Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 13, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Reformed Church
Coiner of Capitol iiul Marion Sis.
Siinl:iy school 10 a. m.j German ser
vice, 1.1 a. in.; English service 7:!U p.
Jl- '.'fiiny, pastor.
Free Methodist,
yo. 122S North Winter iitreet. Sun-
y services: Sabbath school 9:45.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:43 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m.
W. J. Johnston, pastor.
Salvation Army.
Sunday service as follows: Knee
drill, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school and
Bible class, 10:30 a .m. Christian
praise meeting, 3 p. m. Y. V. I.., 0:15
p. m. salvation meeting, 7:45 p. m.
Week night services every night except
Monday and Thursday. C'apt. and Mrs.
Unitarian Church
'inner of 'hemeketn ind Cottage
sheets; lli'V. Kii'linrd P. Tiseher, min
ister. Sunday school at !:4.1; intuit
class at i:4'; Miss 'Ethel Fletcher,
Supt. Morning service at II oVIoeU,
Hiibjeet, "The Nations Mothers" (no
eveniiif services); niusie by Mrs. II.
T. Calloway, Mr. Hairy .Mills, organ
isl. All i'ri'iMids of liberal religion and
of progressive thought are cordially
invited to our services, firing a friend.
Swedish Tabcrnatile M. E. Church
I'orucr S. 15 and Mill streets; Kev.
. I ' 1 1 1 ii Ovall, pastor; services at. !i:ii()
p. in., and H p. in.; preaching by n vis
iting minister; .Sunday scluml at
p. in.. All are most cordially invited
to attend; J.mlies aid society " Pur
lins'' meets at Mrs. lioouie's 170
Ijiberty street next Tuesday, .May 10,'
jl - . in. All welcome.
First Methodist Episcopal Church
Corner State and Church street;
ha I'd X. Avison, minister; !l a, in.
class nicetiu; !':l." a. in. Snbhata
Hchool, Messrs. Si'luainin and (lilUey,
superintendents; 11 a. in. morning
worship, sermon by the pastor, "My
'Mother's lliblc;" :t p, m, nldress at
the old peoples' home.
i : :t0 p. iii. Intermediate league, Mrs.
M. C. Eiiulley, superintendent; (i:.'10 p,
in. Kpworth league, Miss Eva Scott,
president; 7:;i0 p. in. evening worship,
the. Kpworth league will hold their an
niversary service. Music both morning
and evening by the chorus choir un
der the direction of lr. Frank V.
The Church of God
1770 Fairgrounds road; Sunday
school at III a. m., Edward Iteckeu,
Supt.; Sunday services at 11 a. in. and
7 : ;t0 p. in.; prayer meeting Wednes-
at 7:M p. in. All ire cordially iuvited.
Kthel Williams, Supt.
F.ast State and Kightecntli streets:
('. Koohlcr, pastor; (ieiinan and I'm
lish Sunday school at 10 o'clock; di
vine service at IO::i0 a. in.; Luther
league at 7 p.m.; evening fccrvbe in
Fnglish nt 7:10 p. in.
United Brethren
Castle Ch ipel corner Seventeenth
street and Nebraska Ave.. II. I!.
Porks, minister; (!. C Tnolier, bible
superintendent; bible school promptly
at ID; "Mother's lay" service at 11.
liishop X. Castle, I). 1)., will preach
the sermon; Christian endeavor at 7
p. in.; preaching at N p. in.; Kev. ,1.
Oliver will have charge of the even
ing service. You are most cordially
Berean Class
Elects Its Officers
The Berean class of the United Evnn
gelieal church held an important busi
ness meeting Wednesday night nt the
home of liev. O. L. I.ovell, 04.1 Winter
street, at which the election of officers
took place.
Elected as president Alfred Berg.
Fleeted as vice-president Pauline
Fleeted as secretary Grace Towu
send. Fleeted as Treasurer Paul Pierce.
The class unanimously agreed to have
the I)e Moss company hold their concert
at the church Tuesday, May 2.'!, and that
tickets are to be sold by the class as a
whole committee. To the benefit of the
. lass'tind the church.
Also there was appointed a very cap
able committee to look up a play for the
seemingly unlimited talent.
A social followed the business meet
ing in which an excellent treat was
served and music was played of which
titles were guessed to make an interest-
ling storv, as "Darling Nellie dray"
met "Old Black .loe" in "Dixie
l.nn.l," etc.
Jason Lee Memorial
At the corner of Jefferson and north
Winter streets, J. Montcalm Brown,
pastor; Sunday school at 9:45 a, in.,
I!. A. .Harris Supt.; Mrs. W. C. Emmol
Sept. prim.iry department; preaching
service nt 1 1 n. m., the liev. M. ft.
Puroiinnginu our Sunday school mis
sionary will occupy the, pulpit in this
service; let nil our people near him.
Junior League at 3 p, in., J. I. Wood
tin, 'Supt; Kpworth league devotional
meeting at 0:30; preaching service at
7:.".0. Strangers speciully welcomed lit
nil services,
Leslie Methodist Episcopal
" lYiblo school U:45 a. m., Joseph Bar
ber, superintendent; morning worship,
"Mother's Day," 11 a. m.s Kpworth
league. i:.'i0 p. in., anniversary day and
mother's day, Mrs. Alma X. I'lricli,
leader; evening service, 7:30 p. ,m.,
sermon by the pastor; prayer meeting
Thursday evening 7:30; liev. J. C.
Spencer, pastor.
Prist Congregational Church
'J lines Flvin, pastor; Mother's la
will be celebrated in this church at
all services; Sunday school meets
promptly at ten o'clock, W. I. Staley,
Supt.; morning service at eleven
o'clock; music morning and evening
by chorus choir, Win. McCilchrisI ,Sr.,
director; Subject "The hollies that re
nt seven o'clock; pleasant Sunday
evening service at eight o'clock; fine
music by chorus choir; sermon by pas
tor on subject "The best mother in
all the world;" motion pictures "Jop
thaii's Daughter," and obi bible story
revised; progress ill religion; a pagan
custom on Jewish soil. Kverybody in
vited and everybody Welcome. Thurs
day evening meeting at eight o'clock.
There are 12 candidates on the pri
mary ballot of the republican party
from which to select four delegates
from the state at large to the national
convention at Chicago for the nomina
tion of candidates for president of the
United States, and four candidates in
the first congressional district for like
honor from which to select two. Six oT
these announce their preference for
Hughes; three favor Roosevelt, while
the others give various reason for de
siring to be nominated on May 1". litis
sell Hawkins, of TillJinook county, is a
very determined Hughes supporter,
for his slogan rends: "I shall vote for
Hughes; if you don't object better
elect me." Charles W. AcKerman, of
Multnomah, calls for "Roosevelt, re
union and results," and J. H. Worsloy,
of the same district, says "republican
victory means prosperity; democratic
victory means continuance of present
conditions." One candidate stands for
Borah, of Idaho, for vice-president as a
running mate for Hughes.
Ti,..,.. nr.. n,u ,i;,l,,(..u c,,- il,..
I.os Angeles, Cal., Mav 13. " My w,,,,;,,,,,;,,,, ,', ,h,. nft'Vn nf i, resident
husband called me a 'big fat slob' and: of the I'nitcd States, they being Then
when 1 wanted to be petted and have I dure F. Burton, of Ohio; Albert B.
him show me some affection, he told ! ('uinmins of lown, and Charles F.
ungues, or .ev xoik. ror vicc-presi
me to go away and !e ive him alone
as he had trouble enough."
This is what Mis. Dora A. Reynolds
told Judge Wood today in her suit for
divorce against James r. Reynolds,
a Los Angeles tailor. She got tho de
cree, -t
Salvation Army
Sunday meetings as follows: Knee
drill :.'i(l a. m.; Sunday school 10:30
a. in.; Christian's praise meeting 2:45
p. in.; V. I'. L. 0:15 p. m.; salvation
meeting 7:45 p. m.; meetings during
the week every night except Monday
and Thursd iv. ('apt. and Mrs. Kelso.
W. C. T. U.
Mrs. Helen K. Smith of the United
Brethren church will deliver the gos
pel temperance address at Ramp mem
orial hall nt 4 o'clock Sunday, 'All
are welcome.
Mother's Dav will be observed at
the First Baptist church tomorrow
morning. The members of the Phi
lnthen class will be hostesses. They
wilt igreet everyone entering the
church mill provide flowers for all who
haven't them. They will bring to the
services in nutos ni my who otherwise
would Ik- unable to attend. Dr. Holt 's
topic will be "The Most Beautiful
Sight in the World."
Eirst ProRbyterian
Mothers' and Fathers ' Hay will be
appropriately observed at the morn
ing hour, 11 o'clock; the debt of the
child to tho parents; the funilv tie in
the economy of (lod; home training in
character; solicitude ns to physical
health anil mental development, why
not also in regard to the spiritual
WOMEN find the Saxon Roadster especially appeal
ing because it is so simple and safe to drive. It
starts and stops and turns with utmost ease. There
is never any tension or strain felt when you are at
the wheel of the Saxon "Four". Even at the end of
a long trip you are not fatigued. You'll find the up
holstery deep and restful and the seat is 40 inches
wide plenty of space for two large people. Let us
take you for a ride and show you how easily you can
drive a Saxon Roadster.
Lloyd L. Ryan, Agent
Maxwell Garage, corner High and Ferry Streets
growtlr? Family discipline not main
ly by the "rod". These are some of the
sub-topics that the main subject sug
gests. If convenient, wear a white flow
er. In the evening "grjins of wheat
in a mummy's hand." Good music
both morning and evening.
El-st Church of Christ, Scientists.
Sunday services are held ut 440
Chenieketa street, ut 11 a. in. and 8 p.
m. Subject of Bible lesson, "Mortals
ami Immortals." Sunday school at 9:45
a. in. Wednesday evening tstimoniul
meeting nt S o'clock. Reading rooms in
the Hubbnrd building, suite 303, auj is
open every day e-'cept Sunday una holi
days, from 11:45 n. m. to 4 p. m. All
arc cordially welcome to our services
and invited to visit our reading room.
Highland Eiends.
Corner of Highland and Flni streets.
Sabbath school, 10 a. m., Mrs. Myrtle
Kenworthy, superintendent. Revival
service in charge of Rev. Levi Cox. nt
11 a. m. and 7:45 p. in. Junior, II a.
in. Christian Kiideavor, 0:30 p. in. Our
revival is progressing, souls are at the
altar and much good being done. Don't
miss it. Josephine liockett, pastor,
phono 1 103.
dent but one name, that of William
Criint Webster, of Illinois, appears on
the primary ballot. Five electors of
president and vice-president vill be se
lected from the seven candidates.
" Xo interests to serve but the public
interest" is the slogan of W. ('. llu.v
ley, of Marion counly, who is the only
republican on the ticket having ns
piriuioiis for congress, he to succeed
Charles B. Moores, of Poitland, car
rying the slogan, "courteous, efficient
and personal service," will contend
with Ben W. Oleott, of Marion coun
ty, for secretary of state, and a pret
ty fight for the nomination is now
being waged. "Administration of
state afafirs guided solely by business
principles and commuu sense," is Mr.
Oleott 'a slogan.
George H. Burnett, of Marion, and
Frank A. Moore, of Columbia, are
candidates for justice of the supreme
court, and as two are t,t be nominated
they have what is commonly termed a
cinch. John D. Mickle, ot Portland, .s
enndidate for dairy and 'iood commis
sioner, and Fred G. Buchtel, of Port
land, and Thos. K. Campbell, of Cottage
Grove, are caudidutes for public service
St. Paul's Church
Robert S. Gill, rector; Holy com
munion 7:30 a. in.; matins, confirma
tion and address by Bishop Sumner,
9 a. in.; no II a, in, service, Kvensong
and address 7:30 p. in.; Sunday school
following i) n. m. service.
Churches to Observe
Mother's Day Sunday
Special services have been planned iu
many of the city churches tomorrow in
honor of Mother's day. The Rev. Carl
H. Elliott of the First Presbyterian
church will speak appropriate of the
occasion. At tho Unitarian church, the
Rev. R. F. Tischer will take 'ror his
subject, "The Nation's Mothers."
The Rev. George V. Holt, of tho First
Baptist church will deliver u sermon
on "The Most Beautiful Sight in the
At the First Methodist church, the
Rev. R. N. Avison will preach on "My
Mother's Bible." Tho Sunday school
of tho First Christian church has pre
pared a special program, and the pastor,
the Rev. F. T. Porter, will speak on tho
observance, of Mother's day.
lu co-operation with the o'fort to
foster the observance of the day, the
Western Union has provided special
blanks on which to send messages. The
emblem of tho day is tho white carna
tion, to be worn not onlv as a tribute
to one's mother, but also for the noble
motherhood, of the laud.
State Conference of
Social Agencies
The Oregon Stato Conference of So
cial Agencies and the Religious Kdu
cation association are holding sessions
iu Portland today at Reed college.
In tho discussion of "The Segrega
tion of the Socinlly Inefficient," yes
terday afternoon, tleorge Palmer Put
nam spoke, tuking for his topic, '.'What
Institutions Are Needed to Handle the
In the discussion last night of the
Oregon criminal code, George it. Brown,
attorney general, spoke on "Suggested
Changes in the Criminal Code."
This afternoon, in the general discus
sion of proposed social legislation for
Oregon, Dr. J. N. Smith, superintendent
of the State Institution for the Feeble
Minded, delivered an address on "A
Commitment Luw for Feeble Minded."
At the fourth annual convention of
the Religious Kdtication association, J.
A. Churchill, state superintendent of
public instruction for Oregon, spoke
Thursday on "School Credits for Home
Study of the Bible." Mr. Churchill and
Dr. Carl Gregg Douev, president of Wil
lamette university, are members oi the
advisory council.
i J X
The New Whole Wheat
Food with iheDeicious
Flavor oriinaiedtythe
iVEN the confirmed
sweet tooth of the
family is likely to go
light on the sugar
when eating KRUMBLES.
This new whole Wheat
food has such a fine sweet
ness of its own that the
more you chew it, the
sweeter it tastes!
The wonderful thing
about Krumbles is that
this delicious flavor has
been hiding in the wheat until the
Krumbles method was discovered
In the WAXTITE package-1 Oc.
Look for this signature.
A X f ric.Opi in n HmTnir jjni imr ',' I
All Wheat
Ready io Eat
Margaret Mason Writes of
Gotham Fads and Fashions
By Margaret Mason.
(Written for the United Press.)
If you want, to,, be a model man,
'Tis simple goodness knows,
Just wear a lot of swagger togs
And strut around and pose.
New York, May 12. Yes' tis true the
worm will turn and this summer the,
silk worm has turned its efforts from
the fair to the sterner sex. It is ter
ribly busy spinning the wherewithal
to clothe "ine lord'' in a stunning silk
en summer suit.
But after all before, below and above
everything, the silk's the thing.
Silk shirts of heavy tub silk, striped
and designed iu the newest yellow,
orchid, green and porcelain blue shades
are very smart, worn with the soft col
lars of plain or corded white silk.
Among the newest silken scarfs those
of small patterned foulard and pastel
tinted silk' crepe are numbered first
in favor.
Chastely pure and white are the chos
en socks of silk that will adorn the too
oft clayey feet of our masculine idols.
The white silk sock will show on the
The Saxon Motor Car Agency and Service Sta
tion will hereafter, be located, at Halvorson &
Burn's Garage, corner Ferry and High Streets,
where special service will be accorded Saxon own
ers. A complete stock of parts will be kept on
hand at all times.
Fund Collected for
Salem Y.W.C. A., $1529
The sum of 1.52l.:t5 has been raised
during the campaign this week 'foj- the
support of the Y. V. C. A. the coming
i year ,and the 40 women, working in
' five committees are of the opinion that
j Salem has responded generously to their
i efforts.
While today will close the regulnr
; daily program of campaign and daily
I meetings, the woik of soliciting funds
will be continued, un'il the necessary
amount, $:i,oO, is rabod.
The filial report of the week was
made yesterday at the usual 4 o'clock
ten, presided over bv Mis. I'errv II.
; H:i vim, n,l, Mrs. A. N.' Hush, as chair-
man of the finance committee, and Mis.
C. A. T'nrks. president of the board,
expressed their thank to the 40 good
i workers who had given their entire time
i during the week. Miss Maxwell, city
'secretary of field work, complimented
! the women on their excellent team
I work.
! The amounts collected by the five
teams, as shown by their reports yester
day, were ns follows:
! Mrs. John It. Albert
; Mrs. N'uncv I.. Wallace ....
Mrs. Russell Catlin
Mrs. John Varrnr
Mrs. Channcey Hishop
Additional gifts
With .tho Protestant churches all
throwing their forces together in the
series of special meetings beiug held
at tho Methodist Episcopal church of
Htaytou under Evangelist John Lewtns,
the attendance tit the services is grow
nig very satisfactorily to tuose in
charge of t tie movement. On Sunday
afternoon tho auditorium held a large
audience of women only when the
speaker gave his address ou "The
Twentieth Century Woman." The morn
ing and evening services necessitated
I the throwing open of the Kpworth
league room thnt the concourse might
be seated, Taking into consideration
the attendance nt all the services, the
afternoon and evening, it is said that
the audiences doubled during the first
week of tho special effort. Next Sun
day afternoon Mr. I.ewtas will speak to
men onlv. stnvton Standard.
Last venr the Bummer man seemed i best foot forward in either work or
cool and content in Palm Beach suits, play. In other words it will be worn
of ordinary hempen weave, but this
season he sniffs at anvthing snort of
Arrayed in Tussore or Pongee, he
will lay siege to frail hearts and press j
to meet both business and social ends,
slthongh for very dressy occasions a
fast black cloak keeps it more up with
festal times.
A very smart imported model even
his suit after it lias been well tubbed, i goes so far as to show three black!
lie will undoubtedly owe as much to clocks, one on each sido and one right
A Knockabout Hat
For Just Plain Wear
his lnundryninn as to his tailor for his
success snrtorially this season-gratitude.
I mean of course, not monies, although
perhaps if may be a little of both.
The Tussore and Pongee suits are tre
mendously attractive and also delight
fully cool. Many of the best models
show coats with pleated backs and half
All the boys will vie with belted
Karls nowadays, for the belted coat is
quite the thing. Not only in the sum
mer silk models but on coats of serge
and light weight tweeds.
. - ' '
' K ..A ',
A: -i,"''"' ' t,
!" ' "
;V l if :
It i n' -il Ak - '""'ii-Ysrnf--
Candidate for County C ommissioner.
(Paid Advertisement.)
up the center of the instep. Nedless to
say, this pair is decidedly striking.
Plenty of silk will be on manly hand I
also for the silk glove, pearl grey or
chamois colored, stitched in black, will
be much worn as well as the glace'
kid gloves that have been made to
wash as beautifully as the long worn
chamoisette ones.
Verily it seems to portend a busy
season indeed for the Bilk worm and
the laundress. Everything being silk
nnd washable, Sylvester may almost
safely take his tub attired in full silk-
The probability is that the subma
rine had not yet received the new orders.
The belted coats of nnvv serae will en regalia.
be quite smart for country and outing! Anyway, there will be as little good
wear with trousers of striped white I excuse for soiled masculine garments
flannel and will cause mnnr n female i this summer as for soiled masculine
1 heart to surge with admiration. reputations.
What's the matter! More bank re
sources in Oregon than ever before.
Sawmills all a hurrying.
But well, you say the rest.
Total i. ::).
The amount collected by the teach
ers' team, in rhnrge o Mrs. l.aMuiiie
Chirk has not been reported.
Tt would tnke a genius to guess
what 's under a Mexican lint down along
the border.
The traditional flea is a turtle com
pared with Yea.
Primary Candidates
In Polk County
following his name on the ballot. It
reads: "Efficiency, economy and cour
tesy in office."
For county treasurer Mrs. Winnie
Braden and A. V. R. Snyder, of Pallas,
nnd Joseph H. Brown, of Salt Creek.
Eor school superintendent Miss Al
nieda J. Puller, of Independence, fol
lowing whose name on the ballot is,
' Businesslike methods; good schools;
faithful service." and W. 1. Reynolds,
with the slogan. "Efficiency in the
work of the schools and economy in the
When Casey went to the bat '
n tame affair compared with
LiLiin went to the bnt.
rill be
-n lion
This clo turhnn is put up in finest
straw, a uavy blue, and high about the
crown wreathe shining green ivy leaves
lined with white kid. Three glossy
blackberries npear in and out among
The people of Polk county are, how
ever, displaying more interest in the
local offices to lie filled, which is quite
natural because of the fact that each
candidate is known to them. Following
is the complete list:
Eor joint representative W. V.
Fuller, of Polk countv.
Eor representative, Kleventh district office."
! I - il r M l i i w . . i: . W: ' . l rt . i i
i.nii .1. .uei.t'i nun x uiiruii .iniiin, ti ; m iiniiin t. mines noil uonicr .A. IMllio,
Dallas. Mrs. Mctzger's slogan is ..fnith-1 all of I'nllas. Mr. Robb has "economy
fill service and less promises," and that ' and efficiency" as his slogan the oth
of Mr. Stafriu is "economy and ef-j era omitting this part of the cTistomnry
ficient service." program.
For district attorney Benjamin F. Eor coroner Robert I.. Chapman is
Swope, of Independence, whose slogan the only candidate.
is "fearless, impartial enforcement of; For county commissioner Moses
the law. and protection of the home."! Mansion and Cal D. Shepherd, of Dnl-
n ml Walter I., loore, Jr., ot Dallas,
with "just nnd conscientious law en
forcement, with a square deal for nil,"
ns his slogan.
For sheriff-
Businessmen 's Adjustment Co.
has moved its office from the
Catlin & Linn building to 207
Masonic Temple.
Phone 911
the fmlage, and nltegcther
smart, durable hat.
John W. Orr, the pros
ent incumbent, has no opposition
lor county clerk H
more, of Independence; Fred. J. Holmnn,
of Pallas. Bin! Levi V. Macken, of Mon-
Has, and (leorge A. Wells, of Buena Vis
ta. No slogans. Dullas Observer.
this is month. Mr. Mio ken is the onlv enndi
date for this office who has a bloau
San Francisco, Iav 1.1. Alexander
Charles Puns- Smith failed to answer a summons for
jury duty in Federal Judge YnnFlcet's
court but the marshal couldn't arrest
him for contempt be 'ause Sftiih died
20 vears ogo.
The only eaih
drug store in Ore
gon, owes no one,
and no one owes it;
carries large stock;
its shelves, counters)
and show eases are
loaded with drogs,
medicines, notions,
tnd toilet article.
Dr. Stone is a regit
lar graduate is
medicine and baa
had many" yeara ef
eiperience In the)
practice. Consultations are free, Pre
seriptiona are free and only regular
?rie fa medicine. Dr. Stono can b
ound at his drug store, Salem, Ore.,
from 8:40 in the morning until 8 at
night Free delivery to all parts of the
eity and within a radiui of 100 milea.