Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 13, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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    the dai? i capital jot rnal, salem, Oregon. Saturday, may is, 1973.
You've Wanted a Range
Like This Here It Is
Every housewife has long dreamed of a Range that would successfully burn
coal, wood and gas singly or in combination.
The DUPLEX-ALCAZAR is the first Range to fully fill the bill. To change
fuels in oven just press the lever, no complicated parts to take out or change
around ; high broiler oven can be used to broil or bake, 4 gas burners and simmerer.
The DUPLEX-A'LCAZAR will cut your fuel cost by giving you complete a coal
or wood range for Winter and a gas range for Summer needs; or if you so desire,
you can burn both fuels at once.
Call and let us demonstrate this wonderful fuel and labor saving range to you.
Time to
Clean House
and the
Franfk r rentier m
' Electric Cleaner SJ
Way. It eliminates all the drudgery and fa-
ugue 01 sweeping ana
PREMIER there is no
on the surface of the carpet. The new 1916 model with its patented brush which
revolves automatically no lint, hair or threads left on the floor or carpets after
using the Premier gets more dust and lint than cleaners of much higher cost
It stands all suction tests. Its bronze bearings are practically of lifelong dur
ation. The PREMIER is here to stay, backed by the strongest financial electric
cleaner organization in America, and is sold under a guarantee of absolute satis
faction. Whenever your machine needs attention call the store, Main 29. Sold on
easy terms. Let us send one to your home for free trial.
V- JJUll
(Continued from Pago Two.)
C. J. Nichols, Mrs. E. A, Downing, Mrs.
fcilaa Riggs, Mrs. E A. Leboll, Mrs.
13. Il Dwyer, Mrs. M. J. Peters, Mri.
P. a Hartlev, Mrs. Edd Canatsey, Mrs.
J. C. Campbell, Mrs. W. A. Clement,
Mrs. C. T. White, Mrs. 1 M. While,
Mrs. H. O White, Mrs C. M. Epley, Mrs.
G. T. Keeton, Mrs. W. J. Buaick, Mrs.
-JThom. Brnnk, Mrs. C. E. KnowUnd,
Mrs. i T. Porter, Mrs. B. W. Wahhcr,
Mr. H. E. l'hillips, Mrs. W. A. Pen
ny, Mrs. E. W. Powers, Mrs.. Martha
Mortesen, Mrs.. J. C. Godfrey, Mrs.
D. C. Bennett, Mrs Edd Kune, Mrs.
Irene Nash, Mrs. B. B. Colbath, Mrs.
SCnry ReUl, Mrs. Lena Brook, Mrs.
M. I. Hense', Mrs. K. A. Snider, Mrs.
C. B. Birdwell, Mrs. A. Porter.
The hostesses; for the afternoon
were: Mrs. J. A. Todd, Mrs. J.
'. Morrison, Mrs. C. C. Witzel, Mrs.
E. L. Townsand, Mrs. E. W. Hedrick,
Mrs. Chaa. Steele, Mrs. Will Maey.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rhriver and Mrs.
Anna t'oad of Dalns were week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Beall,
Society has found a delightful outlet
for their cherished diversion dancing
at the Hotel Marion dinner dansints
Monday night the Monday danc
ing (Jul) will oren the week'B geyeties
with a party. The tables will bo sur
rounded by a large number of the club
members and their friends.
Mr. md Mrs. Manley Robert Coates
left Wednesday for their future homo
in Yandolia, Montana.
Allan Carson entertained with an in
formal evening Thursday about twenty
five of the younger contingent, who
were members of the Snikpoh Dramatic
club were guests..
An informal dinner was enjoyed at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cox
Tuesday evening. The tible was pret
tily adorned with clematis and laceyj
Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. i
N. E. Pogue, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rund
lett, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cox, Mr.!
and Mrs. 0. J. Olmsted, Miss Hazel
Olbsted and Mrs. Brandenberg. Thei
evening was devoted to cards.
Friends of Miss Katherine Hartley
will rejoice to know mat she is rapid
ly recovering from the measles and
will goon be out agiin.
Mr. and MrB. H. .Sauer were guests
. 4. '. h- -
.. . v i- .X" S
only way is the
ousting. With the
Rnhhino- or WMrinir
of honor at a small informal dinner
given recently by Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Hagedoon. The affaiar was planned
as a little attention to Mr. Sauer on
the occasion of his birthday -anniversary.
Thursday evening the Modern
Woodlmen and the Royal Neighbors
entertnintd a large number of friend
with u programme of music and rend
ing, dancing and refreshments,
rounded out tho ovoning'g festivities. '
ft !
Mrs. Walter Denton has Issued invi
tations for a charming musical to be
given at her residence studio Wednes
day evening, when Miss Thelma Hies-,
sing and Miss Mildred Brunk will give
a programme.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Tafelle enter
tained Monday evening with a fare
well pirty in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Manley Robert Coates. Tho evening
was pleasurably (j;ient in, playing
games. 'Later refreshments closed the
Thosepresent were: Mr. and Mrs.
X. D. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. H. Tem
berton, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pemberton,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Copeck, Mr. and
Mrs. B. C. Miles, Miss Schaffer, Mrs.
J. Vestnal. tho Misses Laura Minton,
Eva Miles, Lyrj Miles, Mora Patter
son, Gjpdys Pemberton, Esther Miles,
Catherine Pemberton, Geo. E. Elliott
and Ed and Tristran Edmund.
Mrs. R. W. Simeral nd Mrs. L. JT
Simeral entertained tho matrons of the
"Three Link Needle Club"at the home
of the former on Friday afternoon.
The afternoon was devoted to needle
work, and a game contest. Mts. Estes
was awarded the prize. The rooms
were prettily decoratedj with Scotch
brdbm. The hostesses were assisted
by 11 rs. oyes of !-haw and Airs, ircu
Those present were: Mrs. Fred
Swinson, Mrs. Lela German, Mrs. W.
A. Cummings, Mrs. Mikel, Mrs. Hattie
Cameron, Mrs. Addie li. Cummings,
Mrs. Clara Wills. Mrs. Patterson, Mrs.
(icneva Simeral, Mrs. liertha, Radcliff,
Mrs. Gertrude "West and Mia Anna
Friday afternoon Dr. and Mrs. II. J.
Talbott entertained the students and
faculty of Kimball college, with their
wives, at a delightful informal gath
ering. Gaines were plnycd, tho guests
knowledge of scripture was tested by
a series of ilphnbetie questions. Later
refreshments were served. There were
4 r-.t titm - mm.i:-- n .mnM
How Londoners Are
Dressing This Spring
r- Tv, I.
Cut of whito gaberdine with set-in
sleeves slit pockets and a V neck, this
one-piece gown of English demureness
is smart, with its snnh of crimson silk
heavily tnsneled. About tho armscyes
and neck is a bit of hand embroidery
in crimeon, and the tnm is white cordu
The home of Geo. X. Gooding near
Aurora was the scene of a happy
family reunion last Sunday when
eight children and 21 grandchildren
celebrated the seventy-seventh birthday
of Mrs. Nicklas Gooding of St. Paul,
Shortly after arrival of the guests
a sumptuous dinner was served in the
spacious dining room amid profuse
decorations of flowers and green
present as additional guests, Mrs. Carl
1. Doney and Mrs. Green, wife of the
Methodist pastor at . Brownsville.
I ." .v..W
'l: W
1' ill ' " fe
School Children Will
Collect Exhibits for
Coming State Fair
After three days' work encouraging
and instructing the Industrial club
workers in the schools of Polk county,
Field Worker X'. C. Maris, reports that
ho found a keen interest nloog this line
of work. In company with Superinten
dent W. I. Reynolds, Mr. Maris isitcd
14 schools in three days. Each of
these schools had an industrial club And
nearly all pupils were taking an active
At the suggestion of Superintendent
i Reynolds, insteud of hiring a man to
I collect exhibits and decorations for the
1 county display at the slate fair, the
comity court will pay the children for
doing this work. They propose to pnv
them 25 cents for each biiiuh? of grain j
I or grass furnished as per specificitinns. !
j For the best 10 bundles, a prize of $5
I will be given and for the second lst :
10 bundles, $2.50 will be the prize. P.e
: side stimulating the children's interest
! in their county ninl state fair and giv
ling them nn opportunity to earn n little
money, Mr. Reynolds believes they will
; collect the county exhibits more econ
! omieully than it would lie done by the
I method generally followed.
I The Auburn interest continues and
j the good work of the boys in building
i bird houses was in evidence nil ovc
I the countv. Some bovs reported hav
ing miiile, as many lis 10 bird houses til
ready this spring.
Another Record Is
Broken for Week's
Accidents In State
Each succeeding veek lias been n rec
ord breaker for accidents at the office
mission and for the week ending Jh
11 the high record was established nt
20S accidents "of which one was fatal.
Of this number six were reported from
Marion county ns follows: C. A. l)od;;o,
Salem, sprained knee, brick and tile
works; Lester Kwarts, Snlom, bruised
knee, trespasser; Mrs. D. P. rilkeneon,
Salem, cuMip, traveler on highway; J.
W. Smith, Silverton, bruised head, log
ging; Dennis Murphy, struck in stom
ach, logging; Earl Ellis, Silverton, in
jured eye, sawmill.
Of the total number reported, 233
I wero subject to the workmen's compen
sation act, 40 were from firms or cor
I porations who have rejected the pro
visions of the act, 25 jwro trom public
utility corporations.
Following is shown tho number of ac
cidents by industry: Sawmill, SO; log
ging, 54; construction, 49; railroiul op
eration, 2.3; light and power, 7; paper
mill, 24; iron and steel, 4; machine
shop, 4; meat packing, 4; quarry, 4;
cooperage, 4; dredging. 3; tin shop, 3;
mining, 3; transportation, 3; sand nnd
gravel, 3; boiler works, 3; furniture
mfg., 2; trespasser, 2; farming, 2; and
of the following ono each: Passenger,
metal works, ropo mfg., confectionery,
woolen mill, bindery,, bakery, bottling
works, brick and tile, cannery, house
wrecking, cement company, traveler on
highway, warehouse, condensory, oil
eomptny, grading, transfer.
je:. 2 tosol0 zz9 aCk,owe otnoin tin unu
Spring Valley News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Spring Valley, Or., May 13. Eva
Xewberry took the eighth grade exami
nation on Thursday and Friday. Mrs.
W. X. Crawford assisting in giving it.
Miss Carrio Pnhra of Lower Spring
Valley was elected nt a recent board
meeting to teach the Zeua school next
Mrs. P. G. Henry entertained the
Presbyterian missionary society on
Wednesday of last week.
Roy Eaton of Portland wns a e .tiler
Sunday at the Walling and G. H. Craw
ford homes.
Miss Kirkwood of Hopewell visited
friends here Sunday.
Miss Melissa Vail, Miss Lenna Vail
and Robert Russell of McMinnville nnd
lr. William Russell of Vancounver,
British Columbia, called '.it G. H.
Crawford's Saturday evening while on
their way to Salem.
Clyde French of Lexington is visit'
ing hero with his brother James French
and family, nnd also with his mother
and relatives in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Crawford went
to Perrvdale Sunday to seo Mrs.
Frank Hinnn, who is very ill with
asthma and heart trouble at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Henry Gilliam.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Coolcy were in
Salem last Tuesday to attend the
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Henry and Mrs.
Taylor were I)iHni business qaller.i
Mr. Sims l'hillips, .in insurance agent
of Salem wns ft business visitor here
Thursday, and spent the night at the
home of W. S. Catton, nn old Illinois
.ur. nnd Mrs. L. A. Purvine were Sa
lem callers Friday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Spong, Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Bradford, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Wright, Miss Genie Smith of
Lincoln nud Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craw-
ford of Zcna -attended the super nndj
program at Brush College. That com
munity is certainly entitled to thanks
for the splendid good time enjoyed.;
Big crowd, big supper and enjoyable;
program. j
"And the sun went down and the j
moon cnine out. Brush College did !
boughs. Lending a pleasant effect to i
thin festive board was the high an '
niversary cake upon which were
burning numerous small colored cun-l
dies forming two large sevens. j
In the afternoon, several musical j
selections, both vocal and instrumental,,
were rendered by some of the guests,
adding zest oud enjoyment to the occa
sion. Those in attendance were the
daughters of Mrs. Gooding: Mrs.
Fred Davidson, of St. Pnul, and Mrs.
Jno. Glutt, of Woodhtirn, and their
respective families, nlso the suns of
Mrs. Gooding: Messrs. Chnrles Good
ing, Wm. Gooding, .loo Gooding, Law
rence Gooding nud John Gooding, of fit.
Paul und Mrs. George X. Gooding, of
Aurora, and their respective families.
Mr. Jos. Orpslnnd anil wife and Mr.
Dcneel and wife were also present.
Woodburn Independent,
in ' pi pM 5? 7? ' fifK
-.ff i7i;f:..i.J
We specialize on prescriptinon work and would be pleased to have you make an
inspection of our prescription room.
-Mr. Woolpert, formerly proprietor of the Capital Drug Store when located in
the Masonic building, has charge of ;the prescription work, and would be pleased
to have his old customers give him a call at 410 State Street, The Central Phar
macy located in Salem Bank of Commerce Building.
We carry a complete line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Toilet Articles.
We also have our new up-to-date soda fountain installed with the latest equip
ments for charging soda water, which makes a healthful as well as a refreshing
Give us a trial and we will convince you these are facts.
Formerly Pooles Drue- Store
410 State Street
Program Drew Largest Crowd
Ever Seen On Campus On
Like Occasion
. The May-Pay Festivities nt Willam
ette (University wereJield today on the
campus, west of Kimball College. The
, -: weather w Inch
had previouslv
been tho cause ot
its postponement
was ideal nnd the
largest crowd tlmt
ever saw a May
Queen crowning in
Salem was pres
ent. In order that
every oue might
be able to see
the coronation a
Mias Frances Gittinn, ' I .. ' r
Queen of the May. A ' ' ,
., . ... . ,i lt . I
this court the royal throne was erected
it nuo iwuu vwm itr uniiicucs unit
purple streamers, while the throne chair
bore the coat-of arms of the two ladies'
societies of the school; the Philadusiiins
and Adcluntes. Queen Frances I. and
her retinue began their procession at
Lnusnnno hall, going to (State street,
then across the campn-a to the throne.
The campus bore mi air of life that is
seldom seen, showing that -May Day had
the power to cause everyone to forget I
for a time nil their cares and troubles.
Promptly nt 1 o'clock the dances of
the seasons began. Tho fttst one, repre
senting summer wns portrayed by a
group of hifrh sdiool girrs. Those who
took part were: The Misses DeWitte,
Gookins, Hull, Bedford, Brown, Caps,
Caerrington, Coppock, Dick, Hehel,
Jones, McDonald, II. Mclnturtf, Miller,
Heid, ltogcrs, Hmith, E. Ht.TTr'rre, Tay
lor and Thompson. It wns a graceful
nnd spirited dame illustrating the glad
ness and joy of summer. The next, the
dance of autumn waa given by tne fol
lowing young ladies, who v.re dressed
in brown and had their flowing hair
bedecked v.ith autumn leaves: .Misses
Houscl. At. Milfb.iin fnnkiiitv Ww.it.
mer. Anderson. Dnrrett. Arcnz. Unlu-r .
Collier, Nichols, Moore, Hogue, Carpen
ter, Jones, E. Kmmcl, Wood, Mulligaa,
Perkins, C. Haines and H, HnineH. The
music for the dance. "Rone." bv Mac
in urn rnn uirimirn'!
mi (1 1 1 hi I h U MlMl HhU t
linilLU I Ul MILHl I1LIV i
Dowel, was su'.h as would intimate the 'neks were necessary to curry the crowd
approach of the autumn season, j from Maleni in addition to a doztMi uiitis.
The winter dance wns given by the!Th,! A'"'" l'(,s occupied one wng.
Misxc M Ht l'lci-Fn v Mt Mrr M.K'i and Willumette students another.
Kennon, Fuller, Harris, Sherwood,
Pnranoi'ginn, Fern Wells, Fay Wells,
Edmiston, Williamson, White, Mark,
King, Stewart, E. Teldiins, C. Tebbins,
fame, lliompson and Goltra
rr, . ii.i .t
The next and last dunce was the
sprightly tripping dance of spring, to
the music, "To Spring," by Grieg.
Those who took part in this ditn.'c were:
The fusses Ada Hoss, Ureen, Wiggins,
Spoor, O. Ros.'he, Cathey, Davenport,
McCully, Sterling, Bag'ey, Jnskowski,
Tobie, Witham, Pcringer, McCnddnm,
Mallory, E. Mclnturf f, (.-unison, Tcel
and Helen Wnstell.
In this dnncu the joung ladies came
tripping in with gruceful movements
suggestive of the arrival of genthc
spring. Immediately after this dame
the (pieen's procession, arrived with
heralds singing, "Behold She Conies!
Hail to the Queen of May!" following
enme ffce dnintily clad flower maidens,
Mary Kli.abeth Kightlinger, Mnxine
Glover, Maxine Myers and Virginia
Holt, strewing gay flovcrs before the
approach of Queen Fruuces 1. The
(pieen wore a gown of white satin v illi
over-drape of yello.. eliiifou und a
robe of white satin with cream lining.
Her crown was bejeweled with pearls,
as wns nlso her scepter. Little Charles
Kay Bishop and Edwin Cross were the
train bearers, they ere dressed in
white with large yellow satin sashes.
The ciishum bearer, little Miss Aud
rey .Mnthias, of Amity, was dressed in
white. The queen's nlf eiuluiits, Miss
Laura Hobs anil Mrs. Florence Page
Ntecves, followed her at u close dis
tance, the pages following her. When
the queen neared the throne ull of the
dancers boned to the ground to do hom
age to her.
James Crawford, '12, was lord lii;h
chancellor nnd master of ceremonies,
reading Queen Frances' proclamation
following her coronation by Queen Lela.
mm uy j.
1 1
i 1
line WftT
, Some of the pretty things seen at the
us this afternoon.
1 1 Hr fil Mil rArKI.I
Salem As Well As Dallas and
Other Towns Send Hay
Racks Full of Visitors
Brush college had nil the appearances
of an institution of learning that the
name would apply, last night when the
crowd had assembled for the opening
exercises. Tho occasion was tho serv
ing of ft chicken dinner by the Indies
of thut pluce, over 2M) th-kets were
i SIJ'('
for the supper, which realized
about 175 for tho school. The crowd
consisted of people from Dallas, Inde
pendence, Perrydale, Salem and till of
the surrounding country. Four big hay
The ride to und from was nil ciijovnble
one as it wus bright, moonlight und nil
of the severul crowds vied with cnc.i i
other singing songs. The chicken sup-
per was ono that nil present n greed
1.1 ... a L. V. .v...t:........1
UIUU UOL IIUVC leeil lllllOMUieu tin -
... . .. ...
served a program was given in the main j W . Varidcrpool cl. 25-fMW.
auditorium of the building, also lantern ' Samuel J. Comstock et nx to Kdson
slides of local places. The progium Comstock, Abner S. Willurd cl. Iii -7-1 W
given was as follows: ! Samuel J. Comstock et. ux to I.auia I'.
Music, by the Brush College Oi'i lies-! Ifaverniek, II. A. Leonard cl. PI-7-1W;
tr. ! A, S. Willard cl. i-71W.
Heading, by Mrs. I.. G. Curtis. I Ifll.v H'H,"'II et. al to Kliabeth A
Vocal solo, by MisH Kmily Luce. ; Golteiiburg, pt. lot .'W, North siUci-
Violin duet, by Arnel Smith nnd.to".
Serin Buell. I f-mil Gier to Peter P. Xissen, lots 2 f
Vocal solo, by Miss Grenell Van deiand 25, blk. 2, liiei 's ndil Mt. Angel.
Vert Edward Dueber to Coiiind und Aiiiin
Trombone solo' by Miss Wyjke Swnrt.
Yo.nl u.,., I.,. t'hn lilll,, fim Miir.
garet Flower', slie was riiconred and re -
jsponded to the applause, with a light
tripping spline one,.
Many DaWin Citizens
' Released by Asquith
London, May 11. A number of Dub
lin citizens arrested on suspicion dur
ing the Irish riots have been relmscd
us a result of Premier Asquith. ' visit
to the iiceiie ul Die disturbances, accord
ing to today 's dispatches. They include
several government employes suspected
of provisioning rebels while the troops
,The May pole dances concluded the
royal ceremonies. The May pole was
draped with purple and white streamers
which were wound about the pole bj
the following young Indies: Misses
Green. Ada Ross. WitrLins. Spoor. (,nr
risoii, Olive Rosche, Cathey, Davenport.
McCully, Mclnturff, Sterling, Bugley,
Jnskowski. Tidiie. .istell. Withnm.
IVringer, Mc Cnd.lnm, Mnllnry und Tee).
Thonc 276
May Day festivities on Willamette Camp,
Wilhelm Wcllman et iix to County 01'
Marion, Ore., (). & C, r-'i'-'JK. i
D. M. nnd .Marguret M. Meggers t
Ernest nnd Arthur Annas, nil of loti
15 anil -PI, Sunnvside' Fruit Fcnn-:,
N'o. 5.
Ray Aspiuwull et ux to V. C. and I ,
l A. Hcntv, west halt or lots t and i and
frl. lot M, nil in blk. ;i, Town of Hrookr.
Ethel V. Timnierniiin et vir to Inez f
I Sicgmuiid, north half u" lot il, blk. 7!,
I T. M. Holt et ux r W. It. Hrvur
.Taeob Couser el. li:i-10-3W.
K. I. Tcenster et ux to F. H. Teen
j ster, S. l !i f NW. 14 or lot 7, blk. :i",
.Mirtn Miicm; also lot u, tus. j it n I m
0, blk. 3, Kniidall's add, Salem.
J. ('.. Sieginund et ux to Kthcl V. Tin
merman, A. Beers cl l)S-ti :iV.
G. I). Dimick et ux to II. F. and F. U
Wii kner, lot 5, blk. I, Yew Park ndri,
II. F. Wickner et ux to G. I), and Oin
M. Dimick, lot 0, blk. 4, Yew Pink nd.i,
Matilda Donne to O. T). Donne, lots
4, S and (!, blk. 4; lots 7, S, 0, 10, II and
12, blk. (I; lots 7, S, P. HI, 11 and 12, blK
10, till in Faiiuiount. Purk add. Salcin.
C. A. Johnson to it, A. and A.
Johnson, pt. blk. 7!, Salcin.
Oregon and California Land company
to John. Weiss, lot 2, blk. 71, Gervnis.
C. C. Kmtifkcr to Elmer and Giae
Smuekcr slate M l 1W; Geo. Irviu d.
12 I 1V.
A. W Gillis et ux to .'Theodore Th I-
! n.. 1... 1,: !.!. 1 AT,. i, I,,...
.'i, Mini hi hu uii. j, ..iwi.in.,.
r .i... i.'...,i... Air r r; i....
Peterson, X. Ford el. 28 and 2!M-1 W.
CllilS. A. I'lllT Ct. UX tO .MilltillllS .'
! Lindiihl. ull of lot ti and cast 2 of lo
blk. 2, Monitor, Ore.
Edward Olmstcnd to ,T. TT. and .m.
dclia La Bare, lot 2, blk. 0, Depot adj.
Win. Eseli as sheriff to Flora M. Mur
phy, northeast, 14 northwest. I I and In
4 (if northwest 14 sec. 1;1, !l 1V.
John F. Knwright et ux to C. D. nn.l.
Jennie B. Moore, lots 5 and li, blk.
Oak Hill tracts.
Win. A. Martin et UT to Otto Tbisch,
J. L. Punish cl. r,I.7-3W.
-m4-0m.. W t m ii. mt
1 'N besieged, and persons in
w ho
i houses snipers were concenlcl.
Asouith nlnnned to continue the ci:l
conferences today. A delegation o'
citizens toclay was waiting tu plead w ii h
the prime minister to be lenient in hi-:
treatment of deported rebels. It was ic-
ported that Anpiith would soon issue u
proclamation addressed to the Irish.
Ir all the tool speeches mime tn-miml
were individualized an insane iisyluoi
would look like u college compared wi.l"
the result.