A' i'1 mj urn t lW ul VmHI'' j The Wrigley Spears are constant friends to teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. Women workers relish the refresh ing, comforting influence of this toothsome, long-lasting confection. Its benefits are many its cost small. That's why it's used around the world. Nothing else can take its place. mm,m mm Write Wrigley's, 1605 Kesner after every 'SSSlILZ Edrigde Wanless Found Dead In His Camp Eoseburg, Ore., May 13 A man found dead in Ilia camp yesterday neur Anlauf station was identified today ns Ktdredge Wanless, of Salem. Ho had papers showing him to be the owner of considerable property in Salem. He also bad $4,000 in notes and $3,000 in Salem and Arizona banks. Tho coroner de Mrs. Elinor Meacham Redington Will give her first lecture at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow in the store formerly occupied by the Capital Drug Co., comer State and High streets. Mrs. Redington will not only prepare the food but she will show how it should be served and hbw to properly set and decorate the table. All her cooking will be done by electricity. We are especi ally fortunate in securing Mrs. Redington for this series as she is one of the best known in her profession. In Portland she had big crowds everyday during the week's series and many were turned away. MENU FOR FRIDAY Company Luncheon for Six Stuffed Olives Hot Biscuits Planked Steak Stuffed Potatoes Cooking School Cannibal Salad with Long Branch Wafers Marshmallow Dessert Coffee Hughes Ranges will be used. ' Refreshments served. Menu for Saturday will be announced later. Portland Railway Light & Power Company Phone 85 Gum-ption natured Eldrodge Wanless came to Salem from iPrescott, Arizona, in March, 1915, and for a while resided at 2307 Laurel ave nuo in this city. He opened an account at the Ladd & Bush bank and gave as a reference tho Commercial Trust & Sav ings bank of Arizona. He is the owner of lot4, MoDonold's fruit truets, locat ed just north of this city. Kept right FlmCr3 causes. TTTB DAT i a PIT AT. J" h 4 1 4 1 .REFUSED TO SEND CHILDREN TO SCHOOL Baker, Ore., liny 18. Frank Hrack, a socialist, began serving iu days in jail here today lor refusing to send his children to school. Three weeks ago ho was arrested on the same charge but gentenee wag suspended. In the court room yesterday Brack denounced the school nvxtem and he defiantly asserted that he would never send his children to public schools. RNAL. SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 19l6 VOTING PLACES FOR WILL BEG IN CLEANING 1 . q 5 - PRIMARY ELECTION PLAYGROUNDS FRIDAY! (H 1 fl. 1U r II in (111 II ll I II I1U I I IL.Tt- VT I I X jf S f 1 f J ff S K a ft 1 Jl-" Btl Official List of Poling Places for Coming Election May 19 Is Given The following is a complete list of the voting places in .Marion county for the coining primary election Mav 19. Aumsville, Hein's Hall in Auinsville. Aurora, I. O. O. F. hall in Aurora. Bicitenbush, school house Hist., 123. I.rooks, Kamp's hall iu Brooks. Butteville, ((range hall, old Hutte ville. hninpocg, Jette buildir;, Chnmpoeg. Chemawi, Woodman hail 1-2 mile W. of Cheniawu. Croisan,' Croston si-imol huso. Donald, I i s li ins & I'csirt Imll. Klkliorn, school house list. No. 1 15. Knglewood, Vi:icent house. Kaiifield, school house, Hist.- 2ii. I'Vngrounds, restaurant, W. of Wom en's rest room on fairgrounds Fast (lervnis, city hall, (ier-vais West d'ervais, Keppingcr house, 5th A: (i. Ms., uervais. lloreb, George Anderson's poolroom. Central Howell, Howell 1'r.iirie hall ass'n hall. North Howell, north Howell grange hall.. Knst Hubbard, city hall, Hubbard. )- West Hubbard, room south of Hub- hard Drug 0. Jefferson, Masonic hall, Jefferson. Liberty, Liberty hall. Maclenv, Maclenv grange "mil. Marion W. O. W. hall, Marion. McKec, Bellepassi school house. Mehamn, T. O. O. F. hall, Mehanin. Mill City, Hammond Lumber Co. opera house. Monitor, Miller's hall. Eist Mt. An';el, eitv hall, Mt. Angi4. West Mt. Angel, Mt. Angel hotel. 1'ringlc, Davidson's house on l'ringlc road. Ouinaby, Oregon Electric depot, (juiuaby. Kiverview. Orville liutler house, (h- ville. Kosedale, school house Dist. 3. St. Paul, city hall, St. Foul. Scollard, Lumber yard office at West Woodburn. Scotts Mills, I. O. (). F. bldgV Shaw, Shaw school house. Sidney, Sidney mills , Silver Falls, A. O. Neal's hall. North Silverton, Liberal university building. South Silverton, Evergreen school house. East Silverton, council chambers. West Silverton, 0. A. H. hall. Stayton, Masonic hall. East Stayton, Masonic hall. West Stayton, Com'l club hall. Sublimity, ('. O. F. hall, Sublimity. Turner, Wright's store. Victor Point, W. 0. W. hall over Victor Point store. Wacondn, WaiWndn school house. East Woodburn, Diinick warehouse. West Woodburn, Association bldg. B&h m Voting Places Sulem No. 1, Krcft's store, Statfls- man & Center. Salem No. 2, Bungalow Chn'ntian hurdi, Court & 17th. Salem No. 3, Cameron's paint sjon. 21st St. between Chemelieta & Center. Salem No. 4, Yew Park tiro stition. 13th &. Leslie. Salem No. o, Richmond school. Salem No. ft, Vow Park school. Salem No. 7, Highland school. Salem No. 8, Reddawnv Ijldg., 1-121 N. tith. Salem No. !, Capitol Strget (larage, 015 N. Capitol St. Salem No. 10, Garfield school. Salem No. 11, county court house. Salem No. 12, Silem Fruit Union. Salem No. 13, Learnard House, cor. Berry & Lewis. Salem No. li, AVyant factory, North Front St. Salem No. 15, Baptist church, Mar ion & Liberty. Salem No. 'ifi, City hall. Salem No. 17, Hotel Marion, snmple I room. . Salem No. IS, Friend's church, cor. Wash. & Com'l. I East Salem, Rickey school house. Silem Heii'hts, Salem Heights hall. Ne-vr Today Ada worlc while yon sleep will have reiulti for you In the morslnc. A. C. LIBBY r v.. ( L h The Review thinks A. C. Libhy will be elected county commissioner, There is no good reason w hy he should not be. 'Give him a vote. This end or the coun ty needs the commisisoner and is entit led to that official. Libby will make a good one. He is the only enndiduto from Jefferson precinct nno the rest of the county should be willing to con cede us that much, particularly since we have the best qualified candidate in the field. (Paid Advertisement.) Junior High School Pupils to Meet at City Hall and March to Grounds The first steps towards Salem 's mu nicipal playgrounds will be taken to morrow afternoon, when nil the pupils of the three junior high schools, Wash- j iugton, Grant and Lincoln, meet at the! city hall at 1 o'clock and march in a body to the Albert pasture on Church street, just north of the Oregon State ! School for the Blind. j As an extra inducement for the chil- j dren to appear in real workinir clothes i and the necessary tools for improving ! rue grounds, a prize ot a pair ot tennis j .Miucs win i,e uwnrueu io ine noy wno conies in the most suitable working clothes, and the same to a girl. Other inducements tor all the chil dren to take part in helping to clear the pnstnure for a playground, is the fact that a l'athe Weekly moving pie- tine operator will be on hand to make a i permanent record of just how fast the ' children can work, under favorable cir cumstances. Workers will be divided into squads of about 20 ench nnd wiil be in charge of the following foremen: For Wash ington school, Mr. Moore, Mr. Hart, Mr. Platts, Mr. Axley and Mr. Brace; for Grant, school, Mr. Miller, Mr. Murdock and Mr. Fletcher; for Lincoln school, Mr. Durham, Mr. James and Mr. Klans. Mr. Grant Bounell and Mr. Charles Jones will have general oversight of the work. In general the work will be as follows: Grub out brush, trim trees to 10 feet from ground, clean off rocks nnd loose brush, rake up rubbish, grade ground, make paths, clean out creek bed, make rustic seats. Each squad will be assigned a certain area or task which will have been previously staked out. After "working until about -1:30 o'clock, the children will engage in games and a tug-of-war between the three junior high schools. A picnic lunch will be served at 5 o'clock under the direction of the do mestic jicience teachers, the Misses Ed wards, Hofer, Steusloff, Aitken ond Show. :' Tarents are invited to take part in the work as well as the day's fun. G. H. Bonnell of the mnnunl training de partment of the high school, and I). K. Brace of the Washington nehool, are iu charge. WILL ENDORSE OLCOTT (Independence Monitor.) Ben Olcott wa given a vote of thnnlis by the Inst legislature for his splendid nnd economical conduct of his office. Ben Olcott has refused to serve certain interests to the detriment of the people. Ben Olcott has been n register ed republican voter tor several years. We do not believe that a majority of the republican voters will refuse to give him n second term just because Gover nor Withycombe, the Oregoniau and the corporations wish to put someone else in his place who they can handle. WOULD STOP PICKETING Chicago, May 18. Three big express companies affected by the strike just declared announced today that they would apply to the federal courts for a writ to prevent tho 2,000 striners from picketing. Five hundred helpers, mes sengers anil clerks, joined the walkout toduv. Believes in Pruning Not Grafting ! :-: ! "" . . j j, -v; IVAK Q. MABTTN Ivan G. Martin, the well known attorney and candidate for tho legislature returned yesterday from Mill City and Gates nnd has completed a through canvas of the voters of Marion county. Mr. Martin believes in pruning down the many laws rather than graft ing on more; while he advocates progress and improvement he be lieves that they should be made iu a conservative and rational manner, that the official and clerical force of the stnto should be reduced to the minimum com-mcn-urnta with efficiency and that u II public business be trans acted as a business man would handle his own affairs. Mr. Martin states that lie is not pledged to any individual, society or interest other than tho interest of Marion county and uny endorsements made have been given without his knowledge ami without promise. It is predicted by hiN many friends and by most every news paper in the county that Mr. Martin will be among thoe who will lead tho ticket. , (Paid Adv.) I a - , ih.i.w miiiim au and FURNISHINGS can always etter and Cheaper The House That Guarantees Every Purchase RALLY AT CHERRY FAIR! Will Meet Monday, July 3 Committees Named at Meet ing Yesterday The first day of the Cherry fair was selected yesterday by the Pomona grange 'for the date of the all-Oregon grange rally. All the granges of the county will be linked to attend, and the plans at present include a parade by each of the Marion county granges, al though this will be definitely divid ed by the program committee. ' At tho next meeting of the grunge, Wednesday, May 21, definite plans will be made for the part the granges will take on tlie first day of tho fair July 3. The following committees were ap pointed by tho agricultural eommitteo of Pomona grange: Taxation J. R Whitehead. Turner; E. B. Simpson, Jefferson; V. F. Gulvin Marion; J. B. Miller. Stayton. ' Legislation Zella S. Fletcher, Salem; W. A. Jones, Maclcny; O. O. Wellcr, oodburn; J. C. Conmler, Oervais. Co-operative A. P. Kirsch, Stayton; W. C. Kcnyon, Aurora; J. A. Colgnn, .Marion. Markets J. J. MeonaldD, Salem; H. R. Crawford, Turner; 0. F. Larson, W oodburn; Mrs. J. C. Tcckenburg, Mac lenv. Roads W. J. Jefferson, Oervalsj Eu geneFiuIey, Jefferson; AV. It. Schucrer, Aurora. Ira Mercer was yesterday elected president of the student body of the high school, defeating Bryan Good enough. Other officers elected were: ice-president, Paul I'enrce; secretary Hazel Tuck; treasurer, Walter Ransom.' rhompson MeGilchrist was elected ed itor of the Clarion without opposition. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Joseph II. Albert et nx to Millie Rhodes, lots 4, 5 and , block 1, River side addition, Salem. Millie Rhodes to Joseph H. Albert part lot 7, block 48, Salem. Frank Van V'lach to Alonzo L. Seam--ter, lot 4, block !, J. Myers addition, Snlem. Sarah T. Bnsey tn Tsnac N. Bnsey, A. Stephens claim 1-7 .1 -Wj John M. Fugli claim 55 7 .'I-W. Juliet M. nnd Montague Lord to A. A. Schramm, lots 11 and 12, block 15, Salem. Kiigenu Loriney et. vir to Aug. B. Ilin., Bates' claim No. I)5 I0 .'1-W. Jame.M L. Bullock et in to H. C. nnd M. O. Robinson, N 12 of lot 3, block .'II, Oxford addition, Salem. W. A. Wise et ux to James N. Klliott, SALEM ICE CO rV Pure Distilled Water Ice. jSf Phone 415 J ' THREE be bought at USE "T1Z" IF FEEf : ' ACHE, BURN. PUFF UP Can't beat "Tia" for swollen, calloused , or corns. sore, feet tired, "Sure! I UfeTIZ' very time for any loot trouble." You can -be happy-footed in n mo ment. L'so "Tiz" nnd never suffer with tender, raw, burning, blistered, swollen, tired, aching feet "Tiz" and only "Tiz" takes the pay! anil soreness out o'f corns, callouses and bunions. As soon ten you put your feet in a. "Iiz" bath, you just feel tho happiness soaking in. How good vour poor, old V " la ,.Kr.""J' "Tli" """"'w draw, out nll tIle roisonous 0XII(Ultil)llh which puff up your feet nnd.cm,,u soro, inflamed, aching, sweaty feet Cot a 25-cent box of "Tiz" at an drug store or department store. Get iv stant foot relief. Laugh at foot miV forera who complain. Becausn vour feet are never, never going to bo'ih,-. or make you limp any more. nl of lois 1, Wise Acres. 1, 4 and ", tract I I. Foster-Moore Co. to Sarah C. T.yn.l-, Palaquin claim Xo. 4L'-,'i-a-W. -U L. Junes et ux to Rel ca C. Jones, lot 2, block .-), Broolvs. ' J3. F. Cowder et vir to Katie A. Voget, Jos. H. Foss claim If-7-2-W- U N. Knglish claim 07-7-2-AV: Lot .; block 1, linger. Oregon and California Railroad Co. to IS, i:. jjike, V 1-4 s.v 1-1 s 2!-'J-4-K. Fniled States to ':ainuol C. cl ion Dil... J-4 SK 14 section .'10 9-4-1-;. ('. Zinimennnver et nx to Donald i ( operative Cheese Factory, lot .1, bloc't 1, Donald. Andrew Anrlius et ux to Gen S n,i Lillio Burch, Thos. B. Allen claim 2.1 1-w. Geo. S. and Lillie Rurch to Andrew, and Klnia Aarhus, Sum'l Allen clai- oil -0-1-W. C. A. and Florence Williums t.-. Louis Loos, lot It, block 2, Peter W. tieiser's addition, Snlem. H. W. Wafers to Louis Rallar, lot 2', Hanshaw's Fruit Farms. if