Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 13, 1916, Image 4

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e of "The Capita
Mav !.". IsHii.
Editor sad Manager.
1 Journal
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Vice President
J KM! A C.
A X 1)1! KsKX,
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Daily by carrier, per year W Per month -l-jc
Daily by nuiil, per year ." ii.UO Per month "a-
K a sx k u x 1 : v. i i ; k x t a t i v i:s
New York, WnnH.owis-WiHiamii Special Agency, Tribune P.iiiUiiijj
Tho C'fi l it it 1 Journal carrier boys are instructed to jmt Ilk' papers on the
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Fhoue Main 1.
It seems from Colonel Roosevelt's letter to Guy Emer
son, secretary of the Roosevelt non-partisan league, that
the colonel is out after the nomination of both the
progressives and republicans, or the two united, as he ex
pressed it. It also seems that those who said he was will
ing to support Hughes or any strong progressive, were
not fully informed. s
The Capital Journal, a few days ago interpreted his
description of the man whom he would support as mean
ing no other than himself; and many other papers put the
same construction on it, and apparently correctly so.
The colonel's anonuncement, which is unequivocal, is
not capable of construction being a statement that he will
take the nomination if he can get it, and that he will try
to accomplish this. This puts an entirely different com
plexion on the political situation.
Roosevelt is a shrewd politician, knows the game
thoroughly, and is also familiar with the deck with which
it is played, knowing most of the cards by their backs.
The fact that he enters the race openly at this time shows
that he at least thinks he can win. He is resourceful,
chary of advice, and goes his own way. That is what
changes the complexion of things. What he will do in
case he is not nominated only he knows. '
What he can do if he chooses, everyone who has not
forgotten the election four years ago knows. If he should
be defeated he can either accept and stand in with his
victors or bring his party back to life. Should he do the
former there will be a pretty fight perhaps, but should he
do the latter the history of ll)12.vill be repeated.
Tt. is three weeks vet until the conventions meet, and
until they are over and the results known, no one will be
able to say what the colonel will do, and not then until he
makes his intentions public.
It can be stated though, that the colonel is not an ex
pert at turning the other cheek, and it is a pretty safe bet
he will get the republican nomination, or he will get the
.same thing at the hands of his own party. It remains to
be seen which is the larger, the G. 0. 1 or T. R.
Life is wonderfully long to the boy looking forward;
and it is" exceedingly short to the old man looking back
ward over the road he has traveled. If a man reaches 82
years, which is a ripe age, he has lived 29,950 days. Of
these 7,GG5 have passed when he arrives at maturity.
Counting that he has fifty years of service in him, and
that he is active until 71, he passes 18,250 days in that
period, and has 2,995 days remaining. Counted in days
that does not seem very long, nor is it. Yet 24 such lives
following each other would reach back to the birth of the
savior. Two such lives would reach back :!0 years beyond
the birth of the republic and five such would place one
almost back to the time when Columbus discovered
The execution of the Irish rebels has stirred Ireland
as it has not been stirred for years, and indignation is
running so high that the courts martial were ordered
stopped until further notice. The culminating act was
the shooting of Editor Skeffington without trial. Thous
ands of letters have been sent Asquith protesting against
further execution of rebels. The attempt to put down
with an iron hand may result in digging up, instead, some
real serious trouble.
A number of senators, are opposed to Brandeis as a
member of the supreme court, and so the senate is hold
ing an investigation as to his fitness for the place. This
may be proper enough, but what would the result be if the
senators themselves had to pass an examination as to
their qualifications? It is a safe hazard that quite a num
ber of them would not now be passing upon the merits
of Mr. Brandeis had they been "investigated."
Six tickets to the republican national convention have
been sold for $1,000. Evidently the purchasers are ex
pecting some show, with entirely new stunts on the pro
gram. The managers of the republican convention are
having the seats of the delegates upholstered so they can
be comfortable in case a deadlock occurs, and this is evi
dently expected.
Recently Lieutenant Robert Fay, formerly of the
German army, was sentenced to serve- eight years in
prison for conspiring to blow up munition ships of the
allies with fire bombs. In passing sentence Judge Howe
said among other things: "The fact that there was war
in Europe did not mean the law was not in force in
The Mexican situation is pretty thoroughly shown in
the statement made bv Obrecon soon after the conference
was concluded vestcrdav. He said: "Carranza saved me i Went trades and occupations started over
from myself. lie knows I am a fool, and had he accepted i There were GO trades and professions represented, and
the American-agreement I would have been a dead cock; nmone: other features was 25,000 women. The affair was
If preparedness leads to peace, then it is Certainly a
good thing. It is rather paradoxical though, that this
brines the advocates of big armies and navies regardless
of cost, and the advocates of peace at any price, at last
into the same boat, for the object of preparedness is after
all, "peace regardless of cost."
That was some parade in New York today when 150,-
000 marched through the streets, 11,000 passing a given
point during each hour of the parade. There were no
banners or streamers and the parade starting at 9 ::50
lasted until 10 at night.
The businessmen were first, and one alter another dil-
the route,
sjs 'f 'f
17 i,jSV
Aslorian: Indicating tlie enormous
leinaad fur lumber throughout the
country, and showing up to advantage
the importance of Astoria as a world
port, are the records of tlie Astoria
customs house tor lumber, tlour aioi
salmon shipments from this district for
the mouth of' April, ending this even
ing. According to the official figures
tor the month of April, there wis
shipped from the Columbia river. Astor
ia district, a total ot "l.-.IH.i.i'.' tecr
of lumber, which includes both coast
wise and foreign shipments though the
latter shipments were few. During the
month just closed Portland lumber
shipments amounted to ,S7ll,i)00 feet
to California, compared with the total
shipped from the Astoria district to the
lime state, of i;i,o:u.i tcer.
Of all the divers brands of joy that make our journey
sunny, of all the bliss without alloy, there's none like
spending money; It's well to put away a wad, against the
rainy weather, it's well, when hard times
are abroad, to have some coins together.
But when you've salted down a roll of
sesterces and talents, then, to invigorate
your soul, go out and blow the balance.
Don't let the saving habit grow, until you
are a miser; salt down a part, a portion
blow that policy the wiser. I like to tod
dle to the bank and put some bones in
pickle; I like to save, but I'm no crank on
t saving every nickel. I like to take the extra
plunk, and to the mart go flying, and buy a
"ii n i i i. J... a. l .: ti;k4-
at close to .fL',.ilMl,(MMl. It tlie ringiie iuu wj. u'.u j""" "- '-" A ' -v" -
' come to buy the whole blamed works, and make you fel-
in certain por- ows cjizzy p of all the standard brands of bliss, that fill
rable damage. ; ".,11 1 , ,1 . 1 .1
UUI lives vviui nunc,), wicico suiuj uuuuiig ciiuaio huo
the blowing in of money !
Moclford Mail: Fruit ami vegetables
suffered heivily .by a kiUinir frost
early Sunday mornini; that extended
from Sacramento. ( al., far into 1 ire-
nnn. Tlamaie in the Sacramento vallc I
to yriipes and vegetables is estinmttd
t f 1 y -
1 1 A
itni '
river valley, tootnins orcnaros
those that resorted to orchard In
iiiL' escaped iniurv. but orchards
the floor of the valley,
turns, sustained consul
Potatoes and siinnr beets suffered nlouc
with other fruit.
Medford Mail: Aulo drivers whoj
come from California with passenger j
room in their cars are said to lie taknm
on loads of passengers at Hornbrook,
and usinn them for the purpose of yet
ting over the line with the full allow
ance of liouor for the crowd, if they
A gentleman in Oregon City writes the Oregonian ask
ing the name and address of the Carnegie hero medal
committee. We have not seen his name among the can
didates for a political iob but it looks verv much as though.
ttih-" hir".!'!, S he must be running for office in Oregon on the democratic
cases, hut. the ruse renos 10 snow nun
fertile are the minds of those who look
for loopholes through which to evade
the prohibition l.nv.
Marsjifiold Tiecord: The Coos coun
ty court. has appropriated money for1
,v Coos county exhibit at the State j
fair this full and also money forj
prizes in the three Coos county corn
contests. The prizes for the corn ex
hibits will be six round-trip tickets to
Corvallis when the hie com show
taltes place in the fall. Three men
anil three boys will be prize -winners
in the rum rivalry.
was buried at Jit. Angel last Sunday, i eel from the people 142.1.100,000.
Our electrician. Will. Johnson, lias i Considering the average for the
finished wiring , I. A. Ditter's residence . ic, years, thjs is over one-fourth of
and for the coining week is going to , the assessed valuation of the state,
work in Stnytnn. ' j Oregon taxes for 1015 for all pur-
(!. Q. Smith and wife, of Jefferson, noses, state and local, were in the
were visiting at the I:. I. Scliott home ; aggregate tho sum of $2.':,OS;i,000.
last Saturday. j The per capita taxes went up from
A large crowd attended the social rtn- $11.42 in 1001! to &:0.50 per capita 'for
ings given at the C. i hall Monday ev- the year ending 191.'!.
ening. The upper floor of the hall was w'hile the population increased from
set aside for those who wished to piny 20,0011 to 30.000 annually, or about 7 1-2
games. While the younger set enjoyed per cent, taxes increased annually ".7
themselves dancing in the hall down-1 per eeut.
I stairs. At midnight a well appreciated According to the fniterl States ren-
, . I supper was served by the ladies of the sus. Montana held tlie per capita tat
A jolly crowd of ahout friends and parish. The crowd left tor home soon record up to 1012, $211. SO for man, tvo
relatives gathered at the Jos. Spenuer j nfter supper, well satisfied w ith the jid-; man and child.
home, east of town, last Friday even-lv time thev had had. ' j The total bonded indebtedness olf Ore-
playing ). 0. 1'reres was down from the Ridge ' eon has gone up from ST.Ml per eauita
Monday night. in 1S90 to $71 per capita in J9KI (l S.
. large crowii atreniieo the reception census.)
Mon- The total bonded debt at the close ot?
1015 was H).r3,")0o.S2:'), with an anuual in
' terest charge ot 2.Sfi.S53.
THE TAX-EATING PROFESSION The above are some of the statement
(Baker City Democrat.) 'of facts ami statistics nruuirlit out at
For the 10 years ending 1915. Ore- ' the state taxunvers ' convention I111M
taxpayers demanded and collect-' at Portland.
in ihp nit." Tlint is inst Carranza s position too. lne
ignorant Mexicans would have turned against him and he
would have lost his job. It shows also the kind of patriot
ism that pervades Mexico. Carranza and Obregon would
rather see their country plunged into war than to have
some other take their places as leaders. They are too
short sighted to see that if war comes Ihey will not only
lose their leadership but will be so placed by the Amer
icans that neither of them can even crop up as candidates
for the presidency when the first election is held for the
purpose of restoring the government.
However the matter is now out of Obregon's hands
and it is between Carranza ami the administration. In
the meanwhile there is danger of a clash at any moment
that will send the fat into tlie fire, and start the con
flagration. It looks as though there could be no other
solution of the matter.-
carried out to show the necessity of preparedness.
ing anil enioveil inemseive
games and dancing. Those who enjoyed
dancing had two large rooms 111 wine
to "trip the light fantastic" to the given by the ('. O. F. at Stavton
selected music, that was rendered by 1 (iay night Stavton Standard,
special players for the occasion. A well'
appreciated lunch was served at a Intel
hour, after which everyone returned
home feeling well pleased with the time;
they had had. Those present besides the gon
family were: George Albert and I.eo;,
Boedigheimer, Jos. and Mike Benedict, I
Frank and Kd 1'ieser, Carl Schultoliein. ! AlwaVS Wfttch ThlS Ad"
Ed Bell, John Susbauer. Ed and Sim i
Ktzel, Fred Ilottinger, Wallace Smith,
Andaew I.arsen, Roman, Sylvester and (
Fred Wournis, Lawrence. 'anHandel. j
Win. Duchateau, Unn and .Miles Kintz. ;
Misses Mary Utzel, Marie Beidel, Rose,
Theresa and (.race ilottinger, Kate and ;
Maine Van Handel, Kate Schulteuein, j
Theresa Ditter. Ma Boedigheimer, .Mary
Cramer, Mamoie Zimmerman and Ange-i
line Kintz. I
Mrs. A. H. LnCroix, of flrnss Valley,!
was visiting friends here for a few days ;
last week. I
J. A. Pitter was among those who at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Klinger, who
-Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, Equara deal and highoat prices for all kinds of
junk, metal, rubber, hides and furs. I pay 2c per pound for old rig.
Big stock of all sizes second hand incubators. All kinds corrugated t
iron lor Dotn roots ana buildings. Hoofing paper and second aand
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The House of Half a Million Bargains.
802 Nortn Commercial St.
Phone tt9
Service In Mexico
Tests Army Equipment
tturns has decided to take two sections of land into the
city limits, the issue winning at an election held Thursday,
by a vote of 29 to 19. It looks like a pretty large addition
to be added to a city by so small a vote. However those
thrifty little towns in eastern Oregon have a rapid
growth coming, especially if the Strahorn road becomes a
A sale of wool at Pendleton brought the record price in
spite of the lack of tariff. It may be claimed this was due
to the war. If so. it at least proves that the price of wool
depends on something other than the tariff.
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LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18G3
CAPITAL ... - - - $500,000.00
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Dcpsit Boxes
cayva the OWe
Aruiy men say that besides pursuing
ilia the expedition iifto Mexico hu
proved valuable to the I'uited StnteJ in
tlie testing of army equipment by actual
use iu the field. All sort of apparatus
have been tried; some have proved their
xalue, while others have broken down
under tlie strain of service conditions.
The picture sIiown a scouting party in
the field in Mexico using a range fiuder.
That uselcws article may mean
money to yon through the Mew
Today column.
pita! Drtag
Now Located in Our New Store
McGilchrist Building-One Block West of Old Location
You Can Be Served in
Our Usual Prompt and
Courteous Manner
Watch for My
Special Opening
Z. J. Kig, Proprietor
Remember the Location the New McGilchrist Corner
Phone the same 119