TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL .TOT RNAL. SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1916. OUUL l Ir D aline Thompson: ' DKSPITE tho occasional down pour of riin, scores and scores of the married set, and younger contin gent motored to the liivesley hop ranch "Ijidie Brook" Monday evening to ot tcod the dinner and dance for which Jlr. and Mrs. Thos. Livesley were hosts. Although there have been a. deluge of nart affair this aerfson, there lave keen none quite so gay or so thoroughly enjoyable. Informality wis the keynote of the evening and every one bad a perfectly huge time. Dinner preceded the dance and the tables were adorned with bowls of spring flowers and greenery. The dance hall was a veritable bow r of green, vine maple and dogwood making an effective background anil foil lor the array of brilliant sweaters aud sorts togs. .Japanese lanterns in every known 4-olor swung over the dancers and gave nn oriental touch to tho harmoniously Mended panoramt of beautiful color ing. The liooth string orchestra furn ished the music. Those participating in the gnyetic? were: Mr. anil Mrs. Frederic Thielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Oleott, Mr. and Mis. Chauncey Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Hush, Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer utnam, Mr. and Mrs. George TCodgers Mr. and Mrs. Charles McNjry, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Clay, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bargent, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hofer,1 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Iirown, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Uurghardt, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John J. Huberts,, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. .Smith, Jr., Mr. and Mrs? Melviu Plimpton, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. C'romi, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Kpeirs, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gray, M. and Mrs. Ruben Boise, Dr. aud Mrs. Wil liam Lylle, Mr. and Mrs, VT. Council Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Zodao Kigprs, Mr. nd Mrs. W. Mc.Dougil, Mr. and Mrs. (Ben O. Sehucking, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crahani, Mr. and Mrs. Homer (ioulet, Wr. and Mrs. James Wilson, Mr. and Urs. Komoo Goulnt, Mr. and Mrs. fienrgo lwis, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Umith, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Young of Albany, Mrs. E. Treate Clarke of Nent lle, Mrs. lialph Jackson (Maude Iur liin) of Peoria, 111., Miss Elizabeth Tiord, Miss liitu Hteiner, Miss Ellen Thiclse'.i, Miss Catherine Carson, Miss Margery Marvin, Miss Jda Simmons, Miss Kather Carson, Miss Jennie Fry, Aline Thompson, Carl Gabrielson Jjiurr-nce Hofer, James V'nuiig, Hugh nd Jack McCiimmoii, Paul Wallace, Haliih Moores, Daniel J. Fry, jr. N About a dozen prominent matrons were guests at the lovely luncheon for which Mrs. William Eldridge and Mrs. William Brown were hostesses nt the home of the former on Tuesday. Yel low snap dragons and forget-me-nots combined with airy tulle adorned the Jiandsoruely-appoiuted table which hid rovers for; , irs. Fred' Htowart, Mrs. William II. Bool, Mrs. E. C. Cross, Mrs. Thomas Kay, Mrs. John M'cNnry, Mrs. Frank Hfiencer Mrs. Kussoll Cntlin, Mrs. 0. P. Bishop, Mrs. J. N. Smith, nd Mrs. C. H. Hobertson. Another charming affair was given liy these hostesses on Friday, when they entertained tho matrons of the "Happy Hour Club" and several ad ditional guests at informal afternoon iif bridge. Tho drawing room and library where Hip card tables wero arranged were frigrant with white carnations and npires. The card honors fell to Mrs. A. I. Eoff. In tho dining room yellow and while snap dragons adorn ed the exquisitely appointed ten tnblo ovr which Mrs. V. 1). Gabrielson pre luded. I ' I" GAFJISH SCROFULA Hood' 8riaprill Cleanses tho Blood, Skin Troubles Vanish. Scrofula eruptions on the face and Txxly are both annoying and cIIh fiKurlnic. Many a complexion would bo perfect If they wore not present! This disease shows itself in other wayn. as bunches in the neck, in flamed eyelids, mire ears, wiiRtliiK of 1h muscles, a form of dyspepsia, nd Keneral debility. Ask your ilrugKist for Hood's Sar Marlllu. This rent medicine com pletely eradicates Hcrofula. H purl Jtua and enrichea tho blood, removes humors, aud builds up the whole eyKtcm. It bus Htixid the test of forty years, and has received tbou aarulH of testimonials of the entire satisfaction It lias Riven. Scrofula in either inherited or ac quired. Better be mire you are quite fro from It. Get Hood's Kui-supa-rilta and begin taking it today. .Removal We will be in oar new loca tion Monday, May 15th, and open for business. FULLERTONS The New McGifchrist Building: Corner STATE AND LIBERTY STREETS Mr. mil Mrs. F. M. Jordan of Seat tle, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Meyers of Sa lem, Ore., who have been touring South em California by automobile are at the ('lift San Francisco Examiner. Ten happy little folk of the very youngest set reveled at the charming birthday partv given Miss Janet Plimpton this afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Melviu Plimpton. Mrs. Plimpton (dunned tho most artistic table decorations for these small guests. The center was of pink sweet peas mingled with ferns, and nt each little, placo there wero dainty pink cakes aglow with tiny candles. Favors, bright colored baloons float ed from pretty pink biskctB of bon bons and marked covers for Helen and Mildred Huberts, Nancy and Henry Wesley Thielsen, Dorothy and "Tom my" liivesley, Marie and Peter Schul derman, Rosalie Huron, Asuhet Bush, Jr. and Hubert Bishop. Charming informality marked the fivo hundred party for which Mr. and Henrv B. Thielsen were hosts Tuesdiy evening. The member's of the " Merry -(io-Houinr club wero asueil to make up the tables and the high score honors were awarded to .Mrs. Kussell Cntlin and Dr. J. N. Smith. Mrs. Thielsen was assisted by Mrs. It. Catlin, Mrs. Ada Strong and Miss Ellen Thielsen. Those playing were: Mr. nnfl Mrs. John 1). Sutherland, Mr. aad Mrs. T. C. Sniitli.Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ttiiben Boise, Mr. and Mrs. ltiH Catlin, Mr. and Mrs. John McNhry, Mr. and Mrs. Max O. Buren, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fleming, Dr. ani Mrs. J. N. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.' Kay? Mr. and William Thielsen, Dr. and Mrs. C. II. Hobertson, Mrs. II. J. Sehulderman and Mrs. Ada Strong. Missi Helen Ivrause, the charming Portland girl whoso . engagement was recently announced to Glenn Sigel is the guest of Mrs. Joseph Albert. A vast throng attended the dance and concert, given for tiie sen iors of the Salem high school by the Salem club of the O. A. C. and the (. A. C. cadet band it the armory last evening. A more cosmo politan assemblage of young folk has never been held. Fully 400 people at tended the affair and they enmo garbed in every kind of frock imaginable, in which summer gowns and sports togs took tho important pi ice. Informality and good . misiu was , no , doubt responsible for the spoutuniety which characterized the affair. Stream ers of Salein high school colors gaily mingled with the 0. A. C. orange and black and floated from the bulcony; while pennants were every where about the huge hull. A piofusion of Scotch broom hedged in tho band and was also used to decorate fh punch booth. A charming affair was tho "ilOfl" party given Tuesday evening by Mr. unit Mrs. Oliver Locke at their apart ments in the Court. Tho rooms wre attractive with yellow roses and qnnn? tities of gulden butler cups and greens. Mrs. George Kudgers and George llrown won the high score honors. As sisting were M,rs. Willinn Dainty and Mrs. Edwin h. linker. The Nemo card club augmented by several guests were asked including Mr. and Airs. Milton Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. George Kodgers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Me Nary, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Lee Steiner, Mr. anil Mrs. Joseph Baunigartiier, Mr. and Mrs. Prink Durbiu, Dr. and Mrs. Carlton Smith, .Mr. And Mrs. Homer Smith, Mr. and Mrs. .lames Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry (Dinger, Dr. and Mrs. L. K. Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. George llrown, Mr. anil E. L. Raker, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Dancy and Mrs. Lovelace. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Young of Albany who were the guests of the William Itiirghanlls Jr., for the dinner dance Friday evening motored homo Into that night. Mrs, Joseph Alburts asked the mn trons of the Happy Hour Itridge club and several guests at her home Wed nesday for an inform tl afternoon over the bridge tables. The curd favors fell to Mrs. Hubert Downing and Mrs. Prank Griffith. Miss Helen Knuise of Portland nnd Miss Mildred Wiggins assisted Mrs, Al berts. Notice Tn honor of tho anniversary of her husband's birthday Mrs. Paul llauser entertained Friday evening with an at tractive stag dinner. The tuble was centered with an r-' tistic. array of red peonies and covers i marked places for Dr. Hov Byrd, C. II Webb, James G'hinnock, Lloyd Hauser, Kosco Shclton, Paul Rassmusgen, Ken neth Brown and the host. loiter the party was augmented by the women who were isked for an evening ot five hundred. Mrs. Hauser was assisted by Mrs. Lloyd Hauser. Amid an array of pretty spring blos soms, Mi pas Ada Dayton became the bndo of Reverend John Robertson or Moro, Oregon, at six thirty o'clock Wednesday nt the home of her mother Mrs. II. Dayton. Rev Carl II. Elliott of the First Presbyterian church officiating. Miss Dayton s wedding though u simple af fair was very charming. A bower of white clematis and pink tulle formed an effective foil for the bridal party. Iho bride wore a gown nt white lin gerie nnd carried a bouquet of cream roses. Misj Almi, I hole wlis maid of honor and her gown was a delicate pink lingerie and she caricd pink car nations, l.ittlo Barbara Dayton or Astoriu, a niece of the bride, preceded tho bridal party carrying , the ring in a lovely rose. Dr. Floyd B. Daytou of Portland icted as best man, .Mrs. Charles Mc Allister of Portland sang "I Love You Truly" and Miss Maude McCoy played Mendelsshon 's wedding march. Following tho ceremony a buffet wed ding supper was served. Iho table was adorned with pink sweet peas and pink tulh. Assisting tn tho dining room were, Mrs. J. W. Lewis, Mrs. A. .1. Dayton of Astoria, and Miss Delia llagon. , . Iho bride s bouquet which was f.ish- ioned in three parts contained the dime, the thimble and the ring ami was cuiglit by Aliss Margaret i'utuam, Miss Anna Phole and Miss Bessie Shinn. Hey. and Mrs. Robertson left on a weddinir trii to Portland. Thev will be at home to their friends in Morot after June first.. Among the out of town guests at tho wedding were: Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Dayton and duighter Barbara of As toria, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McAllis ter and children of Portland, Dr. Floyd B. Dayton of Portland, Mrs. Norman Courtney of Mazaltan. Mexi co, and Miss Edna Pury of Orenco. Miss Caroline Dick and Miss Mnr- .jorie Kiy went to Eugene Thursday to attend the junior week end festivi ties at the university. While in Eu gene they will be guests at tiie Gumma I hi Iteta Sorority house. " ' It has been a happy week for the dance-loving set, and Friday evening again found a throng of socioty folk whirling merrily at the Hotel Marion dinner dunce. The tables surrounded by various vivacious groups of uurid and mntrons in brilli int sports clothes and sweaters with their escorts, made a pleasing and colorful ensemble. Among the hosts wero Mr. and Mrs. William Uurghardt, Jr., whose guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Cliauncey Bishop, Mr. nnd Mrs. Asahel Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Yoifiig of Albany, and Mrs. George Palmer Putnam. Miss Ellen Thielsen, Miss Hazel Downing, Carl Gabriolson, Ercel Kay nnd James Young eutert lined n party of the younger set including: Miss Rita Steiner, Miss Catherine Carson, Miss Elizabeth Lord, Miss Margery Marvin, Miss Jennie Fry, Miss Ida Simmons. Miss Esther Carson, Miss Grace Bean, Mis Ellen Thielsen, Miss Aline Thomp son, Laurence Hofer, Albert Egnn, Dnmvl J. lry, Jr., Lcland Hendricks Sport Suits of Old Evolve Into "Sport Frocks" rr;v! Jim riiiin, combined with grrn timl tnu striped, tuxNOro silk ilpvplopii tliia jnmit ii'Mt of outfits for outdoor life. Stripes, rut baynderi with n phiin band iimortrd give tho side pluitod skirt, nnd tho loose blouse, with its smart foliar nnd tic, is finished at the hips with u double cord iiiR. A green Knilor has Dtrnw rosette well placed. , r"r 7 - . r r ..xvr , fc .-vjl ,.L J I!ul'h Moores, Hugh Me 'amnion. Chrlcs Reynolds, Prince Byrd. Others noticed circling tables in con geniil grott) were Mr. and Mrs. Gny Sargont, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Smith, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ben 0. (Schucking. At another table were: Mr. and Mis. George Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin t'limoton and Dr. and Mrs. William Lytle. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Livesley, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts and Mrs. E. Trentc Clarke, of Seattle, were togeth er, while Miss Florence Hofer, Miss Myrtle Albright, Allan Bynon and John Carson formed another party. A party of Albany devotees motored to Salem for the affair and included, Mr. and Mrs. Roekey Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cusick, Miss Laura Tay lor, Hollo Rawlston and Harry H iw kins. Mrs. Charles Dick entertained with a few tables of bridge Mouday after noon. It was a very informal .iffair. only the matrons of the Bridge club and several additional guests being asked. The rooms were charming with a pro fusion of forget-me-nots artistically ar ranged in bowls and va. Three tables of bridge were circled by the euests, the card honor falling to Mrs. Douglas Minto. Mrs. Dick wis assisted by her dausnter Miss Caroline Dick. Besides the club the guests included Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. H. J. Schul derman, Mrs. John Coughill and Mis. Walter Spaulding. Mrs. Harry Wcnderoth asked a group of matrons und maids for an informal sewing Friday afternoon, her guests included the members of the La Cornier club. An attractive dinner was given Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Poisal. The table which was all done in yellow, was unusually pretty with a center of golden hued poppies, dainty ferns and .yellow tulle. Seated around the table were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MeOilehrist, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. B. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bolinger, Mr. and Mrs. Georgei Shaw and Miss Marion Shaw and the hosts. Dinner wws followed by an evening of five hundred. t One of the charming and pretty if fairs of the week was the shower for whicli Mrs. H. J. Miles ind Mrs. Don ald Miles were hostesses this after noon to honor Miss Regina Long, bride elect, who has been much entertained since tl e announcement of her engage ment. -:0 . The rooms of theMite's. residence were a scene of exceptional beauty, being decked with a 'profusion of yel low Scotch broom and purple wild flowers, which made nn effective foil for the pretty afternoon toilettes of the guests. Tho afternoon was made unusually delightful by a music U programme. Mrs. Florence Hollidny-Haight, recent ly of New York, charmed the guests with her beautiful voice. Mrs. 0. Powcrsi sang several . . pretty solos, whilo Miss Laura Grant's piano selec tions nnd Miss Joy Turner's violin numbers were equally enjoyable. The hostesses were assisted by Mrs. 0. Pruner, Mrs. George Burnett, Miss Mav Haucii nnd Miss Marguerite Miles. Besides the honorce the guests in vluded: Mrs. H. E. Bolinger, Mrs. Gordon MoGilchrist, Mrs. S. N. Endi cott, Mrs. 11. E. Eplev, Mrs. Mary R ims.lell, Mrs. E. 0. Kaiich, Mrs. I,. K. Pug, Mrs. George Burnett, Mrs. G. W. Gerald Volk, Mrs. C. Pruner, Mrs. O. M. Elliott, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. William Fleming, Mrs. F. Seeley, Mrs. M. Grant, Mrs. K. B. Houston, Mm. Anna Rogers Fish, Mrs. Mary Long, Mrs. Edward Boas, Mrs. William Gillownv, Miss Zoc Stockton, Miss Hazel Bish op, Miss Laura Grant, Miss Cox, Miss Ami Sweezy, Miss Hizzazi, Miss Elva Smith, Miss Gertrude Wailing, Miss Ruby Ramsdell, Miss Emly Palmer, Miss Ruth Ranch, Miss Marie Rams dell, Miss Joy Turner, Miss I.ucile Kuntz, Miss Broce and Miss . May Ranch, About a dozen members of the E. O. T. club gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bowersox for a "500" party Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Stnlcy shared, the hon ors is hosts for the affair, which was the last of a series of delightful card parties given by the club this season. Tho living room, where the card tables were arranged was aglow with red Awthnrue blossoms. In the dining Willamette First M. E. Admission room the repast was most artistic with airy pink tulle, and nn art basket of lovely sweet peas combined with gypsophila. The card honors were awarded to Miss Florence McKiunie and A. L, Brown. Dr. and Mrs. M. C Findley entertain ed about sixty members of the Wil lamette university faculty and sen-i iors at an informal evening Friday. Huge clusters of biiow balls and gar den flowers were tised about fciu rooms. Mrs. Findley wis assisted in serving refreshments (by the Mjisses Muriel Steeves nnd Grace roung. Miss Marie Bennett entertained the members of the Qninze Jours club at a delightful informal evening Wednes day. The score honor fell to Miss Miry Foltrich. Circling the tables were: Miss Ruth Kress, Miss Joy Turner, Miss Katheiiine McClelland, Miss Alice J add, Mrs. Blanche L. Niemeyer, Miss AMargaret Hodge, Miss Mary If,gler and Miss Hazel Price. Tiie non members were, Mrs. If. W. Elgin, Miss Rutii Ranch, Miss Elizabeth Mc Laughlin and Miss Mary Follrich. Charming Styles Crepe and Lingeire Bl Indeed they are the most they are made in the very t much in vogue. There's a t ic on wirlo f-Viaf thovo io o u ttu uu wivit i) a Our Clearance Sale of Suits Will save you a lot of suits coats DRESSES We own too many Outer Garments that must be sold and Agents Pictorial Review Patterns 145 N. Liberty Street University CONCERT Church, Wednesday, Seats Reserved Commencing on Tuesday May 16th at 8 a. m. 58c An artistic and delightful affair of the week was the Peer Gynt evening given at the residence studio of Miss Elma Weller on Tuesday. A more en joyable programme can scarcely be im agined. Mrs. Richard Cartwright add ed greatly to the pleasure of the af fair by her intelligent interpretive reading. The musical score was charmingly rendered and much praise is due both Miss Weller and her pupils. The even ing was made memorable by Mrs. Jean Miller Rahn, contralto and Miss Mary Schultz violin soloist. The rooms were a bower of golden genista. Miss Weller was assisted in the receiving by Mrs. Rose Chamber lin, Mrs. Chillies Weller, Mrs. Edward Weller. The Misses Mabel Marcus, Hariett Griffith and Helen Weller as sisted. The programme was as follows: Mrs. Richard Cartwrigrt, reader; Mrs. Jean Miller liahn, contralto; Miss Mary Schultz, violin. Rending Morning Mood, first Peer Gynt suite, Op. 40. No. 1 Isolo. Smith, Leona Wiedmer Reading Ingrid's Lament, second Peer Gynt suite, Op. 53. No. 2 Reading In the Hall of the Mountain King first Peer Gynt suite, op. 4tj, No. 4 Leoua Wieilmer, Miss Weller Reading - Solveig's Song, second Peer Gynt snite, op. 55, No. 4 Reading , The Death of Ase, first Peer Gynt suite, op. 47, No. 2 Isula Smith, Muriel Steeves, Leona Wiedmer, Miss Weller Reading Arabian Dance, second Peer ityiit suite, op. m, No. 2 stylish Blouses we've seen here for a good long time; latest models and have all the various noints now so t wide choice here, the prices kliic- ,,,il-U:, 4-U ..nt- uiuusc vvimm txic lctltll (Jl all. Colors Are White, Cream, Old Rose, Coral, Mais, Orange, Ocean Blue, Shrimp, Nile, and a Large Assortment of Com-1 bined Models. ENTIRE LINE REDUCED i Coats and Dresses money Reductions !3, than l2 price. $5.00, $9.75, $14.75, $19.75 $4.95, $7.48, $9.75, $14.75 " $3.48, $4.98, $7.48, $12.48 i U. G. Shipley Co. Combined Student ELLrANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all rjruggists. Isola Smith, Miss Weller Rending i. Anitrac Dance, first Peer Gynt suite op. 4d, No. II ' Tsola Smith, Miss Weller, Leona Wie.l nier, Muriel Steeves Rending Peer Gynt's Return Home, second Peer Gynt suite, op. 55, No. 3 Leona Wiedmer, Ehna Weller Reading Solvcig's Song, second Peer Gynt suite, op. 55, No. 4 - The Misses Mary Savage and Rutlx Kautelbcrg have gone to Portland for a weeU-end visit with relatives. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. I. Howard and fui'i ily who left Salein last full, have re turned to make their home. The How aids arrived tho first of the week from Holly Spring, Miss., where tiny have been visiting with relatives. ft ft. An enjoy ible tea was given im T'niif-day afternoon in the First Chris tian chinch parlors by the Loyal Woman's class. . Thote attending the affair were: Miss Betu Bedford, Mr. C. J-' Beach, Mrs. C. F. Moore, Mrs. C. ' Babington. Miss M. M.- Hunt, M . Fannv Mulkcv, Mrs. John Ri'Jgs, Mrs. K. It" Macy, 'Mrs. J. T). Tiarlier, MrL (Continued on Paae Three.) in New ouses I are varying and the range i 11 X t i l2 an manv a ess sold quickly. - ; Yarners and ,. Mart Corsets r - 4 Salem, Oregon Glee Club May 17th Tickets 25c