TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1916. Clearance Prices on All Women's and Misses' Ready-to-Wear All : Around Town -. t,HtOMM tmitmmmttnmtnii:i!;!Miiiiii!tn;iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iniiini;ii!iiS 1 VARM WEA THER FOOTWEAR Men's Black Calf Lace Oxfords English last, Goodyear welt, white rubber sole and heel. An excellent summer Shoe for men and young men. Only $3.50 a Pair For Women with Tender Feet Grover's Soft Kid Two-strap Slipper, medium heel, flexible -turn soles. Hot weather will not worry your feet if you wear these. Utmost foot comfort at a low price. The pair t $3.00 Women's Tan Barefoot Sandals Just the footwear for warm weather keep your feet cool and comfortable. Heavy, flexible sole; all sizes. Triced at ,2.00 a Pair Children's Tan Barefoot Sandals The children will enjoy wearing these ;so much better than shoes for warm weather. Children's sizes up to 2 . . . . 90c to 1.50 a pair, according to size j Of dependable quality and style are ready now for your inspection and selection. We do not believe you will find a larger or better selected stock of travel ing requisites in this locality. Our trunks and cases are famous for their strength good appearance and low price. They give real satisfaction. Wardrobe Trunks, Steamer Trunks, Regular Trunks, Suit Cases and Bags in various sizes and leathers at prices that suit all purses. Visit this section on the (second floor) Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications ONE C01I POSTAGE Claim Made That It Would Only Help Mail Order Houses Get Business The proposition to recommVnd one cent drop letter postage was sut down on last evening at the monthly meeting f the Commercial club. The National lliniuber of t'omciuree asked the Salem rguniv.ntiou to exercise its opinion as to whether ono cent post ago for drop letters was advisable, and it (lid, aft er listening to tho eloquent plea of Wal tor H. Denton, in which he pictured the diro results wnicli would follow, if the mail order houses wero to get all the floating business by means of drop let ters at the rate of one cent per drop. Ono cent postage wns opposed by an unanimous vote, and the .National Cham ker of Commerce will be informed of how Siilem butducss men feel about it. A review of tho flax industry was read by W. H. Hamilton, chairman of the committee to make a report on the llnx industry and what had been ac complished the past year. Reports from other departments were read, showing their activities during Commercial at the Capital-Journal Office 81&L82 Printing Vacation Time Is being considered by many and the need of travel- rre rYfrAa irill nofnvnllxr Trunks, Suit Cases and Bags QUALITY AND SERVICE tho past year. The financial report, as read by Man ager Ivnu O. Daniel, was most encour aging. Instead of the customary de ficit, tho manager's figures showed that the club was novw running nt a monthly expense several hundred dollars less than formerly, and that with average fair luck tho club would have about 200 to its credit by the first of June. This was cheering news to the faith ful who attended tho meeting especial ly as they had been accustomed to hear ing reports with tho balance on tho wrong sido of the ledger. And for this reason, tho opinion vas general that $300 was about as much as the club could well afford to give towards the Cherry fair. Authors May Affiliate With Federation of Labor New York, May IS. Discussing the advisability of affiliating with the Am erican Federation of Labor, the Authors League of America today sent a repre sentative to lunch with Hugh Frnyno, general organizer of tho labor body, to talk tho matter over. Winston Churchill is president of the Authors League and Theodore Hoosevelt is vice -president. F.rie Schuler, secre tary, declared that a number of noted writers have already voiced their ap proval of "joining the union." These authors include, he said, (leorgo Mc Cittclioon Samuel Hopkins Adams, Hex licaeh, Kllis Parker llutler and Thomp son Huchannn. The idea was conceived by tho latter. KEEPING TAB ON SALMON San Francisco, May 18. In order to keep tabs on the salmon which make their legal residences in Monterey Hay, tho fish and game commission decided today to catch about 1,000 of these fish, put silver tags on their dorsal fins and turn them loose again. loiter on some of theso salmon will bo caught along the const ami the commission can tell whether tlto Monterey fish travel ns far uorth as tho Columbia and Klamath rivers nud as far south as Santa Darbara. METHODISTS ELECT BISHOP. Saratoga, K Y., Way -R. President Herbert Welch of Ohio Weslcyan Uni versity at Delaware, (trio, was elected bishop of tho Methodist church today by tho eighth ballot cast at the Meth odist general conference. SUNK BY A MINE. Washington, May IS. Ambassador Pago in London cabled the state de partment today that a mine probably caused the loss of the Dutch steamer llutavier V. GERMAN STEAMERS TORPEDOED London, May 18. The Herman steamers Kolja, Binncn and Hera have been submarined off Ijndsort, accord ing tu dispatches to Lloyds this evoking. im few ' nnncirlavofinn a Seal Outfielder Fitzgerald Badly Hurt San Francisco, May IS. Justin Fitz gerald, sensational Seal outfielder, may not phty Again this senson. In running to second base yesterday in the ninth inning, Fitzgerald injured himself and had to be carried from the field. It was thought that he had torn a ligament in his leg ami ho was allowed to journey to his home in San Mateo unaccompanied. Tod.iy Fitzgerald suffered severely ami was taken to thottod Cross hos pital in Sun Mateo where an examina tion disclosed a permanent internal in jury. LEADS ON SIXTH BALLOT Saratoga, N. Y., May IS. oa tho sixth ballot cast by the Methodist general conference, Dr. Herbert Welch, president of Ohio Weslcyan Universi ty of Delaware, Ohio, was leading in the contest for bishop today, but was still 71 votes short of the requisite number. Thomas Nicholson, secretary of the board of edic.tion, was nine votes behind Welch. Resolutions urging national prohibi tion were adopted by the conference today. MAD DOG BITES MINISTER Sacramento, Cil., May IS. F, IT. Ililtmer, itinerant evangelist, was bit ten by a mad dog in Imperial, Cal., and the last heard of him he wns on his way to Los Angeles, the state board of health was advised tnd.iy by Imperial health authorities. The eveiigelist was bitten on the foot. The dog was killed and an examination showed it was af flicted with rabies. Ililtmer left Im perial before the examination was made nd the state board is trying to locate him. AMERICANS ARE LEAVING F.I Paso, Texas, May 18, Advices received at. General Onvira's head quarters at .luarex from Mexican sources today said th.it United States cavalry is withdrawing from Mexico. Information reached Onvira from Cn sa llrandes fhnt the Sixth rivalry left Colonia Dublan concentration enmp three days ago for Columbus. . TO CAMPAIGN TOR WILSON Snn Francisco, May IS. One of the leaders in the campaign for Woodrow Wilson in California will be Mrs. Han nah Spedeker, 01 years old. She visited tho Beeond annual convention at the women's democratic club here and an nounced this intention. Her home is in Sun Leaudro. The Salem fire department was called out at 1 o'clock this afternoon to a fire at the residence of W. N. Purdy at ii!4 North Capital street. The fire started in the kitchen but was discov ered before any great damage wns done and wan promptly extinguished. The house belongs to K. II. Reeves. C0MINGEVENTS May 19. Primary election. May 23. May Iiobson at Opera House'. . May 19 Lecture by Prof. Mor ton E. Peck at public library. May 22. Heeital, department of music, chapel of Willamette university, 8 p. m. May 24. Salem chapter Sons .American Revolution organ ized, Commercial club. May 28. High school baccalau reate services, First Metho dist church. May 2fi. Public speaking in chapel Willamette university, 8 p. m. May 29. Music, department University recital, M. K. church. M.iy 30. Memorial Pay. May 31. "Robin Hood," comic opera, at high school audi torium. Juno 1. Ellis' homecoming celebration at armory. June 2. nigh school commence ment exercises at Armory. June 2. Kimball college com mencement, 2:30 p. m. June 7. Annual election offi cers Commercial club. June 7. Willamette University commencement. ' ! ! ; ! ! ! i ' I It ! ! i i ! & ! i ! ! '& I ! ! Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glassc es correc;ly. I.'. S. Hank, lildg. Dr. Btone'g drug store. For the convenience of its patrons, i the Salem street, railway will place i tickets on sale at the Capital Drug store State and Liberty street. We can save you money on garden hose, Nelson Bros. & Patton, plumbers, 355 Chcmcketa St. Phone 1906. tf Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. o ' A game of baseball is scheduled to j morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock on Wil lamette field, between 'Salem high school team and the Albany high school Cemetery Cleanup Dap Cemetery cleanup day Monday, May 0, all in terested come out. Tho Howell Prai rie cemetery nssociatioa. Ralph. I. Stevens. tf Dr. Stone makes no charge for con sultation, examination or prescrip tion, tf Dr. W. T. Tompkins, practicing the Weltmer system of suggestive thera peutics has located in the city, with of fices in the Iinyne building. He was formerly located nt Marsiif'ield. ' Lee W. Achoson, No. 86 on the bal lot, for constable on the Republican ticket. (pd. adv.) maylO THcl nnrl True P.ansnm f.Tflel Wont. cry Republican candidate for constable No. S)3 on ballot. Pd. adv. inaylS o Horace Crampton, city commissioner of W'ullu Walla was in the city yester day, the guest of E. W. Stuidis. He was shown about the city and given a correct idea of the beauties of Salem in the spring time of year. Administrator's Sale The home place of John Mnrnnnh of :!0 acres near Livesley station with good spring piped to house and barn yard, about -00 yards from station and school house, '2 good cows, horse and buggy, also 2 houses and 3 lots in south Sulem, 8 blocks from Marion ho tel. See Paul Marnieh, Adin. may IS The funeral services for Mrs. Linnie J. Howell will be head Krid.iv morning nt 10 o'clock from St. Paul's church,, the Rev. Robert S. liill conducting. Those who wish to view the body may do so nt the parlors of Itigdnn and Richardson until tl o'clock this even ing. - Notice to AU Ice Users: Do not ac cept an" plea now, judge from past treatment and service that you receiv ed. We have brout;ht you good clean ice competition, with the best service, Ice of Quality, and courteous treatment to all. City' Market lee & Coal Co. Tel. 471. J. J. Longcore, living on the Jeffer son road, is the proud owner of l hen that threatens all records of the famous Dryden and other hens that have made the O. A. C. famous. This ben, an Anconn, bad lai.l 7S eggs in M days. nnd according to Mr. Longcore this is j al'lo, upright, hard working ltepubli a world's record. ''an citi.en, your vote will be appreci- o I ited whether he needs it or not. pd. ad. Our prices are rights no reduction! o necessary. Oardaer k Keene, jewelers 0ne of Ee entirely new features of and opticians. ! "' Cherry fair celebration. Monday. o 'July 3, will be the part takea in the While others are reducing we are parade by the granges of Marion conn- increasing our stock. There 's a rea-;ty. At the meeting yesterday of Poino isonf ask us. Gardner & Keene, jewel- j "n grange, there was a general feeling via nun uj'iiciuiis, in mini i liming mi ncur purr U1U1 o ! that every grange in the county should During the recent campaign for new! be urged to eomo with a large" dclega reciuits, tho following patriotic young ' tion. ready to take a prominent position mou have joined tho colors, enlisting j in the parade. in company M', Oregon Nationnl Guards! o - Paul F. liurris, Irvin P. Haven, Karl Republican candidate for constable. K. Hinges. William C. Kelsey, KmilJVote !U X J. W. Roberts. Pd. adv. Sundberg. Carl F. Miller, August Neu- o Kobnuor, Karl Neuebaner, Julian H. I am running for sheriff upon the re staur, .limes Walton, Jr., and Paul ('.: publican ticket, and had no knowledge Manor. j of my name being used in. any other o j wav than upon the official republican .'T''i sP'ia! meeting of Do ballot. W. I. Noedliani. Pr. adv. Nyv tk 5l"'v Cominnnderv No. I o - '" K- T- ,hi'' i Ba8b,,u Sunday, May 21st 3 p, m, jit ' Work in the Temple do- i Kirkpatricks vs. Loju. Kirks only one gree. Visiting Knights welcome. ignme behind first place. Sunday's o I name w ill be a hunt-dinner. Come out. The Silverton Tribune of May 12th, You will be surprised. iiinylO says, Ono man holdiujf a county of lice I o 22 years is pure monopoly. -Moreover tr4- Baseball best ever seen in Salem, physician should be coroner as it means Inter city league teims contain the best a saving to the taxpayers. Vote for j players outside big league. Don't Dr. Ross T. Mdntire for coroner. jmiss Sunday's game with Kirkpnt (Pd. adv.) pntricks. Should be best vet. niaySO A. M. Clough is a candidate for cor oner. He has made good, and if re elected will make good again. (I'd. ad.) Your suit pressed 50c Phone 43. Put a Sonora Talking Machine in your home and you will always have entertainment. Myrtle Knowlaud, 421 Court St. Tomorrow is primary election day, and as. there are no saloons to close, the town will remain wide open. All business will he conducted as usual. the children will attend school as susal and 16 banks will take in deposits as usual, ind every one who has register ed will have no trouble in voting. Those who have not registered may find it advisable to bring along two free holders to swear in the vote. ! A. M. Clough is a candidate for cor oner. He has mado good, and if re: elected will make'good again. (Pd. ad.) Your suit pressed 50c. Phone 43. Let us figure on your next bill of lumber. We carry i full line of build ing materials and hardware. Falls City Salem Lumber Co., 340 St. PJth St. i'hohe SKI. The ladies having the welfare of the Y. W. ('. A. at heart, are still working on subscriptions, although there is no regular, team work. The amount neces sary has not ns yet been raised, but it is the intention of those interested to keep up with tho work of soliciting aid until sufficient funds have been raised. Miss Florence Cleveland, of Portland, who will succeed Mrs. P. L. Blaekerby will arrive in the city next Monday, but not to tike charge until June Vote for Clqjigh for coroner... He is out to win and will appreciate your vote tomorrow. (I'd. adv.) Your suit pressed 50c. Phone 43. Multnomah county saved 22 per cent of the nrevious expense of the coro ner's office by electing Dr. Dammasch a licensed physician. Marion county can reduce taxes by the same means by electing Dr. Ross T. Mdntire,re publicnn candidate. (Pd. idv.) W. D. Miles son of a veteran of Sa lem Lodge No. (i is oi) the committee for decoration day. "Between Two Kingdoms" is the subject of the lecture Friday evening by Professor Morton K. Pock of Wil lamette University. The lecture will be illustrated with hand colored slides shown through a biloptiean. The forms of life Professor Peck is to tell about and illustrate are the forms which scientists have difficulty classifying as plants or animals for they have charac teristics of both plants and animals. The lecture will be in the auditorium of the public library at eight o'clock. Vote for Clough for coroner... He is out to win and will appreci ite vouc vote tomorrow. (I'd. adv. Willie standing on the corner of Mis- V"n '"" .Commercial streets this niorii ins waiting tor a street car, Jessi Miles, the 14 year old daughter of Dr. O. H. Miles, wns struck by an automo bile and knocked to the pavement, es caping fortunately with several pain ful bruises, but no serious injury. The corner of Mission and Commercial is known ns a dangerous corner and the car that struck the young lady was coming from Mission onto Commercial street. o . . La Corona cigars are the best elec tion cig.irs vou can buv. Salem made, 10 cents. Police Officer Percy M. Varnei I am a candidate for constable and need your support. If elected I will conduct the business of the office in the same impartial manner .is I am now fulfilling my duties as a police of ficer. ' Pa. adv. W. D. Miles son of a veteran of Sa lem Lodge No. l! is on the committee for decoration day. In the Detroit endurance contest of 12 enrs, the Saxon six arrived in the city yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Of the 12 cars that started, but two are now in the running. The other ear is supposed to be about four days be hind schedule. The Saxon left this morning on its record breaking tour. o Vote for Roberts for constable. I'd. adv. Vote 87 X I-ou C. Brotherton for con stable of this (Salem) district. He has had 25 years experience as an honor- 1 I if Theodore E. Burton The Fearless and Faithful Friend of the People America's Foremost Statesman Republican Candidate for President of the United States Primaries. May 19, 1916 VOTE 28 X Burton, Theo. E;r Restore Business and Prosperity. We Need Him at This Critical Time THE PEOPLE OF SALEM AND COMMUNITY Certainly responded to our invitation to visit our new store. Every housewife is desirous of buying the best and freshest Groceries and a saving of ten cents on the dollar is an object to the average wo man. Bring the coupons in today or tomorrow and visit our store. Visit our free demonstration of Dependable Coffee and Tru Blu Biscuits. J. L. Busick & Son 456 State St., formerly Moir Grocery, Salem, Ore. Film Exchanges Burn WithJ500,000 Loss Detroit, Mich, Mai IS. Fire in the I'uiversal and Dine P.iid Film Kx changes this afternoon destroyed films said to be valued at between lOOloo and sXi00,t00. Thirty , girls employes fled from the two places and many of them had narrow escapes. One girl was seriously cut. . , Every piece of fire apparatus in the j city was summoned. The police denied ; early rumors that several girls were trapped on an upper floor of the build ing and perished. They declared all, escaped alive. The firemen with great difficulty pre icnted the spreud of the flames to sur rounding buildings, i I Admiral Mayo Will Command Atlantic Fleet , i Washington, May IS. s Secretary Daniels and President Wilson conferred today and it was learned that they de cided to reorganize the Atlantic fleet under a commander to succeed Admiral Fletcher. Admiral Mayo will succeed Fletcher. Fletcher will relinquish command of j the scpindron June 10. Admiral ( off-1 man is to he the successor ot .Mayo. Fletcher has beeu detailed to important shore duty. Admiral Mayo participate!! in the oc cupation of Vera Cruz by American naval forces when it wns demanded that President Victoriano Huerta s&lute the I'nited States flag. W. D. Miles, Republican candidate fur constables will ippre. iate all votes cast in his favor. Pd. udv. 7! i H (Minimi " Paul adv. SALEM TAXI Cars of any liind for any place nt any time. Office, Bligh Hotel PHONE 700 RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady -Assistant Moderate Pricei Perfect Service Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Plione721. Salem, Or. MILL CITY AUTO STAGE Dailv Between jSalom, Ptayton, Mill City and all way ; Points. Leaves Mill City ti;lS a. m.; IStayton 7:45, Salem, 9:15. Kefurn, leaves Salcrn 4:30 p. m.; ciuyton umo; -Mill City 7:20. Phone 13