I age of "The Capital Journal'9 tona Tl'KsPAY KVKMXti. M:iy !. li'hi. CHABLES H. FIHEE, Editor tad Manager. Edi I r im Am PUBLISHED EVERY EVEXIXO KXcElT SUNDAY, SALKM, 012 KG OX, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARNES. ( HAS. II. rit-IIKK. lul!A C. AXDIiKSF.X, President Vice-President Sec. and Treas. Sl'HSl.'HIl'TIOX HATES Daily bv carrier, per year S'.Ou Per month Daily by mail, ler year ....... 3.00 Per month ' .".c FULL LEASED WIRE TEI.F.dRAPil IIEI'OKT EASTERN RES'RESEXTATIVES New York, Ward Lewis Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building The Capital Journal' carrier leys are instructed to put the paper ou the porch. Jf tlie carrier duos not tin this, misses you, or neglects gi'ttitng the paper to vou on time, kindly plume the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers , lire. following instructions. 1'houo Main hi. LIVES OF OFFICIALS NOT SHORTENED That "figures won't lie" is conceded, but that they can be made to juggle with the truth and use that verity with "prodigal frugality" cannot be denied. Dr. W. A. Evans, of Chicago, who edits the "How to Keep Well" column in the Oregonian, a few days ago had a story as to the lives of the presidents having been shortened by their service in that capacity, which the doctor says is due to worry, late hours, high living and the use of stimulants and to bacco. He gives a tabulated statement showing the age at which the presidents assumed office, their expectancy of life and the time lived after retiring. He shows by figures from this table that the presi dents, not counting those assassinated, lived but 9: per cent of what their life expectancies entitled them to. The amusing part of the doctor's "proof" is that he made a mistake in the figures and robbed the poor presi dents out of two per cent of their lives. Taking his fig ures for it they lived not 9:5, but 95 per cent, of what the table of life expectancies gives them. Among those counted is President William Henry Har rison, who died at the end of his first month in office, and so he could not properly be counted with those who had their lives "shortened by worry, stimulants" and the other evils the doctor ascribes their shortened lives to. With President Harrison left out of the count the re mainder make a pretty fair showing having lived 99 Va per ceit, so their lives if shortened at all as the doctor claims, were only abbreviated in the sum of one half of one per cent. So the doctor's elaborate figures to show the wear of office on high public servants proves only that they live as long as other folks. Having made a mistake in his premises his long argument results, in false con clusions. ' On top of this it might be pointed out that Uncle Joe Cannon has just celebrated his eightieth birthday, is still active and in congress where he has been for more forty years and is apparently good for twenty years more, though he only quits smoking long enough to eat, drink, and it is presumed sleep. TOO INTELLECTUAL FOR MOTHERHOOD "Motherhood should be restricted to women of the lower classes, who can bear children with less sacrifice" was the statement of Mrs. Robert Liggett, of St. Paul, made in a lecture at Seattle Saturday. She made many other statements along this same line, showing she con sidered the "intellectual woman" of a much higher sphere than the every day common woman who makes a home, raises children and gladdens and makes better this old world by radiating love and sunshine and happiness around her. If the teachings of Mrs. Liggett are the result of edu cation and "intellectuality," then the quicker humanity reverts to savagery and ignorance the better. The right of motherhood is divine, and belongs to every woman. It is her heritage and her glory. That she goes down into the shadow, and suffers is true; yet what mother, as she cuddles her new born up to her bosom and gives it sustenance; who sees its intelligence awaken and i'eels its young life fasten its roots in her heart, until that heart fairly aches with the love that only a mother can ever feel, regrets her suffering and her pain? ; It might be better for the world if Mrs. Liggitt's ideas were carried out for a generation, for that would elimin ate the super-woman, the intellectual, cultured class too good to bear children, and start the world all on a level; all being born of the "common people." It would do away with such as Mrs. Liggitt, and that would be for the betterment of humanity. In an effort to demonstrate that Shakespeare wrote the plays accredited to him, Mr. Edgar M. Mumford in several verses that are much better poetry than argu ment, in Monday's Oregonian, calls attention to the fact that birds sing without being taught, and gives several other examples of that kind. He overlooks the fact that whoever wrote Shakespeare's plays had a world-wide konwledge, and a wonderful vocabulary. He had a fund of history and an understanding of almost all trades and occupations, and none of these things are "instinctive." His knowledge of languages, ancient history and myth ology had to be learned by study and reading. These are the things on which the doubters of Shakespeare's author ship hang their opinions and they surely have consider able weight. The discussion of the matter is however useless as it can never be settled. Let us be thankful the plays were written and enjoy them regardless of their authorship. The Oregonian paragrapher says of a certain candi date for a state office: He is a pedigreed republican, and that is enough." Is it? The democratic candidates for office this year are a minus quantity so we cannot be ac cused of preaching non-partisanship for the purpose of aiding the democrats, hence the question. Does it make any difference what a state or county officer believes politically in the way of making him a capable and ef ficient officer? Should not the real and only test be the fitness for the office to which the candidate aspires? Should not the voters select the officers, the public serv ants, just as they would one to handle their own personal business? Does being a pedigreed republican or a full blooded democrat or a life-long prohibitionist qualify one for any office? Since writing a paragraph concerning the politics in state and county offices the following came to hand in reading the statement of Fred G. Buchtel, candidate for the republican nomination for Public Service Commis sioner, in the official pamphlet issued by the secretary of state: "If nominated and elected I will divorce the office from politics and conduct it for the best interest of the people ; I will put the clerical force an a merit and ef ficiency basis and operate the office as economically as is consistent with good business." If such offices are to be "divorced from politics" why not make the divorce reach the highest as well as the lowest in the office? Why not begin with the head? En eland exnects to remain the financial center of the world after the war is ended. It may well be doubted if she can do this. Indeed it is thought by many close stu dents of world politics that instead of building up from her colonies, that most of these will soon cut loose from her, and that Canada and Australia are certain to do so before very long. It is stated that the arrogance of the British officers shown in their association with the troops from the colonies has done much to weaken the loyalty of the latter, and that a break is certain to come soon after the close of the war. Exchange is made now adays on the basis of the dollar rather than the pound and it will remain that way. Hopes Women Will. 1 Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Class of hot water each morn- 1 Ing helps us look and feel Clean, sweet, fresh, i Happy, bright, alert viyoious and vivaciuus a good clear skin: a nat ural, rosy complexion and freedom; from illness are .issureil only by clean, ; healthy blond. If only eery woman , and likewise every man could realize! the wonders of the. moring inside bath, i what a gratitving change- would take place. ' i Instead of the thousands of sicklv, ! anaemic-looking men, women and girls' witii pasty or muddy complexions; in- i stead of the multitudes of "nerve! wrecks ', "rundowns," "hr.iin fags" and pessimists we should see a virile, optimistic throng of roy-i-heckcd peo-j pie everywhere. I An inside bath is had by drinking.1 earh morning before breakfast, a glas . nf real hot water with a teapoouful of limestone phosphate in it to wah from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards (if bowels the previous days' , idigestible waste, sour ferment.itions , and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening I and refreshening the entire alimentary : canal before putting more food into j the stoinai li. j Those subject to sick headache, bib Piousness, nastv breath, rheumatism colds; ami particularly thoe who have : .v pallid, fallow complexion and who1 are constipated very often, are urged to j obtain a quarter pmind of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will; cost but a trifle but is sufficient to' demonstrate tup quirk and remarkable change in both health anil appearance' awiiting those who practice intarnnl I sanitation. We must remember that inside cleanliness is more important; than outside, because the skin does I not absorb impurities to contaminate the blood, while the pores in the thir- tv feet of bowels do. ' y mxy m The Picture Tells fWeSfon It is stated that matches once used are gathered and redipped in Japan. This is pointed to as a bit of economy. Is it? Some things are more cheaply made than saved. As a matter of fact a carpenter dropping a ten-penny nail while at his work cannot afford to stoop to pick it up for the nails can be made and delivered to him for less than he can earn picking them up from the floor one at a time The fact that a Jap could not pick up a cent's worth of " match wood in a day makes that little story economical ; only as to the truth in it. News from Jefferson Way I .Mr. Klwood Tiulg'n and Mr. and Mrs. i (leo. Hose were visitors of Mr. T. 0. : P.ulgin during the week. j F. 1!. Stark was a visitor in Portland; this week. Monroe Nye was in Salem on busi nss Monday. William (Ireenwood of Dallas visited Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wain last week. T. (I. Bulgiu was in Portland last week ou business. ('. II. Tavlor was in Salem Satur day. William Wilkcning made a trip to Salem Friday. French Remedy for Stomach Troubles The leading doctors of France have for years used a prescription of vege table oils for chronic stomach trouble and constipation that acts like a charm, : One dose will convince. .Severe cases; of year's standing, "are of ten greatly . benefited within 21 hours. So many people are getting surprising results ( that we feel all persons suffering from j constipation, lower bowel, liver and stomach troubles should try Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. It is sold by lead ing druggists everywhere with the posi tive understanding that your money will be refunded without question or quibble if ONE bottle fails to give you absolute satisfaction. Af Copyrighted ljiu by ihe iiciurc Advertisera, Box 17, Oregon City. Ore.( GEO. 0. WILL Pianos I sell, the Best and Cheapest ones. Pianios rented. - Mm KjEfORE " AFTER SIR ROGER CASEMENT London, Casement May will 9. Sir Roger be arraigned nVHi tir UPHOLSTERING da GEO. 0. WILL X'ew Edison Disk Victrolas. Grafanolas Each in every style and all records for each. 432 State Street AUTO-WOEK and Driving Cloves F. E. SHAFEE 170 8. Commercial Phone 111 WOOD - COAL SALEM " FUEL YAHDS Phone 529 Old Shoes Made New The quality of our work is as high as the price is low Ye Boot Shop 325 State Sr. 0pp. I.ndd & Bush Glasses our Specialty. Lenses duplicated on short notice. . Dr. Herman Barr, Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers Larmer Transfer Phone, Office 910 or Residence J89S. Storage, Packing, Shipping, Moving, Coal and Wood. Quick. Reliable Service. Dr. Xelson re moves corns, bun ions, ingrowing nails, without pain; also warts and moles. Room 4, Rrey man Bldg. THE ELK Restaurant for Refined Tastes also Flowers for All Occasions. Candy & Cigars piione 412 "..-T State Street Furniture impair ing and Refinish ing. A. F. Tingstrom Upholsterer lUti S. 13th St. Mattresses made over, carpet clean ing and laying. Phone 230 432 State Street Phone lCiii Capital Drag Store Z. J. Riggs, ph. G. Proprietor. New location State and Liberty upon completion of the McGilchrist building. Auto ' and Car riage Painting Enamel. Tops and Cush ions repaired and trimmed. T. W. BLISS, 304 S. Com'l. We make your linen wear longer and look better by... our nuto-dry room and press machine work. Salem Laundry Co. V'l't S. Liberty St. TJp-to-tha-Minute Jewelers and Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers State and Liberty Ask your Grocer .. for Royal Bakery Bread . Made clean, sold clean. Phone SS7 The Handy Man Around the House TORTLAND R.R. LIGHT & POWER CO. Pure Milk and Cream Oak Park Dairy Auto Delivery. Phone 009 " W. F. Loouey ' Mgr. The Emporimam Pool and Billiard Hall Weinhard's Nector on draught, cigars, and soft drink i. E. M. Klinger, Prop. Little Holland says she has half a million soldiers ready to keep the Germans or allies out of her territory, and will fight either or both if they attempt to force her hand. She also has another half a million who will be ready in a short time to help the first half on the job. Holland will not be bothered. It is claimed that great new armies have been placed j tins week before a magistrate in the fields by Great Britain, Russia and Italy.- As.toj Sr Russia and Italy this may be correct, but if Great Britain! win then be remanded for trial. lias piilLfU any new uiuuvd xii mc ntiu um. ""u o :jcy.yt.y.yt where they are. The Russians are not maintaining a press bureau, but; a .new. harmless way rv i i. T?' 4- t,:,J TO BANISH HAIRY GROWTHS they are pressing the Turks just the same. First thing, j J the world knows they will be knocking at the back gates; (Heauty Topics) Ot Constantinople. P,v following this suResti.m anv wi:n:in can, in tne privacy of her own home, remove every trice of hair or fuzz from her f.ice. With powdered delatone nnd water mix enough paste! to cover the not wanted hair: apply and in 2 or 3 minutes rub off and wash the skin. This method i unfail ing, harmless ami quick in results, but care should be employed to get the genuine delatone. inKminn& a m i mi - LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 13G3 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT TIN CANS In olden days, the which I praise, as warmly as I'm able, we raised our beans and other greens out back ferninst the stable. A garden plot behind his cot each man inaugurated, and there he'd raise the peas and maize, and vines with pumpkins weighted. There dad would toil, and slug , j the soil, his busy boys around him, and he'd I have beets and kindred eats when wintry tempests found him. This good old plan by j modern man, no more, alas, is followed; but I at the store.he blows his ore for everything 'i that's swallowed. He used bo pluck the J earden truck, and eat it fresh and iuicv. antl ere was lQts f-r all the tots, for Jake and Bill and Lucy. His grocer s bill then didn't kill, it was no grief to meet it; his bill of fare was rich and rare, and no hotel could beat it In those old days the poorest jays set up the best of tables; but now man eats his greette and beets f rom cans with gaudy labels. 4 ' -- IT'S EASY TO PEEL OFF ALL YOUR FRECKLES j(( Tin- contrast between the freckles mil the clear skin usually is so grent that no bleach can be more than parti ally succes.-t'ul in obliterating the dis figurements. Ordinary mercolized wax is far better: it literally peels off tiie freckles. (Jet an ounce of it at tiie nearest drug store and tonight spread on enough to completely cover your face: remove in the morning with warm water. Repe.it daily until every freckle has disappeared. Hough, bl. itchy, pimpled skin, also common at this season, may be entirely gotten rid of by this same method, without discomfort or inconvenience. The effort is decidedly worth while, the new complexion obtained being so clear, smooth and youthful. If bothered with wrinkles, bathe the faj;e in a lotion made by dissolving an ounce of powdered s.ixolite in a half pint of witch hazel. This is the most ertective and quickest-acting wrinkle treatment known. work as secretary now takes him from one college to another aiding the local chapters in their work. He addressed the students at chapel this morning, leaving with tliem three particularily strong and impressive sentences; they were; i. Environment will shapo our lives if we let it. but we have the power to alter it. 1'. Character is not formed by de crees, laws and commands, but bv quiet influence, unconscious suggestions, and personal guidance. ;i Psalms 4il:10 "Be still and know that 1 am God." Taid advertisement. " 3 WW f f r GEO. G. BINGHAM Republican Candidate for Circuit Judge LINK AND MARION COUNTIES At Republican Primaries, May 19, 1916 , Willamette Notes Mr. Carl .1. Hollingswortb, student, secretary for the Y. M. C. A. in Wash ington, arrived m Salem last night in the interest of securing delegates to the Northwest Student Conference which is held annually at Seaback, Washington, Hollingsworth is a gradu ate of Willamette, graduating with the class of '13. While in school "Holly" was president of the Y. M. O. A. at the colege anil during his term Of of fice the local organization was at the height of its power and influence. His DEADLOCK ON ARMY BILL Washington, May v. iiie senate to day rejected the house report on the army bill and instructed its represen tatives in the conference to insist on its amendments. The result was that the deadlock on the measure becomo mure hopeless. That Distrcs.s After Eating Is certainly very annoying, it indicates some weakness of tbe Stomach and Liver which, may ba corrected by careful diet and the aid of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Always Watch This Ad Changes Often Strictly correct weight, lqur 4eal ud iigheat prices for all kiidi oJ junk, metal, rubber, hides tad fsra. I pay 2UJfl pCT pound for old nga. Big .tuck of all (izes aecond hand incubators. All kinds corrugated iron for both roof, and buildingi Hoofing paper and .econd kMd linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. I Tha House of Half a htilUoa Bargaiaa. t S02 North Commercial St ... I :