ie Capital Journa vi:ii:sr.y kvkninc Mav in, I Hli'.. itonai rage o CHARLES H. FISHEB, Editor and Manager. TP1 1 f "Th net PUBLISH Kl) F.YKIIY EVEN! NO EXl'EPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OliECON, ET Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARNES, ( II AS. II. riSIIKH, ' Poli.V C. AXDKKSEN, I're.-wlent Viee I'resiilent Hec. nml Treas. SniSClill'TlON KATES Daily l)v carrier, per year $".1'0 Per month 4.1c Daily by mail, per year ..... I.UU l'er mouth FI LL LEASED WIUE TKLEfiR AI'II HEI'OKT EASTER N REI'RESENT ATI V ES Now York, Wanl-Lowis-WiH'mms Special AgiMic.v, Trilmne Building The Capital Journal currier boys are instructed to put the papers on" the porch. It tlie carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects gettitng the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us this is the only way wo cnu determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. I'hone Main 81, CLEAN-UP DAY FOR MEXICO . General Obregon insists on a time limit being fixed on the American presence in Mexico. This he knows will never be consented to, and it is therefore evident he is using it merely as a pretext to start trouble. It is claimed he is at the outs with Carranza and desires to be the boss Mexican. He is an intelligent man, and knows how utter ly Jiopeless a" war would be with America, hence it is fair to presume his intellect is working with the reverse English on it. It is a case of agree or take the conse quences, and it looks as though that was what the Mex icans are determined to have. The situation has gotten be yond the power of Mexicans to settle for themselves, and it is up to this country to get busy and straighten affairs for them. If the business of doing this starts now, so much the better, for it is only a question of time, and a v:ry short time at that until it will have to be done and the quicker the better. The raid at Glenn.Springs shows that Carranga is un able to control the situation, even were he willing, and this seems at least doubtful. On the body of one of the raiders was found a commis sion signed by Carranza and it seems highly probable that gentleman knew of the raid and was probably responsible for it. Another feature that shows his inabality and unwil lingness to do anything to bring peace to his country is the fact that he has never attempted to bring about an election and the establishment of the regular government. He prefers to lead as do facto president than to give up liis position to a regularly chosen president. It may be claimed that under existing conditions no election could be held or government formed. That may be true, but it cannot be demonstrated until it is tried. He has made no attempt to do this and should he do so it might lead eventually to the better element getting to gether to put an end to the present anarchy. Carranza will never do it, and if there is again to be a real government in Mexico, it will only be after this country has taken hold and set the new government on its feet and then stands back of it with the determination to again intervene just as it has done in Cuba. The clean-up day is near, and if General Obregon forces it at once he will to a certain extent prove a true patriot. RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNPREPAREDNESS The Oregonian is contending that the republican party must be relied upon to carry out a program of national defense. It says : "As the cause of sound money, championed by Cleve land, was taken up and carried to victory by his opponents, so must the cause of National defense with which is closely bound up the maintenance of American rights in foreign lands and at sea be takeji up by the united Re publican party." This sounds queer when we reflect that after fifty years of almost unbroken control, during which vast sums were spent upon our military establishment we have no army to speak of and no coast defenses worth while. The experts tells us this is so, and all the g. o. p. papers like the Oregonian agree with that view. Our navy is in fair condition, only because Secretary William C. Whitney, under President Cleveland, laid the foundation for a new and modern ocean war-machine and got the work well under way before he retired from office. Really why should the country expect the republicans to do more i work in the way of preparedness for national defenses than Mr. Wilson will do? Nothing in the past record of the party may be pointed to as a guarantee of accomplish ment, while the president has a reputation for doing things. He put a currency law through in one season, after the g. o. p. leaders had talked and schemed in that direction for years. His quick work in shoving his tariff revision, trade commission and various other measures through congress set a mark for action that no president ever reached before in thejiistory of the country. Why not let Mr. Wilson put through the country's preparedness program when he has such a clear idea of national needs, and is safe and rational, even in the opinion of the Oregonian? THE MATTER MADE PLAIN For a "safe, sane and economical" administration the present state regime cuts up some mighty funny capers. The flax-growing fiasco, the state fair scandal, and highway commission imbroglio are a few the many in cidents which promise in the end to be expensive for the taxpayers. The idea of forcing the state highway en gineer to employ a high-priced man he has no use for seems anything but a safe and sane proceeding in the con duct of public business, but that is what is going on at the state house now. To the outsider, the fish and game department, flax operations, state fair administration, state highway commission, and in fact the conduct of every department has the appearance of the attempt to construct a political machine, not particularly to hold the republican party in power, but to boost the interests of certain men who are seeking to run the republican party of the state. A big smash-up will be due about two years from now. ' A puzzled woman writes the Capital Journal to give "a real plain explanation of the Fourth Dimension so just common folks can understand it." Of course a little trifle like that is dead easy for a newspaper man and as the request comes from a lady, and a Salem lady at that, it perforce must be done. While there is some dilference of opinion as to the matter as the Capital Journal man understands it. the Fourth Dimension is the residuum derived from the inspissation of incorporeal nonentities. It might be called also the intangible essence of phantas magorial illusion: or the seeming of the thing unknown. The lady can get a practical illustration by sticking her finger in a pan of water, and after removing it, a close study of the remaining hole will show to a nicety this dimension. We trust this will make the matter perfectly clear to the puzzled lady, and justify her faith in the wis dom of the newspaper fraternity. While discussing taxes and arranging to send a com mittee to the legislature to examine and possibly cut down appropriation bills, the taxpayers are taking the wrong goat by the horns. It is not the state taxes that rest so heavily on the taxpayers, but the county, district and municipal taxes. If it is a good plan to have a committee at the legislature there should also be one provided to watch each city council, school board and other money dispensers. A little thing like rain should not interfere with such amphibians as Seals and Reavers; get in and play ball. Probably the next great battle of the European war will be fought on the borders of Mesopotamia, where the Turks have assembled an immense army and are prepared to make a stand. The Russians are pressing steadily for-, ward and have bent the wings of the Turkish armies back o far that the main army is in danger of being sur rounded. With one army pressing up from the south and another descending fro mthe high plateaus of Armenia, both with a common point in view, and that point the Turkish stronghold at Erzingan, there is going to be something of a scrap, for the Turks, although giving way steadily will be forced to make a stand or else open the way to Constantinople. Claim More Than Necessary v Two-Thirds Against Im proving Church Street When the democrats go to the polls at the primary election they will have to write in the names of their candidates in nearly every case, as none have come for ward to ask for the office. In olden times the republicans would have the laugh on the democrats, for if the old idea is correct the democratic voter would have to get some one to do his writing for him, and then sign his name with a cross. Rij)p!iii$Rhip(&' il y IL it v . Walt Marnn " W i M s-X.- -:igwBamn im i at Yesterday was the last day un which a remonstrance on the proposed im provement on Church street could le gally lie filed. According to the law on street improvement, after the peti tion for the improvement has been fil ed the work can lie stopped only by remonstrance of the owners of more than two thirds of the superficial ilea of the land involved. The remonstrance tiled with the city clerk May 7, was as follows: We, t li e undersigned, owners of property adjacent ami abutting upon that, portion of South Church street in the city of Salem. Oregon, between the south line of state street and north line of Mission street, which said prop erty will be liable to assessment for the improvement of said street as such improvement is proposed to be m.ide. do hereby remonstrate and protest against the making of said improve ment and submit herewith the names of the owners of more than two thirds of the superficial area of the property in said proposed assessment district. Susan Newton, by W. II. Downing, attorney, lot one in block 13. O. W. Anderson, ISO Chestnut street. Juliet M. Lord, Vi block in lot 13. Ilettie E. Fry, block 11. Dan .1. I'rv, block 12; also strip of rtii feet between block 11 ami 12. A. M. Hansen, lots 1, 2 .mil 0, block 10. William Watson, lots 3 nnd i, block 73. .Tnno Wat (ton and William Watson, lots .1, i and (, block 27. Maurice Klinger, 002 Ferry street. .1. W. Meredith, lots 3, 6 ami 7, block 72. .1. W. McTnturff. fi33 Ferry street. Mamie M. Hayden, fraction lots o and 0, block 71. M. li. Long, south .half lot 2. block 8. Capital City Mills, lots 7 and 8, block 73. Kill Byrne Dillv, east half lots 7 and N, block 72. Mary Aniliessen, lots 2 and 3, block 27. J. II. Williams, half of lot 1, block 27. R. II. Rutherford, part owner lot 1, block 27. Charles Maxwell, half lot 1. block 27. .1. A. McAdiims, fractional part of lots .") and 0, block 71. W. N". Downing.' fractional part of south east quarter block 13. I'. J. Lehman. Lvdia 1J. .1. Try, lot 4, block 10. Withdrawn! of their names from the remonstrance, were made by the Capi tal City Mills by liryaat and I'runk; Maurice Klinger; Charles Maxwell; V. .1. Lehman and Lydia Lehman. OPEN FORUM " -f-l " M . '"'I1!1'1!' I;,.:!",!'!'1 l,lllrM!!!!ifflj,.Hv qinnnnnKl CS- Zff V-f r Banjo A PIPE of VELVET is like a good watch-dog. It welcomes fren'ly thoughts an scares off -t$t& A PKINGLE WOMAN ASKS TOR INFORMATION To the Editor: With about iH.400 road mone- to our credit, why can 't we have a road supervisor and ourjroad put in good cond'tion? Fur two rears or more no money has been spent on the main Pringle road beyond the feeble minded district and we seem to be un able to find the reason. Respectfully, . I.VFORMATIOX. raris not to make any peace proposals i finis, Henry TUssniussen, Thomas Tuve, until" the promised great offensive oM.oyd Rape.' Harry Rhodes, Clara Miuk the allies has been launched," which j er,' James .Murphy, Ward Russell, Theo means in other words that he should i dore Jackson, Oscar Rnssmussen. Mile and wants to wait and see whether or Russell, Anton liassmussen. Otto Bus- not the allies will not some of these; sell nnd Master Charles Russell. Ad days, months or years have more sue- i ditional guests were Rev. E. O. Sheu- cess than they have hail so far and mayj herd, Mrs. Tom Vancleave and Mr. at last be able to crush the central and Mrs. C. C. Russell. powers, then wheie is the president's! m 1 and countries neutrality.' I might HOUGH ON THE BREWERT write much more regarding tliee mat-! tcrs but blind people can not see any- Spittle, Wash., May 10. A judg way so I will nuke a long story short.1 moot of'$,iS7 against the Sc'uttla Yours truly. A. .L Weigle. galeni. Or.: Brewing and Malting company, in favor of the ptrutiord, a former saloon wa 'granted yesterday by Superior Judge i Kennith Mackintosh. The court rule! I that brewery leases on saloons auto i matically terminated when the dry law i became operative. The saloon sued the j brewing company for recovery of rent j paid in advance. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT THE TIMELY TOPIC When modern people get together, they do not talk about the weather, as fellows used to do; but each one, in his conversation, describes some painful operation that 1 o f n 1 ' hac rrrmn t n ymi n-l-i rTVin tnHAnhn4 1.. . 1 stancier catcjies, wmie listening, disjointed snatches of talk that runs this way: "Oh, yes, I went to Dr. Sidney, and he removed my starboard kidney his bill I've yet to pay." "The surgeon, in a boastful humor, still quotes my large, ingrowing tumor, as worst he ever saw." "When from the chloroform emerging I clinched my fist and soaked the surgeon a dinger on the jaw." "That old Doc Faker is a wizard; the way that he cut out my gizzard, was something simply fine." "Doc Chestnut says my system's rusty, and he will take his bucksaw trusty, and amputate my spine." "The doc assures me my salvation depends alone on am putation, if I would shake the gout." "I hear that Jere miah Proctor has hired a famous eastern doctor to dig some organs out." 'Twixt them and me the gulf grows wider; alas, I am a rank outsider I never have been hewn ! When my insides are in commotion I simply mix a drastic potion, and take it with a spoon ! As to Peace in Europe Salem, Ore., May in, 1010. Editor Capital Journal: " Tn Monday evening's Jourml I read on the first page in large letters the following statement: "President Wilson will not move to bring European peace at this time.'' The veiled suggestion that he do so in the (ierninn .note was not heeded at the white house. It was learned on high authority that acting on the advice of the American em bassies in Lonlon ami Puis, the ad ministration will not make any peace proposals until the promised great of fensive of the allies has been launched. If the above statement is true theu what should we think of the president's statement he sends to the central pow ers once in a while: "For humanity sake!"? Tf the president do any thing at all in bringing about peace among the waring nations be onght not only trv to do something but do all he cnu to bring this about nnd the sooner the better "for humanity sake." Again, if it is true that "the presi dent, is acting on the advice of the American embassies in London nud li it Taid advertisement. GEO. G. BINGHAM Republican Candidate for Circuit Judge LINN AND MARION COUNTIES At Republican Primaries, May 19, 1910 Hazel Green Notes (Capital Journal Special Service) Kazel (ireen. Mav 10. The eighth grade pupils began taking the state ex-: animations Thursday. We wish them all kinds of success in their returns. Many of the children and grownups of this vicinity are victims of the; whooping cough. i There will be a program at the Ilnz el Crcen church Sunday, May 14, inj honor ot Mothers dav. Alvin Vancleave has been on the siekl list for the past few days. Our schoolwill not close on May 11 is lias been planned by the district but will be continued until May The last day will be celebrated with a short program, spelling contest, picnic dinner and a bull guine with sonic, of the adjoining districts. The Christian Endeavor society will hold their business meeting at the par sonage May 12. A social hour will follow after the business. A number of Miss Charlotte Tins sell's friends met it her home Friday evening May ."), in honor of her seven teenth birthday. The rooms were dec orated with white lilacs and narcissus The evening was spent in playing I games and music, at a late hour re-j rresitnieiiTs were serveii ami tne mentis departed 'wishing Miss Russell a hap py birthday and many more to come. Those present were: Misses ll.i and Oovie Rhodes, C.lndvs Vancleave, Mild red and Hilda Williamson, Velma Shep herd, Naomi Payne, Esther Jackson, Charlotte Russell', little Miss IHina shepherd and Hazel Russell, Messrs. Harry liennet, Henry Sim .Frank Franklin, Walter VVineart, Thomas 4u Q) UST'word Mr.Trt: In ' Mr. Horn Lov UST enter Hotsl Nut- tonia hoiplubU doon UST telcct a larg, chew tul room (or youi my UST etop.-t long, long tima.-or uiort, ihott tun UST tr) a lervice trtat art- bcipttM itmo phtra tint dalighu UST mat,, a start totfarol btttr hnlth-tnjo)) th mora, ing -noon--vninJ mnl UST meet and hobnob with friondi in th airy lokhy USTrt$ our weary konffV on a truly luxurioul bd m4 urrtn dr Co pUmnl drwmr UST trie thing that appeal modanto pricn, Room With DriviUiM of kith tl or mora tho diy. Rooms itfc privtw bath $1.5 1 at mora tha daf 11m off Washington 124, and Washington Portland vv-rr' ' i Trust Prices Cut in Half Painless Parker Dentistry 50 Less THAN TRUST DENTISTS CHARGE .. Open Day and Night Bigger Office, Bigger Business, Better Methods, Better System. THAN ANY TRUST DENTIST IN OREGON We examine your teeth (not your pocketbook) free of charge Tart of every dollar you give a Trust Dentist goes to help keep up the Trust in Oregon. Can you afford to pay $2 for $1 worth of old style dentistry just to help the dental combine crush competition? Painless Parker Dentist N. E. CORNER STATE AND COMMERCIAL, SALEM 32Gi2 Washington St., Portland ' Los Angeles, Sau Diego, San Francisco, Oakland, Bakersfield. Fresno Saa Jose, Broo klyn, jf. X. ' Si Always Watch This Ad Changes Often MMMIMM MlHHllH)tllllHt Btrictlr correct weight, aquara deal and biehaat nrieea tar all v,i. t junk, metal, rubber, bide and furs. I pay 2e per pouad for old rwa. .wig aiuia. oi in atxonu nana lacuDatar. Ail itndi corrugated t iroa for both roofs and buildings. Boof ing paper and second band f linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. Z The Houaa of Half a Million Bargmlng, 802 North Commercial St Phone IM t ' " i t;