TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JO' RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. MAY 10, 1916. SOCIETY ALINE THOMPSON fW l '( f . '-v. ; ' ' "l Mon Miss Maycle Hunter, who will take part in the "May Day Fete" to be given by the Juvenile Artisans at the Grand Theatre Saturday. Honoring Mrs. Ralph Jack turn (Maude Durbin) who is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dur Wn, Miss Rita Stciner entertained in formally last evening with a dinner, (reens and red geraniums were used 1o center the artistically appointed table. The guests were tiie school day ihums of Mrs. Jackson. it Mrs. C. P. Bishop left thin morning for Pendleton where sho will be the guest of the Roy Bishops for several weeks. Mr. llislinp accompanied Mrs. Uinhop as far as Portland. About thirty matrons and inaiils who re interested in the local Y. W. 0. A. 'campaign work gathered at the roomn yesterday for tei Tho tea table which was adorned with an array of aweet peas ami lueey ferns was pre sided over by Mrs. H. .1. Bean. Miss Veda Cross and Miss Helen Hunt as sisted. riulem hRs been most generous so far in aiding this worthy cause and the committee wns very elated over the access of the first day's work. The Y. W. C. A. is the most beneficiul phil anthropies in town; it is a place where young women without homes or who do not live in the city may call a little world of their own. They assem ble in congenial littlo groups to oat luncheon, read, strum on tho piano, or inertly to rest in pleasant and home like surroundings. Already interest centers around the enteruunment to be given bv the Sn lm Juvenile Artisans at the Grand theatre Hsturday afternoon and even ing. It will be a chnrming pitgeaut this "May D.i.v Fete" and tho one lundred youthful pnrtieiiianU will . make it interesting to a degree. The dtage will be transformed into a beau tiful fairyland, an appropriate and ar tistic setting for tho queen and the ar ray of little f uries dancing nnd sing ing in their pretty military, colonial. and gauzy fairy dresses. Homo of the features of the performances will lie the May pole, Ynma Vania, Spanish nnu runiiiion iiiinces ny mo Misses Dorothy Fs h, Mayele Hunter, Scluim and Margaret White. The juniors will be assisted by Miss Verna Coodcr, who will be their May queen and soloist, and by the Portland Juvenile band of forty pieces. The entertainment is under the direction of Mrs. Ralph White. Mrs. Arthur Dayton of Astoria is the guest of her mother lr. H. Dayton Miss Marguerite Flower is domiciled at the V. W. ('. A. where she will make her home while taking special work with Miss Minnetta Magers and Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish. The Aid society of the Woman's Re lief Corps will meet Thursday at the home of Mm. 0. E. Terwiliiger 770 ( hcnieketa street. An all day quilt ing will be the diversion of the affair and tho ladies are ashed to bring their baskets for lunch. ft Several of the younger matrons gath ered at the residence of Mrs. Clifford Brown yesterday for an informal chat over the tea cups. Miss Grace Bean has as her house guest Miss Florence Cleveland of rbrt land. Dr. and Mrs. William Skiff, of Sa lem, nnnounce the engagement of their laughter, Miss Alice lreno Skitr, to Sylvester M. Doerfler. also nf Salem. The wedding will be an event of June. Portland Oregnman. Monday the second of a scries of harming studio teas was given by the pupils of Mrs. Anna Koers Fisu. Prc- edniu the tea a programme wns given nnd the work of those giving numbers showed "immense growth; the individu ality of each pupil standing out clearly. Hero is the programme: Sheridan's Ride j....Stcdman The Coward in aBttle Anon Rex. Howard The Pied Piper of Ilamelia ....Browning Marguerite I lower Tho Graduation Essay Ban She Traveled all Alone F.hens Most Men Know (.'lipping Race Prejudice Wallace Unit dace llnbcoolt Hazing of Valiant lesse l.vncn v minins Beatrice Walton The Tree Toad - Riley The Owl ami the Pussy Cat...!',, hear T. H. Howard Canto T Evangeline Longfellow Mrs. A. S. Ku.mnrek After tea the guests asked for sev eral additional numbers and were ro- siwmiled to bv (Maries Dillard who gave "Was llerdu Henpecked" Adams. nnd the "One LeeL'Cd Uoosc, rMiurn, Miss Oraee Bnbeoek favored inein witn The Baldheailed Man," and Leo How ard with "Mr. Nobody." A SPRING TONIC Old Reliable Hood'a Sarsaparilla Pleasant and Eifective. In the spring your blood la Impure and weak, eruptions' appear on your face nnd body, you lack vitality, Mti-enrrth and animal ion, your appe tite Is poor and you feel all tired out. Jet Hood's Sarsaparilla from any dniRKlst. It combines: Just tho roots, Imrhs, herbs and othor aubstances tlmt you need. It purities and strengthens tho blood makes the rich red blond that you rniisl have to feel well, look well, eat nnd sleep well. This is con II l ined by Oioiiminds of liittors from people in all parts of the country. Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho best spring medicine, brt Is not Btmply a aprinic medicine !t Is an all-the-yesr-round blood pirltir and tonic. Knmemher it has stcod the test of forty years. Bo sure to get Hood's, and got it today. Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. J PERSONALS Otto Cole is in the city from Scio. .7. B. Dimick of Woods is a Salem visitor. L. Beciitel is in Wren on real estate business. A. L. Headric k and F. B. Southwick are in Roscburg. Mrs. Charles Roth of The Dalles is in the city visiting her parents. Justice Daniel Webster was a guest at the Seward hotel in Portland yester day. j. 0. Taylor of Medford is in the city, coming to have an operation on his eye. C. L. Watt, who has been visiting his brother James Watt at Mansfield, returned yesterday. D. E. Swank, one of the prominent citizens of Aumsville, is in the city at tending to business affairs. Dr. B. H. WaDaee and wife and William Harnett and wife of Albany were Salem visitors ypstenlay. A. H. Lea, secretary of the state fair board, was in Portland festerday registered at the Imperial hotel. J. I. Thomas of Wenatchee, Wash., is in the city, a guest at the homo of H. R. Page", Twelfth and Mission htreet. - MRS. L D. FRENCH recently from the opened East has Dress Making Parlors at 190 South, nth Street, and solicits all kinds of high-class Dress-making. All Work Absolutely Guaranteed Y.W. C. A. Workers Have Another Successful Day nother very successful day is in progress among the women wno are working on the Y. W. C. A. campaign. Tho devotional service at 9:30 this morning was led by Dr. Avison of the First M. 1j. church. The reports of yesterday were most encouraging. Tho women said mo most splendid feature was the unsolicited pruiso they heard about the work of the Young Women s Christian association on every hand, which resulted in gener ous subscriptions. Tho result of the day's work as shown by the reports of the various captains or the teams was as follows: Mrs. John H. Alberts' team ..$118.00 Mrs. H. S. Wallace team 72.00 Mrs. Chauncey Bishop's team .. 108.00 Mrs. J. Farriih's team 85.00 it i j i 1 1 . V f Miss Lela Bene McCaddam Soprano soloist who will appear a lunette I nivorsity dec club con cert in the First M. K. church on Wed nesday May 17. Total $383.00 y COURT HOUSE NEWS company FORMED 10 A suit was filed in tho circuit court today by Katie Vogt against J. F. Cow- len and Mith Cowden, Ins wife, in which it is alleged bv tho plaintiff tuat she was induced through fraud to give a warirntee deed and to sign statement that she had received pay ment in full for her land and alio asks that tho title bo restored to her nnd that the defendants who are shown by 'he records to own tho land be re trained from incumbering it during he time the present suit is pending. The land in question consists of 60 acres of land in the Joseph II. Foss donation lind claim and lot r, block 1 in Knger (now Pratum). The plaia lit'f agreed to sell her property to de fendants for $I2,,TO0. Carson & Brown aiti-attorneys for the plaintiff. Former Brooks Plant Wizard W01 Be Enabled to Carry On Work Articles of incorporation for " Schroener 's Scientific Gardens" were filed today at the offiee of the corpora tion commissioner. The object of the corporation as set forth in the articles is the "study and advancement of the science of plant development and the production of better nquaintanee and closer association between those inter ested in botany and Horticulture, with out pecuniary profit to the association or its members." The property of the corporation is. valued at $500 and it proposes to sell, and give away plants, seeds, shrubs and, such whenever the same are available for distribution. The moving spirit in the actual sci entific work is Father Schroener, who made such wonderful progress while he remained at Brooks in the production or new species of plants, flowers veget ables and shrub9. Father Schroener has become recognized as- one of the fore most botanists in ihe world and even with his limited quarters and more lim ited means at Brooks he worked marv els in the realm of plants. With the support of tho men who are backing the enterprise Father Schrocner's friends predict that the quiet little priest will become as famous as Luther Bnrbnn' and that he will work wonders iu rose culture which is one of his particular hobbios. r ; s The officers of. tho eompahy are J. A. Currey, president and director; J. H. Hsak, vico-presideut and director; H. J. Blaesing, secretary and director; J. N. Kdlefsen, treasurer,' nnd Marshall "TT. Dana and H. E. Weed, directors. The principal office of the company will be in Portland. BORN NKKDHAM. To Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Neeilhain, !MI."i North Church street, Tuesday, April ft, HUll, a son. Mr. Neidham is deputy sheriff. J. W. Sherwood, slate commander of the .Maccabees, of Portland, is in t'.ie citv. An Economical, Delightful, Light Tlace to Trade. Special Offering of Ready Made Sheets and Pillow Cases Now is the time for the most economically inclined buyer to put in a supply of Sheets and Pillow Cases at very reasonable prices Extra Urge 81x90 Pcquot Sheets 8.rc Mohawk 72x90 Sheets Fine Sheeting 72x90 Fine Sheeting 72x90 63c 48c 39c Kafoury B ros. 416 STATE STREET TIIE STORE FOR TIIE PEOPLE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. We Tay Tostage on Mail Orders Oeorgo I. Rose and Oraee O. R. frose have tiled a suit in tho circuit court of this crmntv against the U. S. Land Title & I.egaev Co. and others to col lect. tho sum of $20110 alleged .due on two prnniissorv notes for ifctillO and $1,- HID respectively. The pi lintiff seeks a judgment against U M. Crozer, one of the defendants, for 12000 with interest and attorneys fees in the sum of $300 nnd il foreclosure of a mortgage on Lots 1, 2, .'I. (i and 7 Sunnysido Fruit Farm No. 13. Tho Oregon Produce company today filed a suit against F. K. Whittinijton to recover a Ford valued at lf tS5. The Plaintiff illeires that too defendant wrongfully withholds possesion of the machine and refuses to restore it to the plaintiff. Our Big Money Savins? Occasion '$ in Women's, Misses and Children's Coats, Suits, and Dresses Every Suit, Coat and Dress. Be it for Woman, Miss or Child is included in this sale. You all know that we bend every effort to dispose of all Outer Garments during the season in which they are made to sell, and as the cool weather has held the sales back on Suits, Coats and Dresses, we have cut prices "Regardless" to accomplish this end. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SUITS Every suit included Materials are Serge, Gabardine, Poplin all leading colors Reductions 1-3 to 1-2 Less. $5.00 Extraordinary Values-Women's, Misses' Suits $5.00 Sizes 16, 18, 36 good assortment of colors. Women's and Misses' Dresses-Our entireline of Dresses-In Silk CrePe de Chine' Silk Poplin, Novelty Silks, Taffeta Silks, Plain Serges and dancing frocks. Reductions 1-3 to 1-2 Less $3.98 One rack odds and ends and small sizes $3.98 In dresses this lot 'comprises lingerie dresses, challie dresses, .serge dresses and a few odd silk dresses. Just the thing for about the house. Women's and Misses' Coats You will need a Coat for your outings and here is your chance for a big saving. Every Coat greatly Reduced in Price. TRADE BUILDERS ' Women's Waists, special ; .$1.95 Women's Waists, special 98c Women's Sweaters, special $3.95 Corset Covers, special 24c Women's Drawers, special . . . . 24c Combinations and Gowns, special . . 89c Corset Covers and Skirts, special . .49c Middy Blouses, special 79c Infants' Summer Caps, special 49c Silk Petticoats, special .$2.98 Wool Dress Skirts, special $2.98 Women's Knit Underwear, spL 3'for $1 Bungalow Aprons, special. . 3 for $1.00 White Wash Goods, special 19c Leather Purses and Bags, special, ,69c Crochet Bed Spreads, special 79c Lace Curtains, special 1-2 Price Novelty Ribbon, special 15c EXCEPTIONAL OFFERINGS Agents Pictorial Review Patterns 145 N. Liberty Street U. G. SM Salem, Oregon plev Co., Itew. June Pictorial Review Mariaire licenses have been issued at tho office of the county clerk to' Guy Wrijsht, a Salem attendant, and Doro thiv Ward, a Halem nurse; Juliii Robert son, a Xoro preacher, and Ada Once Dayton, a tencher of 4I; North Capi tal street, Salenr, Percy Itluudell, a la borer of 1112 Mill street, and Mario T. Ilinz, of -ISrt North llth street: A. O Ncwsoni, a Salem pharmacist, and Mary lliuel Savior, a cashier of Junction Citv. Condensation Law's Automatic Tendencies Yaluabls to Workman The automatic tendencies of the workmen's compensation law will pro vide 5.'I0 per month for Rudolph Uuffcr, of Culver, for the remainder of his life, ltuffer was working on a 10 mile ditch near Culver when ho handled acme live dynamite with the usual disastrous re sults and lost both of his hands which were blown off at the wrists. Buffer wns not under the compensa tion laws provisions by application and previous to tho accident had been em ployed as a ranch heml but Attorney lloaeral Hrown ruled today that unless the act were specifically rejected the workman automatically came under its provisions and though Kutfcr lost two hands he gained a pension. His Elizabeth Cornelius, candidate for county school siicrintendent, will speak this evening at Macleay, at the 1'arent-Teachers association. A pro gram h is been prepared for the even ing's entertainment, but the address of Miss Cornelius is the principal event As the Maclcur people have been great ly interested in the Parent-Teachers' association, it is expected that a large number will be iu attendance. Governor Gives Pardon To Tillamook Bootlegger Governor Withyeonibe today issued a County Jail conditi nal pardon to John Theiler of Tillamook, Oregon, wno lias been serving a sentence of 180 days in default of payment of the fine imposed upon him. Theiler was commit tWl to the Tillamook county jail March 2, 11)111, because of his failure to pay the fine imposed upon him. Theiler paid all tho . costs of the prosecution and upon the payment by him of a $100,000 fee due detectives omployed by the county authorities in connection with his prosecution his re lease was recommended by Justice of the Peace W. E. Stanley and Sheriff H. Crenshaw of Tillamook. Theiler was convicted of selling in toxicating liquors since January 1, 1916. School Field Day May 13 On Willamette Field The plan of such a mee't wns brought up, early in the year, at a meeting of the Marion County Principals' associa tion, and since then the various em munities have been working on the de tails. The day set is next Saturday, May IX Large posters have been sent out nil over the conntv. nnd the Parent-Teach ers' associations has taken an interest in tho meet. F. 8. tiannett, chairman committee on arrangements, reports that entries in the various events are coming in rapid ly and there will be a good number of folk dances and drills given by schools from all sections of the county. Some of the most attractive features of tl.e field day are: Spelling contest, folk dances, Mav pole, inter-scholastic track meet, baseball game for cham pionship of the county, girls' play ground ball between Grant junior high and Washington junior high schools, and a parade of school children. The parade will form at the state library building, corner of Sitate and Twelfth on the total enrollment will be awarded a prize banner. Banners are to be awarded to the winner of the May pole and folk dance contests, and individual streets at 1 o'clock, and will be headed ! ribbons given to winners in all truck by the "Cherry Bud band." The school events. having the largest representation based i A -picnic dinner. is. to toe the feature the noon hour, and the committee aro making plans to serve hot coffee at that time. It is hoped to make this field day n success, a step toward the closer co operation of school activities through out Marion county. ENGLISH BLOCKADE HURTS SWEDISH TRADE; SWEDES TALK WAR f. OING away over the . week-end? Well, you won t have to take many OWLS with you, for probably they're sold at the other end of your trip. But you'd better take half a dozen along to mokeonthe train. That'e right, you re wise I VJ Dollar '-1 '"n"1 J- jUiCORKMUTJIO I IJIliiiiiiii M&hi Jgftiliife jismM V lpp Stockholm The English blockade has so injured I Sweden's trade with Germany that there is now a large class in Sweden that apparently favors going to mar on j ut side of the Teutonic. allies. In easel the unexpected happens and Sweden ac-: tually does go into the war the follow . iug propositions will hold true: 1. Sweden could harrnss the army I of Kussia by an invasion through Fin land." The topography of Finland would make it necessary for the invaders to advance along the railroad lines almost exclusively. The Fins are more favor ably disposed toward Sweden than Rus sia and probably would aid the in vaders. 2. Sweden's entrv iuto the war iwould lay its Baltic coasts open to Kus sian raids, and its merchant marine, ! whose tonnage is now about 1.230,000, would undoubtedly suffer. Sweden V land trength numbers about tiOO.OOO. j uer navy is teo small for serious con j sidemtion. 3. Norway's vast stretch of ex , posed const line makes her participation ; in the war extremely doubtful. cl