Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 11, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    ' EIGHT
"Salem's Big Department Store"
, .
- ttTtt ft ft ttTTtTI
A Continued Riddance of
omen s
By Purchasing Here NOW
inery Offerings ii
Visit this section tomorrow and see the wonderful values in our great Clean-Up of all Hats. New York
styles no two alike. Come and take your pick in this final clearance at almost give-away prices.
The season's newest styles and fabrics included in this big lot; also many of the popuiar ' Sport ' models
Clearance Sale Prices '. , $8 65
Suit prices have been cut in two and in many cases are less than half. Millinery selling in the sweeping
clearance, at almost give away prices.
Just visit this section and see the great opportunities for saving big money on your purchases. Come and
see for yourself. You take no chances when you purchase here for we guarantee quality and satisfaction.
Clearance Prices on All Women's and Misses Suits. Clearance Prices on AH Women's and Misses' Skirts.
Clearance Prices on All Women's and Misses' Coats. Clearance Prices on All Women's and Misses' Waists
Clearance Prices on All Women's and Misses' Dresses. Great Final Cleanup of AH Millinery.
Salem Agents for W. B. Corsets,
Onyx Hosiery, Munsing Union Suits
Butterick Patterns & Publications
" t "KfKt KKK rKKKKr K K '
Let the Capital Journal New Today
Ooluiuu put jour dollara on the right
Daily Between
Snlem, Stnyton, Mill City and all way
1'uiutB. Leaves Will City 6:15 a. m.;
Muyton 7:45, Salem, 0:15.
Ketuin, leaves Hulom 4:30 p. m.!
riuyiun o:iu; aim uity
Phone 13
All Aroma 1
Cars of any kind for any place
at any time.
Office, Bllgh Hotel
-m ! m l mi M 1 1 1 fi il m
1 r m . i
limy or bcU fi ;H"5jV
Furniture for L- "
cash. Piione I ; tv,-,A ,
fill, Woodry,
tie ,''''' f
Auctioneer j J ,4''1J
Licensed Lady
Moderate Pricei
Terfoct Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Parlors .
Phone 721 Salens, Ore.
Dr. Btono'i drug store.
May 12. 0. A. C. (.'a. lot banl lit
May 13. Juvenile Artisans at
opera house, with l'mtliiiid
Juvenile Artisan hand.
M.iy l.'l. Marion County field
day nnd carnival.
May 17. tlloo club mid voting
ladies elub of Willamette
University at Firs .Metho
dist ehiireh.
May I!). lYimnry election.
May a.H. llig'.i school baccalau
reate services, Viral Mctho
tlist church.
M.iy IK). Memorial Da v.
May HI. "liobin HoiHtj" pomie,
opera, ut high Bchool audi
toriuni, June 1. Kilts' home-coming
celebratiim at armory.
Juno 2. High school commence
ment exercises at Armory,
June 2. Kimball college com
mencement, 2:l!0 p. m.
Invitations have" boen Issued by the
trustees an. I faculty of tlie Kimball
( ollogo of Theology for the
extent that the frost acted in rather
a spotty way, as fruit men suy, nnd
I that vegetables in most of the gardens
'are going right on growing.
uaruen tools and hose at special
prices. K. 1.. Stiff (,n.
The Tm-Blu lady will be at Weller
Bros, all this week demonstrating the
goodness of Tni-lilue biscuit, dnintv
wafers and eaUes. She will be delight
ed to serve you.
The Elks are gradually coming in, aa
600 Dine at State
Grangers' Banquet
Giants Tass, Ore., May 10. Six hun-
areu orangera and invited gae.sts sat
down to a banquet at Dreamland r-iik,
which tlu grangers pro.v.ii.'ncj ihe n
est ever served to a sta e grang? ton
vent'on. Many happy ton's aud le
sponses were given, the toi.ini i-u ?r le
ing Wilford Allen, prcyiteut of the
Orants Pass Commercial cljh,-
Music was rendered tnr nigbout th-!
evening by the Moose hau l cf this city.
Mayor Trims, on behnlf of the eitj;
Daniel Hull, for the Commercial c'ub.
aud Mollie Belding. for the I.ortiJi'
Auxiliary, each responded lo the ijran-!
gers' toast of appreeiatiou for Or.utsl
I'asa and the Bogue River valley.
A.' II. Cason represented the .h-;
ine Pomona grange, while Strife Mas
tef Spence and Jann-s .Wheeler g.ivej
most interesting S)veeches on behalf, of I
the state grange. Mrs. A-iaa R. S'f i? er.-i
son, of Portland, made the clu-inj i
dress. She spoke for the nnoffl.'ial-
visitors. Further reports w n: heard
this afternoon and discuss"!
As mi interesting sidelight, the Klks
of Medford ennie to G.-am P'lts Ja
night by special train, 200 strung;, rnd
toidc charge of the eitv. sp'eiidid
minstrel show was stag"d by the vis
itors, and a banquet tor ii'llj gi.ests
given at Josephine hotel. The Midicrd
special returned at midnir,rl: the visit-j
ing Klks vowing they had bce ro; il!y!
entertained. I
The grange late tonight elect;! the
following officers for the coining year:
Master, C. h. Spence, or (tiegcn '.'ity: '
overseer, C. D. Huffman, it le.vllefon;
secretary, Mrs. Mary Howard, of Mu
lino; treasurer, H. Her.sberf, of IikIc
pendenee; chaplain, Cyrus Walker, v!
Albany; steward, M. P. Yoini', of Clnfs- j
knnie; assistant steward, hurles Ht.ys, !
of Sheridan; lndy steward, Mm. U. R. j
Allen, of Tangent; Pomona, Mrs. U. D. '
Milhells. of (iiauts Pass. !
The 1U17 session of the grange will I
be held at Astoria. I
Buy one of our new Orbo;i De Luxe
Ranges, :i!l.t;o to K. I,. Stiff &-
H. S. Hudson supreme master Artisan j
accompanied by hs wife and son will!
be in the city for the .juvenile Artisan
entertainment to be given Saturday'
evening. ('. L. McKenna, supreme sec-'
retry of the Artisans, of Portland, and j
Judge Morrow are also expected to at- j
tend the performance. Mrs. Ella Watt,!
who has been in Portland for several
days will return tomorrow accompanied j
by several Artisan friends who will:
remain in the city to witness the jure-
nile work.
La Ctroua cigars speak for them
selves, more quality' and satisfaction"
than evty- was put into one cigar. I
Here is a chance for a new manu-l
fai'turing industry and the chance isj
open to all comers. The post office
department has decreed that afterl
July 1, only two kinds of rural mail j
boxes may be used, one for letters,!
and the other large enough for alll
kinds of mail, including parcel posti
packages. Any firm may manufacture!
iiieni, and the specifications may be i
had by writiiv,' the fourth assistant
postmaster general, division of equip-j
inent and supplies, post office depart-1
Orbon de Luxe Range
The Orbon De Luxe is made of pure Ingot Iron, the
best materia in the world for stove bodies. We ab
solutely guarantee these bodies not to pit or rust
out. With the worst possible treatment they will
only show a little surface rust. This Range is built
first class throughout and is "The best Range in
ifiliw Prices
k: $39.60
ij'f I'l . . lo
Jlfflfew? $53.00
V 02
We will allow you the best of prices for your old
one in exchange. Try us.
If you want a wonderful attractive stove of good
quality and style see our ORBON IDEAL.
PRICES $23.50 TO $37.50
Visit our Exchange Department the place of a
thousand bargains and you can furnish your home
E. L. Stiff & Son
"The Stove House of the Willamette Valley'
ment, Washington, 1)
The Sonora Talking Machine won'
first prize for clearness and sweetness j
of tone at Sau Prancisco. Myrtle Know
kind, 4-1 Court.
Mayor Harlcy O. White is in receipt
of .1 letter tins morning from the sec
retary of the League to Enforce Peace
notifying him that William Howard
Taft, president of the League wouljl
like to be informed whether the mayor
had uppointed delegates to the meet
ing of the League to be held in Wash
ington, May 'Jii-J7. Already ."00 prom-1
itienr. cni.ens iiom nil puns or me
country have signified their intentions
of 'Attending, and if nnv leading cit-
, .mi, in, in i , iv, Co mni'u m-,11 .n ,1... 1 . i ... i t, .1 . .
ment exercises to be held in Kimball ; ' . ... " VW ' V " " ' lz( " 1,1 um. w 01 111 UK'. .Inc l,r"l', r
ri n-- ... .......ii in,: hmia;v
mil, nt ':.",0 o
,1 ii lie 2.
lock Friday afternoon,
Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses.
The river is rising, and today the
guage shows a depth of S.r feet above
low water mailt. The rainfall during
the Ul hours preceding M n 'clock this
morning was .10 of an inch, making the
total rainf.ill so far this mouth I.4S
lonignt. And the lug event
year will take place at the
Thursday evening Juno 1 at the home
coming celebration, when hundreds of
Elks are expected lo return to recall
the days of long ago, when the Klk
herd was not as numerous as in the
present day.
redentials. said
of the the mayor.
itizen might apply to
Dinner dance in main dining room
of Hotel M irion Friday evening. May
1-. I he course dinner served at i p. ;
m. Music 7:30 to 10::!0 p. m. by
striutr orchestra. Parties recumug
large tables should make reservations t
earlv. l.f)0 I'er tierson. (.'has (i. Mil-.
Our prices are right, no reduction ; ler, Manager. j
necessary. Gardner ii Keene, j-l..r. !
and opticians. i
Removal Notice
Dr. Mendelsohn, ipeclallst, flu (Iftss
i correctly. U. 8. liank. Wldg.
Twenty six car loads of hogs have
been shipped lo Portland bv Kvre and
t'lvannugfi, since the firm began ship-
piiitr six mouths ngo. Two ear loads
were shipped today.
Make the Capital Hotel your head
quarters whilo in tiie eitv. Rooms 50
oeutH up to $1.00. Special Weekly rntes.
Opposite Bush's bank, tf
Oleasou Bishop, who lived here sev
eral years ago and was employed nt
the Haines more, was mariied last
week in Indianapolis, where he Is em
ployed as manager of . ithoe store,
W hav brought you Ice competi
tion. Its now up to you to tuport
the new company to retain a Tegular
moderate price with perfect servien.
City Market Ice & Coal Co. Tel. 474.
o t
H. It. Hirschhorg of Independence
was elected treasurer of the Smte
(range yesterday, nt the minuil ses
sion of the grange at (Jraiits Pass.
('. K. Spvuee of Oregon I'ity was elect
ed muster.
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, culmination or prescrip
tion, tf
Comotory Cleanup Dey Cemetery Dr. F. L. Utter recently bought a lot
cleanup day Monday, May 2!, nil in-jon (Ink street, between High .uid Lib-
"'""'i come out. i ue iiowen rrai- erty streets, m what is known as part!
rie cemetery association, lialph 1 of the Lord property. A F. Marcus1
0,111111 tfjWiis the grantor, and the eonsidera-
t , 0 was A house and lot in
Jack EUiott Of Salom was yesterday I Knglewood was also lately' purchased
chosen a member of the I'niversity ofjby Harry Looinis from Mrs. I.vdia
Oregon student body, an honor much Probst, for a consideration of iM.'I.Vb
coveted by the students of the insti- Hoth triusfers being hnndled by W.
t nt ion. Fur the imst year, he has been 1 11. Grahenhorsi . sn
We pay the highest prices for used
furniture. K. L. Stiff Son.
While others are reducing we are
malinger ol the universitp base ball
team, lie is a son of V. A. KUiott,
state forreter.
We can save you money on garden
mill, n.,1, llrnd AY H...,n ' . I . . ,
..dv.. w nrni, I'liiiuut-rn, II1C.I Cltsillg OUT STOCK. I nerC 8 tt TOU-t
355 Cliieket St. Phone 1900. , tfjson? ask us. Gardner & Keene, jewel-'
o (era and opticians. I
Salem lodge No. 4, A. T. & A. M., o I
and Pacific lodge No. ,"u), A. F. & A. M. About 200 children wil take part in1
w ill hold a joint meeting next Wed-1 the excrcilses to be held nt the opera
nesdiiy evening nt the Masonic Temple, j house Saturday evening when the
when an address will be delivered bv
W. O. ltristol, pist grand master of
the state of Oregon. Other prominent
Masons will take pari in the evening's
The Handwriting on the WaU Eli
ha P. Morcoiu of Woodburn for cir
cuit judge. Pa. adv.
Before the city council at the meet-
Court of Fairis and the Court of Leg-!
enos, oi tne juvenile Artisans give
their entertainment. The order of Ju
venile Artisans, as a branch of the,
I'uited Artisans, has been rapidly,
growing since its forst organization iii!
the state last January the total num
ber in the state being between 1.100'
and 1400. ' i
Trade in your old steve as part pay
ing next Monday evening, wilt come ment for one of our Orbon He Luxe
ranges. K, L. Stiff & Son.
Trade papers are saying something
about sugar advancing another notch
an ordinance permitting the Southern
Pacific to construct a tank fur en
gine distillate on its property between
Twelfth and Fourteenth Street. The
tana w ill lie of average size, cafuble ' within n few- Jivs Sin.... ,.. h... v..i
of huldiag 1S00 guUoii. j tliia habit for tho p.-.st year! the news
is not very aJiirmiiig to the good
I ae encouraging part of
o i is nor. viii-v
AU parties owing Peti Furniture Co. housekeeper.
can settle accounts with O. L. Me- the report is that this time the
i cck ai zi i .ortn ( ominemal or h.jis only five cents a hundred. Let
i cctz oo.i .Minn mgn. may 10 , pimp. T.ie canning season is a long
o (way off. ' -
The heavy frost last night wa ratlY-i 0
er discouraging to those who have been ; The Deaf Mute strike out wonder
giving their spare time towards culti-; will tw irl against Salem Sunday.:
vntnig early spring vegetables. In sev-. Forty one strike outs in eighteen lit
eral places, consider ible damage was Ling's. Some record. Can he hold the'
done, but the general report is to the Loju bunch 1 mavU
The Bigger
the greater the demand
upon brain and body.
For keeping the mental
and physical forces fit,
right food is necessary. It
must supply certain min
eral elements stored by
Nature in the field grains,
but lacking in much of the
food of the usual dietary.
made of whole wheat and
malted barley, supplies all
the rich nourishment of
the grains, including those
vital mineral elements
which are all-important
for building sturdy brain,
nerve and muscle.
For the bigger work of
tomorrow Grape-Nuts.
"There's a Reason"
Sold by Grocers.
We will be in our new loca
tion Monday, May 15th, and
open for business.
The New McGilchrist Building
We would like to figure on your next
bill of lumber or building material-.
Falls Citv-S.ilcm Lumber Co., ol'J S.
lith st.
Male chorus would .lp'pear in a special
program was responsible for the hug
attendance last evening at the Orcgoi.
theatre. Dining the past year, th -chorus
has made a remark.ilile impiou
ment in its chorus work under the di
rectum of Dun I , I.aiiL'enbeitr. .Mi-.
the nccomnninst. in In
her piano was culled on to respond to
repeater enchores. The comedy war.
of lleorge C. L. Snyder, in his singiiiL,
a nd special trained animal act plcnse-l
the .uidience immensely, and the vau
deville skit of (iahrielsou and Whit -was
l-eall up to the professional stan
dard, and everybody enjoyed thoi'
work. The benefit us a whole met with
enthusiastic approval, as evidenced bv'
the repeated enchores. and will be o i
again this evening.
The O. A. C. Cadet band will give ?.
concert at the armory in Salem Prida .
evening beginning at S o'clock sharp.
This band is composed of 40 piecM
and was the official band nt the Ore
gon building during their three week .
stay at the San Fram-isco fair 1 i-t
year. The concert will be followed li
nn informal dance to be given bv th
Salem club of l. A. C. in hnn or of tn..
isigne.l, does not include more than two senior class of Salem high school. TU
thirds of the area involved and for dance .music will be furnished bv th
j this reason, the improvement will be cadet band. Tickets for the coiicen.
made. As the South Commercial street are on sale at Ward's ding store. Ad
jwwing is practically assured, the par-j mission '-o cents. mav
iinif pi 'ut recently ordered w ill be put o
!m work, first on the fair grounds road. L. Bechtel. the real estate man, niad
where about 10 blocks will lie improv a business trip to Kin"s Vallev veste -
'd, three blocks on the Portland roal.jday, driving; l-n miles through Albair
even blocks on Church street and (and Corvalli. lie reports the roa.U
fourteen bhu ks on South Commercial, t in fine condition for this time of vein.
making a total of .14 blocks practically I 0
assured. It is probable that improx e- A social will be held at the Unitai
ment will nbn be made on North Fifth ian church Frid ir evening. Friend
ureet, i an.i i iiuvcu street. ami m.jiil.ers of the clnin-h are invited.
The announcement of the Orpheus! Try Capital Journal Want Ada.
The East Willamette association of
Congregational churches closed the nn
! mini session in the eitv last evening
I nun ine election oi .. r vt neeler ot -Minelie tdooni
: r.ugene as moderator. Other officers
elected were: Rev. W. II, Farqiur.
Ashland, assistant modenitor; Rev. F.
''. Hutler. Hubbard, preacher. The fob
; lowing w ere elected on the aih isory
hoard: 11. X. Smith. Jennings Lodge,
Joseph Van Cleve, H. C. Dye, Oregon
City, all for one year, and Her. K. T.
iSh.ermnu. Corvnllis; Hev. H. C. Stover,
Salem, and Mrs. Alice II. Dodd, Salem,
for two years. The convention was
jwell Attended. The next meeting place
jhas, not been chosen.
j Baseball Sunday, May 14th, 3 p. m.
' Woodland vs. I.oiu.League puk. Watch
Salem's big league battery Din-hum and
Hauser show them up. uuiyl-t
The remonstrance against the pro
posed paving of Church street, accord
ing to those who have figured the sn-
lurt'i,.!fil men ..u-n.i.l 1.,- tl,,..., U