Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 13, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Clearance Prices on All Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists' Skirts, etc.
n o
An Immense Assortment
Ready Now
Surely you will find in this big variety just the
Middy Blouses you want plain white, blue
trimmed styles, stripe effects, belted models
in fact you'll find every popular and wanted
style here and at a good range of pleasing,
prices. Sizes from four years in Children's
sizes to 44 in Women's sizes.
New Showing ot
Nifty Bathing Suits
Have your Bathing Suit ready buy from this as
sortment before the prettiest styles are taken. The
models this season are unusually taking. We know
that particular women will appreciate choosing from
this stock. A large variety of colors in plain and
color combinations. Sizes to fit all women and
See the new cap with an
isinglass eye -shield at
tached, just the thing for
Excellent showing of new
Linen, and Voile Dresses
for Summer.
Newest Brushed Wool
Sweaters and Silk Sweaters
in latest colorings.
Special Sale of Children' s
Gingham Rompers
at 35c each
Romper Suits save mother lots of laundry work
gives the child plenty of freedom at play sizes 6
months to 6 years; in plain, checked and figured
ginghams and chambrays, pinks, blues, greys, etc.,
regular grades to 85c. Extra special, your choice 35c
Or three for $1 00
Women's and Misses9
Sport Oxfords
Just the Oxford for Summer wear
comfortable and stylish. In black or tan
leather with white rubber soles and heels,
priced $:5.50 a pair.
Our 795th
Wednesday Surprise Sale
May 17th
' White Canvas with white rubber
soles and heels at $2.50 a pair.
We call special attention to the unusu- p
tl.. 1 i. i. J? T 1 (I ,
juiy mi assuruntKii oi rumps Ave snow.
Dozens of the new and most wanted styles
at prices to suit most everyone.
Good. Grade Huck Towels at
11c each
This sale will appeal to all housekeepers who want
to replenish the towel supply at a distinct saving.
Regular size huck towels in plain white or red
borders. A big towel value at a little price. Next
Wednesday HcEach
Sale starts at 8:30.' See the window display.
Straw Hat time is on in earnest, warm
weather requires a cool, comfortable,
light weight hat. Our new assortment of
Straws and Panamas you'll find just the
style to suit your face and the prices are
Straws at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00
I-? Panamas $5.00
Be comfortable don't wear heavy fatig
uing Underwear in warm weather. Buy
Munsing summer weight union suits or
Athletic underwear B. V. D.'s and other
good athletic models.
Just the Hose for Summer sheer silk
fabric with lisle sole, heel and toe in
champagne, white or black.' Extra value,
three pairs for Jjjjp
May 13. Albert P.. Cnmmins of
Iowa lit Armory, 8 )'. in.
May 13. Juvenile Artisans at
opera house, with Portland
Juvenile Artisan Land.
Mj.y 13. Marion County field
day and carnival.
May 17. Gleo flub and young
ladies club of Willamette
University at First Metho
dist church.
May 17. Monthly meeting
Commeri'iiil club.
May 19. Primary election.
May 28. High school baccalau
reate services, First Metho
dist church.
M.v 30. Memorial Dav.
May 31. "Robin Hood' comic
opera, at high school audi
torium. June 1. Elks' home-coming
celebration at armory.
June 2. High school commence
ment exercises at Armory.
June 2. Kimball college com
mencement, 2:30 p. m.
June 7. Annual election offi
cers Commercial cltib.
Another Bathing
Girl Quarrel Crops Up
Santa Monica, Cal., May 13. Auoth
er bathing girl war loomed on the
horizon today between ministers nnil
tho ocean park cnamlar of commerce,
when the chamber announced it would
at'cnipt to stage a "bathing suit" pa
rade at Ocean Park some timo during
It is understood the ministerial or
ganization will oppose the purnde am
they did the recent procession ot
"beauties" at Venice.
More than 50,000 persons were at
tracted by the Venice spectncle.
tttttttttttttttttttttttttitttttttttitttttlttltittitii ttttttttt4 hhmmhhh-mmX;
All Around Town
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescrip
tion, tf
You will be able to kocp the family
together if you have a Snnora T lik
ing .Machine in your mime. .Myrtle
Knowlnnd, 4:!1 Court St.
....A used Bridge Beach steel range Baseball Sunday, May Hth, 3 p. m.
with reservoir. Regular $0,"), used price ! Woodland vs. Lo ju.Leainie lurk. Watch
$1.S..")0. Huren & Hamilton. Salem's big league batterv Barbara and
Jiauser snow them up. maris
Dr. Mendelsohn, tectallat, fit class
Mi correctly. U. 8. Bank, Uldg.
Dance tonight Aumsville. Salom or
chestra, j l j
O. M. Elliott, superintendent of the
city schools, is in Portland, lit lending
tho Oregon State Conference of Schoid
Agencies, meeting at Heed college. He
in a member of the general committer.
Dr. Stone's drug store.
Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures
heaves. Price J; for sale by all'drug
gista. Joseph II. Albert today bought the
Rhodes property, at 15(1 Front street,
on a valuation of $5,000. The lot is
CO by lfi,ri feet and was bought hs an
invetment. Mrs. Millie Uhodos was
Dnnce t Brooks Saturday night,
May Kltii. Music Salem orchestra.
Dr. Stone's Drug Storo for trusses.
The O. A. 0. cadet band on thoir
way home, stopped off today noon at
the Oregon State Training Kchool nnd
gave the boys a short concert. Tne
bund was entertained nt dinner and
shown about the institution. Cnptiin
Heard, bandmaster, formerly was an
instructor at the school.
The Handwriting on the Wall Eli
sha P. Moreom of Woodbum for cir
cuit judge. Pa. adv.
Dr. R. T. Mclntire, physician and
surgeon, 21 1 Masonic bblg. Phone 410.
Fred W. Steusloff, who will become
lirector of tho Business Men's League
Mrs. O. M. Thompson of this city
was elected treasurer of the Kvaugel
ical church slate association vosterdav
On May 15 and 16, good to return
the 7th, the Southern Pacific will sell
tickets to Corvnllis for $1.55 from Sa
lem. For the state convention of Odd
Fellows nt hosebnrg, May !!.!", tho at tne annual meeting in Eugene, and
The University Bearcats are In Mt. 1 Southern Pacific will run a special out j. Mrs. S. ('. Ralston, superintendent nra
Angel today with Coach Mathews play- j of Portland, May 22. jtorieal contest. Mrs. Myra Miller
ing the. Mt. Angel team, regarded as x Stuiiffer of ilillsboro was elected pros
one of the strong tenuis of the valley. Cemetery Cleanup DEf Cemetery blent. The convention will be held
o " cleanup day Monday, Mav 20, all in- next year it Corvnllis.
Do it now build that garage and terested come out. The Howell Prai-, O
save storage expense. Falls City-Sa- rie cemetery association. Kalph I. The Deaf Mute strike-out wonder
lem Lumber to., 310 South 12th St. Stevens. tfjwill twirl against Salem Sunday..
Phone S13. o I Forty one strike outs in eighteen iii-
Wost Salem has prepared the stage ; nines. Pome record. Can he hold the
for two games tomorrow afternoon. The j Loju bunch J iunyl3
illl Kiiuit: "in in I jtiivu ii i' J u cm, ii,
the grantor and the transfer was hind-Uif the Commercial club after June 7,
ku uy i. ii, uranciinorst nmt Son. has selected the following to nssist him
W can save yon money on garden
hose, Kelson Pros. & Patton, plumbers,
855 CJuwioketa St. Phone lUOO. tf
in tho affairs of the department for
the coming year: Walter If. lVnton,
10. If. Choale, W. 11. liahlsdorf and
C. S. Hamilton.
or you arc in need of glasses don't overlook the fact
that we have made a reputation by giving quality
and service that are unexcelled.
. Our work is guaranteed.
HISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-9 Hubbard Bldg., Thone 109.
Upon the invitation of the officers
of the t). A. C. the senior class of tho
high school will ninke n tour of the Cor
vallis institution, next Mondiy. They
will be accompanied by Moirit TVivia,
nnd Miss Gertrude Walling of the
Commercial department.
A few used extension tables, prices
range front $3 up. liuren & Hamilton.
Our prices are right, no reduction
necessary. (Jardner & Keene, jewelers
and opticians.
A few used gas ranges in good order
at about .inlt the price of new. Hur
on & Hamilton?"
Eugene Houston, manager of the Bus
iness Men 's Adjustment company to
day moved his offices from the Cat
lin and Linn building to the second
floor of the Masonic Temple, in the
rooms formerly occupied by the com
: pauy.
I ' -4o
I When you gom that pleasure trip
be sure to take ihmg the most cssen
j 1 1 nl thing, La Corona cigars, Salem
', made.
1 The cement worY. on the foundations
;of the D'Arcy building on Court
street, on the location of the former
! Wexford theatre, will be placed begin
ning next Monday. The building will
be ready to occupy in about two mouths
by the furniture store of Goer and
Knn ger. Plans fur the building were
j draw n by architect George M. Post.
j While others ore reducing we are
j increasing our stock. There's a rea
son! ask us. Gardner. & Keene, jewrl
Ier and opticians.
between the Liberty and Hrooks teams.
The second game is between West Sa
lem and Spring Valley. Tiie ground"
have been greatly improved the jiast
week and the scats rearrtnged and
placed iu good shape.
If you want superior service and
courteous treatment enll 474 for ice.
City Market Ice & Coal Co.
The Woman's Republican club will
hold its regular meeting at the city
hall in the council chambers Monday
afternoon at 2:30. A number of im
portant committees are to report nt
this meeting and other business of in
terest will be brought before the club.
Mrs. Helen Southwick is president of
tiie club.
Stopping at the- Capital Hotel Just
like beiog at home, see us about weekly
to 1.0ft, Opposite
the college on this occasion and an at
tempt will be made to thoroughly ac
quaint each member, so tar as possible
in the short time allotted, with the
work of the various departments. A
fare rate of one and a third lias been
given on the certificate plan. It is re
ported that practically the entire class
will make the trip.
Lee W. Acheson. ho. 86 on the bal
lot, for constable on the Republican
4.x o
The coldest weather of the week
was early Thursday morning, when the
thermometer registered 3"i degrees
aoove, according to the ol final rec
ord of the government's thermometer
at the O. C. T. dock. This thermometer
is enclosed in a box and fairly well
protected from wind. Last Sunday and
Monday flights the mercury went down
to 30 above, Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, 37 Above, Thursday night S't
and last night 3-S above.
Dr. L. Or. Altaian, homeopatliic, 296
X. Liberty. Phone 147.
"I will have the biggest peach' crop
that I have had for years and years."
said Senator A. M. Lafolctte this
morning. "In fact, the trees are so
heavily laden, that I will have to soon
begin the process of t'.iinning. Other
orchards in my locality are not so for
tunate, but T attribute inv big yield
to the care I have given the trees, and
especially to the attention wa have
given to spraying."
Dr. Frauk Wilbur Chace, director of
music, Willamette T'niversity offers
special summer course from June Kth
to July 2., piano, voice and liarmonv.
oaclung for "repertoire. Phone 011
P. M. Xosey, who is said to be a for
mer resident of Amity, was Mi-iestcd
last, night by the Salem police and
'oipred in the city jail on a charge of
oisoriieriy conduct. It is alleged
tne complaint against Losey that he
iiinile improper proposals to an 11 yea
old girl of this city. He took 24 hours
to enter Ins plea when he was arraign
-'ii iu ponce court this morning and
win pronauiy pie-ad .Monday.
While in McMinnville last week, E.
uwnB-i-uiion, ine ledgerdemain artist
showed the folks of that citv lmt
real up-to-date artist could d0 in tho
way of finding money iu mysterious
places, such as his own pockets, nnd
sometimes in the pockets of a by
stander. On his last trip, near Dayton,
ho was so unfortunate as to smash his
automobile to such an extent tlmt it
was left there for several davs for re-
Bishop N. Castle. D. D.. Eishon emer.
itns of the church of the I'nited Hreth
icn in Christ will be in the citv Sun-
lay preaching at the 11 o'clock hour
it the I'nited Brethren church corner
Seventeenth uid .Nebraska. Don't fail
to hear tins great man.
The Elks will tender an informal
reception to .1, V. Simmis. oast exult
ed grand ruler, this afternoon at the
rooms of the lodge, from 5 until' (
o clock. He is accompanying Senator
Cummins of Iowa, candidate for noin
ination tor president by the Hepulili
.'iiu party, in his political tour of the
northwest. .Air. Cummins is also an
Klk, and all -:iks are requested to be
present at the reception. Mr. Cum
min will speak this evening it the
armory, nt 8 o'clock.
attend are, L. S. Geer, O. L-. Darling,,
O, L. Donaldson, George .T. Donaldson,
K. 1. Donaldson, If. K. Donaldson. J.
H. rietcher, .Tack Swienink, John
I'rintz, K. C. Crawford. C. M. Five,
Charles J upiet, Floyd Smith.
Can you see distant objects mote
clearly than ever Or do you think
you read more easily? You cannot be
certain that you do these as well a"
you should. To obtain clear vision
you may unconsciously bo straining
your eyes. Only one person in every
four has perfect sight, and it is voir
duty to yourself to make sure of yon;
sight. fi defective, it needs hclp--reineinber
that small defects neglected
grow more serious.
Learn if von need eye-aid. Mv test")
enables me to give you just the help
you need. Let me examine your sight.
I guarantee satisfaction in ever
respect. Replace your broken lenses
while you wait.
1 do not use drugs or drops ill mak
ing examinations us they are dangerous.
Doctor cf Optics.
Offices: 210-211 TJ. S. Bank Building
Phone 110.
Cars of any kind for any place
at any time.
Office, Bligh Hotel
NE 700
Employes of the Salem nostof f ice will
sigh a sigh ot relief when the political 1 rates. Hoonis 30c
season is over. For the past few davs Bush's bulk
they have been making strenuous of- n
forts to keep up with the immense Three baskets of homing pigeons
were received this morning nt the Wells
rargo express oftice from J. Wicks
The Salem lodge of Woodmen of the
World at their meeting last night elect
ed delegates to attend the district con
vention of tiie order that will be held
at Newport, May Hi, 17 and 18. The
drill team will accompany the delegttes
and have charge of the special work
and put on their drill. Those who will
Licensed Lady
Moderate Prices
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Off.
Daily Between
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way
Points. Leaves Mill City 0:15 a. m.;
Stayton 7:45, Salem, 9:15.
Return, lenves Salem 4:30 p. m.:
stayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20.
Phone 13
has been sent out to the dear people,
telling of the good points of the num
erous c indidates.
ot ictona, P. ('., with instructions
to liberate them as soon as received.
The birds were turned loose at. 11:20
.The chemical analysis of our distilled ! this morning, and after circling two
water ice show PS.8 per cent pure. City times, started in a direct line for Vic-
Market Ice & Coal Co. Tel 474.
Tor the first time In several years,
California is shipping nlfalfa hay into
the northwest and yesterday a local
firm received two carloads. Not only
torn. They will have a distance of
about 350 mile to travel.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express to our friends
and neighbors our thanks for the kind-
is the Willamette valley almost out of mess and sympathy durinir the sickness
hay, but shipments are being made nsjand death of our wife nnd mother.!
far north as Seattle. The alfalfa comes I And also our deep aiMueciatiou of the
from central t alifoiiiui, near Saernmen- neantitul flowers.
Mr. E. E. Tucker and family.
Card of Thanks Monday, May 15, has been declared
We wish to express our appreciation a holiday bv those in charue of the
for the many kindnesses and sympathy I Salem high school for the nu'inhers of
during our recent bereavement. And ; the senior class, who will leave Salem,
also for the many benntifnl floral tri-lvia Oregon Ktectric, at 7:10 and spend
butes. ' the day in visiting the work in nrocress
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Chestnut, jin the various departments of the Ore
Floyd Chestnut, jgon Agricultural college. The seniors
Mrs. Carl Hager. of the high school will be guests of
Abounding happiness in the reflection of good health,
and good health is the result of nourish
ing food. Use
Oregon Graham, Oregon Wheatola