Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 18, 1916, Image 1

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111. l J t I It M II II I 3 II 11 5 1 I 1
Austrians Hurl 300,000
Troops Against Italians In
Tyrolese Alps
Losses In Three Days' Battle
Run Into Thousands See
Sawing at Verdun
Amsterdam, May 18. Three hundred
thousand Austrians along a 35-mile
front in the Tyrolese Alps are striking
a terrific b'ow against the Italian lines
today. Berlin military critics intimate
that Austria is hurling this powerful
offensive in the hope o. shattering the
defenders' ranks and invading northern
The losses in the three days of light
ing already passed run high into the
thousands. The battling is spreading
.ist word from the Adigo river across
Alpine peaks and rock plateaus, where
soldiers cling to cliffs and fight hand
to hand on narrow trails.
The Italians havo been driven south
yard on a five-mile front from Piazza
t) the upper Astico valley. Vienna
claims that l&egnatorta hns been captur
ed. Koine denies it and announces that
ttic Austrians were repulsed there.
Trench Capture Fort.
Taris, May IS. French troops storm
ed and captured a small, well defended
Cermun fort northeast of Hill 304 near
Verdun during the night, the war office
announced today. Tho French also
raptured a-German trench on Hill 287,
killing or making prisoner nil occupants.
Cermnn nttnrk9 on positions northwest
of Verdun continued all night in heavy
force, but they were all repulsed. Sev
ooal attempts to seize n French redoubt
iu Avocourt woods were defeated. Avi
ators of both sides were busy. Ger
mans shelled I.uncville, Epinal and Bel
ford. The damage was slight. On the
oilier hand, French aviators droppeu
SO bombs into the fortress o'f Metz.
-iblons railway depot was also shelled
from the sky.
Attacks Are Repulsed.
Berlin, May 18. Three French at
tacks in the region of Hill 301 have
Imon repulsed, it was officially stated
F'Irs. Jerry Bowers of
. 1 CcrvalHs Killed
Corvnllis, Ore., May IS. Her horses
r uining away when the king bolt of her
wagon dropped out, while she was driv
ing to this city from her home three
miles west of hero, Mrs. Jerry Bowers,
fred realizing that she could not
(Mnp the animals, soizeo. her four year
o'd daughter iu her arms and jumped,
receiving injuries from which she died
four hours later. The little girl was
Ki t hurt.
New York, May IS Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt left Oyster Bay fur Detroit
today. The trip wus undertaken at the
request of prominent Detroit citizens
who, angered at Henry Ford's views on
1.nce being credited generally to De
t oit, want to give Roosevelt und pre
paredness a big sendoff.
Alter a feller gits out o th school
' experience it's too late t' git t' th
t on-. .Mrs. Tipton Hud's mu le rent
":tli a seriou auto .uvioVnt t 'day,
i" t' a near sighted windshield.
Jailed Four Months for
Slandering Washington
Tacoma, Wash., May 19. Convicted
of criminally libelling George Wash
ington, first president of the United
Statos, Paul R. Haff r" young social
ist, was today scnten ' y Judge Card
in the superior coi o serve four
months in tho county p and to pay the
Costa of tho trial. T ' ction was tak
en following a moti f Haffer's at
torney for a new t, g which was de
Two days time
ranted for the
al. and Haffer
his liberty on
filing of notico of"
was permitted to o
bail meanwhile.
P. I,. Pendleton,
ney for' Haffer,
indicated today his novation to immedi;
ately appeal tho case to the state su
premo court.
Evidence Against Him So Far
Is Weakjteing Principally
Portland, Or., Mity 18. Although
Bennett Thompson, an ex-convict, was
hold in jail todav in connection with
the murder of Mrs. Helen C Jennings,
officers lacked evidence to connect him
with the crime.
Thompson wis arrested late yester
day by three detectives. He was stand
ing on a streot corner, and said he was
waiting for a car to take him to police
headquarters. Ho said he had just
learned that officers were looking tor
him. '
Thompson refused to say anythin;:,
or to Account for himself on the night
of tho murder. He asked to see h s
attorney, Roseoc P.. Hurst. After a
conference hurst asserted that Thomp
son knew nothing of the murder of Mrs.
Jennings, or of Fred Ristumu, the jit
ney driver who carried the murderer
Ito Mrs. Jennings' liome?
Men who saw the supposed mur
derer in Hiatman"s . jitney, Monday.
night, were not positive that Thomp
son was the man, although yesterday
they identified his photograph.
A deputy sheriff saw and talked to
Bennett Thompson on the night of the
murder, it wis learned.
Ho Raid Thompson carried o package
similar to tho bag of tools the mur
derer is suposed to have carried.
The Train Li Which She and
Her Daughter Were Travel
ing Was Attacked
By John H. Hearly.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Rome, luny 18. Queen Helena and
Princesses Jolanda and Mafulda had a
very narrow escape from death Monday
when Austrian aviutors attacked two
trains near Venice.
It was learned by the Austrians that
Queen Helena' and Princess Jolanda
were traveling iu a royal special arid
that Princess Mafalda was a passenger
on the express.
The royal train was showered with
snent shrnnnel bullets from anti-aircraft
guns which were trying to drive away
the sky invaders. An aerial bomb ex
ploded near the express.
Tho queen and Princess Jolanda were
returning from the front where .they
had visited the king. Mufalda was go
ing to meet her mother.
As the attack ben-nii the rmssonirers
were thrown in a panic. Thov were later 'M frtotft regarding ecgnomic and politi
calmcd by the example of" the queen, conditions in Mexico. They did not
who maintained ner composure,
Unable to witstand the fire of anti
aircraft guns the hostile machines final
ly retreated. When the royal party ar
rived at Padia it was greeted by on
immense crowd which cheered enthus
iastically as the queen aud the princess
appeared in the windows of the bnttle
scarred coaches. Spies are believed to
have advised the Austrians of the
queen's whereabouts.
Alaska May Have Mail
- Service by Airships
Washington, May IS. After recon
sideration, the postoffice department,
it was announced today, may accept
the offer of Earl I.. Dyers, of Iditarod,
Alaska, to carry mails by aeroplane
semi-weekly between Seward and Idi
tardo for I9,.ri)0 a year. The postmas
ter general today wirelessed Dyers to-
make the necessary bonding arrange
ments so that if his offer is accepted
he may begin the aerial mail carrying
at the earliest moment.
It was found the government could
save 115,000 aauually if Dyers' ofter is
accented and certain consentient
j changes in mail routing are made. Such
; a.i nrrn:gement. it wa said, would also
result iu reducing by 20 days the time
ia winter between Seattle and Nome.
Two of the Gang Wounded
and Captured Report of
Capturing 75 Denied
Rainy Season Due, Compelling
Pershing To Get Nearer
Source of Supplies
By Carl D. Groat.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Washington, May IS. Colonel Sib
ley, reporting through General Funston
to the war department today on Major
l.aughoifle's victory over tho Glenn
Springs raiders, failed to substantiate
earlier report told of 75 Mexicans hav-
as otticial at the department. The
earlier rep i t told of 75 Mexicans hav
ing been captured mid six killed. The
later account told only of two Mexicans
Having been wounded and captured.
Battle Expected Soon.
Sun Antonio, Texas, May 18. A
pitched battle between Major Lang
horne's cavalry and the rear guard of
the Mexicans who raided Glenn (Springs
was momentarily expected today fol
lowing the reports of a skirmish be
tween the hostile forces.
Two Mexicans were wounded and enp
hired. Colonel Sibley commanding the
operations in pursuit of the raiders, is
making a dash to join Langhorne with
three troops ot horsemen, 'the Amen
cans are operating south of Kl Pino,
where Jesse Deemer, American, was res
cued tiom the Hlistns.
Americans Marching North.
Columbus, N. M., May IS. American
troops in Mexico continued their north
ward march today. Practically all units
of General John .1. Pershing's columns
have reached Colonia Dublun, which is
to be the expedition's advanced base.
It wus said thai preparations for the
rainy season which is at hand were be
ing rushed, ns the downpour will make
shipment ot supplies over any consider
able distance extremely difficult.
Carranza columns are marching south
to occupy points evacuated by the
Americans. The United States forces
are erecting a permanent camp at Dub-
Bodies of Millers Found.
Marathon, Texas, May 18 Tho bodies
of the Americans, Harris, Woodson and
Bosworth, miners, missing since the raid
on Glenn Springs, have been found by
cattlemen in the Big Bend desert coun
try near Ran Vincent, according to the
story told today by William ,Sausom, a
Will GetflnformaUon.
By Carl D. Groat.
(United Tress stnff correspondent.)
Washington', May 18. First hand in
formation regarding exact conditions in
Mexico will bo assembled by Consul
Letcher and other American consuls,
who have gathered in El Paso for this
purpose, it was announced today.
Their report is to be placed in the
hands of Major General" Fred Funston.
As transmitted to Washington it will
be verbal, because the administration
wants it without the reservations that
the making o'f a written record might
Some quarters believed that the eon-
I ference would result in a change in the
.Mexican policy. State department of
ficials, however, said the meeting was
called because the administration want-
miuy vi uiiy rnuum' in policy, i.eicjier
is coming to Washington after the-mcet-ing.
It was privately admitted that while
military conditions south of the border
were not nldrming, the monetary situa
tion, the food scarcity, tho presence of
typhus fever and the activities of Za
patistas were all causiuk worry.
Warren, 111., May 18. Mayoress An
gela R. Clifford, age 82, of Warren,
"only woman mayor," hus decided to
stick on the job. She said today. .She
was recently reported as planning to
"I am going to stick to the end of
my term anyhow," sho said, "whether
harmony prevails in the city council or
Mrs. C'nnfield recently planned to
move to California. Her term expires
May, liU7.
Kansas City, Mo., May IS. Billy
(Sunday, the evangelist, is going to Hal
timore for an operation at the conclu
ioii of his meetings here, be stated to
dav. He is suffering from double bei
nia, brought on bv tho strenuousness of
is nom m lue puiiu
Oamah, Neb., May 18. Fol
lowing a Caesarian operation
which resulted in the birth of
three sons, Mrs. Anne Richter is
dead today. The infants are in
good health and will probably
Ambassador Yon Bernstorff
Insists This Is Their Duty
As Good Citizens
Washington, May 18. "In conse
quence of cases which have occurred
lately German Ambassador von Berns
torff sent instructions to all German
consuls strongly to Impress Gorman
citizens that it is their duty to scrupu
lously obey the nws of tho states
where they reside," said an official
statement from tho kaiser's embassy
Von Bernstorff is also urging Ber
lin officials to take energetic steps to
show the United States that Germany
is not responsible for acts of law vio
lation committed here. Berlin unques
tionably authorized his statemont made
The Cvninc ease is leorvsidored a
closed incident, unless it is definitely
shown that Germany violated its sub
marine pledge to the United States.
Phillips Rees Kills Himself in
Fit of Despondency Over
Despondent because his aged bones
refused to knit after a kick from a
horse broke his arm, Phillip Iiees, aged
76 years, a well known farmer residing
about five miles south of this city on
the Jefferson road took his own life
this morning by cutting his throat
with a razor. Mr. liecs was hurt
several weeks ago and on account of
his advanced age he did not rocover
quickly and he worried over his condi
tion until it is thought he became ob
sessed with the idea that ho would
never regain his former strength. He
went out on the front porch and slashed
his throat from enr to ear, fell forward
on the grass, and died almost instantly.
Mr. Rees had lived in Marion county
for til) or more years and had a wide
circle of friends and acquaintances.
Surviving him arc a son, David Bees,
of Los Angeles, and a daughter, Mrs.
Ennis Savage, of. Honolulu.
Funeral announcements will be made
R. n. E
Chicago 1 7 .'!
Philadelphia 5 9 i
Faber and Schalk; Mayer ana Hciinng.
Williams replaced Fnbcr. Bcnz replaced
R. H. E.
Cleveland 4 8 v-
Washington' 2 9?
Covaleski and O'Noillj Johnson and
Williams. Bagby replaced Covaleski.
Detroit-New York, postponed; wcl
grounds, and cold wenther.
R. H. E.
St. kotiis 7 Uf 0
Boston 1 5 2
Weilman and Scveroid; Foster and
Cady. Agnew replaced Cady.
R. H.
Boston 2 9
Cincinnati 3 7
Reulbach and Gowdy; Schneider and
R. H.
3 7
0 i
Alexander an-1 Killifcr;
and Gibson
Wilson replaced Gibson.
R. II. E.
Brooklyn 3 0 1
Chicairo 4 11 3
Hucker and Miller; Pierce, Seaton
sod Archer. Cheney replaced Ruckcr.
10 innings.
R. H. fc.
New York 3 8 2
St. Louis 0 0 3
' Benton and Rariden; Ames and
Fred Wiuirins, of the Washington
Nursery compuny, Tnppcnish, Wash., is
in the city on business and visiting his
daughter, Miss Mildred, who is attend
mg iiibujuh; mm.tibuj.
Only 44 Seats Contested
These Will Be Decided by
Committee June 1
Progressives Trying to Select
Men to Make the Keynote
Chicago May IS. The members of
the executive committee of tho repub
lican nation x committee will have a
comparatively easy time when tiidj
meet to consider contests over seats
in tho republican national convention,
.lames B. Reynolds, secretary of the
committee, said today. He declared
this information indicated that there
would be contests over only 44 seats.
These are: Florida. 1; Georgia 17;
Louisiana 12; Mississippi 2; Missouri
2; Oklahoma 4; South Carolina 3; Vir
ginia 1; District of Columbia 2.
Secretary Reynolds ordered delegates
of contesting districts to appear beforo
tho national republican committee June
1 for the settlement contests. They in
clude 17 in tho state of Gcorgin, 12 in
Louisiani, three in South Carolina, two
in Oklahoma, two in the District of
Columbia and one in Virginia, Florida
and Missouri.
It was announced that the progres
sive national committee would meet
in New York Wednesday to select a
keynote convention spenker. Raymond
Robins of Chlicairo, William Allen
J White, Gifffrd Pirn-hot md Everett
i oinv nave neon mentioned as, possi
bilities. Political leaders professed to seo in
tho activities of the RooBovelt non
partisan leiu'uc a plan to stnmpede both
the republican and progressive conven
tion to Roosevelt, irrespective of the
colonel's attitude. It was whispered
that n boom for Roosevelt would be
launched in the rcnnblienn convention
tho minute thit nominations are called
for, and it was announced that Thomas
A. Edison would take the stump for
Roosevelt's nomination during tho
week precedint' the convention.
It was announced this afternoon that
Roosevelt was sure to receivo two votes
on the first ballot from the Illinois
delegation. The. mnnnger o'f Cook coun
ty, Sherman supporters announced that
the release of two delegates from the
Sherman pledge would enable them to
vote for Roosevelt.
Penrose Controls Majority.
Philadelphia, May 18. Boise Penrose
will control 40 Or 50 of tho 7'i dele
gates from this state to the Chicago re
publican convention, according to still
incomplete returns this afternoon from
the presidential preference primary.
London, May 18. The French steam
er Mira has been Bunk, it was learned
in shipping circles this afternoon.
corivE Tl TO
"Hear ye! Hear ye! The polls are
now open."
This will be officially proclaimed by
the chairmen of 73 election boards nt ,
the door of the polling places in the 7:!
voting precincts in Marion county at 8
o'clock tomorrow morning. The repub
lican primary election begins at the
abave hour with tho democrats looking
on as ringsido spectators at the politi
cal scrap which fans waxed hotter as the
campaign draws nearer its close.
The democratic primary election will
be a ratification meeting ns there arc
no contests except for tho offices o'f
delegates to the national convention
and for the office of vice-president of
the United States.
Marion county's democratic ticket is
as follows:
For judge of circuit court voto for
two: Willium Galloway, of Marion
county; T. A. Rinchart, of Marion coun-
However, the central committee re
quests party voters to write into the
ballots the names mentioned tor tho re
spective officcl following their names
in tho blank spaces on the primary uni-
Mark V. Weathcrford for member of
Geo. C. Blakely for secretary or state.
Grant Corby for district attorney.
A. M. Dnlrymplo clerk.
W. H. Downiug for sheriff.
L. C. Cavananugh for assessor.
A. C. Miller for county commisiaouer.
Norwegians Are Not
Hyphenated Americans
Tacoma, Wash., May 18. ."When
anybody tells you the Norwegians are
hyphenated Americans, I wantlyou to
knock him down. They have always
stood for life, liberty ;-nnd the .irsuit
of happiness. They were nursed hi the
cradlo of liberty aud make tho befct of
American citizens."
This patriotic declaration was made
by J. A. Sorley at Moose hall 'last night
whore 800 men and women had gathered
to celebrate Norweigian independence
Judge J. M. Amtson made similar as
sertions, saying, "To mo Americanism
is nof a nationality it is a principle
as high and lofty as etornity."
His Wife Reads Resignation
from Pulpit She Blames
the Red Lisht District
Chico, Cul., May IS. The First Bap
tist church of Chico was minus a pastor
today, Rev. Madison Slaughter having
resigned, following his conviction on a
chnrgo of attacking Gertrude I.nmson,
aged IS, and his sentencing to 15 years
in San Quontine penitentiary.
The resignation, was delivered through
Mrs. Slaughter. Her voice trembled
with emotion ns she stood in the pulpit
and rend her husband's formal state
ment, then added in her own words:
"The red light district and certain
members of this congregation think
they have downed Madison Slaughter,
but they havo not done so yet."
After this two persons quit the
church, announcing that they would no
longor remain as tho "congregation
harbored snakes."
Mrs. Slaughter and her daughters
will movo to one of the bay cities so
they may bo near tho convicted minis
ter during his term in San Quentin.
Market Gain'? Strength ;
aid Prices Go Higher
Ncs7 York, May 18. The New York
Evening Sun's financial review today
The market experienced a distinct re
versal when prices, under tho lender
ship of rails and Reading common re
covered Bharply. There was nothing in
the way of special news to account for
the upward turn. What, tho Street
lacked in news in connection with the
movement in Rending was made up for
with rumor and conjecture. Tho issue
figured in a number of faciful stories,
in eluding the now familiar report of a
readjustment of its capital and segre
gation of its assets. This was varied
by a rumor originating in Philadelphia
that tho Rocki'tclli-r interests had tuk
en over tho Reading holdings of the
Into President Baer and also those of
tho Now York Central railway inter
ests. It is scarcely necessary to add
that there was no confirmation forth
coming for any of these reports but
this did not militate against the im
provement, for In a movement of this
kind stock always thrives best under
' 'mystery."
And for representatives in the state
legislature the following: Mrs. Uattie
Cameron, Mrsy W. A. Chapman (of
Woodburn), Marion Palmer (of Silver
ton), W. H. Egan (of Gervais) and
Frank Ward (of Salem)
Tho muin republican race on the state
ticket is that of Ben W. Olcott and
Charles B. Moores for tho nomination
for secretary o'f state. Fred G. Buchtel
and Thomas K. Campbell are putting up
a close race for the office of public ser
vieo commissioner nnd there aro four
candidates for the circuit judge nomi
nation in this district on the republican
In the county race there are plenty of
candidates for representative and also
for district attorney while the county
clerk hns tho nomination nil to him
self. The contest for sheriff will prob
ably be the closest of any in this coun
ty with Deputy Sheriff W. I. Needhnm
and E. E. Cooper racing neck nnd neck
according to all reports, alinougn iNeeu
ham is thought by many to have the
best of it.
Thnro arc four in the race for county
school superintendent an-1 three out for
county commissioner. The city of Sa
lem hus eiitht candidates for the con
stable of this district and all of the
candidates interviewed today said they
would be elected although it is practi
cally certain that seven of them will be
disappointed nnd this is the only prcdic-
(Continued on Paye Seven.)
y mm
Had Knowledge That Germany
Would Aid by Supplying
Constabulary Was Warned
andPatroled the Coast
Night and Day
London, May 18. Lieutenant Colonel
Nathan, under secretary for Ireland,
a witness today before the royal inves
tigation committee probing the Irish,
riots, testified that the British govern
ment knew days before tho revolt that
TriBh leaders planned an open rebellion.
The conspirators wero not disarmed, he-
said, for fear such action would enuse
greator bloodshed.
Irish leaders wero informed, aceord-
ing to Nathan, that the Germans would
co-operate with the revolt by launching
a combined aea, nir and land offensive
against the British.
The constabulary was warned an-l
patrolled tho Irish const night and day
to prevent landing of German aim.
Tho utter fniluro of tho rchol plan
and the capture of Sir Roger Casement
resulted from these precautions, Nathan
Ho estimated the number of Irish reb
els at 15,200 including 3,000 in Dublin
They had l,K8rt rifles, and wore count
ing on having 20,000 more rifles and I,
000,000 rounds of ammunition landed ly
the German nuxiliury, which was sunk. -
Irish sympathizers in the I r.ireil
States contributed largely to buy th
rebels urms and spread their Htorat'ir.-,
Nnthan charged.
Casement Trial Boon.
London. May 18. Hit Roger Case
ment will go on trial for his life early
next month, according to arrangements
today. Following his preliminary hear
ing on a charge of high treason in con
nection with tho Irish revolt, Sir Roger
was ruturnod to his cell in the Tower of
London. The crown may place Dunici
Bailey. Irish soldier, on trial at th
samo time, but this has not been def
initely decided yet. Bailey is likely to
receive clemency, owing to ins exposure
of the treason plot.
Promier Asiiuith s plan for a reorgan
ization of the Irish administration have
not yet boon revealed. His efforts at
conciliation pleased all. The premier
was scheduled to go to torn today.
American Oourt-mlrtlaled.
London. May 18. Jeremiah C. Lynch,
of Now York, a naturalized American, .
hns been arrested for purticipatiii(f in
tho Irish rebellion. He was triod by
court-martial yesterday, tho American
consul nt Dublin wired the , United
Statos embassy. Ho will be sentenced
Two other Americans are in custody
in connection with the rebellion, one iu
England and one in Ireland.
Captain of Launch Is
Indicted at Taccns
Tacoma, Wash., May 18. Indicted by
the federal grand jury here, E. I. Wood,
captain of tho launch Victor II., which
foundered off Point Defiance January
15, is in jail in default of $1,500 bail,
charged with responsibility for tlm
death of Walter and Florenco Bower,
passengers, who wero drowned.
Wood was arrested in a logging camp
near Vaughn und brought to Tacoma.
Thcro are 10 counts in the indictment,
tho principal ones being that he loaded
freight improperly: failed to arrange-
I it properly after he had started on tht
trip in uie race or u siurin; iuneu in
rescue tho drowning sister and brother.
Tho in(li(.tm01lt Cllrr;0d a maiimum
tenco of !! years in the penitentiary
and a 1 0,000 fine.
Tho Victor II. was headed for Allyn
when the accident occurred. The pas
sengers numbered nearly 20, but all
mnnaged to cling to the capsized boat
or to debris. until assistance came, ex
cept the Bower children, who wera
Bwopt off the lauqeh. ,
. Oregon: To
night and Friday
unsettled, prob
ably showers;
westerly winds.