereabouts ot the luds ami one base automobile is n complete mystery. Mr. Lee, senior, wints his bov and car back so badly that he has offered a reward of $20 for tho arrest of the rambling son. It was indicated by tho tons nf the "father's voice over the phone last night that there would be a ninfnl session. in the wood shed when the prod ignl was returned. . Does Your Stomach Trouble You? Wonderful will change that rLong race! And One Dose Has Often Dispelled Years of Suffering, May r ' 'Wonderful Remedy can real ly be termed WONDEKEl'l,.' No matter where you live you will find people who have suffered with (Stom ach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments, etc., and have been restored to health and are loud in their praise of this remedy. It acts on the source and foundation of these ailments, remov ing the poisonous catarrh and biie accretions, Inking out tho inflamma tion from the intestinal tract and nrsist-s in rendering, the same anti septic. Sufferers are urged to try one dose which alone should relieve your suffering and convince you that ilnyr's Wonderful Hemedy should restore you '.o good health. Put it to a test today. Send for booklet on Htomneh Ailments to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, ISfi Whiting St., Chicago, or better still, obtain a bottle from your druggist. J. C. Perry. 115 South Commercial street. CHIROPRACTIC 8PINOLOGIST DR. O. L. SCOTT Oraduute of Chiro practic's Fountain . He id, l)avenpnrt, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal ad justments and get well. Office 40K-T-8 V. S. National Hank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main k-M(. CLEANERS AND DYERS APPAREL SKI'YK'E COMPANY 138 South High street. We clean pres, repair, remodel nnd rc-linc clothing nnd furs. Careful attention given ill work. We call and deliver. Phone 7-S. StoacliRGiiief MMMMMtMMMtMMtt. . t t Classified Advertising Page HttttltHIIHtttttlHttttHttttHHKtlttttlttHtlHHHIttHHlHtMH : THE MARKETS " I "! ! The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices 'are those .paid, the producer. Corrections are made daily. Everything is quiet among commis sion men this morning snd the market holds steady in every line. Eggs con tinue firm in at 22 cents for firsts, but many people have found dut that after tho eggs are shipped to Portland and cnndled, there is no ?2 cent price coming bock on the return check. As a general proportion, 20 cents from local dealers is much more satisfactory than taking a chance with the Portland commission men. At leist this is the experience of several who have tried it. Cmona. Oats, vetch ......' $17.0017.50 uneat $17.00 Wheat 8Sc Oats ..: .-. 40c Rolled barley $35.00 Com $53.50 Cracked corn $37 M Bran $27.00 Shorts, per ton $29.50 Alfalfa, ton $2.00 Butter. ' Dutterfat - 27c Creamory butter, per pound . 29c Country buttor ...,, 1 20c322e Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash. 20e Eggs, trade . , 21o Hens, pound , Joe Boosters, old, per pound ...... UfffilOc Broilers, under 2 pounds ...... 2225c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed SrtTOq Pork, dressed 1010 l-2c Pork, on foot. .-. 88 Spring lambs, 191G 8e Steers , ,....'.... 67e Cows 45 T-2c Bulls 3 l-24e Kwes .-..v 5 Wethers . 6c i . Vegetables. Cabbage- . Cucumbers Tomatoes, Florida String garlic Potatoes, cwt. .. Potatoes, new .......... Beets Asparagus , Radishes Wreen onions . , Green peppers (jrceii peas Egg plant . . . . . , .-. . . . . . Carrots, sack ... ..... . $3.50 90c $1.50 15c .....$1.25(aU.50 ,7. 5c ..m. $1.00 40c W' 40c 40c 25c 7o ........ 18c ....... $1.00 8oc $2.00 40c $1 liO . $2.25(0)3.5(1 ' Jaoo . $4.004.50 5e $1.75 $.'1.00 . $5.00(u.$ti.O0 7 l-2e $3.50 H'arrots, dozen Onions Rhubarb Kloi'Ua celery : . . ' FruiU. ' Oranges, Navels ........ Tangerines I.emoHS, per box Bananas, pound Apples, Hood River California grape fruit .. Florida grape fruit . Pineapples Honey . Strawberries :.- ..... Cherries, box . $1.50 ' E3tail Prices. Eggs, per dozen; fresh ranch 25c Sugar, cane $S.75 Sugar, beet $8.55 Creamery butter .....'.......-. 35c Flour, hard wiieat $1.60(7i)1.70 Flour, valley , $1.30(0,1.25 PORTLAND MARKET Portland. Ore., Muy ilWWhent : Club, 2f yic. ! Hliiestem'$l.liL'-1-2(i7'l.n3.1.2. i Forty fold, i)i(7!IHc. .. . - . : Kod itussiun, H2(o !5c.' ('liits:. ' No. 1 white feed, $2.50(ri 27.00. ' i Parley: Feed, $27.00(7; 20.00. Hogs: Best -live, ifH.'.Mifd .(jo. ' Prime; -steers, . !M)0. , " i Fancy cows, $7.50, , Calves, $s.nn Spring Iambs,, .ff'.00(ri ln.nn. ' Butter: City'creiiinery,"29c. ' Country 'butter, 27c. Eggs: Selected local ex., 2.1(ii LMc Hens, Hi l-2(o 17c, . Broilers, .'!0fr :15c. (ieese. lorn I lc. FOR RENT tm RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. H'i' North Commercial street. tf FOR SALE KALE PLANTS For sale, 12S1I fluins Ave., cor oth St, , mnyL'fl FOU SALE Household and office fur ni)ure, also house and garage for rent. Call 1IH nion street. mnyL'O TOR SALE 50 or 100 acres river bot tom laud, high 'building ground, oh Oregon Electric, 9 miles north of Al bany, near school und store. Terms will take some property in trade, t,. Anderson, 'Halbot, ,0., may2S FOR SALE Five acres with buildings for the price 'of tholaud, without buildings. We also have a 20 acre tract with buildings to sell. Will Hike part pny In Stilem city proper ty. Sipiare Deal Healtv Co., 202 IT. 8. Hank Hldg. Phone 470. tf FOUR VALLEY FARMS For sale by owner on count' road and railroad. lit) to 200 acres each, good buildings, good soil, all under cultivation, close to scrool, prices reasonable, half eoxh, bain nee time at It per cent or modern income bearing city property. K O, Box 21(1, Salem. if THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telaplkona EVUETTUXNG ELECTRICAL Salem Electrie Co., Masonic, Temple, 127 North High Main 1204 PLUMBING, STEAM PITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, lQi South Commercial street Uala 181 TRANSFER AND DRATAOE Salem Track k Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Main 71 Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping , Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store DENTISTS. DB. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters .nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Room 211. Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Saiem, Oregon, MISCELLANEOUS REDUCED FREIGHT BATES To and from all points, on all household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car service.. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 101 South Com mercial stroet. Plrone Main 833. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. For water -service apply at office. Hills payable monthly in odvnnce. SCOTTS, RESTAURANT MEALS Lie nnd up. Hotcakes or mush and milk free with all break fast orders. Soup, bread and butter 8 vegetables and ie, tea, coffee or milk and 1 kind of meat for lfc; 2 kinds of meat for 25c. Short orders any time of day. Scotts 179 S. Com mercial St. . .. SCAV ANGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and ceis pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence Miin 2272. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH CO C..B. Webb, A. M., Clough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed 400 Court St. Main 120, Main SMS8. RIGDON-RICIIARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 2"2 North High street. Dav and night phono is:t. LODGE DIRECTORY A. 0. V. W. Protection Lodge, No. I!, Sleets every Monday evening at 8 In the Mcrornm-k hall, corner Court and I.llierty sirccts. It. o. iionuldson, M. W. ; M. A, McKiidden, recorder ; A. L. lirown, financier. SALEM I.ODriK No. 4, A. P. & A. M. Hinted coniruiinlriitlons llrst Friday In cm Ii nmntli nt 7 :il p. m. In the Masonic Temple. ChiiH. McC'urter, JV. M. ; H. K, C'lilver, secretary, HAI.KM III'.MA.NK SOf'IKTY-Tj. F. Kceler, president ; Mrs. I, on Tlllson, secretary. All ciiHes of cruelty or neglect of dumb anl muls should he. reported to the secretary for investigation. CKNTIfiW. I.OIKIi:, No. tX. K. of P. Mc Curnio k hullillng. Tuesday evening of eiun ween in i :.,o. j. t.. ticuzel, L. L W. II. (Jllson. K. of It. anil S. It. N. OF A. "Orpgon fJriipe Camp." No. i'.WK m'iH every Thursdny rvenlnir In AU'Cornudt iHilidliiK. Court nnd Liberty HtreoU: eW'viiror. Mrs. Sylvia Hrhanpi). I 17!U Market, ornHt; Mvh. MHlssu ivr I HniiM, rt'OM-iler, 1-!M IWtu CouimelTLul. I'huriR i i:ti-M. MOIKHN WOODMKN OK AMKUiCA Oro ffon Cerhir Camp, No. fi--tt, meet every Tlinrn(liiy eveuiiiK nt 8 o'eloek In Mr- .ui limit nun, -jriiT on it iinti l.HMTiy i HtreetM. Kli'V.-ilor Mervlcp. Geo. Heltiohl, V. C. ; .7. A. Wright, fclerk. CHAOWICK riIAI'Ti:!t. No. B7, O. K. K. j ltejulnr nirM'tlitx very drat ami third j Tiirhdav nt S p. m. Iu the MuHonic Tem pi , ,IJniiift Moetler, ' M. ; Ida H. I-tahftH.'k, Hecrptitry. - WOOhMKN OF TUB WOriMW M:ot every' '.'Friday ntaht at. 8 o'clnek in Met 'urnack hlnrk, It. W. Macey, C ; I,. 8. Geer, clerk, ft7 Court Htiwt. I'hone 0(.'l. I UK MOI.AV f'OMMAXOF.KY. No. fi, K. T Ki-ffitlar ('"iirlave fourth Friday In eiieli .mml) at H a'elock. u m., In Masonic Tern . pie. , Knjiturjuiiiif Sir KuiKhtM art; courte- oimly Invited to meet with us l.nt I'earee, K. .'., I'rnuk Tmupi, recorder. UNITE!) ARTISANS -Capital AiwmMy, Nn. HI. nwtH pverv W ioio"niiv Rt H p. ni. : In Muoxh lolll. C7 O. Malloi k. M. A. : I ('. 'A. Huiiiliili, gerrettiry, Muleui Bank of ! roiiunpree. HOI (SON ('orSVl!., No. I, R. & S. M Ktutril niii-mlily tlrnt Moiidny In each mouth. MiiHotilr IVniplp. N. I. ItiiHitittx kt'ti, Tlirlee ILIiitriou Muater ; Olrna C. NIO-h, rccortliM. SAI.KM COCNCII. NO. '.'i!2J KnlxhtH anrl LiuII'-m of Se.-ii r li y M.mmh pTfry 'Jud ami 4fh Wiliormliiy ructi moutli tit litu-st Hull. 'iltln liH'lnlierH an. tuvltil to lltt.'iol. K. f. Wultou, ft nn in kr. IW) S. Hill Ht. I'AI'IFir I.OIifii: No. ."II, A. V, k A. M. Siat'(l coniiiiunleatloiiH thlvtl t'llduy In ruc li mon til at 7 p. 10. In Hie Monl.' 'IVinpW-. Hal V. Itoluui, . M. ; Lrnvat II. ( liuBte. Brcrctnry. r tv 4 Notice of Improvement of Fairgrounds; Road Notice is hereby given that tho com mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose uid intention to improve) Fairgrounds Road between the west' line of Bum mer street and the west line of the Oregon & California Railway com pany's right-of-way. at tho expense of the' abutting and" adjacent property, by grading, curbing, and paving said portion of said street with i five-inch two-courso Bituminous Concrete pave ment, consisting of a one-and one-half inch Bituminous Concrete wearing sur face laid on a three and one-half -inch Bituminous Concrete base in accord ance with the plans, spceifieatitms and estimates lor uie jmpry vt-u:ut .01 j: grounds Hoad between the west line of Summer street and the west line of the Oregon & California Railway com pany's right-of-way, adopted by tu common council on the 1st day of May, 19IK, and now on file in the office of tho city recorder, which for greater certainty -and convenience are hereby referred to and mule a part of this no tice; being that character or kind of improvement known nnd designated in said plans, specifications and estimate as "Bituminous Concrete Favement No. 4," The common council hereby declare itspurpose and intention to make the Bald above described improvement by And through the street improvement department of the city. Bv order of the common council. ('HAS. F. ELC.IX, Citv Recorder. Date-i this 17th dav of Mav, 116. May 20. WANTED WANTED A good stock farm. We have to offer in payment first mort gage of $1"30 on well improved farm and a good citv property worth $1, 800. Square Deal Healtv Co., 202 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 470. tf -i General Feed ani Vr cii 9 hf :t C W. .TBAIN , . 854 Ferry. Phone 181 MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Basic, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN 7? ON GOOD RBAL ESTATE SECURWT HOMER H. SMITH McCOENACK BUILDING SALEM FENCE and STOVE WORKS R. B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fence Oaten, Plain and Barbed Wire. Paints, Oils and Varnishes'. Hoofing, Posts, Hop Uooks 40 Years Making Stoves Stoves rebuilt and repaired. Stoves bought and old. 250 Court Street. Phone 121 Back of Chicago Store L M. HUM Care of YICKSOTOXG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South llith Street, Salem, Ore. Thone 283 1