TTTtf DATT.Y CAPTTAL JOT KNAL. SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 191(5. "HEEZA BOOB," as a Book Agent By Mort. M. Burger. I J (jSlQti HUH, HVtV&t Ks, J I : ; fLooKJ A PLACE- , fP f QvLU NfcrVE--) I I .- Jpffitf ' CrU'V) CTTv Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS; One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion CHIROPR ACTCC-SPINOLOGIST Dll. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Held, Davenport, Iowa. If you liavo tried everything mid got- no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustment? and get well. Office 400-7-8 U. S. National liank Building. Phono Main S7. Residence Main 828-1!. LODGE DIRECTORY A. 0. V. W. Protection I.olff. No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 8 in the MeCornaek hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. R. o. Donaldson. M. W. ; S. A, McFnddcn, recorder; A. L, Hrowu, llnancier. CLEANERa I AND DYERS APPARKL SKRVICF. COMPANY 13S South High street. Wo clean press, repuir, remodel and re lino clothing and furs. Careful attention given .ill work. Wo call and deliver. Phone 728. DENTISTS. Dli. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Room 214, Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Saiem, O.cgan. FOR RENT SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M. stated communications llrst Friday In eacti month at 7 :30 p. m. In t li Masonic Temple. Chas. Mcl'arler, W. M.-j S. Z, Culver, secretary, SALEM HI.MANE SOCIETY-4). D. Keeler, president: Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary, Ali cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani mals should be reported to the secretary for Investigation. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 18. K. of 1 Mc L'oniuek building. Tuesday evening of eucli wcfK ut i :30. J. lleitiei, c. c. ; W. I!. C.ilson. K. of It. aud S. It. N. OF A. "Oregon Grape Camp." No. KltW, meets every Thursday evening in McCoruack building. Court and Liberty streets: elevator. Mrs; Sylvia Schnupp. JilU Market, oracle: .Mrs. Melissa 1'er sous, recorder, 1200 North Commercial. l'hone 143U-M. FOR RF.NT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. 855 North Commercial street. tf FINE 6 room flat for rent, modern. Furnished of unfurnished. 005 N.i Libertv St. Phone 1351. tf MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore gon Cedar Cuiup, No. o24ti, meets every Thursday ereulng at 8 o'clock In Mc Coruack hall, comer Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service. Geo. Keluohl, V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk. Monmouth News FOR SALE VOR PALE Household and office fur niture, nlso house nnd garage for rent. Call 148 Union street. may2rt CHADWICK CHAPTER. No. ,17, O. E. S. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Moeller, W. M. ; Ida M. Ilabcock. secretary. FOR SALE 50 or 100 acres rive.r"bot- In,., Inn.l hull hnildini orOltnd. Oil Oregon Electric. 0 miles north of Al-1 Dnny, near scnooi una siuiv. ,-imo will tahe some property in trade. E. Anderson. Talbot, O. niay2S WOODMEN" OF THE WOULD Meet every Fridav nlghr at 8 o'clock in McCornnck block, H. . Macey. C. C. : L. S. (Jeer, clerk, 607 Court street., l'hone 003. , FOR SALE Vive acres with buildings for the price of the laud, without buildings. We also have a 20 acre tract with buildings to sell. Will take part pay in Salem city proper ty. Square Deal Realty Co., 202 X. 8. Bank Wdg. Phone 470. tf FOUR VALLEY FARMS For sale by owner on county road and railroad. 50 to 200 acres each, good buildings, 'good soil, all under cultivation, close to scrool, prices rensotuble, halt' cash, balance time at ti per cent or modern income bearing city property. P. O. Box 24(1, Salem, tf MISCELLANEOUS EKDl'CED FREIGHT RATES To nnd from all points east, on all household rmn.k to.nnns. etc. Consolidated car- loid service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacitic Coast Forwarding company, 101 South Com mercial street. Phone Main H33. 1)E MOLAY COMMANDERY. No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday In each mouth at 8 o'clock, p ni., In Masonic Tem ple. Sojourning Sit- Knights are courte ously Invited to meet with us Lot L. l'earce, E. C, Fi'jiuk Turner, recorder. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No. 84. meets every Wednesday nt 8 p. in. In Mimse hull. C. O. Matlock. M. A. I C. .. Randall, secrelary. Salem Hank of Commerce. IIODSON COUNCIL, No. 1, It. & S. M. Stated assembly lirst Monday In each month. Masonic Temple. X. 1'. Kusmus sen. Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C. Niles, recorder. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Monmouth, Ore., May 10. Tho sports of the state normal nchool's May day festivities which had been postponed on account of the bad weather on May 5, took place this afternoon on the normal j school campus at 1:30. Quite a number j of the citizens were out to see the aft-1 emoon's program which was a continua- tiou of the contests on May a between j the seniors, juniors and sophomores aud freshman combined for President i Ackerman's cup. The results of the con test up to the last scoring of tho exer cises on May 5 were as follows: Seniors,) 3.8 points: itiniors, I'd; sophomores and' freshmen, 2. In the contests today tho senior class came out first in the relay race. The senior .boys won the volley ball and the senior girls tennis team came out ahead of the junior girls. The junior boys' tennis team defeated the senior boys. The final results count ing the several points won by the dif ferent classes on May 5 were announced as follows: Seniors, 50 points; juniofs, 5(1 points; sophomores and freshmen, 2. The seniors are very much delighted over their splendid victory over the en tire contest which entitled them to the present of President Ackerman's cup. Monmouth high school has the honor of winning fourth pluce in the inter collegiate track meet at Eugene on Fri day, May 12. Although there was keen competition in the meet, the following1 Monmouth high school men made a very I Butterfat THE MARKETS The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices' are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. All is quiet along Market street this morning. Eggs aro showing some strength in Portland, , but this has not as yet affected the local prices which have been 20 cents cash for about four weeks. ' '. .... . Tangerines are again in the market at 3.00. .... .. DALLAS LOCAL NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallus, Ore, May' 17. The Dallas baseball team was defeated on the local ; grounds Sunday afternoon by the Log Cubin bakery team of Portland by- a scow of 7 to 3 The game was lost by the locals on account of lack of practice j as the team was hastily gotten togeth er Into last week ami very little time was to be had in gettingthe aggrega tion into shape. The team, however, bids fair to become n strong one this summer nnd with the support of the fans in Dallas some good baseball should Do witnessed here this season. Fenton pitched the entire nine innings for the homo team aud the" first three innings the Portland team was unable to find the ball, after the third, however, a few; managed to send the ball to parts pf the field where there were no fielders and several scores were made. . Crrams. Oats, vetch . , Cheat Wheat ....... Oats Rolled barley Corn Cracked corn Bran Shorts, per ton $17.0017.50 $17.00 85c 40c $85.00 $35.50 $37.00 $27.00 $20.50 Alfalfa, ton $20.00 Butter. SALEM COUNCIL No. Knights and Ladles of Security Meets every '-'ml and till Wednesday each month at Hurst Hall. Visiting members are invited to attend. E. F. Walton, financier. 480 S. 14th St. PACIFIC LODGE No. ", A. F. 4 A. M. Stated communications third Friday In each month at 7:30 p. ni. In the Masonic Temple. Hal V. Itolam, V. M. ; Ernest II. Chuate. secretary. WATER COlVrPAOTf SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. Kor water service apply nt office. Bills pnvable monthly in advance. SCOTTS RESTAURANT MEALS 15c and up. Hotcahes or mush and milk free with all break Past orders. Soup, bread and butter 2 vegetables nnd pie, tea, coffee or milk tnd I kind of meat for 15c; 2 - kinds of meat for 2.V. Short orders any time of day. Scott s 179 S. Com mercial St. SCAV ANGER MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K, FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN V ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH McCORNACK BUILDING fine showing: W. J. "Mulkey, Jr., Mer ril Mulkey, Birchard Ynnl.onn,' Otiy Sacre, Delbert Skein and Clarence Walker. W. J. Mulkey won 10 points for Monmouth high school by taking first in the javelin, also first place in the running broad jump. He threw the javelin 1 17 feet and jumped 21 feet 2 1-2 inches. Monmouth high school feels very well satisfied. The track meet between Dayton high school and Monmouth high school which was postponed from May li on account of the very disagreeable weather, will likely be h"eld next Saturday. May 20, on the Monmouth high school track in South Monmouth. The competition for both schools will no doubt be pretty keen and the event promises to lie both interesting and exciting. Everybody who has a quarter to pay will lie very welcome. ORPET-LAMBERT CASE REACHES TRIAL tTAGE SALEM SCAYF.N'C.hl? -Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Mniu 947. Resilience Al lin !'j:2. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOrCH CO C. B. Webb, A. M., t'loiigh morticiins and funeral directors. Latest modern met.iods known to -the profession employed 409 Coiirt St. Main 120, Main t"S. n I C. DO N- R I CH A 15 DM X C( ). 'u n eral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street, Dav and night phone 13. . SALEM FENCE and STOVE WORKS R. B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fence dates, Plain nnd Barbed Wire. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Hoofing, Posts, Hop Hooks 49 Years Making Stoves Stove robuilt and repaireJ. Stoves bought nnd sold. 250 Court Street. Phone 124 Back of Chicago Store Monday, May 15, was the date set on ApriUlO for the beginning of the trial ut Wnukegan, III., of Will H. Orpet, the l.mversitv of isconsin student charged with the murder by poison of Marian Lambert Inst winter. 1 he duct defense to be made by Orpet 's counsel is that Miss Lambert killed herself and was an announcement made some time ago by Orpet 's counsel. BRYAN WILL ATTEND AS CORRESPONDENT ONLY Lincoln, Neb., May 17. William J Brvau announced today that he would not accept offers from other states to send him to St. Louis as a democratic nutioiia! convention delegate. He will go only as a newspaper man, employed I by several syndicates. Creamery, butter, pei pound . Country butter Eggs and "Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash Eggs, trade Hens, pound Roosters, old, per pound Broilers, under 2 pounds Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed Pork, dressed Pork, on foot Spring lambs, 19 1G ..':.. Steers Cows Bulls ... Ewes . . 2ic ...29c 2c .... 20c ....21c . . . . li . 0(J0e 2225c Wethers 1010 l-2c 88 8c ; 67f ,. 4(?T5 l-2c . 3 l-24c 5e 6c Vegetable. Cabbage Cucumbers ....... Tomatoes, Florida String garlic Potatoes, cwt Potatoes, now .... Beetg THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Ttlephone EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Elcctrie Co., Masonlo Temple, 127 North High litis 1100 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Main 101 "TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE Sulcm Truck ft Dray Co,, corner State and Front streets Kala Ti Farmers Meet Thursday. Dallas, Ore., May 17 The Polk County Farmers' t'nion will meet iu the Dallas armory Thursday morning at j in o'ciock and.. tho meeting will con-1 tmue throughout the entire day. A j large delegation of members of the dif-1 ferent locals throughout tlie'county is i expected to attend as many important 1 matters are to come before the union at this time. The most important Ot which is the proposed erection of a warehouse in this city. Altogether Polk county uow boasts of having Hi farm ers' locals and plans arc being node fur the organization of morein the'ue'nr future.';. - Asparagus Radishes ttreeh onions Green peppers (Ireea peas Egg plant Carrots, sack avrots, dozen Onions , $2.00 $3.50 90c $t.5o 1. 16c :....$1.25ra)1.50 5c $1,00 ........... 40c 40e 40e 25c 7c 18c , $1.00 85e. Verdict Rendored Plaintiff. Dallas, Ore., .May 17. In the Polk county circuit court Mobduv, Judge H. H. Belt, decided the case of W. T. Jncknian ngainst the Title & Trust com pany of Portland, the suit being insti tuted for the purpose of nnnuling a con tract for the sale of a tract of land near Palls City on tho grounds that a miltual mistake had been made by both the buyer aud seller. The court held that the purchaser was entitled to a return ot $l,Uio or the amount paid on the pur chase price together with $247.25 for improvements that had been made on the property, Oscar Hayter of this city was attorney for the plaintiff and ('has. McNary of Salem represented the defendants. Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. . CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drag Store tttttttTtt TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHIOItN I'ACIVIC. WANTED WANTED A good stock farm. We have to offer iu payment first inort- gage of $4 5.V on well improved farm nnd n g"od city property worth $1. Hiin. Soiiare Deal Kealtv Co.. 202 V. S. Bank IlMr. Phone 470. tf vv7i General Feed an Small Livery Stable C. W. TRAIN 134 Ferry. Toone 2S 1 rmr L. M. HUM Care of YICKSOTOXG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure anv known disease. 133 South Hiffh Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 I Notice of Improvement of Fairgrounds Road Notice is hereby given that the com , niou council deems it expedient so to ! do, and hereby ilecltires its purpose ! ind intention to improve Fairgrounds Road between the west line of Hum- mer street and the west line of the j Oregon & California Railway coni Ipany's riht of-WHy nt the expense of the abutting uud adjacent property, by grading, curbing,, aud paving said j porl.ion of suid street with i five-inch ! two-course Bituminous Concrete pnve Inient, consisting of a one and one-halt' inch Bituminous Concrete wearing sur face laid on a three nnd one-half inch ! Bituminous Concrete base in accord 'ance with the plans, specifications nnd estimates for the improvement of Fair grounds lload between the west line of j Summer .street aud the west line of the Oregon alitorma Railway com pany's right-of-way, adopted by the common council on the 1st day of May, 101(1. and now on file in the office of the citv recorder, which for greater certainty and convenience are hereby referred to nnd mule n part of this no tice; being that character or kind of improvement known and designated in said plans, specifications and estimates as ' hit uininotis Concrete Pavement No. 4." The common council hereby declares iti purpose and intention to make the said above described improvement by ind through the street improvement department of the city. Bv order of the common council. f'HAS. F. TV. Citv Recorder. Tinted this 17th dav of Mar. 1'Mfi. Mav 2ft. Rhubarb Florida celery Fruits, Oranges, Navels Tangerines Lemons, per box ........ Bananas, pound Apples, Hood River California grape fruit Florida grape frujt Pineapples . Honey Strawberries Cherries, box 40c $4 'i0 $2.! iifTM.. .:i.0o . $4.004.50 5 $1.75 $:i.oo $5.00(a$G.OO 7 l-2e $3.50 $2.25 $1.50 Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch Kugnr, cane Sugar, beet Creamery butter Flour, hard wheat Flour, valley PORTLAND MARKET .. 25c .$8.75 $8.55 ... 35e ; A republican rally was held at the court house in this city last evenin". State Senator J. I'. Sa'mmis, of Iowa, luid J. D. Lee, of Portland, were the principal speakers of the evening. Mr. Saminis spoke in behalf of Senator Cum m'ins, of Iowa, who is a candidate for the republican nomination for presi dent. The meeting was presided over by Mayor K. C. Kirkpatrick. The Dul las baud furnished music for the occasion. cHing -C.i L. Starr, of Portland, is in the city this week on business. Mr. Starr Has formerly secretary of the Oregon Tax commission at Salem. . Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Talbott. of Falls City, were ia Dallas Tuesday eve attending the republican rally 4 State Forester F. A. Klliott, of Sa Jem, was u Dallas business visitor the first ot the Heck. F. J. Cobb, a prominent lumberman of Poitlund, uns iu this part of the county this week looking after business inter ests. S. T. Iiicharilson. a Salem attorney, was a recent business visitor in the county seat. H. Hirsehberg, U prominent capitalist of Independence, was in the city Tues dny afternoon greeting old friends. Joe Helgerson and Floyd Kllis return NORTH HOUND 10 Oregon Express . .'. r, I Sound Sieclni JH Willamette Limited 1 Shasta Limited ... 18 Portland PasseiiKer 'Jii Portland I'asstmKer It I'orthiud Bxnress.. '-- I'oiMam fust f relirht Iit:; n. m. So. Local way I-'reltxhc , , . . 10 :35 a. m. Honru hound l.t -California Kxpress.. 17 Itnsehui'H PusseiiRer n.'l Exposition Stiecial . 1!l Cottnee tirove Pass. Makes connection with No. 74 (Jeer oriinch. No. 11 Shnsla Limited R :4?l p. m. No. !!7 Willamette Limited... 0:10p.m. No. 1:1 Sun Francisco Kxprcss lutop. ni. No. -.''ji sun Francisco lust Freluht No. liJO Local way Freight.. SAI.I1M UKHH I.ISH. No. 7C Arrives nt Sulcui ft :t5a. in. lo. 7H Leaves Kulclii' !l i.KMl. in No. 7"i Ar. Suleni (mixed) 1! :uo p. m. No. 71 I.euve Sale 4 :'M p. m No connection south of Geer. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 5 :00 u. m. . 0.12 a. in. . t) :Ti a. m. . 1 1 :.".t u. in. . t :W p. m. . B :0O p. m. H :oo p. m . S :32 a.m. .11 :20 a. m. . 10 :22 a. di. . .4 :17 p. El. 12 :f'l a. m. , 8 :lo u. di No. No. No. No. No. No. HM.KV, Fai.i.s cm iSO Wkktkrv. 101 Lv. Suleni, motor 1U:i Lv Sitlem. motor . . I0.Y Lv. Suleni. motor . 107 Lv. Salem, motor , 100 Lv. Kolem. motor . . i.'ttt VS'nv Fi't lv. Suleni. No. 102 Ar. Sulem No. lilt Ar. HiiU'in Ui'1 Ar. Suleni lux Ar. Sulem 170 Ar. Sulem 240 Way I'r't ar. Sulem No. No. No. No. ,7 :Oft n. m . , It :4.". a. m . . t :4o p. m , . 4 :O0 p m. . . . fl : I fi p. m. , . . r, :(I0 a. m. ... H A') a. m. ..11 '.2. a. m. , . . a : 1 5 p. m. . . II id p. ui. , . 7 : l.t P- ni. . . 1 :(J." p. ui. . m. iu. 40 a. m. 05 p. m. 4H p. m. 05 p. m. 20 p. 45 p. Corral I Is 10 p. m. . , Kujrene. 35 u. m. . . 50 p. III. . :2,t p. ru. . , 05 p. m. . Mul em 00 u. m. 10 u. in. 15 a. m. Sulem :55 1. ni. Sulem. :25 p. ni. T , 9 . 13 Limited . ... 17 Local . 1( 21 Owl ... N01IT11 HOl'SU 20 . . 10 Limited . . .10 Limited . "2 (wl HOl'Tll DOU.Ntl , ,12 :l5 p. m. . . 4 :25 p. m. . . 8 :40 p. m. . . 8 :10 p. m, ..11:25 p. D. . . 1 :05 p. a. Ar. Sulem , . . 6 :37 p. iu. Ar. Hali-a , . . 9 :45 a. to. i . . 3 :(."i p. m. . . . 7 :r,f p. m. .. 3 :10 a. m. 21 Owl . . . . . 05 . . . 0 Limited Sulem 40 p. m. 13 Ar. Eugene . 6 :50 a. in. . 0 :30 a. a. ,12.:25 p. 01. Ar. Alhunr 1 :m p m. Stops at C'orrullia Ar. A! ban f 5 :20 p. n. Ar. Albany, 6:45 p. m. Ar. Kugon 8:50 p. m. ootiams I.oi ai, fiAti.r Except Sosn.w DI Leaves Sulen 3:40 p. m. 03 Arrives iu Sulem 3:25 p. Ok CO II V A 1. 1 . 1 H CONNECTION OltF.'ION FXKCTItlC RAILWAY CO. Portland, Mav U. Wheat cliib HiVCo !t Hluestem $1.02 l-2fo 1.03 1-2 Fortvfold WIcfoDS Red Russian H'Jcfii !Mi Oats No. 1 white feed llarlev, fee, $27' 20 Hogs,' best live .S.5 Prime steers 10 Fancy cows $7.50 Calves $S Spring lambs $10 Hotter city creamery 20c Country butter 27c Kggs, selected local ex. ! Ileus 10 1-2cf 17 P.ioilers .'SHeffi :!5 (ieese lOefii 11 $20.5007.27 ? , 'C.Ll I d the first of the week from a short i.jU(iii.j visit with friends at F.ugcno. Mr. and Mrs. V. T. drier, of Sa lem, were Dallas visitors with fticnils the latter part of the week. Richard Paul, of Falls city, trnustict. ed business matters in Dallas the fiist of the week. NI ru. Winnie Hraden, secretary of the Polk County Fair hssoc iution. was a West Sulem visitor Tuesday afternoon. A. V. Ii. Snyder nindo a business trip to Hallston and Perrydale the first o the week. Jim llaiinn, a prominent business man of Independence, was a Dallas visitor Tuesday at" ternoon. A. I,. Martin, malinger of the Oregon Power company of this city, wns an In dependence visitor the first of the week. J. L. Higu's. of Sulem, was a Iiallas business visitor Monday. 052:1 Li WHAT NAVAL COMMITTEE DID Washington, May 18 The house nav al committee today knocked out Secre tary Daniels' five-year building pro gram. It agreed on the eonsl ruction of battle cruisers advocated by the sec retary. The committee also voted in fuvor of building 20 submarines. Lv. Suleni 4 :."i u. m. . 7:15 a. in. , !1 -. 15 a. 111. 1 1 :2'i 11. m. . 1 : 15 p. m. 4 Mm p. m. fi :37 p. 111. 7 :55 p. ni. NORTH BOI SD Ttu I a No. 2 Owl ... O . .10 Limited . 12 14 . . ID Limited 'jfi Lv. Corvnllin H :25 a. ni. . . 12:12 p. ill. . 2 :32 p. Hi. . . 4 .10 p. III. . I) :IH p. m. . Lv. Sulem 10 : 15 11. in. , 4 :25 p. m. , . 12 :55 p. ni. . U lo p. III. . NORTH BOUND 10 14 .... 10 2( SOUTH BOUND Kl Ar. Salem . . . B :45 a. ia. . . . 1 t.'i p. m. . . . 4 :OD p. m. ...5 'n p. ol , . . 7 :55 p. n. Ar. Corrullls . ..11:33 1. m. . . . B :47 p. m. ... 2 :'M p ol . . . 8 .00 p. ax. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE! Ar. I'orllunrt OreRon City Transportation Company .. 11 :.,.", a. m. j Leave Portland for Oregon City, Huttevllie, .. II :25 a. m. Ncwhoix Mission (St. l'llld), Wlleutlllnl. ..II :.'(" a. m. Sulem (dully except Sunday) ..045 a. m. 1 1 :35 p. m. ! Leave Portland for Independence, 4 :ii p.- ra. 1 Alhuny-CorvnlllB, ( lue 0 :.,0 p. in. : r :.,o p. m. 1 Thurs., Sut.l 0 ;43 s. m. . 10 :00 p. ui. SOUTH UOUNH I'OHTI.AND TO KAIU.St Lv. Portland. Ar. Sulem 11-15 a. 111 S :5.1 (Sulem only) 8:25 a. 111. ... B Limited ....10:11 a. m. Leave Corvullls Alhuny Independence. Sulem Suleni Returning ..(la. m Mon., Wed., Frl. ...7 a. in Mou Wed., Frl. . . I) a., in Mon., Wed , Frl. in u. ui. Mon.. Wed., FrL U a. ui. Tiles., Thurs., 81U Silverton News (Capital Journal Special Service) Mis. Saroline Deardorff of Molaila was visiting the Silverton relatives the last of the week. Pev. O. A. White will start for Min neapolis, Minn., next Monday, where or of the Ladies Aid of McKee, at he will be iu attendance at a enliven-j which place Rev. White conducts ser tion of the l.nthernn Svnod church, j vices every Sunday afternoon. A ver He will be entertained li.v his wife 's it ible feast was proporad by the host people while staying in that city. Onjcvs and served nt noon, and a most, the return trip he pi ins on a visit with 'happy day passed by all present. T!m his brother, in southern Minn, and following came from McKee, Mrs. mother at Coulter, l0a. Mr. White Owre and son Christ, 'Mrs. O. Wick, expects to return the first week injMrs. II. Hallwcber, Mrs. A. L John June lH"", M''". Ccorgo llallweber, the Silvcr- ' The ladies of the' Christian church ton friends were Mrs. J. M. Madsim, . . . .. Mrs. A. Slither, Mrs. O. J. Johnson, are going to nave a market day ''w'ry I m r!li fc i i),l.m, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Seim, Saturday, and sell nil kinds of baked jIr nn jrH q j ,1P , daughter 'goods, also salads, beans, etc. The proband Miss Ann t Hcsedahl. L eeds from the sales will help to build j number of the senior girls of tin 1 . , ... 11 .. 1 t :. 1. ..,1. .... ... ... I lie new Mine wiik hum tinmen l,;,,, m houl went to ( orvnllis last 1'ri- ""twT'a Kfttmilv who lately!.' in response ,0 an invitation issued arrived from Vancouver.' Wnsh.. are. by tho O. A. C. to visit their instttu--:....!.. .,,,i...i ;,. n, t Mm 1 son tion diiriuit the junior week end. A orted. house 011 Second street. Mr. Drown 1 tine tune is repi has secured work with his team fori the Silver Falls Timber Co. Let the Capital Journal New Today I Mrs. O. A. White entertained at her1 Column put your dollars oa tag rigat Ibomo on Thursday of last week in lion -track.