Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 12, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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The "Clubby"
fr You start something lively
; when you produce "Bull" Dur
j ham in a crowd of live wire3
'and start "rolling your own."
jrThat fresh, mellow-sweet fra
grance of "Bull" Durham
I makes everyone reach for "the
'makings." -m A hand -rolled
I "Bull" Durham cigarette brims
over with ze3t and snap and
the sparkle of sprightly spirits.
0 genuine: ,
trass. . ' !
Made of'rich, ripe Virginia
North Carolina leaf, "Bull"
Durham is the mildest, mo9t
enjoyable tobacco in the world.
It. unique aroma and pleas
ing flavor give you wholesome,
lasting satisfaction.
' "Roll your own" with "Bull"
Durham and you'll discover a
new joy in smoking.
. Atk for FREE
ackottof "paptr"
with ath 6e tack.-
'JrS if""
Aggies Wer Defeated.
Ilieiversitv of California, Berkeley,
Cul., May 42. The Oregon "Aggies"
met defeat yesterday afternoon nt
tin- hands of the University of CuHfor
niu in the first gnmo of tlii iiiti-r-rol-JpjLfinto
coast clmin pioiili i p series. Tim
i o:'e was 5-2.
Try Capital Journal Want Ada,
12 to 15
HOMMt TRtAO j ,-..,
I r.wu X
When you buy your next tire m1te thU imple
teat. Let ua weigh a Michelin Universal Tire
in comparison with any other non-skid of the
lame size.
You ui'.l f,J ih, Mkhltn 12
fc 5;!i htavitt than Iht oxraft,
tin Mac ftrctnlmt irpmilr.f tn
Ik Jtn cf Iht Um nU tn Ih Hil,
ThU extra weight represent extra ruhher
and fabric, which meant extra service.
342 Center St. Salem, Oregon
(OisirjJ.Hi AUfY
War Causes Some of Eng
land's Best To Be Sent
Across Ocean
Louisville, Kv., Mnv 12. The class
iest field the Kentucky derby has'
brought together in many years will go j
In tlie post tomorrow wiieu the classic,
is run at historic Churchill downs.
llocniise of war conditions abroad, j
many of the greatest thoroughbreds in
England have been shipped to the T'ni-
ti'il Slates, recently anil a number of J
these have been nominated for thej
stake. Heciiuse of the class of the field, i
it is anticipated that such a crowd as
the derby lias never before drawn to
gether will attend. Thousands of per
sons who ordinarily would not be able
to witness such au event will be present
tomorrow because of the action of the
.jockey club in continuing free admit
tance to the infield for this one race.
Some estimate thnt more than 50,0111)
persons will me on hand when the bar
rier goes up.
The race is for throe-yonr-olds nud
the distance it mile and a ipiarter. .
Western League Gets 0' Toole.
Omaha, Neb., May 12. Marly O'
Toole, for whose services the Pittsburg
I 'i rates several years ago pnid $22,500,
the highest price ever paid 'for u base
ball player up to that time, is coming to
the Western league. Announcement of
his purchase by the Omaha club was
made todav. O 'Toole has recently been
playing with the Kansas City American
association club.
Best Bowlers .re There.
San Francisco, May 12. Many of the
best bowling aggregations of western
America ure entered in the tournament
of the, Pacific Const HowIitb' Telegraph
association which starts next Monday.
The scores ou the wide separated alleys
will be exchanged by telegraph. Mayor
Uolpli, of Sun Francisco, Is president
of the association. Following are the
Oregon nllovs, Portland, Ore.: Port
land alleys, Portland, Ore.; Vancouver
i.iH.rosse. c.luli, uncnuvor, U; C; Grand
Centrals, Los Angeles; Cascades, Snern
mento; Ogden-s, Ogden, 1'lah; I.arninics,
Laramie, Wyo.; Laramie Pandits, Lara
mie, Wyo.; Pendletons, Pendleton. Ore.
Astoria, Astoria, Ore.; Putte drill,
Hutte, Mont.; Minilrn (trill, Putte,
Mont.; Recreations, poise Idaho; For
mnns, Sail Jose, Cnl.;. Puckrats. Modes
lo; Woodlands, Woodland; Heavers, Cor
vallis, Ore.; Home Plates, Roise, Idaho;
and many ,Nnn Francisco teams,
Murbager to Meet Dillon.
New York, May 12. Sam Murbnger,
manager of Jack' Dillon, declared here
today that bis protege had been match
ed for n 10-routii bout with Frank
Mora it irt Brooklyn, June 24. According
to Murbnger, Dillon will receive 10,000
for Ins share anil Moras $20,000.
Six Rounds at Portland.
Portland, Ore., Mnv 12. A six-round
boxing bout between Hilly Wright of
f-enttle. and 1- rank LMriieau of uncoil
ver, B. (.'., at 1.12 pounds, is the head
liner on the card to be staged bv the
Hippodrome Athletic club tonight. Five
other ninteues or equal distance arc
American Regatta. Today.
Philadelphia, Pa., May 12. M.tny of
the best rowing crews in the wist 'will
compete in the: fourteenth annual mer
ican regatta on the Schuvkill river this
afternoon. Among the organizations
which have entered crews are the Pni
versity of Pennnsvlvnnin, Colunibr,,
Princeton, the IT. S. Naval aculeiev.
Cornell, Harvard, Yule, Syracuse, tlie
University Hargo crew of Philadelphia,
Extra Weight
ONLY - 1 H; irV.T Y r----rll
' 1
J; yliwljmy j
Public School Track
and Field Program
The promoters of the public
school truck and field meet on
Willamette field tomorrow pro-
pose to pull off the following
program of events on time and
the full day's schedule is given:
i:.,0 spelling contest at high
school building. $
10:00 Interscliolnstie track i
meet Swectlund field.
11:00 Folk dances (Compe-
titive), 'flag drill, folk dance,
bam dance .(costume), weuv-
ers' dance, Maypole, iiussiuu
hay-making dance. sj:
12:00 Picnic dinner. -if
1 :U0 Awarding of prizes.
2:00 Parade.
2:00 liirls' playground b-il!,
(Irant vs. Washington junior :
high, Swectlund field. '
2:no Haseball ame. Cham-
pionship of county. Woodou;-n
vs. Turner. ' ;
the Ariel crew of Baltimore, the t; n,1inr
club and several craex individual oars
men. There will b n inmilxip 'f r.p
different classes and over various dis
tances, 'the trophies to bo fought for
are the Childs cup, the Stuwnrds cup,
the Farragut cup, the Hchuykill chal
lenge cup, the 1'nited States nnvy eup
and the Franklin chnllngo cup.
I Watching the Scoreboard t
Pacific Coast League Standings
v l. I'.t
San Francisco 22 15 .5!i",
Los Angeles 18 H .riliS
eraon IK Ki r.ou
Salt Lake 15 HJ .484
Oakland . i(j 21 .4:12
Portland 10 17 ..170
Yesterday's Results .
At Portland San Francisco 4. Port.
land 1.
At Oakland Oakland 2, Salt Lake
.At Los Angeles Los Angeles 8, Ver
non 7. (10 tunings).
Warhon and Hannah, the saints bat
tery, wobled Lite in the day and Oak
land copped.
Wnr'nop hurled n wide one and Han
nah who was suffering from a slight
attack of sleeping sivkness let it roll
to the grand stand while a runner
romped home from the keystone wick.
Auyels got home a stride abend of
the Vernon Tigers in n nind house
TheTe were 20 hits cracked out dur
ing the lung afternoon both sides made
assorted errors in largo numbers and
17 free passes on balls were distrib
uted by the generous heavists.
Several batsmen were also hit by
pitched bnlls nud it was just one hor
ror after another.
P.odie and Jones honied for San Fran
cisco in Portlind and made two of
the Seals' winning tallies.
Shortstop llolloiher juggled the ball
when he had a chance to retire Seals
in . the second and they slammed over
two more.
Portland fans feel real happy about
the Heavers position in the league
whenever they stand on their heads
and read I he leigue lineup that way.
With one dead in the ninth I.njoie,
Walsh and Pick got hits, winning for
Philadelphia over the Tigers.
Culloo nn ertwliil,, 'P.t.t.ti'.tt 1.,.nyii.,
did the cannonnilimr for tlie Highland
ers and ontpitched Faber of the White
Sox. so Xew York won.
Hoblitzel tallied the winning tun for
the lied Sox against Cleveland when
i uaughtv srephry wade a foul ball
fnH-in fnir teritoiy nfter it had wnn
dered all over thezenith.
Pirates lost to the Giants on un error
by llouus Wagner".
Arrests Eczema's Progress), Soothes
and Heals Quickly
Ready to relieve your skin trouble
now, just when you nee I its help, is
I'oslam, the efficient remedy. (Quickest
for use when the skin breaks out in
any form, For pimples," eczema, rashes,
its uealing power should bring About
noticeable impiovenient nfier very
brief treatment. Itching slaps. Inflam
mution is allaved. Its benefits are all
out of proportion to its trifling cost.
.Moreover, 1 oslam is safe to use; can
not injure the most delicate ski'i.
Polsum Soup, which contains I'oslam,
is the tonic soap for use on the skin
duly, for toilet and bath.
For sample, send 4c stamps lo Einer
ueiicp Laboratories, 32 West 23th St.,
New York City. Sold by nil druggists.
Willamette University
Baseball Team Plays
ML Angel Tomorrow
The Willamette university biisebnll
tenia goes to Mt. Angel tomorrow for
a game with the crack Mt. Angel college
team, ( each Matthews will use either
Wexford or Adams in the box wilh the
alternate twirler in left field. Tasto
will work at short with Grovesnor at
second. Brown will act as shock absorb
er for the W. P. moiindsman, Miller
will pbiv first with Gates on the op
posite comer. Sliisler and Troetor will
fill the two nnttield vacancies and Oral-
lop will mib.
Willamette will play O. A. C. at Cor
vnllis May 19 and McMinnville college
in Salem Mav 2d which will end the
baseball bousou fur Willamette.
' will absorb drayage and handling
4c (charges on ill ear load freight from
PITY NEW? ; and to Portland and beyond. This ap-
vlll llCilu plies to warehouse ami industries lo
ft leafed on the Southern Pacific and not
Dollar Berries 10c box. Eugene as-
oaraL'us 2 for 2;ie. Florida tomatoes
2 lbs. for 3jc. cucumbers l'e Koth
Uroc. Co.
While playing in his home yard yes
terday afternoon, Herbert Parker, 11
year old son of Charles Parker, liv
ing at Fifteenth and Nebraska streets
was attucked by a vicious dog and
hitten on the lip. Dr. Robertson was
called to dress the wound, but the boy
will carry .in ugly scar. The dog is
a brown .and white mongrel, and al-
though complaints have beer, made, the
log is still at large in the neighbor
The camp grounds at the state fair
grounds have been denied up and
made presentable by Mr. Tozier and
Mr. Sutton. The weeds have been har
vested, lawns mowed) lots rcstaked,
water made convenient and everything
possible done to make the camp grounds
attractive and "handy". The grounds
are free for camping parties unl tour
ing auto parties are eespeciully invited
to make use of them. Salemites are
also requested to visit the grounds,
and see what a little energy well di
rected has accomplished.
Tne Tru-Blu lady will be at WeUer,orj p.in J.nngenberg an, I the other
Pros, all this week demonstrating thej;m ,m.,hers who did their best to en
goodness of Tru-lilu biscuit, dainty (tertain the public it the two benefit
wafers and cakes. She will be delight-1 concerts given at the Oregon theatre
ed to serve you. J this week, are of the opinion that the
o (Salem puidic appreciates good music.
Captain Max Gehlliar today received; As an evidence of this fact, the thea
:il medals from the inspector of smnll I tro was crowded both evenings, and at
arms practice of the third regiment of i all times the audience showed its ap-
O. .. (J. for the members of company
M. There were 11 expert medals and
20 marksman medals. Seven sharp
shooters med Us have not yet arrived
from the adjutant 's office. These med
als were won last year in the record
practice on Finzer range when com
pany M qualified a total of 30 men.
Already this year 42 have qualified
and the officers expect a much better
percentage of m trksmanship this year.
There will t a meeting of the Mar
ion county Democratic Central com
mittee at the court house Saturday,
Mav l.'lth at 2 in the afternoon. All
democrats are invited. P. L. Frazier,
chairman. V in. Fleming, secret irv.pd.
Pd". ad.
Effective in Oregon May 18, and Inter-state,
June 12, tho Oregon Klectric
8 Acres, house, barn, chicken house,
fine springs, somo fruit, 5 acres plow
hind, 7 miles 'out. Price $1,8.10; $100
cash, balance 0 per cent.
120 acres, 50 in cultivation, 20
acres liottom land. All stock, tools,
machinery, household goods. This is a
snap; good buildings, fine springs, good
stock. 1 mile to stntiou and school.
Price $3,000; $4,000 cash, balance time
at 5 per cent.
40 acres, $7.1 per acre; .1 miles to
railroad station, 1 1-4 mile to school;
2-3 cleared land, balance timber. $1,000
cash, balance time at C per cent. (7
miles out of Salem.)
203 acres, in Linn County, $13 per
acre; 80 acres plow land, balance rough
pasture land with fine springs. GooH
buildings, on li. F. D., cream route, has
telephone, 0 miles from Scio. Will take
city property, $2,100 to $3000, or will
tako (unullt'r acreage to $4000 or $.1000,
balance time at 0 per cent.
See J. A. MILLS,
H84 State St. Phone 16
Robert's SALEM
It !i
' served by the Oregon Klectnc. Tins
;was brought abo'ut from the fact that
there is no physical connection between,
I the two railroads in the Willamette
valley. It will Save loci! merchants
idrnvage charges to and from warehous
es in car lots.
Notice to Voters
I was in error whorKl stated that
the road master received 4."i00 per an-
num. as he receives $7.00 per dav. Some
i of the papers in the north end of the
county liAve quoted me and 1 wish it
to be corrected. Respectfully, Monroe
Xve. I'd. adv.
Tie juvenile Artisan band from Port
land, with X instruments, will play on
the steps of the state house Saturday
morning at 11:30 o'clock, where they
Willi be welnomed along with other
Portland visiting Artisans by Mayor
Hurley O. White. After the short con
cert on the steps of the state house,
dinner will be served on the lawn in
Willson park, and the juvenile band
will continue its concert in the band
stand. The band will play Saturday
evening on the streets, before the be
ginning of the Artisan play at the opera
Tlie manager of the Orpheus Male
horns, A. L. Wallace, and the direct-
preci.ition bv repented euchoces. An
other thing that pleases the chorus is
the fact that $.10 was realized, all of
which the manager say wil' fome
The Capital Drug store, Z. J. Riggs,
owner, is tod iy moving into its new lo
cation in the McGilchrist building,
State und Liberty streets. Mr. Riggs
has had 20 years experience as a drug
gist, and during most of this time
has specialized on prescription work.
The new store compares favorably with
the best in the northwest, in general
equipment as well as in service. Mr.
Riggs received his early training in
prescription work -and as a druggist
in San Francisco, and for the past
four years has been the owner of the
Capital Drug Store while located in the
Masonic Temple building.
The congregations of tie Central
Congregational church have been grow
iinr to such an extent during the last
year th.it the present church waa found
to be entirely inadequate to accom
modate those wishing to attend. With
a view of learning just what amount
the members would contribute towards
enlarging the church, a committee was
appointed to solicit funds. At a meet
ing held last evening, this committee
reported that with but very little ef
fort, the sum of $708 has been sub
scribed, and is this amount was as
sured, tho trustees decided to begin at
once improvements that would double
the dentins' capacity of the church.
The Rev. H. E. Stover is pastor. '
Try Capital Journal want Ada.
6 rooms midway between New-
port and Nye Beach. Also fur-
nisheid housekeeping rooms
near to beach. Inquire of
Mrs. P. L. Russell at Beach
St., 0 and 10 cent store.
Quality Clothes
That word means something
these days, quality clothes are
getting scarce.
We offer a fine selection of all
wool, fast color fabrics. They
$20 $25 $30
. $15 $20 $25
v Come in and examine them,
the quality is in them. Our ex
perience in the manufacture of
woolen goods has been of great
benefit to us, in securing stand
ard quality this year without
raising our prices.
PHOXE 937 For wood saw. tf YOUNG CALF Wanted. Thone 62F-
I 14. mayll
TEAM WANTED Phone 132. tf
MEN WANTED To hoo hops, Bolter
HARRY Window cleaner, Phone 708. hop yards, Brooks. mayl7
, WANTED Good fresh cow, cheap for
WHITE FIR WOOD choppers wanted. cash, Route 7, box 17. uiapll
Phone 80F11. tf : ;
iOR SALE Gold coin seed potatoes.
FOR SALE $1000 mortgage for $000. Call 97F11 at meal times. miyl3
A care Journal. tf T, : T"
; BROOD SOW For sale, soon to far-
FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor row, A. G. Dalrymple, Maclcay, Or.
401 N. Cottage. tf mayl5
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap- FURNISHED Modern five- room
ital Journal office. tf house, $8.50 per month. 1449 Trade.
: mayl3
FOR RENT Modern 4 room house well :
furnished. Phone 79SW. tf WANTED Reliablo boy for ranch
- work. Address A. M. care Journal.
TWO Camp wagons for s.ile cheap. inayl2
Will sell separately, 001 Front, ma 13
FOR. SALE Household goods in excel-
H K ES FOR SALE Four stands of nt condition, see them at 10 S. 14
good bees. Call 1740 S. Liberty St. St. Mayl3
may 1 3
, rr: Z 1 oTT. FOR SALE Sandwich hav press and
HKST I DhH-Xincuar tor ale. -0c R -
per gallon, Philip Gilbert, h. .1, box g. ,avn
ed 110. Phone 3I1'22. niayl.3 &alem- myA
-, vmiT, ...,v i , ,., fr"01 RENT New modern, 5 room cot-
WANTKD-Cnildren or invalid to care , , furnished. 13. W. Macy,
tor at home l c cronce on . npnlira- pne 815. tf
tion. Mrs. "11" 170 N. 23d St.' m 13
-.v-r.,.T ., 7r "7"! i IT 1,011 SALE By owner, 200 S. 20ta
WANTED or 4 furnished house- strect m0(1ern ' b , at
keeping rooms cose in for to In- bargain. mayl3
dies. Address A L cue Journal, in 16 2 J
, ,,.,. 7, I '. TT FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping
I HAVL-Soine cash customers for 8ppartlnent9 ratea reasonab!e
farms if price is right. See John m Cour'fc ' tf
II. Scott at once, over Chicago store. J
nm-vH WANTED To buy mohair. East Sa-
..,.. I 7Z , lem Tannery, 25th and Oak streets.
320 ACRES Canad.i land to exchange phone 2m tf
for (iO to 80 acre farm near Salem.
V. H. Grabenhorst &. Co., 273 State .WANTED To buy mohair. East Sa-
st- V , lem Tannery, 25th and Oak streets.
FOUR ROOM Modern house, large Phone 2100-M. mayl-t
corner lot. two blocks of State street
Price $10.10; $.10 down, $10 a month, FOR RENT 5 room modern house,
no interest for two years. See A. 1441 Trade St., Enquire W. A. Li-
Kittennnn. with W. 1L Grabenhorst ton, 484 Court St. tf
& Co., 275 State St. mayl2
' . FOR RENT Furnished and unfurniah-
1,10 ACRE DAIRY RANCH All clear ed rooms in Hubbard building. W.
And cultivated 30 acres clover, 00 H. Norria. Room 304. tf
acres oats, 30 acres vetch and oats, .rr, , , . . : T
new nine room house and barn, 10 OR SALE Good driving mare, broke-
milch cows, team and crop. Price $90 to nde, gentle. Call Harold Eakin,
an acre. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.? usi state pboa 1172J- maylS
27.1 State St. may 12 '
FOR RENT-Furnished room, outside
in m-iiiii-i MiimnTmn-nWTl-irHt entrance hot and cold water, 250
" a Cottage. Phone 773R. mayl2
OUR PRlfFS FOR SALE Duroc Jersey pigs, $3.00
36F11, K. C. Parcy, R. 3, may 13
Until FlirtW Nflfif A FOR RENT Nice furnished room in
UUU1 1 Ul UKl 11 U UVC ,ew house j private fnmiyi 3 blocks
from P. O. inquire O-l 0 care Journ-
No. 9 sack white cornmeal 30c 1. tf
No- 9 yellow cornmeal .....30c WANTED To trade $1000 equity ia
Five pounds box Macaroi....30c farm for al,tnmobile or lot in Salem.
No. '9 Cream Cereal 30c Address "Farmer" care ' Capital
No. 9 sack Graham 30C Journal. maylj
No. 9 sack Pancake Flour.... 30c TO TRADE 31 acres near Oatt Grove,
.No. 9 Self Rising Flour 30c in Polk eounty for Salem residence.
Five pounds best cream rolled WjS' A' E' Be"' I00'a 229 ""IS
Oats - 25c haii b'ag- J!
Large package Liberty Oats 30c HOUSE BARGAIN Good 5 room cot
Large pkg. Liberty wheat.... 30C Be lar28 lot, good barn, fruit trees,
T-kW 5i";,i n.v Pri("e 825 terms, worth $1500. See-
3 cans Libby's Solid Pack u Bechtel' : m ,3
Tomntfias -, - 25c ,
Creamery Butter, pound 35c FOR SALE 3 half truck Studcbaker
3 cans choice Iowa Corn- ......25c Y'U tra? for heavi"wa?on'
eordwood or stumpage. 2786 Lee.
Phone 1322-J. tf
R. N. MORRIS FOR RENT Business block room, size
- , 18xl8 feet. 407 State street. In-
rie DeUvery. Phone 1467 quire at 463 State. Fhonc, 1009.
' Maurice Klinger. tf
Just Wright
$4.50 and $5 ,
city property to exchange for mer
chandise of any kind, any where.
Address box 28, Cnbtree, Or, tf
FOR SALE A fine '80 acre farm 3
miles from. Salem all in cultivation,
only $125 per acre, will take $6000
in other property, must be good, tf
up to date power equipment. List
your OTders at Salem Fuel Yards.
Fhonc 529. Densmore & Frcsia. tf
RUBBER HEELS 40c till June first.
Any hind you want also have rub
ber soles for .English shoes, white,
tan or black. 19th and State, mayl.1
FOR SALE 113 acres of highly im
proved black soil 3-4 mile from town
on S. P. highway. For full particu
lars write Mrs. A. Lehgren, Gcrvais.
Ore. . . maylll
12ACRES Close in at a sacrifice for
a few days, price $100 per. acre,
worth $200. Don't phone, but eomo
to our office and let L. Bechtel show
you the land. niayl
WANTED $300 for three or five
years on first mortgage on 80 acres
1-2 of which is bottom, land with
house and outbuildings. Address O.
Weber, R. 8, box 27. niay!3
FOR SALE A fine 80 acre farm 3
miles from 8alem all in cultivation,
only $125 per acre, will take $6000
In other property, must b godl
Thone 1644, Laflar & Bolinger. tf
FOR EXCHANGE For good dairy
farm four nearly new, modern houses,
well located, rented, in Santa Ana,
Calif. Address owner. C. F. White,
830 E. 2d St. SanU Ana. Calif. mal3
FOR SALE 310 acre farm, suitahbs
ror dairy and stock, sme verv fine
liottom land, about SO acres, h (s been
plowed, balance pasture apd timber
most of land can be put under cul
tivation, running creek, fenced; lo
cated on main county road. Locate.!
5 miles from good town and railroad!
12 miles from Salem. If yon . are
are looking for x pood bvy, see us.
Price $3.1 per acre. Terms 011 part at
6 per cent interest. W. H. Graben
horst 4Co.. 27.1 State St. mavlJ
H "ME DYfor M E N