I J 1 f I ( 1- 4 t t r "HEEZA Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per wod for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion CHIEOPEACTIC-SPINOLOGIST DR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Held, Davenport, Iowa, If yeu have tried everything and got no reliof, -try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 40G-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. .Residence Main 82H-H. CLEANERS AND DYERS APPARKL SERVICE COMPANY 138 South. High street. We clean jiresa, repair, remodel and re-line clothing and furs. Careful attention given ill work. We call and deliver. 1'krine 728. MISCELLANEOUS B EDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points east, on all household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 161 South Com mercial street. Phone Main 933.- FOB BENT FOB RENT Strictly modern furnish ed 5 room house, $15.00 per month. Call 1737-W, nuyl3 FOB KENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. 855 North Commercial street. tf FINJ3 6 roorn flat for rent, modern. Furnished of unfurnished. 605 N. Liberty St. Phone 1351. tf SCOTTS RESTAURANT MEALS, 15c and up. Iloteakes or mush and milk free with all break fast orders. Soup, bread and butter 2 vegetables and- pie, tea, coffee or milk and l kind of meat for 15c; 2 kinds of meat for 25c. Short orders any time of day. Scotts 179 S. Com mercial St. SCAVANGEB BALEM SCAVENGER Charles Roos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse df all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main V24T. Residence Mlin 2272. FOB SALE LOOSE OAT HAY For sale. Phone 40F5, noon or evening. mayl6 FOB SALE 50 or 100 acres river bot tom land, high building ground, on Oregon Electric, 9 miles north of Al bany, near school and store. Terms will take some property in trade. E. Anderson, Tjalbot, O. may28 FOB SALE Five acres with buildings for the price of tho land, without buildings. We also have a 20 acre tract with buildings to sell. Will take part pay In Salem city proper ty. Square Deal Realty Co., 202 U. 8. Bank Bide. Phone 470. tf FOUR VALLEY FARMS For salo by owner on county road and railroad. CO to 200 acres each, good buildings, good soil, all under cultivation, close to scrool, prices reasonable, half cash, balance time at 6 per cent or modern income bearing city property. P. O. Box 24G, Salem. tf UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH CO C. B. Webb, A. M.. Clough morticians and. funeral directors. Latest modern metliods known to the profession employed 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9868. EIGDON RICHARDhON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Dav and night phone 183. WATEB C01vnANY 6ALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade gtreots. For water service apply at office. Hills payable monthly in advance. WANTED WANTED 3 or 4 furnished house keeping rooms close in for two la dies. Address A L eire Journal, mid DENTISTS. DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters nitrous oiid and oxygen gas. Room 214, Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Salem, Orei?nn Why are we populir? Be- cause we tell yon every day, the newt of the world. BOOB," as a Book Agent Notice of Improvement of Commercial Street Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve Commercial street between the north line of Mission street and the south City limits at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, by grading, curbin, and pav ing said portion of said street with a two-inch Bituminous Concrete wearing aurfaco laid cn a redress of the present Macadam foundation, in accordance with the plans, specifications and esti mates for the improvement of Commer cial street between the north line of Mission street and the south city lim its, adopted by the Common Council on the 1st day of May, 1916, and now on file in tho office of the City Record er, which for greater certainty and convenience are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice; being that character or kind of ' improvement known aid obsignated in the said plans and' specifications and estimates as No. 7, a redressed Macadam base, and a 2-inch wearing surface. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the said 'above dosccibed improvement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City. By order of the Common Council, Chas. F. Elgin, City Recorder. Dated this 4th day of May, 1916. May 16. r General Feed an4 vfim Small Livery Stable m C. W. TRAIN 1 251 Ferry. Phone 28f LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge, No. 2, Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the McCornack hall, cornfr Court and Liberty streets, R. o. Llonaldsoa, M. W. ; 8. A, McFadden, recorder; A. h. Brown, financier, SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. Id. Stated communications first Friday In each mouth at 7 :30 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Chas. Mcl'nrter, V. JI. ; S. Z, Culver, secretary. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY 4). B. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Ttllson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani mals should be reported to the secretary for Investigation. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 18, K. of P. Mc Cornuck building. Tuesday evening of each week at 7 :30. J. i. Heluel, C. C. ; W. B. (illson, K. of It. and 8. R. N. OF A. "Oregon Grape Cnmp," No. 1360, meets every Thursday evening In McComack building. Court and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schaunp, 171)1 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa l'eY sons, recorder, 1:290 North Commercial. Phone 1438-M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore gon Cedar Camp, No. 5240, meets every Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock in Mc Cornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. Klevntor service. Geo. Keinohl, V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk. CHADWICK CHAPTER, No. 37, O. E. 8 KeguJiir meetlDg every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Moeller, W. M. ; Ida M. Ilabcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock In McComack block, B. W. Macey, C. C. ; L. H. Geer, clerk,. 507 Court street. Phone 503. DH MOLAY COMMANDER Y. No. 5, K. T Regular conclave fourth Friday In each . month at 8 o'clock, p m., In Masonic Tem ple. Sojourning Sir Knights lire courte ously invited to meet with us Lot L. 1'earce, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No. H4, meets every Wednesdav at 8 p. m. In Moose hall. C. O. Matlock, M. A. ; C. Z. Knndull, secretury, Salem Bunk of Commerce. HODSON COI'NCIL, No. 1. R. S. M Mated assembly tirst Monday In each month. Masonic Temple. N. P. Rasmus sen, Thrice Illustrious Muster; Glenn C. j Nlles, recorder. SALEM COrNCIL NO. 2022 Knights and Indies of Security Meets every 2nd and . 4th Wednesday each month at llumt Hull. Visiting members are Invited to attend. E. F. Walton, financier, 4SO 8. 14th M. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication third Friday In euch month . at 7 :,10 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Hul V. Bolam, W. M. ; Ernest II. I hoate. secretary. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. ! THOS. K. FORD j Over Ladd ft B-isfc Bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO L0AN7? ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH McCORNACE BUILDING "7 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY. MAY 13, 1916. How to Construct Home Made Silos O. A. C. By W. M. Barr, Dairy Husbandman, O. A. C. and U. 8. Practical dairymen who are silo users say that the silo on the farm means a saving of 8 to 10 cents on a pound in the cost of producing butterfat, beef feeders it saves from $1 to $1.50 per hundred pounds in producing beef, and feeding experiment at experiment stations bear out these statements. On this basis ensilage under normal con ditions is worth $4 a ton. With an in crease of 50 per cent in feed prices it is worth $0 a ton. Reports of 30 farm ers whose records allow the compilation of accurate data, show an average cost of $2. 75 a ton for corn silage, including the follownig factors incidental to pro duction: land rental; eost of fertili zer and its application; preparation of the seed bed, cost of seed, planting, cultivation and harvesting; and interest and depreciation on machinerv and silo. yThe iupp!mesitary ind replacement value and beneficial physical effects bring the Value of silage higher. The inadvisability of doing without a silo seems to be more important than the question of whether or not to build a silo. Estimates based on inquiries to this office and the offices of the county agricultural agents, indicate that 600 to 700 silos will be constructed this season.' In anticipation of the need of timely and helpful suggestions to the many prospective builders reliable silo information has been prepared by O. A. C. under the guidance of experience. Chute for Silo. A feeding chute 24 to 30 inches square is a valuable addition to. a silo. It saves feed and labor. Painting the Silo . As soon as completed the silo should be coated with carbolineum, creosote or boiled linseed oil inside, -and painted with two coats of good paint outside. Kind of Silo Should Vary In general we can say that the kind of silo seemingly best adapted to that portion of the state west of the Cas cade mountains is the one-piece stave silo built of 2x4 or 2xti Btaves, dressed on both sides, tongued and grooved, and beveled to make a tight joint. Availability, facilities for getting and economy of lumber 'for staves, are the reasons why the stave silo takes precedence over other types of wood silos and of masonry silos. The staves should be made from clear, straight, closelv grained Oregon fir, preferably kiln dried. When it is necessary to use two-piece staves the joint should be broken, one half of the botom and one half of the top staves being Bix feet longer than the others. Other types of wood silos that are in uso and are being built, especially along the coast are the modified Wisconsin silo and the octagon silo, sold by some firms as the "Tung Lok." SALEM FENCE and STOVE WORKS B. B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fence Gates, Plain and Barbed Wire. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Roofing, Posts, Hop Hooks 40 Years Making Stoves Stoves rebuilt and repaired. Stoves bought and sold. 250 Court Street. Phone 124 - Back of Chicago Store L n HUM v Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 mud There is an increased tendency to construct silos of greater durability than wood affords, and during the last two years a number of solid wall con crete, cement plastered metal lath, and hollow tile silos have been built, When rightly constructed any of these preserve silage equally well. Locating the Silo - As silage is a heavy feed, the first consideration in locating a silo should be convenience for feeding, This as a rule requires it to be placed at one end of. the barn, especially if the rows of cows face each other and there is a feeding alley between. Placing the silo in the barn is not advisable, for it is not always'conveiiicnt to fill, and space is occupied that may otherwise be used to advantage. Silos should be so constructed and cared for as not to need the protection of the barn. Essentials In Plane The prospective silo builder should see: 1. That the diameter of the silo is carefully determined. 2. That the foundation is of suffi cient width for the weight upon it. 3. That the walls of the silo are tight, smooth, perpendicular and free from corners. Types of silos other thau round are not satisfactory. 4. That the inside of the silo is sur faced with aspiialtum paint or car bolineum for the stave silo, and boat pitch or similar product for masonry silos. 5. That the doors are of such con struction as to be easily removed. 6. That window in the silo chute is provided to afford light, much needed in both chute' and silo. 7. That the silo has a reef which adds to the lite and appearance of tie silo. 8. That no cheap lumber, weak re inforcement, or lack of care and nec essary repairs, make the Bilo expen sive. The silo is not at fault when poor silage results from putting in the crop too green or over ripe, or placing in the silo without being finely cut. Laying Out Foundation A stake should be driven into the ground at the exact center of the pro posed silo. On the top of this stake spike one end of a 2x4 sweep. From the spike head measure off and mark on the sweep the distance to the outside and to the inside of the foundation wall, allowing for a wall 'varying from 12 to 20 inches in width depending upon the size of the silo, the nature ot the ground aud the ma terial of which the foundation is to be constructed. The distance ftom the center of the silo to the inside of the foundation wall must be five to eiglit inches less than the radius of the silo, so that the silo wall will stand in cen ter of foundation. Markers caa then be nailed to tke sweep, and circles de scribed for the foundation. When the foundation is marked out. then dig out the trench that serves as a form tor the underground part of the 'foundation. Tho trench may be from 8 inches to one fot in depth, which, I with the alMive-ground portion, will give a foundation 12 to 16 imhes in depth. The sides of the trench should be kept Btraiglit and the bottom level. :lf the edge of the trench is inclined jto cave, the trench should be filed with iconcrelte and the forms may then be ! constructed for the above-ground part 91 tne lounaation. j A form must" be built around the i outer edge of the foundation by tie use of l-2x4-inrh material bent around ! inside of 2x4 stakes set 2 1-2 to 3 feet : apart. The whole inside surface is 'filed with concrete thus giving a florr 4 inches in thickness continuous with a foundation 12 inches to 16 inches in thickness. While placing the concrete set anchoring bolts one-half inch in diameter and eighten inches long with I an elbow on the lower end in the found ation in a vertical position. These , bolts, six in to eight in number, should extend ten inches above the founda tion wall. After the silo is complete the staves next to the anchoring bolts can be securely bolted to them. Silo rioor. The silo floor may be dispensed with only when the ground on which tiie silo is located is Very firm. The ad vantages of a floor are: The silo can be easily cleaned; protects silage from rats; and no loss from spoilage at bot i torn. A tile of vitrified sewer pipe ! should be laid under the flor. This i drain removes excess moisture when from mistake or bad weather condi tions the silage crop is put into the j mouth of the drain should be covered I with a heavy wire screen Of the modi. Eat Less Meat and Take Salts for Backache or Bladder Trouble Neutralizes Acids Uric acid in meat excites the kid neys, they become overworked; got sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps ot lead. The urino becomes cloudy; the bladder is imt ilea, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times luring the night. Wnen the kidneys 'log vou must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick head ache, dizziness, Btomach gets sour, the tongue coated and yon reel rheumatic twinges when the weather is bad. tat less meat, drink lots of water; also fet from any pharmacist four ounc es of .Tad Salts; take a tablcspoonful in a glass oi water beroro breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of gripes and lem on juice, combined with lithin, and has been used for fenerations to clean clog ged kidneys and stimulate them to nor mal activitv. also to neutralize the acid in nrine, so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weak ness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-wnter drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the Kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kid ney trouble while it is only trouble. Try Capital Journal Want Ada. Try Capital Journal Want Ada. Silo Door Construction. The doors of a silo should fit snug ly and be convenient to handle. In some silos on the market a number of patents constitute good selling points but do not add to the efficiency of the silo. The door frmne may be construct ed of two pieces of 4x0-inch lumber, the length being the same as that of the staves. (The frame stands edge wise with incr edge flush with in side surfaeo of staves), in each of the 4x0 pieces a rubild one inch wide and one and five-eighths deep should be cut the entire length. On one side of one piece a groove, and on the op posite side of the other, a tongue, arc cut no that a smooth, tight, inside sur face is insured at the door jambs. The door frame is held together and the proper width secured by the use of half-inch bolts, 29 inches in length, which pass through the dor posts, and one-half or three-quarter insh gas pipe, 20 inches in length. The space should be 22 inches in the loner half of the door frame and 2ti inches in the re mainder. Holes should be bored for the silo hoops, using a bit one-sixteenth larger than tho diameter of the hoops, so that the hoops will full just below the gas pipes in tho lower half of the dor frame, and 0 iticho below hot won the remaining pipes. Iron wash ers are placed betwen the ends of the gis pipes and the door posts. The door frame should be erected on the foiindu tion wall at the desired place for the door, and plumbed and securely bolt ed. Erecting Silo Staves. Materinl for the silo staves may be secured from a company that makes a specialty of manufacturing lumber for such purposes or from the locil lumber dealer, ('aro should be exer cised in placing tho order to insure on ly select material free from small knots with good edges and with three cightlis to one-half inch tongue and groove, and beveled to give tight inside and outside surfaces. Staves should be piled in such manner when unloaded that it will be unnecessary to turn them when ready to erect. The out side surface being wider than the in side surface, this can easily bo done. By the use of a half-inch rope, a man on the highest walk of tho seuffolding or tie ton of tho dor frame can draw the staves up w ith the assist nice or a man handling the lower end of the stave. The first stave can be ton nailed to the door post at the top and bottom, and succeeding staves held in place by barrel staves of lath, which have ben water soaked, which will be tacked to each stave as erected at both the top and tho bottom inside of tho silo, By Mort. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL .Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone EVEHTTHINO ELECTRICAL Salem Electrie Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 12M PLUMBING, STEAM PITTINO AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Main l&i TRANSFER AND DEATAGB Salem Truck Ic Dray Co, corner State and Front atreets Main 7 Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar, CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Dr.ug Store TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTIIEItN PACIFIC. KttllTH SOUND 10 Oregon Kxpross .... 54 Humid HHHiul -H Williiinette Limited. . Ill Shasta Limited 1H l'ortlnnd l'tiNseitKei'. . 110 l'ortlnnd 1'ssseiiKer. . 5 :00 tl, in. . tl.lVn. in. 0 :Vi a. m. , 1 1 :0r a. m. 1 :'JH p. in. S :W p. m. H :00 p. m. u rortluml hipresn. I'ortland fust I'relirlit J:;it n. m 1-ocal wny Freight. . . .10 :3!i a. a SOI'TH BUND No. 1o California F.J press. . No. 7 KosetHirK I'tiHsciiKer No. .VI KlKMitlon Bneciul . No. 1!! Cot tare Jrove I'hss. . . 3 :D2a. m. . .11 -.21) . in. ..I0:22n.in, .4 :17 p. ai. Makes cnnneutlon with No. 74 (Jeer tinuich. No. 11 Khnsta Limited 6:4.1 p.m. No. 27 Wlllumette Limited... HMO p. m No. 1.1 San Francisco F.xpress 10 ;30 p. m No. 221 San Francisco Fast Freight 12 :0I a. m No. 225 Loenl way Freight..., 8:10 a. m HAI.HlidKKK i.lNH. No. 7.1 Arrives nt Sitloni lo. 7tt Leaves Salem No. 7."i A r. Salem ( mixed ) , . . . No. 74 Leave Snlem No connection south ot (.eer. 0:1.1 a. in. I) n. m. 2 :II0 p. ni. 4 :2U p. in. sai.km. Kai ls City Nn WKSTrsy. No. 1 til Lv. Hnlrm, motor . . Kil Lv Snlem, motor . . . lftr, Lv. Snlein, motor . . 1117 Lv. Snlem, motor .. Hid Lv. Snlem. motor . . . 2.1H Way Fr't lv. Suleni. . 1(12 Ar. Snlem 104 Ar. Snlem ltltl Ar. Snlem ltlx Ar. Snlem 170 Ar. Knlem 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem. . .7 :OOn. in. . t) .4.1 a. in. . 1 :4ii p. m. , 4 :iin p. m. . :ir,p. m. . r. :IHI a. m. . H :40 n. m. .11 :2r n. m. , ,1:1 1 p. in. . tl :OU p. in. 7 :4,1 p. m. . 1 :.15 p. m, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. OREfiON ELL'CTItlC HAILWAY CO. Noimi r.ou so Train No. . . . 2 Owl . . B , . 10 Limited , 12 14 . . ttt Limited . . . . 20 22 Lr. Snlem 4 :.'." a. m. . 7 :15 a. m. , 0 :4.i a. in. 11 :2i a. m. . 1 :4d p. m. 4 :' p. m. 5 :II7 p. in. 7 .55 p. ai. Ar, l'ortlnnd . . . tl :.".." n. in. . . . 9 :'J.1 a. m. . . . II ::),'.. in. ..11 :,15 p. m. . . . 4 :li'J p. m. . . . 5 :."0 p. m. . . . 7 :no p. m. , , .10 :00 p. m. aoi'Tii mmiu I'OHXljlNU TO HALKU Lv. Portland. Ar. Rnlcm H:4.1 u. m 8:o5 (Snli-ra only) 8:23 a. m. ... 3 Limited ....10:11 a. m. JORDAN JINGLES. The farmers of Jordan are nil looking for good weather to K"t their crops in. Joe Bender, the road supervisor com menced working toad last week. Kdd liund is hauling tics for the Juiigwirth Hros. lumber company. The leap year danco given by the young ladies' society wus a great suc cess, from start to finish, a large crowd attended and everyone had an enjoyable tune. Miss Minnie Silbernagel left Hominy for tho l.ulu,y and Seinler sawmill, where she is employed iu the boarding house. Hub Bryant of Allmny motored to the Jordan Valley Mock ftirui on busi ness Wednesday. (ie rge Zelinskie of Knlein was seen in Jordan Inst Saturday. Mike Kink went to Sulem to visit home folks Hundtiy. Joidun is expecting a long stretch of M. Burger. 40 a. m. . 05 p. m. . 4" p. m. . 05 p. m. . 20 p. m. , . 45 p. ni. . Corvullls 10 p. m. , , Kugene. ,15 a. m. , . 50 p. m. . 25 p. m, . , 05 p. m. . Sulem "Ml 11. in. , , 10 a. m. 15 a. ui. . Sulem 55 p. m. . Snlem. :25 p. m. . 7 9 . Kt Llmltrd . . ... 17 Locul . 10 2t Owl ... N01IT1I HOUND .12:55 p. m. . 4 :25 p. lit. . tl :4I) p. 10. . H:10p. 10, .11 :25 p. to. . 1 :55 p. nu Ar. Snlem . 3 :37 p. iti. Al. Snlem . 0 :45 . uv. . 1 :55 p. in. . 7 :.'& p. ic. . 3 :10 a. n. Ar. Kiiueiie- -. tl :50 a. in. . 0 ::w a. id. . 12 :25 p. ic. Ar. Allmry . 1 :;.o p. ni. at Con nil Im Ar. Allmny . 5 :20 p. ni. Ar. Allmnj tl :45 p. in. Ar. Knger, . 8 ; j'l p. to. . . 10 Limited . . .10 Llmltrd . 2 owV HOlli'll HUOND . . 21 Owl 05 . . 0 Limited . Stops Snlem 40 p. m 11 i inn n t iin Lni'Ai, Daim lixcrr 4 Leaves Snlem (Kl Arrives In Snlem T SlINUATM ;j -40 p. ii. H :25 p. u. COHVALLIH CONNECTfON XOIITU 110 UND Lv. Corvullls H :25 u. m. 12:12 p. in. . 2 :12 p. m. 4 :ln p. m. , 0 ;1S p. oi. , Lv. Sulem 10 :I5 a. in. . 4 ;25 p. ni. , , 12 :55 p. m. . , 0 :40 p. in. . , Ar. Suit in . , . 0 :45 a. ic. . . 1 :45 p. ic. . . . 4 -.00 p. ic. ,..H :.'I7 p. in. . . , 7 :55 p. in. Ar. Coi'valUy ...11 :1.1 a. in. ... 5 :47 p. 10. ... 2 :2n i. in. . . . t) :00 p. lr. 10 It .... 10 20 2 SOUTH BOUND ...... 5 0 7 ia- WILLAM I'.T'l'l'J ItlVKP. HOl'TB Oregon City Trnnspfirtiitlen Cnmpuny Lenve I'oiilatid for Oregon City, llnttetlllr, Newberg, Mission (St. I'uut'i, Whentl.ui'l, Sulem Klully except Sunday) . .0 :45 a, ic. Lenve Portland for Independence. Alliuiiy-Corvullls, (Tucs., Thins., Sut.) 6 :45 a. in. Iteturnljiff Lenve Coivullli Alhnny Independence. . 0 a. in.-.Mnn., Wed,, Krl. , .7 a. ni. Men., IVcd., Frl. II u.. ni Men., Wed., Ft I. Snlem 10 a. m .Ui ii., Weil., Frl. Sulem ... 0 a. m. Xuis., Thurs., Hat. crushed rockroud. Contracts being nv nrded to A. J. Siilzl and brother, Cliaili n Krnnk Peppcrling and Frank Flutman. Kach contract culls for one thousand yard of crushed rock. Jiieob and Silvester .Silbciuiigi'l had some dental work done iu StHViun IukI. (iiiturdiiy. llnrvc" Shelton and wife were Sun day visitors nt the 1'. 11. Uilyeti home. August Bonder motoiod to Mill City last Thursday. One of C. A. Silbei nugol's horses had the misfortune of getting r severe wiu cut, it required eight stitches to sew Mj the wound. C. Schneider has almost enniplcle.1 his grubbing with a ton of powder which he purchased this spring. Slay ton Mail. This is such a fast ago n man hardly lias time to dot his i's, mid Misfits ic thinking of changing his Mime Ir is' uteu.