EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL .TfT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10. 1916 Hughie Jennings tManafT of Detroit " Tigtn, lay it "Aftirandhot finiih in a ball gam a pip full of Tuxtdo make victory twetttr or deft at mor tnJur abt. E- Yah for Taxidol" ttTTTTTTTTT TTTTt tTttTTtTTtt -4 DBOT tNew. s .M--M-.44 4 4 I I av Pifw CiiJnlivliln i t nor r.-nT..,.. . mw wij. uiucuguw Al KU5t to VAL'i They AH , LikeTuxedo ; because they can smoke jTuxedofrom dawn till dewy jcvc in penecr. comiort and jwi'th always increasing satis faction f. ; nKv.v r w May Not Bs Allowed to Box Seals Will Play Beavers at Portland Today r7rT r? i,. From three to five years' ageing in wood does all that Nature can do to make Tux-, edo mild and mellow. Then Science steps in with the original J'Tuxedo Process" imitated but never equaled and takes out all the bite. 1 I You take no risk in trying iTuxcdo. Read that uncon ditional guarantee in the top of the tin ; get your money back from the dealer if you arc not thoroughly satisfied. YoucanbuyTuxedo everywhere I'orl litn.l. Or., May 10. Willio TJitcli if, a former lightweight ciiampiuti, iu ti'iuls to box in I'ur! I iii.I June ! as an milled attraction during the Huso festi val. His opponent will In.1 sonic local p:icuoin probably llali)i Gnilan. Ritchie notified tlie lienver Athletic rlii)) that lie will leave Chicago in " few days, lie expects to lie in I'ort laml tin' last of this month. The law may take a haiul in Ritchie's :i I jx:t I'UiM'W hero, for the statutes say oulv amateurs nmv box in Oregon. ' j The Woodland Inter-City league I team that plays at Sulcin Sunday (if it don't rain) his a strong lincui, according to Wayne F. Lewis, league . secretary. Toots Kotula the ileaf ami dumb j right handed tvvirler, will probably i start the game for W.oodluud. He lias i not lost a game this season wUn the j 1 f school at Vancouver. t Watching the Scoreboard Pacific Coast League Standings. W. I.. Pet. San Francisco 2D 15 .571 1.08 Angelei 1" 13 .507 Vernon 17 15 .5.11 Salt Lake 14 15 .4S2 Oakland i5 20 .429 Portland 10 15 .100 I yesterday's Results. At Portland No game with tlie enls, wet grounds. At San Francisco Salt Lake. 5; Oak land, n. At Vernon Vernon, 4; Los Ange les, 0. Standing cf the Teams. i . f! .)-- v;; i -.r i ;.. ; . .... ! Lefty Cole wis star twlrler on the I'uiversity of Kansas team last season I ami held the Haby ' Beavers down in ! the rain on his first league start last Suiidav. ("atcher Charley Chapiu caught for the Vancouver Soldiers last year. Pouch '5c i Famous 1 green tin ; 10c In Tin Hu miJtri, 40 1 anj 30c. fit GUti llnmiiitri, SOcand 9i)c. L. ' f THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANV STENOGRAPHERS War Not Use Columbia QUALITY Cm1)0hi7 Mad in Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed from Each Sheet. I Columbia Carbon Paer Mfg. Oo. 4 83rd k Broadway, Portland, Ore, TO TAP WINDBAG Washington, My 10, If Senator Kciiyon is pliysicnlly able ho will apeak iiiiitiiiiionsly until Saturday on the riv er anil harbor bill, By declaring a rei esM instead of an adjournment lust ii i U li t , fiiends of the bill compelled him to take the floor at noon today. He liiycs to hold it. Try Capital Journal Want . Too Early for Straw Hats Portland, Or., May 10. Henry Horry and Harry Wolverton and 17 other S.ui ,1 'in in-i sco Kimls, found jheir straw hats very much, out of place when tiicy arrived in Portland yesterday after noon. They pumped into a late rainy season which forced the postponement of the first scheduled (tame of their series with the Portliiiul Heavers. The (jround was still aoggy early today. Bonds Defeated Grant Seattle, Wash., May 10. .Tos Honds of Taconia had nn easy tiiup defeating Fred (Irnnt, Kansas City heavy, in four rounds here last nij(lit. Leo llotick ami Finnkio .Sullivan, fe itherwein.its, and Karl Conner and doe Hnrrnhan in the same das, fought a brace of draws. White to . Meet Welsh ChienRO, May 10. Charlie White was jubilant toil .iy at his pros)iect of meet iu(r the lightweight clianipiou, Freddie Welsh, in lipuiios Ayres in .Inly. As the fiulit is to go 25 rounds. White is bubbling over with confidence. "1 will lick iiim Btire, " he boasted today. Tune Up for Big Race New York, 'May 10. Sheopshenil Hay speedway is liuiiiiiiiujr with lowerl'iil racini; cars today, tuniiiK up for Sat urday's nice, .ludiiiii); from the ter rific velocity attained by the mnchines in prnctice, records will be in (limner when the contest bc(rins. O'Doiinell, Hesta and Aiken have registered more than 100 miles nn hour in the trials. To Revive Horse Racing Chicago, May 10. A revival of horse racing is planned here today. The Illi nois Jockey elub announced an "Amer ican derby " for a purse of $10,000 to be run .Inly 1. At that time the Haw tltoine track will open for two weeks of rncinjr. Is Coming Champion I.os Angeles, Oil., May 10. Hoxing fans were convinced today that Kddie lire-water, lightweight and cousin of Mike (libboiis, is a coming champion ns a result of his ensy victory over I.en Lauder here last night. Hrewster is the f.istest, hardest hitting- light weight seen here since the .days of 20 round bouts. Hrewster meets Willie lloppo of San . Francisco hern next Tuesday night. A hot scrap is looked for by local fans. Santel Had Easy Job Sun Francisco, May 10. What prom ised to be the most difficult match Ad Santel has had in recent months proved to be his ensiest victory, when lie threw Lorenzo Cliristi.insen, the Scan dinavian champion twice in 50 min utes and 45 seconds. Although he ont weigiied Santel and (Missessed consider able cleverness, the Pane didn't have the strength, to prevent n full. Ficd McKeen who pl.iys first base for Woodland was the best first sacker in the league last year with the Kast Side Rediiien. He had a try with .V'' Crecdie but had no chance with (lui.Tto ami (iiinn. Hans firnvelle, the Woodland short stop, is credited with being the fast est bnseriiuner in tiie league and ns .1 pitcher lias played in Salem with the Montavilla Cub's, HandaH's Allstnrs and other good bush teams. Third baseman Fred Carner started with Greshnm this season and trans ferred to Woodland when flreshum for feited its franchise. He is a left hand hitter and a right hand thrower. Marble or Yett will cover second for the Wooillandei'S Sunday ngninst Sa lem with Griffith, Schuman and George in the out field. This will round out a strong nggreg.ition and the second Inter-City league game in Ralcm prom ises to be a hummer. National League. W. L. Tct. Brooklyn 10 4 .715 Po:don' 10 5 ' .fii'u Chii'n;ro i 0 .550 Cincinnati 11 11 .500 Philadelphia S S .500 St. Louis 10 10 .500 Pittsburir 0 I" .400 New York .1 1.1 .1SS American League. W. L. Pet. Cleveland ....... 15 S .025 Xev; York tl 0 .55o Washington 11 0 .550 Detroit' 11 11 .500 Boston ll II .500 Chicago 11 11 .45S St. Louis S 11 .421 Philadelphia 7 1.T .350 Many Entered For Track Meet at Eugene University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore., May 10. With 157 entries already on file, representing 20 high schools of tlie state, prospects or the best stato inter scholustic track meet in years are prom ising when the guu cracks for tlie first race next Saturday morning, May 12. For the past week the weather has been doubtful, but the wenlher eye tonight says a break in the storm will take place and tne sun will be out tomorrow. In that ease the truck on Kiucaid oval will be in conditiou for some fast time. Snlem high lias made the following entries: Rav William, shot, discus, javelin; Merle Fruit, 100, 220, 440, relay; Conrad Jones. 8S0, mile; Mux Alford, S80, mile; Robert Katcliff, hurdles 120, hurdles 220, relay; Miles Miller, high jump, pole vault, shot, discus, javelin, relay; Paul Bales, 100, 220, 410, relay; Carl Hagodom, USD, broad jump, relay; Kd Clark, shot, discus; Kd Robinson, pole, vault; Royal Proctor, hurdles 120, hurd les 220, high jump, broad jump. X t Nil! Sfnr 25c ASHBY2MIN LEXICON 2M IN Arrow COLLARS FOR BIG TUCKED-IN -END BOWS I Varsity "55" and fttriitfni (I'lulbi- Robert's Hats $3.03 Derby" Models are specialy designed for young men. They show the "Youth" the jaunty style that the young men like. Prices: $20 and $25 Specially good in the Serge and Dark Stripes. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE Just Wright Shoes H50adJ5 Buddy Ryan broke up a 0 to 0 freeze in the ninth and won for Suit Lake over Oakland when he reached out and un expectedly bunted a T.ide one v.hile Prough was trying to pass him. The Oaks scrambled around like Hie proverbial decaptitnted chi?keus trying to field that tan but a run roamed home on it and just for pood measure the Bees whanged out a few more. One of the latest ragtime melodies snvs "don't let the same bee sting villi twice" but the Oaks let the same bee sting them not twice but five time.. They had another nice rainstorm in Portland. Little drops of water drench ing, nil the land mode the Seals nnd Beavers cuss to beat the bnnd. (Whoa, Pegasus!) Lefty Decauniere blanked the (ser aphs and they were so decayed that he hud to pitch himself into several holes just to give the funs the excitement of seeing him pitch himself out of them ngaiu. The home run muret In San Fran cisco is receiving a severe blow. They're making the Recreution park fence 12 teet high. When Tris Speaker revisited his old home town ot Boston in a Cleveland uniform they gave him a loving cup and he scored his now team's only run with a bingle to the flag poie. lied Sox won li to L Tramp, tramp, tramp the boys are marching. Thut's what it looked like at Philadelphia when the home team pitchers handed out no less than 30 walks to tlio Detroit lfgers. The Tigers accepted tho game as a gift, score 10 to 2. Fournier won for the Whito Sox when he homed with two on, beating the Highlanders. Mnthewson was the only effective henvor iu the Giants-Pirates game, won bv Xew York bv a nice little score of lit to 3. s H. L. BEARD, Director O. A. C. Band. I'nder the able leadership of Director Beard the Oregon Agricultural College Cadet band has grown into one of "tlie best musical orgnniztaions in the west. Salem people will be given the oppor tunity to hear a concert by this band at the Salem Armory Fridav evening at 8 o'clock. The concert will be follow ed by a ilnnce for which the band will furnish the music. Madeay News Notes f'.'npiial Journal Special Service) Mneleav, May 10. One of the most euiovalile parties held this season was held at the home of Delbert -Mackenzie and wife under the auspices of the Y. P. li. I', last Fridav evening. The Mac kenzie homo is one of the finest in this section and it was not hard at all to enjoy ones self. Partv gimes and forfeits occupied most of the evening and luncheon was served earlv iu the fniornini'. After singing several famil iar hymns the party broke up each :uul everyone satisfied. Most of tne attendants came on a hayrack and a very merry time was hid both going; and returning home. Theodore Russell nused a little excitement on his way to the party when he attempted to run over a brush pile with his buggy and overturned. Mrs. Kussell was thrown out but was not. injured. No damage was done other than a broken strap on the harness. Frank Nieswnuder, Ches ter Armstrong lnd Charles Douglas proved the heroes of the occasion and righted the buggy. By the way, Theron we thot you had quit driving with one hand since yon were married. Orange met last Thursday, May 4. nnd was well attended. Mrs. Fletcher, county deputy, gave a. talk on "Better ment of the Orange and Ideals of the Farm." John T. Kobertson give a talk on "Rural Credits". W. A. Jones told how much it cost to make a man of a bov and while H. K. Martin gave the money requirements for starting on a farm. The ladies gave talks on the best methods of cooking and also gave recipes of their favorite dishes. Mis. W. A. Jones told of the different uses of piper. Tho Ladies Aid met nt the Murphy home last Thursday, May 4, and the members were royally entertained. It was one of the largest meetings of the year, only three being absont. The MesdaniesyMurphy, Friuk, Garrett, and Peniiam served dainty refreshments at noon. Three Macleav boys went, to Silver Creek list week for a business trip and brought home thirty fish. Tiiey reported the fishing rather poor as they took most of the day to get the thirty. Those who went and their re spective catches are O. L. Martin 11, A. J. Patton 10, W. W. Taylor 9. The play "Kentucky Belle", w'.iich was given nt Betiiel Inst winter will be given at the hall next Saturday evening at 7:110 p. m. The "Ken tucky Belle" is nn excellent comedy ind the cast is well chosen. There will a dance after the program. Admission 10c and l.V. Dnuce tickets, .'),. The proceeds will go toward the expenses"! of the Bethel baseball club under whose auspices the play is staged. Farm Notes II. K. Martin is planning to plant two acres of Sudan grass aud fourteen Acres of corn. He has prospects of a silo this fall. Firman Nash iias decided to plant lj acres of flax at an early date. Mr. Lent! has planted 1) acres of flax. Oscar Chapman and wife are .igain home in their bungalow on the Harry Martin comer. 11. K. Martin killed a fine veal re cently. It dressed 120 lbs, Mr. Lent, was recently offered tSOOO for his ftirm which be refused. tBEJSWSSSJBSB VICTOR ORR, Soloist. Mr. Orr will appear with the O. A. C. Cadet Band at th Salein Armory Friday evening. Fruitland News capita! Journal Special Service) Fruitland, Dr., Miry 10. Henry Smith was iu Salem' Wednesday even ing to attend the lecture at the Con gregational church. On May lit the Fruitlind school will let out in ml the vacation begin. . Miss Kmily Donaldson returned from Montana last Sunday after a prolong ed visit with her brother Lee. Our new ueightbors, Mr. Pede Bad family, have moved in on the Williams place. Several young people from Salem were present to attend church services lust Sund iv afternoon. The next ehurch service will be in three weeks. William Bellamy left again for Tolk county to work on a farm. The busines-H and social meeting of the Y. P. A. will meet next Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paris. About fiftv people were at the cheese factory Sundav to sea how cheese was made. The fVtory is starting off nieelv ind the prospect are very bright. Try Capitol Journal want AAs, School Notes There will be n Parent-Teachers meeting next Wednesday evening, May in, nt tne scnnoi nouse ar p. m. .miss Lizzie Cornelius, cindidiite for county school superintendent, will talk. Kvery one is invited. School will close the 10th of May. The following is a poem on the school gardens written by Albert Garrett, age: II, of the ."ith grade nnd considered best of nay written, by the teacher: I One sun n v morning in the month of May I enme to school very happy and gay, When school took up. I chose my paid ! ner ' And I was going to be a gardner. ; Next morning we brot our rake ind hoe And where was nor eiirden we didn't j know I Filially we managed to get a place I And went to work at a rapid pace. We took the hoe to cut the sods And used the rake to mash the clods I After we leveled and luillcd out the. ' .weeds .... j J We sent to the market to get us some! j . all our seed. , j And then we borrowed a piece of twine I , And by this made a long striight line We took lots of care to not nns weed And between us we managed to plant ' all our seeds. NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Rate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word 1c One week (0 insertions), per word....oc I One month (20 insertions) per word 17c j The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisements. Read your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately if it contains an error. Miuiuyitn charge, l.'c. YOUNG CALF Wanted. Thone 02F 14. may II PHONE 937 For wood saw. tf HARRY Window cleaner, Phone 70S. June4 WHITE FIPv WOOD choppers wanted. Phone S0F11. tf FOR KENT H room house, close in, Phone 7S2M. innylO FOR SALE $1000 mortgage for $000. A caro Journal. "' tf FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor 401 N. Cottage. tf FOfnjENT SIGN'S For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf FOR SALE Gold coin seed potatoes. Call 97F11 at meal times. miyLt YOUR PICK Of -400 chicks 10c. each. N. Henningsen. Phone 76F1I. mayll BROOD SOW For sale, soon to far row. A. G. Dalrymple, Macleay, Or. may 15 FURNISHED Modern five room house, $8.50 per month. 1149 Trade. mnyl-i WANTED Reliable boy for ranch work. Address A. M. caro Journal. may 12 FOT! SALE I .". vr. old sorrel mure. Broke. Prone 20F3.". maylO FOR RENT Modern 4 room house woll - furnished. Phone 70SW. tf Personals Mrs. Terry Taylor was very ill last week. Dr. Clay was called. Miss Opal Garrett has beea some what ill the past few diys- Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilarrv Martin, accent- pnnied by Mr. and Mrs. 0cnr Chap man, mororen to ine inriMinu vuurcu Sundav inornin''. Mis. McLain, mother of Mrs. Ther on Russell, was a Sundav visitor at tiie Russell home. Dan Miller, supervisor of road dis trict 00, is getting work under way for improvements. He has ordered gravel from the Salem Sand nnd Gravel com pany and already 1ms the rond in shape tor it in places. Mr. Lovell. now pastor of the Mae leay church, preached Sunday on "The Spirit of Adoption vs. 'the Spirit of Bondage. A verv good iliscour.se. Mrs. W. W. Taplor and daughter Bertha Lois were in Salem Monday and Tuesday. Bethel News Notes (Capital Journal Special Service) Bethel, Or., May 1,0. Mrs. H. R. Curtis is entertaining nsister from Se attle. Mr. Kirscher has ordered a silo to be delivered next month. Mrs. Ma S. Baker is home and mak ing an unusually rapid recovery. Emit Smulborg and Harlan Hoffman atended a party at the Mackenzie home Fndap night. There was a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Johnston Saturday night. There were twenty two guests present and a very enjoyable time was had with games and (lancing. J. (M. Nichols is about to biuld a dairy barn. The barn will be 40x72 feet and the walls will be of concrete for a height of four feet. The cows will face each other across a feed alley fourteen feet wide. Mr. Nichols in tends to .use stanchions in the new barn. . . The Bethel literary society will give an entertainment nt the Orange hull at Macleay Saturdap night May .13, or the benefit of the Bethel baseball club. There will be an excellent amateHir pro duction of the three act comedy "A Kentucky Belle". This play was given at Bethel February 5 and was- much appreciated by the large audience. The actors have been rehearsing for some time and their second performance promises to be even better than t'.ie first one. The play is well worth the nominal admission price which is 10 nd loeents. Refreshments will be served and after the show there will be a dance. It is reported that John Zak has some corn up. It was not stated whether it was oh his feet or in the ground but we surmise the former. Pratum News Notes (Capital Journal Special Service.) Pratum, Ore., May 10. Miss Mary Rentier, who is employed in Salem, vis ited with her parents Sunday. Mr. J. H. Harper and daughter, Man ure visiting relatives in Scotts Mills. Mrs. Martha Khngensmith and daughter, Lois, of Portland, visited lust week with Miss Louis Klttm. The At Home elub will meet with Mrs. Chnrlie Eyre Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Drager, of Los Angeles. Cnl., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. 1'eyree. Mrs. Dinger was formerly Miss Minnie Peyree. Mr. Albert Beutler, who has been vis iting his parents for Borne time, left Monday morning for Fortlnnd, where he has employment for the summer. Mr. Fred Cornu was a Silverton visit or Monday. Miss Olive Ottowny, of Sclnh Springs, attended the closing day exercises held nt the school Saturday, Closing" day exercises were held at the school house last Saturday. In the morning a few numbers by the school children and addresses by Ivan G. Mar tin and Walter Keyes, Lunch was served by the Indies of the community. In the afternoon a short program by the pupils was given, sir. W. C. Gnmitt of Stayton, and H. C. Stover of Salem, gave addresses. The races which were to have been a feature of the afternoon were not held on account of the bad weather. Victor Point News . (Capital Journal Special Swvice) Victor Point, Or., May 10. Miss Avn Darby taught school at Center View last week. Miss Padgef, teacher of that school has been sick with a verv Kid cold. Mr. Emery who was hauling lumber from Fishers Lumbering Co. for a gar ag for his new Studebnker. A. T. Siva"? is trying to pick up a car of Shropshire ram lambs for an Eastern Oregoa mngemnn. ' Ivan IWhy began on the Jaquet barn Tuesday. Frank. Doerfler was at the La rid farm Ka.turd.iy. W. M. Ladd spent most of the day showing Mr. Doerfler his fine Jerseys. This road district has very fine sum mer roads as C. Jones has them drug after most everv rain. FOR SALE Sandwich hay press and Russell engine. E. A. Johnson, R. 9, Sulera. may 13 TOR ACCOltDIAN Pleating see Mrs. Uildobrnnd 540 South 14th. Phono 101SW. maylO WANTED School girl to work for room nnd board. Enquire 1309 South Liberty. ' may id FOR RENT New modem, 5 room cot tage, partly furnished. B. W. Macy, Phone 815. tf FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping; appartments, rates reasonable, close) in, 100 Court. tf WANTED To buy mohair. East Sa .lem Tannery, 25th and Oak streets. Phone 2100-M. tf FOR RENT Modern four room Wise, Furnished or unfurnished. Enquire ,210 S. 14th St. may 11 WANTED To buy mohair. East Sa lem. Tannery, 25th and Oak streets. Phone 2100-M. may It FOR RENT 5 room modern house, 1441 Trad St., Enquire W. A. Lis ton, 484 Court St. tf WANTED Girl for general house work, must furnish references. Ad dress S care Journal. tf FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnish ed rooms in Hubbard building. W. H. Norris. Boom 304. tf FOR SALE Potatoes and fresh .Ter ' sey cows, near Waconda, E. M". Fin ney, R. 2, Gervais, Or. niaO TOR SALK Good driving marc, broke to rido, gentle. Call Harold Kakin, 1484 State Phone 1172J. mayl5 FOR SALE 6 fresh Holstcin eows, inquire Hopmcre, Ore. B. F. La Fon taine, address Gervais Ore. 'm.vylO FOR RENT Furnished room, outside entrance hot and cold water, 250 S. Cottage. Phone 773R. mayl3 FOR RENT Nice furnished room in new house in private family, 3 blocks from P. O. Inquire G-10 care Journ al, tf WANTED To trade $1000 equity in farm for automobile or lot in Salem. Address "Farmer" care Capital Journal. may!5 TO TRADE 31 acres near Oak Grove, in roin county for Salem residence. Inquire of A. E. Bell, room 229 Hub bard bldg. mayl3 DRESS MAKING SCHOOL Bring" your materials and do your own sew ing. Mrs. J. W. Younff, 1078 Che mckcta St. may 10 FOR SALE 3 half truck Studebaker wagon. Will trado for heaver wagon, eordwood or stumpnge. 786 Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf FOR RENT Business block room, siz 18x18 feet. 407 State street. In quire at 463 State. Thorn?, 1009. Maurice Klinger. tf SIX ROOM Bungalow and two lota in North Salem, two blocks from car line, cheap. Call or address Geo. L. 'Rose, Salem, Ore. maylO $1300 SPOT CASH Who Ins the, most to offer in Salem 1 to 0 lots not less than 6 rooms. Owners only. P. O. Box 35, Gervais, Or. mayll WANTED $1500 for 7 years at 6 per cent on 63 acres, first mortgage. 00 acres cultivate, new house and barn. Pat enre Capit.il Journal. maylO 9ALEM AND PORTLAND Improved city property to exchange for mer chandise of any kind, any where. Address box 2S, Crabtree, Or. tf FOR SALE A fine SO acre farm 3 miles from Salem all in cultivation, only $125 per acre, will take $0000; in other property, must be good, tf GOAT AND SHEEP SHEARING By up to date power equipment. List your orders nt Salem Fuel Yards. Phone 529. Densmore & Fresia. tf ALL PARTIES Owing Teetz Furni ture' Co., can settle accounts with O. L. McPeek at 271 North Commercial or E. N. Peet7. 505 North High, nia.10 Ttt Capital Journal Want Ada, WANTED To sell either by pound or contract this year s crop of login berries from my one acre tract- Last year's yield 3 tons. Route 3, box 97. maylO SINNERS SAVED Si.k healed, and believers filled with the Holy Spirit. Come and hear the old time gospel in Jesus name. Gospel hall, near FairgTound store. may 12 WANTED $500 for three or fivo year on first mortgage on 80 acres 1-2 of which is bottom land with, house and outbuildings. Address O. Weber, R. 8, box 27. mayl2 FOR SALE A fine M acre farm 3 miles from Silem all in cultivation, only $125 peracre, will take $6000 in other property, must be gosd Phone 1644, Laflar & Bolinger. tf FOR EXCHANGE For good dairy farm four nearly new. modern houses, well located, rented, in Santa Ana, Calif. Address owner, C. F. White, 830 E. 2d St. SanU Ana. Calif. mal3