FIVE Spectacular fire In San Francisco Tenement rt t -- THE DAILY CAPITAL JOfRNAL,- SALEM, OREOQT" SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1916. -1 "Iwo Music and Five German! Tochers Arrange for Phys- ical Instructor i Practically nil of the teachers ot the jmiblie schools were re-elected at the meeting of the board of directors ' 'Thursday evening. Several teachers j -resigned in order to complete their ed-t ;ucatiou, while others did not apply fori .ire-election. . ! Two changes were mule in the highj school. Miss Anna Myqnist will sue ceed Miss Rcgina Long, w'ho will he. nnrried next month. Miss Nyquist! is a graduate of the University of; xVtinlit-sotn and her transfer to the; liigh school from the Lincoln school' tovoVs in the form of a promotion. j Miss Elva M. Smith is another high fichool teacher to become a June bride. She will be succeeded by Miss Ethel K. Hummerlj as teacher in latin. She has a litin master's degree and comes to Salem ilirect from the latin teach ers' training department of the Lin coln, Mebraska, schools. In the Washington junior high school the onlv (limine will be in that of the work of Oscar V. James, who resign ed to accept another position. MU" Marie Peterson has been elect ed ti Ifner of mathematics in the Lin eoln school. She comes from Corvallis. San Francisco, May l.'J. One man i9 dead today as the result of u fire which swept through n four-story tenement house in Scott Place during the night. Trapped by the flames, Joe Florenzi, janitor, was burned to death. I'olicemen earried Mrs. Manuel (iou zales and William. Ward to safety amid the cheers of the crowd. It was neces sary for the firemen to use scaling ladders in their rescue work. Robbers were busy during the excitemeut and when Mrs. A. Coaceo, who lived next door, ran into the street carrying hei savings, $-40, a thief snatched the mon ey from her and vanished in the crowd. The crying of children was heard through the roar of flames when the conflagration was at its height and Lena and Lily Cnnapa, aged 4 and 7, with Joe Castanolia, a small boy, ap peared at a window silhoutted against the reg glare. Mrs. Canapa, mother of the two babes, rushed into the house and saved them. Frank Sullivan, a fire man, sustained a crushed foot when cnught under a truck. The loss was . 10.000. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY t Y W. C. WINSLOW MEHAMA ITEMS. Mrs. Loose, Mrs. Farrington and Ma bel Vanpatton visited ai the Luther Stout home last week. Mrs. Frank Berringer died Saturday night. Funeral services were at Lyons AiOiiday. Mrs. Berringer was an" old resident of Jiehama. Mrs. Ben Irving and little daughter Lois visited relatives in Mehama last week. . C .A Mulkey and wife and Miss An na Stout made a business trip to Sa lem Saturday Mr. Reed of Salem gave an interest ing talk on the Mammoth cave at Me hama Monday night . Mrs. Kirsch was in Mehama Sunday. Oeo Mulkey called at the Birstter home Sunday. .T. J. Blum and family made a busi ness trip to Staytou one day last week. Lewis Stout celebrated his N7th birth day last Wednesday. Mr. Stout is an old pioneer of Oregon, having crossed the plums by ox team and settled here, in .1X52. He is well and hearty for a man of his age. Mrs. Wntermnn slatted 'for New York the first of the week to visit her pnreuts. Mr. Waterman accompanied his wife as far as Portland. Jim Blum sold his sheep the first of hist week, but things were so quiet after they were gone that he bought more be fore the week was gone. Stnyton Mail. A prominent resident of Dublin is one Richard Crocker, a former celebrat ed New York grafter. That Appeals to Lovers of Artistic Surroundings As Well as Comfort and Substantial Furniture :: Just the tiling for those hot summer evenings, on the porch. After the toil of a working day, to rest your weary body in one of these com- it . fortable sea grass or German reed Lounging Chairs. We have a complete line of imported Chinese sea grass Furniture priced as follows: During the canvass of the county for the republican nomination for district attorney, 1 have been continuously ask ed this question: "Where do you stand upon, our new prohibition law?" I have been asked tlita question numer cifcsiy both by those who favor the law and those who oppose it. And since I find that the. "people generally want to know where the candidates stand upon this question, I take this means of mak ing my position known. If nominated and elected district at torney for .Marion county I shall do all in my power to enforce this law, and 1 make this statement publicly through the press, so that there muy be no mis understanding as to my attitude to wn his matter. This iaw was placed upon our statute books by a tremend nous majority of the people, and should 1)9 enforced as honestly and conscien tiously as any law of this slate. And the person who doesn't want it en forced should not vote for, me for dis trict attorney. Mv opponents say I will prosecute "too hard." That they are "safer." Thanks for the compliment! I will prosecute as hard as I can violaters of all laws without discrimination. I did not suppose that this would be an is Hue in this campaign. I supposed that questions had been settled and that all candidates for this office would be will ing to enforce this law fearlessly and (hat the question might be Settled strictly upon the basis of efficiency. But I find that those who are opposed to the enforcement of this law are as bttfcy as ever. They are centralizing their forces behind one candidate who ueoms to have promised them that they need not fear his activities. Since the issue hns been made by those who seem to be unable to give up, I have uo hes itancy in announcing my position in ref erence thereto. I am not on'.y willing to enforce this law, but I have had con'.rablc experience along that line and believe thnt if nominated and elect ed, I will be able to enforce it. I have acted as special prosecuting attorney in several counties under the local option law, and my record there shows that I was not only willing, but did en force that law. If you believe that this new law should receive 'fair and honest consideration and fearless enforcement, along with the other criminal laws of this state, I earnestly solicit your sup port at the republican primaries May 19th. Respectfully submitted, W. C. WINSLOW. where she has been teaching in the grammar grades. Miss Lyda V. Hell will be the only new toucher in the Englewood school. She succeeds Miss Kstlier Ryan, who will atteml an art school in San Fran cisco next winter. Miss Hell comes from Oakland, Oregon, where she has taught tho iirst -and second grade the past two years. She is a graduate of the Monmouth Normal school. In the Grant school, Miss Charlotte Irene Snore will succeed Miss Eva Fish er, who lenves to complete her edu cation. Miss Snere will teach . lan guage, comes from Baker, Oregon, and is a graduate- of the Monmouth Nor in il school. Miss Vara Stewart will teach in the Highland school, succeeding Miss Gen evieve Robinson, who will return to her home in Michigan. Miss Stewart comes from Forest Grove. She has had seven yeays experience and is a grad uate ot the Monmouth State Normal in tho Washington . school, the only change will be nude in the classes taught by Miss Kdith Fugnte, who did not apply for re-election. She will be succeeded by Miss Orphia Bell, who has had six years of experience and is a graduate of the Monmouth Normal school. Miss Mollic Campbell of Honolulu will teach in the Richmond school, suc ceeding Mjss Mary Ewing, who lias accepted a position near Corvillis in order that her foster son may attend the O. A. C. Miss Campbell at present is teaching in the seventh grade in Honolulu. She had formerly taught five years in the Garfield school of this eitv. The music in the schools will be in charge of Miss Miunetta Magers in the upper classes and Miss Jessie V. Miller in the primary grades, includ ing the sixth. Miss Magers will re ceive $100 a month for 7 1-2 hours -work each wcekjn the high school and six hours each -week in the junior high schools. Miss Miller will receive $120 a month and will give her entire time to the work. German will be taught in the high I and junior schools. Five teachers will ! be employed at a total monthly salary of $4i. Dr. O. B. Miles was re-elected school physician, lor the three months of the first semester. As yet, no action h is been taken as to the instruction in physical work, and no teacher has been elected. The board hos to arrange wherebv physical instruction will in clude every pupil, and arrange plans iy which the time of the physical instruc tor will be given to all, instead of the toot ball and bis ball teams. The (girls will also be provided with a I special physical instructor. II II! T IP! - fll XX ft tt I Stands Foot Stools X Well make Trunks $6.00 to $30.00 Ward Robe Trunks. . . $10.00 to $30.00 t You will not find a better line of Trunks i See our line of Hammocks and Porch Swings; get our prices t and Suit Cases in Salem. and decide if you can live without these conveniences. (See win dow display.) Large Arm Rockers $7.00 n $1 0 Of) 1 Large Arm chairs 50 to $9.50 ij See ?r line of Trave,ing Accessories, before you plan that trip or Sewing Rockers $5.00 t0 $7.50 ji Genuine leather Suit Cases $3.50 to $10 Child's Rockers $2.50 to $4.00 Genuine leather Traveling Bags Couch SKOO't $1.50 up $6.50 to $8.50 (See window display.) HtHH t-f JSP 11 You Get More for Your Money at Moore's Anything New in Furniture t Can Be Bought at Our Store A. J. ANDE! If You Can Wawa Anything Except Chinook the Job Is Open ANNUAL MAY PARTY WAS GRAND SUCCESS FAREWELL PARTY A. J. ANDERSON Candidate for Republican nomination for County Assessor. Ballot No. 72. SALEM ICE CO Pure Distilled Water Ice. Phone 41o Fellow Tnxpnycr: A large portion of the expeuHe of conducting the county assessor's office in chargeable to annual field assesameut work. A great saving could bo made by cutting down assess ment of property values to once in four years. This is only one of tho many tax reforms which I have in mind and will advocate if nominated for and elected to this office, where experience, busi ness training, efficiency and a true sense of justice and equality counts. My principal object in seeking the office is to readjust property valua tions upon the bases of equity and im partiality. Do the principles apply to the present system? I think not, and in support of my convictions I respectfully submit tho following condensed facts for your benefit and consideration: Some Assessment Facts. Average annual expense of conduct ing Marion county assessor's office for four (4) years period, 11109 to 1912, in clusive, was $4,899. Average annual expenso of conduct ing same office for three (3) years period, 1913-14-15, was i,157, after al lowing deduction of $300 for increased expense due fo change in law in 1913. Total reduction of Marion county valuations, 1915 from V1 was $943, 34S nearly one million. Lo3 to county in public service cor poration valuations on account of this reduction was over $200,000. Actunl loss in taxes due from corporations on 31 mill levy, $0,200. Two-thirds of total reduction, or $000,000, was made in iSa lcm city elone. An crrhnl reduction in valuations is just. An unequal reduc tion throws tax burdens upon the un favored and is manifestly unfair. In regard to illusions and juggling of figures and reports if necessary will publish more facts. These facts and figures ero taken from the Taxpayers' (iuide, issued by Cnnnty Clerk Max Oehlhar. Fellow taxpayers, have yoa received any of the benefits of these reduc tions! Your vote and influence will aid in equalizing assessed valuations ftnd will be appreciated. Yours respectfully, A. J. ANDERSON. (Paid Advertinement.) Try OmIUI Josrnal Want ASM. Parlcz vims Francaisf or Herman or what is of more importance, do you speak Spanish? If you can, and speak it in such a manner thp.t it can bo un derstood by others besides yourself, tUi' government wants you, and is willing to pay an annual salary larger than iho average bank clerk, or school superin tendent is earning. Your Uncle Sain is hunting for men qualified to net as clerks to com mercial attaches in foreign service. lie also wants clerks qualified in foreign languages for service in the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, De partment of Commerce, at Washington. On May 17 the Civil .Service commis sion will hold examinations for theso positions, and whilo this is a. trifle soon for those who have not been studying foreign languages, yet it shows the possibilities for those who are will ing to post up on their Dano-Norwcginn, Dutch, French, Cierman, Italian, Portu guese, Russian, Spanish or Swedish languages. Of course Undo Sam does not expect the applicant to tackle all of these languages. Only ono or more is required. Clerks to commercial attaches arc paid $1,500 a year while those who qualify only for foreign languages are paid somewhat less. Hut theso clerks aro in a position to take ndvantngo of vacancies that may nriso in tho higlier grndo positions of the field service. Those interested in entering this service might write addressing their letters to the Civil Servico Commission, Washington, I. ('. In the public schools of Salem, the only foreign lan guage taught is (lerman. MT. PLEASANT ITEMS. The Hebcknhs' third annual May festival at the Odd Fellows' hall Friduv night was largely attended and a suc cess in every way, socially and finan cially. The rooms were artistically decoruted w'th oceans of ferns mid flowers umong which wnn the beautiful wisteria. The queen's throne was a veritable fairy bower, and the first number was u erectiiKT from the fniries. wlio lunl -inwt been awakened by the singing of the! invisible chorus. The ringing and dancing of the fair ies was especially pleasing, as was lit tle Miss Cleeta l'eery's solo. The May queen's procession was the next, and was quite a revolution in the way of costumes, etc., the queen, Miss Mnlnnu Sestak, looking really regal in robe and crown. ' The May pole dam-e by 12 young lad ies, brought forth much i-lnppiug of hands and cheers, while Clyde lloffer and ('has. Burmestcr kept the crowd amused afterward with several comic readings. Mention should be made of tho solos by Miss Mae Smith, of Amns ville, and the Htayton Male quartet, composed of Dr. It. A. Hcauchamp, Dr. W. N. Pinter, C. A. lienuchaiup and Stanley A. Starr, who wero encored many times. It was n splendid evening of enter tainment, and the Rebeknhs are to be congratulated iiofSonly for the program but for the dainty refreshments served afterward. Stnyton Mail. and nil are cordially invited to come. Mrs P. H. Lambert was entertained at the D. Towues home Monday. Stay ton Standard. KINGSTON ITEMS. Mm. L. n. Townes and daughter of Pendleton are visiting at the D. Tow res home. Mrs. F. D. Thayer and Mrs. D. liil yeu of Scio were visiting at the Floyd Shelton home Thursday. Mrs. Zelma Schuff of Stnyton spent the week-end with Miss Marguerite Ryan. Mrs. Anna Milles called at the W. R. Ray home Monday evening. Mrs. I,. II. Townes and baby and Vr. and Mrs. II. R. Shank were Sun day visitors at tho Mrs. If. hhank home. Mrs. D. Townes called ot P. II. Lam bert's Thursday. Miss Hazel and Harry Downing were week-end visitors t Lee Downing'. Lewis Ray spent Sunday eveuiug at the H. Seuz home. Mrs. Jae. Huber spent Wednesday with Mrs. II. B. Shank. Linn Ijimbert called on G. II. Ray Wednesday. Rev. Mr!ee of Eugene will preach nt the Mt. Pleasnnt ohureh on Sunday, May 14. There will be a basket dinner There will be preaching -services at Kingston next Sunday, topi;! will be "Death of Christ", everybody come. ('has. Si-hafer wife and sou Lloyd and Miss Bertha Schafer were Sunday guests at the (i. F. Harold home. Wm. Downing was buying beef cat tle in this neighborhood one day last week. Airs. Curtis Colo and little son How ard arc visiting relatives near Salem. James Le'ffler and Hurl Yoemun at tended eouTt in Albany Inst week John Hnnndcr, Sr., visited at the Geo. Snndner homo Tuesday S. H. Cole and son Ott i, of Jordan stayed over night nt the Curtis Cole home Sunday on their way to Salem. Miss Delia Howard visited with home folks Sunday. Tom Fleming was a business visitor at the Curtis Cole home Tuesday. Ad Craft of Crnbtrcc wns a visitor at the Curtis Cole home last Thursday. Chas. Schaefer directed the Nth grade examination lost week. Those taking the examination were: Mario I.effler, Alice Smith. Lloyd liarold ami Arthur Kelly. Dudley Butes was a Rtayton visitor Tmsdny. Mrs. Tom Flemming and little eon wero Sunday visitors at the Arney Flood home. Stnyton Mail. UNION HILL. C, J. Seibel aud Miss Kiln Walk made a business trip to Salem Wednesday, Ira Oeer of Stlvertou spent Hundny night at the . W. (iecr home. Mrs. W. E. Tate Bud Asuhel visited Thursday at the W. D. Hurt home. A farewell party was given in Moose hall Tuesday eveuiug that was in the nature of ti farewell to Mr. ami -Mrs. .1. .T. Stangel, Mr. anil Mrs. ('. K. Carlos and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bunting, who will shortly remove from our city. The evening was en.joynbly passed in curds ami dancing and lunch was served in the banquet room. The first prizes were awarded Mrs. W. C. . Miller ami Mr. Ivan Dimick, Mrs. Benton Killin re ceiving tho consolation. All present expressed their deep re gret ns soon losing these estimable fam ilies from their midst. They will be greatly missed in not only the social cir cle, bat in the promotion work of the city. The honor guests were wished tho best of success in their new homes. Those present were: .Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carlos, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stangel, Mr. and .Mrs. Jay Hunting, Mr. nud .Mrs. Win. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Arista Mendel, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Weiss, .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hall, .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hrovlcs, Mr. and Mrs. Benton Killin, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Ellsworth Riches, Mr. and .Mrs. ('. F. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. Then. Nchl, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Nehl, Mr. ami Mrs. N. S. Scnllnrd, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wageman, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dimick, Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Heck or, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Drake, and Messrs. Dr.-Hartford, Muse and Fleenor. Wooilburn Independent. Polk County Observer: One of tho most iinpoitnnt discoveries ever made in Polk county is thnt of outcroppings of cannel coal near Crowley station, specimens' of which have been submitted to tho proper department of the Oregon Agricultural college, and from which favorable reports havo been received. Mot only coi;l hns been found in thin neighborhood, but. oil blossoms aro ap parent in ninny places, indicative of the existence of coal, and the probable ex istence of gas. A considerable quantity of tho i'oal outeroppings have been gathered from hillsides, and when test ed burn with a bright flnmo like a candle, from which peculiar character Istic cannel coal derives its name in this country. MADE FINE RECORD Roy Mollett and wife visited at the (Ico. Thomas home Saturday and Sun day. The Wallula club met Thursday May 4th, with Miss Ida (iecr with eleven of the members in attendance. The time was spent doing fancy work and chatting. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess assisted by Mim Dora Rabens. The next meeting will be with .Mrs. M. Oilmour. Wayne Ashby made a business trip to Salem ono day last week. Adolph Heater purchased six head of fine full blood Durham cattle down by Hilverton last week. Will Carter and Walter Heater each bought ono head at the same place. (iuy Oeer took a loud of goods to Sa lem Saturday tonhip to Roseburg, where he expects to movo this fall. Mrs. Charles Peters has gone to West Stayton to visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. Brunch. Albin and Elmer Johnson spent Sun day kith home folks. Mr. aud Mrs. H. A. Thomus were visiting in Stayton Saturday, v The Misses Norma and Belva Branch of West Stayton are visiting at tho Chas. Peters home this week. Staytou ilail. Thomas, Brown, candidate before Re publican Primaries for re-election to legislature. The proverb says "judge a tree by its fruits and a mini by his works." Fol lowing this advice would make tho select ion of Thomas Brown as one of the. republican naininers for the legis lature n certainty. He is a lawyer of marked ability ami with his experience in the legislature rt the session of two years ngo, he is well equipped to render tne people splendid service. While taking an active part in all the legis lation of that, session he initiated and put through bills as follows: Tho gopher and mole bounty act. The act. to increase reserve f farm ers' mutual insurance companies. Act. (o tax trading stamp companies. Effort in house succeeded in abolish ing expensive accountancy department. His slogan follows; " Economy ; b ?s legislation; fair treatment, of stato in stitutions in Marion county." A good record and a brief comprehen sive platform constitute his appeal for endorsement at tho polls. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received tit the office of F. A. Legg, architect, Murphy building, Salem, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m. .Monday, May 15, 191S, for the furnishing of .til labor uuil ma terials and the erection of a four room, frame school building with con crete basement in Ketzcr District No. H8, Marion county, Oregon, according to plans and specification prepared by said architect. Plans and specifications may be had lit tho office of tiin architect. Th school board request that the contract or givo local workmen preference, everything being equal. A certified check for five per eenb of the amount of proposal, payable to W, E. Ravoge, clerk, must accompany each proposal, to be forfeited to tho district in rase the bidder refuses to qualify upon lwing notified of the ac ceptance of his proposal. Tho board reserves the right to reject any and xi proposals. By order of the board of directors, District No. 8K, Marion county, Oregon. W. E. SAVAOE, Clerk Route 8, Salem, Oreiron. May 0-10-13.