Editoria "The Jounia 9 Capital T1U'K.-IAY tVKMM., May 1 li'l'j. age o CHARLES H. FISHES, Editor Bad Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY EVEN IXC EX( KIT SUNDAY, SALEM, OKKCON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARNES, t MAS. U. FISH KB, 1"I.'A C. ANDRKsEN, President Vii e-President hec. and Treas. STIJSi RII'l'IOX RATES Dailv bv carrier, per year IVr month. 4"c Daily by mail, ter year 3.HU 1't'r month FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN' REPRESENTATIVES New York, Ward Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Piiildiiig The Capital Journal carrier boy are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the enrrier does nut do thin, tnisse you, or inflects gettitng the piper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us this in the only way we can dctcniiiue whether or not the carriers ure following instruction). Phone Main SI. DAYS OF POLITICAL ORATORY ARE OVER That political speeches no longer have the drawing; power of a few years ago is abundantly proved by the! .slender attention'that greeted both Senators Burton and; Cummins here recently. Each of these men are presiden- tial possibilities, have national reputations, have been long ; hofm-P tho nnhlie. and snoke here on the eve of the presi dential nominations, when politics are supposed to boom. Yet neither drew an audience much larger than a good "movie." It was not the fault of the men that this was so, i.nr xma Ann tn prinnopd nnliticnl conditions. The Amer ican citizen of today especially the citizens of the West, isj well read and pretty thoroughly lniormed as to tne political situation. The newspaper has supplanted oratory, and not only that but has put a check on statements that the politicians of the old davs were able to put over. The tariff is no longer a fetish with magical power to make life a glad sweet song. That long worshipped idol, it has been discovered has feet of clay; and free trade as a bugaboo to frighten voters, is found to be only a hallo vve'en monster. The political orator, in consequence, has been robbed of his ammunition, and his perorations fall flat, since he is confined more closely to the truth in his statements. President Wilson would draw a big audience because he is president, and Roosevelt would do the same because he is a sort of Billy Sunday politician. It may well be doubted whether any other political speaker could pack the big armory here," or for that matter attract a real creditable audience. ' Europe and Oregon City are separated by several thousand miles of land and water, but the great conflict across the sea is bringing prosperity in large slices to the mill town at the falls of the Willamette. And Oregon City mills are not manufacturing supplies used in the slaughtering now in progress. The Crown Willamette Paper company is shipping an average of 15 tons a day of rough sulphite paper, practically the same as pulp, to Japan. The Hawley Pulp & Paper company this week was offered a contract to supply Australian newspapers with at least 500 tons a month. The feature of this offer is the fact that if the Hawley company can accept it, a steamship line between Portland and far eastern points will be established. Oregon City paper mills, hitherto supplying only the domestic trade, are being forced into the world market, not by competition between American mills, but because' the foreign dealers are demanding paper and are willing to pay the price. The usual source of paper and pulp, northern Europe, now is devoting its time and attention to other things, and Australia, the islands of the Pacific and Asia naturally turn to the Pa cific coast of the United States for paper. Long time contracts with foreign dealers to supply them with large quantities of paper mean that the local mills will run at capacity indefinitely. It means expansion of the local mills, it means growth and prosperity for Oregon City. The test will come when the war is over, and the manufacturers in Europe try to win back then old customers. If Oregon City mills can hold the business in the face of foreign competition, the prosperity of this town and its growth to a city several times its present size is assured. LAWYER AND LEGISLATOR The Oregonian thinks and says the railroads are dis criminating against Portland. If it is to the interests of the railroads to do so then it is pretty certain the Ore gonian's charges are correct. There is only one thing that moves a railroad to do anything and that is self interest. A corporation being as the law expresses it, "ah artificial person with all the rights and privileges of an individual," is really more than that. It, unlike most individuals, has ,to body to lie kicked, no face to be punched, and no soul to be damned. As someone said about the lowly mule: "It has no pride of ancestry or hope of posterity" and so it jogs along in its own way, gathering the dollars which are the blood which circulates through its veins and ar teries. That is where money gets its name of "the cir culating medium." Eventually it all passes through the arteries of commerce, which are those of the railroads, and these of late years are even beyond the reach of the political phlebotomist. That nice little political machine which the governor has been constructing by the appointment of newspaper publishers to office is likely to have its gears stripped to morrow. The republican voters of the state have had about all the experience with machine rule they care for in the past and purpose to smash this one before it is thoroughly perfected. Matches have joined the sugar and gasoline class and yesterday advanced 50 per cent in price. Packages here tofore sold at five are now two for fifteen cents. .Every thing is going up so fast and so high that the common everyday man, unable to get a raise in wages, will have to wear stilts to get near them. Sir Roger Casement must stand trial on a charge of high treason, the punishment for which is death. If he was to be tried in this country he might reasonably ex pect old age to beat the law in the settlement of his trial, but in England it is different. He will probably be tried within a week or two. Thomas K. Campbell is one candidate who has not campaigned but gone along attending to the duties of i public service commissioner just as though an election was not pending. "I have plenty of work to do in the office, and after ten years of service on the board the people of Oregon know me and know whether they want to keep me. there any longer. I am willing to abide by their decision without making any special effort to in fluence it." That's a novel position for a candidate to take but it seems to us a perfectly sound one. Mr. Campbell has a long, open record as a citizen of Oregon and as a member of the public utilities commission and he is will ing to go before the voters solely on that record. The Capital Journal will make a guess that the voters will put their seal of approval, not only upon Mr. Campbell's of ficial record but on his common-sense idea of cutting out the usual campaign methods and leaving the voters free to express their decision at the polls without making any attempt to influence their actions. All records were broken during the month of March in our import and export trade. We imported $214,000, 000 worth of goods during that month, or $20,000,000 more than for the previous month, which takes second place in the history of our import trade. Our exports for March amounted to $410,000,000, which is more than any nation ever exported in any one month, so far as the writ ten record of mankind informs us. This stupenduous out flow of goods is caused by the European war. The lumber business has picked up wonderfully and as soon as it did so prices were advanced enough to visibly affect the market, especially in the way of building lum ber. Several proposed residences in this city have been postponed for another year on this account. It might be the raise in lumber could have been stood; but coupled with the higher prices in all building hardware, and other building materials, it looked like good business to indulge in a little watchful waiting. That Mexican story about a train with 1,000 passen gers being wrecked and 150 burned to death in one car, has all the earmarks of having been told by Baron Mun chausen. In the first place no such trains are run over the Whittle-ty-dig rust streaks that are brevetted rail roads in Mexico, and a car will not hold that many people, even though they are Mexicans. From all parts of the valley comes the same story of a promise of an abundant fruit crop and with it also the further promise of good crops of all kinds. The snow and cohl weather did good work in getting rid of numberless fruit pests, and the frost very kindly passed us by. The official program for the national republican con vention has been given out by Secretary Reynolds. It will be called to order at 11 a. m., June 7, by National Chair man Hillis and temporary organization will be completed. Thursday permanent organization will be made and after that it will be a six day go as you please, or as the conven tion itself dictates. J udge Galloway has decided that a corporation accept ing a franchise from a city under an agreement to furnish service of any kind at a certain price is bound to perform its contract, and that the Public Service Commission has no authority to make a new contract for the parties. This sounds like it was good law, and it certainly seems like good sense. f H ' I "" '. f 0 THOMAS BEOWK Who Is running for re-election to the Legislature from Marion, county on the record of his service to the public as a member of the last session. While taking an active part in all the legislation of that session he initiated and put through bills as follows: The gopher and mole bounty act. The act to increase reserve of fanners' mutual insurance companies. Act to tax trading stamp companies. Efforts in house succeeded in abolishing expensive accountancy department. His slogan follows: "Economy; less legislation; fair treatment of state institutions in Marion county." A contributor to the "Open Forum" of the Capital! Journal yesterday advocated the candidacy of Theodore j Burton for president because he has come before the peo-j pie of Oregon and stated his position on questions of national import. Well, there is something in that. The j people have a right to know what the candidate they are ! voting for stands for, although this is not always the case. For instance, how many voters who are advocating : the nomination of Justice Hughes for president knowj anything about his record as governor of New York, or ! vtuai puoinuii xic vvuuiu icirvc in icgttiu iu any vl Ulc great issues the president has constantly to face in these times of war and unrest? The primary votes yesterday were far from encourag ing for Colonel Roosevelt. In Vermont the vote was over whelming in favor of Hughes, being as compared to the Roosevelt vote about 2 to 1. In Pennsylvania it was still worse for the colonel and Hughes was in the same boat. They were just "also rans." The surprising thing about the latter election was the phenomenal showing made by Ford, who it is estimated was given 40,000 votes. PIMPLY? WELL. DDfi'T BEI People Notice It. Drive Them Off With Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass yon much longer if you get a package of Or. Krtwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should fopgin to clear after you have taken Uia tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, the bowels and tlt liver with Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are the suc cessful substitute for calomel there never any sickness or pain after takirus them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as effective ly, but their action is gentle and safe in stead of severe and Irritatinff. No one who takes Olive Tablets Is evP cursed with "a dark brown taste." a bail breath, a dull, listless, "no good" feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. Dr. Edwards' dllve Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel com plaints, and Olive Tablets are the iniraensa ly effective result. q Tnke one or two nightly for a weelc Bee how much better you feel and look. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O. The intrinsic truth in a story coming from anywhere! near the Rio Grande is about in the same proportion as j the intrinsic value in Carranzittsies' legal tender or about J two per cent. j w Walt rtefon WW jjJffWWf mi 1 1 il in ' 1 LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18G3 CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT . ''Why in the name of common sense did the English war office insist on using the pronouns he, his and him in speaking of a Zeppelin?" asked Mr. Stepsoftly of his far ueuer nau. mat is an easy one was tne reply, accom panied by a smile that makes not others smile. ''It was because they are such immense traveling gas bags." If the nations engaged in war are saying what they mean and meaning what they say, the outlook for peace is not superlatively, promising. Each says it will continue to fight until the other admits defeat, it is a self evident proposition they cannot all do this unless they fight forever. PUBLICITY Please note this little fact; I beg: It is the hen that lays the egg; the rooster does the yelling; he flaps his silly wings and crows, and points with pride a while, and tnrows some hts around your dwelling. And every time I hear him whoop, and prance around the chickencoop, a-feeling hunky dory, I think of husbands I have known, who think that they, and they alone, de serve the praise and glory. They would ignore the patient wives who organized their misfit lives, when they were badly sagging, who bore the burden of the day and helped to cut the swath of hay of which the hubs are bragging. There's many a ieuow Known to lame who would have failed to win the game, but for some little woman, who, staying humbly in the dark, still made her old man toe the mark, with patience superhuman. And, having climbed from out the ruts, how haughtily that old man struts, how proudly tells his story! The wife beholds that crowing gent, and softly smiles, for she's content with a reflected glory. r1 I Victor Point News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Victor Point, Ore., May 17. Knut Savage was seriously injured by the gentleman heading A. T. Savage 's cat tle but is feeling better at this writing. Miss Alice Skiff and Sylvester Doer fler. of Salem, were visiting at the Martin Poerfler home over Sunday. Several of the young people motored to Stayton Sunday evening. Julius Krenz is putting up a new wagon scale. Wenzel Doerflers are the happy pos sessors of a new Dotlg-. Watch Gei. dodge the corners. Mrs. Glenn McClcllan was quite sick a few days last week, but is feeling better at present. Glenn's mother it staying with them for a while. Alex Ooerfler's fine Duroc hog need ed the attention o'r Dr. Simmons at mid night Monday. The Idyl Hour club will meet at the borne of Mrs. F. A. Doerfler Wednes day. A Journal New Today will convert waste into wealth. DIGESTIVE EFFICIENCY Must come from a strong Stom ach, active Liver and Bowel regularity. Watch these organs and at any sign of weakness try MIOSTETTER'S J li Stomach Bitters r