"HEEZA WTsurm luck: ILL Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per tvok"d for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion C1IIROPRACTIC-SPINOLOGIST 111!. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practio's Fountain Hiul, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything nml got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 4IM-7-S V. S. Xational Hank 1 tu i ! 1 1 i 11 Phone Main ST. Kesidenee Main N-JH-H. CLEANERS AND DYERS APPAREL SKRVHT COMPANY 108 South High street. We clean press, repair, remodel nml re-line clothing and furs. Careful attention given ill work. We call and deliver. Phone Tl'H. DENTISTS. Dti. O. A. OLSON", Dentist Adminis ters nitrous oid and oxygen gas. Room 21 4. Masonic .Temple, Phone 440. Salem. Oregon LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. IV W. Protection Lodge. No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at S In the RU-Cornnck hall, corner Couiit and Liberty streets. It. (. lionnliNon, M. V. : S. A. Mcl-'nddcn, recorder ; A. I.. Ilrown. Ilniincler. kau:.m i.ciiMii: xo. 4. a. f. . a. m . stated coniiuuniciitious llrst Friday In ciieli nioutti at 7 ::m p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Chns. McCarier. W. ,JJ. ; S. Z. Culver, secrelury, . ',, SAI.KM HCMANP SOCIETY D. P. Keeler. president: .Mrs. Lou-THIson. secretary. All . tases of cruelty, or neglect of ilumb'-nnl-ranis should lie reported le-ilte si-etvlar? for investigation. i . CKSTRAt. T.OTifin.VXo. 18. K, of P. Mc cormick biitlilltipT- Tuesday evening of each week at 7 :".. J. (1. Ilelf.el, I . C V. It. (lllson, K. of It. and s. .' It. N. fir A. "Oregon Crape Cainp." Xo. I.'ltl'i, meets every Thursday evenlii! in McCorunck building. Court ami Liberty streets: elevator. Mrs. Sylvia S,-bnupi. 17111 .Market, oracle: Mrs. Melissa I'er . sons, recorder. 121HJ Xonh I'omniercial. Phone 14;ttlM. MOIIIvliN WOODVIKN OF AMKUK'A Ore jion redar Camp, No. i24il, meets every Thursday evening ,nr 8 o'clock in Me fornaeU hull, corner Court nad Liberty Ktieets. Llevalor service, l,eu. ICciuohl V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk. CIIAHWICK CIIAPTKIS. Xo. .17. (1. K. S licubir incline every first and third Tuesduv at 8 p. in. iu the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Mueller. W. M. ; Ma M. ilahcock. secrelury. WOOPMKN Ol'' THi: WOlil.n Meet every 1'rldav night nt 8 o'clock iu M.i'ornaik hlo' k. It. W. Mni cv. v. '. : 1.. S. I clet'k. 507 Court street, l'houe fi!i.'t. Ill' MOI.AY CfiMMAXnmtY. Xo. .". IC. T. Itcgular conclave fourili Friday Iu each inontll lit 8 o'clock, p in., in M:isollie Tem ple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courte ously Invited to ni-'et Willi us Lot L. Venrce. K ('., Frank Turner, recorder, MI'l.TXOMAU ItOYAI. AISI'II CHAffF.!!. No. 1. II. A. M. Hesular meeilng second Friday Iu eacli month at 8 p. in.. In the Masonic Temple. Kay F. Ith-uardsoti, Fx. High Priest: llussell if. P.rooks, secretary. PNITF.I) Alti'ISANS tapitnl Assembly. No. 84. meets everv Wednesday at n p. ni. in Moose hall. C. O. Mailock. M. A.: r. ,. lUndull, secretary, Salem liank of roinnierce. noiisox ('(ir xi iL. xo. 1. n. & s m stated assembly llrst Monday In each month. Masonic Temple. X. I Itasruus. sen. Thrice Illustrious Master; (llenu C. iies. recorder. MISCELLANEOUS KEDITED I'ltinCIIT RATES To mid from all points east; oi. all household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, .agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, Pil South Coin inercinl street. Phone Main !:!:!. FOR RENT MOPF.RN 5-ltOOM HOI'SE Furnish ed, fornt. .!. Phone 1737-W. tf FOR R-:XT -Nicely furni-lied house keeping rooms reasonable. yVi North Commercial street. tf FINE 6 room flat for rent, modern, j Furnished of unfurnished. Ihi-I X. 1 l.iliertv St. plume 1:11. tf' SCOTTS RESTAURANT fclKALS l"ii nn.l up. Iloti-al.es urj mush anil milk free with till break-j fast orders. Soup, bread mid butter 2 vegetables and pie. ten. coffee or; milk .iihl 1 kind of meat for lie: 2j kinds of loeaf for 2.V. Short orders' nny time nf day. S-otts 1"!' S. Com-I tnercial St. I 8CAVANGER I - HALRM St A VI:NC.I:R Charles Soos. I proprietor. Citrbuge and refue of all , kinds rentove.l on monthly contractu! nt rcasoniiliie rates. Yard and cess Irfiols cleaned. Office phone Main iLLlT. Retldeme M tin '2-7-. BOOB," as a Book TrWTHlS TOR SALE TOR SALE White Leghorn baby chix $10.00 per hundred. Call or write W. R. Baker, Rt. 0, Salem. mayll FOR SALE i room bungalow, $1000, . l"i down, 15 month, at U per cent interest, garden planted. Call 7!G North J4th St. . mayll FOR SALE 50 or. 100 acres river bot tom land, high building ground, on Oregon Electric, 9 miles north of Al bany, near school and store. Terms will take someS property iu trade. K. Anderson, Talbot, O. ' niayL'S FOR SALE Five acres with buildings lor tne price or me lanu, wunour buildings. We also have a 0 ncre tract with buildings to sell. Will take part pav In Salem city proper ty. Stpiare Deal Realtv Co'., 02 V. S. Hunk Bldg. Phone 470. tf POl.'R VALLF.i' FARMS For sale by owner on county road and railroad. 00 to 200 acres each, good buildings, good soil, all tinder cultivation, close to scrool, prices reasonable, half cash, balance time at (i per rent or modern income bearing city property. 1'. O. ftov 24H. Snlem. tf UNDERTAKERS WEBB & PLOUGH CO 0. B. Webb, A. M., I longii mortici.ms and tunerni directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed 4di Court St. Maiu 120. Main !SSS, RKIDOX-RrCIlARP.sON' CO. Funeral directors and Undertakers, 2"ii North High street. Pav and night phone 1SX WATER COMPANY SALEM WATKR OmiPAXY: Office curlier Commercial fuul Trade streets. For water service apply at office. Pills payable monthly in advance. Notice of Improvement of Commercial Street. XoiieeTs hereby givan that the Com- m.i.i I'limi.:! ,l.t,Ml,tf it- AYIieiliettt n.1 to do, and hereby declares its purpose and I intention 10 lll.proe l.uillllivrciui Bum between the north line of Mission street and the south City limits at the expense of the abutting and adjieent property, by grading, curbin, and pav ing .viiil portion of said street witli a two-inch iiituininoiis Concrete wearing surface iaid en a redress of the present Macadam foundation, ia accordance with the plans, specific itions and esti mates for the improvement of Commer cial stteet I etween the north fine of . Miasi-m vtrrct ami the south C'itv lim its, adopted bv the Common Council on the 1st day" of May, HUG, and now on file in the office of the City Record er, w li lei lor greater certainty uuu, convenience are hereby referred to nndj made a part of this notice; beiu thatj character or kind of improvement known and designated in the said; plans and specifications and estimates : as Xo. 7, a redressed Macadam base, and a .2-i'neh wearing surface. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to maiio ine said above ilesoribeii improvement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City. liv order of the Common Council, ('has. F. Elgin. City Recorder. Dated this 4th dnr of May, 1016. Mnv 10. i General Feed ani 1 1 1 Small Livery Stable v C. W. TRAIN 254 Ferry. Phone 28t Try Capital Journal Want Ads. tttytt---4-T-M SALEM FENCE ani STOVE WORKS t. B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fenca Oataa, Plain and Barbed Wire. Paints, Oils and Varnish ea, Xooflng, Pott, Hop Booki. 40 Years Making StOY3 BtoTM rebuilt and repalrad. BtoTea bought and sold. ISO Court gtret. Phone 114 Back of Chlcafo itora. it- C- V 1 . II !U a THE DAILY CAPITAL J0T RNAL, SALEM, OREttP' WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1916. Agent l THE MARKETS I if:j)::)(( j)i): The following prices for fruits and vegetables are thoBe asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices 'are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daiijr The wheat market is strong in Chi cago, on account of unseasonable rains, but this of course has nothing to do with the local quotations, at least for the present. Other grains and mill food stuffs are steady. Fggs seem to hotu at the 20 cent price, as the Portland and Seattle prices have not changed for several weeks. Cucumbers are iu the market at 00 cents ami California cherries at $1.75 a crate. . - ' crrains, Oats, vMch $17.0017.50 Cheat $17.00 Wheat 85c Oats Rolled barley ,.. 40c $35.00 $85.50 $37.00 $26.00 , $29.00 Corn Cracked corn ... , ........ Bran . , Shorts, per ton .........,..... i .. Butter. Putterfat 27c Creamery butter, per pound ,...29e Country 'butter ., 20c22c Eggs and Poultry. F.ggs, case count, cash Eggs, trade 20c 21c Hens, pound -5c RooBters, old) per pound ...... .!)(5)10c Broilers, uuder 2 pounds ...... 22(i25c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed Pork, dressed Pork, on foot ; Spring lambs, 1916 Steers 10c 10 l-2fTmc ....... 88'A 8c 67c .' 45 1-2'c . 3 l-24c 5o 6 l-2c Cows Bulla Ewes Wethers. Vegetables. Cabbage Ciivumljcrs Tomatoes, Florida an.d Cuban $3.50 . 90o $4.00 15c String garlic Potatoes, cwt. $1.25(oll.50 GfS Oc , ... $1.00 40c 40 40e 25c 6c 18c $1.00 $2.00 40c Potatoes, new Beets ... Asparagus Radishes Green onions C.reen peppers Green peas Egg plant Carrots Onions Rhubarb Florida celery Fruits. $4'i0 Oranges, Navels Lemons, per box Bananas, pound Apples, Hood River .... California grape fruit . Florida grape fruit Pineapples Honey Strawberries ( Denies, box $2.25(7? 3.50 $1.004.50 S . 75c(S$1.75 $3.50 $5.00$6.00 7 l-2c ... $3.50 $1.75 , $1.75 Betail Prices. Ecus, per dozen, fresh ranch 2."c MONEY TO LOAN ON Oood Real Estate Security, THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd ft Bash. Bank, Balem, OregM MONEY TO LOAN V9 ON GOOD SEAL ESTATE BEOUBIT1 HOMER H. SMITH McPORNACK BUILDING Mlimiiig L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known diseise. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. (HAVE: Voo fis BUDfM KipHMC f Nopfc I If CHARUES DCCEn! ' - . v FP a IF Y0Or Ceo irtEPTTttfM Sugar, cane .$8.75 Sugar, beet $8.55 Creamery butter - 35c Flour, hard wheat $1.00(51.70 Flour, valley $1.30(ul.25 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore., May 10. Wheat: Club, 93(K97c. Blue9tem7$1.04(?il.07. Fortyfold, 94(3 98c. Red Russian, k)(fj9(e. Oats: No. 1 white feed, $20.75 7.50. Bailey: Feed, '$27.00(3 29.00. Hogs: Best live, $9.1 Ofit 9.25. ' Prime steers, $9'.()0jt9.05. Fancy cows, $7.25. Olives, $8.00. ' Spring lambs,' llO.Wra 10.25. Butter: City creamery, 29c. Country butter, '26 l-2e. Eggs: Selected' local ex., 21 l-2 2 l-2c. Hens, 18c. Broilers, 32(7? 35c. Oeese, lOfgiac. Grang e In Session at Grants Pass Grants Pass, Ore:, May 10. The for ty-third annual convention of the state Orange of Oregon' convened in Grants Pass yesterday with between 400 and 50(1 delegates in attendance, this being the first time tli(!'tate convention has met in a southern 'Oregmi city. A huge welcome sign ' greeted, the delegates upon e'lyt ranee to . the city, while the streets were gaily decorated with bunting in the grange colors and American 'flags. Tho slate officials and committee nien ' arrived' Monday, but the great buk of the delegates came in On train No. 54 last night and were - cntertainetl by the .Conicmrcial club. ' The morning's session was largely given over to the report of the creden tials committee, while' the standing state committees reported this after noon. Owing to inclement weather the ban quet for Inst night, to have been at the city park, wns taken to Dreamland rink. Toasts by prominent grangers, responded 'to by tho city officials of Grants Pass, were the order of the evening. Perhaps tne most interest ing delegates attending the banquet lust night were Cyrus W. Walker, uncle lf Mrs. H. L. Oilkey, of this city. Mr. Walker is the oldest living white man born iu Hie territory west of the Rocky mountains and north of California. He is a delegate from Albany, Ore. A large number or fleiegates arriv ing in tho 'city.' but failing to be accredited, were 15 carloads' of irvnsies. They were' pursued and overtaken in this city by officers from Jackson coun ty, where they Were wanted for roll- berv. ... . . Three of the women wpre held in the county jail -here. The. remainder, fail ing to be 'entertained by the Commer cial club, departed for Roseburg. They are reported to have a kidnaped while child in their possession. Following is a list or the officers of the State Grange: , Master, C. K. Npencc, Oregon Citv overseer, C. D. Huffman, La Grnndo; chaplain, Cyrus Walker. Allianv; lee hirer, Mrs. Minnie V.. Bond, Eugene; steward, M. P. Yumg, Cluckanms; as sistant steward. Charles Haves, Slier wood; lady steward, Mrs. K. R. Allen. Tangent; secretary, Alary S. Howard, Mulino; treasurer," H. Hershlierg. Inde pendence; assistant treasurer, Charles Dickinson, Oswego; gate keeper.' C. , C. Borland, Oregon Citv; Pomona, Mrs. 1". D. Mihells, Grants Pass; trustees. C. E, Spenre, Oregon City; B. (i, Leedy, Cor vallis; C. L. Shaw, Albany; nonuiu's work committee, Mrs. Florence Picking' son, Oswego: Mrs. Lulu Miller, Albany;. Mrs. E. E. Blnnrhnrd, Grants Pass. Eig Blue River Mine Will Be Re-opened The sale of an interest in the Lucky Boy mine near Blue liiver, east of Eu gene, which lias been under negotiation for a long time, lias finally been con summated and the announcement is made that the famous old mine will be in operation again within a flhort time, after an idleness of several years' nm tion. It is said that the half interest in the property sold for $IOii,ui)fl and that the group of Portland capitalists who hnve held tjic. property for the last four yi-nrs will continue in possession of a full half interest. Several Seattle Hud Canadian invest ors have acquired the other one half and propose to begin immediately to de velop the mine extensively. In ad-bV. tion to paying tlliil.tMK) for a half nf the stock they have agreed to invest an Prices Going Higher Advances Are Sharp Buyers of tin ware, aluminum w';, brass ware, articles made of zinc, Iron and other metals nr surprised at the sharp advance in these goods lately, but it is no fault of tho local dealers. Or ders for war material for export stipu late thai deliveries shall continue until a specified time, whether war ceases or not, and so long as American mills can get their fill of profit export busi ness, domestic orders, will suffer, hence tho high price of this material. Some of tho dealers , are unable to purchase goods in ninny lines owing to the fact that tho plant's that usually turn out these small articles arc busy filling war orders. One Eugene mer chant submits a tablo of increases In price, per 100 pounds on certain goods 'within a period of two years as fol-1 lows: . Julv.ll, 1014. Pig tin '..$33.00 Tin plate 3.30 Pig iron 14.00 Spelter .......... 4.85 Sheet aluminum .. 17.25 April 5, Tne. ! IHKi. P.C.I $52.00 08 1 4.50 37 1 20.50, 47i Hl.'Jo 2081 50.00 242 .'14.50 87 ! 40.00 18 I 25.00 257 Sheet copper 18.5(1 Sheet brass ...... Sheet zinc, . .. . .1. . 7.00 Antimonv ........ 5.50 45.00 719 i There is no improvement in tne uye situation, imported dyes being prac-1 ticnlly out ot the market, llie Amer ican dyes arc inferior in quality and the supply is very inadequate. The paper market is iu a panic, This country imports so largo a share of its sulphite and soda slock that the cut ting off of the European supply means there is -not 'enough to go around. The shortage of dyes, mid chemicals is- a great -embarrassment' to -paper .makers. Many grades of paper cost today dou ble what they did a year ugo. additional 25,00l) in improvements. .Contracts, have liecu let fur. driving maW -tunnel "oii the property a' dis tmicc,' of IU feet. It now is 800 -feet long.- A crew of men will leave Eu jgeno tomorrow morning to undertake this" work. Eugene Register. ' ' . SILYERTON NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Silverlon, Ore., May 10. Dr. pottit found his horse that was stolen from the livery bam at Molnlla, in Albany. The thieves had sold the animal to par ties at Albany and with the buggy mid harness left for parts unknown. .The officers ore still looking for the men who are said to bo part Mexican; Mrs. S. I-). Strand, who has been so very ill for several months, passed a way tit hrt homfc east of this city on Thursdav. The familv came here from North Dakota and intended to make this thuir home. The body was shipped j to the old home at Ellr-ndnle, North Da kota, and waV accompanied by Mr. Strand and the tv.p younger children, Willie iiinl Dorris, tho other daughter., Cora, will stay with relatives here until school is out. -Mr. Strand is a brother of Mrs. O. A. unit Mrs. K. A. Lpe, of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Preston are nicely located in the building recently vacated bv the bakerv and held nn opening at "The Shop" (itr 'Saturday. There wns a crowded store from curly. morning tnu late at night and every one who came was treated to a delicious glass of punch. The Misses Blanche Stevenson mid Vcneta Moores presided nf tho punch bowl, while the clerks, Mrs. Wil inms. Mrs. Moores, Mr. and Mrs. Pres ton, displayed' the bettuutul articles and many anion were minlo or tnese tastetul Iv fashioned pieces of handiwork. " Wm, Whitlock, brothcy of the Whit lock boy's, of this oilv, dicll at his Ironic nt Klamath Falls, April 2:i, BUfi. Mr. Whitlock was well known to Silverton people, having been born on the old Whitlock farm near this city on August 2(1, 8."i7. His death as caused by a cancer of the stomach. II- has been a resident of -Klamath Fulls since 11114 u nd is survived by his wife und one son. Two Of. the brothers from here at tended the funeral which was held from the home Wednesday, April 20. I-on Bovscr and little koiis left for their homj in Michigan, Munday., Mr. Bowser was called here by the death of his wife, which occurred nt the home of her parents at Hoseburg, on Mondav, April 17. Mrs. G. A. Webb entertained the Wo men's Home Missionary society at her home on east hill Inst Tuesday ufter noon. The attendance was small but the meeting was very interesting nud n uiee program was given, A delicious lunch was served by tlu- hostess nil. I a pleas ant afternoon passed. I van Linscott has returned from Portland where he bus been staying By Mort. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people TelephMM EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High lUin 1200 PLUMBING, BTEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Mali 193 TRANSFER AND DRATAGE Salem' Track & Dray Co., corner titate and Front streets Mala 71 Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store MTTTTTTTTt TRAVELERS' GUIDE IsdlT IIKKN PACIFIC. NOHTH llol!M Jti Oregon Kxprcss ... r-4 Sound Speelul js Wllliiiimtti- Limited VI Shasta Limited . . . 18 Portland pnssendcr o Portland PnssenKer 1 1 Portliiait Kxjmns. . . o :lio 11. in. . . ti l-' a. iu. . . It :'.'J a. ui. ,.11 :o"i a. in. . . 1 n. 111. ,r, :oo p. m. 8 :Uu p. ni. o'J'J Portland fast Freight 10 ::. p. ni li Local way Krelnht . . . ,10 .'io a. ni Hot"ru not' no 1.1 California l-ixpress, . 17 ItosHiui'K Pussciiiier r, :t - Kxposlt Ion Special . 10 t'otltnre Drove t'll-ss. . . R n. m. . . 1 1 '.- a. 111. , . In .'-'- a. 111. . .4 :17 p. ui. .Makes connection with No. 74 (ieer iiraiicli. II Slinsta Limited 5:4:1p.m. -J7 Willamette Limited... i!:lop. in, 1.'l San l-'raaclsco L'xpress 10 :'M p. ui. '-'-I Sun 1 rimclsco lust 'reliflll yL'.'i Local way Freight... K.u.KM'tlKiui Link. 7:i Arrives at Salem.... 7U Leaves Salem, 7.") Ar. Salem I mixed i... 12 :OI 11. in. b :1" 11. 111. fi :to n. m. U :."-n 11. in. 2 :oo p. ni. 4 :'Jo p. in. I Leave Suleui No connect ion south of Geer. su.i: - HI.'. -1117-lllll- Hl''--liii-luii-llls-17o-HIU- 1'AI.I.S CITV ASO WK -l.v. Snlem, motor . . . . -I.v sialem. motor l.v. Sulcni, motor . . . . -Lv, -Villein, motor . . . . -l.v. Snlem. motor - Way I'r t Iv. Salem... . , -Ar. Salem -Ar. Salem -Ar. Snlem -Ar, Sulent -Ar. Sali in -Way I'r t ar. Salem. . . :oo a. 1 ; I." a. 1 : to p. 1 :00 p. :l.-.p. :Oo a. :4o a. :''.t a. :1.-, p. :Oo p. I.-, p. p. OltlXIfi.V KhWTItH' rtAILWAV 10. Notrrn boi'nii Triila No. Owl . . . l . . to Limited . 12 II . . II! Limited 2li l.v. Salem 4 :::.' a. 111. . 7 : 1 .1 11 . m. , It : 11 a. 111. 1 1 a. tu.' . I :4."i p. 111. 4 :oo p. in. ." :.'',7 p. m. 7 p, 111.' Ar. Portland . . It :.V, 11. 111 . . !i :2." 11. ni. ..II ::!"- n 111. . 1 1 X p. 111. . . 4 :t,(i p. 111. , . T, :."-0 p. III. . , 7 :."-" p. 111. . . to :lo p. 111. Koi -rit liorNii 1'OIITI.ANH TO H.ll.KM l.v. purl land. Ar. Snlem 11:4". 11. 111 S :.-.-... ,.. (Snlem only 1 K :2.' ni. Limited . ...lo:ll u. ni. with his sister the past two months. Mr. add .Mrs. Hd DeSpain of Palmer, Oregon, und Air. .ind Mrs. Shepherd of Uuliliiird were in th city Monday and visited lit the (4uorg DeSpain home in, cast Silverton. Grandma Cobb wns pleasantly siir Mrs. Ilarrv lies itt. returned Friday from Sioux Citv, lowu. where sh was called by the illness of her mother. Mrs. V. ;urgeroii hus been suffering with a ve ryvmre eye tiie past few days. It is on the order of the pink eye, and causes much lieadachu and severe pain. Hev. .1. II. Irvine was at Snlem Mon dav to attend meeting of the minis ters of that place. From there he went to Portland and returned home Wed nesday noon, Mr. and Mrs. fl. B. Bentson with n party of friends were taking iu the sinhts nt the capital city on Wednes day evening of this week. Try Capital Journal Want Ada. NINE M. Burger. tT-rTTTT44 4o a. m. . fi.'i p. m. . 7 12 :r,5 p. m. I) 4 : -." . in. . Ill Limited .... 6.40p.m. . .. 17 Local ... . 8:10 p. m, t 11 p. m. , , . .til dwl 1 :Di p. nu NlilITU Dill no Ar. Salens 20 S ::i7 p. in. Ar. Suleia Hi p. m. . on p. m. 20 p. ni. . lo p. in. , Corvallls 10 p. m. . KuKeue. 11. ui. , oo p. ni. . L'o p. in. . 10 Limited .... 0:45a. ra. .Hi Llmlteil 00 p. m. oii p. m, 10 a. ra. Oil p. ni. . ... 2 i l . . . south not ND Sulem Ar. Fuuen . 6 :o0 u. m. . fl :;io a. ra. .12 :'-'.1 p. is, Ar. Albanf 00 a. m. . 21 Owl .. . . . li.'i . . . , H Limited In a. m. . to a. m. . Salem 00 p. m. . Snlem. 'Jo p. m. . 1 :ou p. m, Stops Rt Corvullla Ar. Alhanf O :20 p. m. Ar. Albany 8 :45 p. m. Ar, Rugens 8 :oO p. m. Salem 10 p. m. 1.1 uoiuii rx Local liAit.r Kxcept Si'noav lit Leaves Salem 3:40 p. nt, 1;:; Arrives In Salem 3 :-j p. nu ('(in VALLIS C'ONXKCTION NOHTH UOI ND 10 14 .... Ill !! f 'orvallls 'Jo 11. 111. . , I'J p. in. . :!la ni. . , :o p. m. . IS p. 111. . Sulem t r, 11. m. . ;J."i p. m. . , :oo p. m. . : to p. m. Ar. Salem , II :4r, a. ro. 1 :4" p. ra. 4 :li p. m. 0 .7 p. ra. 2i 7 :m p. oi. HOtTll DOl'NO Ar. Corvalll T, 11 :M a m. 0 8 : p n. 7 :2U p. m. . II! 8 .00 p. ia. WILLAMKTTK IlIVKIt Kfll'TK fnep.n I'llv Transporlatlon Company Leave t'ortlutid f-ir (ireu.m fliy. Ituttevill, Newlicrit. Mission (Si. l'aul), Wlieatlaml. Salem (dully except Sunday) ..fl:4f. a. lib Leu f Portland for Independence. Allniiiy -Corvallls, (Tiles., '1'liurs., Sat.) , 0 :45 a. ra. Keturnlng l.eiiv.- Corvallls (I a- in. Mon., Weil., rL Albany 7 a. in. Mon., Wed., 'rt. Indepellileni-e till.. Ill Mon., Wed., KrU Sulem 10 n. 111. Moll.. Well., Frl. Salem ! 11. m. l ues., Thurs., Sat. Denver Grows Weary of Commission Government Denver, Colo., May 10. The comm'm ulon form .f uoveriiineut. which hat ' been iu force here for three years i decisively overthrown today Dy rue vot ers and Robert W. Speer has been elect ed mayor for the third time. He served two previous terms in that office before the city adopted the coin mission form of government. The eouncilmuiiie form of government was restored in its emrrety by a heavy vote. Speer was put into office ou hi own charter, making him all powerful. His majority was ,000. W. W. Booth was the opposition candidate. Let the Capital Journal New Todaf Column put your dollars oa the right, track. I